THE CENTO ft DEMOCRAT. , CORVALLIS .... APRIL 12. - 1873. KO MORTGAGE ON THE FARM, '.. ;'l . : 1 by . jgn n. tatks. . : . ' ' Mary, let's kill the tatted calf and celebrate the day, - For the last dreadful mortgage on the farm is wiped away ; I have got the papers with me"; ; they are " right as right can be; Let us laugh and sing together, for the dear old farm is free. Don't all the people celebrate the Fourth day of July, - .... '-Because 'twas then that freedom's sun lit up our nation's fiky ? Why shouldn't we then celebrate, and this - day ne'er forget ? -' Where is there any freedom like being out of debt? . I've riz up many mornings, an hour - before the sun, And night has overtaken me before-the task was done ; When weary with my labor 'twas this thought that nerved ory arm Bach day of toil will help to pay the mortgage on the farm. . ' And, Mary, you have done your part in rovvin' to the shore, By taking eggs and butter to the little vil lage store ; You did not spend the money in dressing up for show, ".. 'f. 'But sang from morn till evening in your faded calico. And Bessie, our sweet daughter God bless her loving heart, The lad that gets her for a wife must be . by nature smart . She's gone without a piano, her lonely - ., hours to charm, . . To have a hand in payin' off the mort gage on the farm. 1 I'll build a little cottage to make your heart rejoice ; I'll buy a good piano, to go with Betsy'3 voice ; You shall not make your butter with that up and. down concern, For I'll go this very day and buy the finest patent churn. r- - Lay by your faded calico, and go with me to town, And get yourself and Bessie a new and shining gown ; , Low prices for produce need not give us " ". now alarm ; - . "" Spruce up, my little Mary,there's no mort gage on the farm. While' our hearts are now so joyful, let us, Mary, not forget To thank the God of ileaven for being out of debt; - - -- . - . For he gave the rain and sunshine, and put strength into my arm, And lengthened out inv days to see no mortgage on the farm. Wheat is 75 cents a bushel in McMinnville. , Billiard matinees are . the latest agony in Albany. ! Portland hoodlums, have been bing the Catholic Cathedral. rob- , " Cheadle, of; Albany, shipped 2,320 ; dozen eggs on the Ajax last Week, Rich traces of silver and galena have been found on Cceur d Alene river, Dr. C. H. Rafferty, of East Portland, has married a sister of our . friend 1. 14, Smith. - f - A San Francisco man wants $50,000 from the Central Pacific Railroad for 'tilling his wife. - - y Senator Mitchell opposes any "settle' xnent of the Modoc difficulties by the Peace Commission. The Kootenai mines promise well for .this year s work. The winter has been .cold, but there is much snow, "By a decision of Judge Bonham, the railroad subscribers ot Albany and -Harrisburg will have to "come out. ' Samuel Mansfield was fined $10 at Albany the other day for selling liquor on Sunday, and $100 for Belling to a minor. ..;..-.;..;.;...,: - . Half a dozen sand spouts, columns of Band ten feet in diameter and 1,000 feet high, lately danced around Vir ginia City. i . W. W. Piper, the Portland architect, is at present engaged in drawing the plans for a new university building at Eugene City. '' .'. The litigation in regard to the own ership of Willson Square, Salem, has been closed, and the Capitol will soon be commenced. The Starr Brothers have again got .the mail contract on Paget Sound The North Pacific will make two trips each . week to Victoria. .. . . Robert Pittock, formerly one of Portland's Pront-street 'merchants, has gone back to the case and sticks ' type in the Oregonian office. . ' Michael Reese, of San Francisco, has purchased the library of Dr. Lieb- 'er, ot New York, and presented it to the California University. C P. Burkhart recommends the .manufacture of burlap bags in Oregon. ,He advises the flax raisers to save the . straw fpr. manufacture into bags j ; ; ;i '' '.A Corinne (Utah) man, "aged fifty seven, having no children of his own, and yearning for juvenile affection, is about .to marry a girl .of thirteen. s "The Mormons have ward schools in Salt Lake City, but they are of the .poorer class, and the Territory .is with out any system of public instruction. ' " A Linn county cow bas had ; eleven calves . in Beven years. ' Miss Sarah .Sender, a daughter of an Albany raer ' chant, died last weeki after a brief illness.- ' - i.; jr- .-.v; '-; t; I T During the week ending March 25th, patents were issued to Louis Sachs, Monmouth, for a "Wheel Plow," and Adolph Luquet, Monmouth, for a device for aging wines and liquors. ! A Dastardly Trick. ' A retired clergyman sends ns an ac count of a little affair that happened in his place. It appears that there was a young woman, a fine spirited girl, engaged at a , wash tub, oppo site an open door.- Just behind her was a young man, as is generally the case, and in the yard was an old buck that was allowed the freedom of the premises, which is not always the case, we are glad to say. Well, this buck came up and looked in, and the young man going close behind the young wo man, pointed nis linger straight at the buck, and the old fellow recognizing at once the pressing character of this mate invitation put down his head and dash ed forward, and the miserable man step ped one side and fled,, and the young wo man, all unconscious ot . the arrange ment, received the awful shock without warning, and passed over the tub. and the air . for . an instant appeared to be full of slippers, and wet clothes, and soap and hot water, and suds. And the next minute that goat came flying out of that door at a dreadful speed bald the whole length of his Spine, and with a wild look in his eye. And for an hour afterward ho stood back of the barn, scratching his chin, and trying to recall all the circumstances in the un fortunate affair. Air Editor, says somebody who evi dently knows, is a man who lives, on what other people owe him until be starves to death. A subscriber is one who takes a paper and Bays he is well pleased with it, and he tells erverybody else 'he ought to subscribe.' After he has subscribed about seven years, .the editor writes to him and asks him to let him have $2 50 (two dollars and fifty cents) and then the subscriber writes back to the editor and tells him not to send his old paper any more, for ..there is nothing in it, and then the poor editor goes and starves to death some more. . Death is the Chignoit. Ladies who consider their toilet unfinished without a chignon will dread to hear that the hair of patients dying With small-pox in Eastern cities is cut off and sold to barbers and hair-dressers. - - It is a noto rious fact that much of the "glory of woman " is scissored from literally dead heads, but it had never before occurred to us that any one would be so crim inally, so atrociously indifferent to the public welfare as to barter hair from pestilential heads. Ueosttoxicating Cxdeb. A law which has just passed the Senate of Maine " allows the free sale of cider, unless intoxicating." Hereafter, such a thing as intoxicating cider will be to tally unknown in that State, even to those who get blind drunk, on it. ' A reporter tells of a Connecticut bride who wore at her wedding a pair of beautiful pink silk stockings, worn by her mother on a like occasion, thir ty-five years ago. The young husband is extremely anxious to know how the reporter found it out. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT The t Bazaar of Fashion I MRS. E. KNIGHT i HAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, : .. CONSISTING OF ' Millinery Articles,' Hats, Bonnets, Rib bons, Trimmings, Etc. 1 7 DltESS-MAKING, And cutting and fitting ladies' and chil dren's garments in all the Latest Styles. Great pains will be taken to show Goods. 82F"Booms first door South of City Hotel. - Mrs. E. A. KNIGHT. Corvallis, Ocj. 11, 1872. v2nolyl. DEALER IN ; SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIOINEBY, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES, EOT. ETC. FIEE INSURANCE AGENCY. LEGAL TENDERS B0U0HT AND SOLD. A Beal Estate Aeencv: For the gale and Lease of Property. J. A. HANNA. Post Office, Corvallis, Oregon. . v2n42yl. G. HODES; - GUNSMITH . Main Street, Corvallis. Constantly on Hand a Fine Assortment of iCv. RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, . PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT, MOUNTING, ' ' Everything in .the Gun Line. ' FOWLING PIECES. A SPECIALTY ! Gunsmith .Work and Repairing Done to Order Warranted. "-' f;' March 8. 1873. - v : 'St z-TS "t 2:46yl , - , PETER 'l HUNTER! JB LAOS SMIT H, .CORVALLIS, OREGON, Shop Opposite ax. Friendly 's Store. All work executed with neatness and dis patch. 2-40yl The Law of Newspapers. : - UVU AfAO notice to the contrary are considered as wisiuug lu couiinue ineir suosenpuons. 2. If any subscribers orders the discon tinuance of their newspapers, the publisher may continue to semi tnem until all ar rearages are paid. "" "3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspapers from the offices to which they are directed, the law holds them re sponsible until tney nave settled tne Dills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove toother places without informing the publisher, and the newspapers are sent to tne iormer cuceo- tion, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers from the office, or- re moving and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional inraa. 6. The postmaster who neglects to give the legal notice of the neglect of a person to take from the office the newspapers -addressed to him, is liable to. the publisher tor tne subscription price. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS 1 THE CALIFORNIA MUTUAL LFE INSURANCE CO., OF SAN FRANCISCO. Capital, V. S. Gold Coin j $100,000 00 Guarantee Fund : : : : 250,000 00 Assets, January 1, 1871 t 646,245 76 Liabilities : : : : : : 155,730 47 THOS. A. BALL, J R. G. SNEATH, President, Vice President. Home Board of Directors. Thos. A. Ball, Thos. H. Holt, R. G. Sneath, L. L. Robinson, M. D. Sweeney, Adam Grant, John T. Doyle, D. O. Mills, R. B. Swain, R. F. Morrow, Thomas Bell, ' William Durling, A. H. Rose, M. S. Latham, Lloyd Tevis, J. Mora Moss, James T. Boyd, J. M. McDonald. W.S. Ladd, JS. U. Kittle, J. H. Goodman. John Crockett, . : : : Secretary. HOME OFFICE, 323 CALIFORNIA ST. THE CHEAPEST RATES OF PREMIUMS CONSISTENT WITH ENTIRE AND PERFECT SAFETY TO THE INSURED. Loans all Surplus Funds Upon Real Es . tate Security within the State. . OREGON DIRECTORS : W.S. Ladd, I W. H. Efflnger, W. L. Halsey, I W. B. CardweU, Hamilton Boyd, F. A. Bancroft, J. R. Farrish. JNO. A. WATLAND, General Agent, 72 First Street, Portland, S-!-1 -l "W , It . I" H I "V E T T, Agent at uorvains, Oregon. -. ,.: u. siasyi " -.. JOB PRINTING. J O B WO RK. EYERY DESCRIPTION PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL J OB WORK ' At Prices that Defy Competiton. . -ORDERS- SOLICITED FOB - POSTERS, (Plain or Colored) : BILL-HEADS, . LEGAL BLANKS, CIRCULARS, - CARTES CE VISITE, . BUSINESS CARDS, .Etc.. ...Etc. Etc. CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS. . " AT THB t . . . , BENTON DEMOCRAT OFFICE ' CORVALLIS. 'J EDUCATIONAL CORVALLIS1 COLLEGE. THE FAJLJL. TERM opens as WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1872. t- - FOR INFORMATION,, SEND FOR, CATALOGUE. I- - B. L. ARNOLD, Aug. 23. 2:18tf Tresident THE DEMOCRAT COLUMN. ; - .THE! 'WEEKLY "BENTON DEMOCRAT: - PUBLISHED JlT . j - CORVALLIS. OREGON, ; -. - ;- . .... .. - . K HAvnro a LARGE AND INCREASING CIRCULATION, ' THROUGHOUT THE Most Populous and Richest Portion of the iiiuameiie vniusj. as nu as : . the Eastern Part of WASHINGTON TERRITORY, OITEES SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO AD YERTISERS. THE BENTON DEMOCRAT is A LIVE DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, DEVOTED TO THE Dissemination of Correct Principles, as xangnt dt tne ounuers or -the Government. EACH NUMBER . Will Contain a Summary of the Tele- ; grapnic jnspatcnes, . FULL REPORTS OF LOCAL MATTERS, 7 ' ' . r -.. . ....... - AND "a Full Compendium of PACIEIC COAST : KTEW! AA.tlAJ 4i UUIIOy W1II1IUCU JX1HH VfJTCgVUj - - California, Washington Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, and KttYiiuu jcixcnanges. THE INTERESTS or THE PEOPLE OF BENTON COUNH Will be faithfully advocated, and every thing that is calculated to advance v : . the interests of this sec- - ' ' ., tion will receive , , our careful attention and warm ' support. ' ' THE DEMOCRAT HIT ATT. BE itXT'X A WELCOME YIS1T0R IN -: ERY1 HOUSEHOLD. Farmers,' Mechanics, and Merchants, Will nnd matters or interest in 4 .its columns. -.' i; " , . ; TERMS I Single Copy, One Year : : : , $3 00 dabs of Fire, to one office, each; . 2 50 ADVANCE. FIRE INSURA!CZ : kcojj:e Mutual Insurance Company, OF SAN FRANCISCO. ' Fire and Marine' Insurance. Capital .......... .$1,000,000. JOH1T H. BEDmGTOK..i President, GEO. It HOWARD.. Vice President; CHAS. K. STOBY....' Seeretai-y X. B. EDDY Marine Secrotarv. U. H. B1GELOW... ...General Manager. . DIRECTORS: 1 m W Oregon Branch. POETLA5n....P. Wasserman, C. H. Tewls, B. tTonmiiiitn, u. macieay, 1.105-Q isrooKe. SALEM L. F. Grover. ALBANY.,.. J. A. Crawford. f8 - --... M. French. LEW 1STON -i?ti2gS5 . Agent. CobvaiLis, Oregon. " v2no33yl. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, 7 ' OP SAN FRANCISCO, ESTABLISHED IN 1863 ! Assets, January 1, 1872, over $8116,000, In Gold. Fifty Thousand Dollars Deposited with tne Mate Treasurer, in Compli ance with the Laws ot the , State of Oregon. FIRE AND M ARINE INSURANCE I LOSSES FAIRLY ADJUSTED AND PROMPTLY PAID! IIETVX1Y DOHS, , AGENT, CORVALLIS, OREGON ' ' GEO. F. GRANT, Manager, Portland, Oregon. November 8, 1872. 2:29m3 BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS. BOOTS. 8. U. LOOK, . MANCFACTUItEIB OF :: Grentlemen's First Class Boots. -MAES" STREET, (Four Doors South ot the City Hotel,) CORYALIilS. August 2, 1872 - 2:15yl SALOONS AND BREWERIES. EIMC SALOON. WALL. CCSHMAN, : .: :. PROPRIETOR. MAIN STREET, (Opposite Taylor's Meat Market.) FINEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS . Always Found in the Bar. - ; January 18, 1873 . 2-39yl CALIFORNIA SALOON. MAIN STREET, CORVALLIS A. H. Blatesley, Proprietor. FINEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS - ALWAYS ON HAND. Dec. 21, 1873-. ! - - --:: 35:tf BIE1TS SALOON, CORTAIXIS Oregon. mJTIS SAXOOKISfFI TED TV TS tSTYTM X or style. None but the very. best Wines jaqawrn ana iikhb sepit. ; UMJf jiuui, jrropriCTor., Vlno40tf. THE OBIGINAL CORVALLIS BREWERY. LBernard Hunt, : Proprietor COENEB 2d AND JEFFERSON STEEET, COBVALUS, OREGON. Where may be ftrand at all times; the best LAGER BEER AND XXX ALE, made on this Coast, and sold by the Wholesale or Ke tail, this Beer tooic tne nrst premium at Linn CJounty Fair. Beer delivered to any part of tne uny or country, at tne low sum or AO cento per gallo JACK SKEPPARD, HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE . AND " ... .... ORNAMENTAL 1 PAINTER. DONE TO ORDER. All JOBS PROMPTLY attended to with neatness and dispatch at my shop on Slain street, Corvallis, , Oregon, next door south of Briggs' HalL ' CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. . - ; ' ' ' - v2no7tf. . - . NEW . . . . ; . -n - BAEBEE-SHOP ! HALE BACEENSTO, : : : : Proprietor. V MAIN STREET. ' " . Sbaving, Shampooing Hair Cutting', . ; . -. , .liyeing1, ac., 4 . , . .y In the Highest Style of the Profession. Particular attention paid to Ia (Ties' F'"" Uuttmg. Dressing ana vurJWi j Corvallifl, Jlly 38, J87S. --- ,.,r,: 7 LIVERY STABLES. EUREKA LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE C. VV; HOUCK, "Successor to Clark & Houck, PROPRIETOR. HAVETG PURCHASED THE IN terestof . Mr. .Clakk, in the Horses, Buggies Carriages, etc. oi the above Estab lishment, I am now prepared to carry on the business in : SPLENDID STYLE. ' I will spare neither labor nor expense to render my establishment a success. " will: Iceep constantly on hand a supply of GOOD HORSES, ' - . SINGLE AND DOUBLE BUGGIES, " CARRIAGES and everything connected with a first class LIVERY STABLE. Thankful fnr -nncf ngfrnnomi T w-nanh by honest and liberal dealing to deserve the continued patronage of the public. Give me a trial. - G. W. HOUCK. vlno26tf. CORVALLIS Livery, Feed. andSale STABLE Main Street, Corvallis, Oregon. SOL. KIT1G, Proprietor. TT AVING PURCHASED THE ABOTE J- jl wen-Known scaoie, l intena to make it one of the best in r,h State. "Mv stw1r is of the finest, and my turnouts always neat aim clean, l mean business, and 1 you want - . GOOD TEAMS AT LOW RATES, give us a call before going elsewhere. We invite the natronaffe of the traveling public. Horses boarded by the day or week, and satisfaction guaranteed. The best HORSES and BUGGIES in the State al ways reauy lor use. We have made this Stable FIRST CLASS in every respect, and K0W we say to our patrons, friends, and to everybody, knewn or unknown by us, or who know us; to strangers, or "any other man," call at the Corvallis Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable and you will get the worth of your money, SOL. KING. April 18th 1872. vlno52tf. MISCELLANEOUS. F. E. EOBINSOX. b. f. bobinson; CORVALLIS, SAW AND ' ' PLANING MIL,!,. NORTH END OF TOWN P. E. Robinson & Ero. PEOPEIETOE8. HAVING LATELY RE-FITTED and improved our machinery, and Having a good Stock of M0C5TAIN FIR Locs on hand, we will endeavor to keen such a Variety of Lumber on Hand, that any and all Customers can be fitted out IMMEDIATELY, or we can fill their bills on SHOKT NOTICE. Customers from . a distance, sendine their orders, will receive AS PROMPT ATTENTION as if personally present. Rustic and Ceiling of all Kinds made to order. ' - . , - Flooring, Either Matched or K Square Jointed, as desired. ' ALL LUMBER DRESSED BY OR UN der the supervision of a Practical Me chanic, and will be done in as erood stvle as can be done elsewhere. - ' - SEND IN YOUR ORDERS BSTRenoember the place North end o Town. Slab Wood always on hand."3 vino49tf. - THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RE spectiully announce to the public, that he is prepared to give instructions on the Orsmi. Piano. one dollar per lesson. . Instructions given at the residence of pupils if desired. . . wessons given in vocal music in classes, or privately. .. - - iPersoris wishing to purchase Pianos, Orsans or Melndeonri. ran aam fiftppn ner cent, by ordering through the Professor. Professor of Music, and Graduate of the New York Institution tor the Blind. ' ' - Tlno29:tf. DR. J. W. VAHBEN EERGH'S Celebrated o5Wbnn ; Syrup;' '.: -.- f - FOR SALE BY : - ALLEN & WOODWARD- ALL ORDERS FOR WORM SYRUP should be addressed to J. W. Vandcn, Bergb, Salem, Oregon. - . Tlflo49yl. ' JOHN TWit GAR - SADDLES & HARNESS. . Carriages trimmed andjob Worlc don np. on short not ice and at reasonable rates. MAIN STREET, Cohvallis, Oregon. . : . Vlno87yl.