Bedrock democrat. (Baker City, Baker County, Or.) 1870-188?, December 17, 1873, Image 2

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    pany must have cash for gas, the
; coal company must be paid in cash
! for coal, the printers, many of whom
J. M . SHEPHERD, E ditor .
| have families dependent upon them,
j must receive their wages each and
B A K E R C IT Y , D E C E M B E R 17, 1873.
i every week. In short, the publisher
| of a newspaper, whether he wants to
I or not, must pay cash for all he gets
E a i th e L a r g e s t C ir c u la t io n o f a n y
— and if he fails to collect, of course
P i p e r P u b l is h e d in E a s t e r n O r e g o n .
he will have no cash to pay with.—
Our friends can now see the situa­
tion, and we hope and believe our
For the Counties o f
friendly appeal to them will be met
B a k e r and G r a n t.
with prompt payment of the trifling
sums due. Again we ask our friends
T H E IIE D R O C K D E M O C R A T , to come forward and settle, thereby
enabling ns to pay our bills, aDd
The Old, Reliable and Well Established
also assist qs in giving them from
week to week a better paper.
J ic b r o r h g c n t f f t r a t .
Eastern Oregon,
Can and will furnish more good reading
matter and reliable Local and Foreign news,
than any other' paper in Oregon,
For Less Money.
We will send the
Bedrock Democrat,
Godey’s Lady’s Book,
W o o d s Household Magazine,
To one address, ONE YEAR, for
Six D o lla r s in A d v a n ce.
The D emocrat contains 3 8 columns every
week; it is the Official Paper for Baker and
Grant counties, and the Lady’s Book and
Wood’s Household Magazine are two of the
best Magazines published.
Now is the Time to Subscribe.
You are certain to get your paper aud maga­
zines, and need have no fears of either of
them giving out or dying before the end of
the year.
larger paying subscription list than any other
two papers published in
and is constantly and rapidly increasing in
circulation, and iB the best
Advertising Medium
East of the Cascade Mountains. It is the
Live, Peoples’ Paper—It is owned by no
Ring or Clique——aud works for the inter­
ests of the People, the Democratic Party,
and of Eastern Oregon.
Newspaper Delinquents.
It is dow coming near the first of
a new year, at which time it is ex­
pected that old bills should be set­
tled. This rule applies to business
of all kinds, and is particularly ap­
plicable to the printing business.—
"We have some subscribers names on.
our books who have not paid us one
cent since we became connected with
the D emocrat ; these men expect us
to give them a good paper every
week, but how we could do so, if all
our subscribers were like them, is a
mystery we would like them to solve
for us. The amount each subscriber
who is in arrears owes us is small
to them but when put together
makes a large sum lor us. Every­
thing we use in our business has to
be paid for in cash at the time it is
ordeied, aud we have to look to our
business for the money to meet these
demands. There is not a man whose
name is on our books but what is
able to pay the amount he owes us
at any moment, but the amount is
small and he thinks we can do with­
out what he owes us, or he forgets
to pay the printer. This is not right,
and wo hope our friends will thiuk
of the amount they owe the printer
every time they receive their paper,
and immediately send the amount to
us or come and pay up. We need
the money, and to meet the demauds
of our business must have money.—
W e do not wish to be compelled to
make out bills and stick them to our
subscribers. If yon have not the
money you have something else to
spare that we need, and can send or
bring us those. The following from
the Quincy Herald is appropriate to
the occasion:
In times like the present, when
every manufacturing
interest is
pushed to its utmost to pay bills
contiuually coming due, we feel no
hesitation in asking of our friends
the prompt payment of the small
sums due us. There is uo business
so dependent npon the collection of
small sums of money as that of pub­
lishing a newspaper.
Almost the
entire revenue of a newspaper con­
sists of sums ranging from one to
five dollars. Thns it will readily be
seen by those who may be indebted
to us to the extent even of one dol­
lar, bow important it is to us that
»bey should promptly meet
amount due. If the times are hard
with our friends, they are more so
with us— in fact it is 6imply impos­
sible to conduct successively the
newspaper business at any time, aDd
especially in ‘ times as striDgeDt as
the present, without the collection
of money due. The paper manufac­
turers, in oonseqneuce of hard times,
¿«tnan’d cash for paper, tb# gas com­
W e take the following from the
Sacramento Union of December 8th:
The Spanish authorities keep up a
steady fire on the Cartbagena insur­
The Spanish press very much dis­
approve of General Grant’s message,
and are very indignant at bis inter­
ference in Cuban affairs.
The prosecution in its argument
against Bazaine, December 6th, de­
manded first his degradation; second,
his execution.
An attempt has been made to burn
the Yirginius, but it is now guarded
by regular soldiers.
The administration is not aware
of any difficulty that will prevent
Spain carrying out his agreement,
and it is expected that the Yirginius
and crew will soon be delivered to
American ships in an open manner.
A dispatch of the New York Her­
ald states that Minister Sickles on
December Gth tendered his resigna­
tion on account of the Spanish com­
plications, he disagreeing with Sec­
retary Fish.
Yv7orkmen are so busy, it is said,
that none can be spared to raise a
barge sunk in front of the dock where
the Spanish frigate Aripiles is being
repaired, at New York. So she will
have to stay.
The account of a new Cuban ex­
pedition from the United States is
questioned by the Cuban Junta at
New York.
^ ♦ O
The advice to return to specie pay­ ' ble case under notice is this: A vet-
ments would be more satisfactory if ■ eran acquaintance of the Judge, well
the President had told the country strickip iu years, asked him to take
how to do it.” The article praises
a drink. It so chanced that the un­
the message for its moderation of
tone in general and on the Cuban fortunate man owed the Justice the
question in particular. England will not inconsiderable sum of five dol­
unreservedly support a policy which lars, to pay which he frankly ac­
requires that Spain must really, as
knowledged he had not the necessa­
; well as nominally, cont'ol Cuba.
The Daily News says the Presi­ ry dimes at the present time to plank
Justice Banyon, with his
dent’s language concerning the Vir- down.
ginius affair is moderate and dignified. clear legal conception, quite wisely
The Daily Telegraph sees in the determined that asking him to take
demand for the abolition of slavery
¡ d Cuba, a menace which will greatly a drink was not only without any
; increase the difficulties of Castelar s precedent in the best judicial au­
| situation.
thorities, but was really, iu the ease
The Standard thinks the only result under consideration, adding insult
of the threat against Spain will have
will be to hinder the adjustment of to injury. With all commendable
presence of mind and native diguity
An Encampmeut of I. C. of R. C. of character, ho ordered the culprit
was organized at Silverton, Marion to be promptly arrested for gross
County, on the 24th iust., with Dr.
contempt and bad him punished ac­
A. G. Hutton and seventeen others
The conclusion of the
as charter members: The following
officers were chosen: W . Cranston, whole matter was a suit for false im ­
Eminent C .; Netta Coolidge, E. prisonment, which is still pending,
Coun.; Susie Dudley, S. C .; Blair and will probably in the course of
Forward, W . S .; W . R. Dunbar, C.
R. C .;S . E . McClaine, T .; E. P. ten years or so reach the Supreme
Smith, C. of H .; Mary Clyuier, J. C; Court of Illinois, if no serious delay
S. H. Davenport, W . C .; Frank For­ be interposed.”
ward, M. of C .; Mary Mastersou, 1st
Owing to the fact that the paper upon which
L .; A. F. Blackerby, 1st G .; Jake
McClaine, R. S .; Iphi Masterson, I .; the following poetry was written was wrote
John Hicks, O. S.
on both sides, we omitted part of it on the
S n o w . — On
the 3rd instant the
heaviest snow storm ever known at
Sacramento, visited that city. D ur­
ing a portion of the day snow laid
to the depth of some six inches. The
Union says it is thought it fell to
the depth of twelve inches, but it
was so warm that it melted. Every­
body had a^gay old time. The sr.ow
extended over a large range of coun­
S e t t l in g th e M ormon Q u e stio n .—
A newspaper correspondent has dis­
covered a new solution of Mormon
difficulties. He says that the waters
of Salt Lake have been rising for
years, and are now twenty feet high­
er than they used to be. They are,
moreover, enclosed by a ridge far
above the doomed city of the plain,
and sooner or later the imprisoned
waters will break out and engulf the
modern Sodom and settle the Mor­
mon question forever.
-------------- » - -----------------
The New York Sun, in speaking
of the President’s message, says:
Altogether the message is rather
a weak effusion for a President. It
is a rambling, disjointed affair, aud
The following are the officers of
gives to the public very little infor­
the California Legislature: In the
Senate Irwin was elected President mation they did not possess before.
pro tern, by 22 votes, Evans rec iv- The views expressed upon financial
ing 18.
Shackleford was elected topics in some things contradict
Secretary by 22 votes against Gross, themselves, and will scarcely meet
who received 18. The organization
was completed by the election of with approval from our soundest
Chin aud Reed as Assistant Secreta­ business men, while such vital ques­
ries; Hawkins, for Sergeant at Arms, tions as the salary grab, the perjury
Burns, Assistant Sergeant at Arms; and dishonest participation of mem­
Benedict, Minute Clerk; Thomas;
Journal Clerk; Estell, Enrolling bers of Congress anil other high of­
Clerk; Startling and Creque, Copy­ ficials in railway jobs . and public
ing Clerks; Clock, Duffy aud Eddy, land robberies, are not even referred
Porters; Ellery, King and MeBoyle, to: It is. however, a fair view of
Pages; Beveridge, Postmaster; l>ay,
Postcffice Page; Hansbrow, Paper the condition of the different depart­
ments of the Government as seen by
1 older.
In the Assembly Weber and Brum- an average man, and considering the
sey were elected Assistant Clerks; time the President devotes to busi­
Crutcher was elected Sergeant at
ness is quite as good as was to be
Arms; Ingraham, Assistant Sergeant
at Arms; Harris, Minute Clerk; Jef­ expected.
fries, Journal Clerk; Robinson, E n ­
A N o v e l C ase in t h e C o u r t s .—
rolling Clerk; Fenton, Engrossing
Clerk; Ferral and Mrs. Biggers, The Sacrameuto Union says: “ The
Copying Clerks.
Chicago Tribdne is authority for the
W a s h in g t o n , Dec. 3.— The Com­ case of contempt of court which
mittee appointed by the Republican
should find a place in the pages of
Senate caucus to day to revise the
standing committees of that body every volume of court reports in the
have completed this duty. It has country, so that ready reference may
been ascertained from a member of be had to it by not only members of
the Committee on Foreign Relations
the legal profession but of the judi­
that its form will be the same as on
the organization in March last, name­ ciary of the country. Since 1869, a
Cameron, Chairman; Norton, judicial light known as Chief Judge
Hamlin, Howe,FreJingLiny sen, (Jouk- Banyon has resided in Chicago, and
liug and Shurz. Boutweil will go
is remarkable for his talent iu dis­
on either this Committee or the one
on Fiuauce. There will be probably pensing justice, or as it may be put
twelve in all. Vacancies are left iu with more appropriateness, dispens­
the list to be filled at the suggestion ing with justice. He was origiually
of the Democratic Senators as here­ a cook, aud is said to have attained
tofore; among which is the chair­
to still more eminence in that pro­
manship of tne Committee on En
glossed Bills, formerly occupied by fession that he has arrived at subse­
Casserly, the Democrats beiug allow­ quently iu the judicial. It is even
ed the chairmanships of two com­ said that the artistic manner iu which
mittees, namely: The Private Laud
he dressed up boiled snipe prepared
Claims and the Engrossed Bills. The
Liberal Republicans have signified the way for his elevation to the
their wish that the Republicans do bench. In the discharge of his pres
not class them as Democrats, and ent duties he is said to be peculiarly
will accept such places as may be as­
stern and inflexible, acting from the
signed them on the committees by
basis of his cwn convictions as to
the caucus.
Senator Sumner will, it is said, to­ what would be the most beneficial
night be appointed on a committee for himself personally, and making
by tueRepublicans— perhaps« mem­
no bones in overruling the most
ber of the contemplated new com­
weighty decisions of the Supreme
L o n d o n , Dec. 5th.
The London Times, iu a leader on
Graut’s message, says: “ The excess­
ive privileges in regard to freedom
from search c.aimed for vessels bear
ing the American flag would confer
immunity on an open pirate. SucL
pretensions are, iudeed, short sighted
for a merchantiie nation. We cannot
for a moment believe that Congress
will adopt the suggestion to prohibit
national banks from paying interest
on deposits. We do nut agree with
the President’s financial views gen­
erally. and thiuk he is wrong in at­
tributing the reoent troubles to the
peculiar oharaoter of the currency.
out side, and therefore insert it here.
R A K E R C IT Y .
For the D emocrat by F. A. B.
December 12th, 1875.
Baker City is a great place,
Inhabited by most every race:
Two papers tiiis town supports,
That Democratic news report.
Seven saloons it does contain—
In them lie our city’s fame;
Red Cross society is trying its be 3 t
To destroy the drunaaru’s nest,
Perhaps it nnally may succeed,
Ttien from this curse we will be freed.
Three stoies where we obtain dry goods,
Three where we obtain all other goods.
Three milliner »bops this town contains,
Which our ladies here maintain.
Two livery stables are in this town,
Where Carriage horses may be found.
Two blacksmith shops, in running order,
Two places where you’ll find a barber.
Two hotels, wliere tne old bachelor
C an buy his grub o f Reid & Fletcher.
A restaurant too, where you can find,
A new married couple, most any time.
One Academy—a place of learning,
In which 1 am at this writing.
Two shoemaker shops, I forgot to say,
W here tots of slioeleatlier is bro’tin to play.
Also, a brewery in our town is run—
Tis-tlie County beat of Baker Co., Oregon.
Stores- by Brown, Ottenbeiiner, Bamber­
ger A Frank,
Just next door to Virtue’s Bank,
A place where you can gold dust sell,
And get your cash at the tap o f tli6 boll.
In Powder valley does this city lie.
Supported by mines and farms, it can
ne'er die.
Two churches, where those who crave
Can go to pray thei? souls to save.
Other tilings-of Baker I might say,
But I will leave it for to-day;
And perhaps at some-future time,
Can make a more suitab.e rhyme.
“ W h y ,”- asked a governess of her
little charge, “ do- we pray God to
give us our daily bread? Why don’t
wo ask for four days, or five days,
or a week?” “ We want it fresh,” re­
plied the ingenuous child.
B r o n c h it is .—-This is an Irritation or In­
flammation o f the bronchial tubes, which
carry the air we breathe into the lungs. It
arises lrom a cold settled In the throat,
from Catarrh extending to these parts, from
scrofulous affections, and from severe use
o f the voice. The irritatioufiom this latter
cause com m ences in the “ larynx and glot­
tis,” which are the organs o f the voice, and
extending downwards, produces hoarse­
ness, couching and spitting mucous matter,
sometimes mixed with blood It is chiefly
dangerous from its tendency to spread in.o
the lungs, and terminate in consumption.
It is in the cure o f severe and obstinate cas­
es o f this disease that Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery lias achieved unparal­
leled success, and won the loudest praise
from all who have used it. It is sold by all
respectable druggists.
P e r s o n s who have becom e thoroughly
chilled from any cause, may have their cir­
culation at once restored by taking into the
stomach a teaspoonful o f Johnson’s Ano-
Uye Liniment mixed in a little cold water,
well sweetened,
E v e r y farmer who owns a good stock of
horses, cattle and sheep, and intends to
keep them through the winter, should get
at once a good stock o f Sheridan’s Cavalry
Condition Powders. One dollar’s worth
will save at least a half ton of hay.
D r. F ie r c e a Pleasant Purgative Pellets,
or bugai-Coated, Concentrated Root and
Herbal Juice, Anti-Bilious Granules—the
“ Little Giant” Cathartic or multum in par-
vo physic. No use ol any longer taking the
huge, repulsive, nauseous and gnpii.g pills
composed o f cheap, crude, bulky ingredi­
ents, when, by a careful application of
chemical science, we can extract all the
cathartic and medical properties from the
most valuable roots anuiherbs and concen­
trate them into a minute Pellet orGranule,
scarcely larger than a mustard seed, that readny swallowed by those o f the
most sensitive stomachs and fastidious
tuxtes; 25 cents, by ail Druggists.
KP* F or the very best Photographs, go to
Bradley & Rulofson’s Gallery without S tales
0£F~ Ascend in the ELEVATOR, 129 Mont­
gomery Street, San Francisco.
Baker City, December 6th, to the wife o f
Joseph M- Dachner, «daughter.
The mother and daughter are both doing
well, and the father is pleased.
i r a i i © ! ? ® 8 æ fU L i.
The Odd Fellows will give a
© 7 1 3 1 1 ),
Court of Illinois, thus giving out the
promise to the world that it might
soon look for another Blackstone,
w ill give a
Coke upon Littleton, or turning to
our own country, another Justice R E C E P T I O N
Story or Chancellor Kent. The con­
M R . T W IG G S ’ H A L L ,
tempt case to which we have made a
brief reference is ono that not only
illustrates the breadth of the reason­ Monday Evening, Dec. 22d.
ing of this noted Judge, his affluent
The Public, and Friends o f the Society,
legal learning, but the remarkable are cordially invited to attend.
The object o f the Reception is by the
■ dignity of character he exhibits in sale of .Articles made by the Guild, and by
to increase the Builu-
! the discharge of his judicial duty.— mg Funds o Offerings,
f the Church.
i To be more particular, the remarka-
Protestant Episcopal
I n
o l d
u s t ,
C H R IS T M A S E V E ,
W e d n e s d a y , D ece m b e r 2 4 ,1 8 7 3
Com m ittee o f Reception:
J ames H . S hinn ,
J ohn W. W isdom ,
L uther B. I son ,
A. S icohd .
R ansom B eers .
Floor M anagers:
C. M. K ellogg ,
J ames O dell ,
C. M. F oster ,
Office—First door north Odd Fellow’s ll»n
F red . D il l .
The best of Music will be in Attendance.
The Supper will be appropriate to the oc­
No Tickets of Invitation will be issued,
but everybody is invited to attend.
B a k e r City Lodge N o. 2 5 , 1, o
O. *
meet» eve.y baturaay evening, at
half past bix o ’clock, at Odd Fellows liuiiin
tne ne«v Bank Block, corner of Front street
und Court Avenue. Members o the Order
are invited 10 attend. By order of N. o.
respectfully inform the Public that
he has opened the
Is on hand at his
C o sm o p o lita n S a lo o n ,
Corner o f Front Street and Court A v e n u e ,
opposite Virtue’s Bank, where he will
be pleased to see and wait upon his friends
and the Public generally. Ilis
Is supplied with the very best o f every
thing in his line. He has a Fine Billiard
Table for the use of his customers.
Baker City, Dec. 17,187:1.
’s Sale.
S T A N D ,
Where he keeps a Full and Com­
plete Assortmeut *>f
F a m i l y G roceries,
Fruits and Vegetables, Candies,.
Nuts, Pie Fruits, Oysters,
With a full assortment of
L iq u o r s ,
issued out o f tlie Circuit Court o f the
State o f Oregon for the County o f Baker,
v ir t u e of a n
e x e c u t io n
upon a judgment rendered in said Court,
on the Seventh o f October, A. D. 1873, in
favor o f George W- Ames, and against
W illiam S. Boswell, for the sum ol
(8531 66) Five Hundred and Thirty-one
Dollars and Sixty-six cents, Gold Coin,
to me directed against the property of
the said W illiam S- Boswell, I have lev­
ied upon and shall expose at Public
Sale to the highest bidder, on
Wednesday, the 14th day of
January, A. D. 1874,.
Together with the best Assortment of
Tobacco and Cigars
That can be found in the City..
A L S O ,
An endless variety o£
T O Y S , e tc ., e tc .,
Which ho is selling Cheap for Cask
or Country Produce.
At 2 o ’clock, P. M., at the Court House
Give him a Call, aud look at his ¡Stock, and.
Door, in linker City, Baker County, Ore­ price his Goods.
gon, the following described property, to-
Baker City, Dec. 10, 1873.-n31tf
The undivided one third interest in and
to Two Thousund Four Hundred feet of
Placer Mining Ground and Flume con­
nected therewith, situated in Alder Creek,
Shasta Mining District, Baker County,
Also, that certain Ranch., situated on Town Property, Lands. &c..
Alder Creek, Baker county. Oregon, ami
known as the Cole Ranch, together with
the tenements and Improvements situuted A R a re C hance to I n Y C M t Cap­
The- aforesaid property will be sold us
ita l P r o fita b ly . '
aforesaid to satisfy said execution and
¥ -
_ _______
costs, and accruing costs.
Dated at Baker City, this 16th. day of De­
a v i n g d e t e r m in e d to
cember, A. D. 1873.
make an eutire cliange iu my business,
X oesire to sell ail my Beal Fstute in and
near Baker City, consisting ol LOTS and
BLOCKSnn Usu city, and Bund by tlie Acre,
adjoining the Original Town Fiat.
Lots will be sold at from $10 to $100 each.
Blocks from $100 to $500 each, and
Land by the Acre at from $25 to $100..
Center Store, Stone Block,
B aker C i t t , O regon ,
W H O L E S A L E au d R E T A I L
I will sell my Fine Residence and. othor-
improved property- in the City, at UllLAT
T erms :—One Third Cash down, balance
in two equal Yearly Payments, with Legal
interest. Warrantee Title Given.
Baker Citv, Nov. 5, 1873.-u20in2
Dry Goods,
1 3
Shoes & Bools,
Hats and Caps,
Business Directory
o F
E astern O regon , and
N orthern I daho .
Tobacco and Cigars,
G ro ce rie s a u d P r o v isio n s,
And a full assortment of
Miners ani Farmers Implements,
W e keep a full stock of
In onr
Fireproof Warehouse^
On Second Street, which we offer at
JL Walla Walia Union will issue a Direc­
tory of tire above named sections iu January
i'lie work will embrace a general sketch of
the counties of Walla Waila, VV hitman, Slo­
vens and lain in a, in \Vashmgton Territory;
llmatilla, Union and Baker, iu Ortgon, and
Nez Perce, Idaho and bnoshune, in Idaho
Territory, together with their Productions,
Besources, Lhmate, and ail other subject*
upon which lnlormation is required.
The Directory ot each town and city will
be complete; and that, with sketches ol each
place, should make it invaluable to the mer-
cijunt. farmer, mid mechanic.
As an advertising medium, it will bo the
best y et introduced, as it will be of sucli im­
portance that it will always be retained in »
prominent position for reierence.
of advertising :
Ono Page........................................ &0
Uaif Page.....................................
OLy" Advertisera taking one page will re­
ceive a copy ol the hook gratis.
P r ic e o f t h e d ir e c t o r y w i ll he
Respectfully returning our thanks
for the past Liberal Patronage, we
hope by
A continuation of the same
Particular atieutiou paia to Orders.
Baker City, Leo. 10, 1873.-n31tf
Lumber— New Saw Mill.
c C O R D
a sd
h ave
meir Aew oaw hull iu complete ruu-
Ul—o oruer, and it is Going the best of work,
it is located at
P o c a h o n ta s ,
Where they are prepared to bli ail bills for
Lumber at short notice, and at as
^Reasonable F r ic e s
As any other Mill in the county- Ordtrs or
Bills ior Lumber cun be leit at the Black­
smith bhop of McCord Druthers, m Baker
City, aud tney wiu be promptly tilled.
Mccu-uD A b OKS.
November 11, 1873<-n27 of
*1 50
We will use our best endeavors to m*ks
the book complete iu every respect.
A I K W H U , «U B I»»«
make a tour ot me Countiy u> ue
m tne Directory and gather all the inform*
non necessary.
r ^ gjQT H 4 CO.
* 7 -3= -
E astern W ashington ,
Fair and Square Dealings,
S 2 I Ï W D D I3 H 8
Walla NVatia,
S u m m o n s .
ustices Court for the
he, ¡State ol Oregon, County ol Baker.
Civil Action to recover Money.
Trunk and Bust, Plaintiffs,
p-. yp m « s on. Defendant.
f M Mason, the ubove named Defend*
O* t h e s t a t e o r
f*"*uy required to ap-
the undersigneu, a justice of
np-ii-e in und tor LiaiasviiJe Precinct*
er county, Oregon, on .Saturday, the
uteeuiii day oi January, A. D. 1874,
“ o o ’clock, P. M-, in the af.ernoon of
day, at tue office o f said Justice, in
precinct, to answer the above named
itins, in a civil action,
e Deieudaut will Lake notice, if he lan
swer the complaint herein, the Piain-
ivill take judgtneui against min tor
■¿a) One Hunuied and i>inety-three
ns aud TVenty-tive cents, and the
th e name
, enl underUniy hand this 4th day of
inner A. D. x a U .^ R CURTIg ( j P.
e above named ueleudant, F- M- M»*
w ill aiso ¡a k e n otice that this au m -
s is p -.n lisu ed by o id e r o i tue uuder-
;d, d u iy m a d e this 4tu nay ot Decern-
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p r , n T fO
T. P.