R A T E S ' OP A D V E R T IS IN G | B E D R O C K DEMOCRAT, P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y W EDNESDAY, BY J. M. S H E P H E R D . Office in Pierce’s Hall. T eems of S ubscription : One year................................................... 4 00 :hx Months,....................: ....................... 2 50 I VOL. 4 B AK ER C ITY, BAK ER COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 10, 1873. C orrespondence from all portions o f i BUSINESS NOTICES. Eastern Oregon is solicited for the D emocrat . : All communications, to receive attention, J- I*. A t w o o d , M . D . must be accompanied by a responsible name. Personal communications will be charged (Graduate of the Medical Department ol Opposite Odd Fellows’ Hall, Main Street, the Willamette University,) as special advertisements. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, » . M. P E T T E X C IIL L A CO., IO » la t e Street, Boston, 37 Park How, New Y ofk , ami 7ot chestnut ¡street, Phiiudelpblu, aie our Agents lor procuring advertisements for m e ItEDK. cR D e m oc rat , m the uoove cities, and are auihorhed to contract for advertising at ou r lowest rales. n3if n23| BAKER CITY, OREGON. Itf DBS. PRICE & .\E\VS01I, N e w D r u g Store. BEDROCK DEMOCRAT. ¡a . u . s r a a m r a ? , S e c o n d E d itio n . BAKER C IT Y , OREGON, Would respectfully inform the public that he has recently received a well se­ lected and fresh Stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumeries, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Wines, Brandiep, Whiskies and Cordials, We are now prepared to do all kinds of J OB \\ UKK on short notice and at reasona­ ble rates. N. B.—All Job Work MUST BE PAID FOB ON DELIVERY. D E N T I S T S , H L L I G I O I N N O T IC E » . Have permanently located in R kuoious .—The ltev. Mr. Newton, of the B A K E R C IT Y , OREGO N, M. E. Chutuh, bouth, will preach at the fol­ lowing tunes and places: 1st Sunday lu each And are prepared to operate in all branches mould, at Eagle Greek, at 11 a . m ., and Sat­ of the urday night pievious; night at Gem City; DENTAL PROFESSION. Monday uightiollowing, Main Powder River, at Mr. banders’; Saturday mghtauu M buu All work Warranted. Office One Door be­ day at Niingulle; Tuesday night following, low the CITY DRUG STORE. North Powuer, at Riggs’ school house; \teu- Baker City, Oregon.-n7y nesday at Woit creek; Thursday night, Uuiou- towu; Itriday mght, Iowa sesool house; Sat­ urday night anu 3d Sunday, 11 a . m ., Rus­ sia! n school house: night, La Grande; Tues­ day nignt alter, Liberty scuool house; Wed­ ESPECTFULLY INFORMS TIIECITI- nesday night, Forest Cove, Dixie school zens of Baker City and vicinity that he house; Tuuibday night, Kinuaii’s school will soon be with them again prepared to do house; Friday night, Indian Valley; Saturday all kinds of night und ill. Sunday at 11 A. 11., Dry cieea Dental Work, acnoolhonse; night, Summerville; aionuay nignt loln.wmg, emontown; Tuesday nignt, in the most substantial manner. Baker City, March 12,1873.n44tf. Big creea. R kuoious .—Rev, A. J. Josly n will fill ap­ pointments as lollows, until lurther notice: 1st buuuay each month at Union, at 11 a . m , .. • • The Gove, at 3 F. M. 2d S u n d a y Suniniervine%iormng and eve’ug. Patronize Your Home Manufacture. 3d Sunday, Cove at 11 a . m .; cniun 3 e. m . 4tn bunuuy, Pocahoulaa at 11 a . m . ; Janies J . "W . C le a v e r benool Douse at 3 F. M., and Laker City Respectfully informs the citizens of at 8 F. M. 1)11. I), I). STEPIIE.MV R FLHMTLIIE WAIIEHOOllS. Monody evening follow ing, Rye V alley; Lues- uay and deou esday evouuig, a iollu oll Lasiu; lilUl'Suay eVeding al D iuolado. liLLluioUS.- -Lev. G. W. Clancy, ot tho Bapust C nu ich at itin g v ille , wid preach at the Dibvl'iCt ¿school D ouse, lU DaKel' City, the second bunday o f each m ou th at l i o'clock , A . M. B A K E R C IT Y A N D V IC IN IT Y , That he now has a Large and Complete As­ sortment of F 1 u r n it a r e . Of his own Manufacture, embracing every­ thing necessary for housekeeping, both use­ ful and ornamental. All kinds of Office Furniture manufactured to order. In fact, he is prepared to make anything and everything is his line, in the best style and at reasonable prices. P R O F E S S I O N A L C A RD S . T. C. HYDE, L. O. »TERNS, (c i & it m s N ota ry P u b l ic . IS terns &> H v d e , A tto rn e y s and C ou n selors A t - t a n , BAKEH CITY, OREGON. L. O. » teens will attend the Courts of the Filth Judicial Disuict, and ol Idaho and S\ aaiiiiigiou Terntorieo. N\a>er nigh is and Mining Litigation & S p e c ia l t y . R MAKING. e s p e c t f u lly i n f o r m tlie C it iz e n s o f BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP B A U E R U i l , OREGON. recently owned by F. Scbluud, and are now ready to attend to all work in their line. They are both practical workmen, directly from the East, and come prepared to do W Baker City, Sept. 1,1873. nl7y. ot the State. I. D. HAINES, A ” Baker City, and surrounding country, that thev have purchased the IL E P R A C T IC E IN A L L C U I K T S and AND Messrs. Gaines & Bowman IP Attorney-at-Law, ttorney B la c k s m ith ino: WAGON Collections promptly attended to. June 10, lOiJ.noy J, Of every description manufactured of the very best material, and warranted to be su­ perior to any other in the State. Job Turning done to order. Give him a call and examine his assort­ ment. n21m3 cou n selor Euw, Laker city, Oregon* Blacksmithing, Wagon Mak- ing and Buggy Repairing at Iulti .n the most approved manner, and at mod­ erate prices. All work done to order, and satisfaction guaranteed. HORSE-SHOEING A Specialty with them. Give us a call. GAINES A BOWMAN. Baker City, July 21, 1873,-nlltf ___ J. M. S H E P H E R D , .AAtornev-at--Law, BAKER CITY, OREGON. S. V. KNOX, j Attorney at Law , T b . G A R D N E R , W ill practice in the Courts o f this state and Washington Territ ry. PECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO LAND Busmens, and Collections. nl3tf S JOSEPH H. SHINN, Notary Public WATCHMAKER AND JEW ELER, AND ESTABLISHED IN BAKER CITY IN 1867, Keeps constantly on hand a well assorted Stock of C o n v e y a n c e r , Will attend to Conveyancing and making ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. WATCHES, CLUCKS JEWELRY, nl8tf and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lir.e of business. Waltham and Elgin Watches at Factory n3| Prices [tf. E. W. REYNOLDS^ n o t a r y p u b l i c AND DEPUTY U. S. MARSHAL,, "W e ste rn H o t e l. Office with John Brattain, Three Doors bouth of B edrock D emcrat office, on side o f the Street. MAIN STREET.................................... BAKER CITY. R EID & FLETCHER, P rop r. HIS HOUSE has been enlarged and re­ fitted, and is now the best Hotel on the T Umatilla and Idaho stage route. Jhker City, Sept. 3, 1 8 7 3 .n l7 m 4 L)r. iLc H . T i e r n e y , Stages leave this House for above and be­ low, and also for Clark’s Creek Eldorado, Gem City and Sparta. Connected with the Hotel will be found a first class PHYSICIAN A N D SURGEON , BAKER R S r c it y , ? ¿ t e d m B ^ e r^ OREGON, 1 1 INFORMS 1H E CIT- r^ d r e g ° U lh a l h e b “ to his Profassi^i7, S A L O O N ! lo ' d m e 8 Btnct attention Liquors, Wines and Cigars of the best quality. Phelan’s Improved Billiard Tables ali in good order. ^Office oppoait, the cornerDrng FU)te Catholic Cli& urch.e8ldenCe’ Dext door t0 1116 Baker City, Nov. 5 ,1872.-n26tf. N. B.—Those indebted to either the Hotel or Saloon are requested to appear at the Captain’s office and settle. no5v3tf. T . JS". S n o w , M . D . Physician and Surgeon, BAKEB CITY. OKEGON, For tK MED1C a l e x a m i n e r • * ew York Life Insurance Co ESPECTFULLY INFORM THE CITI- , zens o f Baker City, and the surround­ ing Towns and Mining Camps, that they are now prepared to fill all orders with the ve>7 best quality of R -----•------------------------ ------------ nl3if R- C. Shepherd is agent for l i f e 's w 01* ’ ^ 1 . 1 8 7 2 . ^ DR. Y O U K CHU, R PORTLAND, OREGON. I COUCH BALSAM! I S J M ’C O R M I C K , Boob, Stationary, Toys, Music And "lA k ililT B R E W E R Y , KASTNER & LACHM , Proprietors, D B A K E R CITY, OREGON O ffice —A t the City Drug ¿tore. M in e s. j JLa g e r B e e r , At reasonable rates. The public are invited j ta call and look at our estalishinent Baker City, Jan. 9, 1878.-n36af Look at the Supplement for first rate miscellaneous reading matter. C l 'B A . —R e v i e w o r t h o M n s u r r c c * t io iiis t W a r S tr u g g le fr o m it» I n c e p tio n to th e P r e s c u t. T h e S t o r y o f F iv e Y e a rs ’ A g o n y . the brutal lust o f his soldiers frail maidens, who died in th e h o rro r o f this martyrdom. Daring the first period of the war in Cnba the Spaniards took the offen­ sive. It is not necessary to make a minute comparison of the elements of both combatants for the reader to understand the immense advantage of the government troops—to wit. 40,000 men, well armed and fully equipped, with educated leaders, were to meet an undisciplined multi­ tude unarmed, with their fumilies ; further to bnrdeu them, always a fatal charge tothese wandering tribes for such we may call them rather than warriors, and much less soldiers. : The famous and sad period of the revolution of Cuba was inaugurated j by the Spaniards in a manner worthy of all their wars in America. The three first estates reduced to ashes were the La Uuiou, Santa Isabel and Barreto. Recent events in connection with Caba have revived the almost dead interest in her affairs, we give the Chinese Physician, T h e F ir s t A « « » i i i m i l i o n , following carefully written account Has located permanently in which opened the way to the innu­ B A I L E E C I T Y , of her past five years career, which merable crimes that were afterwards And can be found at J. W. Cleaver’s Old will repay a careful perusal, and bo committed, was perpetrated at Puer- to Priucipe upon Don Augusto Aran- Cabinet Shop, which he has fitted up as an of interest to our readers. Office and Apothecary Store. ! go, who was on his way to Brigadier When, during thefirst days of O c­ All diseases incident to the Human Family tober, 1863, citizen Carlos Manuel de Mena, of Puerto Principe, with a can be cured by this Physician. Particular attention paid to cases given up Cespedes gathered together on the conciliatory mission from the insur­ as incurable by other Physicians. estate “ Demajague” a few country gents. Both acts wore committed by l3ll. YOUK CHU. men. not over 250 in number, and ¡Spaniards—one by the troops who Baker City, Sept. 8,1873 -nl8n3a some frieuds to command them, and left Puerto PriDcipe for San Miguel, proceeded to the village of Yara, any uuder com maud of General Valrase- ^Proclamation. one who had met this first phalanx du, and the other by salva guardias YYyTHEREAS, UNDER THE ACT OF of the liberating Cuban army—some guarding the ford of the Hatibonico W the Legislative Assembly ot the State armed with cudgels, others with rus­ river, near the Caridad bridge of the ol Oregon, entitled "An Act to Protect Liti­ ty muskets, and the fewest number city referred to. Acts of this nature gants,” Approved October 24,1870, the B ed ­ with indifferent fowling pieces— could but harden tho heart and in­ rock D emocrat , a newspaper published at Laker City, Baker County, Oregon, lias been would have compared it to oue of flame tlie passions, and the sons of designated to publish the Legal and Judicial those wandering tribes of Africa the “ Cid” gorged themselves once Advertisements foi the counties ot Baker and which go to throw their javalins more on their defenceless colonists. Grant, in Oregon; and whereas, the Propri­ ¡Scenes similar to those which took etor of said B edrock D emocrat has hied against the walls of some fort, only place four centuries back have oc­ to disappear afterwards like tbe with the County Clerks of said Counties written stipulations accepting the conditions sprites of a fairy tale. The writer curred in this Nineteenth Century. of said Act, together w ith Lunds, approved himself witnessed the first skirmish During this the first period of its as tlie law directs, with proper returns and existeuce the revolution was materi­ notices thereof to this office, according to law. at Yara. While the insurgents pro­ ally conquered, its followers disper­ ceeded towards the village by Man- NOW, Therefore, the B edrock D emocrat is hereby proclaimed to be appointed and zahillo road, a Spanish force of ten sed, its few resources all spent, and, confirmed as the medium through which all horse and fifty foot, commanded by worse than all, dismay spread among Legal and Judicial advertisements for the I even it» most determined champions counties of Laker and Grant shall he pub­ Lieut. Col. Yillars, entered it by tbe Bayamo road, and took possession of *be extent of causing some of them lished, for tlie period authorized by law. Done at the City ol Salem, this 27th day of the Plaza, the center of the town. to turn traitors. Old Spain in this Feo.uary, A. D. 1873. Part of the soldiers were detailed to undertaking dishonored herself, be­ I STATE seal . I occupy the side streets, by which it cause the patriotic feeling, the war­ L. F. GROVER, was expected the insurgents would like spirit, after satiating its despotic Attest: Governor. S. F. C hadwick , come. How could the result be other instincts, proceeded to rapine and Secretary of State. n44tf than it was? A few shots served to violence, and thus it happened that disperse in disorder that crowd of insults to women, assassination off of inexperienced countrymen, unaccus­ the field of bottle, and robbery and Lime! Lime! Lime! tomed but to the noise of their own spoliation followed. Such deeds are o b e rts «Si N e ls o n lia v e o n l i a n d homes and to unconditional obedi­ never forgotten nor forgiven, aud nourished the “ corpse of the insur­ Lime of good quality, and will sell at ence. low rales. Here the trouble should have been rection,” as the Spanish journals so Orders from a distance solicited. ended once for all, but in wars in repeatedly called it; and the war, which liberty and tyranny are to which ought to have died in infancy, PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. meet face to face there conies a time did not die, but commenced its Second P eriod . when political electricity runs the course of its wires with a rapidity About this time the insurgents M ILLARD & VAN SCHUYVER, impossible to describe, and tlie spark were relieved by tbe absence of their ignites, the flames increase, and the families. Many, thanks to the inef­ 89 Front and 40 First street, mind is lost in thinking how and ficient blockade of the coast, suc­ whence came that lava of opinion, ceeded in escaping to foreign parts, touching all hearts with the same and others took refuge in the cities, MPORTERS a n d WHOLESALE DEAL- force and carrying the same idea to to eke out a miserable existence by ers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors.— all minds. Many would 6ay this is a charity from those who, with un­ A ls o , , phenomenon; but it is only a law of blushing audacity, were living on the nature, which physically tends to re estates that formerly belonged to Doors, Windows, and Blinds pel all that is obligatory. When the them. There were officers who, after ul F o r S a le . tf human spirit is brought down to this committing in one family crimes of condition, and lies under bonds and robbery, the outraging of females, A . P. H ot a l i n o , 1 f E. C. L o r d . S an F ra n cisco . J \ P ortla n d . conquered for a length of time, the and murder, showed themselves in explosion, when it does come, is ter­ tlie city driving in the carriages of .A.. P . H o t a lin g & Co. rible, instantaneous and wonderful. their victims, amid the plaudits of None can withstand its effect. This their comrades. From the first peri­ Sole Agents for tbe is exactly what occurred on the 10th od there passed inco the second that of October, 1868. The political col destructive swarm of locusts of the lision took place at Yara, a place Ampndias, Portillos, the Canizais, And Importera of hitherto almost unknown on account Montaners, Boets, and a host of col­ of its slight irni ortauce, and imme­ onels and brigadiers, who, after sa­ Fine Wines and Liquors, diately all the villages from Cape tiating their thirst for blood, became 431 Jackson Street, San Francisco, Maisi to Capo San Antonio responded passionately fond of appropriating AND with the marvellous rapidity with what did not belong to them, as they 25 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, which an idea long suppressed breaks did so with the certainty that no one n46tf Oregon. forth, and old men, women and chil­ would reclaim it, as from such claims dren rushed to the field. It was a to death was but a step aud maDy DIM M ITT’S cry from the soul; it was the most took it. The operations of the cam­ U cherished wish of the heart, the im­ paign lost much of their vigor and m pulse which was forced from the activity because the chiefs of the H h cruel despotism of 300 and more years Spanish army, from Gen. Yalmaseda 9 of darkness and depression by a gen­ down, attended more to dealing in ¡■J eration hungry for light aud liberty. cattle than pursuing the euemy, This, then, was thefirst Cuban army more to seeking for the gold and sil­ S T 1 IE NEW EST, T H E —old men and women, youths and ver than the hidden places w here the CHEAPEST and uie E e ST thing in children, and without strength.— scattered Cuban forces had taken re­ £ market for all diseases of the Lungs and With such heterogeneous elements fuge and were beginning to reunite Throat it was impossible to form even a me­ and reorganize. The Spanish army y D A V IS & 8 C I H Y L E B , dium military organization. Tho was changed into a crowd of high­ time was lost, the father employing waymen. It is well known that, amid ^ Portland, Oregon, Wholesale Agents. it to look after his family, the brother this carnival ol blood and robbery, 5 Oct. 29, 1873.-n25n33 for his sister aud the son to provide discipline, the only support of the for his aged father; and often it hap­ institution of arms, so exposed to all pened that the youth who had just vices and degradation, was entirely bean bravely fightiDg against the lost. Importer and Dealer In enemy was surprised in the midst of The Cuban patriot bands, on the his family and murdered by his in- j contrary, gathered together and " or­ capable oppressors. Converted into ganized, stealing themselves by re­ roving bands and unmolested by the peated privations to the austerity of N E W SP A P E R S, Spaniards, they passed the first a life without comfort of any kind, FRANKLIN BOOK-STORE AND SANTA CLAUS’ months in singing hymns to liberty and a greater part of the time want­ Headquarters, Fire-proof and giving themselves up, in the ing even the food necessary to main Brick Building, 105 Front street, Portland, midstof the luxuriantforestsof Cuba, tain life. But these privations and n!7 Oregon. [tf j to the incomparable delight of pos- these wants, which their enemies j sessing an independence so longed have a hundred times flung in their i for. Time passed on, and Spain or- faces as a fault, proved the school D R . J. R. C A R D W E L L , j ganized her battalions aud put into for heroes; and for men who, without B e n tis t : the field an army of 40,000 men, also experience in the art of war, paid a ENTAL ROOMS, N o . 89, First street, | composed of heterogeneous elements, dear novitiate during thefirst period Portland, Oregon. The late and im­ but all men, and well armed. R egi­ of tbe struggle were formed soldiers, proved styles o f work at reduced rates. Ni­ trous oxide for the painless extraction o f ments were hastily made up of jail- but soldiers of iron, bold and identi­ i birds,"of negroes and of the scum and fied with virtne which breeds tbe t e e th . ( n 2 9 tf dregs of society; even criminals un­ sentiment of glory when man under­ der the sentence of death were found stands ne owes it to the efforts of his W. H. WATKINS, M. D. | in the ranks of those intended to pa­ own nature or his own spirit, and in cify the country. Of such were the the same line where are found the PHTSICJAN AND 8 UBGEON. i battalion» known as the “ Matanzas” names of all the heroes of liberty FFICE« Odd Fellows’s Building. Resi­ and the notorious “ Buttalion del Or since Brntns to Bolivar will be writ­ dence, corner o f Main and Park streets, ! den,” whose leader, Col. Weiler, ten those of Ygnacio and Ednardo Portland, Oregon. CS^sipeciai attention to gram onte, M arm ol, tb« M endot»*, ¿issues of the Eye and Ear. i n‘J9 ’ amused bimBelf by delivering over to A J, H. Cutter Old Bourbon W M y, (And Notary Public,) WESTON, O R E G O N . City, Sept. 11.1872. For Medicinal purposes. Family Medi­ cines carefully prepared. Prescrip­ tions accurately compounded, at al 1 hours o f the day or n8 night. Give us a call. tf For the benefit of subscribers in certain localities, we issue a second eJition of tbe D emocrat on every Monday morning, which contains all the news of importance received at this city np to Saturday noon. NO. 31. O One square or less, one insertion,. . . . SS 0f> Each additional insertion,........................» One square throe months,..................... 10 00 Business Advertisements by the month—- Quarter columu............................... .510 00 Half column.............................................15 00 One column,........................................ 20 00 Ten per cent, additional on advertisements to which a special position is guaranteed. CC^The space of one Inch, up and down the column, constitutes a square. N. B.—All debts due this office aretyavable in Coin, unless otherwise expressly agreed. Ynclan. Sangnili, Carlisto and Vin­ cente Garcia, Modieto Diaz, Maxima Gomez and many others. But to arrive at this point much blood has bceh shed, so much and almost always so lamentable that the heart shudders at tho recollection; for every Cuban who has fallen with arms in defence of liberty ten-fold the number of old men, womou and children have perished in this savage warfare, this war between ¡Spain aud America. It is only necessary to evoke the memory of three centuries of strug­ g l e —from the eronquest of the Mon­ tezuma» to our own day, and the character of this autagonism, some­ times of arms, but of ideas always—* to understand the kind of drama en­ acted on the fields of Cuba m the nineteenth century, and in in’ll face of powerful aud civiiized nations. But returning to the principal sub­ ject, we find in the second period of the war in Cuba, the Cuban army re­ organizing itself in the midst of fa­ tigues aud privations, in face of their adversaries, demoralized and rapidly losing their first prestige in the midst of pillage and corruption. On the other l»n d, the strong de­ sire to rise in military rauk became a mania, and tlie different command­ ers of the Spanish columns multiplied their fabulous bulletins, which have already reported as killed off and taken prisoners or surrendered ten times the entire population of the island. This farce of fabulous vic­ tories and prowress contributed to kill off the enthusiasm and union which should sustain every groat un­ dertaking when they follow the path of truth, and the patient and paying classes commenced to look upou the falsehood« of the official bulletins as a gross comedy, and in distinct con­ tradiction to the actual results of the campaign. During this second period, as the activity of arms decreased, that of robbery acquired colossal propor­ tions. Geueral Count Yalmaseda authorized the captain of mobilized troops, Antonio Criizman, to seize and send to the market of Santiago de Cuba, immense herds of cattle.— He allowed the same license to Gov­ ernor Juau Atnpudia, and also the Governors of Bayamo, Jiguani, Hol­ guin, Tunis, and other places of the Eastern and Central Departments, from which resulted the moatshame- ful pillage, exercised by the same ones who should have respected and caused the rights to property to bo respected, and which devastated the Central and Eastern Departments, and a crime was committed wherever cupidity caught sight of a victim. The Cuban ferrees. meantime, gath­ ered together their scattered prose­ lytes. This time they were much better armed, equipped and expert rin their peculiar system of war, and carried withiu their breasts tbe con. sciousuess of aggravated wrongs and the certain experience that the Span­ ish rulers of Culm would sink into' the abyss of their blunders rather than yield an atom to reason and jus­ tice. Whereby the situation of af­ fairs, then about the middle o f the fourth year of the rebellion, began to present a different aspect, which1 we will call the T h ird P eriod . The reaotion and activity o f the Cuban forces now began to be shown1 in the attacks made by them upon- Spanish encampments and convoys. The attack upon Holguin, quito a- large town, and well fortified, caus­ ed a terrible effect upon all the time serving journals, which, neverthe­ less, repeated in their continual jer­ emiads that this*was bat a conclh1- sion of the expiring revolution. But almost at the same time, or in rapid succession, occurred the attacks up­ on Guiamaru, Sibanicu, LasYeguas,