'i"lillii"i'liinill'iiniri iliiliiB'inff ,.,..,. .. ,n , .,,,. , m-M-i keeavM. . . J, . . 1 . -V" . ... - : . . . - -'- - - , " ' ' t ( mm r-c., . ... jw-- . - . - sa 'A y. cial- Oitv Paper. IT. FEIBAY. - DEC 2. IS80; 1 ty by tbe namo of Prosper cno to had been sent rat by the Washing JioritSe to c&over . the Wlllamett t and Cascade mountain wagon road, i" e for liinwir wither certain charges op to Wellington by. partlea along De at Uie road were true or false. PresUlitnt or the wd!. Mr. John Crw , prowrtiJ a hack, dHrer, and neces f wy&l tor tlie Journey, and indnced . J$on Wheeler to accompany hitn on i y4j. ; As - Mr. W. had been a large Ni'ractor in the conatructioa of the road e was well qualified to glre Mr. Proseer 11 the Informatkm he might require. : In idditton, Mr. Prosser rvpresented that his jliiancial condition was auch that he conld not procure the neeewwry blauketa, etc to enaoie btra to maks the journey com fortably and a comported with the dignity attaching to apechil Goventment Agent. A coon as this ntatter was made known, Mr. Wheeler kindly loaned him the Bum j' ha -said he would require . Mr. Crawford -fnthrming Mm that he would pay tbe carri- I age hire, but exred Prosaer to pay Wa own e:rpenea on t te road. Mr. Prosser expreaaed hlmsef&i tmdermanyobligations for tbe unexpected kindly treatment, and proceeded in inspect the rond. At various times, going and returning, lie expressed moat favorable opinions regarding the ex cellence of the road, and pronounced contrary statements as lies, without any foundation in fact. A number of gentle, men along tbe line ot tbe road stand ready to testify to this. No word of "fraud" regarding tbe construction of the road or any matter connected with it, escaped Mr. Prosser in the lies ring ot any irson in Linn county, aud it seems that not until , J, one time after he had reached Portland s did it occur to bins that a great fraud," ss the Qrtgonicm expresses it, had been perpetrated by tbe road company upon the General Government. What was it that operated so suddenly and powerfully upon special agent Proaers vision as to com pletely reverse his oft expressed views in this matter t More titan ten years lias elapsed ince 51 tbe Company represented by Col Hogg purchased the wagon road, and no breath of frcpd" has been uttered in sonnection with U during that time. As soon, how ever, as the Company through Col. Hogg attempts to utilize the land acquired in building tbe road, in advancing tbe Inter ests of a railway line from Yaquina Bay across the Willamette valley f Eastern Oregon, tbe howl of "fraud" la raised, and every Impediment placed In the way of securing tbe funds necessary for the con stuction oflke road. With one breath the slanderers of theVillamette valley and lis ritlzena declare tlte lands secured to tbe wagon road worthless while In the next they declare tley are far too valuable to be given to a road company that has done nothing to rarn such a gift. The facts re, if the lands could be sold at all, they would not begin to pay the cost of the construction of the road, and those who are IMitg about Yaquina Bay and the projected railroad, and doing all in tlieir power to defeat these enterprises, know that the only wav to bring the lands in controversy into market Is by the con struction of a great railway asconternplnted. It would be a grand thing for Eastern Oregon, and while5 conferring Immense benefits upon the people there, it would correspondingly benefit Linn, Lane, Marl on, Polk.', Washington, Yamhill and Ben ton counties specially, and incidentally the balance ot the State. There's where jf the shoe pinches. And further, the open- lag of Wie Bay and the building or the ' ' railway would not be specially beneficial e pockets of certain capitalist In Port althotigh the citixens generally wouW ioroentted. As has been proven al! ying," tlMe capitalists will stoop to any I tilng to defeat the opening of the Bay to .commerce and the building of our railway. Shall these money sharks and monopolists succeed t " ' "-; J. M. Sliiherd, Esq lia retired from w nronrictorshin ot the Bedrock Democrat. Baker t'ity, and Mr- J.'T. Wisdom takes the helm. Mr. Shepherd has built up a good circulation and large business during t'Se many years be has been connected i ' with tlie Democrat as editor and proprietor and he retires with the good wishes of J scores of friends tor his future , prosperity N and happiness in whatever he may engage or wherever he may go. .' The OregoniaM lias not only determined to cruh out ail attempt to Improve and better tlie condition of the Central Valley, but it has also declared war upon tbe rail road Interests of the Sound. It proposes to dictate to this portion of the State and Fuget Sound what we shall or siiail not have in the way of Internal Improvements that may in the slightest degree cSect FortliiNd's Interests. The Orcgonitt may ..oezVS.j- have bit off more than it can swal- k lw' : , " :"' tk nrmie has passed the Fortlflca- Jtnt:::. This 1 prompt work. It tbe - a m. " u.tf ttmllttr pronptttae . insieau wi wmui material, tbe returns of the last (fVi'i.' u might have told a CBure aatUfac- t e to its Democrats. It Ij to to hoped that Wood's refunding ?! j j iccome a law. Tlie tenor of the r la Lor3on papers shows that i Ctatesbotids bearing three percent.. i..r. wfl is fcftffrlf taken up la Europe j c a r ; Cnt't want tldsm at so r v d 13 1 te plaoea in placed ti lt . .: : j r' :t, it spems. In spite N'. A. I.riTes, Cetorel of ri , l to anwte comnistsd I ; i ti.e Coitniil-is. Wto May Be. . j Ttaa Mexican UUue. - ?- ' I I , v - ., at ft was stated a few days ago tliat the Democrats were likely to lose the seat in U. & Senate now fllkd by Mr. Builey, of Tennessee. The Chronicle says that since Mien Bailey himself has given out, with an air ot confidence," that there will be no change, but' that" hts party laS ' afclear majority of the joint Convention and will certainly elect a ltnocrat to succeed him. It apttears, also, that, the Republicans are' in danger of losing one ' As.embtyman in the Legislature, whose seat Is contested. But, as an ofTset totliese reports, U now comes to the surface for tlie first time that the Republicans and the low-taxpayers (Democratic all) in. the Tennessee Legisla ture have formed a coalition by which the Governor-elect (Hawkins, R.) is to be elected Senator. What concessions tlie Republicans are to make for this favor is not stated ; but tlie reasonable presump tion Is that Uiey R'ee to give the low-tax faction what patronage the-Legislature can control In its organization and otlicr wise. If tills report is true, the election of Hawkins to succevd Bailey will exactly tic the Senate, and the Vice-President, casting vote will give tlie Republicans political control ot that body on and after the 4th of March. The report is also now repeated, in connection with changes' that are soon to be made in tbe Supreme Court by the resignation of Justices Strong and Swayne, that Senator Davis of Illinois will resign his seat in tlie Senate to accept an appointment as Justice of the Supreme Court, tlie position he held when lie was elected Senator. Should this prove true, his successor will be a Republican, as the present Legislature of Illinois Is of that politics by a large majority. In that case the Senate will stand : Republicans. 39 ; Democrats, 37 counting Mahone of Vir ginia a Democrat, which Is by no means an assured fact. Tlte new cwoamaarier mt the Department r the C'oIuoaklM. Col. Frank Wheaton only has temporary command of this department, Brigadier General N. A. Miles being assigned to the command. Gen. Mites b the bos3 Indian fighter. Tlio annexed account of his career is from the American encyclopedia ot hlography : N El -son A. Miles Brevet General, IT. S. A., was born at Wachusetts, M.-irs.. Aug. 8, 1839. He received a fair educa tion, ani at the age of 17 entered a store in Boston. lie entered tlie service as first lieutenant in the 221 Massachusetts Volun teers in October, 1S61. rendered distinguish ed services and was wounded at tlie battle of Fair Oaks ; and was also distinguished at Charles City Caossronds and at Malvern Hill. He acted as adjutant general of the 1st brigade, l?t divison. 2d corps, from Fair Oaks to Harrison's Landing, and was made colonel of the 61st which he led at Fredericksburg. He was fatally wounded (as It was supposed) at Clutncellorville and was carried from the field. He command ed the 1st. brigade, 1st division, 2d corps in the Richmond caiuaigii ot 1864 ; whs made brigadier general May 12. 18(54. and brevet major-general for gallantry at Reams' station December, 1S64 ; major general October 21. 1S65 : colonel of the 4th intantry Julv 23, 1866 ; transferred to tlie 5th infantry March 15. 1869 ; brevet brigadier and major-general March 2, 1867. At Buffalo, N". Y on Friday evening la3t, a fire was discovered in the third story of a five story building occupied by Birge & Sons, wall-paper manufacturers. The building was 80 Teet front by 300 in depth, and about 130 men and boys were employwl In tlie factory. In less than twenty minutes tlie building was a mass of flames. The doors to the different rooms were hung to saing in ; there were no fire-escapes, and many in tlieir terror jumped from the windows and were crush ed by the fall ; others appeared at tlie windows for a moment and fell back, ap parency suffocated by tlie smoke and flames. ; It was another great horror in which many lives wore sacrificed because there was no adequate provision marie for the escape of employees in such an emer gency. A part of the blame at least, rests upon the city officials, whose duty It is to see that buildings are so constructed thsit parties my have a chance for their lives in such cases. "J "-" ' .y The Oregon Pioneer Association met In Portland last week. Rev. J. S. Griffin was selected to deliver tbe annual address, and Judge W. Carey Johnson as alternate, Medorata Crawford, K.-q., was selected to deliver, an address on the immigration of 1842 ; Rev. J. L. Parrbh was selected as chaplain, with Al. Zelber, Esq., as chief marshal. The place for holding the next meeting has not been announced. An Act to amend Section 899 of Title 7 Chapter 11. ol the Civil Code, General Laws of Oregon - Be it enacted by tlie Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon. Section 1. That section 899, title 7 of chapter 11 of the civil code of the general laws of Oregon be. and the same U hereby amended so as to read as follows! ,.- Section 889. Tlie courts of justice may be Iteid, and Judicial business may be frans acted on any day, except as prorld-d in this section. No court can be opened nor can any Judicial business be transacted on a Snnda) . on tlie first day of January, on the fourth dav of July, on Christmas day. on the 30th day or May. on a day on which a general election 4s held, or on a day ap pointed by the executive authority ot tlie United States, or of this State, as a day of fast or thanksgiving, except for tlie follow ing purpoe: First- T give Instruction to a Jury then deliberating on their verdict. "j Second. To receive a - verdict or dis charge a jury. Third. For tlie exercise of tlie powers of a magistrate In criminal action, or in a proceeding of a criminal nature. , Approved October 2E, 1880. v X early every day pans out fresh murders by Southern moonslilner8." Commis sioner Raum sends fierce dispntehes, but the men who violate the law are at liome among sympathizers, and we do not hear that they are brought to justice. Decided ly, under the present regime, it is not a pleasant thing to be a revenue officer in a Southern State. Tim bill taking away tlie legal tender quality of tlie greenback, before the com mittee on bankruptcy aud currency, was not reported favorably upon, as the vote disclosed tWat two-thirds of the committee were opposed to th bill. . Tlie Cabinet selected by Prealdedt Gon sales is composed of men of ability and large experience. Ignacio Mariscal, Hiu!s ter ot Foreign Affairs, lns been for some years Mexican Minister at Washington and was previously one ot the Supreme Court Judges and Minister of Justice'.' ' Htf is a lawyer by profession, speaks English fluently, and has been prominently before the public tor many years. He la populate both in Mexico and the United States. Francisco Landers, Secretary of - the Treasury, formerly s held that position temporarily under tlie early Administra tion ot President Diaz. He is reputed to be a man of unusual financial ability, and is the leading mind in the wealthy Mex ican mining company which owns the rich Pachuca and Real de Monte .mines. j The Secratary is a business man in the ! strictest sense of tlie term and has always ; been devoted to civic pursuits. Porflrio Diaz, who has just relinquished the Presi dent's chair aud assumed the portfolio of ; Minister of Public Works, is as well known ' to tlie American as tlie Mexican public. , His Administration was a great success. ' lie honestly met tlie American install- inents, suppressed revolutions completely, and inaugurated great public works, rail 1 roads in iarticular, which have rapidly amused the dormant energies of the peo S pie. He is uow hi a podtion to still carry ! out his extended views on the subject of i internal improvements. Esequiel Montez, j Minister ot Justice, was formerly Minister ot Foreign Affairs, of the Interior and of Justice under several Administrations, i He bus also been a Supreme Court Justice, a Deputy and Senator in Congress. ' He is saltl to be one of the best-read lawyets in Mexico, and an orator ot . great ability. General Trcviiio, Minister of War, has a reputation familiar to Americans from his long command as General-in-Chief along the Rio Grande. He stands high as a military man. Carlos D. Gut1errez.Miuis ter of the Interior, Is not so well known to us as other members of the Cabinet, but it we remember right ho was formerly Gov ernor of the State at San Luis Potosf or some of tliu Central States ot Mexico. The Cabinet, as a whole. Is a strong one, and will command the confidence ot the country and the respect ot foreign nations. In its make-up Americans cannot fail to take a specil interest. General Trevino is the son-tn-law of General Ord. speaks the English language fluently, .and received high honors during his recent visit in Texas and elsewhere. If we are not mistaken Minister Mariscal Is also married to a young and lovely American lady, who was formerly a belle at Washirgton. Speak ing in the diplomatic and matrimonial sense, the Cabinet of President Gonzales is somewhat Ameriotuized a good au gury, we hope. S. F. Chronicle. The threatened suspension ot the writ ot habeas corpus in Ireland shows that tlie difficulties in tliat country are not exagger ated. The news from day to day grows more exciting, aud collisions may be ex pected at any time between tbe British troops and the disaffected people. The electoral vote of every State in the Union had been reported to the Vice Presi dent, as the law directs, on Friday last, save and except Oregon. Where is Wat son ? The National Board of Trade has adopt ed a resolution favoring government man agement of telegraph service by a two third vote. Col. Prosser has come to Uie Pacific coast to gain an unenviable notoriety. It would seem that he was too cheap. Princess Sarah Wlnnemucca has been divorced, and is now a grass widow and she desires the world to know it. It Is rumored that Sitting Bull and all his band are on tlieir way to Fort Buford, to surrender to tlie Government. Chicago 9ailmakers get three dollars a day and six dollars on Sunday. They are anxious to have next year's almanac made with six Sundays In a week and only one week day. f A meeting of Irish Nationalists Is to be field at Paris. New To-Dar. I LIT will make - you a pair of Boots tliat will lit you ac cording to your idea of a fat, and will keep them from -running- over with his Patent Shank & Conn ter Support aikd Steel-edge Heels, and if necessary, in repairs for six months, for ix Hollars. 13 BTJRSHART BROS., REAL ESFilFIS -AND- Money Exchahce Office, AUBAXT, OBGMX. WJR BtrY AKD 8KLI. ALL KTSPS OF Real T Estate, nxxmtna Titles, pay T; transact a general real estate bnsiness. Taxes, and Money loaned on time to salt, in amounts at 850 to !20,000. Money received on deposit, and interest al lowed after thirty days. Correanondcnco solicited on an land business. Dec. i8,iaM-Ti3nU Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Linn. T. L. Golden, plaintlfT. VS. : ' F. M. I ion. J. I. Isyton, J. H. Wright and John Lay ton. defendants. To F. M. Lnyton, J. I. Layton, J. H. Wright and John Layton, t he above named defendant IN THE NAM B OF THE STATE OF OBKUON, Von and each of you are hereby required to apnuar and anower the complaint of the above named plaintiff. In the abova emitted Conrt, now on tile with the Clerk of aa4d Coort.hy 11ms fl ret dav of the retcnlar terra of said Court, after the publication of this wiiumonti for six suoroa give weeks, to-wit: by tlx ft rat day of thnreirii. Ihi March term of said Court, to be begun and held on the s JSonti Mtmday of Jtfnrch. t '. In the year A. D. last, and If yoa fail to answer tlie itrnintitf1 complaint as here required, the plaintiff will take juUitnuut against you for want of such an-wer, for the sum of t'275 DO and Intercut thereon, at tlie rate of ten percent, per annum from the tM day of July, 187U, ail tu U. S. KOld coin, and the further snm of 00. and tor the costs and disbnrxmenta of thi action. Published for six weeks by order of R. P. Boise, J ft t of said C-ourt, made at ehaiubers In t ho Sxtutii, Marion county. Orecon. on the Sd day of November. 18i. FLtNSf A CIA iERLAIX, lvc J7, ,80-3i W . ..tt for 11. tzzztn rca r.:i csusats 1 CHEISTHAS r AT- C6aa:;;Meyer's! The public tsvpecially Invited to call and ex amine the large and varied assortment of Inst received at Conrad Meyer's, on corner of Broadalbln and First streets, consisting of I SISCIIAK1CAL, TOYS, ; sf all Iciuds, unique and handsome ; - Wax, China & Rubber Dolls, ; .. of all aiaes, styles and prices; I Baby Bnggieii, - "' forntoenttleirirls; Wajom and Velocipedes, for good little boys ; i Musical Toys, j that will delight the children ; Toy Sets, cheap and handsome ; Fancy Work-Boxes, hindHome for presents to any one; and an almost endlcssand innumerable variety of goods, specially ordered for the holidays. ., , 7-iI.'S0 A VI kinds of (onfeetions. Foreign and Domestic Nuts, Fmits, etc. Call and see for yourself, ns yon ran no fall to be pleaaed both in quality and prices. Nora This Fresh Bread every day. : .. i tttJIHAO HETEI, Albany, Or., Nov. 13, 1880-13-7 has opened a splendid lot of Toys ;& Chiistmas G O O JJ S ! In Gradwohl's brick, latelv occupied by Ora ham, on First street. At) kinds, styles and varieties of Dolls and Toys for the holidays, all of which I Intend to sell regardless of cost, to close out in these lines. Call and be couvinoed tf the truth of tbe above. ' . J. JOSEPH. Albany, Oregon, Nov. 12, 1880. 0 TB? TARMEHS WANTING THIS CELEBRATED r Boot will find them at Samuel E. Tiivso's. These Boots are also made with the celebrated Standard Scww, warranted not to rip. Eroadhead Alpacas THESE CELEBR ATED GOODS STILL MAIN -tain their standard of excellence as Cheap & Servicable, vTill not CX7EL or SHEIITE In damp weather, and are not excelled by any similar goods,. either FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC, An entire new line of the most desirable shades just received at : SAITOTIL E. TOUITG'S. Albany, Or, Oct. aa, 1880tvl3m Ladies' Variety Emporium. 2IHS. II. J. HYDE KEEPS CONST AJNTLT OS HAND German Zephyr. Canvas, ' Thread, Pfnt, Needles, Buttons. Ileal Hair Switch es and Curls, Hosier jf, Stamped Bonds, Jcc. ttc., &c. - Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's Health Corse 1 . ' t hlll's Waist and Madam Foyo'a Corset Skirt Supporter. : ISSTrench tamping donfl to onier. I sag Broadalbln St.. oppoife Pot tfflceaeo5hr Head, Head. Bead. Win Street, Albany orctoa, J. R. IIERRE1V, t Proprietor. WILL KEEP THE BEST MEATS OF A LI kinds the market affords, and will pay the highest cash pries for Beef. Pork. Mutton. Veal Calve and Chickens; also, Hides, and Fnrs bought and sold. J. K. BKRBKN. : October 1, 1880-v 13 nl. ' DtaMlntMa Satlee. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between D. Holacher and F. Ooette, under the firm-hams of Holacher Goetz, in t he City Market, is this day dissolved by mutual con ent, F. CSoet retiring. All accounts due the Arm must beseltled immediately ; parties hav ing claims against the firm must nnwnt them at once for payment. D. llOLACHEE, . F. GOKTZ. Albany, Or., Mov. 19, 1880. e. c. joiir.son, m. d., Ilomojopothle Pbysielan aud Surgeon. o TFICK In Ffonmn' brick block, upstairs, . BI. JOKES, !V. Physician and Surgeon, OREUOH. OFFICE -At Plnmmer's Drug Store, In Odd Fellows' Temple. KtuunKXCB-Second and .Washington streota, one block south of Ana. Marshall' Uvery stable. ' ivia job mimmQ ! fatly executed at thii office. DO YOU WAUT BAUGAIUS ? THE1T GO TO HAFF'ENDEN BRO.'S, WHO ARE SELLING ALL THEIR SEiE LF FANCY GROCERIES, PREVIOUS TO STOCK TAKING, ' AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. XaavQest Stools Don't delay, as this offer is only for" a FEW DAYS. TWELFTH ANNUAL BALL .Albany Engine Co. Xo. X, V1U BE GIVKH AT PACIFIC OPERA HOUSE, CHRISTMAS EVE. C'votMaUtPC of Arrmnart if uta . T. J. CLIN E. KREI. It EI. JOE WEBBER, Jr.. ARCIUK MOXTEITH. J. A. G1LMUUR, Committee of Keeeption. W. B. StX)TT, I. RANKIX, M. V. BROWS, JOS. WEBBER, CUAS. KIEt'EK, T. J. CUXJfc. , Floor Comnilltcc, FRKO REIS. JOE CLARK. N. KAI.ISKY, JOE W EBBER. Jr.. IKE UONN, Am-IItE MOXTEITH, M. B AU SIG ART, FUEU MULLtll. Tlekefa. .91 SO Kotlce f Tax-I'ityera of IAnm Coaatji. Notice Is hereby given that I will meet the Tax-Payers of L1nn county at o'clock A. M., and remain until 4 o'clock p. M. at their respect ive places of voting In the Beveral precincts, at the followinft t lines and places, for I he pur pose of collecting taxes for the year 18S0 : Fox Vallcv, Monday, Sovember9, 1880. ' Scio, Tncsdav, November 30, 18S0. Franklin Butte, Wednesday, Decemher 1, 1880. 8antiam, Thnrsdav, Iiecember 2. 1SK0. Ilxinon, Kridav. iteeember S, 1880. Waterloo. Saturday, Ieceinler 4, Liberty, Monday. Ieceinter6, 1880. Sweet liome, Tuesday, IKscember 7, 1880. Brush L'reek, Wednesday, liecemlJer 8, 1880 Matiel. Thnnnlav, leceiiiber 9, 1880. Brownsville, Saturday, lec-ember 11, 1880. t'ntet, Monday. December 13, 18S0. Syraenae, Tuesuav, l)cceniler 14. 1830. Orleans, WednesJav. IKKmber 15. 18S0. Harrlslmnr, Thursday, December 16,1880. Ilal.-ey. Fridav, December 17, 180. Shedd. Saturday, Ilecemljer 18. 1880. Wvmt Albany, Monday, December 20, 1880. East Albany, Tuesday, December i!, 1880. ' TAKE NOTICE : Pay your taxes and save Cta" J. J. CHARLTON, She riff and Tax-collector of Linn Co. Or. Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby (riven that the underslgrn ed administrator of the estate of Geo. B. Pollard, deceased, will, by virtne of an order of the County Oonrt of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record at the December term of the said Court in the year 1880, on Monday, the l'th dap of January, A. D. 1881, at the Court House door in Linn county, Ore Bon . at 1 be hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell at public auction to the high est bidder, the following described real proper ty, to-wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of K. II. Pollard's donation land claim, notifica tion No. Man and claim No. S8, in Tp 10 8, K S west of the Willamette meridian, and running thence east twenty-nine chains and thirty-four links.thence north thirty-oneohainsand eighty five links, thence west to the west line of said donation land claim, thene aonth ten degrees east to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres more or less, situated in Linn county, Or egon. TEitMS or Sale.- To be for gold coin of the United State, two-thirds of the purchase price to be cash in hand, and tbe remaining third on a credit or twelve months, bearing Interest. from tne clay oi sale at tue rate oi ten per cent, per annum, and to be peenred by a mortgage on the premises. WILLIAM KINDER, Dec. 17, 1880 nil vl . Administrator. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS nEREBY GIVEN that by virtne of a decree of foreclosure rendered In the Circuit Court of theStataof Oregon for the county of Linn, In a suit wherein Andrew Tripp was plaintiff and S. Luttrell, Dovey Lut trell and William Cunningham were defend ants, and by virtue of an execution issued out ot said Court in pursuance of said decree of foreclosure, and to uie directed and delivered on the 18th day of November, 1880, command ing and directing me to sell the real property hereinafter described, I have levied nnon the mortgaged premises as desorlbed in said decree and writ of execution as follows, to-wit : Beginning at the northeast corner of lot No. 3, in block No. 4, in the town of Lebanon, thence south t&X feet, thence west fifty feet, thence nott b 84 feet, thence east fifty feet to the place of beginning. In the county of Llun and State of Oregon, and on Saturday, the ' r. 15th day of January, 1881, at the Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn county. Oregon, between tbe hour of S o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. ML, namely, two 1- ,( ... 1 . ...... T 111 . ..1. . . " m w. un., , w ecu me uerein-i before described mortgaged premisfs at publii1 Kwii iun iiiv nwiivst iiwuji iwcvn in nana, to satisfy and pay the demand of the plaintiff In said writ of oxocu lion and decree of foreclos ure. , . Dated this 80th day of November, A. I. Uso. J.J.CHARLTON, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. dec3,80nltt Adninatrot4r'a Hottlec t Creditor Ea Str Daniel Briugle, Deceased. NOTICE is herebygl ven to the creditors of satu deceased, and all whom It may concern, that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate or the an id Daniel Brlngle, deceased, by an order of the County Court of I he state of Oregon, for Linn County, made by L.Fltnn, Judge of said oonrt, dated tbe 4t.h day cfOutorber. A. !.. 1880: and all per BOiia havir.g claiuisagslnstsaid estateare here by required to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months' -om the date of this notice, to the undei-signet.Mt his residence four miles east of Sli.tld Ktatlon.in said county. , , R- H. WRIGHT, Adtninistrator. ' J. W. Writfbt.atty. toradtn, Tl3n? GOODS, in tlie County I hPLEXDID HOLIDAY GOODS -AT- ty asons Firs. St., Albany. rpHE LARGEST STOCK OF Books and Drugs ever brought to the oily of Albany. Also, a large lot of goods selected especially for tbe Holiday Tbade, such as Poets in line bindings. Illustrated Ju venile Books, Albums, Faiullv Bibles. Pictures and Frames. 4c. Ac., all of which will bo sold at prices to suit t be times. Call and sec for yourselves. 13-9 Stockholder's Meeting. NOTICE IS HEItEBT GIVEN that the annu al meeting of the stockholders ot the Linn County Agricultural Association will lw held in room No. 3, second floor or Odd Fellows' Temple, In the city or AUianv. Llnri county, Oregon, on Thursday tho 6th day of January. 1881, at the hour of one o'clock In tlie alter noon of said day, tor tho purpose of electing seven directors for said AssociiKion, to serve the next ensuing year. THOMAS KBOMAN, J.lLDuKKHiitT, fJ" resident. Secretary. Albany, Oregon, Dee. S, 1880-vlSnlOtd Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of a decree of foreclosure rendered in the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the county of Linn, in a suit wherein Llllie J. Has bi ook was plaintiff and M. It. Hasbrook, G. C. Cooley and James II. Washbnrnc, partrers nn der the firm-name and style of Cooley A Wash burn, and AllHirt Butts were defendants, and by virtue of an execution issnt-d ont of said Court in pursuance of said decree of foreclosure and to me directed and delivered on the 18!h day of Novein ber 1880. commanding and d irect lng me to sell the real property hereinafter de scribed, I have levied nnon the mortgaged premises as descrilted in said decree and writ of execution as follows, to-wit : Beginning at the southeast corner of tho Samuel Johnson donation land claim, beinv claims No. 5S and 88. and notification . No. 8.071 and being also the northeast corner of Elisha Griffith's land claim, and running thence west 147 rods, thence north 90 iwIil ilimmt xui 117 rods, thence south M rods to the place of begin ninir. containing 00 acrea mora or ivin. an J being in the county of Linn and State of uregon, ana on aaturaay, tne v. 16f& day of January, 1881, at the Court House door in the city of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, at the liourof twoo'clock in the afternoon of said dav. I will sell the h.-r. inbefore described mortgaged premises at pub lie auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, to satisfy and pay be demand of the piaimiu in said writ, wirn tne costs, interest Dated this 26th day ot November, A. D. 1880. J. J. J. CHARLTON, Sheriff ot Linn county. Oregon. Br 8. H. Clavohtun, Deputy. decStMn 10 i Sheriff's Sale. , In the Circuit Cotirt for the State of Oregon for the county of Linn. Lather White, Plaintiff, . vs. E. G. Michael. Defendant. ' TY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of foreclosure -t- in the above named court in the aliove en titled salt, and an execution and order of sale Issned in pursuance i hereof, and to me direct ed and delivered on the 17th day of November. 1880, 1 have levied upon the mortgaged premis es described in said decree, as follows, to-wit : Commencing aft the northwest corner of tho Jared and Mary Michael donation land claim, Noll ficat ton 2'KiH, flalui 41, township 14, south range 3 west, them-e south 19 degrees 30 min utes west 160 rods, thence south 70 degrees SO minutes east 100 rods, thence north 19 degrees 80 minutes east loo ro-ls. thence north 70 de grees SO minute w:t too rods to the place of beginning, .containing 100 acre more or less, situated In the comity of Linn and State of Or egon, and on Wednesday, the 29fft d-ty rf December, 1880, at the hcur of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at t he Court House door In t he city ot" Albany, in tlie county of Linn and Statenf Ore gon, I will tlt the hereinbefore-described mort gaged premises, for cash In hand, to the high est bidder, to Nttl'tV and wy tho demand of the plaintiff ir. std writ, to-wit, the snm of $874 0(i. InU. H. gold coin, with Interest at the rnteof on per cent, per month from the first day of October, 1878, and tlte pasts and dlsburs ments of wild Mitt and expenses of said sale. Dated this Sith day of November. 1880. - J. J. CHARLION, SherlfTof Linn county, Oregon. Bv8. IT. Curiiunw, Iwputy. 13-9 nov0,80 O. M. CltAXBXKLAUt. Attorneys at jLaw A.LBAHY, OSJCOOlTm o FFICE-In Foster's new brick block, first door to the left, np flairs. vltl c. POWKLL, POWELL & BIT. YEU, - Attorneys at Lair and SatlcUorts In. Chancery. L , - "-- ALBANY, - OXKOOIT.. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all po ta. Loans negotiated on reasonaMa terms. Office in Foster's new block. ; ; nUtll . - . IL. AVEATIIEarORD, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN THE DIFFERENT courts of the State. Special attention giv en to collectlonsand probate matters. OrricM In Odd Fellows' Temple. i 47vM . B. HCXPREKY, , ,. C. X. WOX.TEST09C. ' Humphrey A WolvertoWj,' . Attorneya and Caaitselara. as U WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE (XTB . ' of this State, office In Froauba brtctc (up stairs) Albany, Oregon. lla4 Is. FX.INN. JL. II. MOXTANE. Attorney at Law, albany, , '. .' ojucaoir. OFFICE L t Ars, over John Briers tiianLSl on First sJreeu , vllnls T C. II. JIEWITT,-viR"? t Attorney and Counselor at Law ' Office, Old Axt Office Buttdiy, , Albany, Orefftm. TTTILL PRACTICE In the different Courts ec " TT the State. , j . TiiafiS - . B. JM. BlVACKBtTatS, .' .'. r ''. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AIJBANY, I f IBOJIPT ATTENTION 4UIVEN TS AU MEDICAL. ' E. O. HYDE,' Physician & Ourgeon, OFFICK In Foshay A Mason's drug store. -. KesidenceBroadalbia street, Albany, Or egon. vOaS . B. H. SAVAGE, U. Physician and Surgrcen Fromans's Brick, up stairs, .- , First street. ' t Albany, VlSnlO i C. C. KELLY, Mj PHYSICIAIT & STTSGZOIT. A LB ANT, ORFJBOH. OFFICE IN McIL WAIN'S BRICK BLOCK. : "Residence one door north of broom facto ry, Lyon street. llvU CJXIt S F. WIIITIXC, ARTIST, Fresco, Slefn, Scene. tfSi 4 j , Pictorial Paintfti,;, DBSIONINR A SPKI-IAI.TT., ' Koom&Ontid 7. Psrrtsti hloflk.Mimy' Wlraa and Ferr' etrcets. Alitiy, Oregon. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ALBANY, - : . OKEtiON, Mrs. C. Ilouk, Proprietor. Tins HOUSE ha been thoroughly overhaul ed and renovated, nnd nlncert in ftr& rtimwm condition for tlie accoiuTiiodntfomof Ilsgnets. tiood Sample Room for Commercial Traveler. General Stage Office for Corvallts. Indenead ence and Lebanon. Free Condi ta mm Ti - tne borne. vlln4 ftDPItir Unnnne Mjhett andonly medal sicva rutbrr plasters, mi tmtm the Cnlnnul and P,iri gxpnntimms. Wid tig mm 4 Trmenlmtk ordinary pnromMiilmitfr. A mmm pkftieitm in pnnr ours locality about if. Tb. valea- ir:.' - . .'"j .ju. u in-:- lire t-r-wm"n noroun!MfilTsre tins -rtic'e IncreasMl 10 fold by ens and seienttla Moii-t,nH T - . I 1 . i - wsw olh-r plartcrs fnil nen to reHere, without dnnbt ttj best wnrtdv arrsr davti Ijimeaud Weak Rack. Khpnm.Hm. Krt a Kklmvroinnl3intpand sUlntr.1 MiMaimilMlM Avoid lmttations.Bold by all Druggists, rYioaSt. -uiiun,n, i,nwn :- HBiRY.W.S!.:mij&0O'S THISTLE DEV7 ; WHISKEY. S. HENRY W.SrJIITH ?t CO. OISTILLEMB, Q- Konton County, 6th Dit. Kwirtuk. 252 & 254 West Third St, ciNCinriATf R. Saltmarah, agent, Albany, Oregon. v!3- T FCT bnsiness now before the pnblte. Twts ": IJIiul can make money faster at work for its than at anything else. Capital not rwinlred, ; We will start you. fl a day and rp-rua made at home by the industrious. Btn, " ' women, boys and itirls wanted everj-s her to work for us. , Now is t he time. You ten devote yonr whole time to the work, or only yonp snare moments. No other business vIIIm vim n'curlv as well. No one willing to vrnrie - can tail to make enormous nay by engaging at onoe. Costly Outfit and .terms free. A sreat ' opportunity lor making1 money easily and. nonoraujy. uura inti s VQn AUKQStlb, Maine. . - - i -ttU.: Y w y S. drlUm mt .vcr. j f . . ' 111 I r ynmmmT ttllllK rvqnlrcd tin . ,, - Personal rtmiiTa. wtth evM'l BOO Illustnuiuas. V-m s,l TT? rood at wholesale prices In qtisathiea r tn porchuer. The only tustluitton la Amsnsa whomskethlthlrpwiHj l.uslnrM Airli? - i7 W eu-.h Ave", CiuiH, si, 1:1 - .