v. 4 hT MEETING ni (hi wornlng H ,,....t 90 tatpayrr. r the bu.licrl l.. a.Ud lr. I- W. ir ih. hair. Thr lnnl , a .limatrd by thr iMiMir, Were ail.. pit. 1 ,- . .1.1 ld.IOH.00 BOO MO m 4 atsa ,1 e u iul ir , HOOOO .... JOO.OO . 37000 o,5ii.a ami d,70 OO i A lit A IUI hll.l IM"- 1 )r . ... S.3S0 00 . ami H hoot . I an, t oo ..lli.i- I.noo.oo hi. ilriil lltrrr a Hit iiiiiiuH and it rt orilrr. I hrll camr t.f thr appropriation lualllt tiurr, and ma ii v (r ami again!, iU ( opinion, (or ami f ,r rlol dually (the appropriation, III gt-ct Retained t all hour' ilrlmlr on ,,( thr rnunly ai(riil ,,pii. litt ll nail iH-rii , i .niiiiltlrr al a total William St litiliiii-rtt'li tin Maw (lit amount to Vrar, ami tlirlt pr f In motion, Mrr. I J.ilui Vandrrian.lrti tin f t iiHirr of llir , llir y rrr altrt by ili it Aftrr pratlirallv rtiinrlit, llir Voir rar ir amr iiilmriit ami (or -i.l of J 1,1100. u Poor Farm Lrtnhly vutril for llir f a loiiiilv pour (arm, appropriation, tabu a : rill .. ... 2.000.00 hiKhway ... Uli.373 )! rtr . . . 18,000 00, , IH .000 00 1 , IS, 000 00 j m. rtr 17,000.00 Budget Fi(ur .ill of t lit lniil(rt mrrt ilulitnl, mlurrt llir (station to .e Irvlr.l In f 1 1 300, ami lrar to y tat, 37.0!J.il. Of ilora not Inrlmlr llir "or the ri'lat In Ira. I((i t lurrtiiltf i!'M- our ho tlir prople uf 111 t thrrr arr farmrr tolm mlr ability, to say thr u-amitf numrrou talk I'arclU mat Joliu an- a tlir lrat Ik I a an lu k, of Writ rnioii, y lallrr today. Ira i'urdin, uf l'orrt ai a rily visitor today, n.l J. W. Mulloy, of i rr in to thr hitf nutting '"i. Hurkhaltrr, of South iuiiil(lri with llir crowd inrrting today. vl'rg, of Tualatin, wa - fririiiU here today ami H riir-rliiif at th tat Snlrlivr WllitC Rock fr.un run of XXI 8(17 tu n I' 'I Stark at mill helm to liiri. lilraf W. It nl 1!20 Iai-lfie Intrriin AKo toiiir vrry onl rork- u. i'li'uriiinn, l ornrliua 43-4S All .1.1!. t ,, nl ,,,. . ir 1 mary. M. M. M.a., tt...w v.,,,,1 riauia, a in t..H , .. ly j M. W. A. ihinr tt,,y Vr.r, j lay niKl,t H f i Mi ll I. ii t.ci.i,,,, ..( i )' O, I hi,k i h.,1,.1,,,, ,,!,! Im r motlii r, Mr.. V . t, union. M.. nl tfom. f) Turn, r an.l , J Sll.r, ( Itaiik. win m Ii,, I'll.ltfl ( .. .,, t,l, !J , l or S.lr Ul.,i, ..k,..fI, ,, I. I., 1 21 . .l, . . j. , form Inc., ( rij..n. 41 Marrntyr linn.. , (,.,!, ,1 tin. tonk to A. I. Km,..t, .,( Ur.l I iiiiIm r, mi. I l,.i., M, ,,,t of l i.n.t lirutr, Mr, ami Mr.. 1 I.I..11 ..( lUUry, 1 njoti .1 tlir f,n,i,, mill Mr. ami Mr.. A. A. Morrill. I'arinl. uf Mr., fro... I or S il. 1 1., .a 1 . .,( K.i,.,, In al t toork Intriii ... J 1, ,,, mil, lti.3 S.i. .ml St., lliiKl,.. John It. Itnili j i nn,,. iI.imii fr.iin Hull, .n l.i.t 1 n iii1(( In ku ml I.. Uy 111 tlir iity, 011 Im. in. . an, I llii I.I. lit illv takr In tin- .il-. I 111. 1 tilij(. II i.it tluinli, Suml.iy, 1). 31 lliblr S. h.... at 10; .n 11. Ii Hi at II ami 7:tl; II . V. I . .( 7. Wat.li iii.ilin (ruin ii l.( 1 lt f rr.liin. Hi.. Takni I ' Stny hor.r, liroviii to ltd tiliitr lnr in f..r. hi ml, nml tonsil almiit MM II... A. I.nr iii, 011 i'uiii.kiu Id.liji , alx.i North I'laui. 41 4.1 Ail. Inn- ('. H itu .nk last in ning tilril a iluorrr roi'rr.link atfain.t Ir inlk 1'.. i.ii. ... t, all. fj I ni,' 1 rui I ami inliuiniin tn iilin. nt. I In ) rrr innrrir.l In.t April. Mrny Itnr.i hnu to try hnr.1 . nt my rnmh; .1 alniiit It u nr.; inn' liroviii nml tin othi-r Imy; -th II 00 ami 1 200 ( . 1. I ariili.iii, IlilUli.ir... II I . Hot. 17. 4.1 45 ( Ii 11 nli uf 'hri.l, 1 nnu r 'I'liiril ami 1U.i Imr 10 a. m., llihli .S.lin.il; , ". .nir Num.- Writ trn in thr ll.mk uf l.if. " it: 13 i in.. Junior ami Inlrrinrili.itr I 11 ili ninr; 7:30, rui.ui 11 1 j t "Man'a (jurt for I'.mi r." Vmi arr im iti il 1 11 II. l i.hli.u k. luilll.lrr. Anirrirnn I y 1..11 turn i.f Hill. Iioro arr iiitrrr.lr.l in thr f.irt that National Coininnmlrr AUiu M, Ow.hy will Ik Ruin a n ri i lion in I'ortlnml mi January I Many from thr county u.t. Mill Ko iloto n ami t a ;1iiiii. of tln ir rn utir nml In nr toh.it hi haa to any. Ow.lrV ii a line talkrr nml w ritrr. I t. ami Mr.. Il.iry Il irilniif, uf H rr in. rt i in , W'a.h., tohrrr I.t. Ilarilitit i .lation.il with thr I', S. Nnty, arrivnl in thr lir.t of thr tori k ami i njnyril tin ir (.'hri.tma. with Mm. I l iriliny'. i.ir nl., Mr. ami Mr. T. S. W'rntln-rrnl, nml toitli thr Frank Slmlra family, of Coniiliui. Thry arr now li.itinu with Mr. Hurtling, mnthi-r nf I.t. Hartting, nt Tunlntin. All Saint MUiion (F.iininl) Thr Vrn. Jay Chiutlr Illiuk, A rt liilrnt'iin of thr Oiocr.r nf Orriion will lirrarh ami cili lirntr llir Holy ('iiminuiiitin, Siimliy. )rr. 30, nt II 0 1 loi k. I Iiih will lir a Chri.lmn nrrvirr with hnr ial Chriktma intii". Siimluy School at 10. I'.vcn Soiiij at 7:30 11, in. A conliiil ini itiitioii to nil to nttt'tut them" nervier. HOMF. COMING AND NF.FR MEMORIAL PIO- .nii. l-r. ,( 'II,.,,. I.IH . ! . . ml., r 3 I.t, will Im- a I v in IUUmt.. I.;.i... ' h.. H.r. !,..) ami -ir. , ,1. a-... 141II ,.ll... ... .1.. ! i!,.,,i , ,ri , .,.,. w ., '" uf .iU.,iu- .Uy,. , f "i-tury I..,, .a,,l aimr t ll!l.l,..r MiH.,,,1,,1 F,j,a Lur. I. .,, ,,1 ,. M)r1 I'nrina ll. ., y, ,r, ,, , jM " M'liO,. .1 fr (. U tl. rim lit "f Ih. iity nml m.w t'u.r who in nl. it ....,,. Kot.r I1(J ilk il ...r ami all inn have thr i-r.. il, ..f li.l. 1111, j,,. ' f' iitiir. uf tlii, ,ny will I,, tin- rint'injr uf thr New ir I,. II ,y Mr. AlU rt Toirr, In. will 'ii 1 1 tin- rujir nf thr hia t -ti. ..1,1 f,,r ,. ifti, i, tlmr n 1 Ni v. V. .r'. r. l!ili... V. I . Mi. jnr.l, uf thr I'ortlaml Area, "ill kh nk nt tin- iimrning ai rvicr. In f iit llir ,.,y will br full of rx 1 .ti, .Mill n-.-inrtuiiitii a. I'r-jj r i.t (ur thr il,iy n Sumhiy St Inn.l. Jtinmr Church Si rvicr, M-riiuiii hy thr jm.tor. Mornintf wi.r.liin, ail In., hv Hi. him W. II Sli..r.l 10 t.1 (l.il.lr. 11 I I nil 2 MO I'i.im rr (; il lu ring ami r. iiiiiiim 1 m . inn tiii(, w ith rr mi uk. hy J)r. II iiiiiiiini.l, Uiuu-M, Wftlli r., I',i.n r ami othrr. 3:H0 I'ot l.u.k Lunth.-on. fllilUlinro ,. nii- jili-a.i- hriii( iihIm Ii In nml aiimr unr uthrr li-h. Hot ilriuk, liaiM-r plntr ami rni will hr irovitlr. at thr litinlt.) Out nf town IMolilr ill I"- L'lll'.t. li.'IO ) 1 v. 1 rt Ii I An line, Mi. Itini- ( in.-. Ii rnli r. 7:.'I0 lAriiiiiir wur.hili, ad In . hv lr. I'.. S. II.11111110111I. !()() Stcri-uitiraii jiitlnrr, I hr r.o.ii i r Trail." 10 .00 Itrci . and liuht rr- f rt vliint nt.. 1 1 00 W at. h NiKht nrrvicr. Id hv lr. F.. I'., (iilhrrt. 1 vrryonr will Im- heartily wrl omr tit tln-.r nrrvirra. Thr Paitur. Tin- llill-liuro Club TurmUy rvc- niiiir In hi clt t tiiin of ollicrr. (ilriin 1'. Hi 11 ti rlrctd lirri Ii nt with a voir uf 22 to IX for Dr. 1.. V. llvJr, thr rrtirinir CX- rutivr. Other ollicrra wrrr eitril hy neelamntiun Frank u.tin, ier lirritiilrnt ; F L. Morr, krerrtnry; J. I.. Crow, trr.-ikiiri-r: Clin. F.. W'rlU, truster fur tlirer year.; (). I'lielji, trus ter lor two venr. ami A. II, Rn imikki ii, truster for onr vear. Mayor Shute tlinnkril the club fur it. u,oit uf thr city aclmln- 1. Ir.it, mi nml iuvitril thr club to atti-ml enuneil Turdny fveninji next mill wilnek tin swearing in uf tin- in w enuneil ami oflieiaU. A vote of thank wa rxtriulrtl the n t lt i 11 if ii lli er rs, ami Menr. Hell 11 ml Moore axurt-d the club I hey would give their best efforts for n Hiieeek.ful vrar. CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS Street warrant endorsed to nml im lulling August 1(1, l"2l. nml Park warrant endorsed to nml including August 2!, ll'21, nr. culled for jmyinent. F. J. Sewell, Trensnrer. .(t'TIf'- . Wilf Be A Happy New Year for the progressive merchant who determines to do more business. We have the facilities for serving you well in all banking transac tions, and we invite you to make this bank your depository. The HillsboroNational Bank Hillsboro, Oregon MEMBE TDERAIRESER r. I l. CLUB ELECTS All doIU at rout, at thr Phar macy. All ilnll at r.i.t, at the I'har mat y. M. W. A. diner rcry W'rdnrk lf nlglit SS tf II. ('. ( arstt ii and Ja. Itubb. of nrar Ituy, werr city eallrra day. Si-iintor Win. (i. Hirr and fam ily rM--t tn iM-cupy their new hniiir I ri.lay rvrning. Mr. ami Mr. K. I. Kuratli rnt Christina with the David Kurntll ami thr M. Abilanal funilit , at Ti!lanuHk. Tlir Indira of St. Matthew' chureli will give a card party at the tchool hall, Tlitirduy ere niiig, January . AH arr invited. I. a arw ft . . n Alain Ol Let wee 11 Sixtl i, pair tnrtoikr CIRCUIT COURT jury the last of the week found I'd T. Hunch, nf Timber, guilty uf the charge of stealing a flash- liuht. Srnli nee w ill pas Dec. 30. I'lie jury II. W. Scott, Joe Schulmericb, II. F. C.clvin. C. J. HiriKell, J. S. Robinson, Alfred IIcywo.nl, Albert Ever, F. T I.iM'o, Andrew F.ggimnn, J. Croe ni nml Nt Is I.iirst n. I. iila Uninsev n given a tie- crce o( tlivorce I rum Iter Ii us tin ml, l.iiiie S. Unmsey, who was on trinl hist week for non-support, but w.'is inilv found guilty to the ehnrge of non-Niipport of the two small children. AUXILIARY MEETING The Auxiliary to American Le gion Post No. (I will meet nt the home nf Mr. C. W. Rollins, cor- l ifth nml Washington Sts., Tues dnv evening, J.nnmry 2. All nuinbcr ore requested to be in nttendiinec and start the New Year right. ' HAPPY NEW YEAR I W'onls cannot express my gratl t Hill to the larire number who have favored me with their Insur ance the past four years; also their loyalty to their Home Town Man. Wishing you all a Happy New Year, L. J. Uuslilow. Ducks were (lying Sunday and Monday, but hunters were too busy with Yulethle to pay much attention to them. Lost Several weeks ago, black beaded purse. Finder please leave purse at this olhce. Way keep the money. When In need of a monument marker, or posts,' or cemetery oik of nnv nature, whether pur chased by yourself or thru the Woodmen or any lodge, it win t 1.. vniir Interest to consult Lewi .1. Co.. ns thev will give you a bet ter value for your money than anvwhere else In fact they. can save von considerable on any pur chase. Fourth and In II glnkM-a. Finder Irave at the Den of Swrrta and rerelve re ward. For Sale Choice of two mo tor truck ; one a G. M. C, 1 ' ton; thr othrr a i',-itn Mirk: Ixitli in gixtd running condition Inquire at 104 Eighth Sticrt, MilLboro. 43 Mr. I). (J. Young, of Taeoma, i sH iiiling holiday week with lirr brut lur, C. I). Bryant, and wife, at their apartmrnti in the Arch- buhl home Fur Sale Seven pigs, S montht old. Frank lieall, half-mile weal of Milkapai station, on Oregon Electric, between Sewell and Orcneo. 41-43 Installation of officer of the Women's Relief Corps will be lli Id in the baaement of the Meth odist church Friday, January 9 Women l)Iene bring well tilled basket. for the dinner at noon Fur Sale Single Comb Whit' Leghorn pullets, from select breeding stock. Some just begin ning to lay; 75c and $1.00. J. E. Mtguirc, on state highway one-half mile went Aloha. 43 11. K, Robinson is spending the holidays with an uncle and aunt at SteiUcoont, N ah. Mr. Robin son's parent reside in New Y'ork and it haa many years since he has enjoyed a holiday with home folk. Dr. Thompson wishes to thank bis many patrons for the pant year's favors and extend to all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Next visit is Tuesday, Jan. 9, Washington ho trl until 4 p. m. Ed Klink, of Condon, and Mrs Emma Elliott, of San Francisco who were called here because of the illncHs of their mother, Mr John Klink, will soon return home as their mother is convalcsc ing nicely. For Snle Two dozen purebred Itarrrd Plymouth Rock pullet good laying strains. Also four Indian Runner ducks and ten Buff Orpington ducks and two drakes. Vlso big fat hog. Lot Butler Hillsboro, Ore., R. S. Phone 25(18, Hillsboro central. 45 A cave-in in one of the tunnel on the Portland, Astoria & Pacific ine, between Wilkesboro and Vernonia, resulted in train service being cancelled for a couple of lays. People in the Vernonia country resorted to stage service to get in and out. New filings in circuit court J B. Schroll sues W. F. Coffey on 91500 note and interest since last February. Bessie Shannon sues Henry Shannon for divorce She avers that he told her months ago that he wished she would get a decree. Judge Bingham, of Salem, who wa here Wednesday, listening to argument on a motion, is one of the old types of jurists and his qualntnesa frequently manifests itself on the bench. He is one of the best versed jurists of the Ore gon bench, however Ilunudred sof Christmas trees were sold this year by the young sters, who retailed them all the way from 25 cents to a human lollnr. The time was when one wanted a tree It was necessary to go and cut it yourself but not so with young America in these modern times. The boys soon learn that a party would much rather give a half for a tree than go out and cut it himself The Royal Neighbors, have elected the following as officers for the coming year Cornelia Johansen, oracle; Mildred In galls, vice oracle; Melissa Webb chnneclor: Jessie Frost, recorder Ines Frost, receiver; Freda Frost marshal; Nellie Hughes, inner sentinel; Edna Kilby, outer sen tinel; Elina Brown, manager for three venrs. Installation of of ficers will take place January Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Boscow Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boscow, Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Baumgardner and Mrs. W. H. Wehrung were Dallas, Christmas, spending the day with Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pat terson. Peter Boscow, the vener able head of the family was al ready at the Patterson home when the children came to join in a family reunion. The visitors returned the first of the week and Mr. Boscow Sr. arrives home at the week's end. II Parson to Hank of Sher- hkI; lot ii blk 6 C'oiMt's Add, Mi. r id, 1 10. John I.imlquist t ui to Kath- rnnc A Meeker: lot 4 block SO, Mi tzgi r Acre Tracts, $1200. C C Jackson to Charles A ines rt Ui; lot 40 Johnson Est Add, H avtrton Rtedville Acres, 10. Anna R Sluitc to Eva L Troth; art of blk E Fairview Add, Hills boro, 1 1000. G 11 Frobose rt us to Ewalt .emman; 10 acres sec I t 1 1 r I $800. Mary M Gillette to Edward D Beiitzt-n; lot a blk 2 Hunt Club Tracts, $10. Claude L Benson et us to John Clement rt ux; 2 acres Johnson Kit Add, Hraverton-Rredville Ac $10. Retu-y Miller to Arthur M Blatkstone et al; 20 acres sec 82 lnrlw.no. Betsey Miller to Alice J Plimp ton et al: 2 Oacres see 32 t 1 n r w, $10. Betsey Miller to Maud Blam pied ; 20 acres sees 28, 29, 32 and 33 t 1 n r 1 w, $10. LIBERTY THEATRE Friday and .Saturday This Week MATINEE SATURDAY REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Bctsry Miller to Arthnr D Miller; 20.11 acre kc t 1 B r 1 w, $10. Betsey Miller to Adolph Miller; 20 acres kc )1 I I a ' I i $'0. Krtsey Miller to Alfred D Mil ler; 20 acres ec 3 t 1 r 1 w, $10. Betsey Miller to Wm M MiHer; 20 acres sec t t 1 B r 1 w, f 10. Betsey Miller 'to Thomas II Miller; 20 acres sec 82 t 1 a r 1 w, $10. Bert L Doane et al to Laura B Doane; 50 acres T G Naylor d 1 et 1 s r 4 w. $10. C G Redmond (eiee) to Geo L Fish et ns ; part of blk 1 Sim mons Add. ILlUboro, $5000. Wilhelmina Knebne to Emil A Johnson ; lots , 6, T, blk 1 Kings ton. $10. Geo Boland et nz to C L Thom as et m; 8 10 acres Geo Richard son die. $10. J F Fredricey et to U Pros peri et al ; blk 1 in Pleastne Home Add, Beaverton, 91800. A D Carlton et ax to H C Carl ton; 18.49 acres James Chasn bers d 1 c, 10. Wm Hanson et nx to In Frost et vir; part of n w of see 1 t 2 s r 2 w, $1. Rosa M Carmody et vir to Brrnhard Bens; 8 acres William Pointer die, $10. O O Brets to Mary Bibee; part f lot 4 blk 10, Forest Grove, $10. Thomas Campbell to Archie E Potet et al; 1 acre Beavertou Reedville, $200. For Sale Pore-bred Rhode Is land Red March cockerels. Won first prise at State Fair this year. Will sell reasonable. Phone 963 and get directions to place. E. B. Watts, Hillsboro. R. 4. 44 HARE, McALEAR A PETtJU, UpsUris, Shate Savings Baak KU. Hillsboro, Oregon CB.TONGUZ, Altonsert-Lsrw Office, upstairs, Scnulmerich Blk. HUlstH.ro, - - OregM TOM MIX and His Famous Horse, "TONY" 6) ft" 2 Reel Comedy-Pathe News Liberty Theatre Sunday, Monday, Tuesday December 31, January 1, 2 Matinee Sunday and Monday, at 2:30 P. M. l r7 4v . v1 mm At Constance Talmad&e EAST W'-''i', "'.til $1 8 Reels of wonderful Drama with Oriental Spell NO RAISE IN PRICES THOS. a TONGUE, Jr., Upstarts, ckbolascrich Black Hillsboro, - Oresj M. B. Baaap D. D. Baanp BUMPJkBUKP AitarsKtys-al-Law liaia Street, Hillsboro, Oregon South of Court House DR. L. W. HYDE Offices over DelU Drug Store Hours to 8 P. Ii. Other hours by appointment Phones, office, 10S - Res. 103 dsl j. a robs, u. a Office, Upstairs, in Commercial Building. Residence, comer Sixth and Washington. P homes: Office 2921; residence, 2023. Hillsboro, ... Oregon Dr. D. E. WILEY, M. D. P'hyakiaa aavd Swgco Office pboae, 1431. . Residence phone, 3332. Comascrcial Baak BuHdiag - Hillsboro, ... Oregon DR.J.B.D1NSU0SZ Has resumed the Practice of Medicine and Surgery, aad kas offices in the Commercial Build ing, above the Hillsboro Comsaer dal Baak, Hillsboro, Oregon Phones Office, lilt Be. 141 DR. J. T. MACKAY, M. D. L M. Special atUalioa to obstetrics aad diseases of cnildrea. Office Commercial Bank Bldg. Office, 1021; Beatdeace, ttti Hillsboro, ... Orssjoo D3.LT. KZtUS Oxygea Vapor Osostc, Motor Traction, VlbraUoa, etc Haboro D3. W. R PASLEY, Offices la Heidel Bldg., npstsirs, klaia SL, aear Third EC Paoae, 1394 Hillsboro .... Oregon Dr. J. R Upstairs, Commercial Buildlag Hillsboro, Oregon CalTKCHAS C BAILEY IUI Selling Bldg., Portlaad, Ore. Office pboae, Maia 411 e. a sith, u. d. d. a Phyndaa aad Sargeoa OSTEOPATH Completely equipped hospital in connection. Calls aaawered or night. Office over Eillabero National Baak Phone Office, tTtl Apia 473 IliUsb o, ... Oregor s?Hsas9BamaBBBsaaasassBs Camp No. 11,411 : Uzitrn TIczizza of America Meets Every Thursday Night at If. W. A. Had, Com'l. Bank Bldg., formerly Moose HalL J. A. PINXERTON, W i. F. BUCKLAND, Qsrk .D.D.ILC Monteiuma Lodge No. 30, 1. O. 0. J., meeU each Wednesday evening E. L. McCormiok, B. M. Bowman 8eey. N.O. ' Hillsboro Bebekah Lodge No. 14, meeU oa secoad aad fourth Tuesday evenings of each moatk. Josephine Case, Beolah lloriey Sec'y., N.O. Hillsboro Encampment No. 14, 1. O. O. F meets oa first, tLfad aad tfc Friday eresdags, eaca - BMMth Beatoa Bowman, J. C. Canes SorlU C. F, I