The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 03, 1920, Image 5

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    Case Involving Over $20,000 in
Circuit Court
Plaintiff Sue on Koad Work
Brilliant Array of Counsel
I n il (', I rliNc linn, ill Tillmnook
it iliinlilT mill Clulsop County i
tin' ili fcinlitnl in a ruse involving
tin- sum .f tf'.'l.iil I N'i which tin
iiltinlil) iiIUl'i'h tlir riMinty owes
liiin mi u ni L i in t for clearing
mill gi'inliiig four milfS of rum
way nil t In- l.i v. 11. i t lurk river
in ('littsii)i county. I'rliltrlntii
rliiimi lie ilul ni It which un
rciiv.imbh win-Ill f.MI.iH'.l.M.'l, mill
Hint CbiUop County paid liim "I"
iiiciiiinl llii' sum nf $7,17 Ml7,
Iriivilii! t In- linhinie 1 1 1 us ill
legt-tl. I i lil -t'li it it si (j; in-tl lip tin
loiili'firt mi I ili. I, 'I, I ill 7, inn
win ki ll mi tin four niilrs unlil
tin' county I'lll nil II fori'!' IH'tiilllll
litcmisi- the t in pnrilbm alleged
Ill- had lint lived up to tin- full
trait In remove lit U ltsl ,100 ruble
yards nf fit rlli ililily. This roll
lililiiui tlif pl.iinlill lights be
enlist', lis lir allegi'S, the futility
would iinl jirriuil him' to wnrk on
until portions ns In- wished, mill
nil whirh portions lit' claims In'
ft ti ti 1 haw moved tlif 500 ciiliii'
j n rtl tlitily.
Clulsop County contends tlml
Ihf contractor tliil lint live u t'
tlif terms nf tlif milt rni-t, mill
t lit' futility ( Its fnriiil to ml nil
trmils, mnl tlmt lllis liting lilt
case, tlif plnilitiir lins nothing l un
it i in .
I niton I iillnn mnl J. .1. Bar
rt-ll ri-present tin- County of Clat
sop as rcprcsnted by tlif Jlmirtl nf,
County Ciiiiiiiiissiniii rs with Sent!
Ciirm litis it s County .ludgf.
Sidney Tiistr, iiltnriify fur
l'f lilstlimi, is assisted by Senator
Win. (i. Hurt', mnl It will In- n but
t If royal. Witlniiit nltfinpt lit
flattery it tdii In- safely said that
t tit" cast- ttill lit- fought nil liolli
siilt'i In (i I limit-nbcrg finish.
Tin- jury hearing tin cast
is foiiiprisf tl of Ihf follow i nil 'il
if ns :
Win. I null, .1. It. Dfnii. Henry
Clark, Il-lit. Ali-Miiulfr, .1. II.
Kennedy, David llugg, .'. A. Iiu
lirif. I'.'l. I.illiunrtl. IVrrv Hfiit-
lirl, Ailitui 1 It-rjit rt, John Voclker
mnl I'.tl. Kerr.
Tlif fust- will fnst tlif litigants
liuiitlrrtU nf dollars, mill w ill con
sume in tlif in-i(ilili(ii'lnil nf two
weeks or better.
7 -
II. W. Smith, itssistiint Stale
Manager nf I In- Sf furily Mrin lil
Association, it in Ihf c-ity for the
ptirposf of instituting n Ini-iil
fiiiltlfil. mnl bus liffii assisted 1 iv
I W, Thomas, Slate Manager.
This is ii f rnti: rn.'tl iiisur.'iiiff so
ciety with n iiitinlif rship nf 'J.'O,
(100 mnl with n rt-srrvf fuml nf
llirff millions. Portland has six
fiiumils with n iiifuilif rship nf
ovt-r t.oml. tuilf n number of
nanus lift v t lif t n st t'ii rt tl mnl Mr
Smith hopes to lill the charter lisl
in tt ff il.tys. Ton's! (irovi- mnl
Heat i'i l. mi hitvf fom ils mnl
numbers from tliost- places hope
to si f ilillslinrn' on t lit- map. lr.
Wiley is Ihf lot-nt examiner,
It. I). Jennings, w tin was S. I',
agent here in tlif clil days whin
Ihf Tillamook lint was built, wits
here the Inst of (lift wick,, taking
cure of Western Union on tin- at
tfrnoou shift Ht tlif tip-town nf
liec. denning says lif fouhl
hardly realize this was Jlillsbnrn
when hf juuipfil olT tin- train. Ilf
went from lien; to (laston, ami
tluring the war was with the .rail
ways in an advisory capacity ov
er on the Sound.
This One
Subject of
A Bank is a3 strong as its Resources
behind us we have the Federal Re
serve System with gold reserves of
Your bank should be the strongest
ready for any emergency.
Our facilities and resources are at
your service.
Hillsboro National Bank
Assessor Holey mnl Mr. Lewis,
of the MoMiuiif nt Works, went
nut to Uiifk Creek, Monday, on
ii li.sliinir territory trip. Lewis
rini'i'Kctl from tin- j uncles without
in u i Ii trouble, but Assessor Hole
I nun iifil a eirele tor several hours
mid i 1 1 1 1 of n ii il to think he won
haw to Nfiul up somf sky roi ke
or pass the niulit in the wootl
lie says that this was his first t
pi'i'lfiiee In (''HiuK lost within
mill' mnl half of the cily, mnl I
in vi r lii fni'i' appre e iateil the slj
iiil'u uiiff -of I hu North star.
I'ln- last ini'i-l iriur of the Wei
'fare Coiiiiiiiniily Club of I'nrm
inton was lulil at I he home of
Mrs. l.indoH, May '.'7. Visitor
prisiiil were Mfsdaiiiis I.illi
Kind, Ilnvlf mnl I'hillips. Mrs
l.illiKird tuts flfilfil a in I'll 1 1 t
Thf next init liiin will be mi n
day affair, June 10, at the Clautl
Cook farm, for club iiifiiibers mnl
lluir families. The ladies will
I'l-MILT lllllfll.
,. i
I or salf: too acres; one acre
cleared; timber In mostly to be
recrvcil; cabin on place; got
for If 12 per acre; 8' miles from
rock roatl; would make flood
home--80 acre can be cleared
ami farmed nicely. Good stoc
rniiflc; some cash, balance terms
(irrcner llros., Mounlaindsle
(Ireflon. 10-H
Mr. ami Mrs. A.lolph W. Si
. . ....
urisi ami two tliilili'in errivct
down from l..i( irmide, Cninn
Count v. Siiinbiv. for a two weeks
(isil with A. C. Sbute mnl lamily
ami in in r r- tin v . .. , , in
I hi' mercantile business at I.n
(irmnlf, one of the rt'l!v coot
Ion ns of thf Iiil.itnl I'miiii-f.
For .vile: One of the beat
farms in Washington County, 12
neres, 110 in cultivation, crons nil
in; 2 bouses; barns, etc. Well
etpiippt'tl with all kinds of ma
ehinerv mnl stock. Four mile
from Ilillsboro, on rock road.
Address It. I'. I). J, Hox 23, Hills
horn, Or. 9-12
1 1 rfti,.i ,
'I i s. i . I., i ii u iimall ami .liss
Aiik'if 1 1 trrititfton, re pre se i-tini
Ihf Itt ln knhs. mnl K. 1 MeCor
milk, ili Icyalr to thf Odd If I
lows, reluriiftl 1' mlay evening
irnm iiif (irmul 1 i ul iff srssions
at Hakt-r. Thev report a flllt
linn- and uiiii'h It-isla
Dr. Thompson's cxmnitin
lion of the eyes is mi per
feet as skill, science and vcars of
experience can devise, A spec
ially flround lens for each indi
vidual case. When your oculist
fails, consult him. Friday, June
I, Washington Hotel all day, 18
Mrs. H. T. St in m-t t . who ha
just closed n term of school al
S'oi'lh I'l.iins. departed this week
In join her husband :'. the home
stead at Merlin, Southern Ore
iron. She expects to teach in
Southern Orcfluu this Fall if she
can net a si hind near luinir.
For salt-: Stover (i H. I'. fla.
cnirine with magneto, jfood condi
tion; trouil put it I i tliirirer, used
bill little; covered 2 -seat hack
uiiod repair. I'.liner mu'l Ualpl
iiii.inis. ?ee us or see articles
al I', J: W illiams place, mile t
of low II,
Mrs. Henrietta Tiinzat mid son
John, were here from St. Helens
U'slerd'iy on lefliil liusiiiess.
Swine for sale Hume Jersey
choice brecdinir slock - (I mouths
old boars; (i mouths old ilts; 8
months obi Kilts; fi weeks old
pilfs; brood sows; excellent intli
vidnals; best of blood lines. 11.
O. Stipe, lit nvcrton, Ore. Heaver
ton telephone. 13-15
F I'. Cornelius, of above North
l'lains, was over town the last of
the week, flrectiiifl friends,
I. N'iclitman, of bady Hrook.
was a city visitor Friday,
L iil Yi
ilYSTEPri 1
Will be Voted on Next Tuesday
and DecUion Eagerly Watched
Income Could be Made to Pay In
tcrett on Bonds and Then Some
Chlt;f of the measures to be voh
on by Ilillsboro citizens next
Tuesday is the bond issue for tit
Improvement of Shiite Park.. Tilt
opposition to the measure hi
cause of the proposed patilion
has motlilii'il considerably sinei
has bfcome known that the floor
will be strictly unib'r the super
vision of the cily council.
The floor, w hen used for daiie
un, always provides a mul in
come, and celebrations ami fairs
picnics, eic, ami there is no
doubt, if properly handled, tin,
recipts would pay fur the inter
est on the bonds and provide suf
licient sinking fund to off
that portion of the bonds used tn
erect the structure.
This beinir the case those who
are opposing the measure he
cause of the expense of . the pa
vinon suouiii wiuiiiraw llieir op
i i ti ..ii ., .
Slmtf I'ark should be improved
ana at once, lliere is no lit Iter
way than that evolved by the
Ilillsboro club and taken up bv
the council, placing the measure
on Hie tiallot. Let every Person
taking a pride in the city and
wishing to see the city play
ground put ill shape get nut and
vote next Tuesday.
The Coffee Club will meet al the
Ilest Kmiiii, Saturday afternoon.
une 5, at 3 o'clock sharp. All
members are retpiestetl to lie
present as important business will
ome before the Club.
Ford truck for sale. 1)
Thf rural mail carriers had a
iiiliday Mondav- -one of the few
that they enjoy through the year
letl ncnalllierger, ol Heaver
ton, and Hedwig Mucin-r, of Fort
ami, were marruil luesilav in
Two bargains in used cars
Buiek Four and a Chevrolet tour
ing, l.asy payment. -1), Corw in
rranic nancy ana lamily ar
rived yesterday overland from
California. They will make their
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Oailcy and
ttle daughter departed vester-
lay for a six months' visit with
relatives and friends at Cam
iridgf, Kas.
Wanted I pay best prices for
beef cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.; can
use good stuff any time. Flume,
lieaverton; mail address, . .
Mellar, Reedvllle. Or. 60-HH
James Howard, of Buxton, re
nlly returned from Taeoma
e says that Ben Simpson is do
ing nicely over there in a six
hair shop.
For sale; Two fresh cows.
grade Jerseys, good How, first
:unl second calves. ('has, Robin
son, llillslioro. It. 2; a miles
south of city. l;M lf
Sam Sorcnson, of Witch Ila-
r.el, was a visitor yesterday. S.'un
recently returned from Vcterina-
college at St. Joe, Mo., and
ill return thejc for his last year
this fall.
Helen S. Hammer, the
months old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Hammer, died at To-
do, Ore., May 80. The inter
ment was here June 1, Under
takers Donelson & Boll directing.
For sale, at half price: A fiftv-
ght Pilot Acetvline lightinu
plant, in good condition. Will
ght house and outbuildings, or
country store. Fred J. Tvnilimer'.
Cornelius, R. 2, 2Va miles south
rf Cornelius. 18-15
Mrs. Margaret McKinnev, of
Seaside, who has been visiting
her son, F. O. Mitchell, for sev-
rl months, departed the first of
the week for Petersburg, Alaska,
where she will visit her daughter.
Mrs. Robt. Robison. Mr. Mitch
ell accompanied her to Seattle.
J. Frank Williams, an elderly
man working for the Oregon
Nursery Co., at Orenco, after
eating supper one evening last
cek, suddenly dropped dead.
Dr. C. L. Hatfield ascribes the
leatll to heart weakness follow
ing an attack of the Flu Inst win
ter. Williams hail Worked but
half day when he was stricken.
ears ago He worked tor the
company at Orenco.
United Evangelical Church.
Third, between Washington and
Baseline, Guy R. Stover, minis
ter Sunday school, 10 a. in.;
sermon, 11a. in., subject. "The
Greater Gifts of Life;" C. F...
80 p. m. ; sermon, 8 p. m. Roy.
G. L. Lovcll, of Salem, the newly : loads, by phoning Portland office,
elected Presiding Elder of the j Broadway 5121, or addressing 40
Oregon Conference, will preach Second Street, Portland, or tele
both Friday and Sunday at 8 p. 'phone Reynolds Store. Mountain-
I m. Special music Sunday evening. '
Riley Boyd was over from
South Tualatin Monday.
Collections Knight Adjust
ment Co., McMimivillf, Ore. 0 tf
Tony Sinay, of above Bloom
ing greeted frii-inli in the ritv
Ben Donley, of Hud,-,, was
down to the county v at Monday
For sale: Bock Klaud two
horse, two-row corn pi inter, 'with
check-row, complete; L"md as
new. Zina Wood, Hillsboro. If
Frank Liehly, of f't.-dar Mill,
was up to tht: cily, Sa turd :iy,
greeting friends.
Full-blood 1'oland China how
for salt:, reasonable; 8 months
old. Harold G. Jonhson, Hills
boro, R. 3, Box 85. 10 12
Mis Abd Smilli his cniiehidfd
a successful term of whonl at
Molalla and is home for the
Wanted: Position as book
keeper or stenographer;, book
keeping preferred. Address
"Book" Care of Argus, but do not '
telephone or call personally. 1 I
W. H. Wienecke ruts gone to I
Wheeler to work for the Summer.'
The Argus will follow him so he
will have a weekly r' -iimr of the
con lit v seal.
For sale: Two choice boar,
pigs, large enough lor light sire i
purposfs. Phone or w rite F. M . I
Crubtree, Laurel; Scholls Tele-!
phone. 13-11 I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitihey,;
of Portland, wi re out to Hills-1
ion) Monday. Frank is now I
working in the government store
in tin- Hose L-ilv.
. Neppaeh, who has been in!
the lumber game in Oregon fori
many years, and w ho has oper-;
itt d in this county, extensively,
was out to Ilillsboro Saturday,
on business.
Dan Barrett and f n.ilv have
moved back to Cornelius ,-ifter air
vlen.Ied resi.le.iee In I 1 , 1 1 si , , ,. . i
ii ii . . . i ,
i r. liarrtu win again ,
I,.. ,,f il,.. P..,. I ,. x I .. I
business at Cornelius. !
Norma Dixon. t,f Portland, fell
from n inotoreycl she was driv
ing, Monday, at the Shule I'ark
curve, nun' su-l lined a broken
leg, the wheel tlilehiiig Miss Dix
on and her coi'ip.uiioii. Dr. E.
II. Smith reduced the fracture.
There are few couples who live,
to celebrate their sixtieth wed -
ding anniversary, but Hillsboro
Charles F.., who lives in Texas,
and Mrs. ('has. Cotiin, of Todd.
Alaska. Twenty-seven grand
children and eight great granehil
ilreu were in attendance. A
John Mcl'ee, of Laurel, was
over to the county scat rviuiruav.
Perkins has everything for
your car. iry nun once. uti
Shingles for sale, at F. Nibler's
place, two miles south of Lau
rel. 13-15
Seed potatoes for sale! F. M.
Heidel; telephone 844.. Hills
boro. 13
Mrs. Jos. Urandenbe rg, of
Orenco. was a county seat visitor
TV'sdav afternoon.
Wanted: Carpenter work of
any kind. C. M. Quint, at Liber
ty restaurant. 1 3
Homer E. Baldwin and Leone
Smith, of Carnation, have been
granted marriage license.
R. H. Greer has handled gar
den seeds for 29 years. He knows
what you need. Greer, Powers
& Co. 61tf
Found Some money. Owner
can have same by applying at the
Delta Drug Store and proving
property. 11-18
John Piei-snn, of Portland, for
merly well known at Kecilville,
une out Saturday, to do some
work on his cemetery plat, west
of the city. John says he some
limes feels the call of the farm
pretty strong.
Oregon-Washington truck ser
vice will make trips into North
Plains and Mountaindale every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
leaving North Plains about 10 a.
m. for Portland. Any kind of
special li.iii'iiiif, two lo four-ton
dale. 10-21
Onion Growers Pile up Eleven
Score Against Four
Heavy Slugging on tbe Part of
Sherwood Puts Crimp in Boys
Heavy slugging on the part of
Sherwood spelled defeat of Hills
boro at .Sherwood last Sunday,
the onion growers finding Solder
who was in one of his bail days.
The return game will be' playei
here June 1 3,
Arlet.i won from the Hesse
Martinson the Hillsboro diamoin
in a fast game, store .'i to 2. Not
withstanding the rain the nim
innings were played in an hour
and 15 minutes, and the little Ar
leta boys put it all over the big
fellows. The sympathy of the
fans was .villi the midgets and
they played like leaguers.
It was chiefly a pitehers' bat
tle. Cames trimmed the fast Mult
nomah (iuirds a surpr'.se, and
their first win.
Sunday's results:
Sherwood t Ill 1 3
Hillsboro 4 6 ir
Iron Works ..f
H. Hdwe
1 1
j Camas 3 5 5
I Mult. Guards 0 5 5
A Pill Shooter's Troubles
Sherwood's diamond would
make a good potato patch and
we just couliin t play the onion
growers at all.
Jiurkhalter came thro with hi-
u;i1 ,'0,,le run but il was wast"
, , .
"u" "TCU "K "CrillH
ami hail '.'
ranue on Ins olncc
Jensen split the I
irtl v. ilii i'
Dessinger was there with his
old fighting spirit all th"; time.
Reventre is sweet and we hope
to have il tin the 13th.
Hillsboro plays the Honey man
Hardwares next Sunday on the
local grounds June (J.
has one. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q.
Adams, of Seventh street, were
wedded sixty years April 18, and
all the living sons and daughters
were in attendance excepting
splendid time was enjoyed by the
descendants of this worthy coll
ide. The Argus joins in wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Adams many more
John Ironside, of Laurel, was
over to the city the last of the
Philip Shea, of between Scholls
and Laurel, was a city caller
Memorial Day.
F. M. Heidel went to Summit,
Benton County, yesterday morn
ing, to spend a few days at the
Heidel ranch with his son. Fred
For sale: A $75 baby buggy
(English Perambulator) for $25;
baby reed Oreole, $6; gas range,
$10; kitchen cabinet, $10. H.
Jeibman, Orenco. 13-15
Ruth, the infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. John Saucy, died the
h'.st of the week. The remains
were shipped to Sheridan for in
terment, Undertaker Limber di
recting. Mrs. Jos. S. Lorsung and
daughter, of Marshfield, Ore., are
here, guests of Mrs. Carl Meier,
of I.eisyville, and of Mrs. Vanac
ker, another daughter of the Lor
sungs. is still pegging aw ay
at contracting Work in the South.
Teressa Payne sues R. K.
Payne for divorce, alleging infi
delity. According to the com
plaint R. K. is a -son-of-a-gun
"net" ha Chief Justice McBride
would say. She asks for $75 per
month alimony for the support of
self and minor daughter.
Frank H'ortman, of McMinn
ville, flew from the Yamhill coun
ty seat Memorial day, and landed
in Hillsboro, using Boscow's clov
er field as his "hangar." Frank
came down to look over the Wil
lard Service. Battery station, In
which he is interested.
! In the County Court of the State of
i Oregon for Washlntrton County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ru
dolf Kaufmann, Deceased.
Notk is herpby given, that the un
rlersigrifd has been duly appointed by
the atove entitled court, as Adminis
tratrix of the estate of said deceased
and has duly qualified as such:
Now Therefore, all persons having
against said estate are hereby noti
tied and required to present the same,
with proper vouchers therefore, to
the undersigned at the law office of
Hare, MeAlear 4 Peters, In the
American National Bank Ruildin:
In Hilliboro, Oregon, within ri
months from the date hereof.
Dated this Srd day of June, 1920.
Adminstratrix of the Estate of Ru
riolf Kaufmann, Deceased.
Hare, MeAlear & Peters, Attorneys
lor Administratrix.
In the County Court of the State o
Orejron for Washington County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Fran
ziska Hasenohrl, deaceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dergifrned Administrator has filed ir
the above entitled court and cause
his final account and report as such
and the court hag fixed and annotnte
the Srd day of July, 1920, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, ano
the court room of the above entitled
court in Hillsboro, Oregon, . as the
time and place for hearing obiections
to said final account and for tne nnai
settlement of said estate.
Dated this 3rd day of June, 1920.
Administrator of said estate.
Hare, MeAlear & Peters, Attorney
for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Washington County.
Henrietta Tunzat. Plaintiff, vs. Eli
jah M. Smith, all unknown heirs of
Elijah M. Smith and all other per
sons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or in
terest in and to the real property
described in the Complaint filed
herein. Defendants.
To Elijah M. Smith, all unknown
heirs of Elijah M. Smith and all
other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title", estate,
lien or interest in and to the real
property described in the Com
plaint, the above named Defend
ants :
In the name of the State of Oregon
You and each of you are hereby not
fied to appear and answer the Com
plaint field against vou in the above
entitled suit on or before six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons which will be on or
before the 15th day of July, 1920, and
m case you fail so to appear and an
swer, the Plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
Complaint, to-wit: For a decree here
in decreeing: and adjudging- said
Plaintiff to be the owner in fee sim
ple of the following described real
property, to-wit:
Beginning- at the south wrst comer
of Block !) in and of the City of Hills
boro, Washington County, Oregon,
and running1 thence East on the
South line of said Block nine, 123.75
feet; thence North and parallel with
the west line of said Block nine, 99
feet; thence west and parallel with
the South line of said Block nine.
123.75 feet to the west line of said
Block nine: thence south on the west
line of said Block nine, 99 feet to the
plnee of beginnine, .
and d-vreeinp that the Defendant'
and each of them be forever barred
and precluded from claiming or at
tempting to claim any title or inter
est in or to said real property or any
nart thereof, and forever ouieting
Plaintiff's title in and to said real
property against said Defendant
and all persons claiming by. through
or under them or either of them, and
for such other and further relief as
to the Court uiay seem equitable in
the premises.
This summons is served upon you
bv order of the Honorable Geo." R.
Bagley, Judge of the above entitled
Court, which Order is dated June 2,
1920, for a period of six weeks by
publication in the Hillsboro Argus,
date of the first publication June 8,
1920, date of the last publication
July 15, 1920.
Hare, MeAlear & Peters, Attorneys
for Plaintiff. Resident attorneys
State of Oregon, post office address
Shmte Savings Bank sBuflding,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Washington County.
Carl Larsen and Larsen, his
wife; Axel Larsen and Lar
sen, his wife; Peter Larsen and
Larsen, his wife; Marie Lar
sen Graff and Graff, her hus
band; Francis Larsen and Margar
et Larsen, minors, by Carl Larsen,
their Guardian ad litem, Plaintiffs,
vs. John H. Falster and Ida Fal
ster, his wife, Defendants.
To John H Falster and Ida Falster,
his wife, the above named defend
ants: In the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against yon in the
above entitled court and cause, on or
before the last day of the time pre
scribed In the order for publication of
this summons, to-wit:
On or before the expiration of six
weeks next, from and after the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, the date of said first publica
tion thereof being on June 3, 1920;
and if you fail so to appear and an
swer said complaint for want thereof
the plaintiffs will apply to the Court
for the Velief prayed for In their said
complaint, to-wit: For a decree of
the above entitled Court correcting
the description of the real estate des
cribed in, and reforming and correct
ing that certain deed executed and
delivered by defendants John H. Fal
ster and Ida Falster, his wife, to one
Christian Larsen, dated Jan. 14, 1890,
and on said date recorded in the of
fice of the Recorder of Conveyances
of Washington County, Oregon, in
B"ok 27 at page 230 thereof, Records
of Deeds of said County and State,
and mentioned In plaintiff's com
plaint herein, by correctly describing
said land as being In Washington
County, Oregon, and as beginning at
a point 95.3 ft. northwesterly and 30
ft. southerly of the N E corner of
that portion of the W. . of Block E,
of Fairview Addition to the City of
musouro, wnicn lies W, of 11th St.
said point being on the south boun
dary of Main Street; thence south
lfiR.6 ft; thenr went 95 ft;
thence north 175.0 ft. to the
south boundary of said Main Street;
thence southeasterly 9B.3 ft. to the
place of beginning: and that said deed
be decreed to be a dwd to, and to have
conveyed from said defendRnts to
said Christian Larson the land above
And for a further decree of the
above entitled Court correcting the
description of the real estate des
cribed in, and reforming and correct"
frig that certain deed executed and
delivered by defendants John H. Fai
nter and Ida Falster, his wife, to one
Christian Larsen. dated March 24,
1890. and on said date recorded In the
office of the Recorder of Conveyances
of Washington County, Oregon, n
Book 27 at page 436 thereof, Record
of Deeds of said county and state.
and mentioned In plaintiffs com
plaint herein, by correctly describing
said land as being in Washington
County, Oregon, and as beginning at
the southeast corner of that portion
of the W. 1-2 of Block E. of Fairview
Addition to the City of Hillsboro, as
lies W. of 11th St and in the center
line of Washington Street, said point
being west 7.12 chs. from the soutn-
east corner of said Block E; thenco
north 90 ft.; thence west 190 ft.;
thence south 90 ft. to the center line
of said Washington Street; thence
east 190 ft to the place of beginning;
and that said deed be decreed to be a
deed to and to 'have conveyed from
said defendants to said Christian
Larsen all the land last above des
And for a further decree or
the above entitled Court that
plaintiffs, Carl Larsen, Axel Lar
sen, feter Larsen, Marie Lar-
en uraii, rrancis .Larsen ana
Margaret Larsen, being all the heirs
at law of said Christian Larsen, de
ceased, are the absolute owners in fee
simple of all of said real property
above described, and the whole there
of, and that their title to the same ba
forever quieted as against all of said
defendants; that it be decreed that
you and each of you and all persona
claiming by, through or under you, or
either of you, have no right, title or
Interest of, in, or to said land or any
part thereof; and that plaintiffs have
such other and further relief as to
the Court may seem just and equita
ble. This summons is served upon you
by publication in the Hillsboro Ar
gus, by order of Hon. George K. Bag-
ley, Judge of the above entitled Court
which order was made and dated
June 2, 1920, at Hillsboro, Oregon.
Last publication. July 15. 1920.
M. B. Bump & D. D. Bump, Attor
neys for Plaintiffs, Residing at and
having their post office address at
Hillsboro, Oregon.
E. H. Smith, M. D. D. O.
Physician and Surgeon
Completely equipped hospital in
connection. Calls answered day
or night. Uthee over Hillsboro
National Bank.
Hillsboro, -. Orego.
Dr. J. O. Robb Dr. D. R. WUev
Physicians and Surgeons
Commercial Bank Building
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
Phones Office HI: Rik. 142
' Dr. J. B. Dinsmore
Has resumed the Practice of
Medicine and Surgery, aud has
offices in the Commercial Build-
, above the Hillsboro Commer
cial Bank,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Chiropractic Physician
Using in connection Electricity,
Hydrotherpathy and Scientific
Dietetics. Calls answered dav or
night. Telephone 296 1Z.
Oitices 1 and 2 Heidel Building,
Hillsboro, ... Oreeon
Upstairs in Hillsboro Commercial
Building, Main St., Teephone 143
Hillsboro, ... Orego .
Offices in Heidel Bldg.. upstairs
Main St., adjoining Post Office.
Phone, 25P6.
Hillsboro, O
We answer calls day or night to
all sections. State Licensed
Banks, - - . Oregon
Dr. J. H. Rossman,
Room 1, upstairs, Sbute Buildinr.
over Pharmacy,
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
Real Estate Agent, Notary Public
North Plains, Oregon
Iff you want
Call 2631.
Pure milk and cream. All
cows tuberculin tested.
H. C. Pearson
Hillsboro, Oregon
Farmers' Mutual Fire Relief Assn.
of Portland, Oregon