The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 12, 1895, Image 3

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THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 181)5.
William Pointer, of this city in
the poweHHor ol a piece or scrip u
u'd in 1803, which he received the
year thereafter. It in about the
ize of 2 x 2J inched, and calls fur 5
cents. For thirty years and over
Afew. huii not been "broke."
ItargaiiifTSii Groceries all the
veuk at HrvanTijdlaw Go. Cash
thorn, we have pveirCange tolmc-
co at 15 cents yer iouiiuv
C. J. Hcliniible, Deputy U. 8.
Divtrict attorney, and one of Port
land'! rising young lawyers, was in
CV the city Mond.i,' on legal business
before Justice Knight's court.
, Many were the horses, black
horses, and horses bliick in the city
Monday lust, brought hither on the
jirospect of being sold to the agents
of Uncle Sain.
Reduced prices on Ladies'
Wraps, Lndie' KlanntflH and Gents'
Macintoshes. New ptterns now in.
Dont forget that ure at war with
liigh prices and thiX it takes two to
get acquainted. R'eae one we
invite you to eoine and Bee us.
llryau-Laidlaw Co. Cash Store.
Rev, McDonald delivered a
lecture Sunday afternoon to a large
audience of the male persuasion at
the M. K. Church. The divine
touched upon the insny vices
to which mankind is aWusfcd
, and it is said, made a very
, ingtalk."
Wi need
1 rubbers this weaih
m of Schulmerich fc
r. Get thew
. fcion; they keep all styles.
The experts on the bounty 'a
Looks, W. 11. Wehrung and H. rj
Hudson, Appointed by the grand
jury, expect to nnisu their work
this eveningor tomorrow morning,
when they will turn in their report
Xuias cards and Rmklets, con
fectionery and tree ornaitHmts at
lowest prices at the Uaaaar.
The Hallett bridge, near Dilley,
i is a neat structure, and the build
era, T. C. Johnson and Co., are good
workmen. It will receive two coata
of paint.
Hon. S. 15. Huston did legal
business at Portland yesterday.
-Men'i laundried shirts, 50 cts.
-ach at. Schuhnerich & Son.
F. M. Olson has found his
horses which were recently stolen
from a Darn in Jbast roriumi. lie
wan dose upon the trail of (he
'thieves, whom he had tracked to a
neighborhood known us LentCluck
uiioih county, and found them turn
d loose in the highway with the
bridlis on. .Mr. Olsen cuid he hud
some difficulty in gelling the ollii ers
ol Mull noma li county to take hold
i( the malU'J', lieiice he curled out
hi ui self.
' J. rKnight has if 1.2(H) lo loan
on approved farm security in 1 or 2
lots for 3 or 5 years
J. P, Hicks 1ms purchased the
Hloper wood saw. Should you want
your woodpile reduced, lie is your
People should remember that a
newspaper is not a medium for one
to chronicle private grievances, un
less they concern the public or in
volve u principle detrimental to the
public weal.
The Bon Ton Shaving Parlors
on Second street are the most fash
ionable in the city. Childrens'
hnirculliug, 15 cents; shaving on
Sunday, 10 cents. i
The Poor Man's Meat Market
is no more. The shop was situated
next door to Judge Humphrey's
ollice, on Main street.
Christuine will soon be here.
If you desire bargains look at the
announcements in 1HI Annus,
, , . f
Jesse Cornelius is still quite
low, hiiu oniy me most sanguine
i 1 . . ,1.. -
look for ultimate recovery.
The four-year child of Frank
Pomeroy, of Cornelius, died last
week with diphtheria. The father
had just started for the Southern
Oregon mines. This make two
losses by death suffered by this
family within a year, and the
sympathy of the community is
Proper training at home, and
pure example in establishing the
relations of the sexes will do more
to tnoulcate moral precepts In the
minds of youth than all the fears
of moral and statutory laws in ex
r, istence.
H. Wehrung & Sons are pre
, prring the upper story of their
V wrick block over the Arch bold store
for the occupancy of the Odd Fel
low's lodge. It will, when finished,
make a pleasant hall.
Jos. McCormick, an aged man
living near Mountaindale, is very
low with partial paralysis. He is
being well cared for by his friends,
v but will not survive long.
J. V. Marsh, proprietor and
editor of the Forest Grove Times,
spent Saturday in the city.
- For the month of November
mortgages to the extent of $22,948
were released, and new ones filed
for $18478. Over $4000 to the
credit balance of releases. ;
Special sale in Men's
Boston Rubber Boots,
$2.25. Gregg's Shoe
v J3torj Forest wove, Or.
Money to loun in sums to suit.
Mortgages and notes bought and
sold. Room 13, Morgan Block.
Any one wanting wood sawed
will leave orders at the Hicks'
House or at this oflice.
oihce. i
Pickled pigs'
2nd stieet.
A Santa ClausNk-tter box for
children ut the IkzaaV
Rubber boots in men's, ladies'
and children's sizes at Schulmerich
k Son.
A sad ease of insanity is that
of William C. Adams, a young man
well known in this city. Mr. Ad
ams, parents have resided in this
city for years and the family has1,
universally been esteemed. For
some time the young man has been
subject to melancholia and Tuesday
morning he was examined by Dr.
i1. A. ttaiiey beture Judge Cornelius.
and adjudged insane.
went papers were made out and he
has been taken to Salem for treat
ment. Financial losses are thought
to have had something to do with
his mental aberrations.
Special pricesVm lamps, silver
ware and pocket curiery at the
If vou want to make a nice
preseut to any.of your fronds go to
itorckmoes, the jeweler, and leave
your orde' before next Saturday,
us he sends for his last order tor
the holidays on December 14th.
M-ttLjUi-fliudl waa in the city
teresta in this section."' -"WfW-Kvl,,,, f
,,, . K d up to his trotinie, hw
I Alia ut tritii a kvii u( (:i.,iia'n I i . i . , , I
Toys at your price at GretrV
All parlies owing the under
signed on overdue notes and ac
counts are expected to cull and set
tle same prior to Jan.' 1st, 180(1, as
we must close our books before
commencing another year's bus
inesd. -
11. Wkkunu & Son.
--Inspect the ehgryit line of de
lightful perfumes, ad perfume fur
lashings at lheJjelta. These are
very suitable 'for ' holiday gifts.
Remember The Delta has on hand
a handsome1. line of holiday goods.
See and be convinced.
Occasionally one sees a relic of
lue dark ages, even m these day's ol
heighten, d civilization. These rel
ics stand out like nightmares in the
eternal tituess of things. Three or
four such objects now have their be
ing in nature of stiles which give
entrance to the court yard. Many
a skinned heel and smothered im
precation can testily to their general
"cussed iiess."
Dr. J. K. Adkins has opened
denial parlors in the Morgan block
room , where he will be pleased to
meet his old patrons. Charges very
Married, At the Congregation
al church ut Beaverton. UrVgmi,
December o, 18i, Rev. W. Hurl
hurt uilioiating. Mist Vernona Mor
ton and Mr. Geo. Davies, promi
nent young people of that city.
It cost the county $202 to pub
lish the delinquent tax list as re
quired by law. The Independent
did the publishing.
New nerfumeWnd toilet arti
cles at the Hillsboro liiizanr
J. A. Keim, one of the mott
prominent citizens of Cornelius, and
who recently left lor un extended
visit to the Fatherland, died a few
weeks since in a hospital in Ger
many, so it is reported Mr'. Keim
was a good citizen, universally es
teemed, and his many friends are
puined to hear of his untimely dem
ise. His dautli, however, is not so
much of a surprise as his health is
known to have been cousiderbly im
paired for a number of vears. De
ceased leaves a family living at
Cornelius. ,
Greer's is the best place t0M.1v
rrwriin s
e f
, It has been history that this
county's affairs have always been
judiciously managed, especially on
lines of economy. Ihe Arqus is
willing to belive it too and should
it ever doubt the economical condi
tion, it will simply consider the
present county jail. Certainly, as
one man remarks, it is good enough
for criminals, but is it not an old
maxim that a man is ini ooent un
til he is proven guilty?
If you want to make a nice
Xnias present get an all wool suit
of clothes at Schulmerich & Son.
The Hillsboro Reed & Cornet
Band, in business meeting, voted a
resolution of thanks to the people
of Hillsboro and vicinity for the
generous support accorded them on
Thanksgiving day and at their
band concert.
The Firemen of the city are
considering the feasibility of giving
a Dan in the near future.
Miss Nellie Powell, who has been
employed at a case in The Argus
composing room for nearly a
year is now taking training at
the Portland hospital to fit herself
as a practical nurse.
Christmas will soon be he
aiid the usual merrymaking will be
indulged in. Several Christmas
trees will be inaugurated at the va
rious churches.
Special sale in Men's
oork sole shoes from $3
and upwards at Gregg's
Shoe Store at Forest
Stewart Three and One
Half and Corbin Two.
The Constable Will Mutt be Probated
A Hitch in Papers Results in
Contempt of Court Jona
than Tice Arrested.
Stewart and Corbin Sentenced.
"He who steals my purse steals
trash" goes very well in the ab
stract, but he who robs express of
fices can but view this paraphrase
j w,ln mingled contempt and disdain.
On Tuesday of this tveek George
Stewart and Harry Cnibin, the two
young men guilty of robbing Wil
liams' express oflice in this city
last summer, were brought into
court to receive sentence from
Judge McBride. Stewart received
a sentence of three years and six
months in the penitentiary, while
Young Corbin was given but two
years on one charge, sentence being
suspended on the other. Judge
Mcl5ride spoke quite feelingly while
imposing the edict on the young
lad, stating that he could sentence
him to 14 vears. but in view of his
or felt disposed to m lenient. He
told him that ut the end of two
years if the penal institution, in
which he is to be incarcerated,
should give him a good showing on
conduct and general carriage, he
would be a free man to become a
uweful member of any community.
Otherwise, the sentence on the sec
ond charge would be imposed. The
twain were taken to Salem the day
of sentence.
Buying for Uncle Sara.
Wni. Frazier, a prominent horse
man of Portland, Oregon, was in the
city Monday for the purpose of buy
ing young horses for artillery uses
in the regular army, U. S. A. Al
though there were many fine speci
mens of horse flesh offered, black
in color, and sound in limb, a large
number of which seemed to answer
ihe requirements, i. e, 154 bands
lit'iifht, 5 to 8 venrs old, ami weigh
ing' from HOO'lo 1250, Mr. Frazier
ii ade no bona tide purchasis. To
The Arqus report) r Mr. Frazier
staled that his purchases were to
he shipped to San Francisco, and
that although the horsrs offi-D-d
were line animals, too many were
mixed with Clydesdale and Perch
eron, and what he wanted was soiiis
of the sturdy old pioneer stock,
which had by years of inter-breeding
become a sort of native. Mr.
Frazier will visit all principal valley
towns and hopes to soon get togeth
er a car load for shipment. An in
spector accompanies him so if a pur
chase be made, it immediately be
comes a government charge.
Must Go to Probate.
Judge McBride has decided that
County Judge Cornelius must pro
bate the last will and testament of
Edward Coi stuble, deceased. This
means that upon proof of the will
the executor can go ahead without
citing the administratrix, Mrs. E.
Shute, to Appear. It will be remem
bered that Mrs. Shute was appoint
ed administratrix before the will
was offered for action and Judge
Cornelius, upon the tender of peti
tioners to probate the same, decid
ed the parties must cite Mrs. Shute
to appear, lo this Judge V halley,
one of the counsel for petitioners,
objected, and carried the matter be
fore Judge MclSnde on a writ of re
view. The will now comes for probate
and the next move is eneerlv
watched. It is reported that some
of the heirs will contest the valid
ity of the instrument and it yet
may be some time before the Con
stable estate is closed of record.
A Hitch in Papers.
A short time since Justice Knight
issued a writ on some property near
Tigaidville and Constable Annans
took charge of the same, locking it
in a building in the near vicinity.
Some time prior a local justice had
issued on attachment and the papers
were served and the property taken
possession of by a party who was
not a regularly appointed officer.
Soon after Mr. Annans left. C.
Tigard, in ignorance of the fact that
the first attachment was illegal,
broke open the building and took
charge of the property. He was
brought in Monday before Justice
Knight and fined $5.00 and costs,
nicu oeing paid, me nne was im-
appeared for the defendant and
Attorneys Huston and Smith for
the state.
Says it it Persecution.
H. P. Ford. Sheriff of this county
and Elmer Sprague, a deputy -sheriff
of Multnomah county arrested
Jonathan Tice, near Gaston Sun
day last. Mr. Tice was taken to
Portland where he will, he says,
substantiate his innocence and con
clusively show that the affair is one
of persecution instigated by parties
who are opponents of his in some
litigation now pending in the courts
of Multnomah county. Mr. Tice
has alwava been considered honor
able and upright and his many
friends are full of confidence that
be will turn the tables on the prosecutors.
School Report.
The following is the report of
district Ha. 4'J Tor the month end
ing November 29, 1895: Number
of days taught. 19; number of pu
pils enrolled, 23; number of days
attendance. 281 number of days
absence, 148j; nu nber of times
tardy. 15; average dally attend
ance, 15. The following named
pupil was neither tardy nor absent:
Joeie Steven ton.
Florence A.,
Dead Letter List
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the Hillsboro post office un
claimed: Biggs, V H Gardner, Frank
Haase, Gustin Wenger, David
Gardner, Mrs Jesse
All letters not called for by Dec. 21,
1895, will be sent to the dead letter of
fice. One cent will be charged on each
letter called for.
Mary A. Brown, P. M.
Get some of those periodicals
and magazines at the post office
store. 1 hey are instructive and
help to while away the long winter
v. Considerable diphtheria, las
9 i. Ik. 1 n l- 1. 1.1 I
t-J "ui in ornenus s
If ' JMadciaiis!
nave u
One pound uoo't,t!iM
every $2 purchase. AVthe liazaaf.Y
Geo. R. Uagley made a business
trip to halein this week, returning
Wednesday evening.
An attempt will betnade to or
ganize a Sons of Veterans order in
this city, preliminaries to take
place at J. I. Knight's ollice on Dee
ember 18, at 7:30 p. m. All inter
ested should turn out.
The post offiee store keeps con
stantly on sale a line of standard
periodicals, magazines and month
ly. Anything not on sale will be
ordered for you.. Inquire of J. M.
Christmas candies cheap at
Townsman S. Everitt had the
misfortune to fall and severely
sprain his knee Sunday evening and
in consequence is somewhat dis
a bled.
A. Finney will soon start
on an extenled trip to Southern
California, where he will spend the
When ' on want an "up todale"
llftir cut, or a im -at comfortable shave
orboth.eall at the City Shaving
Parlors. Hot and Cold buths im
mediate on order.
E. K. Coi.estock, Prop.
Past Master Hrannin, of the A.
0. U. W. of Oregon, was in the city
Tuesday evening and delivered an
interesting lecture on the benefits of
the order. Mrs. Julia A. Gault, of
McMinnville was present in the
interest of the Degree of Honor, an
auxiliary of the workmen and suf
ficient names were secured to or
ganize. Subscribe for The Argus and
get the news.
-Mr. Webster, the architect and
contractor engaged in the construc
tion of the Con nell residence on the
corner of Third and Lincoln streets
ind the misfortune to inflict a seri
ous wound of the knee yesterday by
cutting it with a ihisel.
With everySlpllar purchase you
will get a tablet flud pencil free at
the Hillsboro Bnztr.
Hon. H. V. Gates returned the
first of the week from Klamath
Falls, where he has been construct
ing a water and light plant for the
liihaoitants of that city.
Geo. Schulmerich transacted
business at Portland yesterday, Miss
May Willis assisting at the store
in his ahsance.
Geo. F. Doughty and wife are
thinking of making a visit to Spir
it Lake, Iowa, to spend the holi
days. The Rebekahs gave a supper
to the Odd Fellow fraternity last
evening at the Grange Hall, and a
splendid time is reported.
W. E. Brock now carries a full
line of Munyon's celebrated homoe
opathic home remedies. If you
are indisposed ask for these excel
lent remedies.
It is reported that J. R. Bee
gle, the genial editor of the Oregon
Mist, St. Helens, is a candidate for
the joint senatorship for the next
term. If nominated the many
friends of .1 R dnnlilloco mill c..o
him elected. Jn
John F. Bennett nnd LnnraS.
Taylor, prominent young people of
inaiatin, took out license towed
on December 6th, and were married
Monday of this week. Mr. Ben
nett is engaged in hop raising and
Miss Taylor is a sister to Mrs Lee
of that place.
Special sale in Ladies'
fine donj. button, in square
or picaamy toe, only $1.75,
tormer price $2.25, at
Gregg,s Shoe Store, For-
est Wove.
Of Commissioners' Court
Transacts Business.
Bridges are Accepted and Bills Al
Petition of J. N. Nickum et al
to re-establish lines on county road
No. 239, after consideration of view
ers report, was denied, and costs
taxed to petitioners. .
The following bills were allowed:
assessing'and Collecting.
Georee H Wilcox 75 .00
Hillsboro Pub Co 295.00
AJewett n.78
John Hassler 21.00
J J Clark 58.00
JasSigter 10.75
J W Wheeler 11.00
J H Brown 20.40
W M McI,eod & Son 23.00
J C Corey 14.40
L U Hancock 19.50
Carter Bros 9 00
T C Johpson 80.00
1. 00
A An
D B Reasoner , 14.00
Thos G Todd 14.80
Hillsboro Pub Co 5.00
J W Saj.pinton, Treasurer 50.00
K L, Alclormick, sell and dep... 175.00
H P Ford do 275.00
R B Goodin do 150.00
A Craig School Sup't 66.00
D H Thomas 12.00
C. n. & J. ACCOUNT.
G W Patterson
HP Ford
N A Barrett 30.00
J S Newell.
J P Tamiesie
S T Unklater
A W Saxton
GW Patterson 46.90
R Chrisinger 12.00
R Cave 7.75
Brvan Laidlaw Co vo?
j C Lamldn .95
H P Ford 6 27
J V Carstens. , 61.98
Clias Ho wen 12.80
W Boucsein 12.75
Lester M Bell 15 00
Rosa Frost 5.00
J Northrop 10.00
R B Goodin 4-35
E L McCormick 3.25
Hillsboro Pub Co 7.7s
Hatchet , 375
Austin Craig 6 75
Glass and Prudhomme 29. y
H P Ford
The Argus 6.50
CE Kindt ; .13.00
H P Ford 17.55
W M Lanelev 7.50
J I Knight 7.15
vv w Annans 3.00
J I Knight la.50
w vv Annans 12.00
Joseph Klupponeger 2.90
nieresa Kluppcneger 2.90
f.rnesi rresrn v.'X)
Andrew Anderson 8.10
Y m Schultz 1.70
Morton Anderson 1.70
August Scente 1.70
Anton Heinrich 3.50
U N Barrett 5.00
8 Hughes 5.20
JP Vaughn 1.75
J B Matthews' post GAR 24.00
Circuit Court.
Bunnell v Bunnell judgment for
First National Bank of Hillsboro
v E. C. Hughes et ux, deft, allowed
until next Tuesday to answer.
Geo. Kirkwood v Washington
County, writ of review. Judgment
of County court leversed and cause
- Mary Malone v B. P. Cornelius,
as county judge, writ of review.
Decision of lower court reversed
and will ordered to be probated.
Eiiznbeth Shute, admr, v Aman
da Sherman et nl, demurrer over
ruled and allowed until Monday to
file amended complaint.
Iligginson v Higginson, decree
of divorce granted by default.
Westernian v Westerman, decree
cranled. Mother to have custcdy
r-of 3 minor children and father to
have temporary custody of 2 older
childrer, mother privileged to set;
them at any time.
llodendeti v O'Brien, verdict for
jiff, in sum of $48y.
State v Smellier, pleaded guilty
and Feulenced to 4 years and to
pay costs.
Bielnnil v Bielaid, purchasers
allowed 3 years 10 mnko deferred
payments, iuimst lo be met
pit n ptiy.
Br.'Ui'T v Kmhnelet nl, default
ns to in fend, tits Sutherland, Wil
cox, Wiikeand Ulliott. Order for
service grained on Minnie, Frank
and K. X. Kuehnel, plff to be re
ceiver of pieinises pending suit.
Borwick v Brugger default en
tered. State v Price, bonds forfaited and
bench warrant issued.
Kohler and Chase v Mrs Bush,
verdict for deft.
Nickritz v White et al demurrer
Blair v Richardson, postponed
for term.
Gratton, admr, v McLeod, de
fault and decree.
State v Stewart, sentenced i to
penitenitiary for 3 years and 6
months; second charge dismissed.
State v Corbin, sentenced to two
years on first indictment; sentence
on second indictment is suspended.
Wnchline v School Dist. No. 52,
December 13th.
State v Lee appeal Dec. 13th.
State v Lee December 17th.
The other day Frank Mitchell,
the popular young drug clerk at
Brock's store, thought he had dis
covered a perpetual water motor
and was thinking of taking out let
ters patent. Upon investigation
he found out that Justice Knight
had put one of his cuspidors to
soak and left the water running,
inundating a section of the lower
floor. Hostilities were soon on and
the overflow stopped. '
Schulmerich & Sou have a sup
ply of silk and satin for the holi
day trade in all colors; also the
largest assortment of ribbon in the
C. S. Tigard, constable of East
Butte, has resigned his office. Mr.
Tigard was fined $5.00 and costs
Wore Judge Knight the other day.
fc"Hl1he ced legal
E. G. Foudray anam...
Mrs. L. F. Foudray, started Xlftrr-rofflcw
day evening for Vermont, Illinois,
on a visit. They went via the U.
P., over the O. R. & N., purchasing
their tickets from our local agent,
J. I. Knight.
-Call at thaJlnzaar to get prices
on Holiday gooaa,.
R. H. Mitchell, who is now
running a populist paper in Colum
bia county, has commenced a term
of school near Pittsburg.
Dont fail to see Greer's, wind
ows and fctore before Christinas.
The grand jury is still grind
ing and it appears that there is
some difficulty in bringing in wit
nesses. This is explained from the
fact that our county court allows
nothing extra for deputy hire in
tiiese cas ;s, and the writs have to
take their turn for service. It
seems that there should be some
provision in these matters for if a
sheriff employed extra deputies in
sucn instances the cost for hire
would exceed the salary of that of
ficial. A. T. Phillips has gone to
Portland where he has been offered
a chair in a tonsorial estnhlish
ment. Al. is a good workman and
bis friends wish him well.
Attorney Flegel, of Portland,
was in the cilv last Saturday ac
companied by his eon
The rate war is still on be
tween the Southern Pacific and O.
R. & N. Co. You can make the
round trip from Portland to San
Francisco on the steamer, cabin
passage for $10.
Everybody uses Munyon's
homoeopathic home remedies. At
W. E. Brock's Secure one of
Munyon's Guides to health, free.
Ciniino, Tualatin's
emtio wheel horse, is in the city at
tendant on jury service. Mr. Cim
ino is one of Washington county's
pioneers. W,J
Friend Sappington, county
treasurer, had himself charged
with over $40 more than he
received. Here is an opportunity
for some ' ribbei " to get in some
good work.
Dont fail to see Greer's cfock
ery Glassware Lamps and China
goods when you aie looking fora
Christmas present. '
The Christian church is mak
ing preparations to have a Christ
mas tree, and a splended time is
expected. ,
A glass of wine and fine sand
wich for 10 cents at C. Blasers. i
Ex-officio Recorder Dobbins
swore in the new city officers lust
Thursday evening, all being present
except councilman-elect K. H.
Greer. No business of importance
was transacted. A resolution in
troduced by Tamiesie that coun
cilmen serve without pay was in
definitely postponed.
TO RENT. A nice little cottaga within
one block of the business purt of town
at $7 )er month: Knqure at tliis '-fHce or
of W. E Thome
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
fifly'.' Knife or Oneration.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeks.
Orrio : Boom 700-707, Marquam Itiiildinir,
Phoenix Lodge No E4. K of P niet
on .Monday evening; or eacb week,
in Masonic hall.
Phonocia Temple No 10 meets on the sec
ond and fourth Friday of each month
in I O O F hall.
Monteiuma Ixnlire No 50 1.0 O
liSS? F nieet every Wednesday ev
ening in their hall.
Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 54 meet in
Odd Fellows' hall on the third Saturday
of each month.
Tuality Lodge No 6 A F A A M
meet every- Saturday night on or
after full moon of each month.
Tunlatin Chapter, No 81, Eastern Star,
meeta second and fourth Tuesday in
eacb month at Masonic hall.
Hillsboro Lodge No 01 A O V W
W meet every second and fourth
ffciit Friday in each month.
' mblngton Kncampnieot No 24 I
OOF meets on second and fourth
Friday of each month.
UlllKboro Lodge No U I O G T moot
1 in tlriiio Uail e,ory Saturday
S Hillsboro Grange No 73 P of meet
2nd and 4th Saturdays at H 111.
Viola Tent, K0I8, K O T M. memiM Odd
Fellows' Hall on Second and fourth
Thursday evening of each month.
R001118 Union Block, Hillsboro, Or -
Honing i and 7 Central Block, .j.
Hillsboro, Ork
In Morgan block,
Uillaboro, OrfoOb
-"000, M. D.
corner First ana i
m. 1 . unnkn 1 in, m. b.i. M
Office ut Residence East of Court House,
specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed.
Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan Bloek.
Office Hours: From 8 a. m. to 4. r. if.
Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers.
Office in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Resi
dence loutn-west corner Baseline and
Second. All caila promptly attended day
or night.
Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co.
Consultation in French or English. Offloa
and residence aouth of Main near 3d at,
Hillsboro, Or.
Conveyancing and fin map work a
Lindsay Block, two doom north of tha
poaioffloa, Second St., Hillsboro, Or.
00m 1 & 2, Shute Block, over Greer's.
Local Agent Royal Insurance Company
Notarial Work and Conveyancing.
demo-lR0cms6A7Mnri?HM nik.. hiii.i r,.
Notary Public. . .
1 Lea ns, collections ,
General Fire Insuraneo and Loan Broker,
J Centerville, Oregon
Weaves carpet striped and
measured to fit any room.
Prices to suit the hard times
New Shop !
lilackRinithing & Hom'slioeiiip,
W. A. FINNEY, Prop,
Shop on 3rd street next door to the
L W I touso woodwork shop.
(Next Door Bryan-Laidlaw Co.)
Main Street, - Hillsboro.
A flno line of Toilet Articles, Brushes,
Comlw, Perfumes, Patent Medicines
and special attention given
to Quality and Accuracy.
Newly Furnished
and Renovated.
A first-class table and v '
. all accommodation
for the convenience
of guests, v, . .