THE ARGUS County Official Paper. Tke Only Democratic Paper in Wash ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argn PabMiig Cwpuj. ' BUBXCRimOIl PIMBk Single ropv five cents. One year, $1.00. Six month rente. Three uixiiliw 36 cents. Enteral t the Post-omce at Hillsboro, Oregon, a Second-claa mail matter. THURSDAY, DEC. 12. 1895. It is always (lie mind foully in diniMl ami alive with the pranks of Vriius that ascribes to cominon lilitce act and gei-tme, iunuoral in tent. Ihl.r.snoRO is one of the healthiest ci lies on 'lie west side, considering its population ;md its poor facilities of drainage. This is doubtless due to ith supply of wholesome water, fresh und pure fiom the deep wells. Pure sweet water wi 1 counterbal ance maiiv evils in sanitation. The next republican presidential nominating convention will meet at St. Louis, on Tuesday, June 16, 1896. This means, provided the democrats follow within a fortnight or such a matter, a long and trying campaign. On the balloting for the place of convention San , Francisco at first led with 20 votes, but at the fourth formal ballot St. Louis received the necessary 29 for a choice. Tiik state board of equalization will have some trouble in adjusting the difference in the valuation in the many counties of Oregon. Some of the assessors have placed a very small valuation on the properties, while others have assessed at the cash value as r quired by the statute. The Argus believes that Washington county's assessment will come as near the test as any and that little if any change will be made, except one which may be made in a manner universal. The Oregon i an and Evening Tele gra n have been emitting some very spiteful paragraphs against San Trancisco, in her attempt to secure tiie next national republican nom inating convention. This narrow, paltry pettish ness could be excused and called patrioitsm if Portland had been in the race, but as it is not, it is, simple and pure, a matter of childish jealousy, which in the light of common sense, must be called by its proper name, absolute nartowncss. Even Simon kicked against this tyranny and desired the Golden Gate city to have the honors. Joe goes right occasionally. The Oregonian built better than It knew when it stated a few days ago that the present, congress would be a ''talking" one. The attempt at buncombe made by Barrett to impeach Bayard is childish in the .extreme, and goes far to show what partisan Fools can do when given an opport unity to make asses of them selves. Keed is afraid to set down on Fuch characters for fear of in curring their enmity, knowing, and wisely, that the good will of such aBinine statesmen is much better for the aspirations which are his to become president, than their ill will, and in view of this fact much that , is folly and nonsense will be heard on the floor of the House this winter. The present status of civiliza tion is doubt lei s as much due to difference of opinion as to any oth er single agency. Without that, much of the intellectual culture now obtaining never would have existed. It is well then to be not too radical when your friend differs from you. Human reasoning often is not reason, and as the human Miind is but finite, it is very wise to remember that y m may ofiimes lie wrong in the premises of a self im posed opinion. Again, you may differ with yourself of ten years back, or one hence, and vou should lis resisoniibly be bitter against yourself for these changes as to hold enmity to your neighbor because he disagrees with you at prtsent. All beings who are possessed of reasoning powers naturally look upon the creation of the universe as aiple; that the world was not creat ed as an experiment, but for the ultimate effect of a fixed cause. Therefore it follows that there is it mysterious and divine something, an intelligence, a principle, a power, to which the fiuite mind looks up with reverence. In view of the fact that human reasou has not in its judgment anything tending to solve this mystery, tach conception of that great power, so long as it has in its formation, attributes grand, noble and loving is precisely as good as any other. If the human race must have a supreme being, and it seems it will, it is well that the hu man mind form one which has for its structure nothing but loving power, Omnipotence, and admit ting of nothing experimental. To ascribe to such a power human jealousies, anger and hatred is rank est kind of blasphemy. COUNTY NEWS CORNELIUS. The Pomeroy children are slowly re covering. Hawkins' children are getting along nicely under Dr Smith's care. Mr Hatch's children are all on the mend so we are informed. A A Phillips is confined to his room this week. We did not learn the malady. U G Hnnna passed through the city from Hillsboro on Tuesday. The youngest child, aged about four years, of F F Pomeroy died on Thursday last of diphtheria, the little one was laid to rest in the cemetery north of town on Saturday . There came near being a blaze in Cor nelius on Tuesday evening by one of the big lamps in C M Johnson's saloon catching on fire down in the bowl, but Charley fired lamp and all out in the street and thus averted' what might have been a serious conflagration. J H Allen and wife will leave this week for Tillamook for the winter. John says be will nunt ducks. Better go down to Johnson's and get yourself a Xinas present or at least treat yourself while mere. Little Frank Hatch is confined to his room with lung fever. Sam Gilpin of the Grove was in town Wednesdav. J R Miller had a lawsuit with Harry Wescott, of Forest Grove Wednesday. Nick Freeman is suffering again with sore eyes. Man Pizer and Claud ChamberKn have a contract of cutting wood for Jim Young east of town. Well 1 Jacquot is still at his old place always serving good drinks. Robt McNutt made a business trip to Portland this week. Our city marshal has been putting in some new street crossings this week. Mrs Ida McNutt accompanied her sis ter to Monmouth last Friday. She will return next Saturday. Harve Stowell was in the city on Mon day from Buxton. Anthony Tongue is having new shin gles put on his house in which Prof Cur tis now resides. L TI and Scott Walker and F M Hill, all of Gaston, were doing business in Cornelius Tuesday. C M Johnson did business in Hillsboro Tuesday. BEAVERTON. A saloon has been opened it) tbe store building owned by Mr Bullet. A Mr Taylor, of Portland, is the proprietor. Eldon French, who was operated on at tbe residence of O b Allen tor appen dicitis 5 weeks ago, l'ds so far recovered that he will take Ins departure for 1 a coma, Washington, this morning. It is to be hoped that his recovery will be complete in me near iuiure. John Wolf and wife have returned from their trip to Astoria. A taffy pull was given by Mrs J A Reid last Thursday evening to which a number of friends were invited. Music and games completed the program. All report having had a pleasant time. Miss Vernona Morton daughter of our enterprising florist, and Mr George Davies, son of Alfred Davies, were unit ed in marriage last Thursday night. The floral decorations for tbe wedding and candy party were furnished by Mr W H Morton, the Beaverton florist. Tbe entertainment given by the liter ary society had a very nice program in which the t'eaverton band was a special feature. The subject to be debated was unknown to all until the society had met, and was open for all to speak on, making it very interesting and amusing. There will be a masquerade ball at the hall on Christmas eve. John Brugger will furnish the music. A lunch or sup per will be provided for those wishing to participate in the same. FROM PHILLIPS. All of the churches in this vicinity are preparing for Christmas trees. Miss Forrest enclosed a successful term ol school last Friday. Miss Lus ter's schcol will continue two months longer. Most of the men of this place attended the sale of Grant Holcomb's last Mon day. Most of the children of this place are sick with bad colds. Mrs Anna Dysle is very sick with the La Grippe. There was a 'surprise dance at the res idence Carson Hansen last Thursday evening, it being Adolph's birthday. An excellent time was reported. Miss Gusta Leich, of this place, was the best dancer at Scappoose Thanks giving. Quite an honor for Phillips. CENTERVILLE. John Van Lum is building a hew barn Jesse Cornelius is gradually growing weaker.' He cannot retain an v food on bis stomach. Tbe infant daughter of August Tews died Friday noon and was buried Sun day afternoon at the Lutheran church south of Cornelius. A mimhpr nf farmer in II, 1 wf.lttt. who had black ttorses to sell, took them to Hillsboro Monday. While the horses were fine specimens they did not fill the bill and were taken back borne. Mrs Nixon of the Grove was seen in our burg and neighborhood last week. J H Freeman and Joe Downs were in this neighborhood looking for a, fresh cow. The literary entertainment at the school house Wednesday night was well attended and the program well rendered. FROM MIDDLETON. Thanksgiving chickens and turkevs were usually numerous despite the hard times. Llovd Vincent and Mr Harrington weie ordained deacons of tbe Baptist church last Suuday. Rev David Lynch officiating. Our friends who attended Prof French's tnusicale at Sherwood report at excellent program well rendered. S Stein killed some ducks the other day ami found some lumps of gold in their craws. Mr S is now puzzling to know whether to kill the rest of the Rock or not. If the next are gold ducks he could afford to kill them, but it is 16 to i they are not loaded, hence the delay. Our people are to be entertained by Prof French and his class of singers in the near luture. A Grand treat is ex pected. Some new accession to our commun ity has raised the number of scholars in our school to fifty. Quite a number of our hop raisers are plowing up their hop yards while others are setting out more so the balance of power will be kept up. The vounp ladies led the last uieetine of the" W C T U and did their several parts fine. The next meeting will be led by the young men and they are deter mined to excel. Mr Winters and family and Mr Mie bus and spent Thanksgiving in West Chehaltm. Mr and Mrs t'altus are to spend the holidays in Taconia. Mrs Fred A 01dts"arranging to spend Christmas in Salem. Mr Shsfford uf the telephone line was in town on Monday. Mrs H E Tyson who was quite ill last week is better now. Real Estate Transfers. Matilda Odell and husb to PS Wise It 9 and pt It 8 Garden onie SoOO Anton Pfanner to Stanley H Phillips 80asec4tlnr4w$1100 Isaac '-ever to Alice '! Covert fraction of a J s w J sec 17 1 1 s r 3 w $7U0 Thos D umphreysto John H um pbrevs e i blk A Fairview ad $350 Ladd Keed Farm Co to J B Imliiy It 3 blk 5 Ladd & Reed's first ad Keedville $75 Ladd A Reed Farm Co to Iaiilielln Im lay It 2 blk 5 Ladd A Reed's first ud Keedville S70 J A Inilay to Isabella Imliiy It 1 blk 5 Ladd & Reed's first ad Reodville $l(H) J ( ; Hiiiock et u x to Trustees t'onere- gational church Hoodvtew n J Its 1-2 blk U Sinockville X50 Abraham Baldwin et ux to Jucoli Dix on 2.47 a E Walker d 1 c 1 1 n r 4 w 8.WU Johnston freeman to Elizabeth free man 127 a sees 7-10 1 1 n r 2 w 8i5u Frank Edmonson et ux to Win S Smith n I s w s w 1 sec 2 t 1 n r 4 w Kerdinnnd Groner et ux toGeo K (iron er und 1 41U n of P Sltolla, A Liuulesw et al d 1 e t '1 8 r 2 w 81 Geo E Groner to Ferdinand Uroner und 1 410 n 8 Sholls, A Landuss et ill U I v 1 2 s r 2 w HI M M DeLuiiey et ux to Andrews Lum ber Co 40.;0 a V llronson die t 2 u r 8 w 8UMI C W Odell ef nx to M E church at Dil lev fllT 1 wi ft sec l:t t I k r 4 w 31 T W Thompson et ux to I'lius A Hild- ytinl 70 a see H i i s r i w firnu. Diedrirh " illerset ux to Thos D urn phreys Vti a Thos art d 1 o t 1 s r 3 w SJJoO James Colli eld et ux to E J Tibbits w i It 53 Cornelius Environs fl(W ANDERSON & TUPPER, (Succtjr to C It Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. All business entrusted to mm will be promptly and carefully attended to. Freieht ami express rates reasonable. Leave orders with him, or at Ledford's, oratTHK A ancs. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington county. Henry Brauer Plaintiff.) vs. Minnie Kuehnel and Fr Frank j d, W Kuelmel, her husband. Sutherland, Anton Wicke, A I 8 Wilcox. II A Klliott and K X Kuehnel, Defendants. To Minnie Kuehnel und Frank Kuehnel, her husband and F X Kuehnel, the above named defendants. TIIK NAME OF THE STATIC OF X Oregon, y Oregon, you are hereby commanded and required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entiuen court in me a Dove emitted sun., on or before Monday tbe Kith day of March, A. I)., thexame beiiigon toe first day of the next regular term of said court next following the expiration ol the time pre scribed in the order of publication of this summons and if you full no to appear and answer said complaint the pluintilf will udply to the court for the relief therein prayed for and demanded, to-wit: For a decree that plaintiff have and recover of and from defendants Minnie Kuehnel and Frank Kuehnel, and of and from each of them, on a certain promissory note for $500 inado und delivered by said Minnie und Frank Kueh nel on July ill, 1893, bearing iuUsrett at 10 percent )ier annum, interest puyuble semi annually, payable to plaiutitt, on which $25 interest has been paid, and on a mort gage given by said defendants Minnie and Frunk Kuehnel on tbe following described real property situated in Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: The south half of the west three-quarters of the northwest quarter of the southeast Suurter of Section Four, Township Two, otitb Range one West of the Willamette Aieridion, containing fifteen acres, to se cure the same, the sum of $5H5 and $100 attorney's fee, and interest thereon from this date until paid, and costs und disburse ments herein: for a decree foreclosing said mortgage and ordering said mortgaged property to be sold and the proceeds ap plied to the payment of expenses of sale, costs and disbursements and attorney's fee herein and of said promissory note, und al so for a decree that the above named de fendants and each of them und all persons claiming by, through or under them or either of them, subsequent to the execution of said mortgage, be barred and foreclosed of all claim, interest, right, title, lien or equity of redemption nave only the statu tory right to redeem in,on or to said mort gaged preni ises, or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief us to tbe court shall seem meet and equitable. This summons is published against you by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the above named court made in open court and dated on the 6th day of Decem ber, 1805. J, R, Stoddard, Attorney for Plaintiff. A Bargain. ' A neatly constructed 5 room cot taue within 2 blks of business part of town. Good fence around lot, good woodshed, and two roomy closets in residence; Also pump ' repair. Goes fc r $600, In- quire at this oflSce, WILEY & CITY LIVERY STABLE; Cor. and and Washington Street, Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, PACIFIC DNIYERSITYf THREE tdl.l.KQE I (HUSKS . . . Classical, Scientific, Literary. HE ACADKMY trepares for College and gives a thorough Eng lish Education; the best preparation for Teaching or Business. All expenses very low. Board and rooms at the Ladies' Hall, 13 to $4 per week, including electric light and heat. The College Dormitory, under excellent management, fur- ' Irishes board and room at $2.2") per week. Hoard and room in private families, $2.50 and upwards. Mnny stu dents rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $150 er week. The fall term begins Septem ber 18. For full particulars address, thomas mcclelland, Forest (5 rove, Oregon. Pioneer Harness Dealer in Horse Repairing and Carriage . . AH Goods Sold to Compete with Portland Prices L Fine Notice for Publication. Land Orsii a at Obkoox Citt. Or. Nov. 11, 18. NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named sottier has tiled nolicu of her intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the County Clerk of Wash ington couutv ut Hillsboro, Oregon, on Dec St, ISM, vis: Julia Ann Beard, (willow of 1'. S. Heard, deceased) II. E. No. 847--', for tho Iit and 7 of Sec H T -' X U U W and E H of 8 K Sec 1 T 'I X li 4 W. She mimes the following witnesses to prove hpr continuous rt idriice upon and cultivation of said land, viz: II. T. Ilollisler, of Oreeiiville, Oregon. W. J. It. !Jiaci!, . J West, J A. I'hipps, " " !U-(J I!oi;srt A. Mn.i.iR. Uegistcr. Notice for Publication. La mi Orru'K at Orkoun Ctrv.Ou.i Nov. 11, is.).t NOTICE it hereby given that the I'olluw-ing-usiiied settler has filed notice of his Intention to muke final proof in suj hurt of his claim, uml that stud proof will be made belore the County Clerk of Wash ington county, ut Hillsboro, Or., on Dec. Zi, IW5, viz: Mike Genzer, II. K. Xo. 7700, for the N K Sec 21 T 3 N It 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of snid land, viz: Fred Wolf. John lHmu, John Uuillie und Joseph Kreli, all of lluxtou, Oregon. S4-6 KoiikkT A. Mili.kb. Register. Notice For Publication. Land Ofkic at Orkoos City, Or. Aug. IB, lWW.f TOTIOE is hereby given that the follow 1.1 ing-iiamed settler has tiled notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver 1'. 8. Lund Ottic.e, at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 0, 18&, viz: Fred Burgdorfer, (one of the heirs-at-law of John Burgdor fer, deceased) If. K. No. 7840 for the S N W yt and N S W of 8e. 14, T 3 N it 3W. He mimes the following witnesses to 1 prove his continuous residence upon and J cultivation of said land, viz: j Olave Johnson, Charles Mason, Ambrose , Cox and Ulissa L. Creecy, ull of Dixie, Washington county, Oregon. 'MS Kohkkt A. Mii.i.kk, Register Notice for Publication. Land Omcs at Oregon City, Ob.) ! Nov. 11, 181)5., NOTICE is hereby given that tbe l'ollow-ing-numed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- Iiort of his claim, and that said proof will e made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on Doc. 21, 1805, "viz: Weinel Reihter, H. E. No. 7758, for the 8 E 8 E ,Hm'. 10, K y N E and N E S E Sec 15 T 8 X. it 4 W. He names the following, witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Hail lie, of Buxton, Oregon. John Biimi, " " Mike tieuzer, " " Martin tiinkard, " " S4-6 Robert A. Miller, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Orrtcx at Okeoon City, Or.i Aug. 16, lH'Jo.t NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make fi nal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before tbe Register and Keceiver U. 8. Land Office ut Oregon City, Ore., on December 20, 1805, viz: Fred Bnrsrdorfer, II K. Xo. 7841, for the N U of N E W and N UofN W JiofSecH, T3NR8W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ola vu Johnson, Charles Mason, Ambrose Cox and Ulissa L. Creecy, all of Dixie, Washington county, Oregon. 84-l Robkht A. Miller, Register IjOR sale or rent, the property of H Unternahrer. Will rent at $4.50 per month. Enquire of L V Berckmoes. TO RENT. A large cottage with three lots in North aide addition at 18 per month, Kncruireattlftff olflee. DENNIS, Shop, A M CARLILE MANAGER. and Mule Jewelry. Trimming a Specialty. V. BERCKMOES, .. Watchmaker and jeweler, .. Second Street, Hillsboro, Orcgou. WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY SPECTACLES ETC. and Complicated Watch Repairing Satisfaction Uuiirantecd. FT E. Mi NEIL, HcceviT. TO THE S T ... (iives the choice of. .. . ril'O Til A NSC OX TIKKK TA I ROUTES Great Ion Northern Ry. - Pacific By. VIA "IA SPOKANE DENVER MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA ASH ASK ST PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES Ocean Steamen have Portland Every Five Days ....FOR.... SAN FRANCISCO For full details call 011 or address: W H HURLbURT, Gen'l Pass Agent Portland, Oregon. rboa, P. Oakm, Honry ('. Puynp, Henry ('. Itouin, Keclovers. ns ORTHERN B PACIFIC R. R, R U N 3 Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars T. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARQO GRAND FORKS CR00KST0N WINNIPEG HELENA am) BUTTE TO SHICA0O A8HIN0T0 PHILADELPHIA NEW VORK 80ST0N AND ALL POINTS EAST rvl SOUTH Kor iiifoi'iimllon. time rnrds, tun I ik ami tlckuls, i'iiII mi or write 4, D. CHALTON, Asst. Gent, li W Jfrr"n Street, 5 km) Purest Drugs and Chemicals. The Hillsboro Select Stock of Stationery. HILLSBORO CITY 1. K Beef, Mutton, Kept Constantly on Hand. w Highest : Mai ltd : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cuttle, : Sheep : nnft : lli: Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN HTKEKT, HIMJMOKO, ORKtSON. Don't Boy a IFup Coast Carriages and llnggies "Docf riY TPcri V W are best value for least money; It Uli J-4CII til II . Discount on Prices hut no Discount on the Goods. Particulars of Williams Htos., Hillsboro, Ore, or M. M. Davis, Assignee Const Carriage & Wagon Co., Corvallis, Ore. W. T. Andrews, President. ANDREWS LUMBERXO.t ltil.ioi..,.ioiml limall iUIAt MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER MOUNTA1NDAI.K, mrarn TIIE BUFFET CAR ROUTE! k u 9 Shortest ' PACIl'lC COAST POINTS ... ST. PAUL, AND THE EAST Crosse both llio Cascades and the llocky Mountains In DAYLIUHT, att'ortling pu sengms t!it)ii.Mirtninty of viewing the Grandest Scenery in America. 1 wo trains uuiiy iroin rortmuii ; one ut via O. ie. N'.nmt Mpokane. Huns siiierb U Inn rv cars, miluee und iiiliolslereit luuriMls' sli rping cms. I he liullel curs urp tnu vels of elegance und comfort, containing bath room, bitrlair shop, rusv chuiii.rtr. TIIK MAGNIFICKNT . . ... Twin struiiisliiiiM "Xoitliwest" mid "N'ortliliinil" It avi lliilut li every Momliiy 111 Eritlay lor inn "00," Markimiv Uliiiwl. Iirlroit. Clrwhiml und llntlnlo in roinitrtloA with tlw tivrat NorlliHrn liuilHiiy Have your tii ki ts rrml via XoU'l IIKHN KI'KAf SHU' i.'OMI'ANY uml eiij.i) 11 ili-li:;u; hil ihle free fnim tliv brut uml .I111I. l'orA els ami gunernl iiifoi'iiiution I'.illuii or uililri s.i J It. C. S1KVESS, (J. V. 1. V 1)12 Front Ml., rtenttlo, Wusli. CHOICE LANDS. FOR SALE Any one desiring lo'fmiclntse a Fnrni or Town Prowrtv will do well lo . . READ - THIS - LIST. -r Hero aro sum' Very Choice Properfie Which Cheap :: Cheap For particulars enquire at this offic( Nol 20 acres, udjnlning city llmlls, sidewalk within oun bloek of property. Ill n..f.M ..I1.1M..1.I ll..ut II... t ' ? iiiitm, iiijiiiv , ill IMHUIIU , 111011, i Hi ri's iioiicn, line sitn tor building . )iurpiwus, some timber on Name. Will sell in a body for $2000-purt down, bal- anee on time to suit purehaser. Or will subdivide sons to give part cleared liot tout und part bench, In pints from 2 to 5 acres, ut M2S por aero. Ilore is a chance fur a good noat little home which can he mBde self sustaining Investigate before sonio one gets it. On the market for a short time only. No 2 10 acres, half cleared, lucre bea vordum, rest slashed and sown to grass, no buildings, goes for )S per acre. With in two mllos of Hillsboro. Terms, t400 down, balance in 8 years at 10 per cont. Or will Soli 40 acres, of which above is a part, at Nil me price per acre, including 15 acres of beavordam und swall cleared. No 8 128 acros, highway running through center of pluce, &0 acres In cultl vatioiij 2 acres in orcburd, apples, peara and plums; 0 room house; log barn, good woll of water: 0 acres of beaverdam, easy to put in cultivation; placo well watered by springs and creek; 100 acres under fence; 1J miles from post oflloe, dully mall; 1 mile from school house and six miles north of Hillsboro. Goes cheap for cash. - 4. A B00tl coer loton Main and Third streets. 75x175, with good building thereon.sultable for any kind of business, and in excellent repair, will go at a bar gain for cash. Part paymont and balance on long time with security. No j 12 acres; half cleared .balance In grass. Good house of four rooms; good barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of 50 trees and various other small fruits. , 150 chickens 50 ducks, ,i-ltorse wagon, a sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers . 1 horse and farm implements. Every. Vhing goes for $650, cash in hand. Patent Medicines Proprietary ArticlesJ Pharmacy Particular Attn Hi u paid t. Physicians' Prescript ious audi rsuiuy itenpfs. It, MEAT MARKET. llKltrlT, 'mr Veal and Pork you have seen a Coast Steel Gem Id. f Const CarriiipeA Wagon Co I, YV. Dorranee, Secretary OREGON. and Quickest Line 11 it. m , via mciimui, ami one ul S:4fi p. 111 riiii.inrnt, roiisisllngof dining cars, built A. 11. V. DKNN1STON.C. i& T. A. 122 Third Ht. J'ortland. Oregnrj 1 an Offered -1 -