THE ARGUS- County OfficialPaper. The Only Demo ratic Paper in Wash ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argils Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION FRIOB. Single oopv five cents. One year, 1. 00. Hix months (SO cents. Thre months 35 cents. Entered at the Post-othce at Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second-clas mail matter. THUttSDAY, SEP. 12. 1895. EltUOK OP THEIR WAY. It is unfortunate that baseless as sertions will in ninny instances re ceive credence, especially when they touch on politics and religion. This is even more so when people remain tiassive. knowing them false and the source of promulgation Uishon est us well as disreputable. For gome months this county has been disgraced by a howling medium which has endeavored to advocate populism, socialism and anarchism jn a manner loud and boisterous, The would be editor is irresponsible as well as ignorant and full of base treachery. His utterances have had a certain following, though not by any means large, and the reason is oM ious. There have been news papers in this vicinity whose pub lishers have known for a long time what this rioter was, and for some reason they maintained a passive silence, while he branded all oppo site opinion as crime and everyone not of his pretended view a coward and dishonorable. While this was going on, the silence by those who knew his record, was almost crimi nal, yet there evidently is Borne ex cuse, as his pesonal enmity was not a thing desired any more than his friendship. This paper has called to public -notice the record of the self styled "martyr and hero" and by so doing keeps from further hav ing o tell the people to look out for his lechery. All can find the proof of the facts quoted last week by looking at the circuit court rec ords, and this done, the question will at once arise ns to how much his anarchistic. bombast is worth. ' The truth is, his utterances are mental blackmail, and people who have been following to applaud him should begin to realize what they have been doing. The remedy should have been applied long ago and the populist-anarchist editor would have written to the silence of eternal night but perhaps it if better :i a the matter now stands. The lesson is certainly a pointed tme and those who could not judge heretofore the worth of this male diction, can now see the error of their ways. If one were to believe the elders who recently attended a conference over on Puget Sound, the hop crop, in some places particularly, has re ceived tjie curse of the Almighty. One of the body claimed that His disapproval of hop raising has been made manifest by the almost utter failure of many fields in that vicin ity. A fervent amen went up. Ez ra Meeker, who only harvests 500 acreB annually in that territory, and by the way, has an excellent crop this year, haB made deductions from the benign utterances of these "men of God," and hastens to as sure them that hop lice, which have made great havoc on hop yields, must, then, be one of (God's curses, and inasmuch as he sprayed his vines, thereby securing a good crop !. be defeated one of His intentions. The only surprising thing about these men who live from the sweat of others' faces, is ti e fact that their almost divine intuition overlooked the probability that the Almighty may have something to do with the prevalent low prices, and that He intends -ruining the industry by bearing and bulling the market. When it comes to a cinch on hop raising they should be aware that fur a prohibitory curse the hop louse is "not in it" with ruinous prices, mid if (hey believejn the efficacy ,f prayer they might give Him a pointer. Of a certainty, no one has any hut a ridiculous comprehension of nu:h a Ixuiy, and in this age of en lightenment and human progress, it is almost miraculous that an el der, advocating such a dark age philosophy, should the second time get an audience, but he does; per haps because the age is tolerant. Hop growers on the coast will not pull ineir vinculum jjuic uecrvurcj t body of clergy who live upon oth era' labors grow foolish and fashion ' . . . . , . 1 for porTray-f TTttxte4,jeiljiar- row Divine Being. Hop picking cotues once each year and it takes , good picker, h it man or woman, to make $1.00 j Legislatorial clerkships j I" UJ- iTgioii ...... , come once every two years and any i kind of a clerk, male or female, sets frora $3 to $10 per day. Mill ions of dollars are annually spent in Europe by tourists, and millions go over the pond each year to pay interest. And yet there are people who can't see the reason money grows scarcer each year with the masses. What the people want is more democracy, and not of the kind that loans money on real estate. Thousands of people are row en gaged in picking bops and ahho' the remuneration is not large it would appear that the largest pos sible wage consistent wit h the times is being paid. Many thousands of dollars will find access into Oregon homes through this industry, which each year is augmented. Proper spraying, as a rule, will insure im munity from the louse, and those who give yards proper care know no such thing as poor yield. Ore gon for diversified products, stands favorably with any state in the union. ( Those who wore the blue and those who donned the gray nave again met before they join the silent majority. This time it was at Louisville Ky., and the greatest crowd ever attendant at a reunion was present. COUNTY NEAVS BEAVERTON. Mrs Alexander and her daughter, Mrs M A Danks, were in Hillsboro last Thursday on business. R D Ben ham and wile have returned from Oakland, this stale, where they have been for the past two or three months. Wm Squires has had carpenters rear ranging some rooms in his house, which will make it very convenient for the house-keeper, and this week he is hav ing his house repapered, thus brighten ing up dull times and making heavy hearts light. Hubert Klink has returned from Cas cades where he has been working for some time. R D Benham and wife were Pt Dilley Thursday attending the funen.1 of ilr Kay. The hop yard on Mr Mott's place is now a place of gaiety and the young peo ple ot our town ate hard at work picking hops. They mix work with pleasure thereby making their work lighter. Mr Churchley, the photographer, is crowded with work and feels greatiy en couraged. Floyd Teft was thrown from a horse the first of the week and sustained a very bad fracture of the left shoulder. A sur geon from this town reduced the fracture and the little fellow was made as com fortable as possible under the circum stances. September Qth, Born to the wife of John Freddeen, near Raleigh, a daugh ter; weight yt pounds. Mother and child are doing very nicely. Mr Turk, whose house was burned several weeks since with all its contents, is now erecting a very fine res idence over the site of the old one; a brick foundation 7 feet high is placed underneath the frame. Barney Morris, our enterprising young butcher, lost a very-valuable animal yes terday in Portland. While unhitching the torse became frightened and ran away. As yet no word has been received from the missing animal. Rev Wilson of the M E church of this city is quite ill, but no fears are enter tained of its being fatal. Messrs Churchley & Hargrave con template moving their photo tent from this city to Rainier the last of this week. There is some excitement in town over the warrants issued from the Recorder's court for the arrest of the late belliger ents. Will Stitt has made the town lonesome by his absence since the fight. SCHOLLS. Mr Smith, of Portland and who owns real estate at this place, came out Tues day accompanied by a real estate agent. He contemplates cutting his land in small tracts and planting a colony on it. J D Rowell and J S Miller visited the horse reduction works at Linton Tuesday and took a horse along with them for sale. Hops! Hops! I Hop pole is the cry. Chas Miller, of Hood River, down Tuesday to visit relatives. came J Wohlslegal made a trip to Portland Tuesday, Mrs Hanley and Mrs Geo Groner vis ited the hop yards at North Yamhill this week. The little 3-year-old son of Mr Werre was kicked by a mule Monday and quite seriously hurt. Miss Nettie Arnspiger, of Portland, is isiting with Miss Elsie Crouder this week. . . Luther Miller returned to his home at Hood River Saturday after a short visit with friends and relatives. Mr and Mrs Dan Schmeltzer, of Port land, Sundayed with their son, Elmer, of this place. CENTERVILLE. Wm Bagley began picking his hops Monday. The only purchasers at the sale of Delplanche Bros were themselves. , Threshing in this section is over for this year. -Mr UlUm last Saturday threshed white oats from an acre of land that yielded 41 sacks, of a buhel anil a half each, whicll weigiled -9 buslielsaBd TSFrorrdsr G V Marsh and family are picking hops at Win Toners. . Hermens 1 ros and Kupp have housed j their thresher for this season. Eff Scheiffelin is spending his summer i vacation with his brother, C L Scln Mr Sitsman has put tion under his house. brick founda- Thomas Trapp expects to go to Wis- i consin in about a montli. I Mrs Alf Neep, of Glencoe, is going on a visit to her old home in California the last of this mouth. Obituary. EvKRiTT. In Hillsboro, August 30, 1895, Mrs. Jane Eliza Shaw Kveritt, aped 60 years, 9 month- and 15 days. Jane Eliza Shaw was born in Kent Co., Ontario, November 15, 1834, joined the M. E. church during the summer of 1857, and remained a constant member up to the time of her death. She was united in marriage with Samuel Everitt, Oct. 28, 1857, to whom were born eight children, all of whom are living except the oldest, who died in infancy. For many years she had been a great sufferer, always bearing her afflictions with patience. April 25, 1S93, she was stricken with par alysis, from which she nearly recovered. For the last few months she had enjoyed very good health, and, on the evening before her death, went to spend the night with her cousin. Miss Amelia Everitt, at whose place she was again str.cken with paralysis at II p. ni., and died the next morning at 4:20. Sister Everitt wa9 a member of Hills boro class, and was always at church when her health would permit.- The class will miss her very much, but our loss is her eternal eain. The good lord ha9 called her from labor to her great reward in Heaven. Hillsboro Independent. A Card of Thanks. C v the undersigned, wish to We, thank our many friends and espec ially the Knights of Pythias for their kindness during the late ill ness and death of our beloved son. Mb. and Mks. Beamish. Dead Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maiuing in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: . Faith, Denton O 2 Ruane, Miss Winifred All letters not called for by Sep. 14, 1895, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. Mary A. Brown, P. M. SOCIETIES. Phoenix Lodge No. 34, K. of P. .meets in Odd Fellow's hull on Mon day evening of each week. SS&i. Montezuma Lodge No. 50, 1.O. SO. F. meets Wednesday even-m-' ings at 8 o'clock in their hall. Tuality Loge No. 6. A.F. & A.M.' 7tneets every Saturday night on or AVaficr full moon of each month. Court Tualatin, N0.7974 A. O.P.ol'A. meets every Tuesday evening iu Odd Fellows hall at S "o'clock. em Hillsboro Lodge No. 6i,A.O.U.W., ncets every second and fourth Tues .lay evening in the month. fVgWasliington Encampment No. 24. T. O. O, V. meets on second and fonrlh Friday of oach month. rUtt!sboro Lodge No. 17, 1. O.G. T. jS-p iiectain their hall Saturday 8 p. in. J uvonile Temple, Sundays, at 3 p.m. 8 Hillsboro Grange No. 73, P. of H. ii.mcets 2nd and 4th Saturday) at 12 m. Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 54, I. O. O. V., meets in Odd Fellows' Hail 1st, 3rd Saturday evening, of each month, 1 Washington County Rod and 3uS Gun Club meets in Morgan Block Sid Thursday of each month at S p, 111. Viola Tent, So IS, K O T M, meets in Odd Fellows' Hall 011 Second and Fourth Thursday evenings of each montli. Vis iting Kmglif.s cordialUinvited to attend. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all emmtv warrants endorsed prior to June 10, 1S'J5, will he redeemable at the office of the county treasurer on Thursday. Kept. 13, 1805, and interest will ceason same after above date. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Sept h?,18)."), j. W. S.U'HINOI'ON, U-tf Co;nty Treasurer Notice for Final Settlement. VTOTICE is hereby civen that the tin ll dersigned hat tiled his final account as administrator of the estate of George L. Stevens deceiuHcd, in the County court of the State of Oregon, for Washington Countv. and that said Court has unpoint ed Monday, Oct. 14, 1MB, at the hour of 10 a. in. as tlie time for hearing objections to such final account and for the settlement thereof. - N icholas Ntkvknh. Administrator of the estate of George L. Stevens, deceiiKcd. , Dated at Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, this 7tli clay ot Sept., ISto. NOTICE. To the tax -payers of Washington conn, tv. Oreeon: "VTOTICE is hereby given that the Board XI ot equalization lor Washington conn- 1 ty, Oregon, will convene in the County' Clerk's office at the court house in Hills-! boro, on the 23rd day ofSeptember, 18115, and continue in session one week, or un til the 28th day of said month, for the pur pose of publicly equalizing and correct ing the tax lists of Washington county, Oregon for the year'1805. Gko. H. Wilcox, Assessor of W'atdiington county, Oregon. Notice for Publication. Land Offick at Oueoom City, Or.) Au(.'. 6, lS95.f NOTICE is herebv given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to ninke tinal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on Sept. 20, 1895, viz: William Tolke, H. E. No. 7729, for the SH8 li 14, W U S K 'A , 8 K 8 W Vf, Heo U T 8 N , li i W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William M. Stephens, of Buxton, Oregon. Clark Whitther, J, W. SaxtSii, " " Herman Hunger, " " 20-0 Hobkkt A. Millkb, Register. . Notice for Publication. Land Offick at Oreook City, Or.) Aug. 5, 1895.j NOTI.CE is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in fup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on September 21, 18i5, viz: Henry B, Hollenbeck, H. K. No. 7SM0, for the liBWX and W X S 15 V Isee. 22 T N Range 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz. O. J. Mendenhall, of Buxton, Oregon. A. 11. K. Wolf, " ....... John Harms, , " " Carl Url fner. ' " " 20-Q Robert A. Miller llegister, Land Office Notice. .LaV Ot'kMCK Wk-OHHim -t'lTY, OK.T AVU. , iss5. Notice 1m hereby given that the ap proved plats of survey ofrractionsl town ship i North, Range 7 West, and tract ion al township 3 North, Range H Went, have been received from the surveyor (iener al of Oregon, and on September lit, ISStli, at 0 o'clock a. m. of Raid day wild plats will be tiled in litis oillfe and the laud therein embraced will lie subject to en trv on and alter said dale. Roiikiit A. Mu.i.kk, Register. l'KTMt l'Aiji'in-, Receiver. OX) KENT. A large eutiaue with three Alois ill North side addition at !ff per month. Kiiuuiie at tins office LEAPS PAPS! OF THE ICIFIC COAST m VII K ( lIR;Mi K nut wiu U tirntril new slither mi Hit Vnttcd MiUi Till- (.'KiMNIVl.K hu miiialmi tfi Pcltttt 1 u:wt. It UnN ul I iti ability. tuurri t tu1 I UK IMUONH'I.K'S Trti'Mr-Midii; lttirt km lUe lNLrtt nml Hint: rWll'llrt. ItH I .tb .il .V.vtl'i4 tu;iii uti'l HpH.'u-Ht. nit I Uh Kil'tuiiult triim Hi itii twHtn in Hit I'txmtry. "I'll K Oil HUN il l, K tlH1it'.VA U'f II, Ult't !llV!l1 will hi. Uti f i ion. I an) ("tHtnuiint of tlin (.! .tU 1 v:h'h otHimi-.MimiiH. clt. pua. i-tirforiiiHH, tir upjirt'Hnni' of tint kitt'l It will tte lwlctti'U Jetil in vvcryUilufti tirtiWttt lu iiottiiug. 4t pJ ism-? If. 5B mm mm 11 ii.l. II. u. DAI LV It r Mi,. I, rn'it: l'il.l. i!)$6.70 The 1 1 i liU ihi '.'i.u.'.ry. S1.50 a la (i.i hi'iiri ; :m f iv imrt "f Hie I'lille.l Sl.ili'4. 'HHU'lli ii-l 1 Mflcu, Til !; W'KKivl.V tH H Un hftrf'itMl ltll.1 flCiHt I'XMl -ll--l" V"l!tly t:V.H!flHr til till wtr!'t (trim t nt'iilny Hi coin urn, or fvWv;) t:iiii-s ni" Ni-u it 'Kil 'liiiT;vt I uf.irmi lion; :iih- ii in itfiiiiicctit Arifnliiiriil liprt mut. SAMPLE G )P3 SNF FM .E. IK) VOIT WANT TIIW chronicle: Reversible Map? KHOW1NO The United Stat83, Dominion of Canada and Northorn Mtuioo ON ONK BIDK, And tlia Map of the World on Tin.: other sun-:. He-(l -12 anil Gel tlio Miii mnt Weekly ( lironlole fir Ono, pomuije prepaid on Map mid l'-p r. ADDIIKSH M. H. dn YOUNB, 1'ruprlMor 8. V. Ohrniilrle. SAN FKANCMMCll. CAb !Tboi, F. Oaken, Hnry C. Pnyue, Henry (J. Rouse, Kucievers, ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. u N 3 Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars 8T. PAUL Minneapolis' DULUTM FAR 00 TO I GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON I WINNIPEG HELENA nd BUTTE TO CHICAGO tVASHINQTON PHILADELPHIA NEWVORK BOSTONANr) A'.L POINTS EAST .o.l 80UTH For Inl'oniiation time tiekets. cnii on or v rile urds, maps and K. 0. CHAR'TOS. .'!, fifS!. rWAgCOJ lO'iiiANn ' 255 Morrison Street. ' ,k..i1 fW Ta ml m m !! IM I or . -auij i-tikU-jU -.1 1 I 1 'Urn hrnlrt IT H EI ! Morgan & lkrdan "kx pressmen.""" Do a general freight and express business between Milisboro and roriland. Leave orders at K Cave's hardware store or at Tmk Amirs nlllcv. Leaves for Portland Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sheriff's Sale on Foreclosure. 1Y YIUH'K Ot'1 AN KXlit'VllON, 1 J i.t-cifc ami onlcr 111 sale, ismicu uui hi i the t in nil emu t nf I h stale nf Oregon, for Washington county, wherein A. ('.Hull wan plaiutill mid -Itilia K.lioudie, Flora li. Cutis and Thus. II. Tongue, were defen dant! wherein judgment was rendered iwainst the defendant Julia K. Uoudie and flora K. Cults for the sum of"!, costs, and liir the further sum of $187m.0.i, United States gold coin, with in terest thereon at the rale of eight ( Klper cent, ner anniini. troin tlie.ititli Hay 01 .1 11- I lv. lHt. and .i0.00 atlnrm-v's fees. and for j the iurlliersuni of 2.'i0.00 United States gold coin, in favor of Thus. H. Tongue, J defendant, with interest tluneoii at the rate 1 of eight t) per cent, per annum linui the I 29lh day.of Auijust, lMti, and for the costs and expenses of sale and of said w rit. Now, therefore, by viitue and in pursu I niuvol said judgement, decree and older of I sale I will. 011 Monday the ,'Rith day ot'Sep I tember, lS! thesoutli duorof the Court i House, in Hillsboro, Washington County, i Oregon, at tnehour of l(i:lH) o'clock, A. M., of said dav, sell at public auction t.) the I highest bidder for cash, the following-de scribed real pioperiv, 10-wit : All of that part of the North half of the Donation i.and claim of Joseph lliu ton and Wife in Section eleven (II) in Township two (2) South Hangft two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, that lies on the rit;ht hand of ill" center of the Tualatin river, said North hall'of said Donation Land claim being the part, of said Donation I. unci claim, set oil' to said ilariah lliiituii, wife ot said Joseph llin ton, as her hall of said Donation Laud claim, the part of said Donation Land claim, hereby conveyed conlaining One Hundred Fifty Five iind Fiii'ty eigiil-luin- dredlhs (15.".48) acre-:. Also all the, Do nation Land claim of Thomas D. Hum phreys and F.lizabeth Ann Humphreys,; nis wife, in Section eleven (111 Township two (2) South Uange two (2) Wi st, of the ! Willamette .Meridian, that lies on the! right hand of the center of said Tualatin ' river, containing Six (II) acres, more, or less, all of said lauds being In Wa-li-! inutoti Countv, Oregon, to satisfy I m i hereinbefore named sums, and lor the costs and expenses of said sale. Said property 'w ill be sold subject to re demption us perstatule of Oregon. Witness inv hand this 21st dav of Aug ust, II5. ' 11. I'. l'OUD, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon, By W. D. liiiMimmi, Deputy. Notice for Publication. Danii Offick at Orkoon City, On. I Aug. . lWiri.f J'OTl(.'K is hereby given that the follow I ing-upmed settler has tiled notice ot his intention to make final proof in Hiip portof his claim, and that said proof will be made belore the County Clerk of Wash ington county, ut Hillsboro, Or., on Kept. 10, 18115, viz: Daniel Pattou, If. K. No. 7UU, for the N K Sec 21 T 3 N K 5 W. He nunies tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: N. (loi ilw in, of (jlenwuod, Oregon. J. F. ttoiidwin, " " Willis l I rowe, " " James 8. Stephenson, " 2(Mi Koiikut A. SIii.i.kk, Kegister. Notice for Publication. Land Omen at Oiu;i;on City, Ou.i Aug. 5, I.Wi.f "VJOTK'H is hereby given that tbel'ollow X ing-named settler hits tiled notice,!)!' his intention to make final proof in miiji nort i.i his claim, and that said proof will I e made belore the llegister and llixeiver 11. S. Land OIHce at Oregon (lity, Ore., on .September 20, viz: W illiam 8. (ionlon, II V.. No. S-17:l, for the B E Seel, T3 N K5 W. He names tho following witnesses to prove Ins vonl intioiiN resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. V. llrown, of Forest drove, Oregon. Henry iluber, ' Uuxtou, " K. M. McDaniel, " " . l.'.il. Kibby, WH1 HoiieiitA, Mili.ku, He.gister Notice For Publication. Land Office at Oreoon Citv, Ok.i Aug. 3, INOo.f XTOTICK is hereby given that the follow- I. 1 ing-named settlerhas liled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Kegister and Receiver U. S. Land OIHce, at Oregon City, Oregon, on September 14, 1N0.", viz.: Jacob Conrad, H. K. No. 7M for the W S W Sec. 12, T 2 N H2 W. He mimes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. S. Keller, of Portland, Oregon. 0. N. Proud, " Hole-rook, " U. C. Frick, " " C. M. Waltmau, " 20-6 Hohkkt A. Mii.i.kk, Kegister. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Orkuom City. On. i Aug. fi, lHlfi. f NO'l'K'K is hereby given thai the following-named sottler has liicil notice of his intention to make (iniil prool in sup port of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county nt Hillsboro, Oregon, on Sept. 20, 1815, via: J. E. Parmley, II. K. No. 70'U, for the K W See is. T 2 N It 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon anil cultivation of said land, vi.: George Schneider, of Greenville, Oregon. John Wasteiittcker, " " Kdward Missen, " Fred Wilcox, " " 20-0 Kobkrt A,, itegiater. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Okeoon C'tv. Ok.I Aug. 5, iflilo )' NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-iiig-numed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made belore the County CUrk of Wash ington county, af Hillsboro, Oregon, on Sept. 21, 1805, vm: William Thurston, H. E. No. 8441. for the N N K W B K K Sec 28 T 3 N, H 4 V. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon anil cultivation of said land, via; Arthur Knox, of lluxton, Oregon, K. li. Stucker, " " H. T. Buxton, " " C. A. Peterson, " " 20-6 Roui'.RTrA. Mulish, Kegister. Notice for' Publication. Land Office at Ohboon City, Oit.l Aug. 5, 18l)5.( TVTOTICE is herebv eiven that the follow Xl ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made belore the County (JlerK oi wasn ington county, ut Hillsboro, Oregou, on Se)tember 21, 1805, via: Arthur Knox, H. E. No. 7542, for the N W Sou. 27, T 3N, K4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vizi William Thurston, of Buxton, Oregon. if. r, Buxton, is. ft. wtucKer, i C. A. Peterson. " " I RoPkbt A., Beglster, PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Til UK E COI.UWK CoritHKH ... Classical, Scientific, Literary. UllO Al'ADKM Y pmmreR for Collet-., ami pvi'H n llioroutj:!. Kng lUh Munition; tlie UhI wNir.ui..ii for Tcelnnii or ItiiBineKi.. All expensea very low. Hounl hih! roomH t.t the ItuVw'. Hall .f'l to H tier week, ineltnlini? eliclric liglil hikI heat, The ('olh ge l).iniitoi V, unih t exicllent iiiuiui(:eni.-ut fur nishes bot.r.1 .mil room t 2.2-r, per week. Honnl imd room in private fnmilu. 2..r) iinl iiurtln. Many Htu ilenlt) rent rooms mul honnl theniK-lvei lit a font not toexcee.!fl.r,(lperweek. The full term heginn Setnn her IS. I'V't full purlii'tilarH inhiri'HH, thomas McClelland, Koret ( 1 rove, Oregon. t Buy a IVs Coast Cnrriiipen nml Hugnii's IDgs of OT1 TPlVtVl 1 me hebt value for It-nvt money; JJCOt O-C-IJ. LXl . Iiiseoutit on TriiTH hut no Discount on the (iooils. PuriieiilurR of Williams Hios., Hillsboro, Ore, or M. M. Davis, Aninneo Count Carriage & WiiRon Co., Corviillin, Ore. W. T. Andrews, president. ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (Incorporated MANUFACTURERS ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINIUI.H, EXPOSITION ! PORTLAND, V ()Ki:(;()N. The Largest and Most Complete Display ever made of the Resources, Industries, Commerce, Husiuess, Agriculture, l'orcsts, Mines. Fruit, 1'islieries, Manufac tures, and Transportation Facilities of the Great Pacific Northwest. Fine Music. SpecliU AllnictioiiH Kveiy l:y. Kcilum! RateH on all 1 1 tiusport u t ion Lines, ADMISSION : Single Admission .... 25c I'liildreu Under 12 Years . 10c Season Tickets tU IM E. f. MASTEN,'SecieU.ry. THE DELTA DRUG :: STORE (Next Door Hryau-I.uidlaw Co.) Main Street, Hillslioro. A lino lino of. Toilet Artic les, llncdics, CoiiiI.h, lVrt'iiines, I'lileut .Mem. i,.e,-; and spcial attention gie:i . to (iualily and Aeiituu y. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORN 1CY-ATUW. K.hiiii :, Jlnrgaii l!i.u?:, iiiLLsnoRO, orkco:-;. Local Agent Itoyal Iiisiinii.ce ,('oir i.i y SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Koonis (i it 7 Morgan Hlk., Hillsboro, Ore. S. B. HUSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, a NO NOTARY PUBLIC. doom 8 Union fllock, HillslMiro.Or. DARRETT &. ADAMS, ATTORNEY S- ATt. AW, ;too:i,s (land 7 Central Block, Hillsboro, Or T. li. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan block, Hillsboro, Orgon. W. D.WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olli.'o III Chenetto Row. Kesldenos, cornei Fiivst and Main streets, Hillslioro, Oregon, S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ollice at Renidenco East of Court House, c. B. BROWN, D' L I.HHOHO, OREGON. GOIO CKOWN and liltllHIE work a specialty. ALL WORK (iuarcntccd. Kooms I tmd 2 Morgan liloeli, Oki.'ick Hoi us: From 8 a. m. to A, v. h. F. A. BAII.KT, M.D. F. J. BAlT.KY, B.S.M.D. DRS. F, A. AND F. J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Office in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Resi dence soutn-west corner llasoline and Booond. All calls promptly attended day or night. 3 JAMES PHILUPPB TAMIKSIE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. "urM?" """"IF" 1fl" Railroad Po. ..Tj i"i "1 1 "nc1 "r E.ngliHb. Olllee arirt resul enee south of Main near M st.. 1-1 11 Iwl wnn (if WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a pecialty. v " Lindsay Block, two doors north of the postofflce. Second at., Hillsboro, Or. 'PO REM. A nice litt, nnllnw within J-oiio block of the business nnrt of town I at $7 per month; Enqure at this "rtlce or ofW.E.TUonio. Until you have seen 11 Count Steel (Iinr Mauu'l'il. hy CohhI Ciirrinneiv Wagon Co. D. W, Dnriiiliee, Secretary, June 8, 1MKI.) AND DEALERS IN OKHCON. OFKNS October 6th For Exliiliit Space Apply at the Ex position lliiilding- to ('. II. Ill' NT, Superliitemlent. Notary Public. . . Loans, Collections, FIKL. AM). - ACCIDENT : INSURANCE. : J. I. KNIGHT. liencral I'lri- Insuraiiee and Loan llroker, IllLI-SIIDRU, ORIvOON. r. o,i (, iVi,'i,, vi lui- it i ' a ii inn k)o 1. NilKTIIktl'. Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-cuss Uble mid j all accomiuodatiiiiit lor the convenience of guilts. , , . K. McNEI L, Keen ver. TO THE AST . , . .(.lives the choice of., . . TWO TllANSVOIiTlMCKrA h ROUTE S Noi'fai Ry. - I'iicific By, VIA SPOKANE MINNEATOUS AND ST PAUL DENVER OMAHA AM) KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN C1T1HS Ocean Steamer Portland Every Five Leave Days ....FOR.... SAN FRANCISCO .a- full details call on or address; W H HURL-EURT, Gon'l Pass Agent Portland, Oregon ANDERSON & TUPPER, Kuccet,.,or to U R Mead) EXPRESS! Mttkon regular trips to Portland on ivionuays, Wednesdays, and FridayH, re turning on TtiPHdayMriiursdiiVHiuid Sat lurdiiyM. All ImslucsH eutnmtod to him ! v 111 lioriroilintlv and ciimf'nllv iilinniled to. l roight and ex press rutonroiiMoiiablo. Leave orders with him, or at Ledford's, or at Tun Attn us. Notice for Publication. Land Ofkicf. at Urkuom City, Oh.) AUg. ft, 1S0,). ! VTOTICE is herebv civen thaUhc follow i 11 ing-namod sni tier has II led notice of ins intention to make final proof in sup port ol his claim, and that said proof will he made belore the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on September sU, 1H!)5, viz: Fred Wilcox, ''J- No. 7007, for the B W Sec. 8 T 2 N 11 o W. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz; Edward Mizen, of Greenville) Oregon. I . ' Oeorne Bchtielder. ."'i.uou, I UIUIICV. j John Wastenacker, " "' . ( W-o Robbrt A. Miller, Register. IlillvliliMl If'nIK'ii 1 1 1 u.iwwi w nun