The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 19, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 50

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r.e.r3. Hrstfc i en- rsz cv r yi!t v - - . oi l
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i- fe' , if s faslitonable assemblage. Precednv?
Xs ' .2- ' - V ' - the ceremony Mrs. Henry W. Metz-
' VJVSs v- ' " "c fc ' ' f er sanB- Kabln Jonah B. Wise
L sf V v ' t" - ' read the service. The bride, who ap-
, i "hk " 4 v ( - ' jiroached the altar improvised ot
f-:-," txtz s1" X. ? I " - beautiful pink chrysanthemums, waa
I,' vVss,tv1? ' ' i ' handsome in a wedding robe ot white
.-,(- !f''v', sl, - ! , " velvet adorned with pearls and cut
: J-;i; -; k . ; - - -' . ' V j x V , , --
S - ' 4 fcv. -J James Meese, Mrs. Kudoiph K. wedding were the inspirations tor F-sSsa i . jKe
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on graceful lines with a long train.
Her veil was of real lace becomingly
arranged with orange blossoms and
falling to the length of her train.
She carried a shower bouquet of
white gardeuiag and lilies of the
Miss Jean Meier, cousin of the
bride, was maid of honor, hlie was
most attractive in a creation of yel
low chiffon and carried an armful
of vellow chrysanthemums.
Misa iilsu Meier, another cousin
of the bride, and Mrs. Allen K.
Meier (Jane Seller) were her attendant-
Thov wore smart frocks
of blue chiflon. Their flowers were
yellow chrysanthemums.
Little Dorothy Frank, the daugh
ter of Mrs. Uovd Krank. and Eliza
beth I'.hrman. the daiiKhtir of Mr.
and Mrs William II. ljlirman. were
adorable as flower girls. Thev were
attired in flesh-pink chiffon and car
ried baskets of flowers in the pastel
Ilichiird A. Sliamwald ot Sun
1'ranciHco acted ii best man. The
ushers included Allen hi. Meier, Lloyd
rank, William Heller Khrnian and
Joseph Khrman Jr. of .San raneisco.
l'oliowmg the coreinonv a beautifully-appointed
dinner was piven.
Tile dining room was colorful with
the decorations of' yellow chrysan
themums. Mrs. Meier, mother of the hndn,
was -beautifully gowned in black
velvet and Mrs. M Heller worn a
striking costume of yellow velvet
and silver. Later in the eveninj;
dancing wa.i enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs
Heller left for a wedding trip i si
the east, after which they will nuikt
their home in San Francisco. Mrs
Heller is a popular and charminu
at the attractive table. They were
assisted by Mrs. Daniel Wilson, Mrs.
James Meese, Mrs. Kudoiph K.
Krausse (Margaret" Bronaugh) and
Mrs. Neagle Sealy, Harry Scaly, son
of Mrs. Sealy,' opened the door for
the guests.
Mrs. William C. Alvord will sn
tertain at one of the tables at the
luncheon to be given next Saturday
at the Multnomah hotel in th in
terest of the campaign for oriental
colleges for women. Her guests will
include Mrs. George JJ. Wilson, Mrs.
William MacMaster, Mrs. Roy T.
Bishop, Mrs. O. A. Lyman, Mrs.
Louis Gerlinger, Mrs. Ealph W. Wil
bur and; Miss Isabella Gauld.
Miss Jessie Bass of Seattle has
been the house guest of her. cousin,
Mrs. Folger Johnson, .at Alexandra
Miss Katherine Graham has re
turned to Portland after filling an
engagement as leading woman with
the stock company at Wenatchee.
One of the most attractive din
ners of the week was that at which
Mr. and Mrs. Julius I Meier enter
tained Sunday night at their coun
try place on the Columbia highway.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heller (Jean-
ette Meier) and the; out-of-town
guests here for the Heller-Meier
wedding were the inspirations for
the event.
One of the most beautiful home
weddings of 'the season was that of
Miss Jeannette Meier and Walter
Heller at the home of the bride
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Meier,
Tuesday night in the .presence of a
(Continued From First Page.)
merly made her home in England.
Her engagement to Mr. Banks was
recently announced. Mr. Banks is
the son of Mrs. William C. Banks
and is prominent in business and
social circles.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Durham
were hosts with a delightful buffet
supper Tuesday night.
' Mrs. Mary Scarborough enter
tained a group of her friends at her
home Monday night.
Mrs. Wesley Ladd Kendall was
the motif for a dinner Wednesday
night, at which Mr. and Mrs. Dom
J. Zan were hosts. Covers were
placed for eight.
About 125 society girls and matrons
called at the home of Mrs. Harr
P. Edward Wednesday afternoon
when she entertained at a tea. Mrs.
Luis Abelle, Mrs. Edward's- house
guest, was the inspiration for the
I occasion. Mrs. Irvincr M. I.nnton.
Mrs. Bthelwynne Glass Wiley, Mrs.
Harvey N. Black (Helen Haller) and
Mrs. Wilbur Pelton Reid presided.
720 Selling Bldg.,
Sixth and Alder
Main 6026
On-77n'rfj Tmth Stmt
For the coming week
a discount of
the regular prices will
be given on
: Frocks
for afternoon and street
wear, in both silk and
wool, each a model Ex
pressive of permanent
Smartness- and Distinc
tion. ?-
Suite 512-13 Bush & Lane Bldg
Some Women
save the difference
Others spend it. Buy them
here for less, and let your
judgment decide.
Black or Brown
Satin or Patent Leather
Elsie's Millinery
500 Exclusive Pat-
tern Hats
$7.50 $10 - $12.50
Many models from New York
designers and a great many el
Elsie's original creations are of
fered in this sale of velvet, bro
cade, silver cloth and fur
trimmed hats. We advise early
Open a eliarge account
2d Floor Artisans Bldg., N. W.
Cor. Broadway and Oak St., Juxt
Below Hotel Bensen, Portland,
Special Order and Makeover
Work Solicited
Frocks of rare beauty
and charm 39.50
New arrivals that are distinc
tively different! Frocks that
lack none of the exclusive charm,
refined simplicity and ingenuity
of finishing touches found in far
more expensive models.
Soft, Shimmering Silks, Cantons,
Trig Tricotines and Poiret Twills
Choose the new one you've been
wanting here tomorrow! Models ,
for ' . '
afternoon wear, informal evening wear,
business weaf, all-occasion wear
Buy your umbrella here
Gloria silk for 3.85
The finest umbrella values you'll find, we be
lieve, in all Portland. Well-made silk umbrellas t
in ivory ring, strap and crook handle styles.
Blue, black, taupe, brown, red
I 4
Luxurious new winter wraps
just unpacked 69.50
A versatile collection of the very
newest winter wraps of sur
prising luxury and richness of
soft, woolly fabrics. Flaring,
circular, Housed and gracefully
belted models, with chic pockets
and novel belts, buttons and
They're beautifully made and lined
with canton crepes
Wolf and beaver finishings will
vie for your favor.
We are particularly proud of
our hosiery department
It offers the. finest of silk and wool stockings
at the lowest prices consistent with good mer
chandising. Splendid heavy silks are $2.25 a pair; 3 pairs
for $6.50 and they'll give exceptional wear.
Wools in heather mixtures are splendid "values
at $1.50, $2 and $2.50 a pair.
Buy the box! That's the more
economical way
Washington at Tenth