SECTION THREE Editorial Page and Doings in Realm of Society VOL. XLI PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 19, 1923 NO. 47 n . HO' V if -aw . lip 'fit V iw -iy v 4? . TOf-W VPS c. - I L .- Jl w if -4 i t fr s" ft m iv j si. t " r v s 7 14'-: 4 Voider frrz iwriTnlli!RtfittiiiitnWiMmlwiw mm i S-'f 5 1 r llilpiiii PORTLAND society has been hon- and Mrs. Vernon A. Cart right, a ored with a number o visitors the inspiration for a large tea Fri who have been the motifs for day afternoon, when Mrs. John Ray- - i many affairs, Wednesday afternoon, mond" Holman and Mrs. Lawrence ' ' Mrs. Luis Abelli (Crystal Hyland) Holman entertained. - r was the honored sruest at a tea at of interest to society folk will be which her sister, Mrs. Harry P. Ed- the-dramatic impersonations to be ward, entertained. Mrs. Abelli, who given by "Sara Truax," Mrs. Charles has been living in Bolivia, South Albert of Spokane, at tne Trinity-i-America, for several years, was a parish house on; Monday, . Novem- former Portland grirl, and is being ber 26, December 4, 11 and . 18. widely feted during her visit here. Sarah Truax will be - remembered Mrs. Elvira Cartwright of Lon- with Guy Bates Post in Lhe: "Gar- . don, who Is the house guest of Mr. den of" Her selections wUI Sfe - 4 If' 2' A'- vvT i ,8' in 4. y& 1 - - . - rsv" zr include- "Ann Christie," "Loyal- Swiney and. John C. Banks occurred ties," "The Circle" and "Enter, last Saturday morning at the Unl- Madam." Tea will be served fol- tarian chapel in the presence of a ' lowing these interpretations. The few relatives and friends. Rev. W. . proceeds will go to the art and ar- G. Eliot officiated. Following - the chitectural department of the Uni- ceremony a wedding breakfast was versify of. Oregon. A number of lven at the. Hotel Portland. Mr. matrons who are on the committee. . , , ,,r.,.. of arrangements are Mrs. Frederick and Mrs- Banks left immediately ' P. Mory, Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, for a trip to California. After - Mrs. David T. Honeyman. Mrs.' Thanksgiving they wll be at home Edwin S. - Parsons, ' Mrs. Max- S.: here at the Trinity Place apart Hlrsch, Mrs." F. K. Hak-t and Mrs." nients. - Donald Spencer." - The Ufide is the sister of Major ..... . . . .. .... . . &nil .Mrs. G. M. Mafiiompy and for- i The marriage of Miss Gladys Mac- ' ' fjontinutu on-Faie"a ' '