THE - SUNDAY OltEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 6, 1921 4 ' . ; . . -A-.' v, .-i "- "sts-""' - - -. f . rlv v' v; I Airfip., .. j V-i? 4HVv V j , I 'I ' u-7Tn; ?- - ; " v " It. a5 J h K 1 V fffT V t Piper will mo as pnreer of ie West guests. Later dainty refreshments , kX';:? 'I "-- " S ZZZl-ZZf V . f - - " - w - .- I Keats of the Columbia-Pacific com- were served. I l! -I i " " T"JT'1. 1 - . - xrl L I I of Misa MaBel Pariah were: Evelvn , ' 5 . " ' , V ' fJ' . -V'.'i -.S5r ' " " Mr-. Ralph Stacey. a roclety matron Vivian G Sarah t - & -SJL ' " l ' ' IP ' ' ' Seattle. Is a visitor In Portland. Nadeau. Freda Runes. Temple Ashby, , , . v. . , III- f- . fe.'T ."." 1 x ?. -,sll I ,T . H. D. Blinco. Mrs. H. Parish. Salona mmmmm 1 w- friends and th members of her fam ily called informally to pay their re spects. Mrs. Mosher Is the widow of the lata I P. Mosher, Judjce of the su preme court, and a daughter of the lata General Joseph Lane, Oreg-on's first territorial governor and first United States senator. Though of an advanced age and frail In health, Mrs. Mosher retains the vigor and freshness of mind which characterized her Illustrious father during bis long and eventful lifetime. a a In honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jack eon, who will leave soon on a tour of Europe and the Mediterranean countries, Mrs. Warren Krwln enter tained on Saturday. Mrs. Alfred Qile gave a dinner for the Jacksons on Wednesday. Others who have enter tained for Mrs. Jarkson have been Mrs. Percy Allen, Mrs. W. J. Hof mann. Mrs. N. U. Carpenter. Mrs. Wil liam Fee and Mrs. Otto Mielke. The Tillicura dance will be held next Saturday in the Multnomah hotel. It will be a valentine affair. Mrs. Franklin Freeman will be hostess. An attractive tea of last week was given by the School Art league in the Museum of Art. About 125 society folk attonded. Mrs. J. C. Elliott King is president, and with the board mem bers ehe received. Tea was served at a table decorated with spring Iiowrjj. Among those assisting were Mrs. Harry Heal Torrey. Mrs. Jay Smith Mrs. T. H. Williams, Mrs. Q. H. Marsh, Airs. A. C. r, mm on 3, Mrs. Julia Mar num. Mrs. Ferdinand B. Smith and Miss Esther Wuost- The School Art league of Portland has been organized to take over the work of the school beautifying com inittee and enlarge it. This league is primarily lormed by delegates from ether organizations, but Is open to anyone interested. Mrs. It. R. Thatcher was hostess yesterday at a party at Kenton club iiouse honoring her sister, Gladys, whose marriage to James Burness was a recent event. Mrs. Burness is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Steele. The bride was a popular Jefferson high school (nn, witn many friends In the younger set. Mr. Burness Is a young uLsiucas man 01 mis city. Irving-ton club members wjll give 4a formal dance, a Valentine fes tivity, on February 11. The chairman Xor the month is Mrs. Garrett N. Ver- eteeg, with the following: Mrs. C. E. Iant. Mrs. H. H. Cofoid, Mrs. a N. Welsh. Mrs. M. R. Whitehead and Mrs. Cecil Green assisting. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denhy Mackia 'ONona Lawler) and their little daugh ter nave Deen visiting In Portland nod have been widely entertained. They will go to Seattle today to visit Mr. Mackie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Mackie. Among those who have entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Mackie are Ludwig L. Pokorney, Mrs. William P. Sinnott, .airs. Harold Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Liebe. a a a The marriage of Dr. May I. Martin. daughter of William Martin, and Dr. X. D. Havens, son of Mrs. Charles Havens, took place Thursday morning at the First Presbyterian church. Jtev. Howard Leonard Bowman offi ciated. The bride was graduated from Pacific university and from the Korth Pacific college. Dr. Havens is graduate of Montana- State college and North Pacific Dental college. He Is a memoir of the Trowel fraternity. His brother, W. L. Havens, was best man. The bride was attended by Mrs. C. C. Newcastle Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Havens will live here. They have gone to Seattle 'and British Columbia HAVE YOU TRIED THE Facial Treatment Hair Dying Scalp Treatment and Tinting Marcel Waving Permanent Hair Shampooing Waving Manicuring Electrolysis By our corps of expert operators. Open evenings by appointment. 203-4 Bdwy. BIdg. Marshall 2207 for a trip. Several social affairs are being planned for the bride, a a a Mrs. D. S. Stearns was hostess Thursday night at a shower for her niece. Miss Louise Stearns, whose wedding to Henry Heath is to take place February 17. a a a Mrs. Clark Pilkington (Esther Cloutier), entertained informally at tea on Wednesday. a a a Friends of Lieutenant -and Mrs. Maylon Scott (Stephanie Strain) are sending congratulations to them to greet their baby boy, born Wednesday, a a a The Rom City Park club will have its card party Friday evening. All members and their friends are invited. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Fordham Kimball are being showered with congratulations and dainty gifts and flowersvare be ing sent to Mrs. Kimball, who will be remembered as Alice Gilman. The who will he christened Luthene Gil man Kimball in honor of his maternal grandfather, L. C Gilman,. The young mother and babe are at the Portland maternity hospital. t. Mr. and Mrs. John Dellar have Is sued invitations for the marriage re ception they will give fn honor their daughter, Elizabeth, and Victor Kolmitz on Thursday evening, February 17 from 8 to 10 o'clock in the crystal room of the Benson hotel. Miss Elizabeth Dellar is a popular and attractive girl for whom consid erable entertaining has been planned daring the past few months since her engagement was announced. a a Mt. and1 Mra M. C. Koester have re turned from California where they spent the past two months.- They are at home at 1193 East Couch street. a Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Mackie (Nona Lawler) and their baby are in the city, at the Portland- hotel. a a Edgar Piper Jr. will leave today for a trip to Japan and China ports, occasion Is the arrival of a baby boy, to be gone for about ten weeks. Mr. New Spring Styles and beautifirt designs In materials are here for your inspection. An early call will be appreciatted. . REUBIN Ladle' Tailor, 109 Bash A Lane Bldg Portland. m :"W . T 7." - -- V-v TJ- -. ,,ILL, .. II I I'll--'-'' ' ' "' '"T"" WllfWIill ' I' g Estdbl ishecTLeadershi p for Quality J 11 WALL PAP Painting Tintind Enamelind Decoratind BERGERBROS. l08-IOStSrBWAYEOO r ! fi ER F f : i v.; . a i i s n Hi . W-i.nrf'S r$ 1 Mrs. Harry H. Austin and daughter I-ma left Wednesday for an extended tour in California and will visit friends and relatives In San Diego, Los Angeles. Visalia, Stockton, Del Monte and San Francieco before re turning. teVEXTS OF THE WEEK. A graduation party for Samuel Greenberg was given at his home on Park street last Sunday evening, the rooms being prettily decorated for the occasion. More than 60 guests were present. ' Dinner was served, after which a cornet solo and dan cing were much enjoyed. a a a H. H. Jenkins was a. dinner host Thursday evening at the Hotel Port land, when he entertained six friends, a Mrs. Nancy de - Spain and Mrs. Henry Zander entertained on Thurs da. from 3 to 6 o'clock in the Mal colm apartments, honoring Mrs. Charles Carter Berkeley of Hay Creek, Or. Tulips and daffodils gave the rooms a springlike appearance. Assisting the hostesses were Mrs. Charles Myers, Mrs. Cecil Parsons, Miss Jane Blair, Miss Sue Feith, Miss Elizabeth Hailey, Miss . Marian Myers, Mrs. George Hartman, Mrs. Franklin Joat of San Francisco and Miss Fagan. a Laurelhurst club held a card party for members only on Thursday, when Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Ballin were hosts. A large attendance marked the popu larity of the parties. Honors in bridge wont to -Mrs. E. T. Hall and Dr. Duane Fellows: in 500 to Mra M. A. Swearingen and Fred Wegner. a a a Miss Mabel Parish was a delight ful hostess February 2 for a number of boys and 'girls of her graduation class at her home in Westmoreland. During the evening dancing and clever games were enjoyed by the guests. Later dainty refreshments were served. Those wJio enjoyed the hospitalities of Miss Mabel Parish were: Evelyn Lawrance, Vivian Grauel, Sarah Nadeau, Freda Runes, Temple Ashby, Josephine Evans, Cavlta Campbell, Rachel Bonebrake, Rachel Holloway, Grace Stevens. Ernestine King, Mrs. H. D. Blinco, Mrs. C. H. Parish, Salona Clary, Merle Travis, Donald Sroat, Howard Raabe, Harald Still, Harald Newton, Harald Schmeer, Lloyd Ritchie, Clayton Morse, Kenneth Mechlin, Harry Scribner, Franklin Roberts, Fred Toung, Charles Blinco, Dr. C. H: Parish and Robert Berni. The Misses Violet and Charlotte Lee entertained at their home on Thurs day night with a miscellaneous shower for Miss La Zona Melching, whose wedding is to take place this month. The guests invited were Miss La Zona Melching, Mrs. C. P. Melch ing, Mrs. Walter Korlann, Mrs. June Jones, Mrs. Walter Anderson, Mrs. H. W. Reschke, Mrs. H. L. Lee and the Misses Adele Lowell, Jessie Saw yer. Beatrice Quackenbush, Lillian Anderson, Dorothy Anderson, Freyda Wilson and the hostesses. a The Wauh-keena olub met during the week in the home of Mrs. J. B. Candllsh. Plans were made for a party to be given soon. Miss Clarissa Candlish'is president and! Helen Lang is secretary. a a Oregon assembly No. 1, United Ar tisans, held a successful party on Thursday. ' Mrs. J. B. Candlish wel comed the strangers, serving as head of the hospitality committee. . The Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. Winslow Meade Circle No. 7, entertained in their circle rooms last Monday for members whose birth days fall in January, February or March. The regular quarterly birth day luncheon was served. An un usually largo number of members were in attendance. a a At an enthusiastic business meet ing of the Harlequin club Thursday night, February 3, the club went on record as unanimously Indorsing the new movement begun by members of the Columbia Park Improvement club who are striving to obtain for Joint direction of E. F. Toung, who Columbia park the proper equipment I will take charge of the athletics, and which has long been needed. Harry Inghram, who will teach flrst- A young women's class under the aid work, will be opened Tuesday night, February 8, In the Artisan hall at 8 o'clock. One r.ed not be a member of the club to join the clas., and It is free of charge, tho only rC (709) TJAN fsS& IlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilUIIIIIIIIIUIIIII Announcing the New Tweed-O-Wool Outdoor Apparel for Spring Suits $35, $40, $45 and Lower Coats $45 Sport Coats $15, $18 Shown on the Third Floor Ben Selling Morrison at Fourth AM .-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiif: Manufactures from your own selection of a large assortment of materials and designs the best in Overstuffed Upholstered Furniture that adds such great comfort to any home, at "factory - to con sumer prices. Estimates for draperies, upholstering and recovering. : Box Sprint ui Hair Mattresaea Made to Order. SALE'S ROOM ' 4S5 WASHI.VGTOKf STREET. Phone Bdwr. 2870. J ohm Olaoa. FACTORY, 383 .ST ". FOURTEENTH ST. Fhoae Bdwr. 4042. J. F, Jordan. The Store of Individual' Shops Broadway at Morrison Out They Go! Closing out our entire remaining winter stock of women's and misses' Coats and Wraps in three final clearance groups M a total disregards to cost at prices demanding immediate choice. Winter Coats formerly to $75 Winter Coats formerly to $125 Winter Coats formerly to $175 , , $19 ...'57 ESTABLISHEI lf64 BROADWAY AT MORRISON Special Group of High'Grade Coats and Wraps Right for Spring !57 At About Half Weights, materials and colors most suited to spring wear, new up-to-date styles. Coats that will be seen In regular spring stocks at double and more the low sale price. Their desirability will insure a quick sale, so we urge your early attendance in order to obtain one of them. BIB THE RAYMOND GIFT SHOPS 705 Davis Street - and Hotel Portland, Parlor C Have just received a beautiful line of BROCADED SILK AND CREPE BREAKFAST COATS AND KIMONOS IN EXQUISITE SHADES GENTLEMEN'S KIMONOS IN PONGEE AND NATIVE Also WONDERFUL AMBER. AMETHYST. JADE, PLAIN AND CUT CRYSTAL BEADS Gifts for All Occasions MRS. WALTER H. RAYMOND Phono Main 2076 A