The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 07, 1920, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 59

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See Our Men's Ad on Page' 3, Sporting Section
4 .
I There Is One Safe Place
Mail Orders Filled
carefully and expeditiously by our
Personal Service Bureau.
Join the Hoover Club
; and give a Hoover Sweeper for Christ
mas. Memberships, $1 down, $1 a
week.- Street Floor. '
cLixrm (So.
cJ "Merchandise of cJ Merit Only"
To Buy Your Piano.
UThe splendid line of high
grade pianos one finds on
"Our Musical Floor," the
seventh, must appeal to the
intelligent buyer.'
Such well-known instruments as the
Knabe, Behning, Ivers & Pond, Hazel
ton Bros., Haines Bros., Baldwin,
Straube and others are now on display.
These pianos may be had in different
case designs and varied finishes, ..or in
baby grands, uprights or players. ;
Our guarantee is just what a piano
purchaser is looking for. It is the guar
antee of Satisfaction, Security and Money
We Give Terms
- .
Our convenient payment plan is inter
esting to a buyer. Come and learn how
easily one may purchase a piano or player
piano from our musical department.
Th Highest Class
Both in pianos and phonographs, we
sell : the highest-class instruments in the
Merchants of J Merit OnT
Secret Agreement Made by Dr. Karl Renner, Former Chancellor of
Defeated Nation.
VIESTNA, Nov. 6. The government
thus far has refused to make
public the secret agreement by
which Dr. Carl Renner, then chan
cellor, agreed to grive to Italy many
valuable works of art. manuscripts
and historical relics not provided for
surrender in the treaty of St. Ger
main, despite demands by art associa
tions on influential persons for that
The history of the matter is inter
esting and the Associated Press has
been able to learn from authoritative
Eources some of Its' details. While the
guarded admissions of the govern
ment generally are phrased in the
future tense as to the delivery of
these articles, as a matter of fact
they are all understood to be now in
Italian possession.
Their seizure began when the Ital
ian armistice commission, under Gen
eral Segre, first arrived in Vienna
in February of last year, the con
tention of the commissioners being
that under the treaty of the war of
1866 these treasures should long since
have been delivered. Among the ar
ticles taken by General Segre were
the famous tapestries of Montua, and
as regard's them the Austrians con
ceded title and assisted in. their de
livery. Treaty of 1866 Considered.
Then began the removal of pictures
from the Hof museum and Academy
of Fine Arts, which had been brought
to Vienna in 1816 and 1838. These had
been stored in a church in Venice,
having been collected from many
churches in the Venetian territory. It
was done by order of Francis I, then
sovereign of Venice, which was at
that time a part of the Austrian em
pire. The Austrian bring forward a
supplementary- treaty to that of 1866
regarding these objects, intended to
clear title. They render this clause
as follows: "Austria will keep (gar
dera) the pictures exported in 1838
which his majesty the emperor some
time ago gave to the Academy of
Fine Arts in Vienna and to other gal
leries in the empire."
It is around the word 'ga,rdera"
the Italians center their argument
for possession, contending it means
"take in custody" or "for safe keep
ing," not possession or gift. The
Austrians say they have documents in
the state archives to show that in re
turn the emperor gave to Italy, pres
ents of art works far in excess of
value to those in controversy, among
them being the priceless collections
of Manfrin and Bossi., ,
Valuable Manuscript Included.
The Italians also took from the
national library or other places addi
tional treasures, such as autographs,
musical books and three manuscripts
worth several millions of dollars, one
of which, "The Genesis of Vienna," ts
said to be the most valuable late
Roman manuscript in existence.
With all these objects safe in Italy,
when the peoce conference began in
Paris the Italians advanced further
claims for works of art from Aus
tria, demanding the pick of pictures
from the national gallery in Vienna
and virtually all the bronzes and
statues made in Italy or that ever
were in Italy. The objects thus cov
ered were estimated to be worth
about 4.000,000,000 gold francs.
Their claims were rejected, how
ever, by the conference and then be-
6" ine Italian . eirort to eiiect a
special treaty with Austria to obtain
her end. The negotiations nroceedart
until this spring, when , Dr. Renner
finally signed it on the occasion of
his Italian visit. Under its terms
ueneral Segre s seizures are legalized
ana a large number of valuable ob
jects are ceded in addition.
. Relics Beyond Price.
The most important are the reli
quary of Cardinal Bessarione and the
cross of St. Theodore. The first-named
is a remarkable specimen of the Vene
nan gotnic goldsmith's art of the
16th century and the other a unique
piece of Byzantine goldsmithy. In
terms of dollars they are said to be
beyond price. The agreement also
gives to Italy a quantity of bronzes
historical relics, manuscripts and oth
er objects and bronzes of the Renais
sance, including Donatello's "Angel
Playing the Tambourine" and two
bronzes by Antico. The whole of the
lamous Duke de ate collection is in
in return, Italy renounces her
claims to certain objects of more or
jess value, among them the corona
tion garments of the old German' em
perors. .Finally, Italy promises her
neip to save the Austrian collection
from the claims of other powers un-
aer article of the treaty of St.
According to report. th ere wax
verbal promise on the part of Italy to
assist Austria wherever possible in
tne Doundary delimitations now in
progress and certain other political
It is understood the Austrian sec
tion of the reparation commission is
making inquiries Into the whole trans
action, as it may affect the assets of
the country, to which the treaty of
St.- Germain gives title.
Norine Namara May Force Many Well-Known Comedy Powers to Look
to Their Laurels as She Is Nearing Ambition.
MUSICAL, comedy stage directors
win have to look to their
laurels in the future If Norine
Namara of George White's "Scandals
of 1919," coming to the Heilig thea
ter Novembw 18-20, succeeds in her
ambitions, and this goes for such
well-known producers as Ned Wey
burn, R. H. Burnside and Julian
For, be it known that Miss Namara
Intends to .become a real, dyed-in-the-wool
stage manager. She is one
of the dancers in tne "Scandals," and
her conscientious work and attention
were observed by Mr. White soon
after the company opened in New
York. One day some new girls were
joining the company and, after they
had been- called for rehearsal, Mr.
White found that he would be unable
to be present on account of an im
portant business engagement.
"Can't you rehearse these girls?"
he asked Miss Namara. "I am sure I
can." she replied.
She did, and the rehearsal was so
successful that Mr. White immediately,
promoted her to the position of
assistant stage manager. Now Miss
Namara conducts rehearsals of all the
newcomers in the "Scandals" and at
tends to many of the details that are
usually assigned to older heads.
"I have some ideas of my own about
Btage directions," she said, "and some
day I hope to become a really truly
stage director. In the first place, I
do not believe that a stage manager
should lose his temper. Of course
many exasperating things happen at
rehearsals, but keeping a cool head
will generally overcome difficul
ties." "I am giving a great -deal of my
Norine Namara, who Is assist
ant stage manager of musical
time to the study of effects in costum
ing and am learning to sketch. Artis
tic costuming means ' everything in
musical comedy productions and, un
less you have a well-developed sense
of color harmony, the result would
not be satisfactory. I see no reason
why a woman cannot become just as
good a stage director as' a man. and
I am sure I am going to succeed in
this new field of feminine endeavor."
Capital Needed by Government to
Carry Out . Power Project. ,
COPENHAGEN, Nov. 6. Iceland
proposes to utilize her numerous wa
terfalls In tarrying out an extensive
programme of water power distribu
tion, and Magnus Gudmandsson, the
Icelandic finance minister, has ar
rived here to obtain the royal con
sent to a bill for that purpose.
The country, however, needs capi
tal to carry out this project, he told
a representative of the Copenhagen
Speaking of the financial position
of his country, the minister said that
the limitation of imports had pro
duced a beneficial effect. Not only
is the Importation of luxuries for
bidden, but Imports of necessaries
into Iceland are also restricted as far
as possible without injuring trade.
The fishing year has been good, last
year's stocks have been sold, like
wise the new catch. Wool) on the
other hand, is still on hand, owing to
falling textile prices and decreasing
"We have no large debt, no cripples,
no war widows to support, while the
nerves of our people have not been
destroyed and our children not weak
ened by hunger, so we may face the
future hopefully," said Mr. Gudmandsson.
Trade Favors Argentina.
BUENOS AIRES. Nov. 6. Official
figures here published show that for
1919 the trade balance in favor of
Argentina was 1375,192,964, gold, as
compared with $300,863,736 in 1918.
Total imports for 1919 were $1,030,
965.258, and for 1918 $801,466,488.
During 1919 exports of livestock and
derived products- were valued 'at
$548,730,950.- -Farm products exported
amounted to $438,435,275-
An Extraordinary Offering for Monday's Selling
Children's Pure Silk Sweaters, $14.50
A Price That Would Be Impossible if They Had Been
Bought in the Regular Way
- These Sweaters are the products of one of the foremost manufacturers of
the finest silk sweaters in this country.
They are exactly like mother's or big sister's, and ordinarily are very diffU
cult to obtain, since the makers do not make them unless they find themselves
with material that cannot be utilized in any other fashion. That is what hap
pened in this case, and we obtained them at a decided price . concession. ,
Beautiful lustrous Silk Sweaters in the soft shades of shell pink, maise, tan,
brown, sapphire or lavender. -Tuxedo style, two pockets, turn-back cuffs and
sash finish at waist.- Sizes 7 to 12 years.
. Wee Girls' Silk Sweaters, $11.50
The' most adorable Silk Sweaters for little girls
in beautiful shades of turquoise, gold, mole, pinki
and lavender. A very unusual purchase, but one
that will delight wee girls of three to six.
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. '
In the words of somebody
whose ' name we cannot recall :
"Mistakes are often inculcated
by false teachings. : Erroneous
opinions received through educa
tion may cling to a person dur
ing his whole lifetime, so that
men often profess in inaccuracies,
misrepresentations and absurdi
ties of so gross a nature that, if
acquired from any other source,
they would not be tolerated for
an instant by any intelligent
This store never knowingly
deals in misrepresentations, never
consciously makes a statement
that might create . an , erroneous
opinion, and is never inaccurate
Of course, we are not infalli
ble, but we . are exceedingly
tractable in that if we do create
a false impression no one is
quicker to rectify it and more
willing to admit it. 1
We are1 doing .our best to
educate the public to the fact
that this store is exactly as it is
represented to be, and we find
the task comparatively easy, in
asmuch as our policy of not quot
ing comparative prices make for
under-statement rather than over
statement. '
The Big News for Rug Buyers Is
This Big Sale of Room-Size Rugs
-We have all the better grades in the standard makes this season's patterns in
colors for every room. The savings are important, as an inspection of the rugs
will reveal to you.
Fine Wilton Rugs, size 9x12 feet,
$94.50, $107.50, $115.00, $124.75,
Wilton Rugs
Size 8Y4x0y2 feet
$89.75 $107.50 $137.50
Axminster Rugs
: Size 9x1 2 feet
$44.75 $52.50 $59.75 $67.50
10,000 Yards Drapery and Curtain
Materials at Greatly Reduced Prices
Filet Marquisette Scrim, yard ....... 63c Plain and Figured Silk Drapery, yard $2.25
Cream Madras, yard.. ........... .79c Kapock Silk Drapery, yard $2.25
Figured Filet Net, yd. 42c, 69c to $1.47 36-inch Rep and Poplin, yard $1.79
Filet Nets, yard 89c 50-inch Colored Madras.
Fancy Bordered Scrims, yard 63c and 69c yard $1.37 and $2.45
Tape Edge Scrim, yard 49c
Cretonnes, yard 49c and 73c Fifth Floor Lipman. Wolfe 6 Co.
2500 Yards of Higher-Priced Navy Serges
50 and 56 InchMonday $2.50 Yard
. French Serges, Storm Serges, Military Serges, Men's Wear Serges
The Reductions Are Unprecedented
These are all serges from the very 'best American mills goods taken from our regular stocks that are noted for
offering the finest quality at popular prices sharply -reduced for a special Monday sale. All-wool, of course.
Wonderful at $2.50. '
Second Floor Lipman, W olfe & Co.
Women's High-Grade
Dress Boots and Oxfords
I Phenomenally Low Prices
o Beautiful Shoes from our regular stock, including the
i' Red Cross and Wichert & Gardner makes, at a reduc-
o tion, which with a small sum added, will allow you to
purchase two pairs where one par was purchased before.
Women's High-Grade Women's Oxfords
Dress Boots, $13.65 $9.95
Beautiful Dress Boots of - Brogues in light and dark
white wash kid, black and
brown kid and calf, two-tone
shoes, black and gray ooze
and patent leather. Welt and
turn soles, straight or Louis
heels, long and medium
vamps, in both lace and but
ton styles. Not all sizes in
each model, but all sizes in
the lot Widths AAA, AA.
A and B. Sizes 2J to 9.
brown; regular oxfords, in
black and brown calfskin, or
black and brown kid; - the'
Red Cross and Wichert &
Gardner makes, and oxfords
from our regular stock. Welt
sole and Cuban heels. Not
all sizes in each model, but
all sizes in the lot. Widths
AAA. AA, A. B and C.
Sizes 2J2 to 9.
Second Floor Lipman. VVolfe Sr Co.
100 Stylishly Trimmed
An Unusually Small Price for Hats
of This Quality
Hats that are stylish and practical, too, you will admit,
for they are made of excellent plain or Lyons velvet in
solid colors combined with gold and silver tinsel cloth, or
lovely soft duvetyn embroidered.
. Fashionable models in medium and close-fitting shapes ;
styles that are particularly popular with women who
don't like fussy headgear, and smart cleverly designed
Chin Chin effects are among them.
All exceptionlly well-made hats trimmed with touches
of fur, flowers, ostrich and ribbon. In black and colors.
77iirJ Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Les Dernier s
Neckwear of
Net and Real Lace
Net has been decreed the
most distinctively charming ma
terial for neckwear, and so it
is when combined with real
Irish crochet. Venise or Cluny.
The most adorable net and real
lace combinations in collars,
and collar and cuff sets, vie
with each other for your ap
proval. Street Floor.
Hand Bags
The most beautiful procu
rable. Handbags of genuine pin
seal, patent leather or buffed
alligator, trimmed with silver or
plain and fitted with coin purse
and mirror. A purse you will be
proud to carry everywhere.
5reef Floor.
Silk Petticoats
That Are Different
Beautiful silk jersey petticoats
with flounces of Persian ribbon,
accordion pleated or ruffles with
contrasting colored ribbons in
Yan Dyke points.
Third Floor.
Of the daintiest batiste,
trimmed with real hand-made
Irish crochet or filet laces.
Every tuck, every stitch, and
every bit of embroidery is done
by hand. The daintiest, loveliest
things imaginable in Camisoles,
Envelope Chemises, Petticoats
and Nightgowns.
French Rooms, Fourth Floor:
Gloves of
The famed "Wash-Rite" in a
new pique style mocha, made of
the softest, finest stock, in suit
colors $5.65
K. & P. Slip-on Cape Gloves,
six-button length, beautiful qual
ity and finish, in brown,' gray
and beaver .$6.75
Imported, genuine kid Slip-on
Gloves, strap at wrist, pique
sewn, imperial pointing; in
brown, beaver, white and cream,
at $6.00
Clove Section, Street Floor.
Exquisitely beautiful metallic
ribbons brocaded in gold or
silver thread. These are popu
lar for vesting and exceptionally '
lovely for the making of hand
some Christmas novelties.
Street Floor.
A Bit of
Dainty French Floiver
"The most charming confec
tions in hand-made flower crea
tions. Very popular are the lit
tle rosebuds made of ribbon in
pastel shades, which come in tiny
white boxes ready to present
themselves as gifts.
Street Floor.
From Ireland
Women know that this sig
nifies the finest and softest of
linen and the daintiest hand-made
embroidered designs. If your
choice is for the popular new
wide edges you will find them
here, as well as the very tiniest
of hems.
Street Floor.
This Store -Uses No Comparative PricesThey Are Misleading and Often Untrue