THE" SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUIVT 25, 1920 N THIS JORDAN CAR, ON THREE 150-MILE RUNS ON SUCCESSIVE DAYS LAST WEEK, AVERAGED FOR THE THREE DAYS 22.28 MILES PER GALLON. CHICAGO CITY TO E TESTS E Three-Day Run. Gives High Gasoline Mileage. Parking Space Advocated in Crowded District. 1 AVERAGE IS 21.37 MILES FEES TO PAY ALL COSTS mm Slock Silhouette Model Uses Main Highways In Runs to Test ; Consumption of Fuel. : - Traffic Condition Cause Action .to RellcTe Congestion and - Accidents. is GONOMT HAVE Oil GARAG iiiiiii:! (iitiin.'-' w a$j;-i ill 1 if si 1 1 ;i a Tt would seem that no more oppor tune time for conducting an economy run could be chosen than this season of enforced drouth, -when every mo torist, rich or poor. Is counting off the miles In terms of drops of gaso line. Perhaps the Jordan Motor Car company had this In mind In staging last week a national three-day gas oline economy run of 150 miles each day. The Jordan iMd In the Portland Lmats by the. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver company, lt,s distributor here, was a Jordan silhouette five-passenger model, a stock car In every particu lar, one that had been used as a demonstrator and showed a speed ometer mileage of some 1500 miles. Preparations were simple. The motor was first tried out for com pression and for freedom of friction in the bearings. The head waa re moved and all carbon scraped out. The valve tappets were given In creased clearance, so as to insure per fect seating. Spark plugs were care fully set and distributor points ad Justed. New oil and grease were supplied for the motor, transmission and differential, and after the car buretor was tuned up, the Jordan wais pronounced ready for the test. t -Unsoline Accurately Measured. Thursday morning In the presence of newspaper men and observers, the car. was parked alongside of a gaso line pump; a spirit level was placed on the gasoline tank and the car was leveled up. The drain plug was then removed and all gasoline let out. The car was next shaken from side to eide until observers were satisfied that no gas remained In the tank. M. O. Wilkins of the Dealers" Motor Car association then took a one gallon measure and gallon by gallon poured 14 gallons of the gasoline into the tank. The Jordan was then driven to an nearby scale and wefphed up. Vith the two pilots, Karl Smith and A. L. Mitchell, both of the Mitch ell,: Lewis & Staver company, and an observer, it tipped the beam at 3550 pounds. Without passengers, but with regular equipment of gasoline, water, bumpers, extra tire, rim, etc., the car weighed 8025 pounds. Less equipment, the car would undoubt edly conform to the advertised ship ping weight of 2800 pounds, which is certainly small weight for a car of the Jordan size. To Hood River and Back. The route chosen for the first day's 150-mile run was the Columbia river highway to Hood River and return. "If we had wanted simply to make gasoline mileage alone," said C. L. Howe of the Mitchell company, "we would have taken the car out on some of the level roadways close to Portland, such as the Powell valley or;Iiaae Line roads, and run the en tire mileage off on these roads, but for our own satisfaction,' as well as for the information of the public, we want to know what the Jordan will do on regular traveled roads used generally by average motorists." On its return from Hood River with a total day's mileage of 152 miles, the tank was carefully drained. hix and one-half gallons of. gasoline had been used, giving a mileage of 12.23 miles to the gallon. The second day's run was to Clats kanie, on the lower Columbia river highway. Despite some 25 miles of very rough, worn out macadam, where it was necessary to trave. be tween 1 and 15 miles per hour In stead of the 20 to 25 usually desired, the Jordan covered the day's run of ISO miles to the tune of 22.22 miles to the gallon. Cold Make a Difference. - Saturday the car was headed for f-alem. over the east side Paciric highway. No effort was made "to " avoid the detours ariaind paving op erations and there was some slow fro ins, but as a whole the speed schedule was maintained. The av erage for the total run of 156 miles that day was 21.37 miles to the gal Ion. It Is interesting to note the effect of the weather on gas mileage. Thursday, a very warm day, the highest mileage was made, while Saturday, which was cool with heavy atmosphere, the smallest mileage was recorded. Four hundred and fifty-eight miles were traversed in the three days' running, wun a gasoline consumD tion of 20hi gallons of gasoline, mak ing an average mileage of 22.28 miles to the gallon. The economy run was participated in by some 30 Jordan distributors in the United States. While the results of the ortier tests have not yet been reported, the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver company feels that if others made as good a shewing, roads considered, as their own, there would be every rea , ' -x ' f , - t:vv , &rl mrni ' - (vj - fh ' i t V -'i ' "3 ' " r sLi - K" v. - - - V - '" '- - '- v SP v ?hur "Atf v 4" vrv s-! - ;v - fov Chicago is the latest city' to join the movement for a municipally- owned and operated garage la the downtown district, says Motor Age. It has been proposed that the city build a two-level garage in Grant park, adjacent to the shopping and business district, and .-pay for and maintain the structure from- fees charged for parking cars. The garage proposa. comes as the result of traffic conditions in Chi sago, which have become almost un bearable. The downtown streets are now so crowded during the business hours that it ls nothing short of miraculous that the daily toll of ac cidents ls not ten times what it is. Various means to reduce this conges tion have been suggested, and action is likely to be taken to this end at the next meeing of the city council. One p'roposal is to convert all the streets in the downtown or "loop" district into one-way thoroughfares. This would be done by having north and south traffic on alternate streets, as, for instance, Wabash avenue would carry only southbound traffic State street only northbound, Dearborn street only southbound, etc. The cross-town streets would carry east and west traffic on alternate streets. as, for Instance, Madison street would carry westbound vehicles, Monroe street eastbound, Adams street west bound, etc Another suggestion would do away with all parking in the district com prising the "loop," bounded by Michi gan lake. Market and Van Buren streets. This ordinance would per mlt automobile or . other vehicle stops only to load or unload passen gers or merchandise. The present traffic ordinances forbid parking in those loop streets on which there are carlines between the so-called rush hours from 6 to 10 A. M. and from to 7 P. M. TRUCK SOLVES PROBLEMS SALESMEN TRAINED TO WORK OX STORE DLFFICITLTIES. Above The Jordan shoving off from the quarters of the Mitchell, Lewis A Staver company. Broadwar and Everett streets, on one of th runs. Judge tieorce W. Stapleton of the state circuit court la the man who la pouring; ta measured gallona of Kanoline for the test. Below The Jordan Silhouette being welched to ascertain exact weight of car, equipment and drivers. ' son for gratification organizations. among Jordan economy; marks are set; Jordan Cars Throughout National Test Make 2 4.4 8-Mile Average. The following telegram from the Jordan Motor Car company, at Cleve land, Ohio, gives information that Jordan cars entered in the three-day economy test throughout the country averaged 24. 4S miles per gallon. Here is the message: "All records for economy runs In cars of better class broken by the Jordan in country-wide three-day test, embracing over 30 leading cities. National average was 24.48 miles per gallon of gasoline, covering total of 12,818 miles of roads under 'all con ditions. Stock care only were used. The test was staged by Jordan dis tributors to prove that the hour of the economical light weight, com pact, good looking, perfectly balanced and, comfortable motor car is here. All cars were run under supervision of official observers chosen by local newspapers." i AND KEROSENE GOES TJP, TOO Wholesale' Price Is Increased 3 Cents to Dealers. HOOD RIVER, Or.. July 24. (Spe cial.) General complaint was heard here this week when local merchants received notice from the Standard Oil company of an increase from to 18 cents per gallon in the wholesale price of kerosene. Dealers say they now will have to charge consumers about 22 cents per gallom As a re sult of the gasoline shortage, ranch ers have turned to kerosene for trac tor and truck fuel. Napoleon Motors TTp. Napoleon Motcrs company of Tra verse City has Increased its capira.1 stock to $2,500 000 to provide for the rapialy increasing demand for the company's trucks. PROFIT LIMIT WANTED FQREIGN DEALERS ADVOCATE SUPERVISION OF SALES. Percentage of Gain Asked fcy Many 3Ien Who Know Trade ' . Markets. Steps looking toward the limiting of profits of dealers in foreign cars have been taken as the. subject for regulations adopted by the Norwe gian price control commission, ac cording to Automobile Topics. This limits the profits to IF per cent on the first 10,000 crowns (a crown being equal to J0.2GS at par of ex change) 124 per cent on the text 500U. crowns and IVt per cent on any amount above 15,000 crowns. This regulation became effective as of February 15 last, the percentage of profit being based on the actual cost of motor Vehicles laid down In Nor way, including cost, freight. Insur ance and duty, and it is described as likely seriously to affect the hand ling of popular American products. Dealers were accustomed to figure on a profit of approximately 50 per cent, according tcj a report issued by me department or commerce, Dut about a year ago the Norwegian price JORDAN SALES MANAGER SEES COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. ft x?k. jfr. 4 4 V -i Fx" i -V A," c XV. B. Blley (at rl(tht. general sales manaarer of Jordan Motor Car company Cleveland, photographed on the highway In a Jordan car. He visited the highway mm aruest of the Mitchell, Lewis A Staver company. Jordan control commission fixed 33 1-3 per cent as the maximum profit, this ar rangement being accepted by thB Au tomobile Importers' association. The present regulations, however, are being opposed on the ground that hte commission is exceeding . its au thority in attempting to regulate prices on merchandise of this kind, since Its authority Is limited by law to the control of the necessaries of life. The commission, on the other hand, is defending Its present action as a part of the general policy of re stricting all Imports with a view to forcing more favorable exchange rates for the Norwegian crown by re ducing external debts. Ruppel's circus win move country this year on a complete fleet of motor trucks of 2V4 -tons each and trailer attachments. about the Delivery Systems Perfected and Proper Machines Picked to Handle) Job. Every business man with a haulage problem has at his command today ready, reliable and gratuitous source of assistance and co-operation in the solution of his transportation prob lems. ' Truck users and prospective truck users are learning that the modern truck salesman may be depended upon to bring to their attention points of view which contribute ma terlally toward .the correct solution of their hauling problems. A few of the higher grade truck manufacturing concerns train their salesmen in the transportation prob lems of a great many different lines of business. A real truck salesman knows he is selling more than truck he is selling transportation. He has equipped himself with wealth of .Information of great value to the prospective truck user. If you think there is the remotest possibility of your being able to use tracks to advantage, talk the matte over with a competent truck sales man. Such a man can be properly "Used it Every Day and Many Nights" 7 Years-75,000 Miles "All Kinds of Roads" "T purchased an Indiana Truck seren years aro and JL since then it has run 75,000 miles," says Richard INDIANA Trucks in YOUR Business Let us 'send yea spedsl illustrated literature and data on Genarel Trueklns; Furniture Delivery Lout Distance MoTinc Road Building Construction Oil Delivcrr Oil Fl.ld Work Lumbcrint Lossing, kto. Indiana Trucks are be ing profitably used in all lines of business. Let us tell you how you may profitably use an Indiana Truck in your business. Coyne, Jr., who operates a prosperous and growing local and long distance moving business in East Orange, N. J. " I have used my Indiana Truck every day and many nights year in and year out ' over all kinds of roads and it is still working right along in exceflent condition." Transportation is one of the nation's most pressing problems. Indiana. Trucks are helping, daily, to aolve this great problem Jn practically ev ery known line of business with economy and profit. Indiana Trucks are built for hard, exacting, continuous service. We have gathered and published special literature, with data and illustrations showing Indiana Trucks at work at their varied tasks in many sections of the United States. Ask for it. Pacific Motor Sales Co. State Distributors 328 Glisan Street, Portland Sea Theso Splendid Track at Onf Salesroom Broadway 2199 Capacities: 1J., 2, 2H. 3H "" 5 Tons Ohe Highway Freighters Manufactured by INDIANA TRUCK CORPORATION, Marion. Indian called a truck transportation engineer. Do not labor under the misappre hension that if you permit an inter view to a truck salesman you wHl thereafter be indefinitely "hounded." No truck salesman will waste time on you unless he knows you can use his truck to your advantage. Armed with his knowledge of truck trans portation problems and complete data on your proposition, he can easily de termine whether you can use his truck to advantage or not. If not. he will waste no time on you. If "however, you ought to motorlse, he can very readily and conclusively prove that fact to you. In either event, there ls no"oceaslon for Innumerable calls and indefinite argument. t. Any man who attemDts to sll you a truck on any I other than a scientific proof of the profits it will make for you ls not a salesman at all. He ls merely a walk ing catalougue and es such may be shut ti and laid spide. ft R' ENEWALOF Threaded Rub ber Insulation never needs to be given a' thought. But that of ordinary Insula tibn does, at least . ' once before the bat tery is worn out. Threaded B. u b b e r .gives far better pro tection to plates and ' is the only kind that can be depended on to last as long as the battery. It can be had only in the Still Betttr Willard. WILLARD SERVICE V Wjm ninth and Everett ana .. East Burnslde : at Seventeenth VALVE -IN -HEAD I y MOTOR CARS Confidence ; Even in these days when the motor car field offers such wide selection the public still finds Buick demands exceeding Buick pro duction. - Thus it is easy to recognize how steadily, each season, the Buick Valve-in-Head motor car has become , an essential .part in the , lives , of "men and women as well as in the progress of com mercial and professional activities. ., Its superior quality- service- economy and dependability are causing thousands of persons o place"-their orders for car de livery months in advance thus protecting themselves and as suring their ownership of this world-wide preferred motor car. . . , .- For a limited period we offer , -l-- r . ' Immediate Deliveries Howard Automobile Company Largest Distributors of Automobiles in the World. 14th and Davis Streets Phone Bdy. 113056241 I 1 1 -3aV PERFORMANCE COUNTS r J 'A tr'4 Drivers Like Mack Trucks ' There are other reasons in ad dition to mechanical and struc tural superiorities that cause drivers to like MACK Trucks. They like them, because they are dependable; they do not falter when called upon to do the un usual; they do not quit under an overload; they keep right on go ing when other trucks fall down on the job; they finish what they start. , They Like the Mack Ideas Drivers appreciate MACK facilities for inspection: The parts in the crankcase side; the magneto and pump in front of the engine;.- the removable bot- torn of the gearbox; the external brake adjustments; the lack of need for clutch adjustment; the small number of and accessibil-' ity of the grease cups; the won derful simplicity of the truck as a whole. You, too, will like a MACK. MACK - INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION Tenth and Davis Streets mm? distributor for the northwest.