The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 18, 1920, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 53

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T7aevsJe4 Vaadevflle Bralwa7 mA Alder.
Matlaee Dally 3i30. Twl M(kUj 7 mad
Popular Prleea.
Twin Features Extraordinary
The Most Beautiful of All 'in
Dancing Acta Grand. Opera Selections)
The English Comedian In "Here You Are"
Daring Hand-Balancers The Chairman of the Committee'
H. K. Evenson, Director A Rattling? Vitagrraph Comedy
A" I , A V V S
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AT A late hour last -week tele
graphic cancellation of the
"Keep Her Smiling" booking at
the Heilig for this week makes that
theater dark. The company disbanded
in San Francisco and the players have
gone on vacation. The Lyric in a
new musical melange, the Hippodrome
and Pantages are amusement centers
this week.
Mme. Doree's Celebrities, the Doug
las dancers and CJriff. the noted Eng
lish comedian, are included in the
promising programme at Pantages for
the week commencing with tomor
row's matinee. Mme. Doree's celebri
ties provide a complete grand opera
performance with the members of the
company impersonating the stars that
have made the respective roles famous.
The Douglas dancers have an artistic
offering and Griff makes his return
after several years' absence.
Impersonation or Grand Opera to
Head Vaudeville Bill.
Two noted productions and a well-rounded-out
programme of the very
best in vaudeville are promised at
Pantages for the week commencing
with tomorrow's matinee. .
Mme. Doree's celebrities will appear
In their grand 'opera attraction in
which each member of the company
appears in the role of some noted
operatic singer who has made the re
spective role known in the world of
music. The offering has been so
arranged that it provides keen enter
tainment for everyone.
The second feature will be the
Douglas dancers, presented by Mr.
and Mrs. Hamilton Douglis Jr. This
is an offering that will be of par
ticular interest to the little folk.
There are four scenes in the offering,
"Artists !n Miniature," "Shipwrecked
Mariners," "The Enchanted Forest,"
and "A Lotus in Fairyland." The
production has been gorgeously
staged and the scenery in each set
ting is exceptionally rich. The com
pany has 10 people and the various
dances are most artistically arranged.
Peace and Prohibition Go Hand in Hand, Says Commoner When Urg
ing Adoption of Five Platform Amendments.
(Continued From First Page.)
It that Germany and Great Brituin
and France and Italy, and even poor
devastated Belgium, can make peace
while we confess ourselves impotent
to ratify a treaty? Why? Because
we have a provision in our constitu
tion that requires a two-thirds vote
of the senate to ratify a treaty. The
constitution should be so changed
that the American people can end a
war as quickly as they can begin it.
(Applause.) We fought for the most
fundamental of democratic principles,
namely, the right of the majority to
rule. If that Is worth fighting for in
Europe It is worth recognizing in
the United States and worth recog
nizing in representative bodies as
well as when the people vote directly.
"If we indorse this doctrine and
how can w refuse to indirse it?
we are then in a position to demand
that the republican senators shall
meet us in Washington and there join
with democratic senators in an effort
to secure immediate ratification on
any terms that a majority may agree
upon, leaving for the future such
changes as may be deemed necessary.
If they refuse to accept our challenge
we will go out and take the larger
and the better part of the republican
party away from the leaders. The
people of all parties favor a league
of nations and they want our nation
to do its part in the world affairs.
"If they do join us in securing rati
fication, they will turn over to our
party the moral leadership of the
"The Lord has delivered them into
our hands. We have a democratic
president who can reconvene the
senate; we have enough democratic
senators tr convert a majority into
the necessary two-thirds majority by
voting or not voting, whichever they
prefer. The issue lies with us, and
t cannot shift the blame, however
inexcusable the opposition of repub
lican senators has been.
"Is it not worth while for the
democratic party to present these al
tcrnatives to the republican party?
Is it not worth while to place in the
hands of Woodrow Wilson the stand
ard of civilization and allow Amer
ica to lead In the conquest of the
world for universal peace? Some
day the song the shepherds heard at
Bethlehem will be sung in every lani
why not make it the International
anthem now?" (Great applause.)
After others had spoken. Mr.
Bryan concluded the discussion as
"My friends, I only have 20 minutes
end I need every second of the time,
In the first place I desire to eay just
a word about the national bulletin.
I want some way of getting informa
tion to every voter; 1 want them to
know the facts when they como to
' vote; I want them to hear the argu
ments pro and con; let them know
the truth, and the truth will make
them free. I have faith in the virtue,
integrity and patriotism of the Amer
ican people, but how can these things
find expression in government unless
the . voters have the arguments on
Perhaps England has no better
known entertainer that Griff, who
is to make his first appearance here
in his latest role. Formerly Griff
was a famous white-face clown and
was seen in this part before he re
turned to his continental successes.
Beth Challis and Eddie Lambert are
vaudeville favorites who appear in
their latest musical comedy hit, "Here
Tou Are," in which they introduce
their newest song hits and dances.
Miss Challis will also be heard in
her delightful impersonation of Irene
Van and Emerson are sensational
head and hand balancers whose feats
are new and original. Their daring
adds many thrills to the successful
With his latest dissertation on po
litical events of the day. Senator
Francis Murphy, chairman of the
committee, will provide plenty of
laughter in his thorough discussion
of current events of the political
The movie fans will again enjoy
one of the cyclonic Pantages Vita
graph comedies.
With the continuous performance
today commencing at 1:30, "The Foot
light Review" will be seen for its
concluding appearances.
Seven Vaudeville X umbers Are Well
Balanced and Varied.
The management of Loew's Hippo
drome promises a big double vaude
ville bill of seven acts, thj numbers
well balanced and varied, today.
Prominent on the bill is the well
known character-actor and comedian.
Tom Nawn, who, with his company.
will present a breezy mythical Celtic
playlet entitled "Pat and the Genii.
in which Irish and Egyptian supersti
tions are amusingly blended.
An unusual .novelty is promised bv
Lyndall Laurell and company. "A
Night on the Beach." which introduces
Miss Laurell and two girls costumed
in the latest seashore toilettes, who
mix fun.. bag-punching, wrestling and
boxing In a lively melange.
A travesty on military life is of
fered by Chad Blaugh and Rollie
Lockard, who appear as a blackface
private and sergeant. The satire
each side from tfle highest sources?
We need a paper through whioh
every candidate can lay his claim
before the voters. We want it so
that they will not eell a congress
man's position on the bargain counter.
We want it so that they cannot open
the door of the United States senate
with a golden key. We want it so
that Wall street will not be able to
build a barrier in front the White
House, over which a candidata can
climb only with the aid of bales of
bills. We must keen the way open
between our children and th stars.
"So much for the national bulletin,
want the thousand delegates here
to help me give our party the benefit
of such a bulletin; it will be worth
more than a ten-million-dollar cam
paign fund. I have the support of
the Hon. Vance McCormick, who was
the chairman of the national commit
tee four years ago. I have put my
idea into his own words. I only
lacked one of a majority in the com
mittee. I ask you to give us an over
whelming vote for the national bul
letin. (Applause.)
"I ask you, next, to adopt the prof
iteering plank. I want you to help
to drive piracy from the mart and
market place. I -want you to help us
take the profiteer's hand out of the
provision basket and out of the ward
robe of the people. I want you to
help us to declare for a law that will
empower the judge to send to the pen
itentiary the otilcers of a corpora
tion that profiteers, and not merely
fine the corporation. (Applause.)
"I want you to help us on this res
olution against universal compulsory
military training. (Applause.) You
cannot have peace without the spirit
of peace; and you cannot have the
spirit of peace when every man li
trained to believe that war is a nec
essary thing. War is not necessary
It is the philosophy of Nietzsche, not
the doctrine of the Nazarene. that de
clares war necessary. When the Ger
man government fell. Nietzsche's the
ory fell with it. We are entering upon
a new era. I want the democratic
party to hasten the day, promised in
holy writ, when swords shall be beat
en into plowshares and nations shall
learn war no more. (Applause.)
"Having run over briefly these three
planks. I shall devote the remainder
of my time to the two planks that
deal with larger subjects. First, I
ask you to consider the plan for
bringing about world peace. You tell
me as they say in the platform, that
we must stand by this treaty with no
reservations that materially alter it.
I made more speeches in this country
than any other public man for rati
fication without a single reservation.
I did it until I found that we could not
get ratification without reservations.
I never consented to a single reserva
tion until I was convinced, as every
body else must have been by that
time, that ratification without reser
vations was impossible. When I had
to choose between some other plan
that promised to hasten ratification
and the plan of the committee I had to
choose, another plan. If you make this
aa issue in this campaign, if repub
iff. , . , t.
l- ' ,; I: '4
ys .y
bristles with witticisms and tnere are
some excellent exclusive songs prom
ised. "The Younger Generation" is the
title of a delectable skit promised by
Clara Keating - and Harry Ross, a
clever duo of singers, talkers and
A terpsichorean novelty is that in
licans and democrats spend four
months denouncing each other, you
make it impossible to secure ratifi
cation at the end of the campaign,
because everybody knows that neither
party will have a two-thirds majority
in the senate when this campaign s
over. I am not willing to be a party
to it. No, my friends, across the ocean
there are little republics that sprung
into existence in response to our in
vitation; they are trying to get on
their feet; monarchy is surging back
on one side and bolshevism is threat
ening them on the other and we can
not hold out a hand to help them.
'Shame on the man. democrat or re
publican, who talks of making a par
tisan question of this great issue, with
the world on fire. (Applause). Who
will give a guarantee of the futures?
Who can give us assurance that Eu
rope will not drift back into war
while we are discussing reservations?
How pitiful' the difference between
the reservations that have been dis
cussed in the senate for a year when
you compare them with the large pro
visions in that treaty.
The three great, things in that
treaty have never been disputed; no
senator has objected; they aroused no
controversy. What are they? Nine
months' deliberation before resorting
to war; six months for investigation
and three months' time to decide what
they will do when the report is filed.
It will be almost impossible for two
nations to go to war after they have
spent nine months investigating the
cause. And. second, progress toward
world disarmament. That is only next
in importance to the peace idea taken
by our president to Paris after it had
been embodied in 30 treaties with
three-fourths of the world. If you
disarm the world, no nation can pre
pare for war without notifying the
world in advance of its evil intent.
Third, the abolition of secret treaties.
One of the most fruitful causes of war
has been the fact that nations would
get together in a dark room and di
vide up other people's territory (Ap
plause). Here we have a treaty that
embodies these three remedies, which,
taken together, constitute the longest
step towards peace taken in a thou
sand years. They will never be able
to erase from the pages of history
the name of Woodrow Wilson, who
carried the peace plan to the world.
"You cannot call me an enemy of
Woodrow Wilson: it was my treaty
plan that he took to the conference.
I have helped, him to become im
mortal. If I could secure ratification
without reservations and give to
Woodrow Wilson the honor of it I
would gladly go to the scaffold today.
But I cannot do it, my friends; no
body can do it. We are confronted
by a constitutional provision, requir
ing a two-thirds' vote, that enables a
minority to obstruct ratification.
"I want to take it out of the way.
I am not willing to share responsi
bility for what may occur. I, like
these gentlemen, believe in God. Some
day I shall stand before his judgment
bar; and when I appear there, there
shall not be upon my hands the blood
of people slaughtered while I talked
politics. (Applause.)
"Just one word more on this sub
ject, my friends. I have not been able
in the short time given to say all I
would like. ("Voices of "Go on.")
W'ouid you know how anxious I am
to bring peace to this distracted
world? I will tell you. Our allies owe
us nearly $10,000,000,000. I am willing
for our government to use all of it, if
necessary, to purchase peace, univer
sal and perpetual. (Applause). X
which Henry Dressier and Ursel Wil
son will be seen. They are said to
show a wealth of new ideas in their
dancing originalities.
Frank Juhaz, the "gabby talkster
and trickster in bunkology," assisted
by a "boob" comedian, indulges in
comedy card manipulations and mag
ical bits of fun. .
would rather that we should give up
every dollar of it than invite another
war. If we try to collect it from the
allied nations, we cannot do it in a
generation; and if we collect it from
the allies they will be compelled to
collect it from their enemies.
"If we make concessions the terms
of the treaty can be so rearranged
that the warring nations can be
brought together in friendship and ac
cord. Then we can arrange for dis
armament, for where love and friend
ship abide, they do not need cannons
and battleships to make peace sure.
Give us a chance to lift the burden
from the back of the toilers of the
world and they will bow down and
thank God for the Stars and Stripes
that set a world free. That is niy idea
of what may be done.
"But I must now turn to our do
mestic question, prohibition, (daugh
ter.) I am very glad that I do not
have to answer the eloquent speech
of my friend from New York. No won
der we are friends. We commenced
debating public questions 26 years
ago in congress and the more fre
quently we meet the more we love
each other. (Laughter.) The reason
why I do not have to answer his
speech is that the resolution he in
troduced answers the speech he made
in support of it.
"He says that prohibition demoral
izes everything; that virtue is dis
couraged and not inspired by prohi
bition. If this solemn statement is
true, then why does he ask us to ac
cept prohiibtion? Why does he not tell
us to get rid of prohibition if it so
lessens the virtue of our country? I
could not understand why he was so
willing to accept prohibition until he
explained that it could not be en
forced. Then I could understand now
he could accept it. (Laughter.) Then
he turned to the good people of. the
south and told them how they had
helped , the ex-slaves. It was a won
derful picture, and none too bright.
for it is true. Yes, the south has
helped the black man, and if the
south has done so much for the black
man at home, why is he not willing
to follow the standard of prohibition
that the south has raised for the aid
of the people of this country? (Ap
Dlause.) And what is the application
of this eulogy of the treatment of the
colored man of the south? He does not
seem to understand the application of
hit own figure. After telling you
how the white people gave to' the
black people down south the benefit
of the white man's civilization, he
aeks you to ' allow the dram shop
(cries of No! No!) Wait, wait until
I finish the sentence to lower the
level of politics in the north. If
there is a man in the New York dele
gation or in the New Jersey delega
tion or in any delegation that is wet,
who wants us to believe that he is
now happy that the saloon is a thing
of the past, I ask him to stand up now
1 and tell you whether he ever publicly
condemned the saloon before it was
abolished. (Applause and protests.
Some stand up.) My friends. I cannot
search your records, but when you go
back to your states, wpn't you please
ask the wet papers to publish what
you said against the saloons before
the west and the south drove them
out of your community? Now, if in
year's time (a voice, "I voted for
you.') Br. Bryan (continuing). Yes.
my friend, you voted for me. If you
are sorry you did; if you go back on
me because I stand for the home
against the saloon, I will gain two in
your place, (extended applause.)
"Be not frightened; time and. again
Two versatile girls wlio offer an
original impersonation of a pair of
entertaining kiddies are Jewell and
Raymond. "At the Kiddies' Club" is
tne title of their skit.
"Up In the Air" Offers Situations
Bound to Create Laughter.
"Up in the Air. or the Photo Girl,"
is the long name tacked onto next
week's show at the Lyric by Ben Dil
lon, stage director.
Both Mike and Ike get away up in
the sky over the beautiful photo maid.
Ike finds a picture or a pretty girl
whose name, he learns, is Miss Jen
kins. He writes to the maid's father,
saying that he, Ike, is a rich bachelor
who wants to wed the old man's
daughter. Dad is willing. But the
lover Is very bashful. He sends his
friend Mike over to say a few thrill
ing words to the girl.
Mike finds a beautiful creature. He
falls in love with her and marries the
tnise before Ike hears a word re
garding the mission. Then Mike
writes and tells his friend that the
girl is ugly, that she smokes cigar
ettes and is a high kicker.
But when Ike finds out he has been
double-crossed, trouble begins.
Winter Garden' Soloist Arrives at
Oaks for Duty.
Thousands of Portland lovers of
music welcomed the return of Camp
bell's American concert band at the
Oaks amusement park last week and
Friday night and last night proved
especially attractive to other thou
sands who have come to enjoy real
band misic since the recent Shrine
convention created a desire.
Percy A. Campbell, director of the
band, has added to his wonderful or
ganization Tlce Bridee, of Winter
Garden fame, who arrived, in this
city last weeit from New York to fill
a soloist engagement here. He ap
peared at Tuesday's and Thursday's
programmes and made a great hit.
Miss Irene Allerman, a Portland girl.
also won the hearts of her audience J
as a vocalist.
This afternoon's programme will
in history the timid have been afraid,
but they have always found that they
understand the number of those who
had not bowed the knees to Baal. The
Bible tells us of a time when the
great Ellsha was told by his servant
that the enemy was too great for
them. The prophet answered: 'Fear
not they that be with us are more
than they that be against us.' And
then, he drew aside the veil and on
the mountain top the young man
could see horses and chariots that had
teen invisible before. In just a few
days another state will ratify the suf
frage amendment, and then on the
mountain top you will see the women
and the children, our allies in every
righteous cause. We shall not fall."
(Great and prolonged applause.)
East India Clerk Flatters.
North China Herald.
The Babu stands unsurpassed as a
writer of really unctious flattery
when he is soliciting a favor. Few
compliments could exceed that of the
Bengalee who concluded a petition
with the pious hope that he might be
granted "by the grace of God, a gen
tleman your highness much resem
bles." mm
The Famous Big-Time Star
and his company in
"Pat and the Genii"
A Celtic Oriental Laugh-maker
Some More Pretty Girls
Lyndall, Laurel & Co.
"A Night On The Beach"
Frank Juhaz
"The Gabhy Trickster"
Keating and RoSs
'The Younger Generation'
Jewell and Raymond
At The Kiddie Club'
Dessler and Wilson
'Descriptive Dance
Continuous Performances. Sun
days, Saturdays and Holidays.
open at 3 o'clock and will include
selections by Mendelssohn and Ros
sini. Mendelssohn's "War March of
the Prii-sts" is one favorite to be fol-
Summer is here and Portland's
"Top of the Town" playgrounds
offers unusual facilities of the
amusement of both children and
Andrew Nelsen
Nelsen's Crest Concert Orchestra
plays a splendid programme of
classical and popular music in the
old orchard picnic grounds today.
Monte Austin sings new songs as
well as many of the old favorites
Come early and bring your lunch.
There's no place like
Council Crest Park
Every Evening Except Sunday
V '1 ' jw. '
Twenty-one Big Events
Music Lectures Entertainment
Attend on the Season Ticket Plan.
Single Admission Total $8.05.
You Save $5.30 by Purchasing Your Season Ticket in Advance.
Adults $2.50 Students $1.50 Children $1.00
War Tax Extra
On Sale at All St. Johns Stores.
Central High School Grounds
lowed by Rossini's "Semiramlde."
Lacome's suite Espagnole, "La Ferla."
In three parts. Los Toros, La RJa
and La Zarquela, will be played, clos
ing the afternoon's programme with
3 and 9 P. M.
Fun, Recreation, Pleasure for All.
High-class Amusements a real Family Resort
Take Cars First and Alder Streets.
Fare Six Cents.
Starting Sunday (Today) and All Week
Matinee Daily at 2; Evenings at 7 and 9
Two Funny Men Who Are Screams
In which Mike plays the John Alden stunt.
The Rosebud Chorus is prettier now than ever.
Tuesday Night Country Store.
Friday Night Chorus Girls' Contest.
"Songs From the Old Folks," by M. I
In th evening1 at 9 o'clock an en
tirely different programme will be
FLOOD. Mmtuucera.
and IKE