TIIE SUNDAY OREG&XIAX, PORTLAND, 3IARCII 28, 1920 3 Vv: . '.1 .i J - f -1 WORKMEN ATTAGK Oil WESE L Forces to Massed Preparatory Encircling City. SOVIET' AID SUSPECTED Officers From Russia Declared to lie Assisting in Activities of Itadical Armies. . RHENISH PRUSSIA, March 27. (By the Associated Tress.) Revolu tionary workmen are still holding vir tually unmolested the ground to the southeast and within a mile of Wesel. and overnight began massing roops to the eastward, renewing their at tempt to move northwest to encircle the city. The movement, however. w:is effectually checked by the reichs wehr. .Since last night not a shot was fired until the middle of the morn ing, when the guns In Wesel began an Intermittent shelling of the work men. Government Troop Attack. Government troops made a sortie southeast of this city today, drove be sieging workers' forces from their ponts, shelled their retreating col umns and raised the siege of Wesel on both the east and southeast. Artillery operated by workers' forces dropped two shells Into the city and then withdrew. While the counter attack against the beleaguering forces was going on, reinforcements arrived here. Among them were the Xeath's Xiead Hussars and Uhlans. Snipers Are Still Active. Snipers are still active in territory evacuated by the workers' forces. Seven shots were fired at the co-respondent of the Associated Press and other American newspaper men, while they were returning from ad vanced Helgian outposts on the ''"esel side of the Rhine today. They were on an island formed at the confluence of the Lippe and Rhine, which is con sidered Belgian territory. Dissensions seem to have broken out among the workers' troops. The staff at Hagen resigned yesterday. There is also fyme trouble among the government forces, judging from con stant references to "cowards" in calls for enlistment. Those issued today stipulated that "no cowards were wanted." BERLIN, March 27. The garrison at Jlalz. a fortified town of l'russian Silesia. 52 miles southwest of Bres lau, surrounded the quarters of their officers and arrestwl them, according to the Vossisclie Zcitung. The sol diers were armed with machine guns and mine throwers. The captain of the garrison shot himself, the news paper says. CHEMNITZ. Saxony, March 27 (By the Associated l'ress.) Communists are firmly intrenched in control here and prepared to resist attacks by government troops which may be sent against the city. In the event the troops secure control, a general strike may again be called. Heinrich Brand ler, chairman of the executive committee of the workers, declared tixiay his followers were closely co operating with workers in the Ruhr valley. 12,000 Men X'nder A mix. There are 12.000 men under arms in this district, and I'.randlor said the workers' leaders could call upon not only the workmen of Chemnitz, who made up 92 per cent of the popula tion, but those of the entire Vogt land and Ore mountain regions. Brandley branded as nonsense rc ports nut a soviet government was to be established. ton and Chris Schmidt, of the Oregon Fish and Game commission, passed through Yaquina tonight en route to Waldport, where they will hold a conference with the fishermen on the Alsea river. The drift-net fishermen at the lower end of the river claim that there are too many set nets up the river, whereas the up-river fisher men claim the drift-net men en croach on the territory alloted to them. , A state hatchery is located at tide water and is in charge of T. R. Pol lock. The fish from this hatchery make the Alsea river one of the great salmon streams of the coast, and ajt a stream for sportsmen it is rarely surpassed. W. G. Emery, the local deputy game warden, whose jurisdiction includes the Alsea river, met the party at Yaquina. POSTMASTER NOT CHOSEN DEPARTMENT DENIES DEFI NITE CHOICE FOR POSITION. L'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Examination incomplete and In vestigation Unmade With Re sult Unlikely for Months. OREGOXIAN i NEWS BUREAU, Jch 27. "It is P posterous to say that anyone has been picked for postmaster of Portland, Oregon." said First Assistant Postmaster-General Koons tonight. He continued: "The civil service exami nation has not even closed, and, fur thermore, a personal investigation is yet to be made of the applicants, rt will be weeks and possibly months beforeca choice can be made and the vacancy 'filled." It is understood that former Post master Frank II. Myers, summarily removed from office in January, has finally abandoned his fight here for reinstatement and has returned to Portland. He sought the aid of many senators while here. Democratic sen ators told him that they could not interfere in Oregon matters because it would be a discourtesy to Senator Chamberlain. Republican senators are understood to have made it clear that they pretended to have no in fluence with the present administra' tion. One of the republican senators upon whom he called for assistance was Senator McCormjck of Illinois. INDIAN LANDJS WANTED Whites Would Take Over Reserva tion Tracts for Homes. NEWPORT. Or., March 27. (Spe cial.) The Siletz Indian reservation, by many persons considered the rich est part of Lincoln county, is now sought by white men for land on which to build homes. About 50 parcels of rich land will be disposed of by the government May 5, when bids are opened, accord ing to Ir. F. M. Carter of Siletz, government physician. The reserva tion has been busy with prospective purchasers, who have visited Siletz to inspect the land. A creamery is being built and the logging road from Toledo into Siletz basin, where there is almost unlim ited timber, is being extended from its present terminal, which is nine miles from town, where two sawmills are in operation. Dr. Carter things that the trout fishing; in Siletz river will be excellent. LONDON, March 27. One hundred Russian officers sent to Germany by Nicolat Lcnine, Russian bolshevik premier, arc assisting in the opera tions 01 the German workers army before "A esel, says a Copenhagen dis patch to the London Times quoting an interview with an Lbert govern ment officer at Muenster by the cor respondent of the Politiken. The dispatch says the workers have taken over control of the Krupp works at Lssen. The officer expects Wesel to be evacuated by govern ment troops In order that devasta tion and bloodshed may be avoided, the correspondent says. BERLIN, March 27. Formation of . a new cabinet for Germany, with Herman Mueller as premier and for eign secretary, was announced today. The minister of labor is Herr Schlicke, socialist, as is the premier. The min ister of economics is Herr Schmidt, also a socialist. Other MinlMter Named. The other ministers are: , Minister of transport tr. Ecll. Minister without portfolio Dr. Edourd David (socialist). Vice-premier and minister of the interior Herr Koch (democrat). Minister of defense Herr Uessler. Minister of justice Herr l'lunck (democrat). Minister of finance Gustav Bauer. Ministers of posts and telegraphs Johann Giesbers (centrist). Minister of food Andreas Ilcrmes (centrist). Minister of the treasury Dr. Wirth (centrist ). The portfolio for reconstruction has not yet been filled. It will be al lotted to a democrat. CAPTAIN PULLEN TO WED Engagement :Vnuounced to Daugh ter of Colonial Blake. SEATTLE, Wash., March 27. (Spe cial.) Cards have been received in Seattle announcing the approaching murriage of Captain Daniel Pullen, V. S. A., to Miss Olivia Blake, daugh ter of Colonel Edmund M. Blake, com cnandant of the Panama canal zone. The ceremony will take place at An con chapel, Guam Heights, April 7. Captain Pullen, who is a son of Mrs. U. 8. Pullen, of Skagway, Alaska, was a student at the University of Wash ington prior to his special appoint ment to West Point as the first Alas kan cadet. As a colonel in the tank corps serv ing with the American forces in France late in 1918 he was decorated with the distinguished service cross for conspicuous valor in action Bois de Cuisey. The award was made by General Pershing. He was ordered to the canal zone In the summer of 1919, where he met Miss Blake. CHINESE FELONS ESCAPE Convicts Revolt, Kill Wardens and Break Prison Gales. SHANGHAI. China. March 27. (By the Associated Press.) One hundred and fifty Chinese convicts escaped irom tnc provincial prison near bhanghai March 21. ine prisoners revolted, overpower ing and disarming the wardens and broke down the prison gates. Three wardens and seven prisoners were killed. Policemen and soldiers rushed to the scene, but succeeded in captur ing only 24 men. MA50N AND HArEJN PIANOS' nimiimmmmiiimmiimiimmiiiitu r, The Player Piano Captivates Men Men are enthusiastic users of the player piarfb. It enables them to play artistically the melodies of their favorite composers, drives away the . cares of business, rests and refreshes them. There is one instrument The Euphona Player Piano which is so simple, yet so obedient to the guiding hand that it meets with enthusiastic approval at first hearing or trial. We would like you to hear and try it, then freely express your opinion. It is moderately priced and sold on easy payments. Sign and send this ad for catalogs. Name Address PIANOS BrlAYXRS MUSIC MORRISON ST. AT BROADWAY iilgrBAUeD -MASON AND HAMLIN PIANOS iTALKINfJli j ntu noassi us fbamchco. Oakland, rmwo, bam otm9 )ur Store Opens at 9 A. M. ! si 11 S I: !: EnlllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIlIllllIIIIIlIlIf lllIIIIIllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlflllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllMIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT RISE IHJHMCE ASKED IRRIGATION DISTRICT SAYS REVEXUES ARE TOO SMALL. Assessor Runs Again. ALBANY. Or., March 27. (Special.) J. S. Van Winkle today announced his candidacy for re-election as coun ty assessor of Linn county. Mr. Van Winkle is now serving in this office by appointment, filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of Earl L. Fisher, now secretary of the state tax commission. He is now a candi date for a first elective term. Mr. Van Winkle is a republican. Exchange Opening Advanced. SAN FRANCISCO. March 27. The San Francisco stock and bond ex change morning sessions will open at lt o'elock beginning Monday, the opening being advanced from 10:30 o'clock owing to the opening of Xew York and Chicago exchanges one hour earlier commencing Monday, when uaynght-suviiig time will be observed in -New York and by Chicago finan cial houses. Settlers Are Answered by Demand for Increase in Maintenance Fees for Project. BEND. Or., March 27. (Special.) In an amended application filed to day, the Central Oregon Irrigation company petitioned tne state public service commission for permission to charge water users ?2.80 an acre for maintenance fees. The petition is in eftect a reply to the answer filed by the settlers to the original application made a year ago asking for $2 an acre, and will come up or hearing before the com mission on April 1, in Deschutes, the time and place net for hearing on the original request. In addition to ask ing an SO-cent advance from the rate first suggested, the company, in its amended application desires a suffi cient increase to pay interest on tha original investment represented in Its irrigation plan. What this should I amount to is not specified. I The amendment sets forth that neither principal nor interest Has been paid on the $850,000 bond issue of 1310, declares that present main tenance fees are insufficient, that money has been lost on the old sched ule of maintenance fees, and that large replacement expenditures are now faced with no funds with which to finance them. Tresent charges are at the rate of SO cents and $1 an acre. 1 II n LINGERIE SOLD TO GIRLS Woman Under Arrest on Charge of False Pretenses. VANCOUVER, Wash., March 27. (SneciaL) Mrs. Margaret Wilber was arrested at the Salvation Army hut I last nieht. charged with secunn monev under fale pretenses. It is alleged that the woman sold lingerie to the girls at the hut fo a small payment down at very low prices and promised to deliver the goods within a lew aays. The goods were not delivered though Bhe had collected 127 from numerous patrons when arrested. She could show no credentials that she was attached to "a big New, York concern. Fhone your want ads to The Orego rtian. Main 7070. A 609:.. Accuracy and Thoroughness llllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIMIlllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllll!llU b)nm"'miit!iiiiiimmuiiii!imurii!itiimiiutrii li fla A. & G. FELDENHEIMER JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS OPTICIANS ESTABLISHED 1S6S EXCLUSIVE EASTER NOVELTIES STERLING SILVER CHARM BRACELETS X DELIGHTFULLY POPULAR NEW CREATION ENAMEL COLOGNE, DORINE AND VANITY CASES IVORY AND AMBER BEADS IMPORTED BEAD BAGS A COMPLETE NEW LINE FISHERMEN IN DISPUTE Conference Being Held In Order to Straighten 3Iatters Out. NEWPORT, Or.. March 17. (Spe cial) Car D. (Shoemaker, R, E. Clan- DIAMONDS AND SILVERWARE WASHINGTON STREET AT PARK PORTLAND, OREGON PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN MAIL ORDERS :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiniijiiiuiiiiimimiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiH!iuiii: ( vs -i--... ii it jt 5 a- v -XX vC A ft "wfiint wti 'iiiftiw stii -ran i J Willi litis instrument ivc are masters of the situation. No guesswork, no mistake the eye has been fitted with the right glasses. Cf On the thoroughness of the physician's diagnosis depends the value of the prescription. l On the thoroughness of the eye specialist's examination depends the correctness of the formula by which your glasses are ground. f Some advantages of our "particular methods are the work of examination of the eyes, and, making the glasses being combined, the entire responsibility is ours, and greater accuracy and satisfaction are the result, as well as a considerable saving in expense. Our system of scientific sight-testing is the result of painstaking research. It reduces the possibilities of error to a minimum, assures clearer vision for you and perfect fitting glasses that are guaranteed to give you the comfort sought. J Therein lies our success. r SAVE YOUR EYES Thompson Optical Institute Eyesight Specialists IV PnrttnmTn 1 j,roes.L Most Modern. Best EauibbeJ. Exclusive Optical Establishment unJlll mi 209 10-11 Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison m Fbrtl a a. mi i a o -t, j m ft q a , BICHARD W. CHILDS, Manajrer C. I. Bt HKfclTLR, Asst. Manager frfoiel Good Fare and Good Company await you at this hotel every night in the week. We value your patron age, and endeavor to satisfy you with cuisine and service. Sunday Table dHote Dinner, $1.25 Weekday Noon Lunch, 75c The Portland Hotel LiS'iiL. Agents for the Butterick Pat terns and Delineator; all styles and sizes now showing. "The Store That Undersells Because It Sells for Cash" Our Store Closes 5:30 P. M 21 Mail Orders receive out prompt and careful attention the same day as received. The Whole Store in Readiness to Supply Your Spring and Easter Needs Under priced Offerings In Every Section At Prices Most Moderately Low Everything Is New U p-tO'Datc and of Dependable Quality Your Easter Week Needs Will Be Properly Filled Here We suggest, however, that you come early in the week and avoid disappoint ments. Indications point to a very busy week and, although we have made extra preparations to take care of the ever-increasing trade, no doubt every department will fairly buzz with eager crowds choosing their Easter clothes. New shipments of merchandise freshly arrived have been thrown into the ranks and are making tne store more ana more attractive as faster Sunday draws near. Great Easter Suit Special at $39.75 The most fashionable new models in Ripple and Belted effects correctly tailored garments in fine Serges and Tricotines all in navy blue and all finished with high-grade fancy linings. Don't fail to see them. Every Suit a bar gain at $39.73. Great Easter Coat Special at $27.75 Unlimited choice from dozens of the most popular styles and a variety of cloths and col ors to suit every occasion. Special effort has been put forth to place before you values that are positively unmatchable at $27.75. 3J Kid Gloves $250 to $4J00 Pr. Complete line of the celebrated Centancri Kid Gloves of fine French lamb and kid in Paris Point and embroidered back. Both over seam and pique seam. Priced at $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4 Pair No Values to Surpass Ours in Stylish Gloves for Well-Dressed Hands New Gloves Perfect companions for the tailored suit or dress are here in all new shades. Soft French Kid firm, durable lambskins, washable capes and fitie silks. All sizes in black, white, tan, gray, dark brown, champagne, etc. Plain or embroid ered styles at a wide range of prices. Profit by an early selection. Silk Gloves $l)0 to $2j00 Pr. Kayser's and Van Raaltc Silk Gloves in a fine selection of colors and sizes. You have choice of either plain or beautifully embroid ered backs and welt edges. Priced at $1, $1.25, $1.35 to $2 Pair Again We Invite You to Profit by Our Unsurpassed Showing of New Spring Hosiery Stockings of Dependable Quality at Prices to Suit Every Purse Fancy lace and embroidered Hose for dress-up oc casion's. Others ribbed and fancy clocked for street wear also plain black, white, gray, brown and other shades for all-purpose wear. All the newest novelties for Easter and spring wear. We recommend The Phoenix Silk Hose As Being Especially Worthy at the Following Prices: 21 SO PT? For Phoenix Silk Hose tDl.OU Srl. with Iisle heel( toe and garter top, seamless foot and fashioned back. Pt Or pp For Phoenix Pure Silk dl,oo ItI. IIose wiLh Ii(ile hoeli toe and sole. Seamless, with new clocking effect. (PO I A piD For Phoenix Pure Silk tDA" Hose, mock seam back and seamless foot with lisle heel, sole and toe. (9 IT PT3 For Thoenix Pure Silk D.lU XT S, Hose j, lisle rib top and lisle heel and toe. C9 fl P"P For Phoenix Pure Silk 5i.UU ST I. Fuli Fashioned Hose with lisle heel, 6ole, toe and garter top. JQ Crt "DTD For Phoenix Full Fash tDO.UU riV. j0llPl osc B .ijk cxcrpt four-inch garter top and sole. flJO 1 f IDT? For Phoenix Out Size Pure with lisle heel, toe and garter top. (JO PC PT? For Phoenix Out Size Pur iDL.UO ITI' Silk Hose, mock sram back, seamless foot and lisle hei-1, toe and garter top. QO "IK DO For Phoenix Out Size DOalU Srl. -pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose wilh lisle heel, toe and garter top. OH DP For Phoenix Full Fash DOJ) lrl. ioncd Au Hose with lisle lined garter top and lisle sole. Great P re-Easter Showing of Daintily Fitted Hand Bags and Vanity Cases for Spring We have given much attention in our selection of serviceable fittings in the new Hand Bags and Vanity Canes for Spring. In cluded are all popular shapes in materials that vary from the ever popular beaded bag the dainty silk bag to the most artistic fabric bag to harmonize with your spring costume. Charming Styles in Silk Bags At $210 Up to $1350 The newest designs and frames in all sizes and colors with those in black, brown, taupe and navy predominating. All are of high qual ity and come with proper inside fittings. Ethel Barrytnore J'anitv Cases At $350 Up to $750 These extremely popular and fashionable Vanity Cases arc shown here in both plain and fancy leathers and various shapes and colors black, navy, tan, etc. They are most attractive. Wanted Styles in Real Leather Envelope Purses From $125 to $1550 Pre-Easter Showing and Sale of Women's Neckwear Veilings, Handkerchiefs Correct and dainty accessories to your Easter cos tume can be secured from these special offerings at prices that are lower than you would think possible. We've cut prices in a manner that will meet your instant approval. New Veilings at 39c and 59c Veilings in all the popular plain and fancy meshes woven and chenille dots colored che nille dot on black, brown, navy, and taupe veil ing. Many of these veilings would cost more to import than the price we ask. Women's Handkerchiefs at 10c Ea. Handkerchiefs of sheer batiste, white and colored embroidered corner French cord with colored embroidered corner. Also sheer batiste in colored sport prints. New Collars at 79c Pretty Georgette Crepe Collars in flat or roll 6tyles Venise or val lace trimmings and machine and hand embroidered. Stock Jabots at 39c A fine selection of Stock Jabots in fine net and lace styles, both white,sr,d cream. Net Guimps at 39c Plain High-necked Guimps in white and cream. Lace Collars at 39c Dainty Collars of imitation Venise and filet lace in roll styles. Satin Collars at 29c Satin Collars in flat and roll styles in white and colored washable satin. Colored Vests at 59c Vests of cotton poplin and Linene in all the prettiest colors, plain or embroidered. L Our Store Now Opens at 9 A. M. t The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at S:30P.M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. i i - I: I I I!