IV-. -v. . t I TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCII 28. 1920 SWEENEY IS OU T - OR eEPRESENTATIVE Three-Cornered Race Devel ops for Congress. AMERICANISM IS SLOGAN v-1 J I t i . ; '- '' i Candidate Says He "Was Indorsed ty Service Men to Oppose Mc Artbur and Smith. Thomas A. Sweeney has Joined Rep resentative McArthur and E. E. Smith n th rare for the republican nomina tion for representative of the third -nneresslonal district. Mr. Sweeney's slogan is "Americanism Without Com promise." . Entrance of Mr. Sweeney makes It a. three-cornered race. Mr. Sweeney says that he was induced to run by former service men, being one himseli. After serving on the Mexican border with the Oregon cavalry he took an ...min.tinn for commission as struc tural road and bridge engineer in the army, passed and was promoted to captain, going overseas as command- rfir-e of comDany D. 43d engi neers and returned as acting major after 19 months' service, witn a co tton from General Pershing for meri torious and distinguished service. Political Activity Noted. For 12 years Mr. Sweeney has been tn the construction business in Ore gon, especially in railroad and high way work and he has been active in politics, particularly with the pro gressive wing of the republican Mr.' Sweeney declares in his state ment: "The issue shall not be con fused Constructive, progressive and liberal legislation as against reac tionary standpatism is the platform that I stand on. Progress and pros perity for the people and the elimina tion of special privilege to any class, is the old-fashioned democracy that our forefathers intended." Summarized, Mr. Sweeney's plat form follows: Platform Is Summarized. Strong and dignified foreign rela tions and Immediate peace. Ameri canization, requiring application of first citizenship papers within five years, and ability to read and write the English language on application for papers. Collective bargaining is a fundamental right that is guaran teed by the legal right to organize. Old age insurance and higher wage for teachers is social legislation ad vocated. Military highways and strong aerial and naval bases for the pro- t.rtioTi nf the Pacific coast. Elimi- hnlshevism bv eradicating th cause, through curbing of unlimited financial combinations and mono nnlips of natural resources. Remove hieh cost of living by increased pro auction and elimination of the profi teer. Merchant Marine Advocated. A merchant marine, privately owned nd operated, aided by the govern ment, is advocated. Equal suffrage, equal rights and equal responsibility. Prps soeech. If not used for unlaw ful purposes. Stricter immigration laws to keep out dangerous aliens. Kxoloiters of the forests should re- nines them by planting a tree for every tree cut dewn. Burdensome tax of the war should be spread over a longer period than now contem plated. War was fought for future generations and they should assist in paying. Aid for soldiers by taxation of the war profiteer to pay the financial sacrifices made by service men. Gov ernment control and aid for develop ment of our water power sites. Gov ernment should have a budget sys tem. Government should aid and promote agriculture by reclamation and irrigation, with extended farm credits and long time loans for ex eervice men that they may be able to secure and develop farms; im proved educational and home facili ties and good roads. Such a pro gramme will make constructive citi zens and aid the port and city of Portland, he declares. In attendance. Although this is the university spring vacation week, the conference delegates are being enter tained largely by university girls There was a gymnasium picnic on the campus Saturday noon and the social affairs committee of the Toung Wom en's Christian association was in charge of the afternoon frolic, which was held in Herrick hall, the wom en's dormitory. This was in the form of a stunt show and game party Among the leading speakers of the conference are Mrs. F. N. Rogers of Portland; Miss Bessie Jean Flemmlng. Albany; Misses Georgia Parker and Margaret Scott. Portland; Ralph McAfee, executive secretary of Port land Federation of Churches, and Harold F. Humbert, secretary of the Oregon Sunday School union. The conference theme is "The Four- K 1 : -rAi jitiiijiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiu f You May Not Know Drugs But You Should Know Your Druggist We have built our business from a small beginning to the position it holds by Integrity, Hard Work and an understanding of drug store service. It is this thorough knowledge and intelligent attention to the needs of our customers that brings them back to us again and again. Our rapid growth has not destroyed the personal touch between ourselves and our patrons, and you will find it a pleasant satisfaction to deal here. Give Your Teeth Constant Care Never neglect the teeth. Uncared for teeth not only detract from your personal appearance, but are a constant menace to your health. Physicians are finding it an ever-increasing fact that a great many diseases are a direct result of neglected teeth. We would recommend the following dentifrices: Pepsodent Pebecco . . Forham's , 45 45 .33 and 55 Eolynos Colgate's .... Chlora Denta ..28 ..25 .45 Lyons' Lyons' Powder Revelation .... .23 .23 .25 Thomas A. Sweeney, who enters congressional race. fold Development of Christian Girl hood," with the motto, "Out to Win." The conference is held under the aus pices of the Oregon State Sunday School association. HUGE TAX MUD IilXCOLX GRANGE THINKS EDU CATION IS VITAL. Construction of Bridge and Rail road to Timber Belt Are Among Other Slatters Considered. Be particular in the choice of your Face Powder Do not buy the first powder that you see; study the needs of your skin and get the best in powders. Very good are: Mavis 50 La Blache 55 Java Eice ...45 Melba 50 Djer-Kiss 62 and $1.05 There is great cleansing and soften ing power in these accredited Cold Creams Massage them carefully into your face at night; you will be agreeably surprised at the results. Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 48, $1.10 Santiseptic Lotion 45 Daggett & Ramsdell Cream 30, 75, $1.35 PROJECT WORK EXPECTED STATE EXGIXEER TIUXKS BIG DESCHUTES IS ASSURED. -v' J - i J Statement of IiOng Controversy Is Now tn Sight, Thinks Eipcrt, and Job Will Get Under Way. SALEM, Or., March 17. (Special.) That development of what is known as the Big Deschutes irrigation proj ect will start at .an early date was the word brought here today by Percy Cupper, state engineer, follow ing a conference at iteomona witn representatives of the north unit irri gation district, central uregon irri gation district and the Tumalo irri gation district. The Deschutes project includes ap proximately 250.000 acres and the north unit already has voted bonds In the sum of approximately $5,000,000 for development work. Whether to organize another district out of the lands lying in the western part ot the project or include this territory In the Tumalo district, has been re ferred to a steering committee for determination. The most discouraging obstacle found in connection with the develop ment of the Deschutes project, ac cording to Mr. Cupper, involved liti gation between the central Oregon Irrigation district and the Central Oregon Irrigation company. This liti gation has thus far entailed attorney fees aggregating 80,000. Mr. Cupper believes, however, that this contro versy is now in process of satisfac tory adjustment. TOLEDO, Or., March 27. (Special.) The higher educational tax bill, which provides for maintenance of University of Oregon,. Oregon Agri cultural college and Monmouth State normal was indorsed; recommenda tions made that the Port of Toledo build a railroad from Toledo to the head of tide on the Siletz river; the candidates for county commissioner and county judge asked to state their position with regard to building a county bridge across the Yaquina river at Toledo; and recommendations made for the organization of a dairy men's association in Lincoln county, at the Lincoln County Pomona grange, which met at Toledo Wednesday-. While taxes are high in Lincoln county, members in attendance at the Pomona grange, representing the county at large, showed no hesitancy in supporting the higher educational tax bill, for, as they exrpessed it, edu cating the boys and girls of Oregon Is a necessity and cannot be neglected. The construction of a bridge across the Yaquina river at Toledo has long been a bone of contention, and the voters of the county will be much in terested in the attitude of the candi dates for county commissioner and county judge. The resolution with reference to the building of the railroad from To ledo to the head of tide on the Siletz river is in keening with a similar resolution approved by a citizens' committee which met in joint meet ing with the Port on Saturday. March 20. It is argued that since the people of this port district in co-op eration with the government have spent large sums of money in port de velopment, in order that any profit be realized from these, expenditures, it is necessary that the means of com munication being developed bo con nected with the source of timber in the Siletz. An Unsolicited Testimonial Written to Household Topics Regarding LIQUID NUXET IRON Portland, Oregon, March 25, 1920. Gentlemen: Would state that the advertisement which interested me most in the Household Topics was the Stout-Lyons Drug Co. ad concerning Liquid Nuxet Iron. For the last six months my husband has been in a terribly run-down condition. He be came exceedingly emaciated, losing flesh every day. Poor circulation, kidneys in bad shape, gas in the stomach and loss of appetite followed. He was unable, to sleep nights, because of exceeding pain and numbness in the limbs. He procured a bottle of Liquid Nuxet Iron from the Stout-Lyons Drug Co., and befort using half of it noticed a big change in his condition. He is now on the second bottle and improving rapidly in health. The numbness is all gone, appetite has returned and he is gaining flesh every day. It is really wonderful the good that Nuxet Iron has done him. Sincerely, 1173 So. Jersey St., St. Johns, Portland, Ore. MRS. S. 0. CALL. NOW! WILL SEAT YOU AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! NOW! You in an aeroplane a mile in the air while only fifty feet away the bravest man in the world climbs from one plane to another to save a girl from a sky pirate. Some thrill! Idaho Treasurer for Governor. BOISE, Idaho, March 27. (Special.) State Treasurer Eagleson tonight formally authorized the announce ment ho is a candidate for the re publican nomination for governor. In a statement to "republicans of the state" he attacked the present state commission form of government and said that if nominated and elected he would return to the old etato form. St. Helens Court to Convene. ASTORIA, Or., March 27. (Special.) Circuit Judge Eakin will leave for St. Helens tomorrow night to open a two weeks session of the court Monday morning. r-vSSINN FEIN ROUNDED UP -'''! . - A " "' V Member of Parliament Is Taken to Jail With Others Under Guard. . DUBLIJr, March 27. Prisoners from various parts of Ireland have been arriving all day at Mount Joy jail. Heavy military guards accompanied them. Philip Shanahan, Sinn Fein, mem ber of parliament, and prominent In Sinn Fein activities, was arrested tonight. 125 ATTEND' CONFERENCE iiracific University Host to Older -r-1 01ns uauicriug. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest k I Urove, ur, juarcn a. iapeciai.j- rne - v 1 eighth annual older girls' conference of Oregon is now holding sessions in Forest Grove with about 125 delegates PRESSURE Cookers and Canners Pay for themselves in a short time in saving of time, fuel and non-shrinkage of foods. Send for Recipe Booklet. Pressure Cooker Sales Co. With Lang Range Co., 191 Fourth also Gunther & Gunther 709 Hawthorne Avenue Sfouf-Luons DruqXb. ! Northern Pacific Pharmacy Irvington Pharmacy ! Third and Morrison Sta. East Broadway and 15th I Perkins Hotel Pharmacy, 5th and Washington Sts. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir? i rtrrnimniimniiimiirmiiiMmiiimiiimitnMtMiiuu Siiiiiimmimwiiirnmmnin iniiiiiiiitmutiiuiiitnt FURNITURE FIRM EXPANDS Increased Demand Held to Justify Proposed New Factory. VANCOUVER, "Wash., March 27. (Special.) The Vancouver Furniture company, now operating1 with a small number of men on Sixth street, has secured the corner. Third and Co lumbia streets, on which Is a building erected during the war for a bunk house for the G. M. Standifer Con struction corporation, in addition to property in the rear. This will permit the company to employed. The company specializes in dressers and chairs, and has manu factured and sdld to date more than 2300 dressers and several thousand chairs. There is a big demand, hence the decision to increase the capacity. Sinnott Will Before Court. Roger B. Sinnott, well-known Port land attorney who died March 16, left an estate' valued at $21,000, chiefly real estate, according to the petition for probate of his will filed in the circuit court yesterday by the widow, Mrs. Gertrude L. Sinnott. With the exception of $1000 bequeathed to his dale. Mr. Sinnott left all his property to his widow. The will was drawn August 1, 1912. Doctor loses Native's Gift. The loss of a Scotch collie puppy 6 months old, which he brought with him from Santo Domingo when he was relieved from service there as a medical officer in the navy, was re ported yesterday by Dr. Isaac Dellar of 843 Northrup street. The mother of the puppy was given to Dr. Dellar in the islands by a grateful patient. expand so that about 30 men will be mother-in-law. Mro. Gertrude Ijowns- Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, A 6095. IIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIIIIIIIllIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIllIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIllIIIIIIflIIIIIIIIllllIIIU 333-355 Alder St. at Park A Drama Staged in the Clouds "THE GREAT A TO DADDCDV" A Thriller in Which the Sky Is the Limit With That Daredevil of the Skies LOCKLEAR This week we are showing a PRIZMA reel entitled "Gowns That Venus Would Envy." It is one of the most remarkable reels we have ever seen. Rivoli Concert Orchestra M. Guterson, Conductor SUNDAY CONCERT AT 12:30 NOON Semiramide Rossini Artist Life btrauss Pilgrims' Chorus Wagner Kamenoi Ostrow Rubcnstoin Glow Worm : 1 Linckc WEEK-DAY CONCERT Twice Each Afternoon and Evening Semiramide ? Rossini Glow Worm 1 Linckc Daily Topics Weekly Show wniiRm ffr After theS Wnolesonte-cieansing-Refreshina Kflien Your Eyes, Need Cars f, Every Day in the Year Watch Our Windows- For the SNAPPIEST Suits and Frocks You Must Go to STAMPS f.RKKV Aif STAMPS Specially Priced EASTER FOOTWEAR One-eyelet styles, black and brown kid with high French heels; also Baby t French heels, spe- ?L.oU cial A fine value W;L. Douglas koko brown lace Eng lish, also in round, comfortable lasts. Special Tongue pump, in fine black kid, with the new popular Baby French heel, as shown above; also same style with high French leather heel, spe cial..... ............ .... W. L. Douglas black lace Eng lish, also in round, comfortable lasts. Very special price We have a complete line of Children's Low and High Shoes at attractive prices.. 353-355 Alder St. at Park nniiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiJs Si' 230-232 Morrison St. Near Second Look for the W. L. Douglas Electric Sign GREEN STAMPS HI UHEISM STAMPS r . I'.'." -7 v Lr . ' ' - m - T V- '1 - I ' '. ' -'I",'",';"v'