The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 23, 1919, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 63

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he Alcazar revival will be aumptu-
us in every detail is assured, and
is brilliant company, perhaps the
est singing organization of its kind
ver to present the musical plays in
his country, will be perfectly suited
or the various roles, and an all-star
erformance may be expected.
Since "The Mikado's" first presen
ation in London in '85 it has been a
lassie of the musical stage.
It is by far the funniest, brightest
nd wittiest as to book and lyrics, the
nost tuneful a3 to score, and to say
ha it is the best of all such produc
ions is not too much.
The cast of "The Mikado" will be:
rum-Yum. Mabel Wilber; Pitti Sing.
iva Olivatti; Peep Bo, Peggy Martin;
vatisha, Marie Morgan; The Mikado,
leorge Natanson; Nanki Poo, Henry
'oote; Pooh Bah, Detmar Poppen;
vo Ko, James McElhern; Pish Tush,
lUdward Sedan; Knee Ban, Lee Daly.
For the role of Katisha, Miss Marie
plorgan has been specially engaged.
Miss Horgan was with the De Wolf
Hopper all-star revival of "The Mi
kado" in New York, and is considered
he best Katisha on the American
stage. Although she has retired from
the stage and living in Los Angeles,
it was after much persuasion, that
she consented to Journey from Los
Angeles to Portland and play the
Wholesome Humor and Catchy
Music Are Features.
The attraction to follow "The
Mikado" at the Alcazar theater will
be the Japanese-American comic
opera Tantana," which opens Mod
day, December 1. It was in "Fan
tana" that Jefferson De Angelus
starred for several eesons and it was
considered by far bis best starring
most remarkable comic opera and
contains more genuinely wholesome
humor and more catchy music than
any of the most recent musical plays.
The book and lyrics were written by
Robert B. Smith and Sam S. Shubert,
who is one of the famous theatrical
firm 'of Shubert Brothers and the
music is by Raymond Hubbell.
A magnificent production is as.
Bured, the scenery and costumes will
equal any New York production.
Latest of Victor Herbert Operas
Makes Impression Here.
The final performance of "Her Reg
lment" will be tonight at the Alcazar
theater. "Her Regiment" is the lat
est of Victor Herbert operas and this
is the first presentation west of
It was Miss Mabel Wilber's starring
vehicle of last season and gives he
ample opportunity C'Oth for singing
and acting. Lee Daly in the comedy
role is exceedingly funny and the
Alcazar company as a whole is an
unusually good one.
Stock Company in "It Pays to Ad
vertise," With Extra Matinee
One of the most familiar of all late
comedies is Cohan & Harris' "It Pays
to Advertise," in which the Bake
Stock company will be seen for th
week starting this afternoon, with
special Thanksgiving day matinee
Thursday. It is familiar because of
its immense popularity and the fact
that it is rounded upon a modern idea,
the value of original advertisin
methods. It is the story of an ex
ceptionally clever young woman who
is private secretary to a. millionaire
soap manufacturer,, who has a spoile
and useless son who absolutely re
fuses to make anything of his life.
rsoting that the boy seems a bit in
terested and influenced by the secre
tary, the old man engages her as
a business proposition to try to arouse
his ambition. The result is a wonder
ful surprise for everyone concerned,
even the boy himself. Along comes a
whirlwind circus press agent full of
ideas and conversation, who suggests
wonderful advertising plans, and they
organize a company and go into the
soap business in opposition to the old
man. Thio starts all kinds of things
and high finance with a vengeance
marks the action of the new corpora
tion, which, after hitting the high and
low spots, finally wins out, makes the
old man come around and naturally
ends in wedding bells. George Tay
lor will be seen in his former success
as the press agent with both Miss
Felton and David Herblin in parts for
which they are particularly suited.
"It Pays to Advertise" will run all
week at the Baker with the usual
matinees and the Thursday matinee
In addition.
Maytag Electric Washers Sold on Convenient Terms Eighth Floor
Comedy With Universal Appeal to
Follow Present Week.
One of the most eagerly-looked-for-ward-to
plays of the season in stock
is "Poilyanna" which will go on the
boards at the Baker for the week fol
lowing "It Pays to Advertise" and
opening next Sunday matinee. Like
"Daddy Long Legs" this is a comedy
that appeals to old and young and one
that no theater goer should miss see
ing upon this, its initial appearance in
Portland at popular prices. Laughter
and pathos run side by side through
the delightful story which everyone
knows is Koine to have one of the
happiest of all happy endings in spite
of the tears that lie so close to the
surface at times. Poilyanna is a little
"poor relation wished on a rather
high spirited and immaculate aunt,
whom the child is shocking every
hour of the day by her unseemly (in
the eyes of the severe old aunt) ac
tions. When she breaks into the castle
of the terrible old bachelor all that
happens there makes "Poilyanna"
seem somewhat like a fairy tale of old.
Hoover Vacuum Sweepers
Let the Hoover do your extra thorough Thanksgiving housecleaning for
you with its vibrating brush and powerful suction. It beats as it sweeps, as
it cleans. Convenient terms. Street Floor.
c) "Merchandise of cJ Merit Only
Fruit Cake and Pies
The Tip Top Inn fruit cake is already made-and growing more delicious,
if possible, day by day. Pound, 65c. Please order Mince and Pumpkin
pies Monday for Thanksgiving. Large ones, 50c. Eighth Floor.
Demonstrating "Handkerchief Supremacy" in Opening Christmas Sale
There will be no doubt in your mind whatsoever where local handkerchief supremacy exists when you attend this remarkable sale of Handkerchiefs.
This is really an INTRODUCTORY SALE, in that it inaugurates the beginning of a new epoch in Handkerchief Selling Supremacy it ushers in the first of a long series of unprece
dented value giving events in our (
Pure Linen 'Kerchiefs
Plain white, regulation size. Very fine,
sheer linen in a beautiful finish. They'll
make delightfully dainty gift. Buy them
by the dozen at this price.
V 25c
Box of
3 Madeira 'Kerchiefs
Beautiful handloom embroidered
Madeira - handkerchiefs on sheer Swiss
lawn. Embroidered in white and colors;
some filet work. Lovely!
Madeira 'Kerchiefs
Pure linen, hand-embroidered Madeira
kerchiefs for 39c Think of that for
value! Come early for these, for they're
too good to last long.
Extraordinary I
Real Madeiras
3 for 50c
Beautiful sheer Madeira kerchiefs,
daintily embroidered in white and gray.
These make gifts that are truly appreciated.
Sheer -Lawn Kerchiefs
Three for SOc
White and colors some with
iarA Hir.f. others Jazz striped.
still - others with butterfly
basket designs.
Colored Border Hdkfs.
SOc Doxen
Beautiful colored borders some
with butterfly designs. Full size.
Wonderfully low priced.
Pure Linen Embroidered
Three for $1.00
Pure linen 'Kerchiefs, beautiful
corner embroidery of real Irish
band work Below -wholesale.
Crepe de Chine Hdkfs.
$2 Box of Three
White and colored corner em
broideries. Very smart for gifts.
Men's Fine initial Hdkfs.
25c Six for $1.40
Complete Initials beautifully
designed. Soft finish material.
Men's Pure Linen Hdkfs.
Three for $1.00
Wonderful values. Full size.
Not to be duplicated at wholesale.
Tape border pure linen Hand
kerchiefs, '.a -inch hem, 6 for $3.60
Irish Lawn Kerchiefs
Three for $1.00
Sheer Irish lawn. Hand loom
embroidered in solid and eyelet
designs. Beautiful.
Fine Initial Kerchiefs
Three for SOc
Medium weight, soft finish
lawn 'Kerchiefs two-ton initial.
Wonderful value.
Madeira Initial Hdkfs.
Three for $1.35
Swiss lawn, Madeira embroid
ered edge. All initials. Dainty
box of 3 for 11.35.
Women's Initial Hdkfs.
Three for SOc
Dainty taped border, with neat
ly designed initials. They make
charming gifts.
Hand Embroidered
Madeiras, 39c
Real Madeiras hand embroid
ered, wonderful open work de
signs on fine lawn.
Fancy Lawn Kerchiefs
Two for 25c
A wonderful assortment of pat
terns in very fine lawn. Excep
tional value.
2400 Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, 10c
All initials; some in white, some in colors only. Won
derful value.
Madeira Handkerchiefs
Three for $2.00
Fine Swiss lawn, Madeira em
broidered in beautiful effects.
Men's Pure Linen Hdkfs.
$1.00 Each
Jaxx Kerchiefs, 25c
All the new shades and fancy
colors of the season.
Hand Embroidered Pure
Linen Kerchiefs, 85c
Full size beautiful new designs.-Others
at SI, J1.50. S3, J2.60.
Sample Line Hand-Worked
Kerchiefs, $2.50
A wonderful line. Hand filet
embroidery in exquisite designs.
Ideal for gifts.
Men's Sport Hdkfs.
Fine lawn, with fancy striped
borders. Full size. Buy them by
the nan dozen lor guts.
- Mothers of Daughters
are ur&ed to eive thouzht to the fact that we require
. young women with or without experience for positions as
Salespersons, Cashiers
Also for Clerical Positions
' While we, of course, require heavy reinforcements for
the holiday business, our greater desire is for those who
would make a permanent place for themselves in this insti
tution and become members of our happy store family.
Salaries to begin with are very good, and the opportu
nity for increases depends entirely on the individual's
ability and determination to succeed.
We suggest that you confer with our superintendent on
the Seventh Floor. i
An Advance Selling Event in Bathrobes for Men
Special $5 !
Nothing like a fine, warm blanket bath robe for solid
comfort after the morning plunge.
Here are some dandy) ones at a price so low that the
Woman gift-seeker can well afford to supply every) man
in her family) with one.
Regulation blanket cloth robes, in conservatively combined shades,
browns, greens, blues and gray.
Men who do their own shopping will do well to join
the eager throngs around the bath robe section Monday.
Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Beaded Bags From France
Beaded hand bags are the vogue; these
exquisite French hags, with their wonder-
ful coloring combinations, are particularly)
lovely). And what is more. THEY
ing years of lasting and enjoyable service.
Draw string1 style and mounted on
shell frames.
Milady swings them carelessly, but
nevertheless proudly from her wrist by
beaded string: handles.
Leather Goods for Christmas
Everyone appreciates the beauty and
lasting service of leather articles. Every
thing in leather is here, at its best, from
the staple articles to the exquisite un
comritpn things.
JUST IX Our complete line of collar
bags. Tan, grey, brown and black.. Pin
grain, pebble grain and walrus grain
leathers, $1.25 to $6.
Complete Line of Music Cases in Roll and Two-Fold
Styles $1.00 to $18.50
What lovelier gift for the music student?
Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Bed Spreads
$7.25 $7.50
Full Size With Hemmed
Edges or Scalloped
With Cut Corners
The patterns, texture and
finish of these bed spreads
are all most beautiful. Only
the fact that we purchased
them months ago enables us
to sell such wonderfully fine
bed spreads at these mod
erate prices.
Second Floof.
Lipman, Wolfe 6r Co.
Stylish-Stout Corsets
"100 Efficiency"
Back lace and front lace models
for all types of stout figures, in sizes
. from 24 to 40, inclusive. '
Made of coutil, real low,
medium low and medium high
bust. Short, medium and real
long hip and back, with elas
tic at bottom to give greatest
ease in sitting.
Stylish Stout corsets made
on the Sveltine System give
the much coveted straight-line
slender appearance without
any attendant feeling of constraint.
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Hotel Benson
The famous Hotel Benson
coffee will be on sale Monday
at two pounds for 95 c.
Amber clear and de
lightfully fragrant, this
coffee makes an instant
and lasting appeal to every
lover of fine coffee.
No phone orders, no deliveries.
Eighth Floor.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
English Wool Shawl Scarfs
Here exclusively
Delightfully warm and woolly;
just the thing for outdoor sports, and
so good looking. Size 28x82.
Sand with navy checked borders.
Black with white checked borders.
Peacock with sand checked borders.
rS.-.:."!' White with black checked borders.
'?Sg9r Brown with sand checked borders.
Many other ultra-smart novelty wool scarfs, $5.50 to $12.75.
Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co.
Finest Coatings
Are Here
The Prices Very Attractive
Yard $6.00 to $15.00
A surprise is in store for
the woman who had an idea
that fine coatings are priced
exorbitantly. Certainly, this
is not the case here!
We have a fine assortment
of rare weaves to show you.
Look tomorrow!
Second Floor.
Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co.
Midnight Rollick to Be Panta&et
Perhaps th most astonishing offer
ing in vaudeville is presented by
tflatko's Midnight Hollickers in a vau
deville sensation, "Dancing Around,"
the leading attraction on an excep
tional programme at Pantages for
Thanksgiving week, commencing with
tomorrow's matinee.
Bringing with them an augmented
orchestra under the direction of Al
bert B. Plough, the Rollickers will
presen: a startling replica of the gay
night life along the great white way
before the shadows started to fall
over this historic thoroughfare.
The scene of the production is laid
in the Bohemian garden at midnight
and all the features of the cabaret
are given. One of the principal num
bers is that given by the world's fast
est whirlwind dancers.-
"Dancing Around" brings tuneful
numbers which are delightfully ren
dered and there is plenty of rapid fire
comedy. The stage effects are excep
tionally rich and striking.
"The Mam From Minnesota Is one
of the classic comedies of vaudeville
and Charles Line holm as the man bids
fair to become famous in the part.
The 6tory concerns a Swedish timber
man who comes to the city to find his
sweetheart, whom he knows only
through correspondence, and meets
the mistress of his sweetheart, the
latter working as a domestic, but the
Mahogany Tea Wagons
Rich in decorative value and
at the same time distinctly useful.
Gifts to the
Charming things, these "silent servants" are, with their glass trays.
A variety of rubber-tired styles at $26.50, $27.50, $30.00.
Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
New Wilton Rugs
to brighten the home for the glori
ous Thanksgiving and holiday cele
brations that will take place in
many homes in this community
whose families will be reunited for
the first holiday merry-making
since the war.
Here are notes of a few of our.
new arrivals:
Size 9x12
$89.95, $95, $135, $149.75
Oriental pattemings, with all the rich, warm colorings that suggest
the priceless oriental rugs of old. Conventional designs, too, for those
who prefer them.
Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe 6- Co.
Hand-Made, Hand-Embroidered
Oh, the charm of exquisite Philippine underwear; hand-made, hand-embroidered, every dainty,
precise stitch of it, by the deft fingers of the little brown Filipino women. Look to your own needs
and anticipate gift requirements at these REMARKABLE PRICES!
GOWNS Exquisitely embroid
ered in dainty designs. Slipover
style, with V and round necks.
Fine lingerie cloth.
Prettily embroidered in a variety
of graceful designs. Ribbon
drawn with scallop edges.
, i .i
in kimono
sleeve style with round or pointed
embroidered gowns
Four different patterns in
chemise. Some have yoke ef
fects. Lovely !
Fourth Floor Lipman, W olfe Sr Co.
$3.95 .
GOWNS Slip-over style with
kimono sleeves, round or V
necks. Exquisite embroidery in
beautiful designs.
Many of them match the gowns
at this price. Lovely butterfly
patterns in punch work.
A Breath of the Tennessee Woods!
Red Cedar Chests
For Every Treasure-Loving
Man, Woman and Child
By making your selection
NOW you will be sure of get
ting just the particular chest you
desire, and at a price that will
prove an added inducement.
All Sixes All Styles
$18.25 $22.45 $25 $27.50 $30
Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
225 Pairs Plain Hemstitched
An excellent quality,
firmly woven marquisette,
all made, ready to hang up to your windows
charm come through for the Thanksgiving celeb
Two and one-fourth yards long; white, cream, ecru.
daintier, lighter hangings for the drab, sunless days?
to let
Fifth Floor Lipman, W olfe & Co.
tThis Store Uses No Comparative Prices They Are Misleading and Often Untrut
(Concluded on Pase 5.)