The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 15, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 48

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In tna calendar of
Interesting events
the week.
Thin week will be notable lor smart
Mlee Ruth Shun ana WilUam Norman
Burgard will plight their troth tomor
row evening at Trinity Episcopal
church at 8 o'clock, and on Wednesday
evening Mls Margaret Porter will be
come the bride of Van Sternbergh at
Weetmlnster Presbyterian - church at
8:30 o'clock. Both events will include
practically the same guests, and both
will be followed by large receptions at
the homes' of the respective brides.
The following Monday Mlse Edna
Mlnslnger will become the bride of S.
SDenccc Scott of New Tork. also at
Westminster church. Mr. Scott is due
to arrive in Portland Friday evening
and he will share in the evening festivi
ties planned for the few days following
Vi 1 f arrival.
The wedding of Miss Geraldlne Cour- 1
sen and Maurice Barnes was an event
of Wednesday evening at the home of
the bride's parents, and the young folk
were deluged with delightful pre-nup-tial
courtesies for the past few weeks.
Among the events planned for this
week is the tea to be given by the
Junior league at the residence of Mrs.
F. J. Cobbs Tuesday for the benefit of
the Oregon woman's building at the
University of Oregon.
Soeiety is deeply Interested In the
sonata mueicales, the lataest novelty in
Portland society, the first of the series
of three to be given this afternoon at
the residence of Mrs. Margaret Burrell
Biddle on Waverleigh Heights, by Mrs.
Susie Fennell Pipes, assisted by J.
Hutchison. The mueicales are limited
to 100 guests each, and they will be
given each Sunday afternoon at 4
A dinner and a dance were the di
versions planned by Miss Dorothy
Strowbrldge in honor of Miss Ruth
Shull and William N. Burgard, who will
be married tomorrow evening. The
dinner and dance were given at the
Benson hotel Thursday evening, the
dinner having covers for 20 friends of
the couple. For the dance about 100
additional guests were invited. It was
a charming affair, the crystal room of
the Benson being effectively decked
with baskets and standards of garden
flowers and pink roses.
Miss Shull presided at a pretty din
ner party for about 20 of her girl
friends Wednesday evening, and at the
same time Mr. Burgard was host for his
bachelor dinner at the Lnlverstty club.
The wedding rehearsal will occupy the
bride-elect, her fiance, and their at
tendants and a number of their friends
today, and an Informal supper will
cIoko the gaieties.
Miss Isabel Clark's luncheon on Tues
day was in honor of Miss Shull and Miss
Porter, two of the much-feted brides
elect, and covers were placed for 12
at an exquisitely appointed table.
Mrs. Orenville Vernon entertained at
dinner Wednesday In honor of Miss
Shull, and both she and Miss Porter
were again guests of honor for the
bridge tea for which Mrs. C Lewis Mead
was hostess Thursday.
Miss Shull, Miss Porter and Miss Mary
Westaway, the latest addition to the
list of brideB-to-be. were guests of
honor at Miss Sara Patrick s tea Monday.
Mrs. William Kaiser was a luncneon
hostess in honor of Miss Porter yester
day, asking the closest friends of the
Mrs. Wilbur E. Co man. until recently
one of Portland's most popular and
prominent matrons, now & resident of
Spokane, returned eaxly Jn the week
to her home after a visit of several
weeks here with her mother, Mrs. M.
Zan. Mrs. Coman is already very
popular in Spokans, and Is active in
the woman's organizations and gai
eties there.
All plans are completed for a gala
tea for which the members of the
junior league will be hosts Tuesday at
the residence of Mrs. I. J. Cobbs on
Portland Heights, for the benefit of
the woman's building at the University
of Oregon. This event is one of many
large and charming parties given for
the same purpose, the much-needed
woman's building on the campus, and
all Portland women are taking a great
deal of interest in the enterprise, giving
of their time and energy lavishly to add
to the fund.
The league, comprising the best
known members of Portland society, are
anticipating a very large attendance
and a charming party. Tickets for the
tea may be purchased at Meier
Frank's book department, members of
the league selling them each day at
tables placed in the department. Rep
resentative women of the city will as
sist the league and the gracious
hostess In receiving and serving the
guests, and everyone interested in the
work is invited to attend.
Miss Kathryn Hoyt is visiting
San Francisco with Miss Flora Miller,
who will become the bride of Francis
la Tie-ton of this city tomorrow even-
AZ? 'cJ of Jfai or fries-- Cc?j-2 rs 7i
BETWEEN the echo of wedding
bells, the manifold gaieties at
tendant upon the brides-to-be
and the Victory Rose Festival, which
brought in its wake a tremendous
number of visitors to the city. Portland
has been in a steady whirl the past six
Commencement exercises at the vari
ous schools and colleges are making
inroads on the time and attention of
society and plans for the summer mi
gration to beach and mountain resort
are also being formulated. The early
closing of school necessitates an earlier
exodus to the favorite resorts. Ine
early opening of the schools and col
leges this fall is also a factor.
Motoring is to he the favorite method
of travel this summer, and week-end
trips to nearby resorte are also a pop
ular form of diversion, the. visitors in
the city being responsible for the great
numbers of motorists daily seen on the
highway and the picturesque roads sur
rounding Portland.
The Waverley Country club has been
the mecca the past week of prominent
men and women of the city, who came
to attend the golf tournament, also to
a .
srectcf zzxg of tyzorrt Srd
entertain their house guests and friends
who are visiting in Portland. Teas,
luncheons, dinners and dances made up
srala week at the attractive club
Among those who presided at the
social activities during the week were:
Mrs. Lee Hawley Hoffman, Mrs. Morris
H. Whitehouse. Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur,
Mrs. Sherman Hall, Mrs. David Taylor
Honeyman and Mrs. Graham Glass. Two
dinner-dances were given to accommo
date the visitors in the city, one on
Wednesday evening and the other last
The Victory Rose Festival ball Friday
fresh every day.
Morrison St., bet.
4th and 5th. Tel.
Main or A 1805.
Ladles' Tailor Softs, Gowns. Waists.
50-7 Broadway Bldg. Marshall 4S3.
night was a notable event, given in
honor of the goddess and her attend
ants at Cotillion hall. The Marine
Corps and Devil Dog club's grand ball
on Thursday night at the Multnomah
hotel were two of the biggest and most
The Very Latest Creations
loaable Furs for Sam:
in Fash
Manufacturer sad Importer,
Southwest CrrnPT of Broadway
and Alder.
"Crest" Blouses
at $5.00
These are new arrivals in Geor
gette and Wash Crepe de Chine;
trimmed with lace and new designs
in tucked fronts. Collars are tux
edo and sailor styles; Gome with
round necks. Colors Flesh, White,
Biege, Peach and Maize. Qf ((
Our feature price DJeUU
309 Morrison Street
Postoffice Opposite
Chas. F. Berg, Vice-Pres. and Mgr.
OGUE Patterns at our An
nex, The Waist Shop,
Portland Hotel Court.
THE L DIES' TAILOR. 12S',i Tenia St.
Jersey Suits Are
Smart for
Traveling Wear
With vacation time so very near, you shouldhave
something that will stand the wear and stilTgive
you that smart appearance so necessary at all times.
We are showing any number of clever jersey suits in
rose, pink, blue, taupe, sand and navy. There are
sport styles, some angora trimmed, others depend
ing upon the contrasting large buttons for individ
uality. Contrasting collar at times plays an impor
tant part in making the suits "different." These are
moderately priced at
$32.50 $35.00
$37.50 $42.50
$19.50 Is ?Ke Price of THese
New Summery Frocks
There are taffetas, satins, figured Georgettes and combinations of Georg
ette and taffeta, as well as Georgette and satin. Beading is the trimming
of a number of Georgette gowns, while in the case of the flowered styles
just the artistic draping is all they need for beauty. Flesh, white, navy,
black and Copenhagen give one sufficient choice in colors. We know you
will be as enthusiastic over these unusual styles at the exceptional prices
as are we. . -
There Is Some
thing Different
About Eastern
You are sure to find here
a hat just a little out of the
ordinary and with that "dif
ferent" air that makes for
individuality. Whether it
be a large summery hat or
a small motoring model it's
here for you in all dainti
ness of color and class of
design that you could de
sire. Pleasingly low prices,
too, will appeal.
A Fur Adds the Final Note to
Your Street Frock
This year finds furs more in demand than ever.
Nothing quite takes their place for beauty and that
elegant finish to a well-planned costume.
Should you not wish to make full payment at thr
time of purchase we will be more than glad tc
open a charge account for you. You have no idea
how very convenient this little extra service is.
'Outfitting GJP
Washington Street at Tenth