The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1918, Section One, Page 18, Image 18

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Republican Victory Seen . in
Oregon Forecasts.
Democrats' Plea to . Support Presi
dent by Electing Smith and West
Reacts Throughout State.
(Continued From First Page.)
zation, tlTe Democratic organization,
labor leaders, the National party, and
others, to tempt men and women to thi
polls. .
Aside from the names printed on th
ballot, there are two offices which cari
only be filled by candidates having
their name written in. One such vacan cy
is Justice of the Supreme Court, for
which there are four aspirants, and
one vacancy for State Senator. Any
candidate for either of these positions
who can induce a reasonable number
of friends to write in his name is al
most certain of election, because as. a
rule voters refuse to take the trouble
to write in a name. In addition to
writing the name the voter must also
place a cross in front of it or the vote
v ill not be counted.
Wilson Appeal Is Factor.
Contests are few and far between.
Democratic forces are trying to use
Oswald West to defeat C. McNary
for United States Senator, and are
basing this on the plea of Mr. Wilson
that .Democrats oniy be elected to Con
gress. In the same manner they are
making a lesser effort to help John
S. Smith against C. N. McArthur. The
records of Mr. McNary and Mr. Mc
Arthur in supporting the Administra
tion's war programme have prevented
the Democratic propaganda from mak
ing headway. Also Democrats have
been advocating Walter M. Pierce for
Governor against Dr. James Withy
combe. The . constant talk of patriotism
which Mr. Pierce has made met with
a rebuff, when it was announced that
Mr. Pierce collected several hundred
dollars for serving as a member of
his local draft board, although the
Democratic nominee is a man of
wealth. Governor Withycombe's course
as a war Governor has met with the
approbation of Washington.
Foar Oat for Justice.
One of the contests on the ticket is
for Justice of the Supreme Court, to
fill, the vacancy caused by the death
of Justice Moore. For this place there
are Justice Conrad P. Olson, who was
temporarily appointed to the bench by
Governor Withycombe; Judge "John S.
Coke, of Coos Bay; Judge J. U. Camp
bell, of Oregon City, and Judge A. S.
Bennett, of The Dalles. All are Repub-
licans with the exception of Judge Ben
nett. The names of these candidates
must be written in.
The entire Republican Legislative
ticket for Multnomah County will be
elected, if there is anything in signs.
A special ticket or two has been gotten
out by various interests, in which two
or ttire of the Republican candidates
for Representative have been left off.
but these" special tickets are not ex
pected to have any bearing on the
result. -
For State Senator to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Conrad P.
Olson, .there .are four men actively
seeking the place, whtle the friends of
another man are trying to draft him for
the job. The . candidates are W. T.
Hume, Sanderson Reed, Walter G. Jy n n
and F. . C. Howell. Friends of former
Senator I. N. Day are asking that his
name be written in. -
Judgeship Race Spirited.
On. the county ticket there is an ef
fort to elect Lotus L. Langley in place
of Judge C. U. Gantenbein, and this
has resulted in a controversy in which
lawyers are taking sides, with the pre
ponderance of lawyers on the side of
Judge Gantenbein.
As to the municipal election, there is
no opposition to City Auditor Funk,
candidate to succeed himself. A. L.
Rushlight. ex-Mayor, and Dr. T. L. Per
kins. ex-State Senator, are opponents
for the short term for City Commis
sioner. For the long term there are
two to be elected and there are five
candidates: Commissioner Bigelow and
Commissioner Kellaher, S. C. Pier, Os
car W. Home and Arthur Baines. Cam
paigns have been conducted by all can
didates - for the long term except by
Mr. Baines. Sentiment appears to favor
the election of Pier and Bigelow.
A political dodger made its appear
ance yesterday in the interests of Wal
ter G. Lynn, candidate for State Sena
tor, and appeared to be a semi-official
labor ticket. Labor people say that the
ticket is genuine, albeit by an over
sight the name of Oscar W. Home was
left off. Home is the labor candidate
for City Commissioner and he is also
one of the labor candidates for Repre
Interest In Coming Election Seems
Generally Slack.
FOSSIL. Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.)
in wneeier County since the primary
there has been but little interest in
the election. At the primary there
was some interest in the office of
County , Judge. The vote was close
between H. D. Keyes and Frank Knox.
Republicans. Judge Keyes winning by
less tnan 100 votes. There was an
proximately a 25 per cent vote at the
primary, and at the general election
the vote probably will be about the
t-'ince the primary one would hardly
know there was . a campaign being
waged. Not one political speech has
been .made tn . the .county . and no pos
ters or bills have appeared. The usual
advertising of candidates in the news
papers of the county also was lack
ing. -Within the past few days, how
ever, cards in behalf of Conrad P. Olson
and John S. Coke for Justices of the
feurreme Court have appeared.
'James S. Stewart. Republican, of
Wheeler County, and W. n. Wilson,
Democrat, of Sherman County, are can
didates for joint Representative for
Gilliam. Sherman and Wheeler coun
ties. There' are no contests for tny
of the county offices, incumbents being
canaiaates tor re-election.
Year's Records Broken This Year in
Linn County.
ALBANT, Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.)
The quietest campaign in Linn County
in many, many years, perhaps In .the
country's history, is closing. War in
terest and the influenza scare had pre
vented any semblance of political ac
tivity, beyond the routine issuance of
candidates' literature, until the Presi
dent's letter came out. This awoke the
Republicans and they became active,
with the result that the Democrats are
also showing increased activity, trying
to combat the effects of the letter.
Politics took the stage so late in the
game, however, that the prophets ex
pect a light vote in this county.
While the President's letter directed
attention particularly . to" Congressional
candidacies the office of Governor seems
to be attracting most of the newly
awakened interest. Both candidates
have strong supporters in this county,
but Governor Withycombe appears to
be easily the favorite. Governor Withy
combe and Senator McNary were both
very popular with Linn County voters
in the primaries and it is expected this
popularity will be shown again next
The only other state office In which
there is special interest is that of Statt
Treasurer. This is due to the fact that
David P. Mason, the Democratic nomi
nee, resides here. He wtll receive a
big complimentary vote in his home
Interest so far as the county election
is concerned centers in the race for
County Judge, In which D. B. McKnight,
the present judge, who is the Repub
lican nominee for re-election, is op
posed by W. It. Bilyeu. of Albany. The
contest for State Senator between S. M.
Garland, of Lebanon, present Senator
and Democratic nominee for re-election,
and Frank H. Porter, of Halsey, one of
Linn County's Representatives, and an
active race between W. W. Francis, in
c mbent. Republican, and Miss Lenore
Powell, of 'Brownsville, Democrat, for
County Treasurer, are features of the
coming county election.
With .only one contest for a city
office and not a single candidate run
ning for Councilman, the Albany city
election is not creating a ripple so far
as candidates, are concerned. -
3Iost Counties Pay, Little, Attention
to Political Issues.
SALEM, Or, Nov.-2. (Special.) Sa
lem and Marion County, generally the
center of bitter political discussions
during campaigns, because of the loca
tion of the Capitol here, have apparent
ly been almost oblivious to the. fact
that, a general state election is to be
held next week. Political talk has been
reduced to the minimum and appear
ances augur but a light vote next Tues
day. .
What sentiment has developed on the
surface seems to be devidedly favorable
to Withycombe and McNary. Out
side of what has been seen of him here
during legislative sessions and a few
visits during the past bummer. Walter
Pierce is very little known here. This
is also a McNary stronghold, being his
home county, and predictions are made
by local politicians that he will be
given a big majority.
Scarcely any discussion is heard as
to the Supreme Justiceship to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of Frank
A. Moore, and how that contest will
terminate in this county is an open
The death this morning . of W. Al
Jones, one of the Republican nominees
for State Senator, from this county.
caused the endorsement today by the
Republican County Central Committee
of Sam H. Brown, of Gervais, for the
place. Alex LaFolett probably would
have received the endorsement, but he
became independent candidate for re
election to that office after bing de
feated at the primaries. . Mr. Brown
also was defeated for the nomination
at the primaries. Louis Lachmund,
former Mayor of Salem, is the candi
date for the other iSenatorship from
this county and also the Republican
Representative Hawley will receive
an almost unanimous vote in this
county. ....
H. L. Clark, of Salem, has appeared
as an independent candidate against
Judge W. M. Bushey for County Judge.
Judge Bushey has both Republican
and Democratic nominations. Contests
in the city election were virtually
decided at the .primaries, save that for
City Marshal, in which J. K. Wright,
present desk sergeant of the police
force, and Percy varney, present Con
stable for this, -district, are the con
Party Leaders Predict Large Vote
for Republican Candidates.
MARSH FIELD, Or., Nov. 2. (Spe
cial.) Pre-election forecasts in Coos
County indicate that the Republican
party will reap more or less rewards
as the result of Mr. Wilson's appeal for
support. George Laird, candidate for
sneriff against w. Vv. Gage, incum
bent, is one of those who believe it
is a Republican year for Oregon. Chief
interest here centers in the Senatorial
and Gubernatorial races. Both Charles
McNary and Governor James Withy
combe will . receive handsome votes in
Coos County, according to predictions.
A number of local cities have elec
tions -for November 5. North Bend
failed to hold a caucus folk nominations
and all candidates' names will be writ
ten -on the- ballots. Marshfield nom
inated by petitions and has a Mayor to
elect. Duncan Ferguson, incumbent, is
the only candidate for the place. Co
quille nominated city officers by caucus
and S. M. Nosier is the only candidate
for Mayor. He will succeed E. E. John
son. Bandon also elects.
There is much interest here in the
candidacy of Judge John S. Coke for
Supreme Judge. He has the indorse
ment of the Republican central commit
tee and the majority of the Democratic
Some of the cities are voting on ordi
nances and changes in charters. Marsh
field has a measure for changing the
plan of street assessment. There is a
livery fight on between A. K. Peck. Re
publican, and T. J. Thrift. Democrat,
for Representative in the State Legis
lature. Mr. Thrift's friends are hope
ful of lining up all laboring men for
him. Including the Loyal Legion and
Clackamas County Aroused by Wil
son's Partisan Appeal.
OREGON CITT, Or, Nov. 2. (Spe
cial.) While interest in the coming
state election next Tuesday has been
light in Clackamas County up to last
week, there is a prospect lor a normal
vote since the letter of President Wil
son, urging voters all over the Nation
to support the Democratic Congres
sional candidates, was made public The
Wilson pronouncement, coupled with
municipal elections in the towns of
C'.ackamas and the further fact that
the candidacy of Judge Campbell for
the Supreme bench has aroused his
friends here, may bring out a surpris
ingly large vote.
Withycombe and McNary carried
Clackamas in the primary election, and
there is every indication that this per
formance will be duplicated next Tues
Every town in the county will hold
an election Tuesday for city officers,
and in Oregon City, under the recently
enacted charter -amendment. eight
Wasii Away
Skin Sores
D. D. D., the liquid wash, baa became
a household word. It bu proved itself
a remarkably remedy. If yoa are a uf-
- ferw from skin diseases. incJadinx ul
cers, pimples, scales, crusts or Ecsema -any
form, this remedy wiZI not disap-
- point yoa. It baa stood the test and to
day is the master preparation for all
skin diseases. Try D. D. D. today. We
ruaromt it. 5c, eoc and $1.00.
Bo EDo Bo
fchv IDMuH K Dltl LU,
Prof.Pernot Tells
Prevention Steps
For Spanish Flu
Professor E- F. Pernot. eity bacteri
ologist, gives the following advice to
those who would be free of Spanish In
fluenza: "I am of the opinion that an excellent
and safe preventive of the Spanish In
fluenza would be to take nasal douches
and gargles twice dally of a weak solu
tion of calcium hypochlorite."
"There Is a very excellent prepara
tion of this on the market under the
proprietary name of 'B-K.' This is a
very strong solution, and could be used
in the proportion of 10 to 15 drops of
the solution to one-half glass of water
for spraying the nostrils or gargling
the throat. -
"I suggest this because the solution
Is about 10 times as strong as carbolic
acid, and not injurious to the tissues.
"The calcium hypochlorite is much
used'in the purification of drinking wa
ter In a strength of from three to five
pounds to 1,000,000 gallons, and destroys
all bacteria.
"The chemical is a powerful oxidizer,
which, when it comes in contact with
organic matter, liberates a nascent oxy
gen that kills the bacteria instantly,
because their bodies are of organic mat
ter. Calcium hypochlorite is not inju
rious to health in the weak solution
that It is used." (Interview In Tele
gram.) "B-K" Is also recommended by health
officials as an antiseptic for wounds,
sores and veterinary operations.
For sterilizing; cans, bottles, milking
machines, coolers and fillers.
For Disinfecting; sinks, drains, cellars,
ice-boxes, cows' udders and milkers'
Por Deodorising- barns, dairy houses,
poultry houses, etc
"B-K" whitens linen, diapers, dish
rass and mops.
Powerfal By Government Method
test B-K has over ten times greater
germ-killing strength than carbolic
acid. Much stronger than coal tar dis
infectant much safer.
Safe B-K contains no poison, acid
nor oil safe, internally and externally.
May be used in drinking water.
Clean B-K is colorless, leaves no
stain on cattle, floors or walls.
Deodorant B-K destroys foul odors
leaves no odor of Itself.
Cheap to one B-K Is so much strong
er than other disinfectants that it does
more disinfecting for the same money.
Price $1 per quart; add 10c for post
age. Sold at wholesale and retail by
Monroe & Crisell, 91-83 Front St., Port
land. Ore. Adv. x
Councilmen will be chosen, besides a
Mayor, Treasurer, Attorney - and Re
corder. Considerable quiet work has
been done in behalf of Henry M. Tem
pleton and Roswell U. Holman, oppos
ing candidates for Mayor. J. K. Hedges
is opposing the re-election of City At
torney George L. Story and the two
candidates for Treasurer are George K.
Swafford and Raymond P. Caufleld. the
latter having filed after the death of
M. E. Phillips, whose denutv h u..
Caufleld is now serving as Treasure!
unaer appointment from the Council.
Indications Are That Light Vote Will
Be Cast. '
TILLAMOOK. Or., Nov. 2. (Special )
Interest in "politics in this county
seems to have aroused but little In
terest. From all appearances the vote
will be light. The preponderance of
sentiment seems to favo- lor United
States Senator, to fill the vacancy of
the term ending March i. 1919. Fred
W. Mulkey. For United States Senator,
long term. Senator Charles L. McNary;
for Representative in Congress, W. C.
Hawley: for Governor, Governor James
Withycombe; for State Treasurer. O. P.
Hoff. and for Justice of the Supreme
Court, Judge Charles A. Johns. For
Justice of the, Supreme Court, to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of Judge
In Few Hours
First dose of "Pape's Cold
and grippe misery
Relief comes instantly.
A dose taken every two hours until
three doses are taken wlU end errippe
misery and break up a severe cold
either in the head, chest, body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogrged-up nostrils
and air passages in the head, stops
nasty discharge or nose running, re
lieves sick headache, dullness, feverlsh
ness. sore th-oat. sneezing, soreness
t I 1 H 11
If Kidneys
Says Backache is sign you have been r?rg too
much meat
. H
When you wake up with backache
and dull misery in the kidney region
it generally means you have been eat
ing too much meat, says a well-known
authority. Meat, forms uric acid which
overworks the kidneys In their effort
to filter it from the blood and they
become sort of paralyzed and loggy.
When your kidneys get sluggish and
clog you must relieve them, like you
relieve your bowels; removing all the
body's urinous waste, else you have
backache, sick headache, dizzy spells;
your stomach sours, tongue Is coated,
and when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twingres. The urine Is
cloudy,, full of sediment, channels often
set sore, water scalds and you are
obliged ta seek " relict twe ' fir. . three
Telephone operating: offers many advantages to young women who are
seeking employment at a good salary with opportunities for advancement,
Rapid and frequent increase In salaries.
Work is steady and permanent. -Many
opportunities for advancement. .
Pleasant, clean, fascinating.
Associates carefully selected.
Xight and well ventilated offices.
Comfortable lunch and recreation rooms.
Annual vacation with pay.
Sick Benefits, Death Benefits, Pensions, without cost.
Good Character and Good Health are required. Young women between the
ages of 18 and 26 are preferred. Previous experience is not necessary.
Our employment office is located on the Sixth Floor, Room 601, in the
Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets, and is open from 8:30 A. JL
to 5:30 P. M. We invite you to call at this office and meet Miss Thomas,
who will gladly discuss the matter personally with you. An appointment
may be made by calling Broadway 12000.
The Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Company
Room 601, Sixth Floor Park and Oak Sts.
Moore. Judge Conrad Olson. There are
no contests on for county offices except
for County Treasurer.
F. S. Hamilton's Xante Replaced by
That of J. C. Rhode.
BEND, Or.. Nov. 2.. (Special.) With
tTie withdrawal this morninsT of R- S.
Hamilton, attorney, as a candidate on
the joint laborlngmen's and business
men's ticket, and the substitution of
the name of J. C. Rhodes in his place.
It appears that the city ticket as placed
in the field by the labor unions and
the business men will be unopposed at
the election Tuesday. J. A. Hastes,
candidate for Mayor, la the only one
seeking: the position.
In county politics the offices of Dis
trict Attorney and Sheriff are the cen
ter of a hot fight. H. H. DeArmond
and S. E. Roberts. respectltve candi
dates for these offices, are being: bit
terly opposed by the Anti-Saloon
League, which claims that these two
officers have been negligent In appre
Compound" relieves the cold
Don't stay stuffed up!
and stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffling! Ease your throbblnj
head! Nothing else in the world gives
such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold
Compound." which costs only a few
cents at any drugstore. It acts without
assistance, tastes nice, causes no in
convenience. Be sure you get the gua
nine. AdT.
Take Salts
times during the night.
blither consult a good, reliable physi
cian at once or get from your pharma
cist about four ounces of Jad Salts;
take about a tablespoonful In a glass
of water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidneys will then act
fine. This famous salts Is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon Juice,
combined with llthla. and has been
used for generations to clean and stim
ulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutral
ize acids in the urine so it no longer
irritates, thus ending bladder weak
ness. Jad Salts Is a life saver for regular
meat eaters. It Is inexpensive, can
not injure, and makes a delightful, ef
fervescent lAlhia-wateE drink, Adv,
hending: bootleararers. despite the fact
that 25 bootleggers ciave been prose
cuted and 22 convictions secured with
a total of 15316 In fines collected. There
has been but little Interest In state
Mnch Interest Taken In Fight for
Senator and Governor.
EUGENE Or.. Nov. 5. (Special.) To
Chas. L. McNary and Governor James
Withycombe. Republican candidates for
the offices of United States Senator and
Governor, respectively, will be returned
substantial majorities when the voters
of County go to the polls Tuesday.
Under any conditions Withycombe
would be the popular choice as against
Walter M. Pierce. Democrat, for Gov
ernor In this section of the state, but
the failure of the latter to campaign
here and the absence of any large labor
body, to which he is directing his ap
peals. Jn the county. Insures even a
Of the Council of the Twelve, Chorea of Jesus Cartt ef Latter-Day Saints)
Salt Lake City, I tah.
The prompt and liberal response of
Mormon communities to the Nation's
call for concerted and determined ef
fort in the current world crisis Is very
generally known, thanks to the gener
ous liberality of the press and the
commendable freedom fostered by the
potent spirit of the times.
Liberty Bond quotas. Red Cross ap
portionments. War Savings allotments,
all have been largely over-subscribed
in every Mormon city, town and hamlet.
In addition to the generous contribu
tions of its members as individuals,
the Church as a body has devoted half
a million dollars to Liberty Bond pur
chases, and this was done on unanimous
vote of the membership in general con
ference assembled.
But beyond all contributions meas
ured In terms of money, is the unhesi
tating response of men. who have
leaped to their places in the ranks by
thousands for the hundreds asked, of
fering their lives in pledge of patriotic
In this ready and whole-souled co
operation the Mormon people claim
neither pre-eminence nor special credit.
They have tried to do their part In
common with the mighty citizenry of
our land. All classes in Utah and ad
jacent states are working shoulder to
Khoulder. without distinction as to
former nationality or present creed.
In addition to the imperative demands
of citizenship to which the Latter-day
Saints are responding with unsur
passed devotion and zeal, our people
consider duly in the present crisis as
a requirement of their religious pro
fession. We have particular concern in
the outcome of the great conflict, for
we solemnly proclaim that to this
Church has been given the divine ap
pointment to preach the restored Gos
pel of Jesus Christ in all the world;
and the discharge of this high commis
sion Is possible In its entirety only as
free speech, liberty of conscience, and
a free press are Insured among the
nations. '
The fearful war forced upon liberty
loving peoples Is a belated attempt on
the part of Lucifer to try anew the
issue on which he was defeated In the
primeval world, as the Scriptures at
test. His plan of compulsion, by which
every soul would be bereft of agency,
waa rejected In the council of the
heavens, and the plan of liberty and in
dividual freedom was adopted, with
Jesus Christ as the foreordained Re
deemer of the race.
The decision brought war. and Luci
fer and his hordes were sent cast out
upon the earth. In these last days
that same Lucifer, or Satan, as he is
now known, is operating through those
who, are ready, tq do lua bidding, to
larger vote then was given the present
Oovernor In the last general election.
The general unpopularity of Oswald
West In and around the seat of the
State University best explains the lead
which will be given Senator McNary.
Ai-idc from these two offices and the
selection of a Supreme Judge to fill out
trie unexpired term of the late Justice
Frank A. Moore, In which race the en
tire county is rallying to the support
of John ,S. Coke, of Marshfield, there Is
little interest in the state and Con
gressional election, as compared to
former years. Republican candidates
are conceded easy victories. -
Lino County has been too engrossed
In the proprees of the War and service
work at home to take any great In
terest In anything smacking of the
political until the past two weeks.
Present enthusiasm has been broupht
to fever heat by the bitter contest being
fought between D. A. :ikins. Demo
crat, and Fred Stickles, Republican, for
the office of sheriff. In this race the
Interest is keen and it, above all others.
Conr-lurf-tl on Pare 19, Column l-
rivet the shackles of monarchical des
potism upon mankind.
Autocracy Is the form of government
that prevails In hell; and Individual
freedom is the basal principle of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Any man who
seeks to enforce unrighteous dominion
upon his fellows is the devil's own
Citizenship In the kingdom of God
Is offered to all men on equal terms,
for truly God Is no respecter of per
sons. The Church proclaims this fun
damental tenet In her Articles of Faith:
"We believe that through the atone
ment of Christ all mankind may be
saved by obedience to the laws and
ordinances of the Gospel."
Obedience to righteous law Is an es
sential of true liberty. That liberty,
falsely so called, which regards not
the rights of others. Is but evil license
for selfish dominion with all Its at
tendant abominations.
Our missionary elders have time and
agatn been imprisoned in Germany, and
others have been forcibly banished
from the empire of boasted kultur,
because they bore the message of free
dom and Individual agency. Formerly
they went Into that land with only the
Scriptures and their own testimony of
the truth as weapons ic the. conflict
with sin. Now many of those self
same men are on their way bacl: wear
ing the uniform of the Nation, and
with Browning guns as their Instru
ments of persuasion.
The world Is preparing for the con
summation of the ages, which Is the
second coming of Christ. It is wise
to be on guard against spurious prog
nostics! ons as to the precise time of
the great event, for. as the Scriptures
affirm, this shall not be revealed even
to the angels In heaven. Neverthe
less, every day witnesses the ripening
of the specified signs Into actualities.
The conditions set forth by Christ
and Ills apostles as characteristic of
the day of His coming are being real
ized with the exactness of detailed ful
filment. The world war. with all Its fright
ful atrocities incidept to autocracy's
determination to subvert the God-given
birthright .of agency and national
freedom, is one of the most significant
of the portentous signs of the times.
Heaven offers her bounties to man:
his title thereto must be established by
Mormonism holds that right shall
yet triumph, tyranny be overthrown,
and the liberties of mankind be es
tablished and made to endure.
For literature of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints apply to
booksellers, or write direct to North
western States Mission. 810 Hast Madi
son sc.. Portland. Or.; or Bureau of In-
i toruaatiou. Salt Lake City. Uiiili - AdT.
I ' ,
PHOSPHATE What It Is and How It Increases
Weight, Strength and Nerve
Force in Two Weeks Time
in Many Instances.
"Take plain bltro-phosphate" Is th
Idvice of phslcians lo thin, delicate
nervous people who lack vim. energy
no nerve iorce. an.i there seems to t.
ample proof of the efficacy of thm prep
aration to warrant the recommenda
tion. Moreover. If we Ju.lKe from ih
countless preparations and treatments
wh-ch are continually being advertised
for the purpose of making thin people
fleshy, developing arms, neck and bust,
and replacing ugly hollows and angles
by the soft curved lines of health and
beauty, there arc evidently thousands
of men and women who keenly feel
their excessive thinness.
Thinners and weakness are usually
due to starved nerves. Our bodies need.
Fr-Mlri-k S. Hollo, M. D.. rtonm In 1Y
Applk-mtton of -Kav In tH V. Jvt
Author of MiHlrral TexttxMkftj Mrmhrf
Author CommlUfe of A nM-rin, llltt
l.rtfnr, )1.ftk-ian I-tti-l-itiv Lan-ttaa
N. Vn and Kdltor-la-4 htef of l'bj
icUni W ho a bo in X. V.
more phosphate than Ik contained In
motlern I ooris. Physicians claim thf r
Is not hiiiic that will supply this do.
irlency so well as the organic ho
phaie known amoncr drumMs under
a Kuarantee of aUrifaction or monry
buck. lly feeding the nerv dtret!r
and by supplying th- boci? cell im
the necessary phosphoric food elements.
bitro-phoi-phate qvickly produces a wel
come transform ' ion In the a ppcar
ance: the Increase in weight frequently
f i ii K BiuiupninK.
Clinical te&ts made In St. Catherine
Hot-pltal. N. V. O.. showed that two
i i 4
" A
" -
-i.-y -
J.'mx Josephine Varis. rrrtinr krr
rrptncHc tr;! BITKO PHOS
PHATE, taysl "It is remarkable nhal
did for me. . After a fetn days I
ea to reborn m strength, frit ful.
itfe, tttrx able to sleep soundly one
1 m.f little troubles seemed to dts
tfear. J fjinei ttreiit founds in
four weeks." e
patients gained in weight 53 and ST
pounds, respectively, through the ad
ministration of this organic phosphate;
both patients claim they have not felt
as strong and well for the past twelve
This Increase In weight also carries
with it a general improvement in the
hesllh. Nervousness, sleeplessness and
lack of energy, which nearly always
accompany excessive thinness, soon dis
appear, dull eyes become bright and
pale cheeks glow with the bloom of
perfect health.
Physicians and hospitals vverywhere
are now . recognizing its merits by Its
use In ever increasing quantities
Frederick Kolle. M. D., editor of New
Former "VUltlaa; to ort!a
Lastrrn Dlapeoaatory.
York Physician's 'Who's Who, eays:
"Bitro-Phosphate should be prescribe'!
by every doctor and usd in every hofc
pital to Increase strength, and nervo
force to enrich the blood."
Jos. r. Harrlein, Former Vlsitlnff
Specialist to North Eastern Dispensa
tory. says: Let those who are weak,
thin, nervous anaemic, or run-down,
take a natural, unadulterated substance
such as bitro-phosphate and you will
soon see some astonishing results In
the Increase of nerve energy, strenict
of body and mind and power of endur
ance. Bitro-Prjospate Is" made entirely of
the organic phosphate compound re
ferred to In the NationaJ Standard Dis
pensatory as being an excellent tonic
and nervine and a preparation whlcb
has recently acquired considerable rep
utation In the treatment of neuras
thenia. The standard of excellence,
strength and purity of Its rubs La nee is
beyond question, for every Bitro-Phosphate
tablet in manufactured in strict
accordance with the I. i. Pharma
copoeia test reouirementa. Bit ro-Phon-
fihate la there Tore not a patent medi
cine and should not be conf u-ed with,
any of the secret nostrum, so-called,
tonics or widely advertised "cure-alis,"
CAUTION Although Bi:ro-rhophate is
unurp4d for rWievm nrrvounm, s.ei-len-
and r-neral m kn-. owlnc to it
remarkabif Iteiih roua- prprtica it
should not bft ud by n unt 1L0 Uocs nut
dstr to put un fie!-.
rr. Edward Psrrlsh. a New Tork
physician, advises people who have a
pain In the stomach caused by Indi
gestion, eastrtns or acidity to Quit
dosing with secret mixtures and take
a teaspoon! ut ox ordinary serainoi in a
class of water. Herat hoi has lone been
known as an excellent neutralner of
acids in the stomach. Moreover. It is
Inexpensive and perfectly harmless ar.d
Is sold on the basis of satisfaction ur
money back.
Get rid of that "jtrouch and the
dark-brown taste In your mouth. t!o
.-obwebs In your brain and all of ti e
other symptoms of bad mn.-emei.t
hat are caused by OuXSTIPATKiN
Ti.Ve rt"RlV"ii;i TOXoll tlie one bcrt
bowel resulalur. -Adv. .
( 'vrl
- -rl JosEPica
r ,;V ! HARRI