10 UE SUNDAY OltEGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 9, 1917, FOR SALE. Automobile. 1916 FORD touring car. about $50 worth of extras $335 1914 BUICK, 5-pass., A-l condition. . .$4r0 Other bargains too good to be over looked by intending purchasers. Terms if desired. EAST SIDE AUTO REPAIR CO., Kaat 1300, B 1114. 717 Hawthorne Ave. ALMOST NEW 1917 FORD TOUR CAR. New tires, electric tail and dash lights, Stewart dash and speedometer Yale lock and oil gauge. This won't last long. Can be seen today. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Washington. Where Washington and Burnslde Meet. CADILLAC touring oar, Al condition, good tires. Just repainted, reduced to $350. HDward Auto Co., 14th and Davis. Automobiles WanteQ. A HOME FOR A CAR. Have a cosy 5-room cottage, on paved treet. rented for $15 a month to good tenant; will trade for good car, or take smaller car or Ford as first payment, balance to suit; 110 minutes' street car ride. Give make of car. condition and year made. AV 630, Oregonian. JWANTED A Ford car, must be In first class order for touring; will give latest (cost $200) talking machine and records, or motorcycle, or fine diamond in part payment. Address at once, G542, Orego nian. " $900 VALUE. Will exchange good semi-mercantile lot, block from East Stark street (Base Line road) for light model 1916-17 auto. E W5, Oregonian. WILL take auto, good condition. Dodge preferred, In trade, part payment for fine 10-acre fruit tract, improved, no Incum brance; 2 blocks Red Electric Phone Woodlawn 3191. WANTED Light car. Ford roadster pre ferred; must be cheap for cash. Call be fore 3 P. M. Aek for George, Hotel Wabash. Main 276. WANT TO BUY from owner, late model auto. Must be In good condition and cheap. Call Monday, 333 E. Morrison, or telephone East 3657. AUTO TO TRADE. Al Reo, 5-pass. ; want runabout; no junk. Main 916. WANTED 1916 Ford chassis or bug; must be in first-class condition and reasonable price. X 484, Oregonian. AM IN market for 1917 Bulck roadster; state number of miles run and price. G 54!?, Oregonian GOOD auto, on part purchase modern bun sralow. Laurelhurst district. AD 79, Ore ironlan. WANTED Light 5-passenger auto; will give Hudson roadster part payment. 1'hone C 1228. WANT Ford; will trade 1912 Cadillac and give terms on balance. Tabor 6687. WANTED Light roadster body. Phons B 1472. Sunday or evenings. WANT Ford. Will trade 1912 Cadiilac and give terms on balance. Tabor 66H7. LIGHT auto; have clear lot. Call 1230 Sandy blvd. I WILL pay spot cash for a Dodge auto. East 1300. B 1114. 717 Hawthorne ave. Auto Tires and Accessories. NOT a 1ob well done, but motor satisfac tion that's what we have to sell. Repairing, battery recharging, vulcanizing. HAWTHORNE GARAGE, INC., 445 Hawthorne Ave. East 833. FOR SALE Pair practically new 32x3 tire chains, Pyrene extinguisher and grease gun. Mr. Nelson, Marshall 3066, between 10 and 4 o'clock. TIRES, $2.50 up; tubes, 75c up. Vulcaniz ing, retreated; tires bought. Portland Motor Wrecking Co., 535 Aider. Main 479. FOR SALE 3 new Ford roadster bodies at $25 each ; 2 new Ford delivery bodies cheap. AN 61. Oregonian. NEW set 37x5 tire chains, $7.50. Graybeal Garage, Cook and Union aves. ONE non-skid and two smooth Goodyear tires at bargain. P 406. Oregonian. AuUg for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. 7-pass. car with driver. LONG & SILVA, 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phone E. 6840. 7-PASS. WINTON 6; HIGHWAY, MOUNT HOOD ; FUNERALS; SPECIAL KATES PICNIC PARTIES; COMPETENT DRIV EK. MAIN 2679; TABOR' 5740. , 7-PAS3 TOURING CAR FOR HIRE. Touring, calling, shopping, weddings and funerals. Reliable Auto Service. Main 7730. FIERCE-ARROW for hire, rates reasonable; stand 309 Wash. Phones Main 1376, A 1376. Auto driving taught. CARS for rent without drivers; new cars. G. N. Smith, 3d and, Glisan. Broadway 2629. PARTY with touring car will share expense of Columbia Highway or other trip; take your lunch. Tabor 354. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City Ga rage, 10th and Stark. Broadway 840. NEW SAXON 6, Highway, depots, funerals, calling, shopping, reasonable. East 452. NEW 1917 5 and 7-pass., Highway, sight seeing, iunerais, reaaonaDie. aiain zwdj.. NEW 5-pass. Dodge for hire, touring, cali Ing, shopping, highway. Main 7435. Motorcycle WE DEFY YOU TO DUPLICATE OUR PRICES. Every motorcycle in this list is worth from 15 to 25 per cent more than the price quoted. Don't ask how we can do it. Just come In and convince yourself Chat these are genuine bargains: 1915 Harley-Davidson and side car, $215. 1916 Powerplus Indian, equipped, $165. 1915 12-H. P. Thor, equipped. 125. 115 8-speed Indian, fuUy equipped, $130. 1917 Cleveland lightweight, new, jlSO. CLEVELAND MOTORCYCLE CO., 333 Oak St. Used bicycles for $10. USED MOTORCYCLES. 1916 3-speed Thor, equipped $165 1917 3-speed Excelsior, equipped 200 Two 1917 3-speed electric, equipped Harley-Davidson, just like new. 1 1914 2-speed H.-D., equipped $125 1916 Henderson, full equipped $265 Also several cheaper machines from $35 up. We have parts for several old model machines at about half price. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 210 Broadway. WE have the largest selection of used ma chines In the city to pick from. Come In and see what wo have before you select one. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO., 209 Fourth St. HARLEY DAVIDSON SERVICE CENTER. Motorcycles, Parts and Accessories. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO., 209 Fourth St. Write for bulletin No. 160, giving list of used machines. 1917 3-SPEED electric Indian, same as new $300 1917 mod. N. Indian, 3-apeed, fully equipped 275 1914 Jefferson 60 1912 Indian .- GO 1912 Indian 40 Main 6139. Indian Agents, 273 8d st. FOR SALE Short-coupled H. D. motorcycle. $200, on easy terms; latest model. Phono TaDor 1340 ror inrormation. FOR SALE or trade, Indian motorcycle Call Monday, 128 1st, near Alder. Machinery. FOR SALE: PART OR ENTIRE EQUIP- ivin, in a ur run i au a i u vv A l BE TWEEN THE DALLES AND CELILO DONKEYS. LOCOMOTIVES. ENGINES, Ait, riAiLi, isui ,.;--:, sjkam EN GINE3, CABLES, TRACTORS, ETC.; OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AT THE DALLES HOTEL, THE DALLES, OK,, STEINBOCK & SAMUEL, 197 S. Commercial St., Salem, Or., Salem Phone 399. 20-FOOT 1 11-16 shafting with 3 hansrers and 7 pulleys, $18. Counter shaft with 3 puneys, $4. PORTLAND MOTOR WRECKING CO., 535 Alder, cor. 17th. Main 479. FOR SALE One 50-H. P. boiler with all equipment, passed by Hartford Insurance Jo. inquire tne j. i. Armsby Co, Van couver, Wash. WINCHESTER SHOTGUN. Will se'T or trade for 22 rifle. AM, 21, uregonian. ONE Willamette donkey engine, about 2600 feet of lime, mounted, good condi tion. See Houck, 110 10th st. CRUSHER plant for sale; 7x9 Hercules crusher, with 10 h. p. Fairbanks engine; also conveyor. J. W. Johnson. Heppner. Or. TRACTOR wood saw, Neway engine, Bosch magneto. 1721 Division st. Miscellaneous, NEW and second-hand furniture stock for sale. Box 12. Sllverton. Or. NEW and 2d hand farm tractors, bargains. 1295 Hood st. Main 1346. FOR SALE or trade, fine, large pedestal Barker vibrator. 128 1st, near Alder. FOR SALE Blue Damson plums, 6 cents. Phone D 1155. TAILOR-MADE SUIT Cost $35; size 40; good condition; $12. Marshall 4752. FOR. SALE Cheap. a wardrobe trunk. Phone East 825. Call before 10 A. M. FOR SALE Blue suit; black one-piece dress. Marshall 5166. INLAID linoleum. $5, 9x10. 4i E. lOtfc JS, FOR SALE. M isrellan eons 130 tons 30 and 35-pound rails. 1 No. 40 Ohio Traction steam shovel, iu yd. 3 concrete mixers, complete with boil ers and engines. 1 No. 5 Austin Gyratory crusher. 1 complete machine shop and foundry. Inventory $15,000. 1 30-inch American hard knife grinder. 1 80-h. p. High Pressure return tubular boiler. 1 100-h. p. Return tubular boiler. 1 150-h. p. firebox boiler, 100 lbs. steam pressure. 1 12-h. p. Bulldog gas engine. H. M. H. SALES DEPARTMENT, 29-31 N. FIRST ST. BROADWAY 1046. SASH AND DOORS. Notice advance In prices. Largest factory in the West, veiling di rect from mill to consumer. We sell anybody, ship anywhere, and guarantee safe delivery. Send for our large illustrated catalog No. 8, mailed, postpaid, without charge, on request. 5-cross-panel doors .$1.92 Cottage front glass doors 3.5i Cottage windows large bottom glass 40x40, transom glass 4txl6 4.05 Spruce flour bins. 16x26x16 1.50 Screen doors, 2-x6-8. heavy gal v. wire 1.50 See our prices on Frames, Mouldin&s. Mill Work, Builders Hardware, Prepared Roofing, Plaster Board, Etc. O. B. WILLIAMS CO.. 1943 First Ave. So. Seattle. Wash. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. We do not belong to any association and are able to supply you at the past low prices on all kinds of plumbing supplies. We made large purchases before the prices went up and will give you the advantage of our early purchasing power. Estimates given free. Our work is guaranteed. See us before letting contract. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 187 Front st., between Yamhill and Taylor sts. Main 5631. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUILDING. We sell building materials at whole sale prices. Everything needed in build ing, and you pay the lowest net prices. We guarantee prompt shipment every where. o cross-panel doors. Front doors (all styles). Kitchen doors, best grade. Prepared roofing. Window frames. Porch columns. Plaster board. Send today for complete illustrated cat alogue with lowest net prices. Mailed free. P. A. Rovig Co., 2229 First ave. S., Seattle, Wash. MACHINERY MOTORS New and Used SOLD, RENTED. REPAIRED, - INSTALLED. Air compressors, concrete mixers, gen erators, lathes, locomotives, motors, scrap ers, etc. ; largest stock in the Pacific North west. Send for complete catalog No. 8. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO., "The Reliable Machinery House," 50 First St., H Portland, Or. FOR SALE One 4x4& Gardiner Rix, double cylinder air compressor, factory ra ting 42 cubic feet air per minute; also two high-pressure air tanks, size 24x60 inches; above been used very little, can be sean at Fulton Park Marble Works, end Fulton carline, near Rlverview Cem. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for less. No agents em ployed; all machines senr out sewing per fectly and guaranteed; machines repaired; machines rented, $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 19u 3d, near Taylor st. A 3620, Main 9431. FIXTURES FOR SALE. One 16 and one 20-foot front and back bar fixtures, showcases, ice chest and shelving for sale ; also one-ton automo bile truck, pneumatic tires, in first-class running order. Call at Brunn & Company, cor. 13th and Johnson streets. PIPES STOPPED? Frozen? Save $5 to $16 plumber mils. uesoivo clears sewer drain pipes in 20 minutes; pour It In, out she goes; generates 280 degrees heat; works iu hot or cold water. Trial can 75c, postpaid. Write today. Fleming Plumb ing Supply House, 112 4th Bt., Portland, Or. 2a DROPHEAD sewing machines, complete with attachments, in good sewing order, $8 to $25; sewing machines rented $2 per month ; machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steen, 152 Graud ave. JB. 3307, East 2359. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde st. Phone Broad way 5674. NEW oak library table. No. 5 Underwood typewriter, high chair, splendid uprignt piano, rosewood case, all fine condition. Lucy Adams, G res ham, Or., Route 1. FOR SALE 600 feet 10-inch No. 11 steel double-riveted slipjolnt irrigation or water pipe, weight 15 lbs. to the foot. Zina Wood, Hillsboro, Or. SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE. Fruit jars and Jelly glasses; come early. House 1000 bargains. 123 First, near Alder. 3-CHAIR lady barber shop for sa.e; good established. Dusiness ; party leaving lor East. Inquire Jacob Miller Barber Sup ply Co., 432 Third flt. SIX doz. Mason jars, qts., 60c per doz.a good caps; 4 doz. jelly glasses, zoc, z-gai. crock, covered, 30c. Call Sunday or even nings, 6i2 E. 59th st. N. HEATING STOVES TO TRADE. WHAT HAVE YOU? PHONE MAIN 4 495. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. VISIBLE, late model Underwood typewriter and stenotype machine; bargain. 54 dd st., near Oak st. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning, rugs, mat tresses, etc., at your home, 35c each; vacuum rented $1.50 day. Marshall 608. FOR SALE $35. Ivory reed baby carriage, corduroy upholstering, reversible body, good as new, $20. A 39, Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting en gines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Kail way Equipment Co., 76 1st. Main 2363. FOR SALE Elegant, imported Paisley shawl; almost new; $20. rnone Colum bia 36. FOR SALE Good properties, no commis sions added. Owners Directory 214 fa toe K Exchange. GOING East. My rugs, books, pictures, pil lows, oil heater xor sale cneap. a. w, Oregonian. LEAVING CITY, will sell almost new sew ing machine reasonable. Take Kiverview car to Miles St., Monday. 1649 Virginia. CHANCE for 2 duck hunters to take interest in fine duck shooting reserve on bauviea Island. J 64, oregonian. COUNTRY" printing plant for sale; used two years, as good as new. asy terms, white W. L. Richmond, owner, btevenson, wash. BARGAINS in. unredeemed guns and re volvers, all makes cheap. Beauregard. 702 Main Bt., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE, cheap, about 8 acres of pota toes at Moiaiia, Appiy o. jane, route a. Molaila. NO. 5 Oliver typewriter and electric tireless cooker to trade ior oa ; will pay some difference. E. 2S50. 6U1T to order $10 down, balance $5 a month. Unique Tailoring Co., ttotf tar, pet. oth and 6th. GOOD double-barreled shotgun. A bargain. out Tirwl Bt Ttrnnrt wn v tt r FOR SALE OR TRADE Dandy cycle car. Phone O 1659. 3 ROLL-TOP desks, 1 table, 2 bookkeepers' desks and ruing camnets. vi rarK st. MOVING PICTURE machines bought, sold and repaired. P. Sabo, 351 Washington. UNDERWOOD typewriter, good as new, $25. Marshall 1402. 27 y N. 16th. FOR SALE Beautiful English perambulator, as good as new. qui j:ay bz. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 797. FOR SALE Horse, buggy, gas range, heat er, cornet, guitar, j o, oregonian. FOR SALE at discount, scholarship in Hall way Telegraph Institute. East 1808. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 8582, SAFES One large and one medium -size at a bargain. j oi, uregonian. AUTOMATIC Winchester .22 rifle, 1903 model. $S. Marshall 1402. 27 H N. 16th. SAFES 20 second-hand fireproof; will mall description. H 523. uregonian. FUR SALE, cheap, portable gasoline drag saw, nearly new. 400 ast Couch st. NO. 1 lunch wagon, marble finish, equipped. L 5S2, uregonian. FOR SALE 6 pool tables at $45 each. In quire at 214 Columbia st. TYPEWRITER, kodak and mandolin, sale or trade. Main 2294. FOR SALE Folding go-cart, good condition, reasonable. Phone East 5664. - 3 ROLL-TOP desksT"ltab!e72 bookkeepers' desks and filing cabinets. 91 Park st. LARGE wood heating stove, good condition, $4. 449 E. 11th st. FOR SALE Hoffman clothes press machine, $65. AV 629. Oregonian. TWO girls' coats, good condition, size 12 years. Phone Tabor 1712. FOR SALE Good bicycle, coaster brake, etc., $10. Woodlawn 95. SAFIC Medium size, good condition, cheap. Call low Yeoa b la it- FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE PIPE. We can sell you pipe in sizes from y to 8-inch at lowest prices; properly fitted, absolutely guaranteed. Large quantity of new and slightly used rubber and leather belting ; large assortment of sizes. Buy It where prices are lowest. We have on hand a large stock of gar den hose, brand -new and second-hand, at lowest record -breaking prves. Come in, see it and convince yourself. Cable Is scarce, but we have enough on hand to supply the demand; come in and get our prices. We pay the highest prices for iron, metals, rubber and anything pertaining to Junk. ALASKA JUNK CO., ' 201-203 Front St. Main 4110. NOTICE TO I AGGERS RA ILPOATI m. TRACTORS, MILL MEN. SHIPBUILDERS if you have any .crap riis, any Liang in the way of machinery which is worn out and you cannot use, we will re place them with usable goods; we have on hand, a large stock of machinery which we will dispose of at attractive prices ; we also are in the market for all kinds of machinery and equipment, paying the highest cash price for the same; see us ana oe convinced. STEINBOCK & SAMUEL, 197 S. Commercial St., Salem, Or,, Salem Phone 399. CABLE CABLE. High-grade plow steel cable, slightly used; sizes 1H-Inch, l-inch, 1-inch, 1-inch. l-inch. It's going fast. Write for pricps. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO., "The Reliable Machinery House," 50 First st., Portland, Or. BRICKS BRICKS BRICKS. We have on hand about 60,000 bricks that we must sell at once regardless of market value or cost. Come in and get full particulars. ALASKA JUNK CO., 201 Front St. Main 4110. 100 USED SEWING MACHINES must be sold to make room. All guaranteed. Drop head Singer, $9 ; drophead New Home, $17.C0; drophead Domestic, $18.50; B. T. Singer, $5 ; B. T. New Home, $5. Good many more to pick from. 349 Morrison st. OFFICERS and deputies 2 Luger revolvers. - uoit 4o-cai. Army model automatics, automatic shotguns, pumps, double-barrels; all kinds and calibers of revolvers; bargain prices. Beauregard's, 702 Main st.. Vancouver, Wash. COME in and hear the new Edison Disc Phonograph; no needles to change, records indestructible. electric automatic stop, easy terms, shipment just received. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison, N. W. Bank bldg. SHOE REPAIRING MACHINERY. 1 Champion shoe repairing machine; 1 foot-power stitching machine; 1 jack with box of lasts. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO., 50 First st., Portland, Or. FOR SALE by O.-W. R. R. & N. Company, " nisn-Braae - creators peanut roaster, suitable for candy or cigar store. See J. R. Hinkle, room 608 Wells-Eargo bldg. Broadway 4500. SEWING MACHINES. 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $5 and up; box tops. $2 and up. S. S. Siegal, two stores, 382 Wash, and 242 Alder st. BR UNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER Mon- arcn-cusnioned billiard and pool table, everything complete, 12 cues, balls, etc. ; been in private home, little used; sacri fice for $400. AL 463, Oregonian. NEW, uncalled-for, made-to-measure com bination lady's long coat, bust 35, length 46, at a sacrifice. 655 Alberta st.. near 17th. Woodlawn 1313. -HORSEPOWER Falrbank Ford gasoline engine, pump jack and cylinder, complete, price $100. Call 2S7 Morrison st. Main 1805. FOR SALE Carpenter tools. Iron jointer, jiuii j 1-. rawuei, guge smootner, drawing knife, brace, bitts. Iron mitre box. 635 E. Burnslde. East 2856. DOZEN extra heavy 4-llght garage doors. iui ui targe winaows ana glass; less than half cost. 61 N. 5th St., open 9 to 12:30 each day. Phone East 1249. FOR SALE One No. 5 A. Foote paving inj.tr, en op no, xtm, equipped witn steam engine, boiler, traction power. Bates & jnurnett, v ancouver. Wash. GOOD Edison phonograph and 50 records. -j. own, i,.u mommy. iyatt talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison lex change dept). FOR SALE 7 Lawrence's cash carrier sta tions, one oak shoe ladder with truck, uno shoe button machine fastener. D. M. Nayberger, McMinnvllle, Or. JUST received, a new shipment of $75 and viciroiaa ana uraionoiag; easiest terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. FOR SALE Saddle. 15 -tree, made by R. .. j-raze, cost (., used 3 months. Call Sunday. Room 15, Arlington Hotel. SHOWCASES, cash registers, adding ma- cninea, arms mixers, auto sundries. At 244 Yamhill. LEAVING town; will sell one acre potatoes in grouna very cneap. oi b remont st. C 1181. DYNAMO, 36-volt motorcycle engine, 5-h. p. on same snart; good for charging or light ing; reasonable. B 1597. GASOLINE pumps and tanks, new, cheaper iun s.uona-ndna. bee me Derore buying anything. Green berg, 948 Hassalo. B 1597. DIAMOND, 3-k., absolutely perfect, very iiveiy, Biiuwy gem, at Liar gain. aJ 4n, Oregonian. FOR SALE 54xl6-foot Return tubular boiler in first-class shape. A bargain. East 6010. RANGE BOILERS, 30, 40 and 62-gallon. some slightly used. 189 Adams st. East 7659. WILL exchange good phonograph and 12 recoros ior one days piumoing. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. FOR SALE Kitchen oven, range, good con dition, 90. jan 1 aoor i ut-. SECOND-HAND lumber, doors and sash. i5 i. 20th. E. 6712. BICYCLE for sale. Call Main 3733 before A. i. or arter o t. M.. 40W Jefferson. FOR SALE Corona typewriter with travel ers case. A.N , uregonian. FCKNITURls WANTED. MAIN 309. Spot cash for your used furniture and phonographs of any kind. A phone call will bring our buyer with the cash. We buy and sell everything for the house; no lot too small for us to buy. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 192 First, near Taylor. Main 309. WANTED. WANTED. WANTED. All kinds of used furniture and house hold goods; we pay the highest spot cash prices for stoves, carpets, rugs, ranges, store and office fixtures in large or small lots. We buy grocery and merchandise stocks of all kinds in any quantity. Don't sell your goods until you get our estimate. Phone and a courteous buyer will call with ready cash. Call us for one article or a house full. Two phones. Marshall 1822, Main 7714. BEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, of fice furniture, furniture stocks. Nothing too big or too small to handle. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. PHONES MARSHALL 5981; A 8224. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 15 to 191 First St., Near Yamhill. IF you want to dispose of your furniture and other household goods. It will pay you to call on us. We will pay you every dol lar It is worth and pay spot cash. Mish Fur. Co.. 184 1st st. Phone Main 0768. WANTED FURNITURE. Am furnishing a home and will pay spot cash for good second-hand furni ture and rugs; no dealers, no junk want ed, woodlawn 4Ws. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Consult us about reduced, freight rates on household goods to all points; fast, through service. Pacific Coast Forward- lug Jo., Ul Wilcox bias. Marshall 2467. THE LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE! CO. buys furniture, hotel and restaurant outflti? and tools of any description: full value for them assured. 221 Front. Main 9072. A 7174. PARTY desires to purchase complete fur nishing of some private residence from 5 to o rowms; must De in xirst-ctass con dition; will pay cash. G 558. Oregonian. FURNISHING apartment-house. Want fur niture ruga, heaters, stoves and ranges. WAN TED Overstuffed. 3-plece parlor set good bedroom set, rugs, other good pieces tor casn; pargains. x uo, uregonian. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description ; have the ready cash. fttone waay. iain o, or zu- first st. FURNITURE WANTED Suitable for ranch; must be bargain for cash. AM 4S, Ore gonian HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Two boys over 16 to learn a trade. Apply tth and Oak. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4783. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction OA Main S95L 191 2d st. WILL buy entire Xurniturs oil residence. D 6q6, Oregonian. FURNITURE WANTED. FELDSTKIN'S FURNITURE CO., 166 1st St. Highest prices paid for your household and office furniture; any quantity con sidered; best allowance given on old fur niture in exchange for new. Be con vinced. Phone Main 4633, A 2 633. WANTED MISCEIXANEOtS. MACHINE shop and foundry wanted to pur chase or lease. Give price and fullest de tails as to lathes, etc Immediate busi ness intended if conditions satisfactory. Rental of building only desired, but will purchase or rent equipment. V 679, Ore gonian. THE HONEST DEAL, 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. WE PAY FOR MEN'S SUITS FROM $3 UP TO $10; HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR LADIES AND MEN'S CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, SHOES, ETC. PLEASE PHONE MAIN 4776. 246 1ST ST. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS $7.50 UP FOR 2D-H. ND SUITS. HE PAYS MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHES. WE CALL ANYWHERE IN CITY. DAY OR EVEN ING. CALL MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADI SO'f A GENTILE FIRM. The Salvage Suit Shop pays highest cash prices for clothing. Phone us and get our offer before calling up elsewhere. Phone Main 1043. OUK specialty la buying ladies' and gents cast-on ciotning. uignest casn price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225, or 209 Madison St. WANTED Tent, steamer trunk, man's bicy cle; must be in first-class condition ana ch,eap for cash; give price and description first letter. O 504, Oregonian. WANTED First-class platen pressfeeder. wages $15 per week, and a delivery boy, wages $9 per week. Independent Print ing Company, 208 Alder st. THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES 2D-HAND CLOTHING, SHOES. ETC. 285 FIRST. MAIN 2U0. WANTED Setter or spaniel, male, at least J years old. experienced in hunting and retrieving pheasants and ducks. Y 147, Oregonian. WOOD CONTRACTOR WANTED to cut 1500 cords located at Groveland, on United Railways, to begin cutting at once. Frank E. Fey, Mallory Hotel. Marshall 6070. HIGHEST cash price paid for kodaks and Anastigmat lenses. Main 35SL Hochfeld Ca mera Exchange, 85 3d st. WANTED FOR STORAGE Piano, excellent care, no children. Call East 4832, 600 East Belmont. BICYCLE wanted, want bicycle; must be good and priced right. 12s Willamette blvd. WANTED Your diamonds to sell on com mission. Belding the Jeweler, 245 Va Alder st. Main 1692. WOULD like to store piano for use of same; reeponsiDie lady, no children, best refer ences. Main 1645. BEST cash prices paid for used office fur niture. uesKs. cnairs, lues tor sale or rent. Pacific Staty. & Ptg. Co., 107 2d st SPECIAL buyer of ladles' clothes, highest yi ic paiu ior cguuu evening ureases, suits, etc. Broadway 3932. WANTED Best cash register obtainable for $3o; must guarantee in good order. Y 149, Oregonian. MACHINE shop and foundry wanted to purcnase or lease; luiiest details required. T 37. Oregonian. OAK CORDWOOD WANTED. Will pay cash for any amount of oak up to 150 cords, S40. Oregonian. WE buy diamonds, old gold, old Jewelry for o io f nanu., uci, .n ana ouwjr WANTED Portable garage. Telephone Ta bor 6924. $1 W ILL replace your watch at Reingold's, jewelers, 14 v irtn, near vvasn. STRANDED actor will pay cash for light overcoat. 1 lap, oregonian. LADIES' riding boots, 6 or 7. AC 448, uregonian. WE BUY and sell new and second-hand suitcases and trunks. Main 90t2. WANT HEATING STOVE, medium size. In gooa cor anion. j oregonian. IN THE market for two good visible type writers tor spot casn. ais oj, uregonian. WANTED Corona typewriter for cash. AM 01. oregonian. CASH for diamond if a bargain. R 582 oregonian. WANTED Hemstitching machine. Phone i;ast 43o. WANTED First-class second-hand delivery wagon. ijr oou, oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. CAMP AND MILL DEPARTMENT Suck ers, lauers, choker setters, rigging men, chasers, snipers, section men, logging road, wood buckers, planermen, sticker men, yardmen, millwrights, man on chain, lumber pliers, yard teamsters, rachet set ters, cut-off men, edgermen, log haul. Men and boys for box factory and yard work. GENERAL DEPARTMENT Laborers for ship yards, truckers, local freight houses, section men, railroad ; extra gang men; carpenter helpjrs, railroad; carpen ters, railroad ; ten cord wood splitters, 75 to 85 cents cord ; ten men get out ship knees; can make $4.50 to $5.50 day; labor ers for gas company. Men for short Jobs. FARM DEPARTMENT General farm hands; milkers, married and single; farm teamsters. BOYS DEPARTMENT We need boys to register for box factory, office work, delivery, and other lines. Register Mon day morning. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 249 Ankeny Street. No fees charged. No feee charged. WANTED 2 Stronjr vouns men nn trneK neipers. rowers furniture Co., Third and x amnui sts. WANTED Marker and sorter capable of LUKiiig iuu cnarge 01 department for Seat tle laundry; liberal wages. Phone Sun day Main 3741. 1 Cut-off man, $3.25 1 Helper on edger, $3.25 Laborers in mill, $3.25, city. Thos. Butts, 11 N. 2d st.. City. WANTED Dairy foreman to manage herd or iu cows. juarriea or single. Fred N. Stump, Suver, Or. WANTED Open-shop laborers to work in foundry, night work. 417 Oregon bldg., 5tb and Oak sts. MAN for collector; must ride wheel. State age, salary, and experience. AP 106, Ore gonian. A WILLING worker at the Hotel Wabash. A good winter's Job for the right man. $50 per month and room. WANTED Man in wholesale house. One familiar with ruboer footwear preferred. AD 81 Oregonian. BOY wanted, over 16, for office work. In quire at superintendent's office. Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Macadam st. BOY bet. 16 and 18 years wanted for sen Aral shop work. 809 East 11th St., near Haw- thorne ave. YOUNG man. 16 to 18 years, to learn a good wholesale business: fine ODDortunUli. M 640. Oregonian. COMPETENT Janitor in Sunnyslde district only part of time required; wife could as sist, a u, oregonian. WANTED An Printing Co. errand boy. Apply Schwab EXPERIENCED showcard writer; young man prererreu. xecK, oaoft Aiaer. EXP'D ad solicitors; quick cash commission: papers, etc. Clyde, 211 Stock Ex. WANTED Boy with bicycle. & Co.. Selling bldg. K S. Ervln WANTED First-class coatmaker and bush elman. K. S. Ervln A Co., Selling bldg. YOUNG man to run elevator, daytime, hotel, Give phone number. X 486, Oregonian. WANTED Delivery boy. Appiv Glass j-Tuanomme to., oo proaaway. Wanted, diamonds for cash, H to 2k. Old gold, platinum, silver. 218 Oregonian bldg. BOOKKEEPER, one who can operate type writer. lu. a- v, oregonian. WANTED Young man of neat appearance. Apply 24 iMortn .proaaway. WANTED Coatmaker. Pendleton, Or. Joe Rose WANTED Sash and door machine? man and cutoff sawyer. Wf Oregon bldg. WANTED A hlghschool girl, to work for room ana ooara. tan j,ast tw. TEAMSTER and team wanted; yarding out corawooQ in supurps. a 1 iv, oregonian. WANTED Boy for railroad office; salary fdU. jr none inain oow, or a d ( PORTER wanted. Benson Hotel barber shop. WANTED Counterman and fry cook, night 1- .-, rn ( w-mr T -.-. WANTED First-class carpenter, Corbett bldg. Call 505 WANTED A boy for delivery. 1582 E. stark. uruDaKer jvormanain. WANTED Elevator Hotel. boy Multnomah BAKER wanted. 622 Alberta st. BOY wanted. Apply 74 6th U HELP WANTED MALE. FALLERS BUCKERS SNIPERS ENGINEERS RIGGERS SWAMPERS CHASERS FIREMEN LABORERS ALL KINDS OF LOGGERS. TOP WAGES. CAR TALLYMAN, $4: bureau tallyman, $4; setter. S4.25; doggers. $3.50; 2 lumber pliers, good contract, see boss here this morning. Mill, yard, factory, foundry and warehouse help of all kinds, also a few men in packing plant, steady work. Cooks, waiters, dishwashers, bus boys, elevator boys, kitchen helpers, and coun ter men; hotel and restaurant work of all kinds. 2 camp bakers, $75 month and board; vegetable man, $50 and board ; flunkies, $50 and board, etc.; milker. $60 and f ouud ; farm hands, $45; farm labor, wood cut ting and splitting and hundreds of miscel laneous Jobs on file here. OPEN TODAY. ALL DAY. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Largest on the Coast. J. P. Coxon, Mgr. 235 Burnslde St. WE WANT MESSENGERS. 16 YEARS OR OVER, Preferably with bicycles. Active boys can earn $75. Some are now earning $90. Can use three or four men. WESTERN UNION. Corner 3d and Oak Sts. WOOD CONTRACT, 5000 CORDS. OAK; WANT RELIABLE PARTY WITH EQUIP MENT (DRAG SAW AND TEAM); ONLY 2H MILES TO R. R.; GOOD ROAD. NEAR M'COY, OREGON. ATTRACTIVE CONTRACT. REE OWNER. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. OREGON. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require 5 thor- ougniy experienced t ora a rivers. Must know the city thoroughly and able to fur nish the very best of references. Apply superintendent's office between 9 and 10 Monday morning. WANTED By wholesale house, man to drive auto truck; state experience, references, age and wages expected. Address AD 77. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE. 10 YARDMEN. 2 STICK ERMEN. BINDER MEN, 2 STAPLE RM EN, 2 PIPE Jn 1 ii iK8. APPLY TO NATIONAL TANK & PIPE CO.. KENTON, OR. WANTED Three experienced house-to-house salesmen; permanent position with guar anteed salary and commission. To men experienced in our line of work we have the best proposition In our line. Investi gate. Ideal Tea Co., 711 Union ave. N. WANTED Open -shop apprentices, good. strong, ambitious young men about 20 to learn the trades of molding, coremaklng and machinist ; good wages to start, 8 hours day. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. TO take over my business, which only re quires a small amount of money, and nets large returns; pleasant work. In answer ing, please give phone number or street address. Agents or brokers do not an swer. X 46:1. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced and Inexperi enced help to work in candy factory. Russell & Gilbert Co., East 24th and Hol laday. Rose City carline. MAN'S $25 balmacan overcoat, 36, for $9.50; $25 dark Invisible Btrlpe suit, a, sil k lined, $10.50; both first-class condi tion; private party; give phone. AH 4G9. Oregonian. OUR employment department has several unfilled, permanent and temporary steno graphic positions. If interested, call at our office Monday morning. Underwood Type writer Co., 10th and Stark. WANTED Man and wife for permanent place on orchard ; general rarm experi ence required. Apply between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. at Idaho Grocery, Congress Ho tel bldg. WANTED First-class machinist. lathe- shaper and bench work; must oe quicK and accurate; good wages; steady work. Fred Dundee, 575 Jefferson. YOUNG man, 17 or IS, having clerical ability; Bteadv position ; muet nave rer erences. Auto Wrecking Co., 89 N. Broad way. - YOUNG man wanted for delivery; good wages; after school hours ana baturaays considered. Pacific Stationery & Ptg. Co., 107 2d st. ABSTRACTOR, competent to take charge of established plant. Opportunity for man and wife who is good typist. Address AV 652. Oregonian. MAN and wife wanted in a fine new brick building, only 2'i rooms, nice 3-room fur nished apartment and reasonable salary. Inquire 425 W. Park at Douglas Court. OLDS, WORT MA N & KING require the services of a young man as assistant In glove, hosiery and underwear depart ment. WANTED 6 boys over 16 years of age, wages $2.25 a day to start. Call between 10 and 12 Sunday A. M. Sheasgreen Box A Mfg. Co., foot of Lincoln. WANTED Open -shop machinists. lathe, planer and boring mill men. 8 hours day, time and half for overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. WANTED Open-shop, gray Iron foundry molders, 8 hours day, time and half for overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and oak streets. WANTED Insurance man to take charge of business; state remuneration wanted and experience. AO 411. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor, "married preferred. good wages. LamorooK apis., . jtn ana Yamhill. WANTED Solicitor with car to call on the trade; commission basis. Call between 10 and 11 Sunday. 251 Jefferson st. WANTED Men to serve at the counter. Leighton's Dairy Lunch, Broadway and Washington. EXPERIENCED hard candy helper. Apply Monday 7 A. SI. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. LIVE advertising man for special and reg ular editions of leading development and industrial monthly. Y 144 Oregonian. GIRLS AND WOMEN wanted for factory work. Apply Monday, 7 A. M. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. FARM hand, immediately; good place, steady work, close to Portland. Call today at 965 East Market, near 32d. LADY to assist with office work, one who operates typewriter. State age, references ana salary expectea. Ab oregonian W AN T n. u f irst -ciass grocery ciexk to tae - .4 H.llv.p- nnA atr Poll f.l-. 4537. WANTED Wide-awake boy to work in motor car repair snop; good chance to learn trade. Fred Dundee. 575 Jefferson. WANTED Ladies' tailor, first-class; others need not apply. bchweitzar & Eagin, 892 H Washington st. WANTED Elderly man for chores on farm. For particulars, call Sell wood 2. BOYS over 16 years of age as messengers. Postal Telegraph Co.. 126 Third. BOY wanted. 16 years old or over. Union Laundry Co., 2d and LoiumDia. MEN to sell Ford starters; cost you $5; sell tIA S-mn1 fron A f AO ArAirnnlan WANTED Girl to assist with housework In small family. East 3038. CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS wanted. 554 Couch st. GI RL for general housework and cooking. 691 Flanders st- STRONG boy wanted; steady work. Pacific Tent A Awning Co., 1 N. 1st st. DRUG CLERK, young man, to work In drug store. Some delivery. 231 N. 23d st. WANTED 2 men to milk and do farm work; $50 per month and board. Call Tabor 2702. BOY 16 years old, who can make himself useful. Lion Clothing Co., Morrison at 4th. WANTED Janitor. Patton Home, 975 Mich lgan ave. DISHWASHER and general cleaner. 554 Couch st. WANTED Men to bale old auto tires; good pay, two weeks' work. Call 104 N. 14th. DISHWASHER wanted, 8 hours. Apply 226 Morrison. Hlnche's. EATON HOTEL. Experienced bellboy. Apply Hotel Eaton. WANTED High school boy. after school for newspaper office. Y 146 Oregonian. FIRST CLASS machinist, understands build in g two-cycleenginjes SINGLE man for hotel clerk. References. W 240 Oregonian. WANTED Bellboy at University Club. Call at 269 Sixth St., bet. 9 and 10 A. M. BOY wanted. Columbia Wire & Iron Wks. BAUBKR wanted. Apply 1265 Macadam eu HELP WANTFD MALE. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT, Y. M. C. A. We can place young men with ability. Constant calls coming for the man who can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A. membership costing $5 guarantees you will secure employment or refund of fee. Also gives you 2 months' full privileges. 10 mouths' social and use of this depart ment for 1 year. See Secretary J W. Palmer. WELL established bank and trust company operating large real estate and Insurance business has opening for young man 18 to 25 with some experience in real estate, general Insurance and bookkeeping. First class opportunity for hustler to connect with good Institution located in best city In Arizona, where climate is mild. Man ager now here. Address in own handwrit ing. Give full information; three refer encee; salary desired. W 424, Oregonian. WANTED A man who thoroughly under stands all kinds of modern farm work and taking care of stock for a permanent position on a large ranch In Lane County. Would furnish a small house tree and room for garden and chickens and a cow for milking Tor a man's iamily. This is a good opportunity for a permanent pleas ant position for the right man. In an swering give age, experience and refer ences. John S. Beall, Portland, Or. MEN WANTED. WEED LUMBER COMPANY. Weed, California Steady employment to good men In log ging camps, sawmills and lumber yards; wages $3 per day and up. Free faro if you stay 60 days. The best of board; good conditions. Write us if you are looking Xor. steady employment. ELEVATOR BOYS and crockery packers ; experience not necessary. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M. superintendent's office, basement balcony. Meier & Frank Com Pany, STEADY MEN wanted to take exclusive control of good territory in Oregon and Washington, Money advanced weekly. Outfit and special training free. Experi ence unnecessary. Our active men are making good money. You can do the same. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppen ish. Wash. WANTED YOUNG MAN 16 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE FOR COLLECTOR AND OF FICE WORK. GOOD CHANCE FOR PROMOTION. $12 PER WEEK TO START. W 455, OREGONIAN. WANTED AT ONCE. " 10 YARDMEN, 2 STICK ERMEN, 2 BIN DERM EN, 2 STAPLERMEN. 2 PIPE BUILDERS. APPLY TO NATIONAL TANK & PIPE CO., KENTON, OR. BOYS 16 or older with bicycles for deliver ing telegrams. Pleasant, healthful em ployment. Can earn $50 to $70 per month. Opportunity to learn telegraphy. I? ederal Telegraph Company, 7 Board of Trade bldg. WE have openings now Tor several good salesmen throughout Western Oregon, Idaho, Montana and California, on libera, commission basis. An especial opportunity for men with cars. For full particulars address Nursery, Orenco, Or. PREPARE yourself for an inside position for the Winter. We will qualify you as an automobile mechanic in eight weeks time. Call or write for free catalogue. Hemphill's Trade Schools, 707-709 Haw thorne ave., Portland. Or. WANTED Office lawyer, stenographer pre ferred; small compensation to start but certain increase and larger opportunities if service satisfactory; state age, educa tion, experience, qualifications and lowest Initial salary acceptable. P 4o9, Oregonian. BOYS WANTED We need a number of bright boys of good character to wrap bread; good wages, clean, healthy place to work and a fine chance to learn the business. Apply at once. Royal Bakery. WANTED Men over 45 for tea and coffe canvassers; steady work, libtral commis sion to right men; very attractive sell ing plan to ofier to public. Apply 21 Grand ave. 1 WILL teach any man or woman to make rnnlv in . short time: Kuaruntee to teach you in ten lessons at 50 cents a lesson. Call between 5:30 and 7 P. M., room 400 Eaton Hotel. MEV wanting firemen or brakemen posi tions, beginners 100-$150 monthly; ex perience unnecessary ; positions guaran teed. Railway Association. AV 5a2, Ore gonial. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC. Good opening for first-class auto me chanic. Apply shop foreman, Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., East First and Mor rison. WANTED An all-around automobile repair-man- nnA that understands his business a good piace for a steady man. Chas. Pan- kow, iarsniieia, or. WANTED Boys, high school preferred, for Oregonian paper routes in various parts of the city. Apply at once, room o, Oregonian bldg. WHOLESALE firm wants strong, willing driver of Ford truck; give age, experience and references ; salary $5o per month ; Saturday afternoons off. B 7S0, Oregonian. WANTED Young man to learn machine woodworking business; good wages to start. Give address and phone number. AB 382, Oregonian. WANTED An active man past 30 to han dle good paying laundry route In city; state references and. phone. Address AH 4ss. Oregonian. WANTED Boys, 16 years and over, to work after school and Saturdays; good live boys can maki $30 to $00 per month; advance ment. A. L. Wistrand, 253 Oak st. BOYS wanted to work In candy factory, good opportunity for advancement and to learn the business. Henry Ross 6c Sons, 93 Union ave. WANTED Man about 30, good references, capable of manual labor and some cleri cal work. State age, experience and phone. Q 507, Oregonian. WANTED Automobile washer; must be a good driver. Apply to sales manager, Mitchell. Lewis He Staver Co., East First and Morrison. WANTED Man and wife as caretakers of suburban home. Including care of flower and vegetable gardens. J 67. Oregonian. WANTED Boys over 16 to learn the busi ness; good chance for advancement. Ap ply Lowengart Co. LADIES' TAILOR wanted; must be first class only : good wages and long season. A pply J. Romer. W alia Walla. Wash. BOY wanted; excellent chance for promo tion if steady and ambitious. Apply at once. Muller & Haas Co., Royal bldg. WANTED Young man for stock room. Ap ply Chanslor . Lyon, Broadway and Couch. BOY wanted to ride wheel and run er rands; good chance for advancement. Chanslor & Lyon Co., Broadway and Couch. WANTED Men for inside work; mechanics, common laborers, carpenters and handy men ; steady work. Call 509 Oregon bldg. RAGTIME piano playing positively taught beginners in 10 to 20 lessons. Practice room free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg. COMPETENT man with city references for bookkeeper ; must be able to use type writer. L 569, Oregonian. BE a detective, excellent opportunity, good pay, travel. Write C. T. Ludwlg, 731 West over bldg., Kansas City, Mo. BOY with wheel to work after school; prefer boy who lives on West tilde. Lennon's, 309 Morrison st. WANTED Boy, 16 or 17 years, to deliver for meat market on wheel, good pay. Palace Market, 1404 Hawthorne ave. AUTOMOBILE to Frisco, next Tuesday ; room for three passengers; cheap. N 468, Oregonian. REPORTER wanted, with some knowledge of printing. Journal, South Bend, Wash. $1S per week. CLEATING machine man, 2 boys, box fac tory work. Oregon Box & ; Mfg. Co.. 1326 Macadam road DAI RY and farm hand wanted; good wages. Mrs. R. C. Bellamy, Yamhill, Or., Route- 1, box 56. WANTED Man and wife for farm work; man must be good milk hand. Mrs. R. C. Bellamy, Yamhill, Or. Route 1. box 56. WANTED At once, two first-class automo bile mechanics; steady work; good wages. Address Independent Garage, Pendleton. PUT and shove' laborers wanted, work in side city, $2.75, 8 hcurs. Apply northeast corner 2d and Flanders. WANTED Chinese boy for general house work. Apply 260 Hamilton ave., after 6:30 P. M. S" car. OFFICE boy wanted, over 16 years old. Apply 801 Pacific Telephone bldg. ERRAND boy wanted; good position. Ap ply Lincoln & Allen, 11J 1st at. BRIGHT boy to work in paint store. Phone East 66h3. BUTCHER wanted; small town. Address box 121, or phone 71. White Salmon. Wash. WANTED Competent unmarried drug clerk registered in Oregon. AV 593, Oregonian. ACTOR for road show ; talented amateur considered. Room 214 Treves Hotel. SECOND baker. Leighton's Dairy Lunch, Broadway and Washington. BOY to learn hardware business, street. 74 Sixth WATCHMAKER, good salary to fairly com petent man. 294 Washington st. REGISTERED pharmist wanted. Pharmacy, Boise, Idaho. Overland ERRAND boy wanted. Call 269 Washington st. Jolly-Ratelle, printers. BOY wanted to deliver. Call 295 N. 16th st HELP WANTED MALE. TWO SET EALLERS. ONE WHISTLE BOY. ONE CHASER. ONE CHOKER SETTER. ONE SNIPER. MEN FOR LUMBER YARD APPLY 1117 YEON -BLDG. WANTED A good clothing and furnishing goods salesman at once; also would like to correspond with a first-class clothin salesman, one capable of taking fuU charge of the men's department; good salary and future lor the right man. D. M. Nayberger. McMinnviile, Or. MAN and wife to work on small furm near city. Man must be competent fanner and energetic worker. Woman capable and willing to do housework in modern home for family four. Permanent em ployment and good wages to satisfactory parties. AC 454. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE. 10 YARDMEN, 2 ST1CKERMEN, 2 BINDER MEN, 2 STAPLE KM EN, 2 PIPE BUILDERS. APPLY TO NATIONAL TANK &. PIPE CO.. KENTON. OR. STREETCAR MEN From now on until fur ther notice the offices of our employment examiner, room 310 Electric building, will be open from 10 to 11 A. M. to reoelve applications for positions as carmen. P. R. L. & P. Company. RAILROAD traffic inspectors wanted, $125 a month and expenses to start; short hours, travel, three months home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit. Ask for booklet B 50. Frontier Prep School. Buffalo. N. Y. MAN who understands farm work with fam ily of 2 or more children in school. Per manent position and good proposition for right man. Call 2 P. M. Sunday or 10 A. M. Monday, 512 Royal building, Mor rigon and Broadway. WANTED AN OFFICE BOY FOR LUM BER COMPANY. CHANCE FOR AD VANCEMENT. APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. WANTED Experienced dry gods man, who understands window dressing and sign writing, for leading establishment in one of Grays Harbor cities. Apply 800 Cham ber of ommerco bldg., between 0 and 12 this morning. WANTED Active young men over IS to de liver circulars and bills in city; no expe rience necessary, but must be a good walk er; give age, telephone number, married or single, etc., in first letter. AC 452, Ore gonian. CIVIL SERVICE examinations Portland soon. .ten desiring Uovernment positions, departmental, postofflce, railway mail, customs, write for free particulars, J. C. Leonard (former Government examiner), 754 Kenois bldg., Washlnton. WANTED A live man with good references to do bookkeeping, a little typewriting and some collecting. A good opportunity for the right man to work up with a grow ing and progressive firm. Write, BC 542, Oregonian. WANTED An all-around ranch hand, mid die aged; capable and willing. Steady work year around. Wages $40 for nine months. $30 for three months. Address C A. Buckley. Grass Valley. Or MIDDLE-AGED man to work on small berry farm near city. Must bo competent, energetic and experienced in Western Ore gon farming. Permanent place and good wages for right man. AD 80. Oregonian. WANTED A first-class bushelman. capable of selling and fitting ; must speak Eng lish fluently; no drinkine: man need ap ply. Steady work to right man. Dan Kowske, 202 North Main st.. Butte. Mont. WANTED Young man In office of country creamery, 60 miles from Portland, to as sist on books. Salary $00 per month. Address, giving ape, experience, married or e ingle, references, AV G46. Oregonian. MAN experienced in wagon and blacksmith work and able to repair tools. Steady work for large corporation In city. Apply in own handwriting, stating age. W 4i0, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE mechanic for steady work in private garuge of large corporation in city. Apply in own handwriting, stating atf e, experience and phone number. W 4S0, regonlan. iiUliE men wanted. War causing vacancies. Opportunity open to eligibles desiring P. O. clerk-carriers, R. M. clerks, customs, exams. Call today. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. city. BOYS. MEN, YOUNG OR OLD, with or without bicycles, to deliver tele grams in business district; pood pay. FEDERAL TELEGRAPH CO., 7 Board of Trade. IF YOU want a nice outing down Columbia River, where you can make good wages picking fruit, see Mr. Fisher at cannery. 321 East Yamhill. Can use 25 families. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, in a big, practical school. Est. 13 years. National School of Engineering, Los An geles. WANTED Shipping cierk; state experience, age and wages wanted ; also 2 strong boys; state age and wages wanted. AH 406, Oresonlan. WANTED Accountant and stenographer with experience in factory cost accounting; give experience and references in first let ter. A P lo2, Oregonian. PRINTER WANTED Have permanent place for a two-thirder on evening paper in Willamette Valley. Address AV 625, Oregonian. WANTED First-class laundry man to act as foreman In a good, live, country town. Give reference and state salary expectea In first letter. AV" 645, Oregonian. DELIVERY boys and special boys; must be 16 years or over. Apply superintendent's office, 9 to 10 A. M. Olds, Wortman King. WIDE-AWAKE boys for entry clerks; must be 16 years or over and have good refer ences. Apply superintendent's office, 0 to lo A. M. Olds, Wortman & King. YOUNG man for mechanical position, high school graduate preferred; chance for ad vancement. Give age and previous ex perience first letter. AD 86, Oregonian. MAN, with mechanical ability, as partner in good paying business ; reference ; good salury; investment reQUired. AD 82, Oregonian. SHOULD James Young wish to see daugh ter call at 1674 K. 17th st. Seliwoud car. WANTED Station crew of Scandinavians for rock quarry. Oskar Huber, 227 Sher lock bldg. Telephone Main '2S21. WANTED Overseer of spinning, for three Davis and Furber mules. Apply AV 634, Oregonian. State wages wanted. A WILLING worker at the Hotel Wabash; a good Winter's job for the right man; $50 per month and room. WANTED First-class candy and Ice cream maker. Telephone SI 61, or address H. M. Hicks. Hood River. Or. HUSTLERS Pay 25c each for names; send for contract your section. Instant Vui caniner. Dept. 28, Chicago. BARBERS (No. 75) solicit business firms during spare time; liberal commission. Main 4232. WANTED Men solicitors for house-to-house work in city; prefer those who have had newspaper experience. A 30, Oregonian. WE DESIRE a hustler to sell Portland In dustrial stock; liberal commission. E 54S, Oregonian. WANTED Janitor with wife; permanent, good wages. Call Main 4842; city refer ences. DENTIST for suburban location; excellent opening for business; no opposition. Tabor 719. WANTED First-class ladies' tailor, to work on ladies' coats. S. Weiss. 128 10th. WANT salesman, .stationery and stamp good a. 23 1 Stark st. Help Wanted Agents. MEN and women Lyons made $$6.25 last week. Morton, $58.95 in four days. So can you, selling our guaranteed, made-to-measure raincoats; good proposition ; sample outfit free; write quick. Diivico Raincoat Co., Homan & Douglas Blvd., Chicago. $50 WEEKLY and up selling Mexican Dia monds; exactly resemble genuine; same rainbow f ire ; stand test ; sell at sight; repeat orders; write quick for sample case offer free. Mexican Diamond 1m portfng Co., Las Crucee. New Mexico. 2."5. AGENTS show our made-to-order, guaran teen $15 suits; real $25 values; no expe rience necessary ; wonderful selling plan ; you furnish prospects, we make sale. Chi cago Woolen Mills, Dept. 44. Chicago. FREE catalogue, samples: new goods, quick sales, big profits; make $5 to $25 daily; no experience; world's greatest specialties. Cruvtr Co., Jackson c Campbell, Chi cago. $30 TO $100 a week; free samples; gold sign letters for stores and office windows; liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark. Chicago. BIG PAY and automobile furnished agents introducing wonderful new automobile fuel. Samples free. L. Bailwey, 621 Ovee bldg., Louisville. Ky. AGENTS Men or women, make $40 week ly taking orders for Goodyear Raincoats Sample coat free. Goodyear Mfg. Co., C Dept. 77. Kansas City. Mo. ' $125 WEEKLY Something new; saves 50 gasoline for automobiles; nearly every call a sale; money back guarantee. Stransky Mfg. Co., Pukwana, S. D. MAKE $1 an hour; sell Menoets. a patent patch; instantly mends leaks in all uten sils; sample free. Mendet Co., Box A, Amsterdam. N. Y. GAS FIRE In coalstoves from coal oil ; cheaper than coal; agents" bonanza. Won der Burner Co., Columbus. Ohio. AGENTS at once. Sell BOc per month hos pital tickets. SOI Board of Trade. i