r:::: ci:i:uu:;iax. roRTiiAXB, juxe io, 1917. HUDSON SUPER SIX GIVES NO TROUBLE PORTLAND ENGINEER RELATES EXPERIENCES OF 1407-MILE AUTO TRIP TO ELK O, NEV. Louis Kelsey Reports on TriD of 1407 Miles at Average u. Speed of 19.6 Miles. 13 1 I r ivt V - " 4 . 11 - x , - nLIi- -- THREE STATES TRAVERSED Machine Equipped With Goodyear All-AVeatner Tread Tires, Which " Have Gone 30 00 Miles Wlth- out Puncture or Blowout. The experiences of a 1407-mile motor trip from his home in Portland to Klko, Nev., by way of The Dalles, Bend, Burns, Vale, Boise, Idaho; Twin Kails and way points,, are related tersely by Louis C. Kelsey. a civil and hydraulic engineer, in a letter received in Port land last week by C. L. Boss, Hudson distributor for 'Oreg-on. Mr. Kelsey, together with his son, Chester C. Kelsey, made the trip In his Jludson "super six," which averaged 19.6 miles per hour on the entire trip. The car was equipped with Goodyear all-weather tread tires, which have jtone. 3000 miles without a puncture or blowout, Mr. Kelsey reports. Record Is Given. The complete story of the trip, as to itinerary and road, conditions in Oregon, Idaho and Nevada, is told by Mr. Kelsey In the following trip notes: May 8 Left Portland at 7:10 A. M., via The Dalles, Oufur. Alaupln and Shanlko to Madras, U12 miles, arriving: at 7:40 P. M. Roads ver ypood. except two bad places between Cascade Locks and Hood River. May 0. Left Madras 7:07 A. M via Jlend and Hrooklngs to Burns, .200 miles, arriyinff at 6:13 P. M. Roads very good, except about 10 miles east of Brookings that were very rocky. May 11. Left Burns 6:39 A. M., via Har ney, Beulah. Westfall and Vale to Nyssa. 3K2 miles, arriving at 8:03 P. M. Greater part of roads from Harney to "Westfall rough and rocky. Heavy rain at "Westfall MOTORISTS IRGED TO DECO BATK HOODS OK TH KIR. CARS WITH AMERICAN FLAGS. Officials of the Rose Festival Association and of the Oregon State Motor Association have Is sued a request urging all autorao mobile owners in Bortland to dec orate the bonnets of their cars during Rose Festival week with large American flags, as a. dem onstration of their patriotism. F. K. Watklns, president of the Oregon State Motor Association, isays that the request is intended to cover all motorists, Irrespect ive of whether or not they belong to the association. and roads badly washed out between West fall and Vale, particularly in Cottonwood 'an yon. Roads In fine shape from Vale to Kyssa. Boise Roads Fine. May 12. Ieft Nyssa at 10:04 A. M. via Caldwell and Aampa to Boise, 57 miles, sir ;uj P. M. Roads were in fim at 1:0 Tivinflf shape. ' May 14 Left Boise at 7:17 A. M.. via Mountain Home, Olens Kerry, Bliss, Hager inan and Buhl to Twin Falls, 150 miles, arriving at 3:10 P. M. Most of these roads were exceptionally good. May 15 to l!) Side trips to Burley, Hailey, .Shoshone. -Gooding and Buhl. Most of these roads were splendid. May -JO Left Twin Falls at 7:17 A. M., via Salmon River dam. Contact and Wells for Klko. Nev., 181) miles, arriving at 0:10 I. M. Bridges washed out on Salmon River and we had to take old road from Salmon River dam to Contact. Road has been used little and was very rocky. From Contact to Wells roads were good in spots. From Wells to Leeth. on account of late rains, roads heavy and sticky; from Deeth to Klko very good. X "- StTW . J- a - II II I j " -. ,;-s-fi "1. "-.; Tt-k. 5s.-" 0 sorzJan a, Yhe?7 ofSfcs Sucfcs-o Trip :tce. 7ey. SALES RECORD SET 1823 New Autos Registered Puring May. OREGON NOW HAS 40,000 sr. ROAD JOKER OUTDONE BOXDS VICTORY DISPROVES CRUSE SIGX AI.OXG HIGHWAY. H. K raus Say. Some Fonny Cbap in "WanhlnKlon County Made Merry Over Mad. The ioke is upon some -witty soul of Washington County, but it would have been otherwise if the road bonds had failed of indorsement at last Tuesday's election. The other day A. H. Knaus, manager oc ine i-ortiana Dranch of the Gerlin prer Motor Car Company, Oregon dis tributors for the Chandler automobile, had occasion to drive over into Wash ington County. He used the newly paved Canyon road to leave Multnomah County and found everything; in ship shape until after the Multnomah County line was passed the and the roads of Washing-ton County met. Mr. Knaus has motored in a good many parts of the country and encoun tered terrorizing road troubles of all degree, but he says he never in all his life saw quite such roads as those which met hi3 eyes between Beaverton and Hillsboro. This road was hard- surfaced at some prehistoric time, Mr. Knaus reports, but has been badly dis connected until now, so Mr. Knaus tes tifies, the Jolts and Jump-offs are so abrupt and severe that eighc miles an hour is as fast as any motorist dares drive. "Some funny chap over that "way got out a rough brush and some thick black paint one day recently and made a crude sign with this inscription: 'These roads are exemplary of the pro gressive spirit of Oregon," related Mr. Knaus as he was anxiously awaiting to hear the election returns last Tues day. But the worm has turned on the sign painter and now the word is being flashed over the Nation that the state of Oregon, despite the world war and other disturbing influences, has spoken and spoken definitely for a progressive road programme. KEW CORD TIKE OX MARKET Tircstone Company Announces Prod' uct of Special Type. Combining all the merits of the best cord tire construction with the advan tages of oversize, the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company has announced the production of a new and distinctive equipment the Firestone supersized cord tire. It is the result of three years of ex perimenting and testing by a score of tire engineers, builders, testers and chemists. They sought a product that would be a definite and conspicuous improvement in cord tire construction The principal advantages of a cord tire are its superior resilience and wearing qualities. It absorbs road shocks, instead of fighting them, and because its iaDric is not interwoven but made up of thousands of strong, heavy cords imbedded in tough, pliable rubber, the cord tire has less Internal friction. O. "Uilklns Gathers Statistics That Show Great Increases in Xumher of Cars in Use and In Output of Dealers. ' The month of May, 1917, was the ban ner period in all history for the sale and delivery of new automobiles in Oregon, -according to the figures on last month's automobile registration, tabulated last week by M. O. Wllkins, publisher of the Automobile Record and president-manager of the Dealers' Mo tor Car Association of Oregon. A total of 1823 new automobiles was registered officially by Oregon motor ists last month as compared with 1568 new cars for the best previous month of history. May, 1916. The outstanding feature of the situ ation is that nearly 80 per cent of last month's new cars was delivered in the counties outside of Portland and that Multnomah County did not show as heavy an increment of new cars as the corresponding month of last year. 7130 Are New Cars. To date 38,230 automobiles have been registered in Oregon under the 1917 series as contrasted with 33,917 for the entire twelve months of the 1916 regis-, tration period. These figures indicate that there are 4313 new cars in Oregon, but as a mat ter of fact there are nearly twice that number, 7130, according to Mr. Wilkins" count of the new cars on a systematic basis. The reason for the discrepancy lies in the fact that many used cars that were in use last year have not yet been registered and placed on the road this year. This is proved by the fact that of the total registration for last month, 3453, only 1823 were .new cars. This means that there are probably more than 40,000 automobiles in Oregon. Cars Are "Well Distributed. As the registration stood at the end of May, Oregon's 38,230 automobiles segregated among new and new and old combined were distributed among the counties as follows: County. Jfew cars. Total. Multnomah ............... Baker Benton ................... "iackamas ................ Clatsop Columbia Coos Crook Curry , '. Deschutes Douglas Oilllam Grant Harney Hood River Jackson .................. Jefferson ................ Josephine Klamatn Lake .................... Lane Lincoln Linn Malheur Marlon .................. Morrow Polk Sherman Tillamook Umatilla Washington Wheeler Total for state 7.130 , 17 8.-4 119 6M . 25 1.4ICJ , 110 71"J ."i 1'74 63 r."J I 82 ami . 8 511 70 .".!.- . 1 4! H!)H . 116 34H 5 215 .".3 3I2 71 4il!t . 275 3.B.-.6 HI 2:12 . 102 513 , 139 713 43 2R:i . 320 1,0!2 4 54 . 2KB 1,346 . 116 502 . 417 2.573 . 132 427 . 1 76 So . l.-.S 507 72 411 . 432 2,0110 . 3 9 J7 . 102 440 . 173 810 . 221 1,086 O 87 . 220 1.100 .7.130 38,230 many motorists assume to regard these guardians of the public welfare as en emies, when, as they well know, safe driving would not be possible without them. "Kveryone owning or driving a car should commit to memory the rules of the road and city ordinances govern ing motor vehicles. And he Bhould obey them Implicitly, not only for the safety of the community, but for his own wel fare and peace of mind. "I want Dort. owners here to be re garded the same as those in Detroit, where a traffic officer had this to say to the Dort dealer: "You must pick the people you sell cars to. Whenever I see a Dort coming I feel sure a good fellow is driving it" DODGE CAR TAKEN TO FRAXCE Sedan to Be Used In Film to Aid Restoration of Art Treasures. By special permission of the French government the first pleasure car to enter France since the beginning of the war will be a Dodge Bros.' convertible sedan. The car was purchased by Comtesse Hegina de Regis de Olivera and will be used in France in motion picture work when the art ruins of the war, including the cathedrals at Rheims, . Soissons and Ypres will be photographed under the direction of Rodin, the greatest living sculptor. The pictures will be shewn later In this country for the benefit of the Com mittee for American Aid for the Resto ration of French Monuments of Art, of which Mrs. Cecelia Sartoris, grand daughter of General Grant, is the American representative. The commit tee itself has a list of notable members, including Theodore Roosevelt, Jules Jusserand. Robert Bacon, Myron T. Herrick, Cardinal Gibbons and others. In the 'collection of the fund for the restoration of France's works of art this American-made motor car, now on its way to France, will play an Impor tant part. HOOD AUTO COMPANIES MERGE Gilbert & DeWitt Takes Over Hood River Garage Company. HOOD ' RIVER, Or., June 9. (Spe cial.) A" deal of record magnitude in the local automobile business was con summated recently when the Gilbert & DeWitt Company and the Hood River Garage Company merged. The new concern will be known as the Gilbert & DeWitt Company. O. T. Wedemeyer, one of the incorporators of the Hood River Garage Company, which recently erected one of the finest garages in the state,, will retire. The repair shop, formerly operated by Gilbert & DeWitt, will be closed. and all work will be fallen care of at the repair plant of the new concern, which occupied the full lOOrlOO-foot basement of the new building. OLD CHALMERS RUE Machine o!d in Portland, Me., Arrives in Portland, Or. CAR IS VINTAGE OF 1909 ROAD IS CALLED ROUGH HERROX ' DRIVES CHANDLER TO RHODODENDROX. Strips Near Mlnslngrer Place and Ckerryvllle Hill Give Mo torists Trouble. The road leading from Portland to the various resorts at the southern base of Mount Hood was not in extra good condition a week . ago, but the clear days of last week should have placed it in fairly good order for travel, according to G. W. Herron, who drove his new Chandler car as far as Rhododendron and return last Sunday. "On the way out we chose the Mar mot road and found a lot of mud and corruption on the Minsinger Hill and along the flats below that point." re ported Mr. Herron last week. "We re turned over the Cherryville road by way of Sandy and again met . plenty of mud, but not enough to stump us in any manner. Considering the im proved state of weather. I believe the Mount Hood road will soon be in good shape. "We ' were told at Rhododendron Tavern that we could, if . we, desired, drive on about five miles beyond that point toward Government Camp be fora reaching the snowbanks, but we didn't tackle the Job. I Believe we were the first guests of the season at the Tavern, and Mrs. , Franzettl was, of course, happy to greet us. TRAFFIC OFFICER'S JOB HARD Drivers Advised to Help Rather Than Trouble Guardian of Road. "Stand by the traffic officer, his is a hard Job and he needs your encour agement and co-operation." said F. W. Vogler, Dort distributor. A threat Stripped of Forward Gears by Ac cident, Abraham Toubo Drives on Reverse Gear 315 Miles "With Wife and 8 Children. A 1909 Chalmers automobile which has been in continual use since it was purchased years ago in Portland, Maine, is now in Portland, Oregon, ready to be converted into a farm tractor that it may do its bit in cultivating Oregon fields, thereby boosting the world's food supply. The car was driven into Portland a few days ago after having traversed the continent on a trip which started last December. Abraham Toube. the owner of the old car, is said to be the holder of the world's record for op erating a car backwards. Recently, near Needles, Cal., he lost the road, ran his car off into a gully and on a rock and wound up minus all gears ex cept the reverse. Undaunted he circled until, he was back on the road headed again towards Los Angeles. Nine days later he backed up in front of the Chalmers salesrooms and the speedometer showed he had driven 315 miles in reverse gear. Mr. Toube is the father of eight chil dren, all of whom have been with him and his wife on the long trip. The Chalmers, fitted with a body for use in truck gardening, has provided a home for the family, including a sleep ing place, dining-room and touring car and the trip has been the means of Mrs. Toube recovering her health. Dis tillate and even kerosene has been burned In the Chalmers engine with good results. Mr. Ttoube says he gets nearly the same mileage out of distillate as from gas. Though the body of the car was in bad shape after years' of strenuous service, the engine was running sweet ly when it was driven up in front of the salesrooms of H. L. Keats, local Chalmers distributor. Mr. Toube is lo cated at 688 Mead street, Portland. uvpi I II r 8 1 Batteries Are Like Tires (Except that they coat less and wear longer) You wear out only'one battery at a time you wear out four tires. And one bat tery properly cared for will outlast any set of tires. Battery care is made easy by Willard Service. You keep it filled with water, and come in regularly to let us do the rest. Our job is to keep your battery full of pep. Come in, get acquainted I We have a battery for your use if yours needs repairs. (OpnUfct 1917) Auto Electric Equipment Co. - Phone Broadway 1073 Sixth and Burnside Sts.- J service on a gigantic scale is indidcated by .the announcement that bids will be received on June 13 on from one to 10,000 motorcycles. 6000 of which are to be equipped with side cars. The pur chase of these machines involves the training of men to operate them, which will become a part of the duties of the motor- transport committtee of the Council of National Defense. Shelby A. Falor, manager of the motorcycle de partment of the Goodyear Tire & Rub ber Company and president of the Fed eration of American Motorcyclists, has been appointed & member of this com mittee, having been chosen for his wide experience in motorcycle affairs. There is no pauperism in Servia. The poorest have some sort of freehold property. Army to Buy 10,000 3Iotorcycles. That the United States Government is preparing to use motorcycles in Army You Half-S ole lLWhyrnot Your I You Can Get 5,000 to 10,000 More Miles out of them by using Gates Half-Sole Tires. We will put them on for you and change your old tires into new ones at about one-half the price you would have to pay for new tires. Your tire comes into our plant, worn and scarred from service, and we deliver it back to you the same tire made oversize and with a . brand-new non-skid tread of fresh rubber. Not a square inch of your old tire will be in sight, and you will not be able to tell it from a new tire. Are absolutely guaranteed for 3,500 miles of wear without m puncturo and many users are averacing from 6. COO to 10.000 miles. You cannot get this kind of guaranteed service from any tire on the market without paying two or three times the cost of a Cates Half-Sole Tire. LET US SHOW YOU Don't throw away another worn tire until you have investigated the Cates Half-Sole, (f you are paying the tire bills you will be in . terested and we are ready to show you how to keeD in vour own pocket a big part of the cost oi new tires and get better tire service tnan you nave ever naa oeiore. we guarantee it. - INTERNATIONAL RUBBER SALES CO. 469 Vi Washington St- WL8L meter O)0 M TODAY the list price of the Paige I Linwood "Six'-xo is $ii7. On purely comparative basis, there is no other car on the American market that -' even pretends to offer so much Beauty, Luxury and all around Efficiency for so little money. But take advantage of this rare oppor tunity while it exists. Place your order now before the list price of every Paige model is substantially increased. Stratford "Six-SP Fairfield "Six-46" Linwood Six-39" Brooklands"Six-5 1 Dartmoor"Six-39" Limousinc"Six-5 1" Sedan '-Six-51" Sedan "Six-39" Town Car "Six-Si" seven-passenger seven-passenger five-passenger " four-passenger 2 or i-passenger seven-passenger seven-passenger ' five-passenger 'seven-passenger Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. COOK & GILL CO. DISTRIBUTORS BROADWAY A O KVKRKTT a .ll S1495f. $1375 f. $1175 f. $1695 f. $1175 f. $2750 f. $2300 f. $1775 f. $2750 f. o. b. Detroit o. b. Detroit o. b. Detroit o. b. Detroit o. b. Detroit o. b. Detroit o. b. Detroit o. b. Detroit o. b. Detroit 1 i