The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 05, 1916, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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Portland Musical People Are
Highly Satisfied With New
t Instrument.
rB at Loss snd a Greater Gain
Key lici-k May Be Moved at Will to
Any Ioint Desired, and Is Con
nected by Electric Cable
With Other Tarts.
Portland organists and musical peo
ple are well pleased with the type of
organ selected by the City Council for
the Public Auditorium. It is agreed
that it will be a wonderful instrument
and a great asset to the city from many
points of view. The people here may
rest assured that it will compare favor
ably in every way with the best rep
resentative work in America or abroad.
A description of the organ may well
begin in the basement of the Auditor
ium. Here, in a separate room, will be
installed an "orgoblo" a rotary fan
revolving at great speed and supplying
the wind for the organ on the floor
above. The temperature of this room
must be kept the same as the main
auditorium, for organ pipes are suscep
tible to the least change and cold air
blown through warm pipes, or the re
verse, would cause the organ to sound
badly out of tune. The wind pressures
on which the pipes will sound vary
from 6-inch to 25-inch, though the
heavier wind pressure is not employed
for the purpose of making the greatest
possible noise. It has been found by
competent builders that on a moderate
wind pressure it is possible to obtain
greater refinement of tone and quick
ness of speech than on a low pressure.
Heavy pressure therefore is used to
gain refinement, not noise. Three reg
ulators will prohibit any sound of the
blower passing into the wind- trunks
and from thence into the organ and
Organ Proper Is Divided.
The organ proper will be divided and
will be placed on either side of the
proscenium arch. A 50-foot electric ca
ble will connect the organ to a mova
ble console, or key desk, making it pos
sible to move the console to any de
sired location. There will be four man
uals, or keyboards, named from lowest
to highest, choir, great, swell and solo.
These manuals control separate and
complete divisions of the organ. By
means of a patent touch the action o
the keys is reduced after the initial re
sistance of three and three-quarter
ounces to one and three-quarter ounces
thus relieving the hands and fingers
of all unnecessary strain in holding
down sustained chords. The pedal
board is played by the feet and controls
another complete division of the organ.
The manuals may be connected by
means of couplers in the form of tilt
ing tablets placed over the highest
manual. There will be 26 couplers, en
abling the performer to connect the
manuals at the unison, an octave
higher and an octave lower. Beneath
each manual will be placed the adjust
able combination pistons, more than 40
in number, and visibly moving the reg
isters. The performer sets in advance
the desired combinations of stops on
the necessary pistons, and brings them
on at the proper time by a pressure on
the necessary pistons, and brings them
on at the proper time by a pressure
from the thumb. These pistons will be
augmented by nine, worked by a pres
sure from the foot. The stops will be
arranged in distinctly separate groups,
with solid ivory register heads, and at
an angle of 45 degrees to the manuals.
The choir, swell and solo divisions
will be inclosed in chests made of 2x4
studding, covered on both sides with
metal lathing and cement. Balanced
foot levers will operate the swell
shades controlling the crescendi and
ripe Length Gives Pitch.
The pitch of an organ stop is made
known by stating the length of the
longest pipe it contains. Stops of eight
foot length are of unison pitch; that is,
of the same pitch as the piano. A pipe
of four-foot sounds an octave higher
than one of eight-foot; similarily, one
of two-foot, two octaves above one of
eight-foot, one of 16-foot an octave
lower than one of eight-foot, and so on.
The pedal stops are uniformly one
octave lower in pitch than the manual
Organ color is divided into four
groups diapason, string, flute and reed.
The diapason tone is peculiar to the
organ, finding no counterpart in the
orchestra and constituting the back
bone or the organ. The huge rolling
tones of the diapasons give to the or
gan its greatest dignity. The follow
ing table gives an outline of the diap
ason family as it will appear:
tireut, 10-foot double open diapason;
8-foot open diapason, large scale; 8-foot
oppn diapason, smaller scale; 4-foot octave;
-foot fifteenth; 3 rank mixture, sounding
three notes at onre. Swell. 8-foot diapason;
4-foot octave; 2-foot flautino. Choir, 8-foot
diapason. Solo, 8-foot stentorphone. Pedal,
32-foot open diapason; 16-foot open diapa
son;; 8-foot octave; 4-foot super-octave.
The 32-foot pedal diapason is one of 'the
richest stops on an organ, is 8 feet long at
Its longest pipe. No organ in the Northwest
has this powerful adjunct.
String tone will be thus represented:
Swell. 8-foot sallclonal; 8-foot voix celes
tes; 3 rank mixture.
The voix celestes is purposely tuned
slightly sharp to the pitch of the organ, so
that when drawn with another stop a
pleasant inaulating or tone Is secured.
'hoir. 16-foot garaba: 8-foot dulcet. Solo,
8-foot gross gamba: 8-foot gamha, celeste.
Pedal, l?-foot vlolone; 16-foot gamba;
8-foot cello.
Klute color lreat. 8-foot claribel f!ute:
R-foot Philomela; 4-foot flute. Swell. 16-foot
bourdon; 8-loot clarabelia; 8-foot gedeckt;
8-foot spitz rioetc; 8-foot flute celestes
4-foot flute.
The 8-foot flute celestes Is on the prin
ciple or the viox celestes, but of flute color.
"holr, s-foot concert flute: 4-foot fiute:
2-foot piccolo. Solo, 8-foot Philomela.
Kfiai, jo-root Dournon : is-root echo Ilebllch;
8-foot gedeckt; 8-foot still gedeckt.
Reed color Great. 16-foot euohonium:
8-foot tuba; 4-foot clarion (interchangeable
with solo.) Swell. 16-foot English born.
8-foot cornopean: 8-foot flugel horn; 8-foot
vox humans; 4-foot clarion. Choir. 8-foot
clarinet. Solo. 8-foot orchestral oboe; 16-foot
eupnomum: e-root tuba; 4-foot clarion;
8-foot French horn; 8-foot tuba ralrabills.
The tuba mlrabllls is the most powerful
stop on the organ and speaks on a 25-inch
wina pressure.
Pedal, 32-foot bombarde: 16-foot trom
bone; 16-foot English horn; 8-foot tromba
8-foot tuba: 4-foot clarion.
Development la Prominent. .
Stops of an unusual character are
the swell 8-foot quintadena. the di
tinctive feature of which is that its
harmonic 12th is prominently de
veloped. The pipe thus has the effect
of speaking two separate notes simul
The great 8-foot erzahler is an esoe
rial development, the distinctive fea
ture of which is that its harmonic oc
tave Is prominently develooed. though
entirely different in effect and color
from quintadena. The choir organ will
contain a harp. The 32-foot bombarde.
erzahler. tuba, English horn, dulcet,
celesta (harp), orchestral oboe. French
horn, still Gedeckt. are also especial
ana exclusive to mis type of organ and
have a J,ars influence on the charac-
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Clara Loin Myers and Klsie Carmen Piatt.
Miss Clara Lois Myers danced attractively at the entertainment given on
Wednesday by the George Wright Relief Corps in their headquarters in the
Courthouse. Miss Elsie Piatt, a gifted young pianist played delightfully.
Miss Myers' dances were cleverly interpreted. The girls are students of Lin
coln High School.
ter of the instrument. The electro
pneumatic swell engine has contributed
much in this direction.
The purely orchestral stops are imi
tative o"f their orchestral prototypes in
the strictest sense of the word, and
amount to something more than a mere
Tie instrument is to be installed by
tho Ernest M. Skinner Company, of
Boston, a contract having been awarded
to that company by the City Council
on recommendation of Commissioner
Baker, which recommendation was
made after eight months of investiga
tion. Ante - Election Quiet Noted
Around Hotels.
Seventeen tVhttmss Players Going to
and Returning From C'orvallla Arc
THE ante-election quiet is noticed in
all of Portland's hotels, most of
the voters in the Northwest postpon
ing business trips until after November
One of the important arrivals at
the Imperial is Charles L. McNary,
chairman of the Republican State Com
mittee, who makes frequent trips to
Portland in the Interest of the cam
Joe Miller, who was registered at the
Imperial from woodburn yesterday dis
claims descent from the man of his
name, who, years and years ago. col
lected the jokes so often told at ban
quets and political meetings. Mr. Miller
cares no more for these old jokes than
the rest of us. He is tired of hearing
the joke about his name.
G. W. Scranlein, of Macksburg. is
one of the visitors in Portland who
will hasten home in time for election.
He is a merchant and farmer, and
makes occasional business trips to
Portland. While on his recent visit
here he was registered at the Oregon.
Seventeen football players from
Whitman College, who played against
the Agricultural College team yester
day, had quarters at the Hotel Oregon
coming and going.
Ii. C. Hopper Chosen President at
North Pacific College.
The dental and pharmacy students
of the largest freshman class in the
history of the North Pacific College
elected class officers recently. From a
field of 176, the following officers
were chosen:
L. C. Hopper, of Spokane. President:
J. T. Martin, of Vancouver, B. C, vice
president; Miss Reza Black, of Seattle,
secretary; D. A. Spratley, of Belling-
ham. treasurer. Fred Johnston, of Col-
ville. AV ash., and Oscar S. Driskeel of
Portland, student body representatives
ht u s , yg&r
rove Photo.
Babies Celebrate Return of
Mother From Campaign.
Devotion to Cause, Sacrifice for Her
Principles and Able Presenta
tion of Her Statistics Are
Expected to Help Much.
Right in front of me, on my desk, lies
a little telegram which has severed for
the time being, insofar as the outward
signs of it are concerned, one of the
most splendid friendships it has ever
been my fortune to make.
The telegram reads:
"Arrived safely. My babies and hus
band very happy. All of us are cele
brating. Things look awfully good for
a Hughes victory here." And it is
signed "Fondly yours. Mrs. E. B. Han
ley." She has gone back to her ranch, and
wee 9-year-old Katherine and 12-year-old
Junior, and big E. B., who ia her
pal and husband.
The golden voice I've so loved to
hear in challenge to some Democrat to
disprove 'her statistics Is going to get
again in harness and call the cows, and
carol over the buttermaking.
Error Afford Amusement.
And that buttermaking line reminds
me of a laugh she and 1 had toarether
a few days ago. I wrote a line about
airs. Hanley having "left her butter
making, preserves," and by some mad
manner it got into print that she "had
left her butler making preserves."
Now, I ask of you. did you ever read
a more Idiotic line? She laughed hilar
iously over it. ror never has she had a
butler and she makes her own pre
serves. Just before she set out on this cru
sade she made nearly a hundred glasses
of red currant jell. If Hughes is elected
she's going to send me some. If he
Isn't elected, she'll not send me some.
The Hanley kiddies will need it, to put
on their bread if they have bread for
the next four years.
Of course, it won't really be a mat
ter of actual bread but that's figura
tively speaking.
Mrs. Hanley is absolutely truthful
when she says that they couldn't make
things go on the ranch thesei last four
years. Why on earth any Democratic
'Vieo-,- .v. .-A-:-:- . ,,oi"'"- . . '
The price of the Touring Car
U $785 (f. o. b.
liiiiii iiiiimii mi in ih him itmif mi i it ill nti i iim 1 1 1 ii i
soul should cavil at her assertion is
beyond me. You've only to look about
you at every sort of business knocked
Into a cocked hat. And ranching is
just another business.
..Xrlp to A lank, a Taken,
The Hanleys couldn't make it go.
Their expenses and what they had to
put into its upkeep went staggering
high in dollars. o Mrs. Hanley took,
it over, with the help of Junior and
Mr. Hanley went to Alaska. Which Is
more or less ancient history now, but
I've got a lot of things to say in this
column and that's one of 'em.
Another is that I want you to know,
honestly and truly, that Mrs. Hanley
not in this big work for any personal
aggrandizement. She has a cplendid
white flame of sincerity In her lovel
little woman's body. She has don
much to kindle the fire of Idealism
an Idealism of the lasting result-show
ing sort in Republicanism for the firs
time in years. She has a strong cino
tional conviction in its cause.
Home Lrft for Caoac.
She left her home and her babies and
let met tell you that her maternal love
Is a big, vibrant, beautiful and holy
one too sacred for tearing iuto print
with Its details.
Her voice has gone hoarse, her body
has been racked with a deep cold, her
nerve cells have been burned at a pite
ous rate, she has suffered physical dis
comforts that a traveling man never
heard of, and she has not received one
penny for it.
She has been carrying a banner.
Hughes is writ on it. Mrs. Hanley bus
borne it aloft and you can t tell me
that the splendid convictions sho feels
in her own course is not going to bear
And right here is where I want to
tell you of how she happened to give
herself to this great issu. She told
about it at several of the places we
visited but it hurt her to tell it
gripped her heart and brought the tears
Into her throat.
Kather, Who Innplrrd, I Gone.
For the loved father, who taught
her patriotism when che was a wee
little girl, has gone away forever, and
she probes deep into a big wound when
the subject needs come up.
"He was a poor boy," she said to me
in a hushed little voice. "He and
mother came across tho plains on their
honeymoon and all they had in tho
wide world was love and stout hearts
and a big faith in this country.
"It was never given to my father to
become anything but a good citizen, a
taxpayer, and keeper of tho laws. But
he taught us children early to love the
flag, to revere our country and if ever
came to us a chance to do a bit for the
wonderful country that had sheltered
him and his, we must leave all else and
And that is the simple, little story,
and the truth.
"The time when my father would
have bade me go is now," says Mrs.
Hanley. "When the world is being
judged, when the nations are passing
In review before the judgment seat,
when our own Nation is facing a crisis
I want to add my bit to help. And if
I can have some part in helping to elect
Charles Evans Hughes, even if it's only
by telling my little pig story and hav
ing fun poked at my last year's dress,
I'm glad to do it."
Witty Sally Enjoyed.
And one of the funny Hanleyisms
that occurs to me right here is a re
mark shu made when she read in a
This business has rounded out twenty
two months of existence by distribut
ing to owners more than one hundred
thousand cars.
Price-concessions on this car are rarely
asked, and never given with Dodge
Brothers consent or to their knowledge.
You can therefore figure accurately
the amount invested by the public
in Dodge Brothers cars, by multiplying
the output by the retail selling price.
One hundred thousand cars at $785
per car means a sales-total in less than
two years' time of $78,500,000 or,
with freight-cost added, considerably
more than $80,000,000.
There have been no bursts of speed in
the up-building of this great business.
At no time has there been even an at
tempt at stimulation of sales or of
Never for a single day has production
been speeded up for the sake of attain
ing a total.
On the contrary, it has been held down
every day within the limits of close,
careful, conscientious manufacturing.
Both production and sales have been
stable, steady and spontaneous scru
pulous care in the one, producing huge
volume in the other.
At this moment, as at every other
period, although producing a large
Tb gasoline conaumptto
Th tire mileage is i
Washington at
or Roadster, eompletai
it m i in ii ii in 1 1 nutt 1 1 1 : i tti 1 1 ri i inn niHiiji:: t tt t inn ii ; r
Democrat paper that her suit was "ol
handsome taupe cloth."
"Guess they must have t.rnt the ma
rine editor." she remarked. "Any wo
man can tell you in an instant that thin
suit is last year's style. But I'm not
scorning it. I brush it and c-ar- for it.
For if Wilson is elected I'll havo to
wear it four years more."
"AgglM Taken to Junior.
And there's something else I must
tell you. It's about the aggies and
the buttons Mrs. Hanley took to Junior.
Tho aggies, you must know, arc just
rcg'Iy agate marbles. Junior's mother
Is pretty close lo that young man and
she knows that a sack full of aggies
Is a Ine treasure and soiuet inis more
to bo desired than great riches.
As for the buttons, they are flat
round ones, bearing a more or less
flattering likeness of Woodrow WII-!
son. It is the gospel truth I'm telling
you, that scores of folk handed their
Wilson buttons lo Mrs. Hanley. She
rxehanged them for Hughes buttons
and put the Wilson ones in a little sack
to" show to tho kiddies much as
warrior brings home the trophies of
u fight.
I really think Mrs. Hanley liked this
part of the demonstration most of all.
I want to tell you one other thing,
and list a few Hanleyisms that I re
member and then wo will say Kis
met I and this marvelous girl-woman
with the Madonna heart, the Celtic
wit and the man's logic In a sweet,
feminine head.
Mrs. Hanley Very Domeatlr.
Some one sent me a clipping from
some Democratic paper in which this
line is all I remember because of the
great interest it tells:
"Sho Is a woman of the type who
craves constant excitement."
It is to laugh. It is a craving for
constant excitement. I reckon, that
would make any woman leave a per
fectly nice home and babies and eat
odds and ends of food In all sorts of
way stations, to travel all over the
state of Oregon In sweet, clean, easy
running day conches, and stuffy sleep
ers up and down branch lines, to be
rained, on. and frozen snd boiled in
various climates, to talk till you're
hoarse at night snd do personal res
cue work among Democrats until mid
night and grab 40 winks, eat break
fast out of a bag en route to catch a
6 o'clock boat or bus to L,ord knows
Sick Baby Nurtril.
T guess It was a craving for ex
citement that led her to stay up from
midnight until 5 o'clock one morning
with a little sick, croupy baby belong
ing to a woman who had a room near
I guess it was a craving for excite
ment that made her chst for hours on
trains with tired old ladies, and weary
o'life old men. It was this craze for
excitement that made her do her own
laundry work after speaking hours. In
her room, pinning hankies to the win
dow, washing stockings and sewing on
buttons, because we didn't have time
to see a laundry, or a graduate button
sewer. Tou can call that excitement if you
want to. but I don't. And my Idea of
excitement is not in having one's per
fectly nice nose sprayed, and one's best
throat looked into by a specialist every
time one hove in sight of a city.
Work Brings Oi Cold?
And I can think of a iot of things
wilder than a iharp pain In a lunk
and a nervous chill on a cold ttuse
volume every day, Dodge Brothers are
"losing business" by their policy of
keeping production within the bounds
of continuous betterment.
In that sense they have doubtless suf
fered a great loss in the past and will
endure a great loss in the future.
But over against this great loss is an
infinitely greater gain.
The people of the United States have
implicit faith in the integrity of Dodge
Brothers manufacturing methods.
One hundred thousand owners or
rather, one hundred thousand families
are practically of one mind concerning
the car and the men who make it.
This business and its product are
blessed with a friendship probably with
out parallel in the history of American
Fresh from the factory, or sold at
second-hand, from one end of the
nation to the other, the car has special
value and a special reputation, because
of the name it bears.
Because of the name it bears, yoa may
be sure that the principle behind the
car will never be changed a hair's
Dodge Brothers have only one idea in
the upbuilding of their business.
That idea is to build so soundly and so
well that the good will which they have
won will grow and endure forever.
i tm on usually low. '
3 usually high.
Tba price of the Winter Touring Car or Roadrteft
eanplete. including regular mohair top. ia
S9S0 (f. o. b. Detroit)
tniiiitiMjtit-LjiiMii utiiMiiitt iiiii iMiniiiiiitfitftiifi i r ii if i mi
just before one addresses a mob of
folk who are waiting to be shown.
You never heard of Mrs. Hanley be
fore this campaign, did you? Why
hasn't she been out craving excitement
before now? Well, then, why not ac
cept her own, sincere, truthful reasons
for going into It that she wanted to
do her bit to belp elect Mr. Hughes?
She believes in him as a man. and has
faith in his principles.
As for the Hanley isms, here they are
at least a few I remember.
"The Lord Just don't seem to work
with a Democratic Administration."
"They beuan it first. - They make fun
of Mr. Hughes' whiskers and say he is
a Wall-street man. Well. 1 don't like
Wilson's policies or hi.s long jaw
I'aarr Faaalnr l.nld to Antes.
"It's no wonder paper Is scarce. Wil
son has used it all up writing notes."
"Kdison is for Wilson. Kdison is an
electrician, and naturally he likes any
thing that switches on and off."
"Luther Burhank thought the salva
tion of the world depended upon his
spineless cactus. And. of course, he'd
like a spineless statesman."
"The Adamson law is a misuse of
righteous public opinion."
Wilson never wanted to catch Villa.
He's got a million soldiers on the bor
der line, when Buffalo Vernon, of
Pendleton, could have had lilm hog
tied and branded in a week."
"Because a Republican is Just like
having . religion it s like gcttin' the
glory." .
"Being a Republican is like belong
ing to a lodge you've got the password
when you say you're for Hughes.
"The Democrats claim everything
from the discovery of the North Pole
to what became of Charlie Ross. Pretty
soon they'll he claiming that Jeff Davis
wrote the Constitution. I bet they'll
make out that Columbus was the orig
inal Democrat."
Hoy Trained to Honor Woman.
"I aril not raising my boy to be a
soldier, but I am raising him to respect
an American woman, wh'ether she's
making a Hughes speech on Alder
street in Portland or if hhe's down on
th border."
"I am not raising him to be a soldier
but I am raising him to respect Ameri
can rights, and to protect American
citizens wherever they may e.
"I couldn't take a neutral attitude to
ward even the boiling of an egg."
"Scratch a non-partisan and you'll
find a Democrat-
"I do not criticise Woodrow Wilson
as a President but as Candidate XV 1 1
son, opposed to Candidate Hughes. In
the chair he Is a sacred cow."
"Mr. Hughes is not being bound by a
lot of election pledges that he cannot
"A Democrat's idea of a woman is
that she'll believe anything If you only
repeat it often enough."
"Tho first Chinaman who started
China on its downfall was one who was
too proud to fight."
You can't tell me W. J. B. didn't
have a hunch about how W oody would
treat him."
"Kvery day between now and election
the railroad men are finding out more
about the Jolser in the Adamson law."
"My babies' goodnight kiss means
more to me than all the fame, all the
notices and all the glory of this work."
And that, my friends, is the line that
sticks In inv memory of Mrs. E. B. H;in.
lcj i,he line is the keynote oi
titiiitiimiif m mtri iititmif n.ituif
her fine, splendid, unselfish, womanly
Speaker at Auriulmii Society -M eel -hijr
Tells of Hlril's Jeels.
One of the larcest of r - nt Audubon
Society meetings was held last night
at the headquarters at tlit Y. M. C. A.
Bruce llorsfal gave a lant.-rn slide lec
ture on "Sparrows in 1'orUa.nd and Vi
cinity." showing colored pictures.
'The sparrow Is a most useful crea
ture, a friend of the farmers and
gardi-ners. lie destroys harmful in
sects and weed seeds and in many way
aids the farmer." said Mr. Horsfal. Ac
cording to the speaker there are ten
xaleties of soarrows In Portland snd
vtcinit:'. of whom tlie Uusty Song
Sparrow is the most plontifi.l. The
others are Chipping parrow, lirk,
"hite Crown. Savanna, (irasthoi'per.
Vesper at.d the KngliMi sparrow.
About 50 attended the meeting. Mr.
Minnie Campbell, who was to have
spoken, was ill.
American Steamer Sunk.
XHW OnLKAXS. Nov. 4. The Amer
ican steamer Wlllapa. bound from Blue
field for New Orleans, sank Thursday
night off the Nlcaraguan coast, accord
ing to a cablegram received today by
her agents. Captain Johnson and his
crew of -2 men were rescued.
I'or rra'-liinic f'ira on cetlircs iher l.a
b-ii invent. 1 .i long-hand .O'l "alter, oper
hv pi .prills:.
A Missouri Man After DrinkinR for
Thirly-fhc Years Banished His
CravinR for Liquor With a
Simple Home IJecipe.
Mr. Tl.os. .' I. O'Bannon. a well
known resident of Missouri, living at
1 y, D. No. 3. F"rederickstow n. Mo.,
banished his craving for liquor with
a simple recipe which ho mixed at
Mr. O'Bannon recently made the fol
lowing statement: "T am 51 years old
and bad drank for S.I years. My crav
ing was so great 1 could not quit
liquor. Mor- than a jear ago I bad
the following simple recipe filled snd
began taking It and It entirely ban
ished my craving for liquor. . To 3
ounces of water add 20 grains of
muriate of ammonia, a small box of
Varlex Compound and 10 grains of
pepsin. Take a teaspoonful three times
a dy. Any druggist can mix it for
you or supply the ingredients at very
little cost. This, recipe can be taken
of your own accord or givn to any
one secretly in coffee, tea. milk or in
food as It has no taste, color or smell
and is perfectly hsrniles.-. 1 believe any
drunkard can cure himself v ith this
simple rcclpt. Adv.