THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX. FOKTXASTJ, MAT 7, 1916. 13 1 ( ROSE CITY PARK KIDDIES WILL APPEAR IN PLAYLET "The Dream of Fairyland," With Fanciful Settings and Imaginary Char acters, Will Be Presented by Choral Club Friday Night. H' Shi?' ' . f II 1 I s 'f J ; If : Ay. s i , fc - - 4-. ' t c V f National Gas Range Weelc Stewart Ranges 25?6 Less! Added Removal bale Reductions! p .. , r , i l iaSSl This sale has saved money to hundreds of homefurnishers; in the brief time remaining, we expect it to be of immense benefit to hundreds more. It will be no small accomplishment to sell out a $75,000 stock, but we want tQ move nothing to our new store. You can buy standard furniture of guaranteed quality here now for lower prices than you have ever paid before., There will be exceptional bar gains offered this week. Metal Beds Reduced Regular $6.00 Iron Beds, assorted f3 Ql" finishes, reduced to $3lU Regular $11.00 Iron Beds, Vernis dC CC Martin finish, only $J00 $14.00 Iron Bungalow Beds, Vernis dT QfJ Martin finish D aOD $18.00 Enameled Iron Beds (samples), brass trimmed with fancy scroll work ; f r T extra heavy .J) ,00 $24.00 Enameled Iron Beds (sam ples), same as above $27.50 Enameled Iron Beds (sam ples), same as above $36 Enameled Iron Beds (sam ples), same as above 59.65 $10.75 $14.60 Regular $22.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size; six patterns in Oriental and floral designs ; reduced toAi qh niy nlO.ZiD Second Floor, Main Store. 1 7 - !;,f s ;v ::;f . r . i ? . J ' v Regular $9.00 Wool Fiber Rugs, 9x12 size; geometric designs in gray, blue, rose and brown ; very attractive and d J o EJ desirable Dl303 Second Floor, Main Store. Armstrong's Corkoleum Mats, 6x9 size; can be washed and scrubbed; dJ lovely Oriental patterns O Second Floor, Main Store. Sale of Refrigerators Now is the time to buy a new ref rigerai or ; our removal sale has lowered prices. All our refrigerators are modern in construction, perfect in sanitation and ice-saving qualities. Regular $12.00 Refrigerators J q qh on sale this week at Regular $14.00 Refrigerators J "1 A C on sale this week at . ij X x Regular $22.50 Refrigerators Q1 C QA on sale this week at A Oa7 J Regular $37.50 Refrigerators J0 Qfl on sale this week at. DmOOvI These Are Genuine Reductions Second and Morrison-St. S4a-e Sale of Dining Tables $15.00 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, fl- A 1 C fumed finish, 6-foot, 42-inch extension P A J X J $20.00 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, CI O Q.C fumed finish. 6-foot, 45-inch extension pXOLr $22.00 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, A Otf fumed finish, 6-foot, 45-inch extension P Ar0 ij $33.50 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, golden wax finish, heavy claw feet, 6-foot, 48- dJIO OA inch extension P X O.OU $270 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, (jjl C fumed finish, 6-foot, 48-inch extension P X VJ $30.00 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, planked top, claw feet. 6-foot, 45-inch extension, fl1 Q tZ priced at only pXO.wlVJ $40.00 Quartered Oak Dining Tables, J0 " Cfi fumed finish, 8-foot, 48-inch extension X.OVl Second and Morrison-Street Store. VI Vi tx , . 1 I t 7 - -- - y?: IV fSmM in) 1 V National Gas Range Week Look at Our Immense Stock See our Educational Display of Armstrong's Linoleums in our Washington-street window. We carry full lines in plain, printed and inlaid Linoleums. Exceptional Curtain Bargain Dozens of pairs of plain Marquisette Curtains, hemstitched, cream and beige. Regu-QC larly priced $1.50, offered this week at Second Floor, Main Store. HENRY JENNING&SONS Main Store: Washington St. at Fifth Removal Sale at Second and Morrison Sts. The Stewart Gas Range' These fine Ranges all have eastiron base and door frames and fine planished iron body, with convenient drop oven door and automatic lighter. Some with genuine porcelain doors and panels. All at special discount for one week only. Regular $25 Stewart Gas Ranges re- i o 7r duced this week to V O. O $30.00 Stewart Gas Ranges re-djoo 7C eek to pOO. O $37.50 Regular $40 Stewart Gas Ranges re duced this week to Regular $45 Stewart Gas Ranges re duced this w Regular $50 Stewart Gas Ranges rc duced this week to Discount Sale at Both Stores MR. LIGHTNER TO WRITE CHAIRMAV OF COt.XTY BOARD AMvED FOR HIGHWAYS' HISTORY. I Many Tears as CummUalonfr Slember Human Incyrlupcdta Multnomah Affairs. Made In tion is forced to restrict it to members only. The entertainment committee, com posed of Harry Anderson. Dr. Lloyd Brooke, J. D. H. Crockwell. Chief Jay Stevens, Harry Coffmen and Constable Andy Weinberger, are making final arrangements. Part of the programme to be rendered will be as follows: Musical selections, mandolin and guitar, the Btrelhs; sonps by Frank Hennessy; piano solo, by F. Fisher; songs by A. W. Jones; atories by Andy Weinberger; songs by J. D. M. Crockwell. There will be a buffet lunch. Rose City J1UXDKL:D Rose City Parkwill have the part of Slay. Mar.iorie A yoiniKsters. members of theKeam has thi attractive role of Fairy U. Jk. cv,ui i-i, ,h n. 1 1 1 i,.vluecn aid .Dorothy unite appears as .', . , , , the Fairy Princess. Marv Francis the puhllc to the .clubhouse Friday hu ivill impersonate Llghtfoot. a nicht for a fanciful children's operetta, fairy messenger, and Rose Elizabeth The Dream of Fairyland." The play- Koberts will he Brishteyes. Loralne let teems with melody, with its win-l'e Young- will appear as Flyaway. little lads and lassies in thewsiaes tne principals mere, are a f 4Uliir-re number of children in minor fiomc roles other beings that haunt and the ' rr lea r fa irina ol fa onH Harn'ora KiaQies Songs, dances and pantomimes have ntortais. handsome princes and forlornoperetta more attractive thaii the fairy Itrinoesses, fairy queens and gnomes. story in the book. Golden Starr Scott, "Th"i Dream of Fairyland" is the director of the Rosebud Choral Club, tale of two littlft girls who go in theiris in charge, and a large number of dreams to the enchanted home of theprominent members of Rose Ctty Park fairies. little Mips Geraldine GerthClub and residents of that section are will play Npva and Jessie Itendersonpatronizing the affair. WAR VETERAN PASSES TO OPERATION,. Services bn llcputy Sheriff Are Be called (irand Army Post Moarm I.oms of Member. "Daniel C. Lounshury. who died at St. Vincent's Hospital May 2 following an operation, was a well-known veteran of the Civil War. He had been a resi dent of Portland since 18S3 and had served as Deputy Sheriff here for about nine years under Sheriffs Sears, Jor dan and Penumbra Kelly. Mr. Lounsbury was born in Bantror, Me., June 3, 1S43. He went to Wis consin, and after the opening of the Civil War enlisted in the Fifth Wis consin Battery. He participated in the siese and capture of Corinth, the bat tle of Perryville. the battle of Stone Uivcr. the battle of Chickamauga and the famous march, of Sherman to the sea. At the battle of Kesaca his horse was killed under him and he received a wound that caused him ill-health for the rest of his life. Mr. IxHinsbury crossed the plains to Montana with, a team in 1866. He mar ried Frances E. McKinstry at Deer l,rwige, Mont., September 17, 1870. After living in Portland for a time he moved to Douglas County with his family, where he made his home for about 10 years. About three years ago he again returned to Portland. He was a past commander of Lincoln-Garfield Post No. 3. Grand Army of the Republic, and since his return here he joined George Wright Post Xo. 1. He also was a member of Industry I.odge. Ancient Order of I'nited Work men of this city, and became master workman of tht iodcre. He was vestryman at St. Stephen Pro-Cathedral for several years, later transferring to Trinity Church. glass window and sustaining a bad gash. He was finally taken into cus tody by Motorcycle- Officers Gouldstone and Crane at 671 Tenino street, he nav Ing appropriated a settee on the front porch at that place and gone to sleep without the knowledge of the resident of the house. Drown's injured arm was sewed up at the Policy Emergency Hospital and he was fined $ 25 in Municipal Court yesterday. FAIR VIEWS TO BE SHOWN V. V. C. A. to Display Pictures From Panama-Pacific Exposition. A beautiful collection of colored views of the Panama-Pacific Hxposi tion will be shown in the auditorium of the. Young Women's Christian Asso ciation on next Wednesday night, by David Lczer. the organizer and direct or of the prize educational exhibit at the fair. To accommodate the business girls, a. well as others, the views will be shown continuously from 6:30 to 9:30. W. L. Lightner, chairman of the County Commissioners of this county, ha-n been asked by one of the good- roads journals, published in the Fast, to furnish it with complete data cover ing the history, cost and construction of hard-surfaced roads -in this county. Mr. Lightner, who lias been a member of the board for 12 years, and who is perhaps more familiar with all of the public work done by the county than any other, is now collecting the in formation. Much care is being taken as to its details and accuracy. The information, outside of its pub licity feature, will also be used later for a more comprehensive story of Multnomah County highways, to be prepared by Mr. Lightner, in collabora tion with a prominent writer in Port- and, who is also collecting data with the view to writing a history of the good roads, particularly in Multnomah County, and generally in the state. i Having served throtigh all the ad ministrations which have had to do with the Initiation and construction eft these great highways, including the Columbia River Highway, Chairman Lightner, of the board, is perhaps one of the best qualified men in the city and county on the subject. A detailed history of Multnomah County's highways, which rank in mileage, utility and quality first of any county in the United States, and which cover a period of less than a half a dozen years, has never been fully writ ten. Mr. Llghtner'a data, will start with the beginning of the agitation of good roads and the stages through which the movement passed before the actual construction was inaugurated. The Commissioner, who Is an encyclopedia on county affairs and its finances, will a4so show what amount of money was spent, how it wa expended, cost of every piece of hard-surfaced and mac adam road, how the money was raised by taxation, and, in fact, a eompre hensive statement of the entire subject. When completed it will be a record of value to Multnomah County and the Chamber of Commerce s statistical de partment for future use. The Com missioner s plan Is to have the data collected and ready to be whipped into shape before the Columbia River High way is formally dedicated In June. The chances are that It may be the official history of the great Columbia River drive. been closed to travel and the crushed rock foundation Is beiny put on, pre paratory to finishing the part left last Summer on account of Baker's hill be ing cut down and the thoroughfare re-, graded. At Troutdale the work of regrading Is progressing rapidly. The road from the lower to the upper Sandy River bridge, la being surveyed. PAVING .PLANS ARE FILED SH! HE ESCAPED SHE SAYS Coy Little Woman 1 Glad That Brother AVho Deserted, Is Safe. A coy little woman slipped Into the office of City Attorney La Roche yenter day and asked if she miirht ask a ques tion. "Sure," said Mr. LaRoche, "fire away." The woman irlanced at the doors and then bepan "You don't know me, I don't Intend that you shall, because it would be disastrous for my identity and my name to become known. My brother has just come to our home In Portland fter deserting the Canadian army. What we want to know is, can he be xtradlted if arrested?" Mr. JjiRorhe answered that he could ot. The little woman s face lighted p, a smile 'blossomed out and she urned and left. "I thank you very much," said she. Kast Gllsan Street Wok to $37,000 to $38,000. Cost Plans were filed yesterday by City Kngineer Datcr for the pavins of Kast Glisan street from East Seventy-fifth Ftrect to Kast Eighty-seventh street. The estimated cost of the work is $37, 0UO for one type of pavement and $38. OOQ for another. The Portland Railway. Light & Power Company will be re quired to pay about one-fourth of tli assessment. Plans were fllrd yesterday also for the macadamizinsr of Schuyler street from flrnnrl ovpniie to E.RSt Sixth strict and East Sixth street from Schuyler I me propcrtv MHr slnir the strcet to Hancock fceU i niisnway ana me county commission ers reriroins same cliunnfj. Officinls Confer Over Crossing DAYTON. Wash.. May . (Specials F. R. Spinning-, of the Public Service Commission; Superintendent Tyler, of the Pasco division of the Northern Pa cific, and S. B. Calderhead, Benercl pas senger axent of the same line, are here this week to attend a conference with plated in the rrossinss of the .North ern Pacific. The highway commission plans to do away witli all railro.itl crossings from the edpe of 1 'ay ton to Wait.Nburgr. Fort v-elctit material re u fttru:irn of a i.iano. vtliUh fewer than Irt countries ed In tlie con come from no bisii;ss is ;ooi. Ileen n.e We Combine Ouallly find antitr the Illckt I'rlee. Huirk Service' Sanitary Comfortable Mandredw laleaed. COZY DAIRY LUNCH 32.1 WASHINGTON STRKKT. Near Sixth. THK BLACE FOR LADIES. Large Variety of Klch. Homemade l'a.stry Ir'resh Morning and Kvenins. Three ot-Bro n Hot rakra With Oor i'amoai Coffee. 1 Or. t'holeo lioaat. Slraka. hop. Chicken. Flail, Ke., Only IOC rretnhlra and Soups. S peels I 15C iOc and 7C Breakfasts. Resrnlar Tr,e ChieVen Dinner 'i'otlny at Hoc Including Ire Cream and take. BRIDGE PLAN IS JDPP0SED LONE CELEBRATOB FINED Young Man Pays $25 for Rampage In Sellwood. Eupene. Thrown, 24-year-old book keeper, went on a celebration Priday nig-ht and attempted to enter several houses in Pellwood. capping the climax hy thrusting his arm through a plate- . I r. ......... : ? :' - i : 'vs ,., j i " - Multnomah Club Votes Againt Via duct Over Railway. By a vote of 20 to 18 the Multnomah Commercial Club at a mee tinny held Wednesday night went on record as opposed to the construction or the pro posed viaduct over the Orejron Electric Railroad tracks at Multnomah fetation. The viaduct over the danscerous piece of track at Multnomah Station, it is de clared. will eliminate two grades he sides safegruardinsr the lives of people uslnpr the Capital Highway. The pre. ent plan Is to build it of concrete with a 20-ioot roadway and two tnree-foo sidewalk?. The Oregon Electric has offered to pay half the cost. Daniel C. to ass bury. Vetera f Civil War ami Former Deputy Sheriff. W ho Is Dead. MG&SE PLAN STAG SOCIAL Ixxlce- Xo. '219 to Entertain Wednesday Night. The Royal Order of Mooae Lodg-e, Xo. 219. on Wednesday night. May 10, will give a stag- social in their lodsre and clubrooma in the Royal buildina-. corner of Broadwav and Morrio Ktreet. On account of the larjce num ber of members who have already made arrangements to attend, the orsaniza- PAVING IS UNDER WAY Work Left ITndone on JShsc I.I no Road Bein? Finished. GRESHAM, Or.. May S. (Special.) The Clark-Henery "hot Etuff" plant at Ruby Junction is now in operation, and it is the intention of the construc tion company to resurface the Hase Line road immediately A sprinkling of sand will be put on the road after the surface in painted, which will tend to decrease the wear on the permanent surface. The east end of the road has OTniuiiiiiitiiiititiiiiiiiiMiniiiiiHiiMiiiiiim cH'iiii'iii'uiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiiim H Dental Truth Inspires Confidence! If I Mas not an Expert Dentist and always on the job; if I did not possess the S business honor to live up to what I publish, or promise, or stand by my written guarantee, I should have had to close my doors long; ago for lack of patronajre. EE But honesty wins out; my business grows bigger and better every year. By EE my expert and painless dental effort I get your confidence. EE A Simple Way to Remove Dandruff There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it. then you destroy it entirely. To do this. Just Ket about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug- store (this is all you will need), apply it at night when retiring-: use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the fin ger tipa. By morning- most, if not all. of your dandruff will be (rone, and thre or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. no matter how much d- -.druff you may have. You will find all itching and digging of the scalp will stop Instantly, and your hair will be fluffy. lustrous. glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. Adv. " ;.'!'.W"".l'"-'WJ.l ; ' ' ; SYSTEM II Open Nights Best Dental Is Good Dental Work The Time to Have Your. Teeth Fixed Is Now! No matter who you are or where you lire, I can satisfy you and save money. I publish a price list and EE live tip to it. All our patients and their friends say: "What beautiful dental work! And so very rea- EE sonable!" . E fmm teeth OR. G. G. ArSPLCND, MGR. 15-YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE REMEMBER, WE ARE HERE TO STAY 3 ii Ships for Sale by Owners .Motor bhlp, 2 twin -screw, ready November. r. v., 15O0 M. Ibr.. each 9ZZ:.(KH Mrsm Schooner. 413 tons, carries GOO M. ft. lbn. $"0,000 Steam 8chooner, 228 tons, carries 21w M. ft. ibr 43,000 1 Motor Hhlp. r?ady Aurust 1. 200 M. ti. Ibr. price not lurhid.nff eaclnes) $100,000 Stel sir., ri2.00 tub. ft. 4200 tons i. U 14 knots. Other eteam-T-. K. A. hTKVKNS, Monarinock H1Ik., lsn Francisco. WANTED Men and Women of High Charac ter and Standing to Act as Agents for the Aationa I Ilf Iiianar C !:niunertve OontrHctn. SO Orfxvniaa Bulldins;. If You Have Two or More .Tee tin in Either Jaw 1 We can give you a new set of teeth as natural as the original ones without the use of a large ordinary plate rrE or bridge. This is what we are doing daily with our IMPROVED METHOD. When you come to our office you are consulting expert Dental Specialists. We are doing strictly first-class dental work. All work guar- E anteed and kept in repair Free of Charge. We use only the very best materials, and when your work is done you are given dollar for dollar; you are happy, younger looking and best of all, you are perfectly satisfied. ASK YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT US LADY ATTENDANTS j Aluminum Plates $15.00 Flesh-Colored Plates $10 II Good Plates 1 So. 00 22k Gold Crowns $.5.00 and $3.50 p Porcelain Crowns . . . $5.00 and $3.50 22k Gold Bridge ..... $5.00 and $3.50 Gold Fillings $1.00 Painless Extracting 50 W Are Always Bust. Because Our Success Is Dua to th Fact That Wa do tha Very Best Work at tb Very Zl Lowcit Price. ZI Electro-Painless Oentist, In the Two-Story Building Corner of Sixth and Washington Streets. Portland, Oregon. Tiiiiiiiiiiiiuif titni i iiiiiiiiiiu itt iiiiiiiitiiiiuiiiiiiuiiTtiif iiiiiiii imimiiMiHHifMiimHMHmuLMiitmimmmHnmiHMMmmr,:: 1 UlillHiiUiilllUlllUlliUlltll.llflllwl.lIIUilillUllllUlilUii.lUiiiia: