16 Will liti til El ma ' Quan ffQfi tity f , 300 11 SH IS! 30O 1 -2 I dosen si I 7: ynrda Sgg 1300 Sfs 'yards ms Quan tity . 30 , 4S tliS wtmrn s THE ST72TDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. JANUARY 24, 1915. 1 S3 fj P1JI ll:'"T"TMTiFtt-'t.iin;rrTr,Tr""';j'H)M ,;;:;:;'-'i!,!l:H:ir,:1''-ilrMl I J n'l'iliiifflM'-'iifiiiia'wpJ1! ' (ill 1(1 tiiiiiaiiii II el 1 1 II SNfjinMtroijn Wf3 fjj fffl fiTM f IBl ywai'nf i''!l!lwf!ii;!i'!iiwi'jwi';yj'?j,wa III irifi I I jflfeS&ii&6wSfBiiMiidiiSfBi!?NI II I lil 111 I 111 LJ I wSliM I 3 I !i)ltmwit:tl;rtiH;!iniiif;i(iii;!iMUii;'ttU i nil ..(tii,iiii1wii'iiit',MM,.;lii.-.i'i": ii.((i!...tti( i,m The Q.ualitt' Store or Portland KtN Sixth. Ttarrtaolv Alr 33. ? Q"! Women's Hosiery'S SAO pra: Caahmere Honci black aad ( Oxford 8O0 pra Wiru Kalt Black Cotton Home outsize 480 pra1 Black Cashmere Hoae, extra. aUea Imported C o t t o a and Silk Lisle. Black and eolera 3V0 pra Kayaer Butlnol Silk Hoae. Black and colore... 24O0 Imported Silk Llale, black palra and tan abadea .C 33c 63c 30c $1.50 SOe 27c 28c SOc 35c 1.29 30c MAIL ORDERS FILLED 'When We Mention the Word Pre-Inventory as another string to our January Clearance and White Sales bow in reference to our MAIL ORDERS FILLED Superb Stocks of Goods of All Kinds people know that it is a matter of good, sound judgment to go to Meier & Frank's and make selections for both present and future use. They know that well be clearing out thousands of dollars' worth of goods Special Of fer. Slk. aerlbe Now! At Palpable Sacrifices From Former Prices in order to lighten our stocks to a minimum to make room for the new, and thus main tain our policy of selling in season only seasonable merchandise. Special " D e 1 I n eator" Oi ler. T b 1 a Week Only! ia7 isis The Quality" Store or- Portland nruv 3bctN TWi Iih War sis. Quan- tity Flannels 2OO0 Yd a. soo i Keg.! Sa'c Price I'rice nnt.v 1-' I - --I t I extra heavy 13' ic' He Flannel Itensaaats, all gradea, all leagthe t I Snrlce Third Floor, th-t. Illda. Quan- j tity I Forms ITS 175 Shirt Walat Forma Shirt Waist Form Standa. Reg. Sale Price Price a j.no j $2.00 a i ;m First Floor, Slxth-St. BIdg. " "J X Women's Apparel fe e I X Ribbons S ffe X Women's Muslinwear gfc T Men's Clothing 1 . 1 I : ;i : ) ( " - : r i I $23 to $30 I 93 87 HO 45 5 125 43 73 07 05 Women'a and Misses' Suits, plain aad faaey tailored...... Women'a and Misses' Snlta, all lateat atylea W omen'a and M I a a e a' Snlta, modish atylea Women'a and Misses' High Grade Tailored Suits Women'a and M I asm' Coats, variety atylea and fabrlca Women'a and Misses Coata, I cheviots, slbeliae, etc Women'a and Misses' Coata. Spleadld modela Women'a Dresses of altk and serge. Women'a Afternoon nnd Street Dresses, silk anoLaerge Street, afternoon and evening I $120 to 1T.50 920.00 to $29.50 $30.00 to $39.50 $40.00 to $05.00 $10.00 to $15.00 $17.30 to $35.00 $37.50 to $45.00 $7.50 to $30.00 $220 to $35.00 $37.50 to $05.00 $5.00 $7.85 $12.45 $17.50 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $5.00 $13.45 $34.73 Fourth Floor, Slxtli-St. BIdg. CHARITY BALL! Tomorrow Evening &t Multnomah Hotel, Given By theW omens Exchange Tickets can be secured at the Exchange or from Mrs. K. C. Shevlin. Mrs. W. J. Burns, Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Mrs. W. O. Van Schuyver, Mrs. Marcus Fleischner and Mrs. Irfon Hirsch. Note See our special price above on Evening Gowns. Quantity Gloves Reg. Price 00 Da. 30 Da. 47 Da. 12 Da. Dx. Women'a W a a hable Doeskin and Chamois Gloves Women'a Lone; White Gloves, Imported. - 16-buttoa ........... Women'a Black Cashmerette Gloves, alses 3H o 8"4 Womea'a Kngllsh Knit Gaunt let Glovea, black, red, craj... Women's and Chlldren'a Kid Mlttena and Glovea, fur topa. . Sale Price $1.00 and $1.25 1 75e J.50 $1.50 I - 252 anil 35c I 15c ( 50c aad 65c j SOe $1.00to$2.S3 7.c First Floor. Slxth-St. BldK. Quantity 8S Corsets Reg. Price Sale Price Corsets made of eoutll nnd ba- tlatr. Slaea 18 to 30. No ex changes, credits, approvals... Coraeta of fine eoutll and fancy brocade. Mies 21 to 30. Xo exchanges, credlta or ap provals. o r m c t m, eoutll and batiste. This season's models, io ex ehaascea, credits, approvals. . . . $2.50 to $3.50 $S.O0 to $12.00 $4.50 to $0.50 $1.47 $3.05 $2.75 Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. BldK. Quantity Shoes Reg. Price 'Sale Price 25pra! I OO pra. I 300 pra I $ pra. Opra. 72 pra. 4K pre. 150 pra SOO pra 00 pra. i SOO pra: j 75 pra. I ! lOO pra; I 3 Kross! 3 a-roael Women'a Black Kid. Suede and Tan Shoes Women's Kid House Slippers, red, bron s and black Women'a Tan Calf and Black Suede Shoea Misses Tan Calf. Patent l-eatber Shoea. 11 '9 to - Children's Tnn Calf and Fatent Leather Shoes, S'-i to 11 Boys' High-Cut Shoes, heavy, alaea 1 to 0 Boys' Hlarh-Cut Shoea, heavy. Slaea It to 13 '. . . . Boya' Shoea, dlacoatlnued llnea- Slsea 1 to Women'a Oversaiters, In black bIs Uppers, in Women'a Knit S maay colors V omen'a Felt S 1 1 p p e ra. fur trimmed. . . Women'a Felt "Comfy" Sllp pera, five different colors . . . . M Uses' Felt Slippers, fur trimmed. Slaea 5 to 2 -Drl-Seal" Waterproof OH.... Drl-Sral Waterproof Oil $3.50 and $4.00 $3.00 $5 $2.30 $2.00 $3.5(1 $3.00 $1.30 $1.00 and $1.23 $1.50 $2.O0 $I.OO 25c l.-.c $2.89 $1.88 $3.85 $1.68 $1.48 $2.sa $2.39 $1.00 59c 40c Me $1.4S 60c,49e 13c 8c Third Floor, Slxth-St. BldK. Neckwear Reg. Price Sale Price Neckwear la newest atylea.. Oatrlrh . Keck Huffs, natural nnd colors Linen Collars, hand embrol- tdered Silk Chiffon nnd Jap Silk Evening Scarfs i . . . Corda aad RurhlaKa, in va-1 riety HufflinKS of Met rad Lace.. 30eto$lJiO $3..-, l to 75c $1.50 to $2.00 I 23CJ 25c to 35e I 25c Sc lOc 60c 5c 12c -First Floor, ta-St. Bnlldins Children's Dresses -!- Reg. Price Sale Price Colored Dresses, Russian nnd Dutch. 2 to 3 years $1.38 aad $1.75 White Dresses, nalaaook and lawn, $ montha to $ yeare. ... I 75c Rompers, KlnKhuuat high nnd ! low seek I 3 to Svesrs ! 58c Aproaa of light percale, slip-1 over model. 4-year slse only. . j SOc 38e 29c Second Floor. Slxth-St. Bids. 1200 Yds. 1OO0 Yds. Ribbon Remnants, Inunenae as- aortmcat Satin Taffeta Ribbon, 0 Inches wide I Sntln Taffeta Ribbons, in de- aired colors Up to SOc I 10e 40eand50e I 19c I ' X'p to 30c 10c First Floor, Uth-St. Bide. Quan tity 20 45 Furs Reg. Price Sale Price Black and Brown Coney Shawl Collars, large alze Black Coney and Muikril Shawl Collars and Muffs -I- $s.oo $8.50 $3.08 rMJC, Fourth Floor, Bth-St. Building ' Quantity Handkerchiefs 30 dosen 40 doaen lO dosen 10 doaen Jap Silk Handkerchlefa, In women'a atylea Women's Initial Handker chiefs, white and colored... White nnd Colored Kerchiefs, Initials and embroidered Boxea 3 Pore Linen Kerchiefs, embroidered initials Reg. Price Sale Price 25c and 35c 10c 25e nnd 35c I $1.00 13c Be 15c eric First Floor, Oth-St. BIdg. Quantity Children's Hosiery; Reg. Price 1850 "Black Cat" Hose, medium pairs weight. f 400 pra' Boya' and Glrla' Ribbed Cot-1 ton Hose, medlnm weight Sale Price 25c 15c First Floor, Slxth-St. BIdg. Quantity Laces, Etc. 300 yds Shadow Lace Flouncing, net top, edges, etc., 3 to 18-lneh . . 30 yda Beaded Allover ets. black aad white, 18 and 27-Inch 130 yda Real Laces, Ducheaae. Point, I Filet nnd Prlnceaa, 2 to 24-la. 3000 Embroidery Insertions and Yds. I Edges, nalnaook, Swiss, cam- brie , ' 100 yds Embroidery Flouncing, 45 Inches. By piece only Reg. Price I Sale Price 65c to $1.50 $3 to $4 12e to 45c $8.00 4Sc 98c I 'CSS 25 Se,19e $2.40 First Floor, 6th-St. BIdg. Quan tity j Petticoats Reg. Price 75 S. H. A M. Silk Petticoats, ad justable top or draw string... 50 Meaaallne of beat grade. Dis continued atylea $5.00 to $6.50 $5.00 to $6.50 Sale Price $2.88 $2.08 Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. BIdg. Quantity Veilings Reg. Price -I- 750 ydaj Fine Mesh. Tuxedo, plain aad fancy meahes. All colors 115 j Chiffon Auto Veils, in all de- I aired colors j $2.00 to $5.00 Sale Price 39c Price. First Floor, Slxth-St, Bids. Quantity ISO 3O0 Art Goods Silk Pillow Girdle, all colors Paper Transfer Patterns for stamping, ajood aeslirns Skeins of Embroidery Cotton, all colors Reg. Price Sale Price SOe I 10c 3c 38c 1c 63 French Combinations, embroidered ' 4-1 ' Gowns, nalnaook and muslin, trimmed with lace and embrol- I dery 33 French Princess Slips, hand Imade, hand embroidered ...... French Drawers, hand embrol- dered 73 . j French Chemlae, hand made j and hand embroidered 100 I Gowns, mualln, high nnd law neck, trimmed 87 I Flannelette Gowna, white and colors, trimmed $3 to $3.30 $10 to $18 98c $2.50 $1 $2 $1.09 $3.88 68c $1.40 59c $1.39 Second Floor, 6th-St. BIdg. Quantity Child's Muslinwear S4 48 48 60 60 60 36 pra. 30 pra. 73 48 60 48 4S 36 Gowns, muslin and nalnaook, 2 ! to 16 yeara Gowns fine nalnaook, trimmed, - to J - yeara Pajamaa, flannelette in border designs, 3 to 12 years Kimonos, figured flannelette, 3 to 6 yeara Gowna, outing flannel, 3 to 14 year alaea Sleeping Garmeats, flannel ette, with feett 2 to 7 yeara. . . Misses Knickerbocker Draw ers. Kalnaook, trimmed. 14 and 16 yeara Canton Flannel Drawers, trimmed. 8 and 10-yenr alses.. Misses' nnd Children's Princess Slips, aeco allk and bntlste.. Mlasea' Princess Slips, nnln aook, trimmed. 14 and 16 yeara Muslin Gowns, heavy grade, 2 to 14 yeara Crepe Gowns, high - neck, trimmed. 4 to 12 yeara Hand-made Skirts, French, nainsook, 6 montha to 3 yeara White Skirts, nalnaook. trimmed. 1 to 3 yeara Reg. Price Sale Price $1 and $1.35 $2 and $2.50 $1.39 $1.25 ' $1.00 75c 35c 75c $1 aad $1.59 $3 to $4.95 59c 98c $2 aad $2.50 $1.30 to $2 79e OSc 98c 59c 3e 59c , 19c 25o 49c $1.39 33c 39c $1.59 OSc 65 200 230 200 37 CO 45 67 'S3 j 75 pra. 85 pra, 45 pra. 100 pra 38 pra. Mandelberg Gabardine R a I n- coats Fancy Overcoats and Rain coat a Fancy Suits, all atylea and alaea Fancy Suite, variety atylea, all aisea Macklaaw Coata, popular as, terlala and colors " Mncklnaw Conta, vmriety tor choice Macklnnw Coata, attractive plalda , Mackinaw Coata, good aelec- tlOB Raincoats, rubberised mnterlnl Fancy Panta, la all alaea Faacy Pants, In all slaea Fancy Panta, In all alaea Fancy Pnnta, In all slaea Fancy Paata, in all slsea $13 to $20 $25 to $:t3 $13 to $20 $12.50 to $13 $S.50 to $10 $6.30 to $7.50 $5.O0 $7.50 to $1 $0 to $7.no $3.no $3.50 to $4 $2.50 to $.1 $IJMto$2.50 $I4.KS $II.S3 $19.13 $1 $D.n3 il.5 $I.M3 $:l.3 a.viio $.S3 IW.N3 S2.IIN $I.S Ose Temporary Aaaex, Secoad l-'loor Quantity Boys' Clothing Reg. Price Sale Price Second Floor, th-St- BIdg. Quantity Child's Sweaters 36 36 neck. White Sweaters, ruff flat weave, 3 to 5 yeara. Sweater Snlta, three pieces. Baaket weave, 1 to 4 yeara . . . Reg. Price 98c $2.98 Sale Price 59c $1.59 Second Floor, Slxth-St. BIdg. Quantity WOMEN'S Undergarments Reg. Price Sale Price 100 200 200 150 100 300 I Hall'a Glove Silk Knlckera and L'nion Suits " Athena" Vesta and Panta, reg ular alaea "Athena" Vests and Pants, ex tra aisea "Stuttgarter" Pants nnd Veata Vests and Pants,' fleece lined. medium weight "Lnseroe" L'nion Suits, high neck, long aleeTca, ankle length $1.25 $1.50 $2.50 65c $1.25 and $1.50 Leas 20 $1.03 $1.20 69c 48c -Second Floor, Slxth-St. BIdg. Chad's Undergarments Seventh Floor, 6th-St. BIdg. Quantity 25 pra. 8 S3 63 Infants' Wear White Pique Slippers Presses, nalaaook Skirts, nalaaook. trimmed , Haad-made Pillow Caaea. . . . i Hand-made Lingerie Bonnets. Reg. Price 83 Baaolaette Comforters $1.73 to $3 $1.25 1 .25 $1.25 and $1.50 $3.00 $2.00 Sale Price 75e 85c 85c 3c Ji 75c $1.50 $1.00 Second Floor, 6th-St- Bldgr. Dress Goods REMNANTS at Half Price Thousaiftls of yards of the season's popular fabrics at this time of the year the result of many busy days. Lengths from 1 to 5 yards. To sell them, and to sell them quickly, on Mon day morning, we offer any Remnant at One Half "Regular Price. Third Floor, Slxth-St. BIdg. 130 133 500 Merino Veata and Pants. Cream and gray Mlasea' "Munslng" Union Suits, fleece lined Bovs' nnd Glrla' Union Suits, fleece lined , 1 Infants' Rubens Vesta, a 1 1 k and lisle, assorted alaea Reg. Price 50c $1.75 65c $1.50 Sale Price 150 "Sampeck" make fancy Sulta. I (with 2 pairs panta 1$ 7.50 to $10.00 I 123 "Sampeck" make fnncy Suits, I with 2 palra paata 35 j "Sampeck" make fancy Over. I coata 45 "Sampeck" make fancy Over- costs 65 j Overcoata, extra apeclal, 7 to 16 I yeara 50 I Mackinaw Coats, alaea 4 to IK I yeara j $12.50 to $18.00 $ 7 ..10 to $10.00 I $120 to $13.00 I $ 5.00 to $ 8.30 I I 1O0 Ds. Blonsea aad Shlrta I i 500 pra! Fancy Knickerbocker Pnnta.. I I I 300 pre! Blue Serge aad Corduroy Pants I 75 Winter-weight Suits, Varloua I atylea $ 3.S3 $ 9.S3 $ 3.S.1 $ 9.K3 $ 3.N5 Less 20', Less ll', leas 2tr ; I.e.. IV , ess la' Temporary Annex, Second l-'loor. Quantity 137 115 50 80 as I I Blankets Reg. Price Sale Price -l- White Wool Blankets, colored borders, full slse 1 White Wool Blankets, colored ; borders, full slse I White Wool Blankets, colored I bordera, full alse 1 White Wool Blankets, colored i bordera. full slse White Wool Blankets, colored ! borders, full alse. ., White Wool Blnnkets, colored j borders, full slse j Cotton HI ninketa, gray aad white borders, full slse..r.... t B4.0O $1.50 S.V50 $i.00 $7.IH) $3.13 $.-U3.1 $l1.1 $.1.13 8.VH.1 ari.oo S7.ti.-j I Temporary Aaaex, lnth l-'loor. Quty ! . Curtains, Etc. Reg. Price Sale Price 39c 78c 50c 58c -Second Floor, Slxth-St. BIdg. Quantity Children's Dresses Wool Dressed, plalda and aergea. New atylea, 3 to 14 f years 20 "Peter Thompson" Dreasea. Last season's models, 12 to 30 yeara. Reg. Price $2.95 to $3.00 $15.00 to $25.00 Sale Price $1.98 $3.95 Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. BIdg. Colored Table Sets at About Half $ 8 Set eexoe-lnch Cloth, 1 dos. Nnpklns .83 $ B Net 6x86-inch Cloth. 1 dos, Napkins 4 $10 Set 66xl03-laeh Cloth. 1 dos. Napkins ..5 $10 Set 48-Inch Round Cloth, 1 doa. Napkins (5 $11 Set 54-ineh Konnd Cloth, 1 dos. Napkins S5.50 $13 Set 60-lnch Round Cloth, 1 doa. Napkins S6.50 PURE IRISH XINEJf TABLE CLOTHS $3.75 Cloths 2x3 yards S2.SO $4.50 Cloths, 2x3 yards 3 $6 Cloths. 2'4x24 yarda If 1 Iotas, ZKU yaraa s o Third Floor, Slxth-St. BIdg. 500 pra1 Scrim, white, trimmed with lace 300 nrs Scrim, trimmed with lace. White oaly 500 pral Scrim Curtalaa, In white, Inre ! ( trimmed I 100 peal Cretonnes and Art Tickings. f All colons and comhlnatsoaa. . . 30 pat- "Sunfaat" llanglnga. In gold, terns blue and green $1.3? sail $1.30 $2.00 llc Itsc $.-Ur j ,15c to 50e jVd. Ic $IT1 K.-.C Temporary Aaaex, Math Floor. Quantity Wilton Rugs Reg. Price Sale Price 33 28 I 31 All of theae are dlacoatlnued I patterns. French Wilton Ruga. 9x12 French Wilton nnd Ango-a- dlnn Rugs, 8-3x10-0 I Wilton Itngs, splendid quality I Wilton Rugs, heavy weight, for I offices, etc. To be closed out I $3N.5o to ir..(K Wilton Rugs to be closed ont. I Slse 6x9 $35.00 lo .IO.OO aad $H at-.r.O $45.7." a.ui.oo BJt.1.00 $7.50 $-.0 -Temporary Asset, Seseath IN .Ml l-'loor. Quan-1 tity j Card Tables Reg. Price ! Sale i Price 59 M. A F. Special Folding Table, felt-covered topa, 30x30 $3.00 $2.10 Temporary Annex, Sixth Floor. Quantity Pictures Reg. Price Sale I Price 75 If srletr subjects, oval aad j aquare framesi also Frrach-j mirrors. . :. to 3,"0 -tllc.ftHr Temporary Annex. Klghlh l-'loor. Quantity Serving Trays Reg. Price Sale Price 35 I 10x16 alse. mahogaay aad rose- I wood flaish I 17 I 7x12 alae. mahogany aad rose- ' i wood flaish $1.73 P. -'.lhH 1 lour. c Ilimi'c fcl I id..,.,.: ; Mi ,,.,,, t 1 ISl MEIER FRANK CO. HI i filfi51fl ir!i!ii!!i"'i':"ili!ii!'i7':!;i,!i,,li,,!i":":1 i (il I f ! 1 1 iiiii!:iiii!i!;iiiii;i!C -it,iii:!:i!)HiiMi.i4.iiUiiiitii.,iiiili!iriiiMil jiii' iiiiiil, 4 lkri rrr " . t mi nil