CHURCHES OF PORTLAND WITH new ideas and inspirations gathered while on his visit to California, the Rev. John H. Boyd has returned to Portland after an absence or three weeks in the south and will occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church today. Dr. Boyd has addressed some large gatherings at Paciffc Grove and at Stanford Univer sity and has exchanged ideas with many of the leading pastors of Ca' ifornla. He will be wejcomed today by his congregation. The public will I be interested in his n.ght topic , which will be "The Idealism of Christianity and the Fiber of Human Nature. The meeting of the Po'"d tcry will be held on Monday morning In the church house. Several important matters will come up before the ministers on this occa sion. The resignation of Rev. J. . Snyder will be considered and his re quest to be allowed to accept the call to Pendleton will be acted upon. The revival services conducted by the Rev E J. Bulgin under the auspices of .'dozen of the East Side evangelical churches continue to draw large crowds. The speakers forceful argu ment apparently brings hearty re ' n- K..irii has refused a call ?riT. ...ri.v and will continue to fill the dates that he has made for services in various cities. The local Christian Endeavor Union, composed of 5S societies of f""rches of various denominations, met in tne Presbyterian church house on Monday night for a conference. The society with the largest attendance was that of the First Congregational Church, whose financial condition last year was better than any of the others. The Congregational young peop e have been active In social service work, notably at the Seamen's Institute, the Men s Resort ana tne muiioi. ........ - - the young people have pledged them- ..iv-. to assist Dr. Luther 1- D Ott in . ramDaign to add 300 to the chu rch membership. Attention Is directed to the address to be given, this morning before the current events class at the First Pres byterian Church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets, immediately following the morning services. The subject is The Spirit of the New Democracy, and will be presented by Professor William Fielding Ogburn. Ph. D, of the department of economics and philosophy at Reed College. This class is open to men and women alike, and the pub lic Is Invited to hear the discussion of topics of current interest, which are chosen from week to week by a com mittee of men appointed for this pur pose. The class is primarily a school of applied Christianity and suggestions of questions for study and discussion will be received and considered by the committee, the chairman of which is tleorga B. Cellars. Convention of Christian En deavorers Is Set. OmcoR Organisation Will Convene at Kusjene Ffbroarr 1" Ses sions Lasting; Three Days. THE dates for the Oregon State Christian Endeavor convention have been set for February 19. 20 and II. The place will be the First Chris tian Church of Eugene. A large num ber of Portland young people are plan ning to attend and elaborate plans for the entertainment of the delegates are being made by the societies of the college town. It is expected that oOO will attend the convention. Shor i before the convention cards will be sent to all societies in the state, and these cards must be filled out im . -mediately, so that the f? deavorers will know how many guests to provide for. The annual banquet will be one of the big features of the gathering. It will be held on the Sat urday of the convention. The theme of the convention will be "Not My Will, but Thine Be Done. -Waiter L. Myers is chairman of the convention committee and Miss Willie McUee. president of the Eugene City Union, is vice-chairman. Among the principal speakers at this convention will be: Karl Leh man. in terstate field secretary of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, with headquarters in Boston: H. H. Rottman. interstate field secretary of the North west, and Cylde Vander Maaten of Pocatello. Idaho, pastor of the PresOi -tcrian Church there. After a vacation of two weclcs. fol lowing the Messiah concert at -rif'st-mas time, the chorus of the First Tres byterian Church will resume the reg ular rehearsals at the church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets, on Wednes day of this week, at 8 o clock. ork will be begun on Hadyns "Creation, together with selections for a miscel laneous concert, and the Easter can tata. "Christ, tho Victor." by Dudley Buck. Oreat interest and enthusiasm abound among the present members ot the chorus, and many new ones have applied for membership. Registration will be open again for a few weeks and any singers interested in oratorio 2nd chorus work are cordially invited to come out and study with the first Tresbvterian chorus. There is no cost connected with membership 'nD , chorus further than that of faithful attendance and an enthusiastic inter est in tho serious study of the music elected. The Sundav school contest between the school of the Kenilworth Presby terian Church and the Clinton-Kelly -Methodist Church is bringing out a keen Interest and a friendly but spir ited rivalry. The Methodists won on the first Sunday by 61 points and on Januarv 10 by five points, thus mak ing them 5 points ahead, but the Pres byterians arc organizing and will make a great effort to overtake their op ponents. This fact is apparent by the jrreatlv reduced iead of last Sunday. The contest is unique and is attracting the attention of all the churches of the cltv The contest will close the Sundav in March. In April a mon ster rally of the schools will be held and will be addressed by leading cit izens. The loosers will furnish the programme. ... The second quarterly conference of the Kairview circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church was held at Bridal Veil Monday, when reports were re ceived from FRlrview, Rock wood and Troutdale. District Superintendent James Moore, of Salem, presided. A dinner was served by E. H. Thompson. , superintendent of the Bridal Veil Lum ber Company. The Fatrview church was represented r.v Rev. C. M. Brown and wife. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burlingame, Mrs..E. E. Heslin, Mrs. J. W. Benecke. Mrs. Claude Hurst and George Zimmerman: Kockwood. Mr. and Mrs. L. Martin. Mrs. A. Horton. Miss Bonnie Horton. Miss Grace Vail. Mr. and Mrs. E. Martin. Robert Martin. Mr" and Mrs. W. A. Rowen, Floyd Love lace Mrs. Ola Martin and Mrs. Vail. . The annual meeting oi the First Christian Church will be held January JT. by which time it is possible that the church will be ready to call a new pastor. The Ren. - S. M. Conner has been acting pastor since the Rev. Max well Hall resigned. e e Rev. Alfred Bates, pastor of the Rev. John Jti. tsoyd, Warrenton and Hammond Methodist churches, was in the city during the week for a shirt visit with friends In Westmoreland, where he formerly was pastor. Rev. Mr. Bates reports excel lent progress in his district. Tha churches and Sunday schools are growing rapidly under his leadership. Especial attention has been given to che work among the young people of the communities, and they have en joyed a number of social gatherings planned by the pastor and his assist ants. Two choirs have been organ ized, one at Warrenton and tho other at Clatsop Plains, and the two Ladies' Aid societies have been re'organizo'l. both of which are doing splendid work. Roseburg Union is act:ve in promot ing the election of Miss Kathryn Clark to the Legislature. Miss Clark is a actlve worker in the organization and a woman of unusual ability. The Douglas County Union, led by Mrs. Ida Marsters, is one of the fore most organizations In reform work. The women in the county are har moniously working for better laws. All organizations are federated closely. Knights of the Tower Have Banquet and Reunion. Presbyterian Men's CInss Entertains (ampfire Girls at Affair at Which Speeches Are Made by Many. THE Knights of the Tower, a class of young men Of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church, celebrated their annual reunion by holding a banquet in the church dining-room. The Camp fire Girls of the church were the guests of honor. The tables, set for 40, were arranged in a hollow square. Overhead festoons of cedar were hung and red bells added attraction. C. S. Ronald and Miss Mar garet Ewing, the teachers of the classes, were present. Roy M. Tate, president of the Knights, was toastmaster. Those responding to the toasts were Ralph Rees, William Deucher. John Dentler, Genevieve Howell, Helen Jones and Helen Galbreath. Mr. Ronald's toast, "Looking Forward Twenty Years." brought peals of laughter. Each mem ber's calling in life was foretold. Before the banquet a short business session was held, at which the follow ing officers for the ensuing year ware elected: President, Ralph Rees; vice president. Chester Crowell; secretary, Ray porter; treasurer, Robert Henley, and sergeant-at-arms, Robert Mon tague. . ' The regular class meeting is from 10 to 11 A. M. Sunday morning. Two evenings a month are devoted to busi ness and social activities. A big "get-together meeting or Junior Endeavorers of Portland will be held Saturday, February 6. at 2:30 o'clock in the Snnnyside Congregational Church, East Thirty-second and East Taylor streets. One of the leaders in this work is Miss Jean Wolverton. She is making plans for the programme for the meeting, which will be attended by children of 14 different Junior En deavor Societies. - During the last two weeks special evangelistic meetings have been car ried on in the Vernon Presbyterian Church bv the pastor. Dr. H. N. Mount, in which he has had the assistance at different times of Dr. George B. Pratt, the superintendent of the Sunday school; A. J. Robinson. of the Young Men's Christian Association; Rev. A. J. Montgomery and Dr. Henry Marcotte. of the Westminster Church. An important feature of the meet ings has been the singing of a chorus choir under tho direction of Roy A. ii j .j r v. Vnrlr Sneeial fea- tures have been introduced, such as the reading or "Tne story oi m Wise Man." by Kev. L. K. Richardson, : . l -. iiiuafi-Atinns: the use of a Fanny Crosby musical programme .. . . . i n.vlB tha and tne aaaress oy rn:u - missionary of the logging camps, on the 12th anniversary of his conversion. The results of the meetings have been considerable, and a large number .. c ..-ni ka rprAlved into the church. Dr. Mount, who came to the church three years ago irora ju,sc..c, has a) united and loyal following, and . i . i v, infliinfA has crown stead ily throughout the section of the city in which it is located, i "e . the church is composed of the follow i 1 1 1 1 -Ruahnoii clrk: A. F. Dar ling. William Brown, C. H. Anderson. A. Spindler, A. r. reierson aim s. Rohrbough. The church, which is at i Vinntl-pnth ATld Wveailt streets, is the outgrowth of a Sunday School organized Dy tne ounoaj "' missionary in a tent about eight years TV, cunHuv School has an en rollment of 310. "The church was first served by the Rev. ueorge fiiair, wnu was succeeded by the Rev. George W. Arms, Jr.. and he. in turn, by the Rev. M. L. Boozer, who was followed by the present pastor. Universalists to Hold Annual Fellowship Meeting. First Pariah to' Select Trustees and Delegates on Friday, Too. Arrangements are being perfected for the annual parish fellowship meet i f thA drat TTniversalist narish. The meeting will be held in the social hall of tho cnurcn. at nroauway uu i - . t... ... i.t-.Vi BtrAAt on H'riri a V night, January 22. Entertaining speak ers will be heard and good music will be a feature. Besides selecting trustees to fill va cancies, delegates will bo chosen for the great Universalist Convention, to be held in Pasadena and Los Angeles i t..i- Tiona win Iia outlined to re ceive and entertain the many delegates and visitors irom an puna m ,-vu.i-try who will visit Portland and the churches of their faith in this city. Rev J. D. Corby is pastor of the church. . x . i c 1. aphnnl riTivpntinn to be held February 25 and 26 for the Multnomah county scnoois, awaiuo iu bo made as follows: Pint premium, blue ribbon. Second premium, red ribbon. To the school having the best exhibit of handwork. To the department having the best ex hibit of handwork. To tho class havta the best exhibit of handwork bated on class enrollment. To tho irl. to 15 years, who exhibits the hfist piece of oriRinal handwork. To boy. to 33 years, who exhibits the beat piecw of original handwork. To the senior organized class making the best exhibit of midweek activity devices. For the best exhibit of original depart mental equipment. To the schojtl having the largest attend ance at the AShvention. those counted re maining throuk-h at least one full session, two books for workers' library. - To the school having the largest at tendance at any one session of the conven tion, remaining throughout tho session, two books for workers' library. To the school making the largest per cap ita pledge to the association, two books on Sunday school management. to me scuuvi n.'iua , .b. centage of its enrollment in a - teacher training ci.i". mcri'B . . j ... . hour, a Bible dictionary or atlas. Any member of any Sunday school who has attended some Sunday school every Sunday during the past seven vears will be presented with a Robert Raikes diploma, provided written ap plication is made to tho county secre tary not later than February 15. Home f rom rnp xnrougn i W Ova S First Congregational Church .Begins Busy New Year. "Family Dinner" After Annual Meet ' ins Foregone la Favor of Silver Offering for Needy. RENEWED interest in the various departments of the First Congre gational Church has come with the New Year, and all branches -of work are progressing. The sermons preached by the pastor. Dr. Luther R. Dyott, are heard each Sunday by large and appre ciative congregations. The annual meeting and rollcall was held Thursday night, January 14, in the First Congregational Church. This meeting, which usually follows a "church family dinner," was in charge of the deaconesses, and took the form of a dinner gathering minus the dinner. Members of the church met at 7:45 In place of 6:30, found their places at the tables, but In place of being served they were asked to provide the means for serving others less fortunate than them selves by leaving a silver offering on their rlates. ' Annual reports were read by all tne officers of the church and its organiza tions. Special interest was (shown In a comparative statement rendered by the treasurer of the church, Thomas Roberts, which showed a gain of $5429.39 raised by the church for benevolences and current expenses over and above that raised In 1908. . The Silver Circle, (One of the leading organizations of the First . Congrega tional. Church, numbering among its members representative women of this church, entertained at luncheon Thurs day all the other women's organisa tions, consisting of the Ladies' Aid Society. Missionary Society, the Wom an's League, the Guild. Chapters 1 and 2, the E. L. House Circle s,nd the Busi ness Girls Club. Decorations consisted of Oregon grape, carnations and poin setttas. Mrs. W. B. Knapp, president of the Silver Circle, presided. The women were assisted in serving by the young women of tlie church. The occa sion proved to be one of the most en joyable of the year, and the members of the circle sustained their Reputation as Ideal hostesses. The Woman's League of the First Congregational Church Tuesday In the parlors of the church held its regular monthly meeting. This society during the past year has given one day a month to sewing for charitable Insti tutions. At present, under the leader ship of their president, Mrs. F. P. Young, assisted by some of the best musical talent of the city, they are planning a concert for the night of January 22, in the auditorium of the church, for the benefit of the Belgian sufferers. With the aid of such artists as George Beechwood. organist; Profes sor F. G. Eichenlaub, violinist; Mrs. Beatrice Hidden Eichenlaub, pianist; Mrs. Pauline Miller Chapman, soprano, and A. H. Currier, baritone, the"re can be no doubt of tho entertainment af forded and the success of the evening. The Business Girls' Club, one of the most active and vital organizations of the First Congregational Church, met at tho Young Woman's Christian Asso ciation Tuesday night for dinner, fol lowed by a visit to the telephone ex change. The membership of this club is not confined to members of this church, but all business girls of the city not affiliated with a similar club are Invited to become members. The meetings of the club on the first Tues day night of the month afford business girls who are strangers In the city an opportunity to become acquainted. The annual meeting of the Guild, chapter 1, was held in the church par lors Thursday. After the meeting and the annual election of officers luncheon was served and a social hour followed The young people of the church were entertained at the' home of Dr. and Mrs. Dyott on Wednesday night. At the White Temple the pastor. Dt W B. Hinson. this morning will preach on "A Maailade Over." The. service L'v" 1' V I JL ' law" ' roArJtifon "' "L I'll J PLAN BUSY SESSIONS FOR WEEK jration Preshvterv to Meet. auioriua, uams iw xucao aim 7va . .. :'-"----.', fc commences at 11 o'clock and. follows the Sunday school. Which opens at :50. Mrs. Chapman will, sing "How Long Wilt ThoAi Forget Me." The Temple Quartet will render "He Send eth the Springs Into the Valleys." Dr. Hinson will preach again in the evening on ' "Christian Science versus the Bible." He will speak to the state ment. "Science and Health or the Bible as a Lie Which?" Special music will be a feature of the evening service. Mr. Becker begins his organ recital at 7-15. The anthem, "Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name," will be rendered by the choir, and Mr. Whipp will sing "The King of Love My Shepherd Is, by Gounod. Rev D. K. Richardson will lecture tonight in the Kenilworth Presbyterian Church on "India." Stereopticon slides will illustrate the address. On Wednes day night Dr. Richardson will speak in the church on "Mormonism." This programme will bo given under the auspices ot the Missionary Society of Kenilworth Church. H Edward Mills, associate pastor . it or thf New Thought Willi v - v,v.. Society of Spokane, Wash., will lecture in Portland tonignt at imn" "Vi , in Eilers building on "Truth. Princi ples and Practice." j Rev. Henry Becker, C. SS. R...of St Michael's parish, of Chicago, has ar rived to be connected with the Holy Redeemer parish on Dekum avenue, in Piedmont. He has received a hearty welcome in this parish. He had been enaged In the Middle West for a num ber of years. Next week the Very Rev. Father Brown, provincial of the Mis souri Providence, will arrive to pay the Holy Redeemer community a visit. This week the parish sustained the loss of Father Thomas Cooney, who took his departure for St. Louis. Mo., to which parish he. has been assigned. He left with the general regret ot tho com munity. : J(. ?llT-4 I English Lutheran Church "I tEV'W - Holds Annual Meeting 1 'f. r r mspuamu i TV St. James Conjrrepration Fleets Dea cons and Other Officials Meports on Work for Year Are Head. THE annual meeting of the congre gation of St. James' English Lu theran Church was held Thursday. The following were elected deacons: H. J. Hansen, L. J. Bader, Charles Bequette and J. Silford Nelson. Those holding over are: F. J. Gerth, F. H. Pageler, George Weigel and William F. Blaes ing. The ushers are: Louis V. Lund berg, J. J. Holm, Selmer Swenson, Karl Strauss, C. Efteland, Earl Gerth and William Glass. George Weigel is the superintendent of the Sunday school; Miss Anna Olson, secretary; Arthur Ol son, badge secretary; George Bracher, treasurer, and Christian Sorenson, li brarian. The pastor's report showed a mem bership of 465 communicant members, with 66 additions during the year. Three hundred and sixty-one communed dur ing the year and 285 were regular con tributors. The pastor officiated at 24 funerals and at 43 weddings. Mrs. A. L. Anderson is the new presi dent of the Ladies' Aid Society and Henry Hartje is the .president of the Brotherhood. Miss Mathilda Mathisen is the president of the Luther League, Mrs. Hattie Jopp Smith of the Young Ladies Guild and Miss Eva Anderson of the Gleaners. The Brotherhood will meet in the clubrooms of the church next Wednes day night for the usual business and social meeting. . The Luther League will give a basket social Thursday night in the clubrooms of the church, a Mrs. J. E. Harvey and Miss Sadie Richweln gave a silver tea at the home of the former, 25 East - Fifty-ninth street, Wednesday, January 13, for the members and friends of Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal Church. Sunday Church Services BAPTIST. First.. White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets Rev. W. B. Hinson, I. !., paator. :45, Bible school; classes for all aKCJi; H, preaching by Dr. Hinson; theme, "A Man Made Over"; 0:30, B. Y. P. U.; 7:30. preach ing by Dr. Hinson; theme. "Christian Science or the Bible Is-a Lie Which?" East Side, East Ankcny and Twentieth streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. JO, Sun day school; 11, preaching by Mr. and Mrs., Rose; Tabernacle meeting at night. Highland, Alberta and East Sixth streets jjorth :45, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30. preaching by Rav. C. F. Mieir; 6:30, B. Y. P. U. East Forty-first Street Rev. A. B. Waltz, pastor. 9 :45, Sunday school ; 3 1, preaching bv Dr. E. A. Woods; 6:o0. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:30, preaching" by Rev. J. D. Springston. Third Knott street and Vancouver avenue Rev W, J- Beaven, pastor. 11. "The Sift ing of Peter";- 7:30, "The Forgiveness of Sins"; other services as usual. Ients-Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. 10, preaching by the pastor; theme, "The More Sure Word of Prophecy; 6:30, B. T. P. U 7:30. preaching by the pastor. Good Will Mission. Boise and Fifteenth street Address toy Mr.-Bain, of Scotland, Tabernacle, East Forty-second street ana - tt? Forty-fifth A.enueR.v. J. Clark Tlbblta ...i.r io ttiki. hil! 11. ureachmg o tllt.Vt.0.r.'..Ll ; ..... hoot z:30 r-1 Ifl V XI ui .s4 AjinTa 0'ci0?k-. L . ... calvary. Ulgnin muu Rev. waiter Daft, pastor. 10, Sunday scpo"' 11, preaching the pastor; o:30. P "V. 'Italian Miralm. Eat Eighteenth and Tlb betts ptreeta Htv. Francesco SannelU. paa tor. 10, Sundij aihool; U. preaching rv" . . t i ,.-i. . y.r. .r service); s. r.rea'chlDg semck; 1:30, short sermon tor Arlota Rev. V. T. 8. Springs, pastor. .. Sunday srhool; 11. reaching by the pastor. :13. B. Y. P.. T.; Trrill, preaching services. Calvary, fciast i:iRmn and wmni Rev. Walter Dull, yaslor. 10. Sunday school. 11. preaching liy the pastor; :30, B. Y. 1. U. 7:30. preaching services. St. Johns Rev: . V. Boroen, -' Services. 11 and t . : . i . ......... j ti..i afreets I.tnden. matnr. Preaching. lo:- and 7:30: Sundas' Knool. V noon; x. U'i'niverslty Park tev. A. C. Kaxton. pas tor Sundav school, 0: 11, preaching o the pastor; 8:30, B. U.; 7:30. preach ing by the pastor. , .,- Second German. Mortis street and Rodney avenue Rev. Frederick Buerrmsn. pstr. Sundav school. 8:43; prtachtng. 11 and 7:30: B-..v- p' V.".J.'.... t r-.,h naa- ...... . . n tor. Sunday school, services. 11 S: B. Y. P. 6:45. Mount Ollvat. Seventh ad Evrtt streets i t T T n A itnAltn t Anden t . KUR3ellvllIe schoolhouse, uU'ler auspicra ot Grace Church. MontaviUa Sunday cnou. .. ...... t I. a,i II 11! .fr.etS Kirs, ticrmsit. rM..' Rev. J. Kratt. rlor. Services, 11 and 7:. Sunday school, :.. .Sellnood Eleventh street and Tacoma t e nueRev. P. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching. II and 7-30- Suild' School, JO, B. Y. P. 0:30. CATHOLIC. 1 t-ni.....ttv Park Rev. C. R Holy Finner. sermon I)w- mass, 8:30; high mass and 1(1:30: vespers and benertlttlon. H. ..i-i i- , Fourth and Mill CM. . ..... . - streets Jesuit Fathers. Low mass. b... ZJZ i 10:30: vespers and iiign tn... . - benediction, 7:30. , , ,. . ii. ,-, nf Marv. Williams ave -a street Rev. W. A. Daly. Low, mass. tt. 8 and : high mass and ser ... kdnav in t Ion. :3U. mon. nciiw; vwn - St! Francis'. Kast Twelfth street between Pine and Oak Rev. ramer u. 1.11. aaa anrl iprmon. pera. instruction and benediction, ' 7 Holy Rosary, East Third and Clackamas streets Very Rev. H. H. Kelly. O. P. 1" .. n i a unri n- men rntbs ahu tronnarl mirt ncnfHl 1CI lull. I .' v" the 11: iYt -.-in. thini Sund sermon anu otrnruiv. ..- ------ , i . I., mnaf hlaVKften B sermon. proces..on u - irs- day evenlnif, holy hour from T: M' Holy u-aeemer. ruru.uu Williams avenue Kedemptorl.t tha. Ilev. Joseph A. Chapotan. pastor I.o mass. B and 8: high mass and sermon. 10:3U. bene- d'CsVnAndreW-s. East N.n.h and Albert, street Rev. Thomas Klernan. W mass. S: high mass and sermo i. 10; vespers. In struction and benediction. 7:"- .,. St. Lawrence's. Third and Sherman streets high mass and sermon. 10:3(1; vespers. In- structlon ana pemuini, v, .d St. Marys Pro-Cathedral. teeM and Davis streets Most Kev. A. Christie. D. D. Uow mass. 6. S and ; high mass and aar mon, 11; vespers. Instruction and benedlc- ""'. ROM. 'Fifty-third and Alameda Rav. Cornelius A. Maker. Low mass and sermon. 10; vespers, instruction and benediction. 7:J0. r-nltol St Clare's (Franciscan Fathers), capnoi Hill Rev. Caplstran. O. F. M. Low mass. 7:30; high mass and benediction. i CHRISTIAN. Montavllla. East Seventy-sixth and Hoyt streeTaRev.- J. Carlo. Ghorm.ey pt.r. Sunday school. 10; preaching. 11. Chrlstl.n Endeavor. 6:.!0; preaching. 7:30, midweek pruyer meeting Thursday at 7:.. ,, Rodney-Avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott street Rev. O. P. Burrls, minister Bible school. 9:45; morning worship. aWn; "Keeping the Vineyard"; christian t-n deavor. 6:30: song .ervice. 7 :3o: evangelistic services. 8; subject. "Anxious Herod Kern Park-R. Tlhbs Max-y. mini, r. Bible school. :4S: morning "'" '' susject. "The nace of Must In 'h?..P1"n, Salvation": christian Endeavor. 0:1". even ing, evangelistic services: subject. A snaa ow of Good Things to Come.' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First, Everett between Eighteenth .nd Nineteenth streets Service.. 11 and ; ub ject of Wesson sermon. "Life" : Sunday school, 9:45 and 11: Wednesday evening meeting. . Second, East Sixth street and Holla lay avenue-Serv.ce., 11 and 8; '""Ject of les son sermon. "Life": Sunday school and 11; Wednesday evening meeting. Third. East Twelfth and Salmon atreeta Services. 11 and 8; .object of lesson Krainn, ..i i..... . K,,rtv school. 11 and 1J.16, Wt ednesday evening m Em. Kourtn. ancouver ----- ..-Services. 11 and 8 ; subject ot l.Mon sermon. "Life"; Sund.y .ehool. i.45 and 11. Wednesday evening meeting. I. Fifth, Myrtle Park SaUn .rv'. subject of lesson sermon, .lin. school, 9:S0; Wednesday evening meeting, s. CIIRISTADEI-I'IIIAN. Woodmen Hall. East sixtieth street Mount Tbor Morning service. 1 1 : lecture. 7.30. sublect. "Life From the Dead. " west Portland Ecclesla. l.1"?'". re,,Services. 10:K(l. Services at 2l t.t Washington street Thursday at i:4j. CONGREGATION Al First. Park and Madison Rev. L. It .Dy ott. minister. Bible school: .10 Y P. S. C. K.; 11. "Tho Humanity ot Uod ; i.l "woodward avenue. East Thlrty-thlrd-ReT. A C Moses pastor. Sunday school. U VTLfcn'rch at Work"; young peop meeUng. 0:30; 7:30. -The '"'c"'t'" ,"'10 belorRevenV. 'pa'.to,"o"ei0; n'Your Krl.nd and M Ard'enwa'.d-Rev T't.. pastor. Sunjly sc7o:3o'; Endeavor. 7 1 Pilgrim Prof et'sor W. M. Proctor, of Pa cific University, acting pastor. Morning. The Parable of the Two Sons"; evening. The Choice of a Life's Cc,mPanlon Highland, East Sixth and Prcscott Rr. E 88 Bollinger, pastor 10. Bundey .chool; 11. "Wanted Where and .How? ; 7:30 Ihe Dangerous Fiction Not In Book."; 8:30. Y. P'sunnVlde. East ,Thlrty-second and . t u...ih nilnr 11 and Tay- T:4.i "he Secret ot Chrlst'llkeness." "The Thorn in the Flesh"; Sunday school, 10; Junior C E.. 3:30; senior C. E.. 8:30. Atkinson Memorial. East Twenty-ninth and Everett Rev. F. W. Oorman, pastor. Bible school 1-4'- Junior Endeavor, 3:30; Senior Endeavor. 8:30; 11 and 7:45 "The Deepest Well in the World," and "Three Fact, ot S'":nlversity Park, Haven near Lombard Rev W C. Kantner, pastor. 10. Sunday school: 11. "Drudgery or Delight, Which?"; 4. Junior Endeavor; 7:30, "Home Longings of the SouL" DIVINK TRVTH CENTER. ' Divine Truth chapel, Selllng-Hlrsch build, ing West Park and Washington streets Rev. T. M. Mlnard. pastor. Service., 11. EPISCOPAL. St Mark'.. Twenty-drst and Marshall streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Rev. j o Hatton. associate. 7:30. holy euchsr Is'f 0:4-, Sunday- school; 10:15. matins: II. holy eucharist and sermon; 7:30. evensong and sermon; week day services dally. 7:30. holy eucharist; Friday, at 8, litany and ad- St ' Andrew's, Portsmouth F. M. Baum, vicar Regular services 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; third Sunday at 7:30. holy com munion. . . , Ascension Chapel, Nineteenth and Spring slrwts Rev. Burr G. Lee. priest In charge. Holy communion, 7:45; Sunday school. 9:20. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr. Thirteenth and Clay streets Very Rev. H. M Ramsey, dean. Holy communion. 7:4.i; Sunday school. 10: morning service. 11: serv ice for colored people. S; evening service. 7 St" Matthew's, Bancroft and Corbett streets Hev. w. A. M. Breck, vicar. Sunday school. 10; service and sermon, 11. Church of our Savior, Sixtieth avenue and Forty-first atreet southeast (Woodstock) Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. Services, t and II and 7:30. Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services, 8 11 and 8: Sunday school. 9:45; Good Fel lowship Society, parUhhouse, Nineteenth and Davis streets. 7 to 7:55. St David's, East Twelfth and Belmont etreets Rev. H. R. Talbot. rctor. 7: SO. celebration of holy eucharist; :4o, Sunday school; U. morning prayer and sermon, 4:30, evening prayer. St. Andrew's, Portmouth Rey. F. M. Baum vicar. Services at 11 and 7:30. Church of St. Michael and All Annli, . . - . I-,.... v.t..1 .freer NnrtlL. Broadway ano. r.i. - -- - i-iuv, X, P. Bowen, Vicar, feundajr ichool t and Bible class, 10: morn I nc rvlre and sermon. II: holr mmmunion. first tSundtv. 11; third Sunday, 7:;tO. Grace liemortal, WcMler and Kaat Keren teenlh streets North Her. tor B. Van car. Holy communion, a. eceptina n first Sunday In tha month; morning prayer and aermon. 11; Sunday school, 10.. .No nln All Saints'. Twenty-fifth and Savler street -Sunday school. 10; moraine prayer and sermon 11; celebration of tha holy enn ui union the first Sunday In the mouth at 11 no m mini rununy m m. lo)d Shepherd, liraham street and Van couver ivfnu Rev. John ltwn. rector. Sunday school. :4.: monilh service, 1 1 , even in ir service. 7:2. St. Paul's, Wood mere Rev. tawsld V. Tavlor. vlrsr. Holy communion, first Sunday of month. H. evening; prayer and sir mon, . except the first Suixlay of month. St. John's, Mllwaukte H-v. Jonn ki". Uravar 9- hnlif rnmmiininn. I first Sunday of month. Samaritan HoupMal Rev. rrrdertck K. How- ira. ens P IH in. rmiy i-innnmnt'in, . , . St, Juhn't. Sell wood Rev. John I vicar, t. holy rommnnln, excrpt on fltPt Knndar of month; 10. Sunday school; 11. morn Inn prayer; 7:J0. evening prnyer; holy communion xira.t eunoay ok momn. MTHKHAN, St James- English. West Park sn.l Jef ferson streets Kev. f. Allen lss. IV I', pastor, services. 11 and ; Sunday 10; Luther league. . German Evangelual Zlon, Missouri Sno.l. Salmon and Chapman slrrets Rev. 11. II. Koppelmann. pa.lor. Services. H !. and 7:4: SundHy school. t I.-.; Installation elder, at the morning service. Danish. I ntoa avenue North and Morrl. nv M i- JfiiMn-lLninnlm. t,sloi. Services. 11 ami ; Himday s. hool and Hlhle C'aSS, 10- vourtg peoples meeiios. iu.i-. SI : Ladles' Aid meet Wednesday at SHli Mrs. Jensen. . Trlnltv German. Missouri Synod. Vllll.ui and Graham avenue. Hev. .1. A. Rlmhsrh. pastor. Services. 10:1.1 ami 7.:I0; humla) school, 8:15. MKTHOIHWT. KPIM'fll'AU Flrst. Twelfth and Taylor Rev. Kisnk l Loveland, D. D.. minister. J.i . "I Seen in the Dai knes." ; 1S:I.1. un'a :1.1. Epvorth League; 7 .10, lb" 1 )'"' clan The Problem of Public Efll. lini y. Mount Tabor. East Sixty fb-st and Slsrk -Rev. K. O. Ehlrldge. pastor. 11 and I.-". "Gods unchanging Love." "The New Wine ; Kn,l.v u'hi Mil. :45: Kpworth lA-ague, e.l". Riwpfaer meeting. Thurs.lay. 7:3". " I ... . . ........1 ..t. ....n.iM .nit etirt' - w ixmiiucK, , w ..... n fourth. 8. E. Kev. Frank James. .astnr. '". Sunday school: II. "Christian vrseeriiiic . 12:15. class meeimg; 7 :m. slereoptli on lee ture. 'The Social Kffeet of Kor.-litn Mis sions"; Thursday. 7:3". ertl.-lemy confereii. c Clinton Kelly. East Fortieth ami i "eii Rev. John parsons, pastor. 11, "Their De sired Haven"; Sunday svhool. 10. 4.1; Euworut League, 8:45; evening servlvo. 7 30. Westmoreland-Hrent.ood Rev. J. U. Thompson, minister. Brentwood, W 4.1. Sun day school, 11. "The Strength of a Strong Conviction"; Weslmorelan.l. ll:.l", Sunilay school; 7:30. "The Supreme Authority 01 Christ": Thursday, 7;3o. jitayer meeting and Bible study. Woodlawn Rev. Louis Thomas. pastor. Sunday school, I"; K. L.. 7: II and 45. sermon to children. "Getting a Living. V Unlveislty Park, Kiske and Lombard - Rev. C. L. Hainlllon, pastor. Sumltiy school. 10; E. 1.., 8:li; 11 and 7:30. "A I oiisccteM'd Personality." "tine Tiling Thou l.sckesl." ...rih Tw.iiiv-.lmh and Savler ltr. C. o. McCullooh. pastor. Morning, "Praver as a Spiritual liynamic ; - ine store r.'-'-'-lent -Way"; Sunday school. 0;45; ICpwoilli League, 8:30. centenary. East Ninth and Kawt PI" ' streets. Hie t'.ow ntown churc h of Hie lia.i Side Rev. T. W. Lane, minister. Sunday school. I:45; mo.'nlug worship. II: sermon by the Rev. E. J. Bulgln. evangelist. 011 "Orthnxody. or What I Believe, and Why I Bell-ve It." Music hy larse chorus. Rose City Park. Sandy boulevard ami Ka"t Fifty-eighth North Itev. W. W. YouiiR.on. minister. 0:45, Sund.y school; 11. "sacrltlce and Miracle"; 7:80, "The Life Worth Liv ing." Central, Vancouver .venue anil Fargo Rev. C. C. Rarlck, pastor. Sunday school. 0:45: "Tha Enthusiasm of God." 11; clans meeting, 12:15: Kpworth League, I:U: "Moral Insanity." !:;; min-weeK stuit, 7:45: brotherhood banquet, Friday. 8.1H. Trlnltv, East Tenth and Sherman Kev. A. B. Calder, pastor. Sunday school, 1; II, 'The Life That Counts"; no evening Bert Ice. METHOIHST KOl'TII. " Flrt Rev. I.orlek Pierce liw, pastor. 11. "The Holy Spirit's Relation to the He- llever In Christ" special l-jpwortn i.caui. service, 8; no evening service. NEW Tlltllt.llT. New Thought Temple of Trul'i. Kllera building. 112 Hroada Rev. Perry Jo.eph Green, minister. lecture, 11. "A Prophecy of a New Age"; 8. "The practlre of Prin ciple." by Edward II. Mills; Truth School. 10; young people's meeting. 7. TRESUYTERIAN. First. Twelfth and Alder streets Het. John H. Boyd, pastor. Preaching services. 10:.ln: Sunday school. 12 noon; Christian Endeavor. ll:30: evening services, 7:3o; ser mon subject. "The Idealism of chrt.llsnlly and the Fibre of Human Nature." -Spokane-Avenue. Ea.l sixteenth and u..., IC v .1 11. .tor II. "Trio lalms of Christ l.pon the' Men of Today "; 1:00, Along too May n 11 .r.u.. OP"n Door to His tJlorv." Fourth. First anil lilbhs Ilev. II. G. Han son, iia.tor. 10:3n, "Church M'-ioberslilp : 12. Sunday school; S. Juniors: tl:.wi. 1.. iw. . 7:.".0. "Ihe Status of the Head"; third In a serle. of "Lsst Things." Vernon. Nineteenth and Wysanl Ilev. II. N. Mount, pastor; Sunday school. Ml; Y. I" S. C. K.. 8:30: 11 and 7:30. "Stoning Jesus." "Christ's Second Touch." Ml, Tabor, F.est FIflv-llfth and Helmonl Rev. W. tl. Moore, pa.lor, Huntley schowl. 0:45; morning worship. II: etenliig .crvlc'. 7:311, "The Thlrf on the cross." Anabel. Fltty-slxlh and Thirl v-. event h avenue, S. K. R.v. A. L. Taxis, pastor II. "The Inconsistent Kxpectsllons of Ihe M'el ern Man"; 7:4.1. "The Alabaster Hoi." Westminster, East Seventeenth and Srhu . jer Kev. 11. Alarcoiir. miniei'-r. j........ God Shall Supply Every Need"; 7:3". Rev. Li. ft. ixienie win iir.i:u, 1.. Thing. SPIKITl AI.IST. First, 201 Allsky building. Third nml Mor. rlsoa streits 3. led are and messag-s bv Mrs. M. E. Congdon; H, lecture and nicssagcs by Mra, Althea Wlescndangcr. VNITAOIAN. Church of Our Father, Broadwav aol Yamhill street Rev. Thomas I.. Kllt. l t , minister emeritus; Rev. William G. Lllot, Jr., minister. Services, 11 and 7:4.1; morn log. "Personal Problems of the Affections ; evening, sermon by Itev. James l. I "tin, Sunday school, 0:30; Young People's Fra ternity, 8:30. IMVKItSAIJHT. Church of the Good Tkll"g. Hroa.lwav and Fast Twenty-fourth slrect Hev. .Ismes D Corby, pastor. Worship, wllh sermon. 111':.- theme. "Why L'lilvernallsls lielleve Christ Saves From Sin, Disease, Ignorance and All That Is Harmful"; sunshine hour Sundav school. 12 noon. Alameda Sunday school. Prescott and East Twenty-fifth street Dr. J. I Jivalley, super intendent. Service, every Sunday el J. INITEU PRESBYTERIAN. First Sixth and Montgomery .treets Rev. Frank DeWltt Klndley, minister. Morn m worship: sermon topic, "A Light for raVr-tac': Bible .chool. 12: Chrl...... Endeavor 8:3": topic, "A Courageous Be glnnmg"' leader. Mlsa Reard-ley: even In. Jervlcea. 7:3"; sermon topic. "A Hook Willi a Marvelous History." MISCELLANEOUS. New Church society (Swedenborglaul, Knlahta of l'vthllis Hall, Eleventh, .nd Al dVr streets-Service and Krn.on. 11. Con ducted bv Mr. Jamleson. Christian V.aa, room 318 Aldngton bulM t,g Third atreet between Washington ami " !'rk Bible class. II: lecture at S on 111. Latest Revelation.." by F. . Garrison Theosophloal Society. 7SU Morgan hlllld- )ng subject for 8. "Tho Courage to aco Inirrallttole." Visit OUR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BOOKS. BIBLES. TESTAMENTS MAPS. BUTTONS. CARDS CERTIFICATES. ETC. 131)4 X3i. Blll do. THIRD AND ALDER STREETS I