THE SUNDAY OREGONTAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 6, 1914. 6 THE INCOMPARABLE BED WARMER mHOTWATERBOnLEL FOUNTAIN SYRINGE PILLS AND PELLETS ROLL BY THOUSANDS OUT OF MACHINES Manufacturing Department of Wholesale Drug House Makes 70,000 Tablets Daily, Fills Hundreds of Cans of Toilet Powders and Extracts Beneficial Juices From Boots and Barks to Heal Miseries of Mankind. UP TO the year 1896 the Laboratory of the Blumauer-Frank Drug Com pany was in a sort of primitive state. At the time 01 us inception mo total amount of space covered for the purpose of manufacturing preparations was a little corner not more than 12 feet square in the Wilson building on Fourth street, near Alder. A superin tendent and only one helper had entire charge. The department gradually grew from day to day, as new preparations were added, until on the completion of the new annex adjacent to the old buildintr. the entire third floor of the new structure was allotted for the manufacturing department. One by one. new machines were In stalled and steadily the line of phar maceuticals, remedial preparations and toilet articles grew until a full stock was prepared and marketed under the name of "The B. F. D. Remedies and Toilet Requisites." A great many staple pharmaceuticals were also in troduced and sold in large quantities to the dealers throughout the territory. On the removal to the present build in, the fourth floor covering one quarter block, was dedicated to the manufacturing department. A contln uous growth has cramped these quar ters so that there is now barely room to produce the output required. At this time it became apparent that a trade name for the various efficient preparations produced by the company should be established. A name origi nated by H. J. Frank, president and manager of the company, was then adopted "Purola." This was in Jan uary, 1913, and gradually the B. F. D. line was converted into the "Purola" line, done up in handsome and uniform packages. Line Everywhere In Favor. This line was given publicity throughout the territory of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, Alaska and Honolulu and everywhere it has met with favor. The "Purola" preparations have been inaugurated with superlative quality as a basis and the greatest business in tegrity enters into their makeup. They have met with great favor among the dealers, who are assured of a contin uous trade from their customers after recommending these goods. "Purola" serves as a link in the friendship that binds them to their customers. Each is sold with an absolute money back guarantee and the dealers throughout the entire territory are in structed to refund the full retail price of any preparation sold under the "Purola" brand that does not give ab solute satisfaction. This Insures the customer of the absolute quality of goods under this brand as the burden of proof is put uuon the manufacturer. "Purola" remedips and toilet articles are carried by most dealers and are backed by the maker's guarantee. The twenty-five years' reputation of straightforward business qualifications of the Blumauer-Frank Drug Company, producers of this line, stands back of every preparation sold under the "Pur ola" trade-mark. Any person could, with interest and profit. pass an entire day on the fourth floor of the Blumauer-Frank building watching the many manufac turlng- processes. Here is a dlstin tegrator, which travels at a speed of 3400 revolutions per minute, as it grinds barks and seeds. There is an almost innocent-looking machine that will transform bulk powder materials of any constituency into tablets of any conceivable size. This clever device will turn out 125 tablets a minute, or more than 70,000 during a continuous working day. The "sifters" used to sift the pow ders, particularly face powders, have 120 meshes to the inch. Another ma chine, in which rocks are tossed about, has first converted the original powder into one that is almost indivisable. After watching the tooth paste mixer, ointment mixer and simi lar mechanisms, the visitor is at tracted to machines where pastes are automatically crowded into tubes that are hermetically sealed as soon as they are filled. At each turn another ma chine throws out 50 suppositories. Ponder Canned by Machinery. By pulling a string, a pretty girl in the powder-room, dressed in white in keeping with the general atmosphere about her, draws a stated quantity of powder by machinery from a reser voir and fills it into its can. This machine effects a saving of 80 per cent in labor. If one grows tired of these processes he Is at liberty to step across to the effervescent salt plant or where the famuus Robertine liquid face powder is made. Near by is the drying closet where immense batches of powder are being prepared for the tablet-making machine. And there also is the water still, connected with a regulated steam system which operates five gallons of distilled water each hour. In order that the medicinal qualities may be incorporated thoroughly and to prevent the liability of fire, also to overcome the danger of scorching the material used in salves and similar preparations that are affected by di rect heat, the salves are heated by unusual-looking stoves that have a large number of coils hidden beneath their flat surfaces. The heat energy used in the manu facture of syrups and elixirs is Jacket ed carefully, obviating the danger that comes from direct flames. Immense percolators extract the ac tive constituents of the drugs through the agency of alcoholic menstruums of different strength, which penetrate the cells of the drugs slowly. The finished product obtained re sults from the slowly diffusing of the alcohol menstruum of various strengths with glycerine or glycerine and water, or other vehicles through these im mense percolators. Possibly the biggest money saver in the entire plant Is the alcohol still, which recovers the alcohol after the drug has thoroughly been exhausted. It requires a certain amount of alco hol to exhaust the active ingredient of nearly all drugs. After the drug lias been thoroughly deprived of the extractive material the waste alcohol that remains in the drugs is recovered. This single piece of machinery re duces the cost of the different prep arations, such as extracts, elixirs, ayrups and tinctures. Goods Carefully Checked. A strict check system is used by the Blumauer-Frank Company to avoid any mistakes. Each parcel is checked first by the chemist who makes It and then by the foreman who supervises its filling, before it is transmitted to the finishing room. Here the foreman hands out the proper labels and wrap pers. But before these are placed on the respective preparations, the goods are again Inspected and O. K.'d by the foreman in charge. Then they are packed, finished, labeled and wrapped. Every label is cross-indexed to facili tate dispatch as well as provide cau tion. All of the printing, including the color work on the "Purola" packages Is done in a well-equipped printing es tablishment adjoining the laboratories. The toilet preparations are done up in two shades of blue and a gold. Every package, even the jar cover, is stamped with the name "Purola." special moulds being made for the glassware. The medicine bottles, manufactured on the Pacific Coast, and the tinware specials also carry the trade mark of purity coined by Mr. Frank. "Purola" products embrace house bold and toilet preparations. Fharma- l Row of IT Pnmp-FlIHng OH Tanks Which Operate on the Bowser Self Measuring System, Insuring Dispatch, Cleanliness and Economy of Ma terials. - The EnBine-Room Showing the Percolators and the Drying Closet. - ceutical lines powders, compressed tablets, solutions, tinctures, elixirs and syrups are prepared under the label of B. F. D. (Blumauer-Frank Drug Com pany), These goods are prepared for the dealers to dispense. Oils of various descriptions are taken care of by the oil tank system on the fourth floor. In the olden days, when an order for 10 gallons of turpentine came in, it was necessary to make sev eral trips with a bucket and then it was difficult to make certain of exact meas ure. This old-fashioned way involved a loss of materials and kept the prem ises and the workmen forever smeared with dirt, grease and oil. Under the self-measuring pump-filling system all one needs to do is to set the needle indicating how much oil is needed, turn the crank, and the filling will be done automatically without any possibility of spilling the materials and scattering dirt. Each of these tanks cost the Blumauer-Frank Drug Company J10O. There are 17 in the Portland building, making it probably the largest tank filling outfit on the Pacific Coast. In one section of the floor, Mr. Stock, manager of the laboratory, called atten tion to the "gold mine." It was a series of closets containing the crude material for the manufacture of perfumes. These contained many of the foreign synthetics and high-grade floral odors, many of them running in price from J50 to J80 per pound. These, when manipulated properly and blended thoroughly, make the famous line of "Purola" perfumes a product which is no small factor in this Important line. 'Jewelry to Autos" Is Range of New Cleanser. Solution of "H. H." Soap Will Ren ovate Furniture nnd May Even Be Used as Shflrupoo. rfi HE "H and H" cleaning compound I is so scientifically made that it will clean practically everything from jewelry to automobiles. The solution is made by dissolving one cake of "H and H" soap in six quarts of hot water. This constituent is of proper strength for most pur poses, being sufficient to clean 12 yards of carpet- Before using "H and H," the colors in goods should be tested with clean hot water. If hot water does not affect the colors neither will "H and H." Here are some of the articles that "H and H" will renovate: Lace, cur tains and draperies, flannels, cotton, woolen and mixed goods or clothing, silks, ribbons, plush, straw, fur goods, hats, caps, carpets, rugs, billiard and pool cloth's, pianos, mahogany furni ture, cane willow or wicker ware, pic ture frames, furniture, woodwork, mir rors, window glass, hard dry paint brushes, shoes, harness and leather goods, hard finished painted walls and ceilings, oil paintings, painted wood work, bathroom fixtures, tiling, marble and various toilet, cooking and laundry utensils. The company has many testimonials as to Its efficiency for shampooing pur peses. ROSE GARDEN" SCEXT BOTTLED Myriads of German Flowers Are Grown for Perfume. THE pioneer firm of Heine & Co., of Leipsig, Germany, holds a foremost position among the German manufac turers of natural ana artiticiai scents for perfumery and soap-making. The company was founded consider ably more than half a century ago by Dr. Karl Erdmann Heine. Step by step the volume of the company's business doubled and redoubled, until now it re quires two great factories at Leipzig and Groba, Germany, and maintains branches at Berlin, New York. Paris and Calcutta. At selected spots in different parts nt PxrnnA thA Heine comnanv now conducts rose harvests, pasmin har vests, tuberose harvests and harvest of orange blosoms, cassie. lavender and violets. The largest flower garden in the world, which has been for years the center of culture of flowers for perfumery, encircles the small town of Grasse in the mountains close to the sea in Southern France. Enormous quantities of sweet-scented flowers of nearly all varieties are cultivated there annually. The great Heine plant also imports large shipments of such in digenous and foreign drugs as sandal wood and mustard seed. ONLY HOT WATER BOTTLE ON EARTH that will keep your head, feet and body warm the entire night without refilling. HOLDS BOILING HOT WATER. CANNOT LEAK. LASTS A LIFETIME. Sold by leading drug and department stores. BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG 00. Wholesale Distributors Portland, Or. These trade-mark crisscross lines on every package. Cresco Grits and Barley Crystals BREAKFAST AND DES SERT CEREAL FOODS For Cases of Stomach, Intes tine, Kidney and Liver Troubles. Delicious food for sick or well. Unlike other goods. Ask your physician. Leading gro cers. For book or samples, write Farwell & Rhines, Water town, N. Y., U. S. A. Blumauer-Frank Drug Co., Wholesale Distributors. FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine double strength is guaranted to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine double strength from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morn ing and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dis appear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beau tiful, clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove trees: les. Blumauer-Frank Drug Co., wholesale distributors. Richmond's Samaritan Nervine If you are nervous, don't sleep well, suffer from Epilepsy, Fits, St. Vitus Dance, or any nervous ailment, Samari tan Nervine, the Great Nerve Conquer or, is the medicine to take. Made Only by THE DR. S. A. RICHMOND NERVINE COMPANY St. Joseph, Missouri, U. S. A. Trade Supplied by Blaumer-Frank Drug Co., Portland, Oregon. Send 10c postage for free trial bottle direct to makers. Facsimile Tm '.r -m ttuZ Packages "S fi?,r jLftrf as sold 3j I liliM'fuf.HM Warner's Safe Remedies have proven their worth as superior medicines bi more than thirty-five years', world-wid- use. They have given remarka! le re sults in the treatment of nu.nber less severe and almost helpless cases. The words of praise from the many who have been benefited by thir use prove their great value. Warner's Safe Remedies are care fully prepared and absolutely pure Each for a Purpose 1- Wont'i Safe Kidney sad Liver Ren- dy 2- Wmr' Safe Rheumatic Remedy 3- Warner'. Safe Diabetes Remedy 4- Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy 5- Warner's Safe Nervine 6- Warner-. Safe Pill. OBSESS") Write for a free sample giving the nun ber of 3LJ1 remedy desired to WARMER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO. Dept. tOO Rochester. N. Y. Freckle Ointment Positively removes Freckles and All Discolorations, giving Beautiful Complexion. Two Sizes, 50c and $1.00. Dr. C H. Berry Co., Chicago BLUMAUER-FRANK Manufacturers DRUG CO., Wholesale Distributors JACK LONDON SAYS: (WE QUOTE THE FOLLOWING LETTER BECAUSE IT REPRESENTS THE DEFINITE EXPERIENCE OF AN INTELLIGENT INDIVIDUAL WITH A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION A MAN WHO IS FORCED TO MEET UNKNOWN TROUBLES AND MUST BE PREPARED TO HANDLE THEM. WE HAD NO IDEA THAT MR. LONDON HAD EVER HEARD OF CHINOSOL) GLEN ELLEN, SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, May 7, 1913. "Traveling as I do in the out of the way places of the world, it has been compulsory that I should learn the value of drugs and be prepared to meet emergencies and believe me those emergencies arise incessantly. With no possibility of help from outside civili zation, I must carry with me the things that I may need. The principal demand is for a remedy which will take care of cuts, bruises, burns, guard against poison ivy, in fact, a reliable anti septic which I can and do use at the very moment of injury. I previously carried several antiseptics. I now carry but one and that one is Chinosol. It is the best of them all convenient, ridicu lously cheap, most efficient, cannot poison me nor my dogs easy to carry in my pocket can be applied in two seconds. The instant application of Chinosol has prevented many serious results. In the treatment of poison oak Chinosol is invaluable. Mm. London has tried every remedy that has ever been suggested. She obtains more relief from Chinosol than all of the others combined. Chinosol is the most efficient antiseptic that 1 have ever found and my fellow sportsmen and explorers may thank BM for telling them so." Yours sincerely, (Signed) JACK LONDON. ChINOSOLT- most powerful antiseptic known to chemistry and non-poisonous. Obtainable From Blumauer-Frank Drug Co., Portland, Or., or From omroaeti co. PARMELK PHARMACOL CO. M SOUTH ST.. N. Y. WHOLESAIG DISTRIBUTORS. We Make Exceptionally EASY TERMS on Soda Fountains and Carbonators We are sales agents for the well known "Liquid" line of soda fountains manu factured by The Liquid Carbonic Company. Their Chicago factories are the largest independent soda fountain factories in the world. With these splendid facilities for delivery we are able at the present time to make unusually liberal terms on soda fountains and carbonators. This includes all of our regular stock soda fountains, both marble and wood, and in most any lengths. The proposition that we want to make to you is so easy that you can have a soda fountain installed immediately by simply making one small first payment as evidence of good faith. Then you are welcome to operate your brand new soda fountain all Winter when it will undoubtedly pay you good profits dur ing the hot soda season. Then Start paying us for it next Spring. This offer is in effect now, but may be withdrawn at any time. We advise our friends on the Coast who are contemplating purchasing a soda fountain, to get in touch with the B. F. Drug Co. salesman at once. Talk to him while our stocks are complete so that no time need be lost. "Liquid" Carbonators Our same liberal proposition on soda foun tains made above applies to the entire line of "Liquid" carbonators. We carry them in elec tric, hydraulic, belt drive and hand power styles. Why not order a "Liquid" carbonator into your store this week. You can have it set up and equipped quicker than you ever thought possible. Ask for Our Catalogue We shall be glad to mall you a copy of our elaborate soda fountain catalog to any address. This cat alogue explains the manufacture of our soda fountains and carbonators In detail and (Ives a complete de scription of our many styles of wood and marble soda fountains and other equipment. The catalogue Is free. Ask for a copy at once or ask the B. F. Drug Co. salesman to explain our liberal soda fountain and carbonator offer next time he calls. This is the front of our 12-foot all marble PEERLESS OUR CATALOG is sent FREE to any address and describes our com plete line. SBBsasBBl BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUO 00. Northwest Wholesale Distributors Are You a Woman? TAKE Cardui The Woman's Tonic Blumauer-Frank Drug Co.. Wholesale Distributors