11 THE SUNDAY OBEBOSlAy. PpmAm TUXE 23. lfll. ... - i .v rAaral T?nfftAl Tte.CW. IDA I WO nirTHM, J , S2.50. Illustrated. Frederick A. blokes company, -n- w - Tremendous interest ia being awak ened as to the commercial and political relations between the United States and the various countries of South America, a naftioiilnrlv Rn since the ad rent of the Panama Canal. The text Is being discussed in newspapers, mag azines, lectures and ordinary conversa- whv should the countries of South America distrust us? What can we do as producers to persuade oouin Amer icans to allow us Into their markets i ,,,,,.. nl.olinra than before? ju '1'"' ,w.v These questions and many others are satisfactorily answered in mm mumm ing, conservatively written book of 324 pages, with SI illustrations from pho tographs. It.is really a mine of skil fully arranged information, attractive i., in rnmnrphenfiible English. I y ... - r- - General Keyes is ex-president of the Kepubuc i voiomuia, mm o K' " sonaljv in command of the Colombian expedition to put down the Panama re bellion which was turned back by American warships acting on orders from Washington. D. C. Naturally, General Reyes takes care that Colom bia does not suffer in his presentation of the controversy. Yet General Reyes cannot be accused of being a revolu tionary. He has shown enough con fidence in the Lnited States to have his two sons educated in this country. In the more important interior regions of South America General Keyes has been an intrepid explorer, and two of his brothers lost their lives in that exploration field. The general view he takes is friendly and optimistic. He thinks that "every country must conform to the high order of civiliza tion imposed upon it by the demands of universal peace and good will. The Kepublics of Argentina, Brazil and Chile have shown, in a manner worthy of emulation, the practical wisdom of diverting the energies of the people from the harmful pursuits of civil wars to the more beneficial occupation of de veloping the national industries." The chapter heads are: My Visit to Europe, In Paris, In the United States, My Early Explorations, The Panama Canal. From New York to Brazil. In Bragil, In Bahia and Jlio de Janeiro. City and State of Sao Paulo, Through Brasil by Land to the River Plate, The Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Repub lic of Chile. Argentine Republic In Camp and City, Argentine Conditions, Progress and Culture, Argentine Com merce and Finance, Republics of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. The book is a translation from the Spanish; with added notes by Leopold Grahame. A HItorv of Connecticut, by George L. Clank. Illustrated. S3.50. G. P. Put nam's Sons, New York City. "With 110 illustrations and three maps, this history of the land called by the Indians "Qiianeh-ta-cut" Uhe long tidal river) and known to modern Americans as Connecticut, will com--.. ,i -aanAri and n careful reading. It is not only a perfect storehouse of early and modern New England his tory, but it goes back to the dark ayes of the Mesozoic period, when the land was the romping ground of gi gantic dinosaurs. It is interesting to read of the method by which the early American settlers In what is now the State of Connecticut bought land from the ignorant Indians. On page 18 of tnis book we read that November 24, 1638, these settlers bought of "Momaguin. the sole sachem of the region, a large tract, paying Tor it 12 coats of English cloth, 12 brass spoons, 12 hatchets, 24 knives. 12 porringers, and four cases of French knives and scissors. In De cember, they bought a tract 10 by 13 miles, north of the former, a tract which now includes parts of New Haven, Branford, Wallingford, East Haven, Wootlbrldge. Cheshire. Hamp den and North Haven. For the second lot the payment was 13 coats, with liberty granted to the Indians to hunt within the lands. In the Summer of 1639, they met in Robert Newman's barn, and In a formal way laid the foundations of their permanent gov ernment." The brave part which Connecticut played in helping to lay the founda tions of civil government in our coun trv, in the War of the Revolution; and particularly in our Civil War from 1861 to 1865 where Gideon Welles, General Nathaniel Lyon, Major-Gen-eral John Sedgwick and others gained imperishable glory are all fully recorded. The philanthropic instttu' tlous and insurance business of the state, its literature, art fend agricul ture receive also adequate notice. In short, we meet with useful his tory concerning people and institutions, of a kind not usually met with in or dinary records of the past. There are many New England people in this region, particularly people from "the land of steady habits," and to all of them and also the general reader, this book can be cordially commended. The pages are 609. Too Never Knew Your Luck by Sir Gilbert Parker. 1.25. George H. Do ran Co., New York City. A novel by such a distinguished writer as Sir Gilbert Parker is a not- aoie event. Me rcian mv -"The Right of Way." "The Seats of the Mightv." "The Weavers." etc. "You Never Know Tour Luck" is based on an old plot of this author a portrait of a married man living among strangers, far from his native town, and passing as a bachelor, until he is suddenly discovered to be a wretch of a married man. The story has search ing analysis of character, grip, pathos, and little or no humor. It is too stately for the latter quality. It pictures fine sacrifices and a purified, noble love. Askatoon, Western Canada, a prairie town on the pathway to the Rockies, is the scene of the novel. The heroine is Miss Kitty Lynan, and this is her picture: "She was a symphony in gold nothing less. Her hair, her cheeks, her skin, her laugh, her voice they were all gold. Everything about her was so demonstratively golden that you might have had a suspicion it was made and not born: as though it was unreal, and the girl herself a proper subject of suspicion. The eyelashes were so long and so black, the eyes were so much like a topaz, and the little glint of gold In a tooth, the one weak member of an otherwise perfect array, that an air of faint artificiality surrounded what was in every other way a remarkable effort of nature to give this region, where she was so very busy, a keynote." Kitty's father had been an Irishman, an engineer, who had lost his life in a railroad accident. Kitty's mother kept boarders, and one of them gave his name as James Gathorne Kerry. The latter had boarded with the Lynana for four years and had become a part of Kitty's lire. Just because he was a man and what is home without a man?' perhaps because he always had a kind, quiet word for her, and some times a word of buoyant cheerfulness; indeed, he showed in his manner oc casionally a boisterous hilority. Augustus Burlingame. a lawyer, had also boarded with Mrs. Lynan and her daughter, and when his conduct be came objectionable toward the women he was "fired'' from the house by Kerry. - Other boarders were Jesse Bu brusn,and handsome woman named Egan. a professional nurse. Kerry is, also Known aa SMcl Croiier. 'Not until you make men elf struggle fonder of struggle than of help not till men nave you relieved poverty." Phillips Brooks. i i , i I. P ' tffi'4 He is absorbed in a land deal which will mean a profit of $150,000 on an in- . . . tiA Ana a trial for murder breaks up the placidity of the story. A man had oeen ituiea oy one i m group of toughs, called locally the Macmahon gang, and Kerry's evidence was supposed to be enough to hang the accused man. Burlingame was counsel lor tne accuticu aim .v . v. i. . venge' on Kerry, when the latter was called as witness: in the murder trial. Burlingame makes Kerry ten tne story , utA nnHr n t h Tt seems that Kerry's name in Ireland was James Shiel Gawthorne crozier, ana mat i. .. rn Hltt r.trnl i'r estate Of CaS- tlegarry. County Kerry, Ireland. He was a married man. but had lived so un happily with his wife that he left her. He was addicted to gambling on horse races, and when he bet nearly all the money he then had in the world some J12.500 on a horse tnat iauea to tome in winner, he left Ireland for Canada. , , ji j ahntit hla Ttust life. no uiu jivi . but was accepted as a bachelor, and made his living as a horse-trader. Now, Kerry ano ainy nau mi inau ,n ithr hut there is no doubt about it that,' although no word of love had been spoken, they did love each other. . The accused murderer is louna gumy nrt his erane shoots Kerry as he leaves the courthouse. Kitty nurses the wounded man back to health, and by accident finds out his wife's address In Ireland. Kitty has the chance to bring to gether the husband and wife, and at the same time may secure Kerry for herself. The novel gives the answer. Chlnuok-EngliKh fong, translated and ar ranged by Laura B. Downey-Bartiett. "0 ccnu. The J. K. Gill Co.. Portland. Or. Pioneers of Oregon (and may their shadows never grow less) do not re quire to be told the meaning of the "Chinook" language. But young folks coming from other and more Eastern ...... : . . ti,u miHnn ii i ;i v be par doned from asking the question. Here is what Webster's dictionary says about the word "Chinook:" "A Jargon of words from various lan guages (the largest proportion or which is from that of the Chinooks) generally understood by all the Indian tribes of the northwestern territories, m United States." TtrD Tjnira R Tin wn ev-Bartlett has done a public service of value in writ ing this little boon 01 u pae, umw in English and Chinook the wbrds of it fun.il!iii enn tra anA hvmnS. all loV'ed by our Oregon pioneers, spoken in early Oregon days, ana sung a. 10 unions of these pioneers. English ap .. ...s nn nana nri its eaulvalent in Chinook on the other. For Instance take the song "America.' Beginning "Mv country 'tis of thee." The first verse in Chinook Is given thus: . "Nika illahee,- kah-kwa. mika, T'see illahee. wake e-ll-te, Kah-kwa mika. nika shunta. Illahee, kah nika papa mamsloos, Illahee, klosh tellicum cnaco; L'aA.lrwIllA Vimn WRV lemOti Mamook wake e-li-te tin-tin." k . ih chinnnk-Knallsh songs thus treated are: "Old Kentucky Home," "The Last Rose of Summer, ' "JHen noit, "Lilly Dale," "Good Night. Ladies," "Comin' Thro the Rye," "Nearer, My God. to Thee." "On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand," etc. "Th, r.htojt in nresentinir to til pub lic this little book of Chinook transla tions of folk-lore songs." writes Mrs. Bartlett, "is with the hope that it will interest the rising generation and thereby assist in perpetuating the life of the Chinook Jargon, which has filled such an important part In the early life of the pioneers of this great Northwest, How much of a success would it be, if many Of us learned enough Chinook to ott.nH the next pioneers' reunion and join in the chorus singing!" 1 Mrs. Bartlett, wno can ue luuuu oem Xln,t-nan street, is SO much of & Chinook enthusiast that she says she is willing to give, tree 01 cnarge, in struction in Chinook to all who are willing to learn. She undertakes a big contract. poetical Bok of garden SS. T JS WPPincott Co.; Phil.det phla, - . .. .j , niaH The one iMPgant. anu ' " ... . - -artistic book on garden architecture. ... . i i 1. annnl In tills country. i ne wwv "i ; . ...iAniM hist nwn lor tne owner " property, large or small, for the owner employing a proressiunai bal,,rl1 . . . i- ; .....Iciii- istudent CllltCCt, 1U! VllC Kllioi, i.v-. and garden enthusiast Everything is presenlea in exquisite taste. mv is the result of years of study In con nection with a regular college course, the art course at the Philadelphia School of Design, and from a natural love for out of doors, especially Na ture's beauty places. 330 pages and numerous Illustrations. Croos Trails, by Herman Whftaker. S1.20i . . . .. i. baithan ltfw V HT-ll tt v In warm Summer weather this novel is grateful, comforting, interesting. It . m 1 ... n nniilru.t. . Tt tnl I is una v. i ijigobou. . . - -- of the snow and ice of a bleak Hud son Bay lumDermg camp ana piuiu. scenes so cold that well, it is com forting on an exceedingly warm Sum mer day to read "Cross Trails." which is more cooling than an electric fan. Gabrielle Ferrier. Montreal, traveling through the Hudson Bay country, misses the weekly mall train and sud dcnlv finds herself in a wild frpntier lumber camp, face to face with her hus band from whom she had been sep arated. They had fought, virtually, as they left the marriage altar. , - i ... .In, m sots iti ami A lurious wiuw ii, - Gabrielle rinds icrscll Enow.-fcounO, un - reliant, intelligent and fond of able to get away from her husband. i i .. , . irtulMn.., tA li 1 m one is no .uvi " 1 . . . and why he continues to love such a young woman of roTDiaaing aspecto i a mystery. Templetbn, a young Eng lishman, falls in love with Mrs. Ferrier, and they elope. In the pursuit through the snow her husband finds Gabrielle, and then . Whew! Where Balls the Oregon, by Dallas tore Sharp. Illustrated. (l.iS. Houghton. Miff lin & Co., Boston. "Portland is a city beautiful for sit uation; Oregon is a state of vast mag nificence; and the glory of city and state is Mount Hood. Mount Hood, from Portland, is one of the perfect things of the world. For pure spirituality, for earth raised incorruptible and clothed upon with the holiness of beauty. Mount" Hood, as seen . in the heavens from the heights of Portland, is incomparable." So says Mr. Sharp in one of his es says, "Mount Hood From Council Crest," forming one of the literary gems of this delightful book about Ore gon. Tliero are 11 essays in all, pic turing our Oregon, and especially tho birds of it. The entire offering Is one of singu lar charm, throughout its entire 245 pages. Some of the essays appeared originally in Atlantic Monthly, Country Life in America and St. Nicholas and the book is dedicated thus: "To my friends, William L. Finlcy, State Game Warden of Oregon, and Herman T. Bohlman, lover and photographer of wild life." Most of the 19 pictures of Oregon scenes shown are reproduced from photographs by Mr. Finley and Mr. Bohlman. Two of the photo graphs are by George M. Wctster. Here at last is a flidt-class, modern book about our Oregon, a book that honors its subject and advertises it to the best advantage. -Mr. Sharp is a Boston literary man. Thine, bv Alico Doer Miller. 50 cents. Charles Scribner's sons, iow York city. A snort story so delicately fashioned, so lrcart-searching that It- will have tremendous appeal to tired and har assed American wives and mothers, presiding over busy households. Mrs. Royce, wealthy, educated, but the pos sessor of tired nerves of which she was ignorant, is suddenly confronted with a rebellious daughter. A great alienist, or mind-doctor, is called for consultation. A, surprising story of household worries is told, with sur passing literary Bkill. The Hirt et the Antarctic, by Slf Ernest H. Shackleton. Illustrated. $1.30. J. B. i.ip- plncott Co.. Philadelphia. This is the enthralling, moving story of the British Antarctic Expedition of 1907-1909. and is a new and revised edi tion, with illustrations in color and black and white. The book is the most important in South role geography published this year, and in addition to its excellent literary value, the pop ular price ougltf to be another recoup mendation, especially as the original edition in two octavo volumes, sells for ?10. The Story of The Panama Canal, by Logan Marshall. Illustrated. The John C. Win ston Co., Philadelphia. There have been several admirable books published on the progress of the Panama Canal, and there will undoubt edly be more, but from among them, Mr. Marshall's book, from a popular point of view, will win Instant and de serving recognition. The general story is told simply and naturally. The pages are 286, and the illustrations num ber. 46. Stories of Kussian Ufe, by Anton ScheloK. fl.Bi. Charles Scribnefs Sons, Hew York City. Tolstoi once said that four plays written by Tchekoff were comparable only to tho work of Maupassant. Here we have two doaen short stories of Russian life, now translated for the first time into English, stories that are noted for feeling, 'humor, and charm ing sentiment. -They are new modern classics worth knowing. The reaeock leather, by Leslie Moore. fl.SJ. O. P. Putnam's Sons, New "iork City. Can a man sentenced to Jail for a crime of which ho may be innocent be received by society, afterward? Ought he to get abuse or roses? The hero is Peter, and 'he is English, and an author of note. How he works out his salvation is told with tremendous appeal. "The Peacock . Feather" is one first-class novel out of hundred. As It Is la Knelaad. bv Albert B. Osborne. IIIUBUIIICII. Mu.awb, -' ' New York City. A handsome, elegantly fashioned book which will make an acceptable gift to a person of cultivated taste. Rural and beautiful England Is dis cussed, and for once the large English towns are passed by. The pictures are handsome ones, and the descriptive writing has charm. 304 pages. JOSEPH M. QUEN'TlN. WOMEN VOTERS ARE SHY Club leaders Say They Are Content ed to let Men Have Offiees. ST LOUIS, June 44. Shyness reigns in the women's clubs 6f East St. Louis since the Illinois Supreme Court upheld the woman suffrage law, giving the women the right to vote and to hold certain offices. It is not likely, according to several members of the clubs, that any at tempt will be made to elect Women 16 olfice this year. They declarethey are contented to work for the candidates they favor among the men for the present. Mrs L. O. Whitney, president of the Women's Civic Federation in East St. Louis, when asked if she knew of any wbnien Who wbuld file lot nominations in the city primary, said: "The women of East EL Louis feel toward their new power to hold clvle office like a young man Just coming into his majority does shyness per sonified reigns in the women's clubs when a woman is mentioned as a good candidate for city clerk. Judge of the Juvenile Court and other offices open te them. "The women of East St. Louis are not ready yet to take civic offices, and It is doubtful if any of them will file for offices this year. "I think that women realize that thev can do more here by using good judgment in picking good candidates among the men for a while. It has not been our policy to usurp the power of the men. but only to guide civic afrairs Into the channels of what Women think aro right. , "The women may be organized here sufficiently""by the county elections In November to rile a ticket, but I do not think any organized campaign will take place until next year." - Sunday Church Services (Continued From Page 10 "Heroism": music iy Firemen's Band: Sun day school, :46; Epworth League, :43. Laurelwood, Blxty-thlr S. E., near Fos ter roadRev. V. E. Willing, pastor. Sun day school. 9:45: 11, "The Hands ot Jesus"; S, "Soul Writing": -Epworth League, i. Mount Tabor. East Klxty-flrst and Stark Rev C. L. Hamilton, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45'; K. L T; 11, "Prayer and Tears"; 8, "The Christian Home." Epworth. Twenty-sixth ana Savier- Rev. C O. McCulloch, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; ti. "Wanted By the World"; 8, address, Mr. Baker; Epworth League. 7. . Woodlawn Rev Louis Thomas, pastor. Sunday school, 10; E. L., 7:13; preaehing. 11 and B; prayer meeting, Thursday evening. Central, Vancouver avenue and Fargo Rev. C C. Rarick, pastor. Sunday achool. 9:45; "The Untroubled Heart." 11; cliias meeting. 12:15: Epworth League, 7; "Mex ico." 8; mid-week service. Thursday, 8. Fatten. Alberta and Michigan Rev. G. F. Hopkins, pastor. Sunday school, 10; Epworth League. 8:45; 11, "A Man God Can RelJ On"; 7:45. "Whose Son?"; midweek meet ing. Thursday evening. Trinity. East Tenth and Shrman Rev. A. B. Calder, pastor. Sunday achool, 10: . L.. 7': 11, "Communion Address"; 8, "Tho Healing' Touch." First Norwegian-Danish, Eightwmth and Hoyt Rev. Ellas OJerdir.g. pastor. Preach ing 11 and 8; Young People's meeting. . Tuesday night. Young People's social; Wed nesday, 3, Ladies' Aid; Thursday night, prayer meeting. Vancouver-Avenue Norweglaa-Danien, Van cbuver avenue and gktdmore Rev. A, A. Veretdo, pastor. 10:45. "Christianity in Earnest"; 8, "The Sweetness of Victory"; Suuday school. J-; E. L., 7. 1'KESBXTEKIAN. Hawthorne Park, East Twelfth and Tay lor 10:30. "The World's Commencement Day"; Sunday school, noon; Christian En deavor. 7: evening service. S. Rev. L. K. Orimei, pastor. Fourth. lrst ana uidpb rviv. . . son, pastor lU;u. "Being 6tlU Before God ; J'.'. Sunday'school: t. C. E. ; 8, "Jcphtha the Man Who Kept His Vow.' 1 ' REFORMED. v.-. . . - 1: r: Yfafner. rjastor. Services, 10:45 and 8; Sunday school, 0:30; X, f. b. t.. ., 1. orrrARiAJ. Church of Our Father, Broadway and Yamhill street Rev. T. L. Eliot, I), p.. minister emeritus; Rev. W. O. Eliot. Jr.. minister, tjervlce, 11; sermon theme-, 'Civil Order Versus Anarchy: A Plea for Loyalty to the Constitution or the United States. Evening services Intermitted. V" KITED PRESBYTERIAN. v.,. . ...... a ...iiin- 11 o V I D. Flndlcy. minister. 10:0, "The Observance of the- Lord's Supper"; Bible School, 13: Shelter Under tho Forms of Religion. Third, feast 1 Hiry-seiviiiii . XV A Rnnldlnff. min- ister. Sunday school, 9:50; Y. P. . c E., f It, services; 8, "Things Which Cannot Be Mended," Church of the 8trangers Rev. S. B. Du r. . . ,n.M 1 .,, i lnrtimltr 1 ; II - on-a King"; 8, "Tile Beer Brewer Joins Hands With Abe t-lncom witnoai n .- sent." I XIVERSALIST. , . . 1 Tlrltno-a' RrnilliftiT and East Twent-fourth street Rev. James Dimond Corby. D. D.. minister. Sermon, 10:30; Rev. John W. Ring, of the Progres sive Church. San Diego, Cal., will assist the pastor: Now Thought sunshine hour Sun day school, l- noon; no evtuius , MISCELLANEOUS. V International Bible students, Christensen's fiau ieciure at vz c,m,h . . M. Lewton; subject, "The Three Hopes: Jewish; Christian and Heathen"; Berean Htbie lesson, t :o, nuwjcvh " at Hand." Christian Yoga. .HI Central building, cor ner Tenth and Alder streets 10:SO. medita tion; 11, Bible study; 12, young people's class; 8, lecture by F. O. Garrison; topic, "How to Know God." Divine Truth Chapel. Selllng-Hlrsch bulld- i . it..). . . . . I Waahinridn Streets Rev. T. M. Mtnard. pastor. Services, 11. Henry Harrison Brown will speak on "The r unness oi l,iic. . n't ...1.1 1 L" -wAra hiiildinff Subject for 8, "Civilization of Atlantis." cnurch oi tne Rew eniieiu v,. , ..... Bt 11 at f i t a 1 IH UBBUttUI'li JJo,ui. kv.i. ... . - Hall, 149 Tenth street; subject, "Cleansing me i,iie. WALL WARFARE IS TOLD MOTie Theater Man Xaile Vp Boards. Cafe Owner Tears Them fcown. NEW TOP.K, June 24. The story of warfare throush a party wall between the moving picture theaters of Joseph E. Moss and the restaurant ot juatieo Peri was told to Magistrate Stmms in Night Court. Moss nailed up a window in tne wan because his patrons were annoyed by ..lanrnni Pprt knocked off the boards as fast as. Moss put them up. They argued through the hole hotly. Moss reached to his hip pocket; .nmethina- shone: Peri fled; Policeman Bo we arrested him. ' Magistrate Bimms looKea oer me diagrams and maps of the battle scene j Avamin,i. h "revolver." It was a police whistle. Then he fined Peri $5. Moss is a oroincr ot waD.Bnui torney Frank B. Moss. AMBULANCE- RACE FUTILE Tnb Doctors, After rive-Mile Kun, Find Hurt IJncniall Dead. virw VDHKL June 20. After Alexan der McDonald. SO, of Linden avenue. Flushing, L. I., had been shocked by i -iT. iirht wlr, n t Jackson ave nue and Twenty-eighth street. Elm- hurst, L. 1., two amuuiances racoo miles each striving to reach him first. . . .. r 1 -I nlp. Kv thA NfW lauiiuiiuu, t,ntu..M j York& Queens Electric Light ot Power Company, was repairing a wire at the top of a tall pole .when 4000 volts passed through his body and he fell to the ground, tie oeggeo. me f" get speedy, and so they called the two ...iUni.a tt- Shanahan. from St. John's Hospital, won the race by half a minute, dui oy mo mm o.,,,, McDonald was dead. Dogs to Have Electric Chair. KANSAS CITY, Kan.. June 24. Thle . i - rninv tn nrrivida an electric V- 1 V v ,o bv'S - ' chair for killing stray dogs. The city owns the electric ngni ana pwur and the chief electrician has been or dered t6 construct an apparatus at the dog pound for the painless disposition of stray dogs and cats, - MEN OF POLITICS, DIPLOMACY AND SOCIETY FIGURE IN WORLD'S NEWS Lewis Harcourt May Become Great Britain's War Minister ai One of ResulU of UlsUr Trov.M-Admlrl Winslow Raises nag as Head of New Emergency Fleet Cabrera Mentioned Possible Mexican Choice. I Jf ; .. " 1 v , I J n " I Cr,3tss7 sy?7:z Georae. LEWIS HARCOURT may be Great Britain's new War Minister. The Ulster trouble, resulting from the efforts of the Home Rulers in Ireland, has made many shakeups in the per sonnel of the British ministry, and the political prophets say that Harcourt's appointment will be the latest turn, i Crown Prince George, of Saxony, came of age in January, and now it is announced that he will probably marry Tatiana, the daughter of tho Czar of Russia. The Crown Prince's mother was the unfortunate Princess Luisa. of Tuscany, who ran away with a music teacher, and whom the King of Saxony divorced. . Prince George has two brothers and three sisters. A distinguished Carranalsta arrived in New York this week. He came from Spain, where his family still Is. He is Luis Cabrera. It Is said many of the leaders of the Constitutionalist party are 4n favor of naming Cabrera for President on their ticket. In case a commission is appointed representing both sides, to govern Mexico tempor arily, it is likely Cabrera will be a member. . George W. Perkins has been dubbed the "weeping Nlobe" of the Progres sive' party. Amos Tinchot has Just launched an attack against Perkins, and his continued dominance of the Progressives In New York State, hold ing that ho Is a "trust magnate" and so out of sympathy with the princi ples and purposes of the party. He charges Perkins with suppressing a plank in the Progressive platform, and he also says that Perkins distributed pamphlets as party literature which were Intended primarily to exploit himself. In one of these Perkins was COST OF GENERAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS DECLARED $17,000 Portland's Invitation for Council Meeting in 1915 Declared "Hit" and With Special Train Excursion for Club Women to San Francisco Little Doubt Is Pelt aa to Its Acceptance. BY SARAH A. EVANS, President Etate Federation of Women's CluLs. IT WOULD be Interesting to know how many of the thousands who at tended the recent convention of the general federation at Chicago realized the work it entailed; how many gave a grateful ' thought to tho' army of women who labored for two years to fulfill the promise of Illinois "that this should be tne greatest biennial ever held." Few, we would venture to say. While attending conventions we are very prone to obey, figuratively, the injunction of St. Paul, "eating what Is set before us, asking no questions." But it is only fair to remember they cost time, energy and money. For more than a year the local com mittees of Chicago met almost daily, maintaining headquarters and sending out bulletins as the work progressed. While the Chicago women - declare that for its size their convention was the cheapest ever held, it cost I1T.000. The clubs of the state contributed about three-fourths of the cost. The rest was subscribed through the activities of the Chicago Association of Commerce. The largest expense was for the Au ditorium, for which the committee paid 16000 for the ten days. The cost of the music was 2000, and of printing $1000. The excursions for the "sociological pilgrimage," in which 1000 women par ticipated, cost $400. At the board meeting on Monday morning, following the final adjourn ment of the convention, the board pre sented Mrs, George Bass, chairman of tho local board, with an exquisite dia mond breastpin. Perhaps It was "like women," but everyone wept at the pre sentation. a riit.- .l,iA aiiit blue badges bearing the words. "Portland, Oregon, 1915," were Very popular at. me vm- Hnn..Anin aFiri nriwa has been re- i-d,u , v.ii . . ......j... - ccived from many sources that the invi tation extended to tne general ide ation to hold its 1915 council meeting at Portland was enthusiastically re ceived by the convention. New Yorknd Atlantic City extended invitations for the next biennial con vention, in 191S, and Indianapolis wa the only riVal Portland had for this 1 1 The invitations will Council merlins. - not be considered until the board meets early in September, dui tne tnici that Portland will lnounw piiu-,a , . . probably be chosen for the council and New York'Ior tn oieuui ......-. ... . l. a , vattrnarlR Is also lend- tjne ot in'- 6 , - - ing Its strength and Influence to bring the council meeting w -- vear. which is a friend not to be despised. . The Chicago et .onnwicm - . j..,:.),.), iransl1 til an tO reaciy uenui"ij . --. - -run a "clubwoman's special to tne Panama-Pacllio txposnmu. f . rfclcaro indicates pectus k i n - . that It will be one of the best equipped and most luxurious trains ever sen t.r, Th orlsrlnal across me - . , plan was to take It over the southern roads, leaving ronmim ' erarv but a consultation between the railroad officials and the officers of the Oregon federation will undoubtedly result inIts being routed via Portland for the council meeting. On June 1$ a Denver paper, with etartling headlines, made the following announcement: ,: "Little Sarah Piatt Decker Martin came to town yesterday afternoon. The wee stranger took up. her residence at d 1 . ;.t ' ill ft rML. I - ' ( j' Ii ' . .', I j 'if t ' f yj ' - i I .' A ! Y'' r 1 " ' LJ ' - - I described as listening to the reading of Beverldge's speech In advance of the Chicago convention, while tears coursed down his checks. Harry Payne Whitney, at Wheatloy t4 ii iu nirtained the whole countp'- side at a race meet. Kvery year Mr. Whitney throws open Ills etitate to the countrv home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Martin, at Kngle wood. and straightway received the name of her distinguished grandmoth er, the late Sarah Piatt Decker. 'That .the child who bears the name of the woman who lifted the women's clubs of America to the place of prom inence and power thry hold will be come tho goddaughter of the Nation's clubwomen Is a foregone conclusion, for tho name and spirit of Sarah. Piatt Decker grow in vitality as the years go by." A few days before Mrs. Decker left Denver for San Francisco, on that last Journey, she wrote. In reply to an In vitation to come to Portland to speak for suffrage, the campaign for which was then on: "I should Iiko.'to come, for I love you, but Hattie Is to be married and I am hurrying homo with a party of friends for the wedding." When the fatal illness came Hattlc hurried to her mother's side and re ceived her earnest request not to post pone tho marriage, which she obeyed, and so she was married on the day set. It was a tiard death the nti-uf-traglst died at the Chicago convention, and as a last gasp, on the closing day, Mrs. J. C. Terrell, of Texas Mrs. Peti nybacker's home state presents the minority protest against tho suffrage resolution. She said that a report had gone out that 1,000,000 women had In dorsed suffrage by the passage of the resolution. She said that there was a large part of that number who did not favor the passago of a suffrage resolution by the federation. Mrs. Rudolph Blankenburg. a strong suffragist, was in tho chair at the time. She did not put the report to a vote, but merely accepted It and placed It on file. The executive Doard of the Oregon Federation held a long and earnest meeting last Saturday in consultation Menus of the Week LILIAN TINGLE. Taeadar. Cream of vegetable siip. Pressed meat loaf lth i'ato salad. J.-IIISil Vegetables. Clicrry pupovers. t'ofiee. Wededar. Hrewn emtp. Broiled vounf Chiuook salmon. New Poiatees. tucuitib.rs. Sweet Fruit Salad. cooklea. Coffee. Thursday. VegetsrlHn broth. Sperilsh omelet peaa. Stuffed tomato salsa. Cherry pi. ' Coffee. Friday. Cherry cocktail. Baked shad with lemon butter aauca. potatoes. Combination satail. Caramel hluncmana. Coffee, gaturday. Tomato broth. Bib ends o be-f In cerol. bprina visetsbluk. Letttloe salad. Apricot tapioca. Coffee. Naadar. CliiWm Cauleloupe. P.oast lamb. r'las. 1'olatoes. Ft as. . lettuce heart salsa, lee cream. Liltle cakes. Coffee. Moadaj. Gren pea pare. Casserole of limn and rice. Young be. t sl'l. Cold) r.aspbtn j' br pudding ila sreem. . coffee. Ms neighbors fir an iiiiil"ii meeting, after the fashion t'f lh r rsr a l.i'M- ilsh. Admiral Cameron M. It. W raised Ms flag as Admiral f h fl-nf ric-w fill, lir 11 1 -l nlnw "New York" II-1 from Nrw V a driving rain. nrk In over the next state convention, wlilrli Will bo held at KiiRene In ix toher. It Was ileeldrd to follow Inn r'at inaugurated at Hooil Klver 1t year, slid hold the "courtesy session" Mon day evening. October I", on-nlng H" convention for business Tiiepdar mors. Insr. and continuing until TnuraHav afternoon. Oil Monday ivonlng thj greetings will bo ext-wled from tbaj hostess clubs, the elty and clvl bodies, and the replies from the f1ertlnn. This will be followed by r.-eepilon, peril a lis, which will give Ilia cl-legatee an opportunity to meet each other socially. At a former board meeting It was voted to continue the plan f bavins; the Individual clubs report on "Presi dent's nla-ht": but this was reconsid ered at the last metln, and a hs'f day will he set aside f,r this fealuraj of the convention. The Individual cluh reports Is Mn of the most Important matters that enmes, before the convention ud It Is strictly federation business. It waa theretorsi felt that many visitors could stiensi tho evening meetings, and would, and It was hardly fair to ask them to b patient through a long buslnes meeting. Many subjects and speakers wrs discusser for tho prmrsmme, but fe were definitely determined upon. It was. however, derided to t arry nut last year's method of having only ths sub tee ts dlsrussed which bear rn ha work of the stats or Natlonnl commit tees, thouall In some Inslnnres tsklng entirely new branches of thn subject. This was. perns !. the Isst reaMlsr board meeting before the convelitlnn, as the officer are widely sestlerrd over the tnte. and l is difficult t get them toaethsr. but His pnpsrs tlons will ao ste.idlly forwsrd from now on. taking both time snd i k on the part cf state officers and lo cal committees. Those In attendance at Hi boaed meeting were Mrs. II V. l'svidson. re. rfir, in u secretary, llmul Klver; Mi-s Mattle. director. Salem; Mis. C N. Kankin, treasurer: Mrs. e-stdla Orr Dunbar, corresponding se-reinrv. anil Mrs. tiarah A. Kvsns, prrsidtnt, ef Portland. It was reported that 1 new clubs had affiliated with the sluts feneration since tho annual meeting lM tHtnher. Ths two which lisva Jolnsd slne last reported see the rnllttrul H isnee and the Hay View Heading 'lul. bolli if Portland. .. .. j Tolrnlo Motor, 1 DwUrrtl. I. tt. Wtehsrt. or Toledo. Or., write to The Oreaonlun to sy thst Toledo defeated Newport. 1 lo 1. Instad ef belna- defeated t to . In the babsll gam of last Bundsy. as published. A lot or nisn roll up their eleevaa and then d' do snv work Any Book miewed on this VU caa b found at your Book store, The J. K. GILL CO. Third and Alder.