The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 15, 1914, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 72

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St. Francis Members Also to Dedicate Window and Baptismal Fount, Which Will Be Blessed.
i HONG the most important church
events of today will be tne cele
bration of the 25th anniversary.
the silver jubilee, of St. Patrick's
Church, at Nineteenth and Savier
streets. This church has stood a help
to its parishioners and a center of so
cial anil civic uplift. Congratulations
lroin friends in all parts pf the state
are being received by Father E. P.
Murphy, the priest in charge. A splen
did programme of sermon and music
will be added to the regular mass and
the day will be notable in the history
cf the church in Portland.
Father Darby, of Liverpool, England,
Tvill deliver the sermon and at the sol
emn high mass at iu:30 this morning
Archbishop Christie will pontificate.
Leonard's mass in B-Flat will be sung
bv the choir and several of the leading
soloists of the city will give their
eerviefs to make the celebration an im
pressive event. Priests from all parts
cf the Northwest will be in attendance.
Father Gibney was the first priest
in charge and the others in order have
been Father O'Pay. Father Donnelly,
Father Murphy, Father Ilogan and the
present. Father Murphy.
Special Pnlnting Placed.
In preparation for the jubilee special
paintings and decoration has been
placed to aflorn the edilice. Professor
Staehli. who studied art in Rome, has
copied some of the pictures from those
in Trinity -College, Dublin, represent
ing some of the early saints of Ireland.
The decoration ranks high and the in
terior of the church is handsomely ar
ranged. Father Murphy says that the success
of the parish has largely been due to
the devoted work of the women. Never
in its history has a donation exceeded
J10C, from the founding up to the date
of decoration. The parish has been
led by splendid pastors, who have min
istered faithfully to the people of that
part of the city and the church has
dono much in charity.
Window to Be BiMMd.
Anotherevent of importance is the
celebration which will be held in St.
Francis Church, Fast Twelfth and East
Pine streets, on St. Patrick's day. Tues
day just before the high solemn mass
nt 10:30 A. M. The unveiling and bless,
ing of the beautiful St Patrick's art
Flass window, the gift of W. F. Ryan,
of this city, will take place, followed
by the blessing of the new baptismal
fount, just completed in the baptistery
of the new church.
This art window is one of tho largest
on the Pacific Coast and is constructed
of the finest imported Munich glass,
designed after the best European mod
els, and the value of not less than
The figure of St. Patrick in heroic
eize and in full pontificals, occupies the
central space. To the right is a life
size figure of St. Brigid, and to the left
a life-size figure of St. Rose. Below
are panels depicting St. Patrick ban
ishing the reptiles from Ireland, St.
Brigid Teceiving the veil from St. Mel,
a nephew of St. Patrick, and St. Rose
in her garden cell. The color scheme
of this art window is adapted from the
color of the land of the shamrock. Red,
gold and blue is so blended by the art
ist as to give a most pleasing and art
istic effect The window will compare
favorably with some of the best work
on the Continent of Europe. The win
dow has been erected by Povey Broth
ers, of this city. The design was in a
large measure suggested, by Father
Black, of the church.
Baptismal Fount Artistic.
The baptismal fount is pointed gotnic
in keeping with the architecture of the
church, finished in white enamel and
Kold and is without 'doubt the most
artistic fount west of Chicago.
At the mass the panegyric on the
frreat saint will be delivered by the
Kev. Edward J. Conaty, who is reputed
to be among the best pulpit orators of
the Northwest.
In the evening at 8:15 o'clock, in the
new church hall, will be rendered one
of the best civic programmes ever giv
en in this city. Every number on the
programme will be of high merit, with
such accomplished vocal and instru
mental soloists as Mrs. Henry W. Metz
rer, Mrs. Susan Fennell Pipes, Miss
Mae Breslin, Miss Gertrude Wackrow;
a recitation on Gaelic by the accom
plished Irish scholar, E. J. Murphy,
and the principal address of the even
ing by James Hennessy Murphy, who
will discuss what might happen "Were
St Patrick to Come to Oregon." Dan
Kellaher will preside as chairman of
the evening, and a communication
written specially for this occasion from
the Irish leader, John Redmond, M. P.,
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iikh ueeu rti;eieu situ win we
The committee in charge consists of
Thomas J. McNamee, J. J. Murphy, W.
F. Ryan. L. Shanahan. Martin Clancy,
J. E. Murphy, Richard Browne, T. T.
The only church ministering to Over
look addition is the Pilgrim Congre
gational Church, Missouri and Shaver
streets. Patton Methodist Episcopal
Church is on the north and Forbes Pres
byterian Church on the southeast, and
these are the only English organiza
tions in this section. Pilgrim Bible
School has 27 pupils. It took first prize
in the Bible School parade last Fourth
of July. It has a culture association
composed of young men and women, or
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Bottom Row. Left to Right J U. Yates, Estcs Snedecor, Miriam Erring, Ethel
Mitchell, R. S. Hull. Eva Humphrey, Kills Hawkins, Gertrude Humphrey, Mrs. Eck
hardt, J. A. Gclssman, Susie Scholes, Nell Fargo, Katherlne Nelson, H. L. Grubhs,
Fannie Miner, I .aura Parker, Ellen Nelson. Second Row Herman Eckhardt, Jeanie
Murray. Katherlne Moore. Harold Miner, Eleanor Brooks, Hannah Amos, Ona Hum
phrey, Jessie Bechtol, S. C. Hazlett, Glen Schope, Metta Brlngman, Guy Colpltta, Flor
ganized last year. The church contem
plates the building of a new edifice.
A men's banquet was held in the
basement of the church Friday, when
97 men were seated. Rev. D. V. Poling
finds hearty support in the men of the
community, with -whom he is popular.
Many of the prominent men of the lo
cality attend Pilgrim Church.
Dr. Poling says: "The Christian En
deavor Society is headed by Otto Voel
ker. a capable leader. The women's de
partment is a splendid adjunct to the
church. The aim of all the workers is
to broaden church life and to make
church life comprehensive, get non-essentials
out of the way and let the in
dividual conscience be the court of de
cision in life and conduct."
Chinese Presbyterians Give
Much Time to Church
Children and Grownup Orientals
Study In House of Worship In
First Street.
THE Holt Presbyterian Church (Chi
nese), of which Rev. Ng Mon Po
is the minister in charge, is at 145 First
street It has celebrated its 25th an
niversary as a mission, and within the
past year has been organized as a
The' hall it occupies is the center of
Chinese activities. Every afternoon
little American-born Chinese children
go for lessons In the native tongue of
their fathers. They study reading,
writing, arithmetic, geography, sing
ing and bible lessons. Their books are
illustrated and attractively arranged.
They learn to write with the regulation
Chinese brushes.
The church has . a reading-table,
where are found one paper published
in China, two others published in San
Francisco, one. by the Chung Sal Yat
Po. a wellrknown organization.
Bible study is held every night from
9:30 to 10 o'clock. Tuesday after
noon Chinese women gather to study
the Old Testament and on Thursday
afternoons the New Testament is dis
cussed. Chin Quong, who is one of the elders
of the church, is head cook at a lead
ing candy kitchen cafe. He is well
educated, and assists in the church
work. The teachers are American
women who teach the Chinese to read
and write in English. The children fol
low all the studies of American boys
and girls, only it is all in Chinese
Even hygiene or as one of them
termed It "what you call take care
yourself is studied.
Rev. A. J. Montgomery. In charge of
church extension, gives much attention
to the Chinese church, and Mrs. Mont
gomery, in charge of missions for the
Presbyterian church in Portland, is a
leader whose rare tact and kindliness
make her popular.
Every Sunday there is Sunday school
from 7 to 8 o'clock at night
Miss Lucy Broad spoke on Friday
night at the Third Baptist Church.
Fargo street and Vancouver avenue.
She appeared in the costume of a Co
rean bride.
Conferences for Men Are
Well Attended
Bishop Seaddlng Holds Weekly
Gathering at Prrclval Library
Every Thursday During; tent
D ISHOPSCADDING'S conferences with
13 men, held every Thursday night
during Lent In the Percival Library,
Snrinsr streets. Portland
Heights, are being well attended. The
general subject of these conferences is
"Christianity" and Modern Problems,'
and they are divided into five sections
with Krime rnr.KAntativA lavman as
leader. On Thursday, March 13. the
opening address was given by William
D. Wheelwright on "Christianity and
Evolution." His address was an admir
able presentation of the problem, log
ical, forceful and Inspiring and in
every way strengthening to the Chris
tian faith. A discussion followed in
which all took part On March 11, B,
A. Booth spoke on "The World's Need
of the Social Message or cnristianity.
The following are the subjects sched
uled for the remaining Thursday nights
during Lent: "What Is the Bible, and
How Is It Influencing Our Lives?"
Hamilton Johnstone; "The Sanctity of
Marriage," H. D. Ramedell: "Christian
Unity. Its Possibility and Power," W.
D. Fenton.
The local assembly of the Brother
hood of St. Andrew cordially invites all
men Interested In these problems to
attend the conferences which will be
gin promptly at 8:15 P. M. and close
at 9:15 P. Si. Bishop Scadding will pre
side. There are no appointed speakers
other than the leader, and it is hoped
that everyone will give these problems
careful consideration and take part in
the discussion. Take Portland Heights
car to Spring street and walk one
block east. '
2 4
Girl -Students Head Berean
Class in Jurns
Membership of First Christian
Church Organisation Composed of
Business Girls.
AMONG the most interesting Sun
day school classes in the city is
the Berean class of the First Christian
Church. The membership consists
largely of business girls and the work
accomplished is deserving of the-highest
praise. Mrs. F. H. Gloyd, who has
been the president for a year or more,
is taking a much-needed rest and the
girls are taking turns at leading the
meetings. As all of the members are
students and as they are all studying
with a view to making themselves ef
ficient as teachers and leaders in re
ligious meetings, the task of teaching
a big class is not so hard as it ap
pears. There are 28 active Bereans, 15 'mem
bers in the home department and a
large number of associate members.
Mrs. Gloyd has outlined many excellent
plans for the girls and has been a
great inspiration in their work. The
social committee, of which Miss Mar
garet Shupe is chairman, is 041 active
The b .-nevolent committee looks after
several poor families, gives them
clothes and some cash and is sending
a worthy girl through trades school,
giving her the opportunity to learn
dressmaking, millinery, cooking and
English and fitting her to support her
self. The missionary committee arranges
the five-minute period devoted at every
meeting to missionary topics.
The devotional committee attends to
the devotional period and assists in
training the members to take part in
services and make logical and Interest
ing talks in public.
As soon as a new member is added
to the class roll, the calling committee
in a group pay her a call and ask her
to join the party and go calling on
the next new girl. In this way the
new members are made to feel at home
Miss Harriet Moorehouse. assistant
teacher, former superintendent of the
Sunday school and "the girls' best
friend," is chairman of the membership
committee, and Miss May Shinkle is her
assistant They keep in touch with the
absentees and indifferent ones and en
courage new members to join.
Miss M;ry Evans, secretary, has
ence Hofmlre, William Beal. Marguerite Colpitis, B. M. Benson, Carolyn Fargo, Mrs. brand. Llla Clark, Ralph Heald, T. L. Thomas. J. E. Day. Top RowB. H. G. Klst
Wllllam McKay. William McKay, John Thomassen. Third Row Jessie Moore, Lll- ner, C. P. McDougall, Johanna Swenson. M. F. Daniels. Margaret Dryburgh, V. A. Jen
Han Datesman, Elisabeth Francis. Florence Hadlock, Emll Nelson. Winifred Hills, sen, H. Bailey McAfee. Mildred Nichols, Georgia Bailey. O. J. Bowman, Mary Mat-EMs-beth
Wolff, Mrs. O. J. Bowmau, Georgia Vance, Arlle Moore. Ann. James, Eliza- thews, Harriet Yarwood, G. C. Howe, Mrs. M. F. Daniels, Mrs. T. L. Thomas, C W.
beta McKensle, Jennie Gilbert. Jessie Codding, May Burdlck, Mr. Sapp, F. H. HUde- Piatt, Lydla Robertson, Eva Baker, Ethel Sherwood, Alice Scholes. -photo by Fershm.
charge of the home department in
cluding the members who are unable
to attend, but are studying at home
and continue their interest in the class
Miss Delia Dunnegan, corresponding
secretary, welcomes the new members
and writes all the class letters.
Mrs. George Tucker is prominently
Identified with the activities of the
Bereans and plans many of their so
cial affairs. She is a member of the
benevolent and calling committees.
The class was organized in the Sum
mer of 1907. with Ward D. Swope as
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teacher. It was first a mixed class, but
later waa devoted to girls only. The
members have their own classroom,
which they fitted up themselves, even
doing the decorating and painting
Miss Clarabel Grim is president of
the Bereans and presides at their so
cials every month. She is a bright
unsalfish girl, who is sure to make a
succes cf her office.
An excellent concert was given on
Tuesday night at the Third Presby
terian Church by the combined choirs
of that church and the First Presby
terian Church. Those who contributed
to the success of the evening were:
Mrs. John L. Abbett, Mrs. L. At Leland,
Mrs. Virginia Hutchinson. E. R- Ab
bett Keith Walker, E. Maldwyn Evans,
Miss Roxanna Wommelsdorf, Misses
Evelyn and Erma Ewart
At the recent annual meeting of the
San Grael Society of the First Presby
terian Church. Emil Nelson was elected
nresident Other officers chosen were.
Vice-president, Mary Matthews; record
ing secretary, iieiia rsingman; cur
responding secretary. Lura Parker;
treasurer, J. H. Miner; historian, Mrs.
William McKay; pianist, Lillian Dates
man; chorister, T. L. Thomas; elder.
Fred Cooper.
Central Christian Church
Adopts Business Methods
Congregation Celebrates Tenth An
niversary of First Meeting of
Worship, January 10, li)04.
rrHE Central Christian Church, cor
I ner East Twentieth and East Sal
mon streets, recently ceieuiaLcu no
tenth anniversary, having held its first
meeting for worship January 10, 1904,
Thirty persons were present at the
first service, all of whom entered into
the organization, pledging themselves
in "stand together in supporting the
new congregation."
H. B. Morgan, still of Portland,
preached the first sermon, his text be
ing Second Timothy, 3:16-17.
Rev. J, F. Ghormley was called to the
pastorate soon after the organization
of the church, and continuea ior near
ly nine years.
At an early date a tabernacle was
erected on the present site. When this
was dedicated it was announced that
after about three years the building
would be replaced by a permanent
structure to cost not less than 20,-
000. It was nearer bIx than three
venrs before the enlargement came.
But when it did, it came with a $65,-
000 temple of worship.
Rev. Samuel R. Hawkins is now
pastor. He accepted a call 16 months
ago. coming from the pastorate of a
larire Christian 'Church in the South.
He quietly set about the adoption of
better business methods.
Un-to-date methods have been
adopted in all departments of the work
of the churctu Mr. nawKins gives
credit to Mrs. Hawkins for the intro
duction of many of the innovations.
The minister's wife has found the way
to the hearts of the membership.
An average of J560 a month for 16
months has been raised without any
one srivine in a large way.
The young People's Society is well
All women In the church are in
cluded in the Sisterhood. To this Sis
terhood, with its central officers and
several sub-circles, is to be credited in
a larcce measure tho success of the
The Sunday School is graded and.
has all reauired departments, ine at
tendance and offerings have almost
doubled since January 1.
Christian Science Lecture to
Be Given Thursday
Clarence W. Chadwicfc, Member of
Board of Lectureship, to Speak
Three Times.
Clarence W. Chadwick. C. S. B. A..
member of the board of lectureship of
the mother church, the First Church of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., will
lecture on "Christian Science" this week
Thursday at 3 P. M. in the edifice of
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Nine
teenth and Everett streets. Mr. Chad
wick will repeat his lecture Thursday
and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. These
lectures are free and are arranged by
the Christian Scientists so that the pub
lic may have an opportunity to have
misconceptions corrected and hear the
truth in regard to the teachings of
Christian Science.
In a recent number of the North
American Review there appears an ar
ticle of more than usual interest to religious-thinking
people. Its subject Is
"Must Protestantism Adopt Christian
Science?" The author is referred to by
the editor as "a priest in the Protestant
Episcopal Church," whose "work among
his own people and his observations of
those outside his communion have led
him to the conclusions embodied in the
article." Parts of the article, giving
some of the writer's conclusions, are
quoted below:
"The writer would submit the propo
sition that Protestantism must substan
tially adopt the faith and practice of
Christian Science if its churches are to
fulfill their mission to the world. This
conviction is the result of several years'
critical and philosophical investigation
of the doctrines and practice of Chris-
' tian Science compared with the experl-
ences and observation of many years as
a priest of the church.
The fact that such a proposition
shocks the church sense and meets with
contempt is presumptive evidence of Its
'This new-old faith is to be regarded
not so much a denomination as a fel
lowship aiming to realize in dally life
the art of being a Christian, the sci
ence of which art involves spiritual
laws which are as capable of demon
stration now as during the life of the
"Healing sickness is with Christian
Scientists as much a religious duty as
destroying sin. Both are simply a
manifestation of the inner spiritual life
which they are constantly striving to
have more abundantly.
"Against materialism it is the most
powerful protest ever known, destruc
tive of it by its constructive life as
spiritual only and expressive of abso
lute being. Against caste and exclu
sive selfishness it is building up a de
mocracy of those who are members
one of another and all equal as chil
dren of God. A million and more, all
laymen, who have come out of slavery
to the false are fighting an inspiring
campaign to abolish the whole body of
sin, poverty, disease and death.
"In its results it is proportionally
more successful in healing than medi
cal science, and in spiritual salvation
than the Church."
The visit of Miss Frances Taft, a
prominent T. W. C. A. worker from
Pekin, China, was one of the notable
events of the week past. Miss Taft
gave a talk at the Young Women's
Christian Association, telling of her
work in China. She Is a Wellesley
graduate and has been successful in
her efforts. She has mastered three
dialects of the Chinese tongue. She
says that the Y. W. C. A. work in
Pekin is being carried on by the women
of her college and much good is ac
complished. Miss Taft has gone to
New York to visit her parents. She
will return to China in July and will
be married.
Another address given this week at
the Y. W. C. A. was by Kev. Henry
Marcotte, who spoke to young women.
The 4:30 o'clock vesper services at
the Association each Sunday are well
attended. A social hour follows the
programme. All young women are
welcome at these services. Strangers
in the city are cordially received by
the social committee.
Easter ingathering" Will
Benefit Young Folk
First Presbyterian Church tin
paiKn Planned "The Triangle" to
Give Programme.
NE of the leading features of tlm
terian Church is tlie Easter campaign
of ingathering. Special services are
conducted by the pastor, the Rev. John
H. Boyd, classes are held for the in
struction of the young people in mat
ters of personal religion and church
membership and all persons in toucn
with the congregation have an oppor
tunity to consider these matters. On
tho afternoon of Easter a communion
service is held, with a reception for
members. Last year at that time 171
persons united with the church.
The Sunday evening services at 7:30
o'clock at this time are given over to
the presentation by the pastor of spe
cial sermons. The topic for this week
will be "Standing Up Like a Man!"
The congregational singing is made
interesting by the singing of the old
familiar hymns. A chorus of mora
than 50 voices leads In this part of the
music, Under the direction of O. J.
Bowman, assistant to the pastor. Ap
propriate selections are rendered by
the choir also. The public is invited.
Mrs. Lulu Loveland Shepard will lec
ture in Taylor Street Methodist Church
on the afternoon of March 22 and in
the Lincoln High School the same even
ing. She Is an eloquent speaker who
has had wide experience in church and
W. C. T. U. work.
The Triangle, the newest organiza
tion among the young people who at
tend the First Presbyterian Church,
will have a programme Monday even
ing in the church house, entrance 454
Alder street.
The first period, from 7:30 to 8:15,
will be devoted as usual to Bible study,
on the life of Christ. The self-improvement
hour, from 8:15 to 9, will be
given over to a debate, the question
being: "Resolved, That Free Tolls
Through the Panama Canal Will Not
Be Injurious to the Railroads." The
affirmative will be argued by R. C.
Giles, J. Harold Miner and George F.
Mackenzie; negative, Norman A. An
derson, R. C. Ferguson and A. H.
Wethey, Jr.
The social hour following, from 9 to
10 P. M.. will be in the nature of a
"green sociable," with a competitive
feature to be announced at that time,
which promises to be of interest.
Special attention has been called in
advance to the self-improvement hour
for March 23. Attendants are all in-
(Concluded on Page 11.)