4 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 8, 1014. GIRL SHOOTS WIFE OF m SHE LOVES Murder Follows Refusal to Obtain Divorce so Couple Can Be Married. SUICIDE FOLLOWS ACT Young Woman Once Arrested AfteT Committing Murder, but lie leased ISccause Witnesses Cannot Identify llcr. NEWARK, K. J.. . Feb. 7. Hazel Herdman, an innkeeper's daughter, confessed, after tjikinif a fatal dose of poison late today," that It was she who last night shot and killed Mrs. Har riet Manning, wife of Charles I. Man ning, a garage owner. She said, on her deathbed in a hospital in Montclair, that she had killed the woman in or der that Manning: might marry her. Manning, who hurried the young woman to the hospital after she had taken the poison, is the father, the police say, of her year-old ua.Dy. ile is tonight In the custody of the po lice. He had been separated from his wife for two years. His intimacy with Miss Herdman caused tha estrange ment. "I killed her because I loved her husband," the dying girl said to the doctors and nurses. "I asked her many times to get a divorce from him so I could marry him. She refused to do It. She stood between him and me. That's why I shot her." "Take Care of Baby," Says Note. Before she took the poison she wrote a note to Manning, which he turned over to the police. It read: "This is my last letter. I am go ing to commit suicide because of my love for you. It was I who shot your wife. Goodby. Take care of baby." The young woman took the poison In . candy store in Bloomfield, N. J where she had gone with Manning after they had been released early to day from the custody of the police. Although the authorities had suspected Miss Herdman of the crime because of her. intimacy with Manning, which was known to the residents of Verona, a small suburb where she lived, the witnesses to the shooting, the mur dered woman's mother, sister and niece. were lart night unable to Identify her as the veiled woman who fired the fatal shots. On reaching Bloomfleld, Miss Herd man went to the home of her aunt, loiter Manning called on her there and asked her to accompany him to the morgue to see his wife's body. This the young woman refused to do, asking Manning to go with her and visit their baby. Conple First Vlnlt Morgue. The child was being supported by Manning, the police say, in Montclair. "I'm dying to see baby," the girl aid. Manning agreed to do this after see ing his wife's body. Returning from the morgue later in the morning, they visited the baby and then Manning re turned to his garage in Verona. On his arrival he was told by telephone that Miss Herdman had taken poison in the candy shop. Manning returned and found her in the apartmit of the candymaker, suffering intensely from the effects ot the poison and calling out for him. She had entered the candy shop, asked for a glass of water, and swallowed eight tablets of a deadly drug. Manning rushed her to the hos pital. She died three hours later. The authorities then took Manning to police headquarters and questioned him. They learned from other sources that Manning's wife recently received a legacy of J2400, to which he falls heir. The' revolver with which the girl committed the murder belonged, they learned, to one of Manning's chauffeurs. They said tonight that he was not under arrest, but "detained." RUB A LAME BACK RUB BACKACHE OR LUMBAGO PAINS AWAY AT ONCE. ED RAND GIVES SCARE BAKER COUNTY DEMOCRATS UPSET BY SHERIFF'S POLITICAL. WAYS. Official Declares He Has Never Retired From Race for Nomination When He Finds Depnty Seeks Honors. BAKER. Or.; Feb. 7 (Special.) Ed Rand. Sheriff ot" Baker County, has thrown a scare into the Democratic camp by declaring that he never has retired from the race for ' the Demo cratlc nomination for Sheriff of Baker County, and insisting that he is still a candidate. His announced retirement recently has brought a deputy into the race, and now Mr. Rand's Patti per formance has upset everything and caused no little worry in the ranks of the Democrats. Mr. Rand on his recent trio to Port land received many assurances that the feeling against Governor West is so strong that any candidate who runs on a platform opposed to his principles is assured of victory. This is believed to have influenced him in his decision. Some Democrats, however, think the Sheriff is "stalling" to keep a strong Republican out of the race. Those who do not hold to this view fear factional ism in the party as the result of the West-Copperfield episode, and Mr. Rand's attitude is anything but pleas ing to the leaders in local Democratic politics. Old-Time St. Jacobs Oil Penetrates Right In and Limbers You Up. Get a Small Trial Bottle Now. Kidneys cause Backache? No! They have no nerves, therefore cannot cause pain. Listen! your backache Is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, pene trating "St. Jacobs OiL" Rub it right on the ache or tender spot and in stantly the pain, soreness, stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stay crip pled! Get a small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist and limber up. A moment after It is ap plied you'll wonder what became of the backache, sciatica or lumbago pain. "St. Jacobs. Oil" Is harmless and doesn't burn the skin. It's the only application to. rub on a weak, lame or painful back, or for lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, rheuma tism, sprains or a strain. Adv. vltatlon of H. L. McWilllams, chairman of the nrting. "When lIis Governor picked a man to be Highway Commissioner," Com missioner Roy. said, "he didn't pick a speechmaker." He went on to say that the highway department was pushing the good roads construction at the best rate possible. Harrl3 Baldwin and oth ers addressed the club in praise of Woodrow Wilson and the Democratic Administration. TOWN CLUBS PLANNED DEMOCRATS ARE TO ORGANIZE BRANCHES OF LEAGUE. Frank B. Tlohenor, of Seattle, Begins Campaign First Club to Be at Spokane. SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 7. (Special.) r rank a. xicnenor, of Seattle, secre tary of the State Democratic League, asked Spokane Democrats at the In land Club meeting today to organize jiuo io. l ot the league In this city. "Before the primaries we intend to have every town in the state so or ganized." Mr. Tichenor said, "and I am now making a personal visit to every county. We want Spokane to have the honor of installing the first club, be cause O. J. Saville, committeeman in the Fifth Congressional District, has been the first to get his territory or ganized and to appoint committeemen in each county." The idea was warmly received, and the organization will be commenced at once by Mr. Saville and others inter ested. W. R. Roy, State Highway Commis sioner, was given the floor, at the in- APARTMENT IS RAIDED POLICE START "CLEAN-UP" CAM- PAIGV TS RESIDENCE SECTION. Lovejoy Apnrtment House, Seventeenth and Lovejoy Streets, Invaded and "Sported" Women Taken. The first of a series of promised raids on apartment houses which have long been under police eyes was made last night wjien the Lovejoy apartment house. Seventeenth and Lovejoy streets. wu.3 jnvaaea Dy tne police armed with warrants for women known to renlria there, and accused of plying underworld irairic. The following were arrested: Joe Leabeanpin. rroDrletor: Marlnrv Williams, Ida Brown. Florence Wil liams. Beatrice Nash. A. R. Johnson unrl Cy Confer. Confer was arrested for re sisting an officer, having resisted the serving of a warrant in his room. l'roprietor Lebeanpin was released on $200 bail. Inasmuch as the police are Dlanntnir to invade some of the better class apartments In the city, they are mak ing arrests only on warrants. Women who have left the downtown rooming houses and hotels have been watched and the police say they have many of them "spotted." The raid last nierht was md hv Sergeant Harms and Patrolmen Long, Griffin, Lillis and Wise. THOMAS H. BROWN CHOSEN Whitman County Progressives Sleet at Colfax, Wash. COLFAX Wash" FkK 7 rsni.i i A mass meeting of the Progressive party of Whitman County, was held at the City Hall, today. The call was made by L. Roy Slater, of Spokane, state chairman of the party, for the purpose oi electing a county chairman. Less than 50 attended the meeting and the credentials committee reported 25 as pledging allegiance to the party. x nomas w. Brown, editor of the La Crosse Clipper, an independent paper, was elected county chairman. Mr. Slater addressed thA mMHm, did Ole Hansen, of Seattle, progres sive candidate lor United States Sena tor, and J. I JlWTf1 n ( f whil i-ar, f iy CLntr ernor as a Progressive. Clarke County Wins Suit. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. 7. f So cial.) In the suit of Axel Falk, who asked 3000 from the county for inju ries alleged to have resulted when his wagon turned over on a grade, throw ing him to the ground, a verdict was returned today for the defendant. FOR GEIP, IXFLUENZA, COUGHS, SORE THROAT WHOOPING WHEEZE Whooping Wheeze is the name given to a new variety of Grip, which has appeared following the recent variable W inter weather. Humphreys' ' Seventy-s even' taken early cuts it short promptly. If you wait until your bones besin to ache, until you begin to cough and wheeze, it may take longer. The Dollar Flask holds more than six 25-cent vials if you cannot ob tain the flask from your druggist, we will send it C. 0. D. (collect on de livery) by Parcel Post. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., 156 wll 11am Street, New York. Adv. Many Recoveries From Lung Trouble A medicine for Throat and Lung Trou bles which has been thoroughly tested for many years, and which has been instru mental In restoring complete health, to i large number of sufferers, should be thor oughly investigated by everyone. 'While no undue claims are made for if, nor any guarantee that its use will restore health, Ecknian's Alterative has been given the full credit in saving lives In many cases. Read this case: Wilmington. lel. "Gentlemen; In January, liHfS, I was taken with hemorrhages of the lungs. My physician, one of the leading practi tioners of Wilmington, iei.. said that it was lung trouble. 1 took eggs and milk in quantities, but I got very weak. Mr. C. A. Lippincott, of Lipplncott & Co., De partment Store, 30t to 314 Market street. v limingion, jjui., recuimneiiuea to me lick man's Alterative that had done areat sood and upon his suggestion I began taking it at once. inis wm.j uuuui uuue, awo. i con- tlmiAf roilhfllllV HXlnv Tin ntha and finally noticed the clearing of the lungs! 1 now nave no uuuuio wun ray lungs. firmly believe LCKman s Alterative saved my life." JAb. a. SfjuiRfcS, (Affidavit). i Above abbreviated: more on reaueat-t Eckman's Alterative has been oroven bv many years' test to be most efficacious for severe Throat and Lung Affections, Bron chitis, Bronchial Asthma, Stubborn Colds and in upbuilding the system. Contains no narcotics, poisons or habit-forming drugs. Sold by The Owl Drug Co., leading drug gists. Write the Eckman Laboratory, Phil adelphia. Pa., for booklet telling of recov eries and additional evidence. Adv. "Women's Fine Leatherette Gloves at 50c and 75o A fine Glove that looks, feels and fits just like a regular kid glove. They are strong and service able Gloves, shown in tan, brown, gray and black colors. They come in all sizes. All the latest and best styles are here in Ladies' Home Journal Patterns at 10c and 15c each. The new Style Book of these patterns is now 2c a copy and the new Style Book of Children's Clothes is now sold at 5 cents a copy. Fine Cape Gloves for Women and Children at $1.00 A fine assortment of Women's and Children's Gloves, made of heavy quality Cape stock. They are shown in tan and brown and in all sizes. One-clasp style. All are strong and serviceable. ua: .It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim en ergy and resolute courage, that we move to better things. This February Sale is held because we want to move on to better things to enlarge the ever-widening circle of our 'store friendships and to give more publicity to the ad vantages of trading here. a. UA er-InVeiitory fetkdioiil ere jsjpg uui-rnce Specials in Seasonable Goods rn Pacific Phone, Marshall 5080 Some Phone, A 2112 ALE Therefore, expect much expect it confidently for unless we give much this sale will not accomplish much. Consequently you will find the value-giving at the big Roberts Bros.' es tablishment is noteworthy, and it will be to your ad vantage and worth your whilo to do your buying here. MoveltyandLowPrice Are Pleasingly United in This Showing- ew Sport Coats At $6.50 to $12.50 Comfort is the keynote of attraction in Novelty Sport Coats for Spring wear, comfort and smart ness. The cloths lend themselves naturally to the athletic ideal, as witness the effective plaid patterns. Here you will find an extensive show ing in the most popular models with kimono sleeves or drop shoulders; plain colored fabrics in emerald, king's blue, tan, gold-red and white; also neat checks in black and white and in shades of tan, blue and other colors. AH sizes. It is an unsurpassed showing of authentic and distinctive Sport Coats priced to you at the most moderate figures, quality considered, 6.50 to 12.50. New Styles in Women's House Dresses 1.25 to 3.50 Within the past few days we have received an extensive showing of the new styles in Women's Wash Dresses. They are, well made, neatly fin ished garments made of the finest Amoskeag ginghams, percales, ripplette,. etc. All sizes in various patterns and colorings. You will find them to be better than usual values, from 1.25 up to B.JJ Behind Time in Arriving Tliese SmbroidLeries Are Below "Value in Price Right on top of the tardy arrival of these fine Embroideries from St. Gall, Switzerland, come another lot ordered a month later and the doubly large shipment finds us embarrassed for room in which to display them, so the first fine lot must be sold at once. They are superior exam ples in exquisite designs and not a whit less de sirable than the second shipment delicate, new, fanciful Embroideries. Included are Edges, In sertions, Allovers, Flouncings and Beadings in all widths. Based on the actual cost to us, they should sell at a third to a half more. Here are some example prices: Beautiful Embroidery Flouncings, from 10 to 18 inches wide, all new goods in 25c and 35c qualities, priced at, yard IOC An enormous line of these popular Embroideries in the most desirable widths, especially adapted for trimming undergarments. They are made of fine Cambric, Nainsooks, Swisses and Longcloths and are shown in hundreds of dainty well worked patterns in open, blind, floral, convent and many sheer styles. Don't fail to lay in a generous supply for your Spring sewing while you can buy 25c and 35c Embroid- C eries at, a yard A OC See Our Window Display 27-inch Baby Flouncings, hand-loom designs in dainty patterns; regular values to $1.35 yard, priced at, yard . . An extensive showing of strictly high-class Baby Flouncings in beautiful , hand-loom designs. Dozens and dozens of dainty pat terns with hemstitched or scalloped edge; also a great lot of the popular ruffled styles, either wdth or with out Valenciennes lace in serting. All crisp, new Em broideries that should sell regularly up to $1.35 the yard, choice at . . . .' Underweai For Women, Children Women who regu larly, season after season, rep lenish from our under priced sale of Knit Underwear .will be sorely tempted to fulfill the require ments for many months and they will be well justi fied in doing it. In the lowness of its prices it reveals the most extraor dinary values ever recorded here. QQ. GARMENT for Women's O DC Fine Fleeced Cotton Vests and Pants in cream color, also fine lisle thread garments, in all sizes. Our regular 50c and 65c lines. Sale Price only 33. OQ SUIT for Women's Oo?G Heavy Fleeced, Fine Ribbed Cotton Union Suits, in cream color. Perfect-fitting gar ments in all sizes, regular 75c values. Sale Price 39. 7Q GARMENT for Women's C Fine Ribbed Woolen Vests and Pants, all sizes, in white. Garments that sell regu larly at $1.25 and $1.50. Sale Price 79. SUIT for Women's Fine Silk Fleeced Cotton Union Suits, in elastic rib. Perfect-fitting garments, shown in all sizes, in cream color, $1.50. Sale Price 69. QQ SUIT for Women's ZJOC Fine Ribbed Gray Wool Union Suits, seasonable wreight, all sizes. Form-fitting garments in Winter styles, $1.75 grade. Sale Price 98. d?- QQSUIT for Women's pl.OExtra Fine Wool Union Suits. Shown in all sizes in gray and in white. Elastic ribbed, perfect-fitting garments, best $2.50 grade. Priced 1.39. O O GARMENT for Boys ' OOC Fine Fleeced Cotton Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, in ecru color. Garments of dura bility and warmth, best 50c grade. Sale Price 33. OP GARMENT for Misses' Fine Combed Peeler Fleeced Cotton Vests and Pants in all sizes. Standard quality gar ments, regularly sold at 40c. Sale Price 25. 45-In.cll Flouncings at 98c Yard A special underpricing of extremely high-grade Flouncings, full 45 inches wide. They are made of the finest batiste and have been cleverly worked in beautiful designs another evidence of this store's ability to give you out-of-the-ordi-nary embroidery values. You have choice from Flouncings regularly sold up to $2.00 a qo yard. This Sale at JOC 18-Inch Embroideries, Regular Values to 89c a Yard, at ; . . . 59c labile, lull 54 inches 50 Store Opens at 8:30 A.M. Saturdays at 9 A. M. The Most in Value Store Closes at 5:30 P.M. Saturdays at 6 I?. M. The Best in Quality Your 75c Alarm Clocks at 69e Regular $1.00 Kind Tomorrow we place on sale a fine line of guaran teed Alarm Clocks. They come in a good size, made with nickeled case and concealed alarm. The kind regularly sold at $1.00, JQ priced this sale at OJG 50c Steel Shears at 39 10c 6-yard piece Finishing Braid .5 5c Ball and Spring Dress Snaps 2yp 6-yard piece Bias Lawn Tape 5d Collar Supporters, 6 on a card, at 5 Stamped Pillow Tops 50c Grade at 25c Do you like to embroider? If so, here is your chance to secure fine Stamped Pillow Tops, with backs, at a saving. They are stamped on high-grade tan and white art ticking, in either ob long or square shapes. They come in cross-stitch, floral, con ventional, lazy-daisy, flag and many other patterns. The kind that sell regularly at 50c. On sale at. ..... T ings, full 56 inches range from, yard. . High-Grade Coating at $2.00 to $2.50 Yard Broken Checked and Novelty Piece Dyed Coatings of correct weight and perfect finish, shown in all staple and new Spring shades the new Tango Browns, porcelain blues, tobacco browns, navies, etc. All-Wool Coat wide. The prices fi0 CA $2.00 to tP.OU Cream-Colored Fabrics 50 to 3.00 a Yard Medium and heavy weight cream-colored fabrics in widths and weaves to suit every taste and at prices to suit every purse ; also fine sheer weaves for evening wear. Come and make selections while the assortment is at its best; 0 ff all prices from, yard 50 to PJt"U Foreign and Domestic Wool Challies 30 Inches Wide at 45 a Yard All new, up-to-date patterns and colorings in dots, stripes, rings and pretty floral designs; All-Wool Foreign and Domestic Challies, AC 30 inches wide, at, yard r3C 48c Hundreds of charming new patterns in lS-inch Baby and Corset Cover Embroideries in the ma terials most suited for corset covers and baby dresses. Regular values up to 89c a A o yard. This Sale at, yard 40C New Camisole Embroideries at, a Yard At considerably less than real worth we are showing a great lot of the popular dainty, sheer Embroideries, so much in demand for making the new camisole corset covers an unsur- cq passed showing of patterns to select from OiC 27-Inch Flouncings, Regular Values to od 48c Yard, at ZOC Fine Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries, from 18 to 27 inches wide, shown in a varied assortment of pretty new patterns regularly sold OC up to 48c a yard. Your choice at, yard. ,OC Woolen Dress Goods With the Novelty of Newness Clinging Closely to Them Are Just Unpacked Neither you nor we can afford to be without authentic information of the inspired ideas in weaves and colorings in theNewDress Goods for Spring you, for your own self-satisfaction, and we, for the prestige so firmly established of being alert to show new things while they are still new. You Are Invited to Come and See Them Now Come and Compare Qualities and Prices NEW RATINES A complete showing of the new Wool Ratines, including the most popular shades for Spring; 46-inch fabrics, di Cf priced at, yard P J- OU HONEY-COMB SUITINGS One of the most desirable new Spring weaves the new Honey Comb Suitings shown in the new plain colors. It is a beautiful labrid, full 54 inches wide, priced at NEW CASCADE CREPE A finely woven fabric of good weight, made of the finest of pure wool yarns; comes full 54 inches wide and shown in all fashionable new colors Tango brown, geranium, biscuit, Holland blue, navy, porcelain and many others; a fabric to suit the aa most critical, priced at, yard , . . P- vlU NEW COATINGS Full 56 inches wide, shown in the new Spring weaves and colorings. Par ticularly attractive are the new plaids and checks in tans, browns, blues, etc., as do r I well as black and white. Priced, yd. pOjV I ft