THE SUJfDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 21, 1913. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBEGONIAJC TEXXPHONKS. Prlntlnc-Room . A t MS City Cremation . o JOTO. A JOJS MBIn Editor M. n 7J70. A Sunday Editor Mw 707. a Sup.rmi.nd.ent Buildln Mala AMUSEMENTS. no.) Motion pictures. iTi,. "ik Thi. mfr. o.n t 2:30 and tonight at 8.15. ORPHEIM THEATER (Broadway and Tay lor Vaudeville. This arternoon at 2. IS and tonnht at , BAKER THEATER (Broadway and MorrN iod)-Baker Players in "The Woman. Thu afternoon it S:1S tonight at 8.15. PA.NTAGE3 THEATER (Broadway and Al der Vaudeville. Thia afternoon at i:15 and tonight at 7:S0 and . EMPRESS THEATER (Broadway and Yam hill, vaudeville. Thia afternoon at 1:1 and tonight at 7:30 and . LYRIC THEATER (Fourth and Stark) Musical comedy, "Battle of Get-Hla-Burg. ' Thia afternoon at :13 and tonight at :3I to 10:45 o'clock. PEOPLES. STAR. ARCADE. OH JOY. TIVOLI A.ND CRYSTAL First-run plo tures. 11 A. M. to 12 P. 11. COLUMBIA THEATER (Sixth and Wash ington) Continuous tint-run picture from 11 A. U. GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wash ington) Continuoua first-run motion pic tures. RECREATION PARK (Twenth-fourtb. and Vaugbn) Baseball. Venice vs. Portland. Thia afternoon at 2:50. OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK (Cars from Hn( and Aider) Special outdoor attrac tions. Uncle Sam Wants Boilermakers. The United States Civil Service Com mission through the Board of Labor Kmployment, Paget Sound Navy-yard, has announced non-educational exami nations to be held October 20, 1913, for the positions of boilermaker at $3.04 to J4 per diem, and shipwright at $3.20 to $4.16 per diem at the Puget Sound Xavv-vard: ace limit 20 yeara or over. All qualified persons who desire to compete in these examinations should at once address the Labor Board, Puget Sound Navy-yard, Bremerton. Wash., for application and full information. Laboratory Aid Ii Wanted. The United States Civil Service Com mission announces that on October 8-9 1913, the following examination will, be held in this city: Laboratory aid (male) for positions in the bureau of plant in dustry. Department or Agriculture, Washington. D. C at $720 a year. On October 20. 1913. tinner's helper (male) for position In the National Museum. Washington. D. C. at $60 a month. Persons desiring to compete in these examinations, should apply to Z. A. Leigh. Postofflce Department. It Is Wrong to Assume that a man addicted to drinking liquor can stop of his own accord. With very few ex ceptions he needs help. We can help him, and guarantee to remove all de sire for drink in from three to seven dav. All we ask is for you to in vestigate. We make good every promise. Lar airv rooms, absolute privacy, home comforts. Automobile service at all times. Call and talk it over with us. write or phone. White Cross -Institute, 714 Davis st., cor 22d. Main 6421. A 1447. Adv. For Sale. A 45-horsepower, 650-volt, Crocker-Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage re lease and 75-ampere over-load I-T-W circuit break. In A-l condition. Ad dress room 208 Oregonlan bldg. Adv. For Sale. One 125-volt, direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker This machine is in good repair. AO dress room 203 Oregonlan bldg. Adv. Mrs. M. A. Brink Is Hurt. Mrs. M. A. Brink. 73 years old, suffered a dis located hip when she slipped on a sidewalk as she was out walking in Linnton yesterday morning, and was taken In an Ambulance Service Cora pa; machine to Good Samaritan Hos pital. She was staying with the family of Charles G. Wilson, of the Clarke Wilson Lumber Company of Linnton. Business GirlsJ. Club to Meet. The Business Girls' Club will meet tomor row night in the Catholic Women's League roomsJ A' travel talk with rtereopticon views of the City of Wash ington will be given, following which refreshments will be served. No admis sion is charged, and all business girls ire invited. This is the beginning of :he Winter's programme which Includes nany interesting events. The law department of the Unl rerslty of Oregon will open tomorrow (Monday, September 22) on the fourth rioor of the Tilford building, 10th and Morrison. Freshmen are requested to report at 7:15 P. M. Seniors at 8:30 P. M. and Juniors Tuesday evening at 7:15 P. M. Adv. The Morphine Habit is being suc- cesslully treated without pain or suf fering at the White Cross Institute. Correspond with us about it Address the medical director of above at 714 Davis st., cor. 22d.. Portland. Phones: Main 6421, A 1447. Adv. The Home insurance company, of New York, is still the largest and leading American tire Insurance com pany. A small company in New Jersey, with a similar name retired recently. Gerlinger, Richards & Co. and Harvey O'Bryan. agents. Adv. Public Discussion to Be Held. W. J. Smith will lead public discussion to day at 227 Yamhill street, at 3:80 o'clock, under the auspices of branch No. 12. Socialist party. "The General Strike as a Weapon of Labor," Is the topic Vacation Over. Wlcome Home. Let us make your housecleanlng a little easier and --renovate your mattresses and pillows. Portland Curled Hair Mattress Factory. Fifteenth and Love- Joy streets. Mali. ZZ4. A 1S74. aov. Rev. W. G. Ei.iot, Jr.. will speak upon the theme "Whatever It Should Cost Them," this morning at 11 o'clock at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian). Broadway and Yamhill sts. Kvening services resumed October 5. Adv. Miss Baumann announces the re opening of her kindergarten Monday, September 25. In the two upper rooms of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church, cor. 55th and Belmont. Phone Tabor 454. Adv. "Life's True Vision" will be Luther R. Dyott'a theme in the First Con gregational Church this morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. Dyott's theme at 7:45. "The New World Life." Adv. For Sale. A 40-K. W., 500-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complet with Held rheostat and circuit breaker In good condition. Address room 20 Oregonlan bldg. Adv. Oriental Rcos should not be neglected. Our expert cleaners and repairers restore them at moderate cost- Cartoaian Bros., importers. 473 Washington. Adv. Ruptured? Woodard. Clarke & Co. for a good truss. Prices from $15 down to 75c; expert attendants: three fitting rooms; fourth floor Woodlark bldg. Adv. Oriental Rros. Large choice col lection modestly priced. AH guaran teed. Cartozian Bros, rug specialists. 473 Washington. Adv. Fon Rent. About September . 15, warehouse or factory building, corner 13th and Hoyt sts. Call at building or phone Main 4603. Goodwin Corset Aoenct. New Fall models received. Mme. Zeltfuchs, 312 Kliedner bldg., 10th and Wash. Adv. Christian Yooa's topic tonight. "Divine Health How to Attain It" 311 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Adv. Cannon Coal Multnomah Fuel Co. Cordwood, Oak and Fir. Slabwood, Main 6640, A 2116. Adv. For Satisfation, quality and style, Gurney, the ladles tailor, Mohawk bldg. Adv. Beldino. Jeweler, watch repairing agate cutting; 181 Third, Yamhill. Adv. Spitxner. violin studio, Selllng Hirsch bldg., loth and Wash. Adv. Wooster sells everything, 48$ Wash ington. Adv. : Union Ministerial Association Formed. The new Union Ministerial Association has been organized on the East Side by the churches of the Evangelical Association, the United Evangelical and United Brethern de nominations. Rev. C. C. Poling was elected temporary president. A com mittee was appointed to prepare a con stitution and bylaws, who will report Monday at a meeting to be held in the First United Evangelical cnurcn. iaoa s Addition. Meetings will be held in the different churches represented in the association. Federation and co-opera tion is the object of the new associa tion. Divorce Decrees Granted. Three ittvftri- l0i-rAM were erranted by Cir cuit judges yesterday. Judge Davis signed a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony between Charles E. Darby and Helen M. Darby, desertion was the charge. Judg-a Kavanaugn uivorcea V-othHn nils: from C. A. Illig, on rrnnndii of cruelty and gave the ruatodv of a minor child to the mother. .Tuda-e Kavanauah also signed a decree .rantlnir a. divorce to O. R. Bruer from H. Bruer. Breast lamb, 10c. Shoulder lamb, 11c. Rollins- heef. 10c. Ham. 20c Roast beef. 15c. Lamb chops. 15c-18o Leg of lamb, 15c Roast pork, 17fec Breakfast bacon, 20c. 224c and 26e. I-nri In 3s 40c: In 6s 65c: In 10s $1.25. Liver 10c. Roast veal, 12H -18c Butter,75c. Eggs, 25c. Good steak,'16c. Salmon, Sc. Pnrk rhons. 18c. Come to Smith's main market, 328 Alder street, between First and. Second streets. Adv. Sunntbide Farmer Injured. Joseph Maladv. of Sunnyside. Or., a farmer, suffered a fractured skull when a horse he was driving at East Twenty-nrst street and Powell Valley road yester day morning, became frightened and ran away. He was taken in an Ambu lance Service Company machine to St. Vinwnfa Hosnital. where his condi tion was pronounced serious. Warde R. Bowles Recovers. Warde T RowIps who was struck by a street. car at Twelfth and Washington streets, Monday, and was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital. Is reported as recovering. Mr. Bowles, who was a .member of the June graduating class at Harvard Uni versity, was visiting with his uncle, J. R Bowles. He was not seriously nur.i. Bunting to Aid Acoustics. Bunting Is being hung in the G. A. R. hall at the Multnomah County Courthouse with a view to Improving the acoustics of the room. The same trouble has been experienced In hearing In this hall that has given trouble in me t-ouriruumo. It Is believed that streamers near the celling will improve conditions. Oirn Surra contain the best of im ported materials, are tailored as they should be and add an Individual touch th warer. Gurney. the ladles' tailor. Mohawk uldg. Adv. Cheapest Meat in Town. Because Frank L. Smith is "Fighting the Beef Trust" he is selling meat cheaper than any other man In the great Northwest Here are his prices: Langs Miseral Wonder, moved from 360 Yamhill to 243 Alder St. aov. Complicated v-atches repaired. I. H. Miller, 403 Selling bldg. Adv. LAD CAUGHT IN VINEYARD Police Captain Riley Gives Boy Lec ture and Senda Him Home. H. V. Pershln lias an acre vineyard at East Thlrty-eigntn ana uivmuu streets, and all the boys for many- blocks around know it Every year mr. Pershln loses a large part of the prop by theft. Friday night a party oi ran wc.o maklne- a reconnoisance to see if the grapes were ripe enough to take. They scarcely got over the fence before Poli.eman Short who lives In the neighborhood, appeared with L. C. Per shln, a son of the owner. One of the boys. Irvine (jnver, aajeu 17, was caught because, as he ex plained to Police Captain Riley at the station a short time later, he "dian t know the way out or the vmeyara. He was taken on a tour of the jail by Captain Riley, who gave him a. heart- to-heart talk, and ttien sent mm to hla home at 315 East Fifty-fourth street on promise that he would not at tract further attention irom me po lice Department. GRESHAM FAJRJS PRAISED County Officials Say Portland Day Brought Out More Than 5000. Henry E. Reed, Assessor, who, with John B. Coffey. Clerk, the Commissioners and other county officials, attended the Gresham fair Thursday, is enthusiastic about Portland's representation at the East Multnomah County show. There were more than 6000 attendants at the fair grounds in the afternoon, Mr. Reed said, a large proportion of whom were from Portland. "Making Portland day a success at any such institution is a matter of ed ucation," said Mr. Reed. "When Port land day at the Salem fair was estab lished, several yeara ago, it was hard to get 2000 persons to attend. In a few years Fortland day at the Gresham fair will be as big a success as Port land day at the Salem fair." Mr. Reed was much pleased with the exhibits, which, he said, were not as larg-e as at some fairs, but of the high est quality, especially the horses. SPECIAL OAKS PROGRAMME There is no place in the city of Port land so beautiful and attractive at this time of the year as the Oaks Park. The aeason Is now Bearing the close. Take your friends for a trolley ride and stop at the Oaks. Special pro gramme this afternoon and evening. Adv. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. Private boxes, modern protective system. Storage for trunks, suitcases: rates reasonable. Chamber of Com merce buHdlng. Adv. California Victim Known at Stella. CENTRA LI A, Wash.. Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Mrs. John P. Hogan, who was murdered by her husband In San Fran cisco on Monday, was a former resi dent of Cowlitz County. She was a daughter of Mrs. Louise Olson, at pres ent a resident of Stella, and was known to many residents of Southern Cowlitz County as Miss Rosebud Tlbbotts. The body of Mrs. Hogan is being sent north and will be Interred In the Stella cem etery. CARD OF THANKS. We hereby extend our thanks to the public for the timely help and assist ance given us when our house was de stroyed by fire. Respectfully -Adv. J. M. MILLICAN AND WIFE. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their kind ness and beautiful floral offerings dur ing the illness and death of our be loved husband and father. MR8. MART A. CAMPLING Adv. AND STELLA CAMPLING. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friends who so kindly remembered us during the sick ness and death of our beloved wife and daughter, also for the beautiful flowers. A. C. FURLONG. Adv. MR. AND MRS. C. E. BRUCE. D. M. WATSON RESTAURANT. 108 Fifth st, Perkins Hotai Blook.-Adv WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN THE PRICE. Wedding Presents Our FAIRFAX, WASHINGTON and HAMPTON sterling silver patterns are unusually popular" for wedding gifts. They are colonial in de sign and not "faddish" such a gift as will be a pleasant reminder for generations to come. A dozen other attractive patterns to select from. Latest style of engraving free of charge. - A FINE COLONIAL 4-PIECE TEA SET. includ ing beautiful COFFB KETTLE on stand, is one of our special offerings. PRICE, $280. Sterling Silver Chests Mahogany chests filled with such patterns as the Carmel. Washington, Fairfax, Hampton, etc., at $125. $150, $300, $400, $500 and higher. SILVER TABLEWARE All the newest pieces. An Immense stoek. Why buy the ordinary when we have so many of the strictly vp - to - date things tc- show you? GET OUR PRICES BE FORE PCRCHASIXti. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR SPECIAL 10O DIAMOND KINGS' Jaeger Bros. SSSSSST THE Q.UAL.ITY STORE S06 Morrison Street, Between Third and Fourth V NEW RATES SOON VALID INTERSTATE COMMERCE BOD5 ORDERS IX EFFECT IX WEEK. Eastbound Tariffs on dumber and Shingles to Prorlde for Diversion at Minnesota, Transfers. oathmma rates on Lumber and shingles providing for diversion and reconslgnment at Minnesota transiers will be put into effect by the carriers operating from North Pacific Coast points on or before September 2". In compliance with the recently issued orders of the Interstate commerce Commission. The rates already have been figured and now are Deing checked. The tariffs will be tiled with in a few days. These new rates were ordered at tne suggestion of the lumber and single mills of Oregon and Washington, hlch also asked for Btorage in transit privileges. The Commission, however. denied the storage rights. The new tariff will allow diversion and reconslgnment or either, within 24 houra after 7 A. M. following arrival at any designated destination without charge. Diversion or reconslgnment can be made within 10 days after the flrt 24 hours, but shipments will De subject to demurrage and car service charges. After the expiration of the 1 l-day period the local cnarges irora point of diversion or first destination to point of Una! destination will be added. The O.-W. R. & N. Company, Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific will allow thes privileges at any point on their lines. Tlw- Northern Pacific will designate Laurel, Mont, Jamestown, N. D., and, --"' i . - - - Duluth, Minn., as diversion P0l5's; tn0 Great Northern will designate Billings, Mont, Devils Lake, N. D., Minnesota transfer points and Superior, wis.. whlie the Milwaukee will designate Aberdeen, 8. D., and Minnesota trans fers. JEWISH YOUNG FOLK MEET Dr. Wise Outlines Course of Lectures to Be Heard in Future. An entertaining programme was en lov-(v1 bv the members of the Jewish Young Men's and Young Women's As sociation Wednesday night at tne ue- vurtz Hall. Opening the programme a delightful solo, "Carissma," was sung by Miss Clara Ryan. Following this was an interesting address Dy ut. Wise, introductory to a course of lec tures to be given In the near future. A mflodle from Moszkowski was next by Miss Clara Zaik, and its admirable rendition on the piano could not have been excelled. The evening was closed with a violin solo by Harry Herzog, accompanied by Miss Bella Bloom which was well received. Those present were: Ruth Stein, Ruby Barde, Clara Ryan. Fannie Goldstein, Anna Matin. Clara Zaik, Gertrude Zaik, Jennie Ryan, Rubby Labbe, Sophie WeinBtein. Celia Kaplon. Bertha Matin, Julian Gordon, Bella Bloom, Victor T. Hoeflich. Harry Herzog, William PIONEER OF OREGON, WHO CROSSED PLAINS IN 1847, DIES AT HILLSDALE. Mrs. Emni.K, SlavtM. Mrs. Emma R. Slavin, who died at her home in Hillsdale oil Sep tember 10, was one of the pio neers of the state. She had lived in Hillsdale for 60 years. - She was born in Delaware, O., February 12, 1836, and crossed the plains with her parents In 1847. They helped to build the first roads, schools and churches in Portland. After braving- the vicissitudes of the overland trip, Israel Mitchell, Mrs. Slavin's step father, crossed the Willamette with his wife and five children in a large canoe and built a tem porary home of cedar shakes Just east of what Is now Stephens' Addition. From here Mrs. Slavin, then only 10 years old. and her sister, the late Mrs. Sarah Brown, of Forest Grove, came to Portland's first school In a Front-Btreet cooper shop. They crossed the river twice a day in a small boat a dangerous trip in the Winter storms. " v r; x W-l " f ; ,4 ',',- f- - yvj -J. f " "? . y, ;: r I VfiT-TS f hsjtKs&Z, ."sCrnrl.3 Brenner, Herman Cohen, Harry Semler, Meyer Cohen, Moe Shank, Max Gold stein, E. M. Herman, Joe Tonkin and Samuel Weinsteln. At the business meeting held the same evening, the following were ad mitted as members: Abraham Silver, David Wax, Arthur Weinsteln, Harry Bader and Samuel Susman. EARLY SHOPPING IS URGED V. C. T. TT. Wonld Refrain From Overworking Clerks on Saturday. First among the organizations of the city to get into the annual campaign for Christmas shopping early is the W. C. T. U which adopted a resolution at Its recent convention pledging every member to refrain from shopping dur ing the week before Christmas, except for necessities, and to refrain from shopping on Saturday afternoons. Resolutions were also adopted in dorsing establishment of a social Btudy course for members, indoslng an eight hour day, recommending larger use of the school buildings as community cen ters and commending the trade and vo cational schools. Through the labor department It was also recommended that efforts be made to establish coffee houses, settlement work and "Friendly Inns" to offset the Influences of the saloons. SUMPTER ADDS INDUSTRIES Guy L. Anderson Reports Improve ments to Valley Line. Guy L. Anderson, general manager of the Sumpter Valley Railroad, was in Portland yesterday on business and re ported material progress in the terri tory tributary to his road. A new sawmill at Whitney, a new , croaiuei y wun ouv uui.uo """- " " the weekly output at Prairie City and numerous other industries are a rew oi the acquisitions along the Sumpter Valley line within the last few weeks. The roadbed Is being repaired and put Into first-class shape, several new bridges are being built and other im provements are under way. CHANGE OF GRADE URGED Engineer Declares Road Dangerous Where Mirs. Kapus Was Killed. The Gordon Creek-Trout Creek road and the bridge across Gordon Creek are in bad condition, according to com munications from Samuel Powell, of Chicago, and Samuel Powell, Jr., re ceived by the County Commissioners. Mr. Powell. Jr., who is a mining en gineer, urged the commissioners to Inspect the road, offering to show them the dangerous places. It was on this road that Mrs. Kapus was killed last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Powell sayB the present grade is not practicable and urges that a new grade be established. ORIENTAL RUG SHOW. Art Lovers andi Connoisseurs Crowd Atiyeh Brothers Establishment- During all the past week, scores of the most prominent people of Portland, lovers of the beautiful and connoisseurs, attended the annual rug show held at Atiyeh brothers' establishment, Alder street at Tenth. All declared that they were well pleased with the exquisite display of luxurious floor coverings. "Luxurious beyond compare," as some have said, and were only disappointed th0 show did not last longer so they could find time to study all the various specimens of the rug makers' art Owing to many requests and the lav ish tributes of praise, as the result of the show. Atiyeh brothers announced last night the continuation of their special exhibit for another week and repeat cordially and sincerely their in vitation to those whft did not come the first week and to those who did. Adv. ABOUT QUELLE CRAWFISH The Quelle cravtfish are sold only by the Hofbrau-Quelle. Sixth and Alder streets. They are served in our estaD lishment at 60c per dozen, and to take home at 50c per dozen. A hen you or der through messenger company make sure you are getting them from us, or phone Main 919. A 5240. The Hofbrau Quelle, Portland's Best Eating Place. Concert by Jonas Jancsls Hungarian Orchestra, assisted by popular Violu Barrett soprano. 3 to 5, 6 to 8 and 10 to 12. Adv. HOW WELL You will look during this Winter de pends on your tailor. Our hand-tailor- inf gives individual cut ana nnisn 10 each suit: Our Fall woolens have been received and we will make you a spe cial price if you will plaoe your order this week. Unique Tailoring Company, 309 Stark, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Men's and ladies' tailors. Adv. NORTONIA HOTEL Special Winter rates now made to bachelors and families at Nortonia, Portland's exclusive hotel. Commodi ous parlors, music, tea and billiard rooms. Adv. Gottliebsons Plead Guilty. H. C. W. Gottllebson and Gertrude Gottliebson pleaded guilty to obtain ing money and property by false pre tenses In Circuit Judge Cleeton's court Friday. , The old couple were indicted.J mm !2W mm m 8 mm I . it :l mm Copriht 1913 At K x ol Uupt;nh rimcf Morrison at Fourth for obtaining money from Myrtle L. England, an employe of a hotel, by rep. resenting that they were the owners of a large tract of land in Lower Cali fornia, which they offered for sale. In vestigation by the District Attorney's office showed that they had no title to the property described and no claim against it. A Superior Showing of DIAMONDS We offer to those who appreciate the importance of buying Diamonds carefully a gathering of choice stones, second to none. "We have diamonds of every size, but only in grades which are creditable to us, at prices which are bound to make every customer our friend . and booster. The fact that Diamond buying is largely a matter of confi dence in the seller should argue sufficiently in favor of com ing to this store. Liberal Credit to Responsible Parties MARX & BLOCH LARGEST DIAMOND DEALERS IN OREGON 283 Morrison Street MANY CHILDREN STUDYING strain their eyes to the danger point. Bring them to us and we will tell you the exact condition they are In, and if glasses are necessary. No extra charge for this service, and glasses as low as J2.50. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS 218-210 FAILI.(; BLDG.. Corner Third and Washington, 2d Floor Take Elevator. In Buying a Diamond it is highly important that you have expert advice and help in selecting a stone, and the name of a reputable house back of this advice, as a guarantee of its honesty. We have been buying and selling diamonds in this com munity for many years. We know values, and we are here permanently, to back up any sale we make. G. Heitkemper Co. Diamond Dealers and Jewelers, Yeon Bldg., 130 5th St. FOR all men we have solved the clothes prob lemyoung men, middle aged or elderly, tall or short, straight or stooping, slim' or stout find here the models best suited to their individuality. 4 Perfect in quality and work manship are the assortments here from KUPPENHEIMER at Twenty-Five Dollars x Others at $15 to $40 An Office Must Be Appropriately Furnished before its appearance can convey that dignified prosperity impressiveness upon which success so largely depends. life ilk JII!p1 js- Office men, bankers,, merchants, manufacturers, doctors, law yers no matter what your profession we can furnish your office complete to fit your business. OUR 20 TO 33 1-3 PER CENT MONEY-SAVING REMOVAL SALE should certainly be inducement enough for you to anticipate your wants for the next few months. Place your order NOW. BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS "Everything for the Office" IILH AM pr1ntiNngYco Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders rirTH A OAS Till, "r.zi' Dealers Wanted In every part of the Northwest to handle our standard line of Sohmer, Bennett, Knabe, Strohber. Holt S c h o e n b erg, Leasing. Armstrong, Brewster and other Pianos and Player Pianos, on a consignment basis. Write today for our proposi tion, which is the most liberal and best for out-of-town dealers. Readers of Vi'a announcement whe live In a locality where the above line is not represented, write our mail order department for in formation and buy your piano direct from a wholesale house. Save one hundred dollars. Terms can be ar ranged. E. H. Holt Piano Co., Inc. WHOLESALERS, 512-313-31-4-315 Merchants Trust Bldg.. Sixth and Washlna-toa Streets, Portland, Or. DO YOU HEAB WELL? Tet. without r:k. In your own home, the Aud 3f53(4k. Iphone with liteat In stantaoeous adjustment. It l almost humaniy f. sensitive to sound and Visl m KEV1VK3 at once ken. YaSSS&Sfe' distinct, aided hearlni 6wS power to those who ar almost lomijy aear we Jet you take in Audlrtuon horns fMi. ask a small rent- V i' L Rental ap- v.:s:VVSiN piiea on pur chftsa. Tblt bould appj to you aa a p r o p o jltiuo that ougnt to d .nvemrmtea- 6TOLZ ELECTROPHONE CO.. Z80 Lumbermen bide., cor. itftb and Stark. The Steinbach Store Round-Up Mufflers We have a few of the beautiful Roundup Mufflers left. They are the best souvenir of the greatest show In tho, world. Colors are red center with green border, green center with red bor .der, cerise center with purple bor der, old rose center with yellow bor der, king's blue center with red bor der. All extra eood quality of slik, 32 Inches squara. Everyone who saw the show .should liav one of these souvenirs. 'e will send you one, fif (Jrv postage paid, for only.... wleJv Write your name and address plainly. Send cash, postal order, express order or postage stamps. The Peoples Warehouse rlCVDI.KTO.V, OIIKI.ON. COAL $6 Per Ton Ask your neighbor about it and you will buy it. AVe sold over 0000 Tons last year. Large Lump Coal at $6.00 Per Ton. Delivered in 2-mile circle. SUPERIOR COAL CO. 103 Fourth St. Main 154 A 1511 Dye Works C!i Cleaned and C 1 OC Jllll Presned, 2-Plece pl.s0 Open NIGHT and DAY Main 81)4. PHOXES A 5101. 103 12th St., Ret. IVshIi. and Stark. WE CALL AND IIEMVIX