TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 3, 1913 FIRST PHOTOGRAPHS FROM BALKANS TAKEIT SINCE PRESENT WAR BEGAN. BULGARS TO COUNT IT Frederick Palmer Finds Peo ple Rejoicing, Not Knowing Fate of Loved Ones. BUY THE BEST. WHEN T0U BUY," ARMIES RACE FOR PLACE GO AFTERWARDS yfsss . ...wjr:-'.--:: 1 r Y I V vx vtN, 4 lit ' n io I itv k ' - ..- 1 W t-M.MMMMjissMnafsyiaCM ay I II . - ' " 'mm l -y i-a-' tJ Greeks, Serb and Bulgarians in '. Marathon to Salonika Pass to 4 Front Granted American Correspondent. BY FREDRICK PALMER. Copyr1bt. 1912. by the New York Times Company.) SOFIA. Nov. 2. (Special.) The bells of every church throughout Bulgaria summoned the people this morning to a mass of thanksgiving-, largely at tended. This is practically the only celebration of the victory of Lule Burgas illustrative of the Bulgarian attitude. Gushing correspondents who sent telegrams telling of imaginary ex citement and rejoicing drew the dis pleasure of the censors. The only ap pearance of excitement is in the crowds around the bulletin boards at the war office, watching for news of the fall of Adrlanople, which is rumored. Un like the Japanese censors, who allowed ail rumors to go. the Bulgarians per mit only officially assured facts. The only cheering I have heard since I have been in Sofia was for the de parting Macedonian and Bulgarian vol unteers. Every town taken over the border means more Bulgars hastening into Bulgaria to Join the army groups. These hardy Macedonians are seen fre yuently coming into town. Caanaltr Lists Sot Published. Of those who gave their prayer of thanks at the churches this morning, unless they had heard through friends at the hospitals, none knew whether their relatives at the front were killed, wounded or living. No official lists are sent out, nor do the people complain. Costs can be counted after the object is gained. All Macedonian and later drafts of troops are rushed to Adrlanople, while the Bulgarian first and second armies confront the Turks at Tchorlu. All reports from the Saloniki region indicate that Turkish opposition is fading away, companies are disbanding and soldiers are throwing away their rifles. Armies Racing for Place.' Two Bulgar divisions moving south have Joined In the valley of the Struma, below Neurskop. and expect to arrive at Saloniki, but the Greeks, hav ing the start, probably will beat them. Another Bulgar division has Joined forces with the Serb division from lskub and also is In this marathon. Now that a Bulgarian army Is putting the Turks out of Europe, perhaps we may have a legation or at least a con sulate here, instead of one Minister representing three countries. At pres ent our interests are In charge of the British, our native Vice-Consul being at the front fighting. 1 arrived to find a staff order posi tively refusing to pass more corre spondents, but Premier Guetchoff. when 1 appealed to him that I had traveled ' 4000 miles and that America was un ' represented, used his Influence with the staff, which made an exception to the rule. TURKS' DOWNFALL AWAITED Contlnud From First Page.) can Red Cross Society. Numerous in quiries prompted the society to an nounce today that all contributions of lAmericans should be addressed to the Ked Cross at Washington or to local ; Ked Cross treasurers, and not to lndi- t-iduals or other organizations. 'l'RIXCU AZIZ IS TO BE TRIED Turkish Commander or Cavalry and 19 OOicers Under Charges. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. i. It is re ported that Prince Asia, who com manded the Turkish cavalry at the bat tle of Kirk-Kiiisseh, and la other Turk ish ofneers will be brought to Con stantinople for trial by court martial. More tnan Juou wounded arrived here tonight trom Thrace plains. An ofDcial dispatch from Saloniki 'says the Turkish forces which started 'from Saloniki have formed a Junction with the troops at Varidari on the Yaridar Kiver. A column from Yenidlah has suc ceeded in dislodging the Greeks who 'occupied a position at Vortekoh. near . Vodena, in Macedonia. Numerous pris oners and 10 guns were captured. Turk ish forces, according to the advices, . have descended from Uonastir and .'turned the Greeks under, the Crown Prince. 1 -. VILLAGERS ARE TREACHEROUS Turks Who Fired Under White Flag W ill Be Court-Mar tialed. ' ATHENS, Nov. 2. It is reported that the German emperor has sent a letter lo bis sister, Princess Sophie, the wife of Crown Prince Constanune. . which has been communicated to the Crown Prince, congratulating the ' Greek army on the courage it has : shown. Dispatches from Kosani says that i when the Greeks arrived at the village of Inell. a white flag was hoisted. The 1 Greeks suspecting treachery, sent for , ward soldiers on whom the Turkish peasants opened fire. The Greeks then lired and burned the village. One hundred prisoners were taken and they will be tried by court martial. ' MONTENEGRIN LOSSES HEAVY Report Says 2000 Fell in One of Assaults on Scutari. I CONSTANTINOPLE. Nov. 2. A "tele- gram from Scutari, dated seven days J ago, reports that the Montenegrins ' in one of their assaults against the town lost 2000 men killed and wounced. It U reported from Kavala, on the Aegean sea. that a Greek squadron haa been siahted off Enos at the mouth of the .Maritrarl River in the Gulf of Knos. The Greek warships were con voytng several transports and it is believed a landing is comempiaiea. ' Fighting continues along the whole line in the Eastern theater of war, but no details have been made public. CZAR SURVEYS ' BATTLEFIELD ' Ferdinand Is Cheered by Troops In- - vesting Adrlanople. I SOFIA, Nov. 2. Czar Ferdinand vls - Hd today the Height of Yuracha. from which he viewed the battlefield and forts around Adrlanople. Subsequently 0 . v 'l .... . Tf " f . h V f ,,M,,sss"sssssssM,,M,M ABOVE, BVLGARIAX 8EIGE ARTILLERY, CENTER. BULGARIAN COMMISSARY STORES GOING TO FRONT ABOVti BlUiABU.i o -BELOW, BULGARIAN PRIEST BLESSING CONSCRIPTS. . : . . , he proceeded over the advanced posi tion. Everywhere the Czar was cheered by the troops. The royal train stopped at Mustapha Pasha, where the Czar attended a thanksgiving Bervlce for the Bulgarian victory before Lule Burgas. AVUTORS VIEW TIIE FORTRESS Bombardment of Adrlanople Re ported to Be Continuing. SOFIA, Nov. 2. Persistent rumors of the fall of Adrlanople caused great crowds to assemble around the War Office throughout the day. There were also reports that the Bulgarians had captured six Turkish trains near Demo- tica. No official confirmation of any of these reports could be obtained. Bulgarian aviators have made sev eral flights over Adrlanople and the latest authentic Information is that the bombardment of the forts continues. CARDINAL RESIGNS PLACE Resplghi Blames Himself for Sub ordinate's Faults. PARIS, Nov. 2. The Matin says Car dinal Respighi, vicar-general to Pope Pius, has resigned, following an inquiry ordered by the Pope Into the adminis tration of the chancellor of the vicar iate. Monsignor Faberl, which It is al leged, established favoritism. The cardinal, according to the Matip, deemed himself responsible for ; his subordinate's action and tendered his resignation. REGISTRATION FIGURES AS COMPLETELY COMPILED AT THE CAPITAL. The following abstract shows the registration of electors in the several count! of the State of Oregon between Jan uary 1 and October ZO. i&lx, prior to the general election of November fr, 1912, together with a statement of the popula tion of the state by counties. Federal census 1910. total reglatratlon for the year 1908 total number of ballots cast at the general election June 1, 1B0S. total registration for the year 1910 and total number of ballots caat at the general election. ...u.cuiuit a. ihiu, ana segregation ty COUNTY. Baker Benton ....... Clackamas.. . , Cjatsop. ...... Columbia. . . . . Coos , Crook '.. Curry Douglas Oilllam Gram Harney. ...... Hood River.. Jackson Josephtne Klamath lake Lane . . Lincoln Linn Malheur Marlon ....... Morrow Multnomah. .. Polk Sherman Tii;amook. . .. Imatllla Vnlon Wallowa Wasco Washington. . .' Whcer. . . . . . Yamhill Totals 672.765 122.095 TJ s "SI X I --si sf-l t?i !:?gS swssi . " T3 X i -.TO I 3 3 CT CO : c; Lc U-i-oS H .: 7J ?S3 p U 5 a, : - .. : ;g.-iS: S t : If : 6?l : ?? irg?g : Sg?, 1S.07H 4.023' 3.7SS 8.T6S 8,592 8.801 ir,63' 1.9.13 V.2U3 1.705 2.1C7 1.918 2D.931I 5,447 5.440 B.S49 5.855 5,707 16.1061 3.057 2,72i 2.62 2.635 S.437 lO.&hOi 2.167 2.150 l.fliB- 2.039 l.S9 17.959 J. 544 3.8261 4.i31; 3.785 8.300 9.3151 1,78 1,9171 1.919 1,836 2.425 1. 0441 543 543 629 535 640 19.BT4 4.246 4.355 S.904, 4.389 4.4SS 8.701 SS8 965 719 . 841 S2 5.607 1.6SU 1,542 1.265 1.45S 4.059' &.H3 1,091 814; 1.149 1,063 8,(Jlfl 1.261 1.3101 1,190 1,429 25.756 4..6U8 4.460 4.926 4.523 5,302 9.567 2.029 2.196 1.972; 2.012 1.984 8,554' 1,678 1,649 2.029' 1.884 2.260 4.65' 979 971 969 1.061J 9 33.7831 5.929 fl,06.l! K.9S1 8,381! 6,047 5.5871 1.173 1.14TI 1.023 1.2SI 1.121 22.662) 4.557 4.8061 4.255 4.678 4.427 8.601' 1.540 1.3761 1.563 1.654 1.721 3l.7S'l 6.792! 7.0SO1 7.129: 7.402 7.519 4.3.-.71 1.24SI 1.2M . 942' 1.060 815 226.261 33.265 27.347 38.8.H6 82.474 43.587 18.46!!1 2,9X51 3,1251 2.63i 3.011 2,977 4.242! 928; 90TI 63 777 695 .2'i6; 1,0561 1.1531 1.1501 1.29S 1.234 20.309' 4.477 4.322 4.163: 4.354 4.192 16,1911 3.464 8.62SI' 2.926 8.008 8.217 8.3H4I 1.8581 1.9.15! 1.39 1.670 1,781 16.3361 8.779 3.723 2,8-141 2.460 2.738 21.522' 3.914! 4.111 3.S60I 8.904 4.041 2.4S-41 62! 7S5l 5is' -,95 650 18.2S5! 3,485j 8.669I 3.102; 3.593 8.301 t. LI I .1 Phn(n COMMITTEE SAYS REPRESENTA TIVE'S PLURALITY 8000. Replies to Hundreds of Letters Sent Out Show Incumbent Will Be Returned to Congress. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.) Rep resentative Hawley's re-election to Congress from this district Is predicted by a greatly Increased plurality of the 8000 over his nearest opponent of two years ago, in a statement which was issued today by the Congressional com mittee of the First Congressional Dis trict. It follows in part: "In reply to inquiries sent out by the committee some few days ago hun dreds of letters from every part of the First District have been received and all point to the re-election of Congress man Hawley by a greatly Increased vote. "From Curry County and other counties having a great number of homesteaders and other public land en tryinen come the assurance that the voters appreciate the excellent service rendered them by Congressman Hawley In preventing the consideration of the secret report in future cases pending before the department, and that these men, without consideration of party af filiation, are for him. A poll of one of the voting precincts in Josephine County, where public land entrymen predominate, disclosed that Mr. Haw political aivisionsoime regisiranMu. 116.614 122.742 l?0.248ll31,880! id tNJX- J ConvriB - hted bv Bain News Service. ' ley would secure 96 votes out of a pos sible 103 in the precinct, ana una wu ditlon is believed to exist in other sim ilnr localities. "The dairymen and horticulturists are also strong for Mr. Hawley. As the most active Republican on tne commn tee on agriculture of the House, he has led the fight against ail measures, pro posing the reduction of the present tax on colored oleomargarine and its sub stitution for butter, and has strongly contended that no article that- is not butter, no matter by what name it is proposed, should be sold as butter. Mr. Hawley has also taken the initiative in the fight against the propaganda carried on bv Eastern Jobbers, to in Jure the Oregon apple trade, and has defeated the Lafean apple box bill and other similar measures. "Congressman Hawley has made it his annual custom to visit every por tion of the First District and confer with his constituents. This has been done whether an election was on or not. He has done the same this year, and these vista have kept him in direct touch with all the people rather than a certain favored few. He knows their interests and desires and will receive a great majority of their votes next Tuesday." CHINESE YOUTH STUDENT La Grande High School Preparing Oriental for Teaching- at Home. LA GRANDE, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) It has Just fallen La Grande's duty to aid the Chinese republic in getting out of the long-traveled rut, the La Grande High School now having in training Wong Ylng Ho, who is a nephew of Vi. e--g; otse-S g 02.00. oS, ff "5 -3 5. O -1 t3 1 fZ-3 t l - s. & ift s So." CCS rt o iU I ; 8 s I ss?'-a.('a . " a. " - : is --"Sri : : : : : : : :. : si- : 2j : : ' - : : & : : ?f : g.S : -.i j ) i t 913 4.714 1.94S 1,552 15 202 84 918 535 2.451 1.SS5 76l 106 57 81 106 6 1,462 7.169 4.873 1,676 104 294 88 214 70 . . . . 752 8.189 2.03 441 10 227 17 108 240 53 8291 2.219 1.67 9 347 2 8 1 20 11 116 20 . . . . 1,020 4,410 2,365 806 35 478 22 278 419 - T 628 2,53 1,802 . 818. 42 165 26 69 .81 38 678 385 188 . . . . 60 i . . . 25 12 12 959 6.897 3,206 1.446 88 872 36 141 53 105 . 67 749 511 207 4 18 .... 9 87J 1,545 1183 ' 461 5 58 5 8 25 .... 8.V 1.148 63 473 4 42 .... 18 28 .... -. 819 1.745 1.220 278 87 SO 14 93 23 1,184 6.486 3.9o3 1,607 80 368 42 815 1711.... 497 2.481 1.407 550 19 238 24 143 23 77 881 2.641 1.704 "00 9 119 9 SO 60 . . . . 239 1.237 772 352 1 88 4 12 7; 1 2,197 8.2J4 4,930 1,944 179 654 93 320 86 186 207 1.328 8(17 234 18 145 , . 5 30 27 2 1,2091 '5.636 2,990 1,675 154 266 48 245 33 23 453 2.174 1.302 708 16 66 12 23 46 1 1,6341 9.153 5.091 1.60 227 2D6 ' 43 20O 714 2 167! 982 668 213 ll! 58 23 9 .... 8,500) 52.087 39.892 8.450 419 1,168 674 1.464 35 5 420 8.S97 J. 02! 995 93 137 5 129 16 .... 98' 788 533 201 23 7-2 16 X 294) 1,528 1.052 236 32 94 7 43 61 8 431 4.628 8.019 1,202 92 163 7 80 60 . . . . 333 8.550 1,962 1.144 -32 252 32 87 41 .... ,172l 1,953 1,133 610 14 150 8 ' 22 '16 .... 443! 8.181 2,229 628 63 143 .... 93 23 .... 1,153 8.194 3.607 8S5 108 128 516 lOl 660 493 154 2 5 .... 5 .... ' 1 897 4,198 -2,643 893 268 150 17 189 91 8.008!159.8S 105.959 84.659 2,2S5'e.768 1.184U.708 2.387l.988 PERFECTION OIL HEATERS HONEYMAN HARDWARE COMPANY FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS Wonsr Tet, a local merchant in China town. WongT Ting; crossed the Pacific after having mastered the rudiments of the Eng-lish language and the ordinary branches of education in Hongkong at a Chinese university, and has now en tered upon a four years' course in the high school of La Grande. He is a bright young (jninaman ui kuuui 19 years, and is very ambitious to mas ter the entire course here, then return to China and impart to his fellow coun trymen the knowledge obtained in the new world. He Is making good prog ress in school affd Is a good student. Party Rallies Are Held. FOREST GROVE, Or., Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) Forest Grove residents are get ting their share of political oratory in these closing days of the campaign. Wednesday Rev. Albert Ehrgott. of Portland, spoke on Socialism, and Thursday at Verts Liberal Hall the Prohibitionists held a meeting. To night the Republicans held their clos- Latest Election Return From YE OREGON GRILLE popular candidate Contest Here Is How They Stood at Six o'clock Las Kiht. TOM WORD JJ W H. FITZGERAXD 1J ROBT. MORROW WALTER EVANS ? BBS SELLING ?S JONATHAN BOURNE 18 GEO. M. DAVIS 1 J. B. CRONAN JNO. B. COFFET 11 GUS C. MOSER. 10 HBNRT E. REED 10 W. L. L1GHTNER J W. A. LEET i SAM C. SLOCUM.. R. W. MONTAGUE f GEO. TAZWELL U O. CARPENTER f HARRY LANE M. G. MUNLY.. J JNO. JEFFREY J A. E. CLARK J DAN KELLAHBB LUTE PEASE DR. H. R. BIERSDORP J. D. ABBOTT J BEN BRICK .... J IRVING C. SPENCER .-.2 JNO. R. LATOURETTB J C. W. ACKERSON OGLESBY YOUNG I. N. DAY THOMAS M'CUSKER JNO. M. LEWIS 1 J. UPTON B. LEE PAGET 1 JACK M. YATES 1 DORR E. KEASEY H D. WAGNON" PHIL METSCHAJf, JB, 1 Hot From the Wire TCESDAT NIGHT, NOV. FIFTH At treat expanse a special wire has been leased from the Poatal Telerraph Cable Co.. and the pa trons of YE OREGON will be furnished the first information of tha progress of the National, State and City count. Make Table Reservations Now ' Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co. MANNING RURAL. HOME LAMP FREE to try In your home IS days. Incandescent 800 candle power. Gives better light than gas, electricity, acetylene or 15 or dinary lamps at one-tenth the cost. For homes, stores, halls and churches. Burns common gasoline. Absolute ly safe. COSTS 1 CENT PER NIGHT. Guaranteed S years. No wick. No chimney. No man 1 1 e trouble. No dirt. No smoke. No odor. A perfect light for every purpose. Take advantage of our l.Vday FREE TRIAL czr otter. Writ today. ux 1 ipO.O- PRICE. H W. MANNING LIGHTING SUPPLY CO. ' "- 63 H Sixth Street. , J Phone Mala S31L Portland, Or. "WANDA" A COMBINED WOOD AND COAL HEATER. ONE OF OUR LATEST PATTERNS. A HANDSOME AIRTIGHT HEATER WITH BLUE STEEL BODY, CAST TOP AND BOTTOM, THAT WILL BURN WOOD, COAL OR BRIQUETS. HAS ILLUMINATED FRONT DRAFT FRAME AND DUPLEX GRATE. A CARLOAD HAS JUST ARRIVED. CAN MAKE PROMPT DELIVERIES. SEE THIS HEATER BEFORE YOU BUY YOU'LL LIKE IT. ANDIRONS FIRE SETS FTRE SCREENS SPARK GUARDS 1 . DOMESTIC AND SUPERIOR GAS RANGES PITTSBURG AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATERS Ing rally, when Wallace McCamant and others spoke. The Democrats are ad vertising "Cyclone" Davis, of Texas; Gilbert Hedges, Democratic nominee for District Attorney, and , Walter Pierce. On Monday evening the Roose velt Progressives will hold their final round-up, when Emmett Callahan, of Portland, will deliver the principal ad dress in the Knights of Pythias Hall. The Reliable DENTISTS 25 Years in Portland Today, as of yore, giving the people the best dental work at the least possible cost. Other dentists have placed our name on the front of their building in the endeavor to secure some of our patronage. Pay no attention to such chicanery. The Wise Dental Company can be found only at the same old stand. FAILING BUILDING Southeast Corner Third and Washington. DR. W. A. WISE In personal attendance. Ask to see him, so- that you can be sure you are In the right place. set that sorr u Plates, With Flexible Suction. The very best and latest In modern den tistry. No more falling plates. Our Interchanjeab'e Facing, A "Wise" Idea Our bridge, iw o r k has bean brought to tne nign est state of 'pert eetlon. Tha teeth on h 1 m hrirtee a r 1 ni e r- changea Die at will with out remov ing from the mouth. WE GiVe a IS-Year Guarantee. 85 TEARS' ACTIVE PRACTICE IN PORTLAND. Wise Dental Co. FAILING BUILDING, THIRD AND WASHINGTON, ' Southeast Corner. Phones Main 109, A J029. te!f REZN0R GAS HEATERS If You Are Bcsonihg HE3 or are troubled with Ringing Noises in ihs Ksad My Illustrated Free Eook Contains JOYFUL WEWS I do not offer yon makeshifts such as artific ial ear drums or other apparatus; I do not prove of saturating your system with habit-forni-fng drugs. I am not content to merely give you a brief period of relief from deafness but my aim is TO CURE YOU PERMANENTLY I am a prncttfiine physician of 33 year' actlv, extensive, ex peiienoe I know the only satisfactory method of con quering deafness and head Dolsee is In cretdntrat the ssnc of the trouble and curing IC 1 hars published a book It Is written in eay. plain lan gruatre and Is Illustrated. It tells you facts you probably never Imagined and yon may ss Just why yoa probably never suoceedrd In g-ntUng a real, hutting- cure before. It Is the one treatise you hare been seeking and It tells all about the one Method you should adopt and which la Comparatively Inexpcaalre DEAFNESS IS DANGEROUS Thereat wars waa wni danger In btof def but with thi In fniioa of rapid spdinfr nun.obilM, Sraf er parti? deal person oan leei tSe. Aoeiittois to Uom wha aoiild not har wall, are being- recorded hy tbousand. Moreover drafneas Annovt Vthert tv Fornvy Thrm to Shout at You Prevent You from fin)6vttf'Ticatrt$, Concert$ete MaJtei You feel a Bore When tn Company Jitnders Your Success tn Hutinen or Socially Stop You from HtarvnQ Sweet Sound qfXature it usually Allied mth Aervousnet and Despondency Mr book ex D lain a troy It Is vary prabably your own fault thai yon remain da( aud why you are brcomi if a little harder el hearing every year. Bxptalaa nerrouancM. Boowi wberetn the un-tVn-lyW eauaea of ooottDued dafnaw or head nolaea era probably SHGnTtfilnu YOUR LIFE Mvbook tells von how I have cared oases which have been given up as hopeless, it explains wherein yon may gain -wonderful brnrrlt from the very outset. It is a book for men and women of any age. It fearlessly exposes the frauds that prey upon those who are deaf. It shows you how Nature is patiently waiting for yoa to give her nchancetohelpyoa. Thisbook.yon BOOK ABOUT may say. is WORTH na wuuar IN GOLD to you, yet it will cost PERFECT yoa nothing but the expense of a Uf ADINfl postcard or stamp tn writing for it. n LM II I ll U Don't pass this by and say "it is like ITD IT IT the restof them lam disappointed and discouraged," but get the book now and be surprised jovoiis at the prospect of a SPEEDY, LIFELONG, HOME CURE Throw aside yourprejutilce overpastfaHnres.no matter what bad luck you may have had even with skiild specialists. My book shows you why they so often fail and giree you simple directions for tenting whether your own im la hnnelefiaor nrnhahlTonrahle. There are manr genuine pleasant surprises in my book. You will feel better for having read it. Let me send ft to you. In plain wrapper, absolutely free Keep thi adv't Address; DR. GEO. E. COUTANT, Station E. , New York. N. Ye Laue-Davis Drug Co. THIRD AND YAMHILL, CARRY THE BEST QUALITY OF Elastic Hosiery J V ANKLETS, KNKE CAPS AXD ABDOMIXAL SUPPORTERS Send for Measuring Blank and Price 'Mil il: