THE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAN. PORTLAND. SEPTE3IBER 1, Store Will Be Closed Tomorrow, Labor DayBut Beautiful Window Display of New Fall Merchandise Should Be Seen and Enjoyed by All "Authoritative in the Matter of Fall Styles Is Our Butterick Fashion Book Every Pattern of the Butterick Co. Is Here, First Floor Section f A WOND isheve and with its usual degree of relevance Meier filKVAv" ' $lW A- & Frank Store meets the early season and gives, beginning Tuesday, its initial Formal Showing of Fall Modes. WO?M M Flower-and-nlant-laden is every section of The Big Store-the tone of Fall is everywhere! It's in the glowing freshness that s all-; h E.VV 1 islf IpSs9H81 11- llNmS3 Dresses- I 1 Our New Fall and SM p$ i j miner Aaidiuguc a about: It's in the gorgeous displays of beautiful Fall and Winter mercnanaise. Ana aimougn not as comp uux AUc be-redundant in beauty and variety is this preliminary display that's all-embracing in its scope. An exhibition full of suggestions, full of endless opportunities for the woman who must needs turn her thoughts .toward Fall apparel. -i,:AT1. - Typical of the spirit of The Big Store that lias been "yours for service" for 55 long years typical of the Store which in fashions as in all things else leads the way, we meet your early season needs in the showing which begins Tuesday. With a predominance ne'er o'er-ruled, with a leadership unquestionably supreme taking the initiative by right of natural conse quence of its over half a century of superiority and satisfied service-The Meier & Frank Store bids you welcome bids you enjoy this initial display as you will and in your own way. Your Store, today, as ever and always! Fashionable Fall Millinery-First Showing Knox Hats A display of lovely Fall Millinery to delight the eyes of any woman! And never has a season offered so wide and varied a choice of distinctive modes each as fashionble as the other a style note that provides for the question of individual fitness. Side by side, are displayed the models from famous genius-inspired Paris creators, Hats from famed New York modistes, together with Millinery from our own clever designers. Every style from the close-fitting cloche types to the wide-flaring Empire models of pic turesque, sweeping lines. Here you'll find the creations of MME. GEORGETTE CAROLINE FEBOUX LICHENSTEIN BUKULSSUK An1 1TTA rvlflQOTirO in ho stnnnn-nftflment. that we've added the AMU WO puwouiu - - exclusive Knox Hats to our showing of models for Fall. Knox- the name that women have known as representative of all that s distinctive and charming in Millinery! Scores of the smartest of severely tailored models that add an air of the ultra correct to madame's attire. Then stunning creations with the more elaborate trimmings for semi-dress wear. . Smooth and rdugh felts, rich velours, handsome velvets combined with lovely ribbons, aigrettes, metallic roses, tailored wings, gor geous ostrich quality and style supreme in exclusive Knox Hats. IPUK KITR7MAV HYLAND PHIPPS ATCHINSON Fascinating Charm in Women's Autumn Apparel Gowns Suits - - Wraps Waists And the creative genius of Paris is apparent everywhere in the wondrous display of fashion able Fall Apparel for women! The Great Ready-to-Wear Salons are alight with the beauty ot garments that comprise the summary of fashions Paris and New York creators decreed. 6 A Wavi-aw authoritative that tells in, its various chapters the fashion story for Fall. And the dominant note of it all is the one most interesting featnxe-that of fascinating effect for milady-that of grace of line and tem inine charm supreme ! Included in the showing are: Original Creations of Paris Modistes-Gowns by Callot, Lucile, Benard, Jenny-Replicas of rare Paquin and Redfern models Exquisite creations that date back to the Direc toire period for their in spiration. Most noticeable are the pannier the new, soft, graceful drane. The clever Watteau plait, a consequent of the much used sash-panel. . Rare beauties of lustrous, clinging silks, of accordion pleated chiffons, ' fashioned with glittering beaded, tunics, lovely filmy and heavy laces. Then scores of more practical types of rich silks and woolen fabrics. Dresses for street, business, school and college wear. All that's best for every use is here and in a showing remarkable. Prices range from S25 to $250. Coats and Wraps- 'Tis a wide exDanse that leads from the - jaunty Morning Coats to the inde scribably beautiful Evening .Wraps of truly regal dis tinction Tint, we'vesnanned it in this initial showing of styles Coats that embrace every possible need. The narrow silhouette lines remain the prom inent feature. Even in the pannier and draped styles for evening wear the slight lines are strongly indicated. Drapes are caught and con-, fined with the Watteau plait kimono styles for afternoon and theater use are wonderfully graceful. Immense variety for general utility wear. Every price from $15 to $200. q 1 Simplicity the prevailing aiiu Waists- note of the elegant, mannish Tailored suits. Though the semi-dress models are of the fashionable Robespierre type with pointed collars, below hip-length jackets. Skirts are scant, though some with clever inserts of plaits at side and Unique tunics of short lines. Gathers at hips and back are shown, with undisturbed straight lines. The gilet or vests, another important factor. Every late fashion approved by Paris is here though here's a noticeable stopping always from the borders of the extreme. Priced $25 to $75. And Waists in colors to match the new Fall Suit. Rare Beauty in Our Showing of Dress Accessories A beautiful, helpful book of 147 ; p a g e s is ready for mailing to our thousands of mail-order patrons. Through its pages, new Fall and Win ter Merchandise -will' reach the homes of out-of-Portland customers patrons living out of the city may keep in touch with the prevailing fashions of the day. Prices the lowest obtainable! Xew Eall and Winter Suits wearing apparel for men, women and children, are ac curately illustrated and care- " l- 3 TT 1 1 3 Iuuy aesenoea. nouMjuum j needs, as well as Christmas ' - . . i . . i i ' .'! specialties, are usieu iu spicu did variety. ' A card will bring The Meier & Frank Store's com plete Fall and Winter Cata logue to your door! The only department store that issues a complete catalogue and maintains aa efficient mail nrdpr service. ' Experienced shoppers fill your orders the same day as received. NECKWEARWhat a variety of beautiful styles is here 1 Love ly real Irish Crochet, real Cluny, real Venise, hand embroidered imported Neckwear in every sta ble and novel mode. Wonderful choice of the new Robespierre Collars, smart tailored Neckwear, and a selection of the popular Plauen lace styles that's un equaled throughout the "West. Every price 25 to $45.00 GLOVES-Truly Portland's best Glove service is here! The famous Perrin real French Kid. Gloves at Meier & Frank's exclusively. Priced from $1.50 to $5.50 a pair. Then, too, included are the famous Trefousse, Dent's, Bacmo, Ireland Bros., Rey nier Suede and" Kayser fabric Gloves. Every new conception in glove fashion for Fall is here in our matchless showing. Styles for street and dress wear. i "' mm mm .. . .... . v -K? PfinTUKAR All that's correct for men, wpnien and children! Smart lasts that combine the height of fash ionable appearance and comfort. The famous J. & T. Cousin's Shoes for wom en at $4.00 to $7.00. The high-grade Knox Shoes for men, $4.00 $4.50 and $5.00, here exclusively. And aside from our regular showing of high-top Shoes for Fall, exclusive and complete is our selection of dainty Slippers for evening and theater use. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Every .favored and fashionable weave for Fall - is here. -. Rich, warm-toned woolen fabrics, im ported and domestic in every smart, exclusive pattern, Chantil las, Scotch tweeds, handsome diag onals, French : prunellas, 2-toned and double-textured weaves. Ele gant and destined for greater pop ularity are the velvets and cordu roys. Exquisite in beauty are the brocaded charmeuse. and chiffon voiles. Prices of Dress Goods. 50 to $4 yd.' Silks, $1 a yard to $55 a pattern. LACES AND TRIMMINGS In a dazzling array of rich and dainty beauty! Exquisite chiffons in plain weaves, in allover pat terns, brocaded and accordion pleated. What superb gowns they fashion ! Laces in endless variety of filmy, fine and heavy weaves- Real Cluny, real Venise, real Irish Laces. ' Then, sparkling beaded . Tunics, Bands. Appliques, Fes- -toons, tiny chiffon rosebuds and glistening rbinestones by the yard. Beautiful Laces and Trimmings, that add exquisite charm to gowns, waists, coats. Prices low. RIBBONS A showing that em braces every lovely new creation of the Autumn-time. Radiant beauty in the rare blendings of color-tones. In. wonderful variety are the new Faille, Loop and -Plush Edge weaves, as well as the rich Brocades, Jacquards, Dres dens, Warp Prints. Then, too, elegant combinations of velvets and silks, and" a matchless line of taffete-back Velvets, uncut Vel vets and staple Velvets. Ribbons for every simple or the most elab orate use. Every price as high as.$5.00. TTATirn'RAfiS Reant.iful tolook upon, satisfying to use! Elegance supreme in the handsome leather Handbags. Among those from "Deitsch" are the modish ex treme thin models and new purse style bags. Then box shapes for morning and shopping use. And from Paris come marvelous crea tions of rich-toned tapestries, silks, gilt-woven fabrics. Every price as high as $40. HOSIERY Never such attractive creations as for the new Fall season! At $5.00 a beautiful pure thread Silk Hose of the high-grade McCallum make. Its distinctive feature the smart two toned ribbed boot. Then, too, the new "Shottle" Silk Hose at $2.50. From Paris come new clocking stitched Hosiery of silk, in black, tan and laven der. And the "Silk-Maid." Every wom an will be interested in the best silk hose ever produced to sell at $X.00 CORSETS First the , choosing the correct model then the fitting of milady's apparel! The result it's the lithe, supple and youthful figure that fashion de mands. Expert corsetieres who can appreciate the individual lines of every patron. Fashionable lines combined with comfort assured. Comprehensive is the unexceled Corset Service we have to offer you. Every. noteworthy make in cluded Mme. Irene, La Camille fmnt-lace. Warner. Redfern. Ka- etc. The prices range trom JEWELRY Captivating in rich ness and beauty! Earrings, Brace lets, Pins, Brooches every imagin able conceit is here and in every late design. And Hair Bands and Ornaments are exquisite! Orchestra Music in the Tea Room of bo. $1 to $35.00. Visitors to the store Tuesday will find social enjoyment in our delight ful 7th floor Tea Room, which even more than ever will be a veritable bower of refreshing ele - gance. The Hungarian Orches tra of Jonas Jancsi from Budapest will play in the tea room during luncheon hours; 12 to 2 P. M. daily and on Tuesday 3 to 5 P. M. during the service of afternoon tea. Our special Afternoon Tea service will be your delight! Delicious, refreshing teas, cnlrps- French nastrv nnd other delicacies may be en- I . , i i i a joyea ai our regular popular prices. Plan for : your Afternoon Tea in our beautiful seventh floor restaurant. Meet your friends in the spacious lobby, 1 1 J! wmcn is xor your use. i