The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 18, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 7, Image 39

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- - - , . ! " ' " r I X
Folsom Tallensee. or Vancouver, are
among the guests registered at the
Mrs. J. K. Weather-ford, of Albany,
wu a visitor here during the week.
Mrs. N. P. Lord and Miss Elizabeth
Lord, of Salem, passed a few days here
before going to their Bummer cottage
at Seal Rocks.
A, X Low and wife, of Portland, are
anions; the late arrivals.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. HalL of St. So-
seph. Mo, and A. R. Unburn, of Omaha,
arrived here last week in their auto,
which attracted considerable attention.
as it carried a Nebraska license. They
were enthusiastic over Agate Beaoh.
John Scott, of Salem, is passing his
Summer vacation here.
Mr. Huffman. Mr. Lewis Montgom
ery's private secretary, has been pass-
Ids: a few days here.
Dr. W. E. Smith, of Portland, has his
new cottage on Pine Hill nearly com
pleted. It is an attractive cottage, and
from neighboring hills has the appear
ance of being bunt in the tree tops,
but on closer Inspection proves to have
a solid foundation of rough gray stona
and a magnificent view.
A. J. Goodman and wife are visitors
at the beach now.
J. B. Eddy, of Portland. Is here with
his wife and daughter. -
A Jolly party from Walla Walla are
registered here this week. They are:
Louise D. Walker, May Thomas, Eliza
beth Fitzgerald, Anna Fitzgerald, An
na Pauly and Rudolph Pauly. They
have been making a tour of the Pa-
ciflo Coast.
Mrs. A. J. Wolf, from Tacoraa, is
here with her son, Irwin. They are
registered at the McolaL
Dinner or luncheon parties at Agate
Beach Inn as a mode of entertainment
are quite popular. . Miss Elma and
. Norma Hendricks, of Eugene, were the
' hostesses of a delightful dinner party
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. J. F. Parke and Mrs. George
Sanford. who have had a cottage here.
returned to their home In Roseburg
the earlr part of the week.
Mrs. Lottie Pelton, of Ashland, with
her son and daughter are at the Ab
Miss Nan Cochran, of Oregon City,
is enjoying the pleasures of the beach.
Miss Hoff, Mrs. Hufford and Miss A.
W. Kutsche make up a party who are
enjoying an outing at the Agate Beach
Miss Molly Clancy and her sister are
registered at the Agate Beach Inn.
Peter D'Axcy, an attorney from Sa
lem, is taking a vacation at the beach.
Miss Dlx and T. W. Bacon, of the
Northwestern School of Music, are the
guests of Mrs. Lewis Montgomery, of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Smith, Mrs.
Cartheart and Mr. Hamilton, of Eu
gene, arrived here Wednesday after
a walking trip from Eugene to Flor
ence and from there up the coast to
Newport. They were ten days on the
way and had a number of Interesting
experiences, as the trail In some places
is very dangerous.
The week has been a quiet but pleas
ant one at the Oceanhlll HoteL Regis
tered there are Mr. and Mrs. R. V.
Rapp. of Spokane, Wash.; Mrs. Grace
McDonough, Miss Virginia McDonough,
Master Harold McDonough. and Mrs.
Hall, of Portland. Or. Professor A. D.
Froula, principal of Lincoln High
School. Seattle. Wash., has been with
his wife and four children enjoying the
quiet at the same hotel. Miss Stewart,
of Kansas; Miss Ross, of Vancouver,
Wash.: Mrs. Bowen and daughter, of
Portland; Mrs. A. E. Graham, Mrs. J.
M. Williams, of Eugene; Mrs. R. T.
Brown, of Portland, and Miss Averill
and Mrs. Robb are all registered at
the same hotel.
The following party recently motored j
from Portland to the Oceanhlll Hotel
for a week-end stay: Amadee M. Smith,
Mrs. A. M. Smith. Arthur C Emmons,
Mrs. A. C. Emmons, Miss Katherine
Emmons and Master Harold Emmons.
A party consisting of Dr. J. W. Hill,
Mrs. Hill, Major J. C. Von Egloffsteln
and Mrs. McDonough had a pleasant
excursion to Devil's Punchbowl and
from there made a hurried side trip
to Depoe Bay. returning to the Ocean
hlll in time for dinner.
Governor's Wife and Daughter Are
Among Visitors to Beach of Late.
NESKOWIX. Or.. Aug. 17. (Special.)
Neskowln might almost be named the
Auto resort from the number of ma
chines which arrived here during the
week, many containing parties intend
ing to stay for a period of several days.
Among those arriving recently were
Mrs. Oswald West and Miss" Helen West,
family of Governor West, who came Into
the resort In automobile and stayed
for a period of four days. Others in
the party were Miss Lena Hutton and
Mrs. Frank K. Lovell, of Salem.
Miss Maude Durbln and Miss Nancy
Skalfe, of Salem, who have been guests
of the Steiners' for a few days, left
for home early In the week by automo
bile. Peter Kurre and wife, parents of
Claude A. Kurre, postmaster of Nesko
wln, have been visiting th?ir son for
several days. They have with them as
guests, James and Mrs. Alerson, of In
dependence. Roy Ward, recently a resident of The
Dalles, has sold his business there and
will take up his residence at Neskowln.-
Mr. Ward is delighted with the
improvements which have been made
here and is enthusiastic about the fu
ture of the place.
Recent arrivals at the beach include:
E. D. Nelswander, wife and family, of
Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Meene and fam
ily, of Albany; George Morback, of
Sherwood; Adel Hagey, of Newberg;
William Densmore, C Whelan, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Venson. Robert Slscbo and Mrs.
Sischo, all of Salem, in an automobile
party; Cloyd Heffley, of Salem, the
Misses Maude, Eva, Gertrude and Thel
ma Heffley, of Salm, and Miss Maude
Good, of Monmouth; J. L. Tustln, Wayne
Moe, Mrs. Kate Moe, Tbelma, Alice and
Ernest Moe, Marie Voegll, A. C Lewis,
Bertha Lewis, La Verne Lewis and
Eldon Lewis, all of McMlnnvllle.
Recent automobile parties, whloh
have arrived here, include the follow
ing: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Derby and
Florls Derby, of McMlnnvllle; Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Brown, Leona. Naomi And
Florence Brown, of Independence; Mr.
and Mrs. William Goeser, Homer Holmes
and Mrs. Holmes and Effle Baker, of
Salem; Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Newton, F.
W. Newton and Mrs. R. O. Cornelius, of
McMlnnvllle; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rogers
and Miss Zonwtess Rogers, of McMlnn
vllle. Mr. Rogers is one of the lead
ing druggists of that place.
Guests arriving during the past week
Include the following: Mr. and 'Mrs.
G. W. Thurman and Beatrice Thurman
and Lucile Gibbs, of McMinnvllle; Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Whltlock, of Silver
ton; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Porter. Nellie
and Allen Porter of Sllverton; Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Gabriel, Ennls, Ina and
Rita Gabriel, Juanlta Wood and Claude
Hayes, of McMinnvllle; Mr. and Mrs.
James Derby, Golda and Gladys Derby
and Grant Barnum, of McMlnnvllle.
Frank Holmes, a prominent attorney
of Salem, with his wife and family, ar
rived during the week to spend a few
days at the resort.
John Shetterly. a prominent business
man and capitalist of Wlllamlna, with
Kenneth, Hull and John Shetieriy and
Miss Grace Farnum. of Wlllamlna, re
cently arrived here in his automobile.
C W. Rlsley. a prominent business
roan of Oregon City, with his wife and
Crowds Undaunted by Showers and. Round
". mi.
family, recently arrived In his automo
bile to spend a few days at the resort.
Among those registered at the hotel
here are A. R. Ford, a prominent busi
ness man. of McMinnvllle; R. AWah
len, of Tillamook; F. W. LewlB. of
Richmond, Or.; R. Rountree. of Port
land; F. A. Haines, of McMlnnvllle; Ed
Knoblock, of Cloverdale; H. F. Moul
ton, of Toledo; Charles Kennedy and
Dr. S. M. Kerron, of Tillamook.
Captain J. T. Apperson, with Mrs.
Apperson. of Oregon City; Mrs. E. D.
Fellows and Mrs. Elolse Apperson. of
Portland, arrived here last week In an
automobile. Captain Apperson is SO
years old. but drives his own car. In
crossing a bad spot in the road, the car
skidded and turned on its side, throw
ing out the occupants and giving them
a severe shaking up. None of the party
was hurt, however, and returned to
Cloverdale in the car of F. E. Rogers.
The machine Vas temporarily disabled.
E. C. Apperson. Mrs. Apperson, Nor
wood and Mildred Apperson and Mrs.
L. J. Fuller, all of McMlnnvllle, were
registered st the hotel over the week
end. Mr. Apperson is a capitalist of
McMlnnvllle. being president of the
National Bank there.
Mrs. W. C Kerron. of Portland, sister-in-law
of Dr. S. M. Kerron and sister
of Mrs. R. E. L. Stelner. is a guest with
the Steiners at their beautiful cottage.
This is the first visit of Mrs. Kerron
to Neskowin for several years, and she
is delighted with the improvements
which have been carried out here.
Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith and fam
ily, gf Salem, arrived here last week
In" their automobile and are guests
with the Steiners. Dr. Griffith Is a
physician at the State Insane Asylum
as Salem. -
Bayocean Is Rendezvous for Experts.
Surf Stunts In Order.
BAYOCEAN, Or.. Aug. 17. (Special)
The presence here of a number of
swimmers from Portland has stimulat
ed interest in swimming during the
past week and bathing parties and surf
stunts have been among the common
forms of entertainment. One of the
most Interesting features of entertain
ment from the spectator's viewpoint
was the capsizing of a small boat in
the surf off the point, the passage of
the breakers and return to the beach
and other stunts by the swimmers. The
men all wore bathing suits and the
overturning of the craft on nearly ev
ery occasion created a good deal of
amusement among the spectators.
Among the young people here, the
past week has been one of the most
lively of the entire season. Small dan
cing parties at the cottages, concerts
and bonfire parties have kept the
young men and girls occupied constant
ly, with gaiety. At a gathering on the
beach last Sunday night there were
present Miss Crystal Highland, Miss
Constance Hyland. Miss Evelyn Hitch
cock, Miss Norle RIke, Miss Jean Clem
ens. Miss Marian Chapln. Miss Gene
vieve Chapln, Lewis Thomas, Ted
Preble, Stanley Chapin. John McMur
ray, N. D. Ross, Thomas Fenn, William
Fenn, Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Stearns. Miss
Nellie M. Swart and others.
A feature of the entertainment was
! anlS - V ' . ,
jr."": .. I
the fact that the tide was low and it
became necessary to build several fires
at different places on the beach, as each
In -turn was washed out by the rising
water. Marshmallows and other dain
ties roasted in the flames, furnished re
freshments. The concert given in the hotel par
lors Monday evening proved an unqual
ified success, there being an excellent
programme rendered and guests being
present from the cottages along the
point, thus making a large gathering.
The audience was unusually enthusias
tic so that the performers were com
pelled to respond to numerous encores.
Following Is the programme: OpenlDg
seleotion, "Chocolate Soldier," orches
tra; piano solos, "Rustle of Spring"
(Slndlng) and "Poupee Dansante" (Pol
dlnl). Miss Juell Reynolds; "Who Is
Sylvia?" (Schubert), "Lullaby" (Foote),
H. I. Bowles; violin solos, "Minuet in
G" (Beethoven). "Solitude" (Ole Bull).
M. L. CUne; selection, "Spring Morn"
(La Combe), orohestra; duet for man
dolin and guitar, "Medley of Love" and
"Popular Medley," Messrs. William and
Thomas Fenn; piano solo, "La Pappll
lon" (Lavalle), Miss Evelyn Hftchcock;
cello solo, "Songs Without Words"
(Mendelssohn), Robert S, Browse;
songs, "Irish Love Song" end "Sere
nade" (Schubert), Mrs. M. J. O'Donnell;
selections, "Berceuse From Joscelyn"
and "Panquita," Robyn.
The dancing party Saturday night at
the pavilion brought out a large gath
ering. Inconting trains from Portland
brought many guests for the week-end
and these took advantage of the enter
tainment to make their first acquain
tance with Bayocean gaiety. The par
ty was chaperoned by Mrs. George Hy
land -and Mrs. W. J. Clemens and . in
cluded more than (0 of the young peo
ple about the resort
Among those who- visited the resort
for a short stay recently were the Rev.
A. J. Sullens and wife and W. J. Abbs
and Wife and daughter, of Boise, Idaho,
who have been passing a month's va
cation in tha vicinity of Tillamook
Bay, and crossed to Bayocean to view
the improvements there. The party
made a trip to the Caves at Cape
Meares and to the lighthouse, and were
enthusiastic over the beauties of the
place. Mr. Sullens declared the beach
the finest he had seen on the coast and
expressed the opinion that if Bayocean
were provided with an automobile road,
which could be utilized around the bay.
It would shortly become the most popu
lar resort on the coast of the North
west. Among those who have been recent
visitors here are Henry Teal, of Port
land, and his mother, Mrs. M. E. Teal.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller, of Port
land, were guests at the hotel last
W. J. Clemens arrived Saturday to
pass the week-end and stayed over for
several days superintending the con
struction - of his new cottage. The
building, which is located about a mile
and a half south of the hotel. Is now
nearlng completion. The recent com
pletion of the fireplaces gives the place
a home-like air, and it is expected it
will be ready for occupancy before the
first of September. Mr. and Mrs.
Clemens plan to bold a housewarmlng
about August 23, when, their friends
here will be given an opportunity to
see something- ?f what probably will.
of Gayety Continues Unabated at Various Oregon and Washington Resorts.
"p Tzr'wm i nn rnn nann gnmoqr a rtsi -m nT rm i . . . n mi-- 1
be the handsomest and most
modlons cottage on the point.
-James Mnckle, of Portland; Charles
Muckle, of St. -Helens; Robert Muckle,
of McConnel, Tenn.; Agnes Muckle, of
Portland, and Miss Amy George, of St.
Helens, composed a party which ar
rived Saturday night to pass the week
George A. Edmunds and wife, of Til
Iamook, manager of the Tillamook
Mercantile Company, with his brother,
H. L. Edmunds, of The Dalles, with
Mrs. H. L. Edmunds, passed the day
here recently.
Latest arrivals of the "hiking" par
ties Include H. B. Walker and wife
and C. J. Brockman and wife, of Port
land, who came in on the Henrietta
Saturdaya afternoon and went out that
afternoon bound up the coast. The
party came from Seaside along the
beach and over the Neah-kah-nie trail,
stopping over night at the new tavern
tbere. walked down the Ga.oaldi-Ne
halem beach, through Tillamook to
Netarts and to Point Lookout. Find
ing the trail over that mountain not to
their liking, they turned back and re
turned alone the old Indian trail to
Bayocean. The romance of the trip
along the coast appears to appeal
strongly to walkers, so that it Is a
popular diversion.
Salmon trollers have "been having
fine sport in the bay during the past
week and report excellent catches. A
party, Including E. C. Lockwood and
wife, H. H. Dickey and w'lfe, Miss
Dickey, P. D. Hance and Mr. Burk
hardt, passed several hours on the bay
recently and returned with some large
chlnooks and several steelheads.
Mrs. T. Irving Potter was hostess at
an enjoyable bonfire party the last of
the week, when about 17 guests were
present on the beach near the Potter
cottage, various games ana stunts
gave entertainment to the guests and
refreshments were served by the fire.
Work haa been started on the Paul
sen cottage, just north of the notei,
th arround having been leveled so
that orellmlnary work on the founda
tlon could be put under way.- The site
l unusually attractive, as the new
structure will command a view of the
ocean in front and the bay at the rear.
Portland. Residents Go There In In
creasing " umbers Each Year.
OARIBALDI. Or.. Aug. 17. (Special.)
The Garibaldi heaches are proving a
resort popular with Portland residents
They are distant from roruana in imw
only five or six hours, ana tne tun no-
ntiil numerous camps, as well as
the eozv cottages, which are constantly
Increasing in number, attest to the fact
that Tillamook County Is no longer a
"terra Incognita" to the state at large.
and Portland in particular, une uari
baldl beaches lie between the mouths
of Nehalem Bay on the north and Til
lamook Bay on the south and cover a
beautiful stretch of - sand about nine
miles In length. Beginning on the north.
the names of the beaches are as 101
lows: Manhattan Beach, Lake Lytle,
fWvlew. Rockaway. Elmore Park, Til
lnmnnk Beach. Midway, Twin Rocks,
Rose City Beach, Ocean Lake Park and
One of the things which make these
beaches so attractive is the chain of
fresh water lakes which lie a lew Hun
dred feet back from the ocean. Some
nf these lakg cover several acres and
furnish excellent fishing and delightful
bathing. -
The cottage of Mrs. Edith M. Alder
man at Midway is nearlng completion
and is now occupied by Mrs. Alderman
and her daughter. Miss Pauline Aiaer
man, and her son. Master Henry Alder
man. Mrs. H. J- ftlesland Is visiting her
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rlesland, at
Frank S. Fields, county clerk of
Multnomah County, is camping with
his family on his lot at Tillamook
Beach. Mr. Fields motored into Tilla
mook from Portland and enjoyed fine
fishing by the way.
One of the most indefatigable fish
ermen on the beach is James S. Mc-
Cord, of Portland, who is passing his
vacation with his family at xmamooK
Beach. Mr. McCord makes numerous
trips to the Nehalem River, the Miami
River and the various smaller streams,
and in the meantime fishes in the
lakes. One evening last week he drew
from the depths of the lake two
speckled beauties, one of which meas
ured 14. the other 16 inches.
Miss Genevieve Klrkpatrick, a teach
er In thePortland schools. Is passing a
fortnight with Miss Pauline Alderman
at Midway.
The family of Herbert Thorne, of
Portland, is camping at Tillamook
Beach. Mr. Thorne passes each week
end with them.
Judge and Mrs. R. P. Bird, of Mc
Mlnnvllle, are camping at Barview.
With them are their daughter, Mrs. El
mer Cummins, and her small son, also
of McMlnnvllle," and Miss Etta Cary, of
La Fayette.
The family of E. H. Whitney, prin
cipal of the Peninsula school of Port
land, Is camping at Barview. Mrs.
Cooper, Mrs. Whitney's mother, visited
her daughter recently, and Mr. Whit
ney usually arrives for the week-end
Mrs. E. H. Stanley, of Tillamook,
spent the day with Mrs. Alderman at
Midway recently. Enjoying Mrs. Alder
man's hospitality also are her father,
J. M. Kelty, of Portland, and her
nephew, Eugene Kelty, the son of Paul
JHelty, of The Oregonlan.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Kennedy and their
little girl. Rose, who are residents of
Irvington, are encamped at Midway.
Camping with them la Mrs. Kennedy's
sister, Mrs. Rose Olmstead, of Forest
Grove, with her three children, Mary
Franklin and Frederick.
A large bonfire was buHt on the
beach at Midway after the arrival of
the. special train Saturday night
Marshmallows were toasted and songs
sung by the company, which comprised
Mr and Mrs. O. L. Kennedy, Mrs. Olm
stead, Miss Mary Olmstead, Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. McCord, Sterling McCord, Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Thorne, Miss Hilda
Thorne, Mrs. H. J. Rlesland, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Hartmus, Mr. and Mrs." Ben
Rlesland and Carl Rlesland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hartmus and
sons, Lawrence and Paul, spent a week
at the Tillamook Beach Hotel recently.
An effort was made at high tide Sun
day night to float the schooner C. T.
Hill, which recently landed high and
dry at the mouth of the Nehalem River.
A donkey engine was used in the at
tempt, which was made by the insur
ance underwriters, but in spite of the
nine-foot tide, all efforts to float the
stranded vessel were futile. The wreck
is now one of the points of Interest on
the beach and excursions are made in
that direction almost as frequently as
they are to the life-saving station.
Hotel Forced to Turn Away Guests
and Campers Are Numerous.
(Special.) Week-end parties crowded
the hotel here to its utmost capacity
and many have been turned away. Bon
fires on the beach and card parties in
the hotel parlors have proved pleas
ant diversions for the guests. Among
those registered here during the week
were the following: M. Remllngs and
son, of Portland; James Bybee and
wife, of Vanoouver, Wash.; D. H.
Calkins, of Los Angeles; M. G. Cam
erons, Miss Myrtle Lockwood, of Port -
t r- wunuMjn
land; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Merz, of Iowa;
C. Munzennir, vMrs. Keller, Miss Wahl,
of Burlington la.; F. S. Fields, of
Portland; Miss Marian Richie, of Port
land. Mrs. Edith Alderman and Miss
Pauline Alderman, of Portland, are oc
cupying their new cottage at Midway
J 8. McCord. of Portland, was a
week-end visitor to the resort to spend
the time with his wife and family.
Dr. Edna B. Northey. of Portland,
passed the week-end at the beach and
will remain here for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riesland. of Fort-
land, and Mrs. Harry Rlesland, of Mon
tana, are camping at Midway ceacn.
S. S. Fair, of Bay City; Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Hartmus, Lawrence Hartmus
and Paul Hartmus, D. W. Mann and
Thomas Weiss, of Portland, were
among the guests registered at the
hotel during the past week.
E. M. Root and. lamliy, oi oi-aen-
dale. Wash., were visitors nere cur
ing the week.
J. M. Kelty, or i-ortiana, ana. ma
grandson, Eugene S. Kelty, are spend
ing the week at Midway Beach.
The beach Is lined witn campers irom
Portland and other . points, so tnat Is alwavs a round of gaiety
along the shore as well as at the ho
tel. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thome ana
their daughter, Hilda Thorne, are
members of the camp colony nere.
Many Go to Seavlew.
SEAVIEW, Or., Aug. 17. (Special.)
-This resort during the past week has
been crowded with visitors, many oi
whom came to camp, others occupying
mmrters at the hotel. A list of arriv
als here includes the following: Mr. J
and Mrs Babb and son Gordon, ol Fort
land; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. CaldweU and
son Leigh, Miss Vivian ukwiil,
C. A. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Charters and sons Harold and John,
Mrs. Margaret Chartes, Mr. ana airs.
David McMillan and daughter Dorothy,
all of Portland; J. Dutton, Lee Mead,
M. M. Mead, of Mohler; Anna Olsen. C.
N Schmeer, wife and daughter, of Port
land; George E. Payne and wire, oi
Hlllsboro; James Mead, or wortn Plains,
Helen Mead, of Buxton; Mr. and Mrs.
J. It Betts, of Hlllsboro.
Among the campers are tne iouow-
inff - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. wenoan anu
three daughters, and Miss Sylvia John
son and Miss Grace Squires, all of
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. w. K. ijouiette
and three sons, Mr. ana jars, jtrreo.
Greenman, of Oregon City; Andrew
Robertson and family, of Portland: T.
A. Wlney and wife, or rorunno; mrs.
Ima Huffman, Mrs. O. L. Byers, Miss
Taiim Gravis, of Portland; Gertrude
and Claude Bettis, of Hlllsboro; S. G.
Rhodes, of Reedvllle; Roy Dance, of
Mohler; Floyd French, of Hlllsboro; R.
D. Davles and wife, Anna Davies, Ada
G. Brookings, F. H. Dunham and wife,
all of Portland; M. D. Hoffman, of Yam
hill; Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Patton and son,
of Raleigh: A. R. Morey, Mr. and Mrs.
Tount, Miss Elma xount, mr. a-na.JM.ra.
C A Cooper and daughter, Marie
Starks, Georgia L. Wey, A. W. Grover
and wife, John Wlthycomb, Mr. and
Mrs. Mathew Troy, J. W. Shafford, all
of Portland; Mrs. G. Nelson, Mrs. L.
Ford, Miss Bernlce Nelson, of Bay
City; S. A. Arntson, William Lambert,
A Young, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Ramsey
and daughter Dorothy, of Portland;
Mrs. Captain W. C Snow, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Tledemann and daughter, and A. H.
Walker, of Portland.
Sturdy Lifeguard Stationed- In Front
of Hotel Moore to Rescue Needy.
SEASIDE, Or., Aug. 17. (Special.)
A new llfesavlng equipment has been
installed by the .City Council and prl-
vatej subscription that has siven Sea -
1 & ?i -
side one of the safest places for bath
ing on the whole Coast. Though sim
ple, the apparatus has been pronounced
the most effective that could be de
vised, and, though Seaside has fewer
cases than other beaches where safe
guards have, been found necessary, in
the rare instances where bathers stand
in need of help the means of rescue
r,. -
Each tent is equipped with beds, bedding, stove, table, cooking utensils,
etc, You will have the free use of shower baths, water, swings, tennis
courts and boats. Good board may be secured at 35 cents per meal or
$1 per day. Make jour reservations at Western Oreg'on Trust Co., 272
Stark Street, or write Frank E. Roberts, Manager, care Columbia Beach
Hotel, Columbia Beach, via Warrenton, Oregon.
Arch Cape Hotel
Moat Picturesque Spot o Canaoa Beach
' On the Ocean Front.
Unexcelled Bathing. Fishing, and Hunt
ing. Sea Foods a Specialty.
- Reasonable Rates.
Beautiful Scenic Ride From Seaside.
Address W. S. ADAMS. Kcola. Or.
Best Camp Grounds on the Coast.
Auto Stage Every Day.
Hotel, Europe" Plan. Rates Reasonable
For Information
Sea Croft and Annex
Splendid location, facing the ocean;
electric lights among the trees; large
sitting rooms with fireplaces. Best of
meals served in Seacroft's dining-room.
Housekeeping apartments in the Annex.
Mrs. W. B. Hutchinson. Manager.
At Old Government Camp, on the bui of
Mt. Hood. Juat opned. The most modern
and up-to-dte mountain resort In the Pa
cific Northwest. Located at the terminus ot
the tcenio ML Hood auto road, 8 hours by
auto from Portland. Headquarters for par
ties ascending the mountain. Rates, 2.60
per day; $13 per week, and $35 per month.
For further information, inquire at Hotel
T Thiri4 anil Mtttn Streets. CitV. Or
write Mountain View Hotel, via Row, Or.
& goimsn, proprlator
provided Is considered the best.
At the. bathing hour a sturdy life
guard stationed In front of the Hotel
Moore Is ready to respond at an In
stant's notice to any summons, how
ever distant, and by means of drums,
wound with a great length of rope
placed at Intervals along the beach, go
to the assistance of any unfortunate
bather without the slightest danger.
A means of signalling for help has
been provided by posting danger flags
at all of the lifelines along the beaah,
so that In case of distress the life
guard may be summoned by waving one
of these flags.
By these means, Seaslders hope to
abolish drowning on Clatsop Beach, and
prevent foolhardy bathers from spoil
ing an enviable record for safety by
taking unnecessary risks, which some
times end In fatalities and create a
damaging Impression with those unac
quainted with Clatsop Beach. By not
allowing bathers to risk their lives de
liberately In places which would be
unsafe at any beach, It will be shown
that sane bathing at Seaside is abso
lutely safe.
Lincoln County Show This Year to
Surpass Previous Events.
WALDPORT. Or., Aug. 17. (Spe
cial.) The fourth annual Lincoln
County Fair and Festival will be held
at Toledo August 20, 21, 22 and 23.
Competition will be open to the 13
districts of Lincoln County and to all
Individuals residing in the county.
A large number of cash awards will
be made and the Oregon Agricultural
College has appointed competent Judges
to pass on the exhibits.
The Fairgrounds are adjacent to the
C. & E. Railroad depot and the stock
sheds provide ample accommodation
for livestock exhibits.
The Fair Association provides full
feed for all stock exhibited, and care
takers will be provided for stock un
accompanied by owners.
A number of special caBh prize's are
offered by the Lincoln County Bank as
For the best individual agricultural
exhibit, 25; best pedigreed bull, 25:
best flock of sheep, 25; best flock of
goats, J 2 5.
Season's Individual tickets to the
fair will be sold for $1; children, 60
Special attention will be given,
schoolroom exhibits and those of
household and handicraft.
The officers of the Fair Association
are: President, C. S. Davis; first vioo
president, William Wakefield; second
vice-president, W. M. Berry; secretary.
C. B. Crosno, and treasurer, C. O.
The various committees are repre
sentative of all portions of Lincoln
County. Good music, clean aporta and
amusements will be arranged and
every effurt Is being made to make
the fair the success It has previously
Famous English Resort Breaks All
Records of Attendance.
BATH, England, Aug. 17. (Special.)
There seem to be more American and
Canadian visitors at Bath than ever
before; even the records of coronation
year being exceeded this Summer.
The Roman Baths are perhaps the
greatest attraction, although few leave
without inspecting tha extensive mod
ern bathing establishment with Its
many forms of baths and douches for
administering the healing waters. Of
course everyone has a glass of the hot
radio-active water, and notices the
amber stained glasses, a coloration due
to the large quantity of radium In the
The development In the Port of Bris
tol, only 12 miles away, has brought
more Canadians and Americans to Bath.
Many now spend a night or two at the
historic Spa before going on to London.
To tour the charming west country,
Bath is the most convenient center;
Cheddar, with its wonderful cliffs and
caves, tre old cathedral city of Wells,
Glastonbury, with Its magnificent
abbey ruins and a wealth of legend,
and the Druldical temple of Stone
henge. are but a few of the many de
lightful runs to be made from Bath.
Polk County Fair October 3-5.
DALLAS, Or., Aug. 17. (Special.)
Advertising for the coming Polk County
Harvest Festival, to be held In this city
October 3, 4 and 5, has neen starteo.
One of the methods adopted is to print
the description and dates on tne wina
shlelds of -automobiles. All automobile
owners here are taking an Interest and
many have already had their cars dec
orated. It Is planned to make this
more general by taking the matter up
with the Falls City, Independence and
Monmouth Commercial Clubs and get
ting all auto owners In their vicinity
to co-operate.
And Stop at
The Portland
European Plan. Reasonable Rates. Up-to-late
Cafeteria and Delicatessen.
Home Cooltlnar Our Specialty.
Directly on the motit convenient ocean
beach to the city. A modern hotel with com
fortable, clean and quiet accommodations.
Furnace heat and fireplaces. Private sleep
ing; porches. Bathing, boating and flshins in
ooean or lake. Hates $2.00 and $3 per day.
Address for further information Lake Lytle
(Rockaway P. O. ). Oregon. Portland office,
800 Railway Exchange. Phone Marshall 4240.
Newton. Wash.
Most delightful and convenient loca
tion on Washington Beach. Large shadv
grounds extending directly to the ocean.
AccommouauujiB ir auii. uauiing. con
venient to hot salt baths and post
office. Excellent table and service.
Address Mrs. N. M. Dewey, BIngr
Long lleach( Wash.