t THE SUNDAY OREGONIAJf, PORTLAND. AUGUST 11, 1912. INTEREST SHIFTS Principal Portland Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns, All Styles in All Sizes lOo and 1 5c Each The Ladies' Home Journal Style Book 25c, With a 15c Pattern Tree, Thus Reducing the Cost to J Oo No Restrictions TO Silk Boot Hose, a Pair, 25 Special underpriced sale of "Women's Silk Boot Hose, made with double sole, high-spliced heel and double lisle garter top. Fine seamless Stock NDIANAPOLI Infants' Silk Socks, Pair, 25e A splendid wearing line of Infants' Silk Socks, made with double lisle heel and toe. All sizes from 4 to iy2, in shades of blue, tan pink, white and As Darrow Case Ends, Labor Leaders Prepare for Fed eral Dynamite Trials. ings of 35c quality, priced for this sale at black. Regular 35c grade priced at . 25c 25c The Most in Value, The Best in Quality DEFENDANTS NUMBER 54 You will not be told you cannot, open an ac count with us unless 3rou have a certain amount to deposit. If honest, any amount convenient to you will suffice. "We want your pat ronage and will appre ciate it. Ortle McManigal, Informer Against McNamaras, to Remain 'Prisoner of Los Angeles County Until Conclusion. LOS ANGELES. Aug. 10. As the trial of Clarence S. Darrow for alleged Jury bribery draws to a close, the attention of union labor leaders on the Pacific Coast is being directed to the coming trials at Indianapolis. Fifty - four leaders or others affiliated in less de gree with organized labor are to be placed upon trial In the Federal Court there on October 1. for anegea vioi tion of the law relative to the inter state transportation of dynamite, and California is exDected to nrovide a number of important witnesses. McManigal to Go East. Ortle McManigal. whose confession brought about the arrest of the Mc Kamara brothers and indirectly that of the other union men accused in the so called dynamite conspiracy, will be taken to Indianapolis to testify for the Government Malcolm McLaren, the Burns' deteC' tlve who has had charge of McMani gal since his arrest and who has as sisted in the prosecution of the Dar row ease, said today that McManigal would not be taken to Indianapolis until the work of selecting a jury had been completed. McLaren also will be an Important witness for the Govern ment. Informer's Health Impaired. McManigal's long incarceration in the county jail here is said to have told severely upon him. altnougn tnose who have access to him asserted that his health was good. It was generally believed that he would gain his lib erty after the conclusion of the Fed eral trials at Indianapolis and Los An geles. but officials interested in the case believed that at least a year would be required until all the cases were disposed of. , Until that time McManigal will re main a prisoner of Los Angeles County. GERMAN STATION IS EYED Wireless Plant on Long Island May Violate Lodge Resolution. WASHINGTON. Aug. 10. The Depart ment of Commerce and Labor's report regarding the -Telefunken Wireless tower at Sayvllle, L- 1.. declares it is "backed by German capital," that all of the apparatus Is of German manu facture and that the largest set of in struments is Intended to work with the wireless station at Nauen. Germany, 3400 miles away. Officials of neither the State nor - Navy Department had any comment to make as to the probable attitude of this Government toward the affair, in view of the Senate's recent Lodge reso lution, which declared the United States would regard with grave concern any acquisition of territory of strategic value on the American continent by any interests which might exert foreign influence. SON SHOOTS DOWN MOTHER Victim of Accidental Discharge, of Weapon Is AVoman. SPOKANE, WashT Aug. 10. (Spe cial.) With a bullet lodged in the lower part of her back, Mrs.. H. C. Jensen lies in a serious condition at her home, a victim of the accidental discharge of a 22-caliber rifle. The gun was held in the hands of her son, Paul. The accident occurred Friday at Twin Lakes. Mrs. Jensen and her son were out in the woods, a short dis tance from their Summer camp, shoot ing at targets. While Mrs. Jensen went to the target the child picked up the rifle and accidentally discharged it. The bullet entered the mother's back and she fell to the ground in agony. The child rushed to the camp and summoned help. SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Sixth and Washington Sts. Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8 Lincoln and in advancing on the enemy they were compelled to pass through a barnyard. As they proceeded two men were seen standing on the porch of a house, but a short distance away. One was elderly while the second was about 28 years old. Without warning the young man, according to the officers at Camp Lin coln, v fired twice. PRISONER TELLS COROXER HOW HE SLEW CORRIX. EDITOR ESCAPES SENTENCE R. W. Speer Purged of Charges of Contempt at Denver. DENVER, Aug. 10. The fine of J100O and sentence of five days in jail Im posed recently on former Mayor Robert W. Speer for contempt of court in con nection with articles in a newspaper of which Spear is editor, were set aside today by District Judge H. L. Shattuck and Speer was purged of contempt. The action followed a statement by Speer that he had purged himself of con tempt by his answer and testimony In the trial. Speer then asked the court to take similar action in the case of F. G. Bon fils, part owner of a rival newspaper, who recently was sentenced to 60 days in jail and to pay a fine of $5000. Tho court declined to take the initiative, but added "the doors of the court are wide open." TAHITI T0BE IMPROVED French Will Make Ready for Open ing of Panama Canal. PAPEETE, Tahiti, Aug. 10. The French government is planning exten sive and permanent improvements at this port, in order to be prepared for the trade development that will follow the opening of the Panama Canal. First among these improvements will be the enlarging and deepening of the entrance to Papeete harbor, so that the largest vessels afloat may safely reach the docks. It Is also planned to construct a dry dock, extend the wharves, and estab lish a coaling station. In addition to these Improvements, a wireless plant is to be erected. Lighthouses are to be placed on the islands of Matehlva and Rangoroa. FARMER SHOOTS SOLDIERS Three Are Wonnded at Maneuvers Xear Springfield, III. SPRINGFIELD. III.. Aug. 10. Three members of the Illinois National Guard were, shot today near Camp Lincoln by a farmer. None of the men was in jured seriously. Members of Company I, Fifth Infan try, were maneuvering north of Camp I Fearing Trouble, Weber Placed Un der Seat a Knife Which He Used During Struggle. ct upt.pvs rtv Anir in. fSneclal.) George Weber murdered James Cor- rin, according to nis own siaiemeni De fore the Coroner and a Jury at St. Hel ens this morning. 1 On last Saturday afternoon when tne 1 f ct Unlonq for their floats up the slough, Weber concealed knife, so he says, made out or a long. In the boat near his seat, expect ing trouble with Corrin before they got home. Tho t.niiViln arnw flVPF the Rale Of a dog from Weber to Corrin. Corrin, ac cording to weoer, was oaaiy intoxi cated and Weber was afraid of him, l. .... I kn J t.nnhl. with him hflfnriL Corrin had also pretended to be a de tective watcning tne nsnermen xur u fl.hlni, Wihaf cavi Cnrrln an- 6i e ' 1 ' " - . . i .s win. A tK.oiw him nvprhnnrn BdUllCU 1111,. -' ' ...... w. , .. . . . I i . V. but in crawling dck to num., io as enabled to grab noia or some oi .- -i.i.t... rn.pln anl vliila In Lilts tiiiuiiiift v . . . . t that position, with Corrin bending over . . it.. . I 1 i r - 1 .. . t. mm. ne pidtea up me wiiie boat and made a stab at him which struck, as ne tnougni in me-arra, uui i- 11- 11 iha Inn. nowlttf w 1 1 1 u 1 1 iranj ciiicicu mi' ii . n ' i j Then Corrin let go his hold and Web er denies anv further knowledge of what happened. v, Weber was seen on Aionaay 10 go own the river in the direction of the ace where the boay was iouna neu i the bank. ' rnn4a.r TIT.h.n will Via ArrAtflTied oelore tne justice oi tne reacu uii rrter cnarge. rapere iouna un i.ur .All th.l ha ..-a a miriMlt nf Sn T sop. Wash., and had some property at . . 1 1 U.J f nn time. For several months he had been expecting two brothers irom England and had told his neighbors .. . V. iTlta.ln CinPA mat tney wem ii""""., fha wrorv nf the Titanic he had been drinking quite neavny. n.t.t nn1r.. 1-. .... i m 1 1 y" i 1 n " n ana In Columbia County awajtlng trial. The T . 1 . T-. J .. V. n accused are: jonii a rcuuci , mi mo murder of Daisy Wehrman; Bert Green, for the murder of Charles Weist, and George weoer, ior me uorrin muruer. dc pla to Suit sale at Jimmy Dunn's. Every Child Should Be Given This Tonic When children have no appetite; when they are continually peevish and irritable; when they are restless in their sleep, it is almost a certain indication that their digestive organs are troubled with worms or other parasites. This is a very common ailment and easily rem edied. Physicians will tell you that nearly every child is so troubled at some time and, in fact, many adults suffer in the same way. Among adults this trouble Is invariably referred to as indigestion, when in reality it is due to a small parasite wnicn tniests tne in testinal tract. For children, Jayne's Tonic Vermi fuge is unsurpassed, as it is not only destructive to these parasites, put com pletely removes the nests in which their youns: are deposited. Seldom does it purge, and the Improvement in the health of the child will be the first and best indication of the beneficial results of the medicine. Not only will tho Ver mifuge destroy all the parasites, but its wonderful .tonic effects will restore the digestion which has been impaired. For children, the addition of a little sugar will make it so palatable that they will take it readily. Millions of parents have praised it for more than eighty years. Insist on Jayne's: accept no other. Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D. Jayne & Son. Philadelphia, Pa. ECZEMA Um taltti Titter, fait Rhtum, Pnrltas, MJtk-Cnttt, WMpiog Skin. ta.) ECZEMA CAN BE. CURED TO STAY, and when I say cured, I mean just what I say O-U-R-E-D, and not morel r patched up for awhile, to return worse than before. Remember I make thla broad statement after potting ten years of my time on this ooe disease and handling In the mean-time a quarter of a million rases of this dreadful disease. Now. I do not care what all you have ased, nor how many doctors hare told yoa that yon could not be cared all I ask is just a chance to show yoa that I know what I am talking about. Ifyon will write me TO DAT. I will send yon a FREE TRIAL of my mild, soothing, guaranteed care that will convince yoa more in a day than I or anyone else could In a month's time. If yoa are disgusted and discouraged, I dare you to give me a chance to prove my claims. By writing me to-day yoa will enjoy more real com fort than yoa had ever thought this world holds for Su. Just trj It and yoa will see I am tclilng yoa e truth. - Dr. J. E. Canada?, 557 Part Square, Sedalia, Msv joa do a bettor act than to mthJ this notice to s poor suaerar ox Jbcsamai AnLOTast Mark-Bo wn Of Seasonable Merchandise Women Considering Economy Will Consider These Offerings The whole store is alive with splendid bargains. Our regular demands would (in time) absorb at our regularly low price every one of the special offerings in the va rious departments of this store of "Best Values," but we prefer to CUT the prices to stimulate immediate sale. "We believe in a quick "turn-over" of stocks. And, too, attention must be given to Fall stocks, some of which are even now awaiting your inspection. It's a Sale That Reveals Bounteous Savings. - As the Season Grows Later the Values Grow Greater in the Women's Readyt AVI ' Wear S ection HALF-PRICE SALE Women's Suits For Immediate Wear $20.00 and $22.50 Suits S10 High-grade Suits of pure wool serges and mixtures, shown in neat tailored and Nor folk stjles. They come in white, navy, black and brown, also gray and tan and a large assortment of light and dark mixtures. A lot of Beautiful Silk Dresses, shown in a large variety of pleasing f O O styles that formerly sold faeJsiSJ'O at $10.50, priced to close, r 9 For tomorrow we announce the .season s greatest values in "Women's Silk Dresses. We are ready for 100 women to come in and look at just 100 (there'll be no more when these are gone). They represent the devel opment of new, novel and altogether charm ing ideas. Made of fine quality messaline and foulard silks and shown in neat polka tlots and a large variety of small figured de signs. All are of good colors and a great many in gray and black. . For Summer wear anywhere, for afternoon or evenings, these beautiful Silk Dresses will yield self-satisfaction in exceptionally generous measure to the woman who has a care for her per sonal appearance. Remember, Silk Dresses sold regularly at $10.50, are priced to you at this sale at less than manufac- (jJO QO turer's cost , .pOmUO At this sale none can be sent on approval and none sent C. 0. D. No mail or phone orders filled. ALL THIS SEASON'S GOODS, $20 to $22 .50 SUITS, YOUR CHOICE AT $10.00. Women's Dress Skirts in values djo QO to $7.50, reduced to p.70 All Bathing Suits reduced, $1.69 up to $3.79. Reduced. White Lawn Waists reduced, 65 up to $1.50. Reduced. Women's Lingerie Dresses, val- djo QO ues to $10.50, reduced to p.ZfO First Showing of Women's Mew Fall Suits Charming Styles and Con vincing Variety at Moder ate Prices $12.50. TO... $35.00 Styles are fascinatingly different because the maker has kept in close touch with the last word of fashion. The New Plain Tailored or Slightly Trim med 32-Inch Coats and Skirts made a trifle fuller. The materials are navy series and pebble cheviots and brown and gray mix tures m the new diagonal weaves. You are espe cially invited to come and see these new Suits to morrow, whether you wish to buy or not. Why not receive the benefit of an early selection? Pillow Slips and lieets Reduced 11c To demonstrate the full strength of the underpriced offerings in our Do mestic Section is quite impossible in this limited space. For this reason we cite only Four Specially Priced Lots Lot 1 Pillow Slips of 12V,c - ( quality at " Made of excellent quality muslin neatly hemmed. They come 42 by 36 inches. Lot 2 Pillow Slips of 15c QQ0 quality at OZJC Made of even thread muslin of splen did quality and neatly hemmed. They come 42 by 36 inches. Lot 3 Bleached Sheets, 50c grade at A special lot of Full-Bleached Sheets 72 by 90 inches, neatly hemmed and ready to use. Great values at this low price. Lot 4 Bleached Sheets, 65c quality at OOC Fine Linen-Finished Sheets, full size for double beds. They are extra heavv and very durable. Best 65c grade priced at 55 New Wool-Finished Suitings Full 34 inches wide, shown in a large vari ety of styles and colors in medium and dark shades; special OC- value at New Cashmere Flannelettes Full 34 inches wide, shown in pretty new styles in most any color. Fine, soft fabrics that look like 10 wool, priced at OC Rare Embroidery and Lace Bargains Away back in June a prominent jobber was so hard pressed for ready cash that he had to dispose of a large portion of his stock of these goods at less than what they cost him. We were one of the lucky houses that secured a portion of these "forced-out" goods. Are you going to profit by the circumstances? Allover and Corset -Cover EMbroideries, Flouncings, Edgings, Bands, Etc., at Wonderful Savings 22-inch Allover Embroideries of 35c quality, at.. 16 18-inch Corset Cover Embroidery of 35c quality at 15 18-inch Flouncing Embroidery of 35c quality at 16f? 4 to 12-inch Edgings of 25c quality at 9 27-inch Flouncing Embroidery of 75c quality at. .33 27-inch Flouncing Embroidery of $1.25 quality at 48 45-inch Embroideries of $1.25 quality at 372 45-inch Embroideries of $1.50 quality at 75 Plat Val. Laces, Values to 35c at, Yard, 11 Thousands of yards of Fine Plat Val. Laces, shown in hundreds of dainty patterns that look like real hand made lace. The kind in greatest demand for plaiting or ruffling, underwear and petticoat trimmings and fancy work. All widths from 3 to 5 inches and lip values to 35c a yard, on sale at ; . . . JIL Each Special Reductions Muslin Under w'ar Sjl That maintains the lines of the slender figure Gowns, Combi nation Suits and Princess Slips, regular values to $3.50, choice at The Values Are as Great as These Figures Indicate. ee uur inira street vv maow. Fresh, beautiful Undergarments cut on the new lines, straight and slender. The trimmings are flat and easy to launder; embroideries are dainty, fine and chic; ex quisite, yet withal priced below regular. The assort ment includes Gowns, Combination Suits and Princess Slips, and quite a number are beautifully hand-embroidered garments. The Gowns are shown in the high, V-shaped, low and slip-over styles, made of fine nainsook or cambric and daintily trimmed with fine laces and embroideries. The Combination Suits, Cor set Cover- and Skirt, or Corset Cover and Drawers, are made of fine nainsook and trimmed Avith embroideries and laces. The Princess Slips are made of fine lawn with lace and embroidery trimmings. A splendid and unlimited assortment of styles to choose from. Garments that are accurate in fit, neither too "bunchy" nor too tight, and that are perfectly finished throughout. Regular ! 1 QO values up to $3.50, your choice This Sale Only at pj..0 ummerFootwearSale Women's Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps in this season's styles. They come in patent colt, vici kid and tan calf leathers. Reg- d qq ular $3 and $3.50 grades reduced for this sale, the pair plVO This is our great mid-season clearance of all Summer lines, and you well know that clearance at this store is no respecter of profits or cost. We disregard everything except the object in view that of hurrying out all Summer Footwear. At this sale you have choice of Women's Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords all the correct styles in pat ent colt, vici kid and tan calf leathers. They come with high or low heels and with light or heavy soles. All sizes and d! QO widths in regular $3 and $3.50 grades, on sale at p 1 .70 Two Underpriced Specials in Fancy Goods Fancy Ribbons, Values to 35c at 16c Another important sale of over 5000 yards of Fancy Ribbons. They come from 4 to 5y2 inches wide and are shown in a wonderful variet' of color combinations in stripes, checks, brocades, etc. Ribbons suit able' for most any purpose in values to 35c a yard, 1 A O priced this sale at A LIO 9 So Shetland Veils at 48c A very special offering of Fine Shetland Veils, made of excellent quality silk. They come 60 inches long and 18 inches wide. Shown in brown, navy, royal, etc. Marked at half price for rapid clearance