The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 12, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 7, Image 55

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bv the use of charts and-diagrams.
These lectures were given by Professor
Carpenter, of Cornell. Mr. Carpenter Is
past president of the American Soci
ety of Mechanical Knglneera and at
one time was consulting engineer of
the White Motor Car Company of
Cleveland. Mr. Sladle la thoroughly
acquainted with the underlying prin
ciples of motor car construction and
has had five years' practical experi
ence. In this position there are splendid op
portunities for teaching drafting and
English. A concise and definite knowl
edge la the end sought and the work
of the classroom Is closely connected
with the work of the shop, so that
the theory and practical phasea of the
automobile business are developed.
Through Mr. Shadle'a work the auto
mobile achool will be placed on a high
'Car 8
Production of Power Wagons
Grows Rapidly.
at S1G00 Sells for
at lt Is Worth
Trip From Hood River to Snow
Line of Mount Hood Makes
Motorists Marvel.
Product of 18 Years
Automobile Building
Commercial Vehlclo Makers Out-
number Light Car Brigade SO,
000 Is Estimate of Output of
Factories for Year 10 IS.
Claude Davidson, 1 1-Ycar-OId Pi-It
t. Pilots Portland Guest OTr
Hard and Dangerous Road
With Skill of Veteran.
An Interesting- side trip by automo
bile, iru enjoyed by J. E- -Webb, the
real estate man. and I. C Clodfolter.
rho leTt Portland with the Commercial
Club's excursion to Hood River recent
ly, returning; via the Press Club ape
aflat two days later.
"It waa our rood fortune." aald Mr.
Webb. In telllna; of the trip, "to -net
aide-tracked from the main excursion
and to fall In with Frank Davidson, of
Hood River Orchard Company. Mr. Da-
vllmn suggested that we make up a
little party and drive np to the snow
line of Mount Hood, which loomed up
maauincently In the sunshine. The
next morning, about o'clock. we
atarted out -In Mr. Pavldson's White
car. Mrs. Davidson and Claude.
their ll-year-o!d son. Joined us. and
both proved themselves experts at me
wheeL The way In which that boy
handled that big car over the rough
reada and through the mass of tlre-
kllllng lava rock, kept us marvellng
Uirough the greater pan or tna trip.
"Rut. to begin the story right. I
must pay tribute to the Incredible
beauty of the drive through the or
chard country In the early morning.
Only those who have been In Hood
River when the, apple trees are laden
with the fragrant pink and white
Moora can have any lilea of the de
llrht of that awlft run through the or
chard section In the crisp, cool. Invig
orating morning air. with majestic
Mount Hood looming up on the horizon
on one hand, and the smooth, towering
dome of Mount Adimi glistening above
the green hills on the other.
Beauty at Rnte Pralaea.
leaving Hood River, wa took the
old road, once the most popular route
to Mount Hood, leading out towards
Peril's Punch IlowL Of course, the Im
provement of the road out from The
DalKa has made that route the lead
ing one for autolsts to Mount Hood.
The old road from Mount Hood Is not
used a great deal, but for natural
beauty all along the way and mag
nificence of view from the higher eleva
tion, this old route would be hard to
surpass, and the roads, at this time of
Tear, are in fair condition.
" -All through the wildly beautiful
section around the Devil's Punch Bowl
the roads are good, and It la not until
one strikes the old lava flows that
there is need of any caution driving.
Uttle Claude Davidson took the wheel
as soon as we bad got out into the
country, and he drove all the way
through, until within a mile or so of
the snow line. The old lava looms up
In great dykes for several mi lea and
the road through thia section la very
narrow, with flinty juttlnga and loose
chips of this hard, sharp lava rock.
The boy steered the big car through
with a skill and eaae any experienced
driver might be proud of, and the way
he managed to miss all those spikes
and sharp-cornered stonea kept us con
tinually marveling.
Out beyond the lava overflow wa
came Into the varied beauty of the Elk
Rock country, and later on climbed up
to the region of huckleberry fields, an
other Interesting Incident of the trip.
Rich Ceaatr? Traversed.
-After leaving Hood River, and as
we climbed steadily, wa began to leave
the apple orchards and strawberry
fields behind. Once or twice we saw
eloquent examples of why the orchard
Ists had not ventured Into the higher
elevations, despite the temptation of
the rich soil and abundant moisture.
One orchard, too high up. had appar
ently escaped for a couple of years,
for the trees had grown to a good
sixe. but as wa passed we saw that the
branchea had ail been broken down by
the snows, and the trunks of the trees
were mere dead sticks. Huckleberries
and vegetables, however, were thriving
all along the way, wherever wa passed
a clearing hewed out of the forest by
some hardy believer ln the "back to
the soil' movement.
-Another Interesting Incident of the
trip waa the stop at a wonderful spring
of pure sweet mountain water. This
waa the largest spring any of the
party had ever seen, and the water
fairly gushed out rrom tne case or a
huge rock. I waa told that thia sprtng
Is owned and being held by a man who
Intends later to sell It for a water sup
ply to the lower country. It la ad
mirably aituated for this purpose, aa
gravity would add force to the amaa
lng flow of water.
Delirious Feast Prepared.
"We reached the anow line shortly
before noon, and enjoyed one of the
most magnificent panoramic views I
have ever looked upon. When the
good roads movement actually gets un
der way In Oregon, the road to thia
point should certainly not be over
looked. "We made the trip down In about
two hours, and arrived at the David
son residence with appetltea whetted
to a keen appreciation of the delicious
viands which were spread and walt-ng
tor us. Mrs. Davidson Is one of the
women responsible for Hood River's
famous reputation for hospitality, and
In typical Hood River fashion had ar
ranged for a luncheon that waa noth
ing short of a banquet. A telephone
message from Hood River gave warn
ing of our approach, ao that It waa all
ready when our car rolled up to the
"Any automobile entbuslaat who
thinks he has made all the worth-while
trlpa In Oregon. If he has not made tha
tr'p to Mount Hood from Hood River,
can rest assured that his list Is Incom
plete. From now on. throughout tha
Summer, the roads will be In good con
dition, and thia trip should not be over,
looked by touring parties."
Charles A. STiadle Joint T. M. C. A.
Charles A. Ehadle. M. E- a graduate
of the DOT mechanical engineering
class of Cornell University. Is being
added to the staff of the Portland Y.
M. C A. automobile school. For sev
eral years Mr. fchadle worked In tha
efficiency department of the Jonea A
Lughlia Steel Company and for alx
months waa In charge of the automo
bile and gaa engine work of the United
Ftates Government Reclamation Serv
ice. While In college he received the ben
eflta of the regular automobile course,
ytlcu cunalstcJ principalis cx lecture t
. r
7 V-'
Charles A. Saadle. M. E.
plane. Mr. Shadle Is one of five men
employed for the entire time in this
Bridges Mado Xor Autos Only Span
Ravines of Xcw Mexico.
An automobile toll road . with spe
cialty constructed automobile bridges
Is one of the latest novelties encoun
tered in touring. The highway con
nects the . towns-, of Roswell and
Vaughn. New Mexico, and, aa the other
roadways of this district run through
stretches of almost Impassable sand.
thia toll road. In spite of tha fee of S
centa per mile, la Terr popular with
The bridges along the route are moat
peculiar, being suitable only for auto
mobiles. Over the ravlnea two
trougha are built about four feet
apart at their Inside edges. In these
troughs the wheels of a crossing au
tomobile are guided and the aldea of
the trougha prevent the car from
sliding off Into the ravine. There la
no planking between the two runwaya
for the wheels, thus tne midcie or tne
bridge is open the entire length and
horse-drawn vehicles cannot cross
Hudson Man Here.
Eugene Bemb. factory representative
of the Hudson Motor Car Company, of
Detroit, visited Neate & McCarthy. Ore
gon Hudson distributors, last week. Mr.
Bemb reports the outlook -for Hudson
sales on the Psclflo Coast to he bright.
Statistics compiled by E. S. Foljam
be. editor of the Commercial Car Jour
nal, throw an interesting and surpris
ing light on the growth of the auto
mobile Industry in general and the
truck division in particular. Accord
ing to the Philadelphia editor's figures
30.000 commercial motor vehicles will
be produced during 1913. Thus, in One
year, the total number of motor trucks
In use will be doubled.
In a period covering less than a
dozen years the motorcar Industry has
leaped from an Insignificant place to
third position In the rank of American
Industries. Twelve years ago there
were less than 3000 automobiles In use
in the United States; now there are
more than 660.000 being used.
The dally production of pleasure
cars during the year 111 reached the
surprising figure of 700 per day and
thia number will be exceeded at the
present rate of 1)11.
Commercial cara have not been a
factor until the last three years. There
are now over 200 American manufac
turers of pleasure cars and 280 mak
ers of trucks.
Up to 111 registration flgurea show
25.451 commercial vehicles in use.
In a canvass It waa ascertained that
73 per cent of all users of commercial
cars. In every line of business,
throughout the United States, are un
animous in the opinion that the motor
driven truck Is not only past the ex
perimental stage, but ranks with the
telephone, telegraph, electric light and
transportation lines.
In fact, their use haa opened up new
territories, increased business and pro
duced aatlsfactory customers, while
with horses or even by rail, these ter
ritories were either Inaeceaalble or
too expensive to bring within reach.
Several Instancea were also found in
which the trucke actually compete
with the railroads and show a result
ant saving.
Trout Streams Iuro Motorists.
HUSL'M, Wash, May 11. (Special.)
Automobile parties from the eurround
lng towns are taking advantage of the
beauties of the power plant park near
here, along the White Salmon River,
and are aeen dally whipping tha
streams for rainbow trout. D. F. Stan
field, of thia place, landed two of these
fish last Sunday, each measuring ovel
20 Inches.
The Best Equipped and
We make a specialty of repair
ii; Automobiles, Trucks, Fly
ing Machines and re grin ding all
kinds of Bearings.. All work
Betweea Chap ma a aad Nartllla.
' Phone 'Main 2858.
Of the three languages do you speak English
Baseball or lotorf Half the motoring world
talks "Ford" and one-third of it rides in Ford
cars. Every Ford owner is a Ford fan that's
one reason only well sell seventy-five thousand
Ford cars this year.
Tee there is no other car like the Ford Model T. It's lightest,
right est most economical.
Ford Model T Toarlag Car, 4 cylinders, ( passengers, (g'TQr.
fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland WIUJ
Fere Model T Torveaa, 4 cylinders, S passenrara, folly fiQC
equipped, f. o. b. Portland OUOO
Ferd Medel T Cessnaeretal Roadster, 4 cylinders. 3 pas
sengers, removable rumble seat, fully equipped, f. o. tfCQC
b. Portland iSDOJ
Ford Model T Tewa Car (Landaulet). 4 cylinders, tf,7r;
passengers, fully equipped, f. o. b. Portland w Ivl O
Ferd Medel T Delivery Car, capacity 760 pounds tner- Q1 C
chandlse. fully equipped, f . o. b. Portland wOlu
Feed kraaehea) aad dealers la all eftlee, tewii aad villa-es are at
year elbow with Ferd Service for Ford Owatra
Ford Motor Car Agency
Cast B 21 IT Fast Elgktk St. aad Hawtk
E. E. SLERET, Mgr.
era Are.
40-Horsepower Haynes
F. O. B.
You who want the very best at the right price you who want skilled
engineering based on correct principles yon who want-care in work
manship and beauty in the desipn you who want long experience and
reliability back of the car you buy you who want to be sure of fac
tory and dealer service see the new Haynes models.
There will be no more popular car on Oregon roads this year cer
tainly no car more efficient than the big, handsome Haynes Model 21
Touring Car. It is a truly splendid motor car, and the price is but
$2250 f. o. b. Portland.- 40-horsepower motor 44x5Vi inches, wheel
base 120 inches, 36x4-inch tires, demountable rims.
Find better value If you can, but rightly the Haynes must serve as the
basis for yonr comparisons. Arrange for an early demonstration.
Haynes Auto Sales Co.
Temporary Office, Crystal Ice & Storage Co., Seventh and E, Salmon.
Phones, East 244, B 1244. J. G. Peck, Manager.
Hat Demonstrated Its Qualities in a Manner Deserving
' of Your Serious Consideration
The "WAKREN car -develops' approximately one
horsepower for every 60 pounds of. weight. The
average car, one horsepower for every 75 pounds
of weight.
This explains the 'WARREN'S ability to climb
hills on high gear, while other cars are forced to
use their intermediate or low gears to accomplish
the same object.
Demonstration on request
$1350 to $1850
Fully equipped f. o. b. Portland, including
J. E. MAXON, Manager
Main 1565 14th and Conch Sts.
A 2103
Obey the Law t and
Clear the CrossWays-
With a Jericho t
Tha Signal of a Gentleman Warns without Offence .
Cityt after city la enacting
ordinances requiring automo
biles to be equipped with
horns "that shall give instant,
effective warning, yet shall
not annoy or confuse persons
tn the street by nerve-racking,
barbarous sounds.
It is superior to bulb horns because it is equally effective in the
crowded city street or on winding country roads. It is supe
rior to electrical horns because there is nofa penny of expense
for batteries or maintenance. It is superior to every other
exhaust horn because it never clogs.
Any Motor Car Agency, accessory ealar or
garage will sail and pat on Jericho or Jubilee
and tbe entire cost win be less than $10
Ml1 Rranswiclr.' S-Dasaenaer touring car.
, ' - fully equipped, including top ana windshield, S100O
THE PAIGE. is a thousand-dollar car. We
have no reason for telling you it's worth two
thousand or three thousand or five thousand
We have no desire to sell the Paige by such
assertions. It-sells fast enough on the strength
of plain old-fashioned truth.
. - The Paige is worth $1000, and the price is
$1000. If it were worth two thousand dollars
that's the price we would ask. And so would the
other manufacturers who want you to think
they're giving you anywhere from one to four
thousand dollars' worth of automobile, and leave
it to you to figure out how they can do it. They
can't and they don't. And when they try to sell on
such : a basis it naturally leaves a lot of real
doubt in your mind as to the actual downright,
honest-to-goodness value of their product
The Paige is not a $2000 car. It is just the best auto
mobile you can buy anywhere for a thousand dollars, a
welklesigned, well-built car comfortable, speedy and
enduring and fully equipped. We honestly believe that
you'll have to pay at least two or three hundred dollars
more to get as good value in most of the other cars.
Pi Don't buy your new car until you have gone all over
- the Paige studied it in every detail of construction
compared it carefully with other cars selling at Paige
prices. Bring an expert with you if you aren't an ex
pert yourself. The mere a man knows about automo
biles the more he appreciates the Paige.
Arrange for a demonstration at once. Six snappy, stylish bodies
4 and 5-passenger touring cars, roadster, surry type and raceabout
all built on the one Paige chassis and with one Paige unit power
plant Prices $975 and $1000. The beautiful La Marquise Coupe, $1600.
Top and Single -Vision Windshield
S alack enamel lamps, generator, horn, tools, Jack and tire repair outfit
included In regular equipment of all models. (Self-Starter and Prest-O.
Lite tank Installed for 825 if desired. Quick Demountable Rims (set of
S) on touring car models, including tire irons, $15. Same equipment
en roadster, S12.50J
Edward E. Gerlinger, General Manager.
Salesrooms, 690 Washington Street. Marshall 1915, A 1917.
1 Service Department, 86 Tenth St. Marshall 2043. .
A Mil
lion Tires
Without a Single
ThaVlsthe record on our patent 'tire on the
Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tire.
They are used on more cars than any other tire in
existence. Yet with all their use, and all their abuse,
there h&s never been an instance of rim-cutting.
With old-type tirfes with clincher tires statis
tics show, that 23 per cent of all ruined tires are
rim-cut. '
10 Oversizev
Saves Another 25
No-Rim-Cut tires savo 23 per
cent by making rim-cutting im
possible. They save another 25 per cent
by being 10 per cent over the rated
For 10 per cent oversira means
10 per cent more air 10 per cent
added carrying . capacity. And
that, with tho average car, adds
25 per cent to the tire mileage.
So No-R!m-Cut tires which we
control have cut the tire bills
right In two for tens of thousands
cf users.
The Proof
No-RIm-Cut tires now far out
sell any other tire that's made.
In two years the demand has
increased 500 per cent. It. baa
trebled in the past 12 months.
That tells the verdict of motor
car owners, after testing; out a
million Goodyear tires.
They proved that tires which
can't rim-cut oversize tires re
duced average tire upkeep by 43
per cent. Aad now our capacity
of 3,800 tires daily can't keep up
with the calls for these tires.
Those users are not mistaken.
What they have adopted yon are
bound to adopt when you find out
what they know.
Our 1912 Tire Book based on
13 rears of tire making is filled
with facts you should know. Ask
us to mail it to you.
No-Rim-Cut Tires
10 Oversize
TZUa Cnmmnr ham io rrmnwtlnn wlintovr vlth ny vtker
rubber ooitc uiv.
62 Seventh Street.
Phone, Pacific, Main 2190, and Home, A 4046.
A mAchlna his feeen Invented with which I A oenny-in-the-slot ' letter frmnkinr ma
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msMeMSE- ' Lb. London soatoftiass.