9 THE SUSDAY OKEGOMAX, FOUTLAXD, ArRlL 30. 1911. ' SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK Forced to Quit CONTINUED PROM PAQE 3. III II 1 1 ctvaa n4 faUhftl prnttlon lent to ta f:wotui lntrpilloa ao In ItrwUtf tuJy. A Utful pot-tntn partr r'Tn !a Ortcoa CUT wdnly .wenlng wj ttndd br tsa toiioHiit u.i. who u)oril bride 4orlo tb. vnln: Urn M.nry uWUr. Mn. John Ad am. Mr J. W. Moff.tt. Mr J. H. Walk.r. Mrs VT. A. 8tnwmn. rt U A. ilorrl. Jlra. L- E- Jon, Mrt. J. Himpbrtrn Mr. H. K- Ptrl-bt. Mr E. T FtaMs. lr Alfred Oimond, of Portland; Mr. W. R. Ixtu. Mrt. Ann Hum, Mr. Walter Well. Mr. C. 1L CmutUld. Hn E- P. Rnla. Mm E- A Chapman. Mrt. O. W. Eaatham. Mm M D. Itourette. Mr. E. T. ATl.on. Mr. C. IL Melasnec, Mm Ion Meldmm. Mm Huah Hendry. Mm C. VV EBJ Mm H.nry Meldrum. Mm W. E. rratt. Mm Oertrode Uewthwaite. Ml Mar r1. Caudld. Mia CI P"-""' It Pratt. Ml. Nell Cauneld. Mlaa Mir Cauneld. Mt Veda Gillian,, an Mlaa Cora Oiroond. of l ortland. lTle .r won by Mm U E. Jones. Mr. 1L K. Straight and Mi Po"r Pratt. Th. Enna Amateom aave a th"1' cartr at th. Orph.um FrWar .renin Tn honor of th.ir member. ML. Ro Be.ler and Ml. Norma Or.Ye who .r. In town for a few day. hln returned from he CnlTeriliy of Ore ran on a ahort leara of mb.enc rr. Emll Enna entertained the your per aon at .upper Uter at the In the party were MIm B-mI. Mlcke. Mix. Glady Dobon. Mt Anna Ba.-ler. Mia. K.a Gmy.a. Ml... Norma Ml.. Ko.e Basler. Ml. r.mma laard. Mia Jennie Ka.muii.en. M . Kdlth Mickey. Ml.. Helen ". Ml.. Erelyn l addoek and Mr. and Mm Pad- . . . An Eater pa.ty that was . enjo, eently wa. pten by Mis. Elolxe I ITud homme. th. .mall daurhter of Mr. and Jim J. ITudhomme. oth.r .mall tola who were Ml. Prudhommo ku" are: Catherine Kelly. BT Thelma Oerfln. lUrrlett Murton. lH.r othy Chau.. Marguerite Oerfln. Jean . Fr.und. Iwroihy fainter. era yrudhomme. Ward Uely. Oeore Jack man. Philip MnrrU. Lew Tyrrell. Kr ?urt Ourney. lor. Murton. Phi II P Lee'lr. Edmund Oumey. Ml rrud homma. France and W liber T" LUmm!: Marl. Burke. VJ'Tt'-ZJ HS aid Prudbomme. Lew Tyr.ll aad Henry prudbomma. . Th. Tuw!ar Afternoon Club 'tertalned l.t .'k at the new horn. Jt Mm Harry F. Chlpm.n. Tha .ubjoct ftr (S. afternoon William Cullen Bryant, quotation and memor.ied rrii O. M. Otlne. talked of hi. 75lT Uf- Mm O. W. Tabler .d . -Knre,t Hrmn." and Mm O. I. Btahl . read a paper on "Bryant a ,JourSj" 'i,- Mm Johrn talked on 'J dl" "ary Shrtne. af Amenra.' 5drV. , r mo. read -Thanatopela" PrecedlnB eeeral wlecttonfc Mm J. H- EUn. or alem. wa ue.t of honor. Mm Homer Coo.er irara a party Jr. fcooor of tb. blrthd.y of Mr. Con-.r la.t Tu.iay eentn. Prl- wera won dur 7.; tha .y.n.n by Mm Otto Brauer and Nlek EJ.t.nrtth. Mr. Con.er a war.: Mr. and Mm H P. Con- , Zer Mr. and Mm Charle Campbell. Mr. 'ltd Mm Otto Brauer. Mr. and Mm Nick Rlefenrath. Mm J. C Kocera. Mm V 0.rd.n. Mm Id Hurley. Ml.. Eu- jelll. Henry. Ml.. '?r2'"f 'Tuppar. Uoyd Con.er. Claud Con.er. Andy Campbell. Kay Kot-r. Ray aad HanTa Conr. Mr. and Mm Homer Coa.er. n'hiit was ctren a rery I T!.awnt urprla by th. memb.r of the Wedneaday Clod at her home, il Fpokane aeeue. Monday afternoon, in honor ot her birthday. Tho.a Pre.en Included Mm J. M. White. Mm C IL Wentworth. Mm C.eor. Elkerton Mm A B. Hem.tock. Mm 11. U Uppl. Mr p K Hi. Mm C. If. PUott. Mm -or. Htke. Mm M. Carrey. Mm W A. Read. Mm J. M. K.rtchem. Mm It. Reeder. Mm J. C Bryant. Mm O J. Carlaon. Mra R- S. Chaney and MI. Et Wentwortb. Aa n)oyabl and nnlau dinner party waa that rlren complimentary to Mm Andrew ICoben and her dauKhtem F.lliabeth and Joephlno. laat Thursday afternoon and evenln on tha Wflf ateam.hlp Ijcerlc by Captain and Mm Jarae. Mathle. Cards, name, and mu.lc raml.hed tha afternoon plra.ure. while at dtnner corera were laid for II who listened to the .tories and Joke, of th .kipper with et. Following ttlnner th arenlna; waa pa.aed at card, and danclna- until a Ut hour. Th family at th Mann Home for th Aired, on th Pandy Road, wera enter tained Tuesday .renin by the youn people of the Vnlrerealli't Church of tha Good Tldln. who. In addition to a tau.lral prosramme. presented a two act comedy whli-h wa bright and amu.tna Tho.a hakln; part wera Ml Gladys WUslna. Mlsa Sylrla rhllllpa. kll Mltdred htryker. fkor Chandler nd A. W. Watkln.. MIa WlirRtn and lr. Watklna lo re reading. e e Th Tueaday Afternoon Club met ln.t veek wlta Ml Omca Am", to begin ti .tudy of Hawthorne" life. Mr. C. W. Cather read a papr on "Brook Farm." Mm Harry L. Vorie read a taction from "Th Bllthedale Komance and Mm Merwln Push dlKMMd th result, of Hawthorne-, forelcn .tndte. Mm W. E. Warren. Mm IL C. Elliott and Mt. Ka Poltti were cue.t of tha club. Tha net meeting will be h.ld with Mm C. W. Cather. at T14 Ka.t Main .treet. e e Mm Laura F. Turner and Mm Mar tin Judy ara lMln a few d.r with Mr. and Mm A. B. Manler. On Thursday afternoon Mm Tnrner aave a talk on tha PMMppln tslanda to 4S rue.t at tha Manljr home. A girl dreased la th nattvl cnatnma added to the Inter est of th occasion. e e Mlsa I-utl Cake entertained a fw frtenrte laat Saturday for Ml. Edith Young. During the afternoon Mis Tonne added to the entertainment by Inglr.g aev.ra! delightful oto. e Trie women of the Gordon Orange Relief rorpe wera hotree at a tea jrlrea for seren new member, whlcri took plare at the rl.-je of the regular Sleeting last week. e Metntxx-s of the Portland Graded Pun ty School t'nloa wr entertained Tueslay afternoon at the home of Mm R. M Steele. y Ust Tarlor street. Mlsa O-orgI Ploeg'tra. the dxlocat of the uaion to th ttate Sunday School convention at Kugene. read an Interest ing report. The member, discussed new plans for cnlarctng the usefulness f th regnUr meetings: hereafter there will be Round Table each Thursday afternoon for tb dfrusslon of methods mtj Biuur vi.. ' there will b n all-day Institute- held at th Whlta Temple: all teacher In U city of all denomination doing prl rnary or Junior work will partlrli ate. At tha regular Thursday afternoon meeting some good hand work wa ex hibited from the Junior department by Mra. J. W. Wllklns and Mm U A. Janenhowr. Th beginner- lesson wa glrea by Mm C A. Morden and tha primary by wr. i. jici ""- in nww - im of Mr. John P.eslng last Tneeday afternoon. Tha member of this club ar Mm T. Kindred. Mm J. Norton. Mra McXamee, Mr. Resin r. Mm J. EESrDEJTTS Or PORTLAND FOB SO TEARS CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDETQ ANNIVERSARY. i ' v' J C s "7 ' ; - . MR. AND MRS. C. R.MIO. Many frienda-and relatlvea wr on hand to congratulate Mr. and Mr. C. Emlg. of 1TI Fifteenth .treat North, on th occasion of the ttYr anniversary of their wedding a few weeks ago. They received many pre.enta. Mr. Emlg. a natlv of Germany, ram to tha United Ftate. when only 17 year of age. He spent several year. In th Middle Western state. H followed mining In Arizona and Idaho, and later removed to San Franclaco. In 184 he came to Portland. Mm Emlg came to Portland In 1881 from Germany and they wera married In 18. They have four children. Hughe. Mm J. A. Herachter. Mra Susie O'Brien. Mm J. Nelson. Mra J. Kene nVk. Mm J. Straub. Mm C. Mayer and Mra y. Schmltt. see Th whlat oclal of th Portland cir cle of th Companion, of th Forest took place last Thursday evening. Th prlies wera won by Mr. and Mm John Lltchburn. e e e A prograram of unusual Interest wa. presented by tha dramatlo depart ment of tha Portland Women'a Club at tha regular club meeting Friday after noon. Tha programm wa under th direction of Mm Lucy EU wards Bruce, who I. Instructor of th department. All member, showed excellent ability and thorough training. Among the number, given wera poem, by Kipling. Mm J. Werthelmer read tha wonderful new poem. "If." and Mr. J. R. Tomlln on contrasted th much criticised "Vamplr" with th beautiful "Mother o'Mlne." Mm P. I Thompson gav two contrasting poems from th writ ing of Paul Laurence Iunbar. "In tha Morning aad Lullaby." Two mon ologue. "A Boton Woman at a Re ception." given by Mm Albert M. Brown, and "Behind a Curtain." by Mm Anton Oleblscb. wera other fea turee of th ntrtalnment. Mm K. B. McFarland gav a reading. "Tha Sum mer Hoarder."" which waa also wall re ceived. Th cen "At th Sign of Cleft Heart," an unusual but artistic little play, wa ably given by Mrs. Ol blsoh and Mm Thompson. "A Flosrer of Yeddo." a Japanese fantaate from th French by Victor Makes, wa ren dered by Mm IL O. Reed. Mm J. Sh marufcl. Mm J. Werthelmer and Mm J. B. Tomllnaon. e e e Mr. Charles Smith, of I3S East Flan ders .treet, gav a mlncellaneou shower In honor of her ltr. Mis Elsie Legge, who wedding to George E. Holmberg- la to tak plac toon. COMING EVENTS. A union meeting of th circles of th Ladle of th Grand Army of th Re public will b held Monday. May 1. at 1 o'clock. In th All.ky building. Third and Morrison streets. All regular mem ber, all honorary members. o of veteran and vlaltlng member ar cor dially Invited. Th regular meeting will be In connection with a pclal . i r.m-wmrr.mm and aeveml literary numbem Wlnalow Meada Orel Seven will entertain witn u nope oi cre.i- . . . t n nrk flf the ing more imwi - - , order and of promoting a? greater feel ing of eoclabiuty among nm oi e The Ancient Order of Hibernians will give a dancing rrty at Chti.ten.en' Hall next Thursday night Th com mute having th affair In hand ar: W. P. LIU!. J. B. Brady. E. M. Dooney. P P. Hogan. P. A. Smith. W. E. Mo Cann, Pr. B. L. Norden. Pr. J. C Haye aad R. E. Barrett. Tha patronesses will b: Mrs. P. J. McLoughlln. Mm W. A. Hirers. Mrs. Kat Cook. Mm E. JL Peery. Mm W. P. Hill. Mm John O'Har. Mm P. J. Bmythe. Mm M. J. Prtscoll and Mra. T. 8. Hogan. see Th cond monthly meeting of th mother, of tha Epworth Sunday School pupil, with tha women of th church and Sunday School will ba held Fri day afternoon. May f. at th paraonage. S7 Savler street. Th hour will be from I to I o'clock. Tha Forestry Association win meet tomorrow afternoon at X o'clock at th homo of Mm Morton Poty. 3 East Parts street. vftiiv;s. 01n-MlhHM4-n. Tha folowlng Is a clipping from th Illy Northwestern of shkoh. Wis., and haa a local Interest In Portland: A prettr anpltal event took pai-e tn th pe,rrs of be nrsl Consrveailonal pr iMtia Tusdar vinrnlac. Aprti l. the con tr. un parties belna Harry William Oleen of Portland. r.. n.l alias Alice Mihieisen. of Iht. cty. The cermony wa. terfortnad bv Kv. K-lard M. Kmlih la the presence of he bride's parents. Mr. and al-e. tJeorire lthl-lrn. an I th-lr a.n.Mer. allse Orare MIMlsa. "l! hrlda eja. bona and edu rated In thle city. Kor aim years she wa. aa Instructor at the wis. onaia eVhool ot Teraphy la dir. ha-1n attended that Inst nut loo at the same tiffle tfe iraca was a stodeet there. Mr. IT.fn ts chief clerk for the l.lln.-ls central Mallroad at Portland, or. Mr. and Mr, olsea will ga t-t Port land la a fw dara to reside. Doran-Shannon. Mlsa Alice Mary Shannon and Walter Poran. of Tacoma. wera married at St, Mary's Church Wednewlay morning at o clock. Rev. D. A. Paly performed th ceremony and Mm C. E. Lockwood played tha wedding march. Th attend anta of tha bridal pair were Charle Shannon as best man and Mlsa Gene vieve Shannon a. bridesmaid. Tho bride wore an attractive tailored ault of cream serge and carried baby pink roae buds. Following tb ceremony a breakfast was J -ffJwW V f " ; v US i v.. served at th horn of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mm Joseph Shannon, and in the afternoon a large reception was given. Though Mr. and Mr. Poran were to have taken th late train from Port land to Seattle, they evaded their friend, who were In watt at the station by cross ing to Vancouver and going north from that city. They will visit th Sound cities. Including the home of Mr. Poran In Tacoma. after which they will go to St, Louis to visit an aunt of tha bride. After their return to Portland about June 1 they will reside at 4u7 Union avenu North. Snider-nakrr. Miss Barbara Baker, daughter of Mm ElUah C. Kaker. of Turner. Or., wa. married to B. W. Snyder at th home of her mother. Mm 8nyder ha been a teacher and lately haa been active a. an organiser of tha Portland Women of Woodcraft. Tha ceremony wa. performed by Rev. Andrew J. Hunsaker. Sunday. April XL Following the wedding a dinner wa served at which many friend and relative were present. Mr. nd Mm Snyder will visit In Portland. Salem. Seattle and Victoria for a short time be fore going to their horn In Victoria. B. C Gleblclioaae-Sprrllng. An attractlv wedding was that of tnh. niaHlahnua, and Mlsa Martha Sperling, which took plac at St, Paul I-uthoran cnurcn Tuesday evening. pni li. Tha brlda wore a dainty linger! frock and carried bride' roses. She was ii.n. hv Xflse Peullne Blahon. Who was gowned In pink voile and carried carnations. John Miuer. a cousin oi mo bridegroom, was best man. Little I-eslle Grim, a nleca of th bride, wa flower maid. Mr. and Mm Gleblehousa will b at horn at 84S Halght avenue.. RIcaslnR-Maye. Fred Blessing and Miss Grace Mayes wer united In marriage April IS, at th horn of tb bride', aunt. Mm J. May. SOI Hawthorn avenue. Rev. IL 8. Black pastor of th Emanuol Baptist Church, performed th cere mony. Mr. and Mm Blae.lng have gona to their homo In Hood River, wher Mr. Blaeslng is superintendent of a largo sawmill. M nrr-ay-Love. ti vji.. TJ T Ar. and TAlanil V. Murray wera married by Rev. J. Bower- ox April S. at ll-N ay aireei. ciijr. Miss Nora Curry and Ray Howard were tha wedding attendants. Mr. and Mm Murray will reaida at East Eleventh street North. Ffcdprlkaon-Kailes. Fred Froderlkaon and Miss Arizona Eades wer married at th residence of F L. Johnson. 271 Hassalo street Wed nesday evening. April 26, by Rev. J. J. Staub. of tha Sunnysld Congregational Church. IKrrlnjt-McCamcy. H. W. Herring and Miss Florence B. Mct'amey were married by Rev. J. Bow ersox last Sunday. Mr.. Herring Is tho Surveyor for Yamhill County, of which tb brld Is also a resident. Th young persons will llvo In McMlnnvllle. Or. Iiog-nslaskl-Englrbrcct. , Henry Boguslaakl and Bertha Engla brect. of Oregon City, wer married at Dl UI1TBIH parsonage Wednesday afternoon. April . . , n a U n M I . rr a. 2 8, oy Je. r o. .... ..r. Wade-Crawford. Ralph A. Wad and Miss Cora E. Crawford wera married by Rev. J. J. Rtaub'Frlday afternoon. April 14. at tha paraonage of th Sunnysld Con gregational Church. CJoysln-Hoffman. Nettle R. Hoffman and John Geysln wer married by Rev. pelmer H. Trim ble at th home of the bride. SWT East Twenty-fifth treet North. Monday even ing. April Si. Carlson-Cole. Fred J. Carlson and Alma Col wer married by Rev. J. J. Staub at th parsonage of tha Sunnysld Congrega tional Church Thursday evening April 17. Pnmplirry-ISublnson. A. Pumphrey and Augusta Robinson wer married Monday evening at tha horn of tha l.rtde. 44S East Ankeny street, by Rev. Pelmer H. Trlmbl. Black-TlKmpon. George Albert Black and Miss Grace Thompson were married on Saturday. April 22. at tha Whit Temple, by Rev. W. B. Hlnson. Ilred-Hunt. George R. Reed and Mis Carrie E. Ru.t were married April 22 at Pavis street by Rev. Pelmer H. Trimble. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tha engagement of Esther Holden Mackensl to Clsrno Wsrren White. HEXLER'S MILLINERY 380 WASHINGTON STREET V I This great sale of High-Grade Millinery is the talk of the city and will continue to be until everything is sold. A rare op portunity to secure the very latest styles at prices never before fieard of. The Location HEILER'S MILLINERY v Corner West Park and Washington ANNOUNCEMENT We have received phone calls from some of our customers asking If wa have changed our firm name. We wish to state we have not, and are not connected with others urlnjf part of our name. It takes POW Ell to CLEAJf carpets. Any kind of a suction cleaner takes up some of the dust. Why not have it done thoroughly? We operate the highest-power carpet machines In the city. Our work ts guaranteed. Established in Portland seven years. Sanitary Carpet Cleaning Co. "Blue Wagon Service" Mala 5.134, A SOT. was announced at a luncheon given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mac kenzie, of Spokane. Miss Mackenzie re ceived her earlier education in Portland. She was graduated from the Washington State Normal at Cheney in 10 and since that time she has been a primary teacher in Spokane. Mr. White is the eon of Mra Nellie Warren White and the late Clarence M. White. He 1. con nected with the Washington State Fish er! aa Pepartment, Following tne wed ding, which will occur In June, the young people will make their home In Cathla mer. Waab. a e e a f - Mrs. S. Cohen announces the engage- ment of her niece, Miss Hannah Cohen, to Adolph Senders, of Albany, Or. SOCinTV PETISOXAIS. Mrs. A. P. Sprague has returned from Pendleton. Or, where she haa passed the la.t two week.. Mr. and Mrs. Fved Rothschild and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Herman are pass ing the weekend at Seaside. After an absence of six months. Mrs. Leo Frlede and son returned to Port land last week from California. Mrs. IL Salmonson and Miss Ruth Salmonson. of San Francisco, formerly of this city, are registered at the Hill. Washington street. Mrs. Pavld Gllmore and Miss Ruth GUmore returned to Portland last Sun day from Seattle, where they passed a few days. Mrs. M. W. Daly and Miss Irene Daly, who have been traveling through Japan and Cfftaa. are expected home tomorrow. The Misses Mary Chambers. Grace Bingham and Gladys Wllklns. of Eu gene, are guests at the home of Miss Althea Hettsmlth. Mrs. Sylvia "W. McGulre will leave Portland on Monday to fill lecture en gagements during May In Eastern Ore gon and Washington. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baird left Portland Isst night for the South. They will visit particularly In Tennessee, and North Carolina before their return by way of New York. Mrs. Carlltos Bills and her nephew, Bamuel M. Friea, left Portland last Sat urday to visit relatives and friends at Kanau City and in New Orleans. They expect to be away until August 1. Miss Josephine McLaughlin, of Se attle, is a house guest of Miss Gertrude Carter, of this city. Miss McLaughlin is a schoolmate of Miss Carter, having attended the Castle at Tarrytown. N. T. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burke entertained 7000 to 8000 cakes of Woodbury's are carried on U. S. Battleships every year. For Bkin, chapped and roughened by bad weather, it is especially good. Woodbury's Facial Soap For sal by dealers everywhar 26 Board of Trade Building. with an Informal dinner party last Sunday at their home at 08 Northnip street. Decorations were yellow and white. Cover were laid for eight guests. Captain P. Muckler. a prominent shipowner of Nova Scotia, visited Cap tain Andrew Hoben and family last Monday. The Captains were boys to gether, but had not met for years. Captain Muckler Is a cousin of Father Hogan, of this city, and he has a sis ter who is a sister of mercy In San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Clary and daugh ter, Solona. arrived In this city yester day from their tour- of Europe and Southern California. After remaining on the continent nearly four months they returned to the Pacific Coast and traveled in California. The Winter was spent in San Jose, where their son Ral ston attends school. Ralston Clary will remain In San Jose until the close of the present school term, when he will return to Portland, bringing with him his cousin. Alma Campbell, to pass the Bummer. SPECIAL- ANNOUNCEMENT. A. De Blanche, ladles' tailor, 345H Washington street, at 7th; 2d floor. see Miss Sadie Hagerty. formerly head saleslady, millinery department. Olds, Wortman A King, arrived In New York April 28, on her return from Paris, where she has been since January. She may be expected in Portland about May 1 with the Jatest styles in m"lllnery and the most advanced and up-to-date methods. DON'T BE BALD One of Our Reader. Tells How She Ob tained a Marvelou. Growth of New Hair by the TJse of a Simple Home Bemedy After Hair Specialists and Tealea Had All Failed. I had what moat people would call a beau tiful head of golden hair. 1 prized tt most highly, aa I considered It my chief attrac tion. Suddenly it began to come out very rapidly and at times 1 had Intense itching of the scaip. Phy.lclan. and hair specialists said my caaa waa one of dandruff germs, hair microbes, etc, but nothing that they gave m did tha slightest good. On the contrary, my hair seemed to oome out even faster, aad I was now fearful lost I should become entirely bald. In my despair a friend told me of an Ecuador herb which he said would positively grow hair on any head where th hair roots were not entirely gone, and he said the natives of the coun try where It grew were famous for their beautiful long hair. Upon medical advice. I combined this herb with Bay Rum anu Menthol Crystals and Immediately, began It. use. In three applications It entirely stopped the Intense Itching of my scalp and In a very short Urn It not only stopped my falling hair, but I noticed an abundance ot new hair coming In. In leva than one month my hair was longer, thicker and more beautiful than ever. All due to this marvelous hair-growing herb. A lady to whom I gave the formula used It on her daughter, and she said It made her hair grow five Inches In leas than a month. Doctors to whom I have shown" It say It Is the only thing which wlu act ually grow new hair, therefore. I think the public ought to have It. At first I thought I would keep It a .ecret and sll the secret, but when I think how I suf fered and how badly I needed It and how hundreds of others must need It. the same as I did, I feel I ought to give It to the world. Therefore. I authorise this papor to publish the formula, which is as fol lows: Bay Rum. six ounces; Lavona le Coxnpoeee'. two ounces; Menthol Crystals. i- drachm. If you like it perfumed, add a few drops of To-Kalon Perfume, which mixes perfectly with, the other Ingre dients. This, however. Is not necessary. Ak your drugRlst for an eight-ounce bottle containing six ounces of Bay Rum: then put In the Menthol Crystals and the Perfume. Next add one-half of the bot tle of Lavona de Composes', let It stand six to eight hours and add the remainder of the Lavona de Composee". Always buy the Lavona de Composee" In a two ounce sealed bottle, as this preparation contains the juice of the Ecuador herb mentioned above, and It loses its stiejiirth If unsealed. Apply th preparation night and morning and rub well Into the scalp. If properly used It will produce most as tonlchlna results. Pe careful not to get It cn the face or any part of the body whtre you do not want to produce hair. Comforts for the Sick Back Rests, $3.50 Firmly mad of strong, light wood, with back of twilled cloth in woven colors. Adjustable to any angle. A necessity for invalids. Bedside Tables, $6 to $12 Aseptic; made of steel, all white enameled; top adjustable to any height or angle. : ' Also in white enameled metal parts, with oak 'or birdseye . maple top, adjustable to any height or angle. Useful also as a writing or sewing table. ' Site Baths, $10 Made of light steel, enameled in white, both inside and out- i side. May be taken into any room in the house. " Bath Cabinets, $5 to $12.50 We show a full line of Robinson's Thermal Bath Cabinets. Invaluable for rheumatism, blood, liver, skin and kidney ailments. Call and see them or send for catalogue. Folding Bathtubs, $4.50 and $5.29 Convenient for the invalid, or for the traveler, where an indi vidual bath is required. Folded, they take but little space, and may easily be carried in a trunk. Rolling Chairs for Invalids, $20 to $49.50 They combine strength, comfort and ease of operation. Either fixed or adjustable. Wheels are fitted either with light steel or rubber cushion tires. Air Pillows and Cushions, $2 and $4 A convenience for the convalescent; avoid the jar caused by rough pavements or roads. We also show the cushions in dou ble sections for both the seat and back of rolling chairs or other vehicles. Crutches and Cane, $1.50 to $8 We carry maple crutches in all lengths, with rubber tips either with or without padded tops. Also fine crutches made ' of rosewood. . . , Men's walking canes, and stout canes for invalids. Lumbago Belts, $1.25 Dr. Jaeger's pure, sanitary wool; a certain relief and prevent . ive of lumbago. Drinking Cups for Travelers Sanitary paper cups prevent contagion. Costing only one cent, they may be used once and thrown away. . - Collapsible aluminum drinking cups with aluminum cases; may be carried in handbag or pocket. Automobile drinking cups of aluminum or enameled steel, in sets, with leather case. Woodard, Clarke & Co. Washington and Fourth Streets t EXIDE, IB0NCLAD OB EDISON BATTERIES WOMAN'S EXCLUSIVE CAR The Ranch h Lang Electric is the car that any woman can drive with comfort and pleasure. No dirt. No greaae. No cranking. No punctures. Just push the lever and go. Pull back the lever and atop. The control is simplicity iteelf. A child' can drive it. The carriage work is the result of 67 years' painstaking care pro ducing the best. Mechanically the tame reeult haa been achieved. MODELS FRANK C RIGGS Packard Service Building, Cornell Road, Twenty-third and Washington Streets. ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to announce to the ladies of Port land that I have opened a Ladies' Tailor ing Establishment. I have a complete stock of samples in- the .latest styles. Ladies' Tailoring and designing is my specialty, having had 16 years of experi ence, and for the last two years I was fitter at Meier & Frank Co. All my work guaranteed. M. ROSEN 309 MERCHANTS TRUST MOTZ CUSHION OR PNEUMATIC TIRES Victoria Stanhope Roadster Coupe LADIES' TAILOR AND DESIGNER BLDG., SIXTH AND WASHINGTON