The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 30, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    r m
Germany Will Propose Revi
slon of Algeclras Act of
fh nd SpIn ror Revision, m
Aimmrnl Hm I-lalled AnM-rl-can
Interference M7 Again
Jaterl War, a la ItO.
LOVDOT. April S. Sral.) 1
Berlin. PBrt and Madrid there la a
raj.ldly rrowln 3macd for a rerUIoo
cl the AJaeclras art regarding Morocco,
and. If areata. In Northwest Africa do
nt iiiwiuj i.v - -
- ......... hivi. nfnhkhti that the
tierman foreira office will approach all
powers nuiorr m w " . ...
enj will declare O.rmenjr'a conviction
that tha act ha failed to meet the ex
Should thW eatfemely Important de
velopment enaue. me uonuua
- . i jt than inr on
the eaerrlse of tha Impartial and Judl- br Washington throuah Ita dole
rate, Henry White, on the German and
eneh representatives at tha crisis of
the conference, an Influence etrontf
enouirFi to avert a great war In Europe.
It a
fan journeje are rtcuuii
White's remarkable prophecy. When
congratulated at AUeclrae on the con
aplcaoua part he haJ played In eecur-
ieed to have replied that "the aaree-
tnnt omhl ! roiu mem lor live
but. If precedent ta any guide, some
body win be calling for revision alone
la i7ii.
M. Cruppl. Krem-h Foreign Minister,
while admitting toiler that the Intertia
ttoaal situation has ieveral somewhat
perplrxln features." reaeserts the doc
trines he announced tnrea weeas o i
wherever the Interests of Oermany and
fTtncv are oppow'u. ie ,rv..w
t ranee ie lu nuiniam uvw wu -
moderation and firmness.
Increase In the prestige of the empire
I taie. is quiie rwuj ir s uow
tending on either aide of the River Fo,
the two parts being joined by four
bridges, two built especially for this
The American display comprlsea the
largest exhibit ever made abroad by
that government. In all there were
15.000 exhibitors, representing the Eu
ropean countries. North and South
America. Japan. Persia. Slam. Turkey,
Tunis and the British colonies.
Today the population of Turin, which
Is nearly half a million, has been
doubled by the visitors, enormous
crowds filling the exposition grounds
and the streets of the city. The In
auguration was participated In by
King Victor Emmanuel. Queen Helena,
the Iuke of Aosts, the Count of Turin,
the Duke of Abruzxi. foreign diplomats
from Rome. Premier Glollttl and his
associate In the Ministry. FTancla B.
Loo ml. Commissioner-General from the
United States: Albert H. allchaelson,
American Consul at Turin, and leputy
Commissioner: American Ambassador
Lelshmann and Commander Lang, naval
attache at the American Embassy.
Senator Rossi. Mayor of Turin, wel
comed the visitors, and Senator Fro la,
At the conclusion of this programme,
the Queen touched a button releai'ng
an electric current that awoke to life
the miniature city.
Lower rat.tkllls In Klamrs, Which
Strong: Wind 1'ans Flghteri
Work Nlhl and Day.
Forest fires are sweeping acroes the
foothills of the Lower Catsklils to
ward Lake Mohonk and It la feared that
unless rain comes the little settlement,
which Is the scene of the annual Ameri
can Peace Congress.' will be damaged.
An army of f Ire-f Ighters Is at work
In night and day shifts, but tha flamea
are being fanned by a strong breexe
from the southeast and little progress!
haa been mad agalnat them. Thou
sands of dollars" worth of property haa
been destroyed.
The fire la believed to have been
atarted by a spark from a locomotive
on the Central New England Railroad.
There la a great stretch of pine trees
extending Up the hillsides to the moun
tains that bank agalnat Lake Mohonk.
Should the fire get Into the woods on
the mountainside. It would almost be
Impossible to save the resort.
A forest fire In the Shawangunk
Mountains which started several days
ago Is spreading rapidly and threatens
the village of Lloyd. A large force of
farmers Is engaged night and day fight
ing; the flames.
ca Relieved by French Column. I Canton Rebels May Taotal and
TANGIER. Morocco. April 1. Cap
tain IJremond. In command of the
column marching to relieve Fes.
reached the Capital on April IS.
Mother Congrem Advocate Pro
vision for Health and Play.
WASHINGTON. April tJ. The rela
tion of the school to child welfare w
considered today br the National Con
gress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers'
The school, aa a meeting ground tor
parents and teachers to Insure co-op
eration In education of children, child
atudy for parents, provision by cities
for an adequate number of schools and
ample space about the schools for play
grounds, fire escapee for the-buildings.
manual training, domestic science, pro
vision for backward children, support
of the kindergarten by the cities, medi
cal Inspection In the schools and the
opening of school yarda for the use of
children during the Summer and out of
school hours were some of the measures
Troops' Loyalty Doubted.
HONOKONO. April :. TJ. the Taotal
of Canton, haa been assassinated by the
rebels, who are again atrong. The
Fates of the city have been closed.
The loyalty of the troops la doubted,
and this fear haa caused much excite
ment among the peaceful Inhabitants
of Canton.
Refugeea arriving here confirm earlier
reports of the rising at Canton, which
appears to have been Instigated by
antl-Manchus. who went to that city
from Macao and Hongkong and
spread the revolutionary propaganda
among the troopa at the time when
they were nursing several grievances.
Hundreds of rebels nave been killed
or wounded In the fighting, which be
gan with the attack on the Viceroy's
palace on Thursday. Brigadier-General
Chung waa mortally wounded while
attempting to suppress the revolt, and
died yesterday.
Two British torpedo boat destroyers
have been aent to Canton from here.
American Gunboat to Rescue.
WASHINGTON. April J. The United
States gunboat Wilmington sailed to
day from Hongkong for Canton to ren
der any assistance necessary to Amer
ican citizens on account of the dis
turbed conditions at the latter place.
California Depot Agent Relieved of TAFT URGES RECIPROCITY
Cash in Bold Holdup.
PASO ROBLES. CaL. April !. The
Southern Paclnc passenger depot in
this city was entered late last night
by two masked men who held op
Night Agent Wardwell and compelled
him to hand over bis cash, amounting
to $42.
Wardwell telephoned newa of the
robbery to Deputy Sheriff Fierce and
posses goon were In pursuit of . the
robbers, who were encountered and
captured by Sheriff Tounglove and sev
eral deputlea near the Kallnas River
at daylight today. They were brought
here and Identified by Agent Ward-
President Ileglns Canvas of Senate
on Canadian BUI.
WASHINGTON. April IS. Prealdent
Taft begnn today a canvass of the Sen
ate situation with reference to Cana
dian reciprocity. Senators Owen of Okla
homa and Gililnger of New Hampshire
talked with him today.
Senator Owen will support the bill.
while Senator GaUlnger aald be would
liepabllcaa Employe Leave the
Boase and Democrat Arrive.
WASHINGTON. April I An exodus
Df Republican employes of the House
began today and next week many more
wbo have been fixtures for years at
the Capital will receive notice of re
moval. In nearly every branch of the
House today employes were packing
up their personal belongings and pre-
baling to depart.
The Democratic committee on pat
ronage haa completed Ita list of ap
About SO Republican employes are
affected. Some of these have seen a
quarter of a century's service In Wash.
Corn per and O'Connell Appear Be
fore House Committee.
Labor Leaders Plead for McCann.
SPRINGFIELD. Ill, April 2S.-A dele
gation of officers of labor organizations
henied by John H. Walker, president of
the l nltd Mine orkers of Illinois, and I
Edwin R. Wright, president of the Illi
nois State Federation of Labor, waited
on Governor Deneen today to ask for
the pardon of ex-Police Inspector Ed
ward McCann. of Chicago, now serving
a term In Jollet penitentiary for accept
ing money for police protection of Im
proper places. They asked that McCann
be released before the time his furlough
expiree, so that he may receive a pardon.
Rich Seattle Man Kills Self.
SEATTLE. April St. Edward E.
Brehm. the lumberman who committed
suicide laat night because of fancied
business troubles, left an estate worth
$'0,000. according to business asso
ciates. He had become obsessed by the
delusion that he waa on the verge of
financial ruin, although his affairs were
In such condition that he could have
raised f J75.000 cash In 48 hours.
WASHINGTON. April :. Samuel
Compere, president of the American
Federation of Labor, and James O'Con
selL president of the International As
sociation of Machinists, assailed the
Taylor "scientific" system of shop
management before the House commit,
tee on labor today and urged the com
mittee to report the Pepper resolution,
providing for an investigation of the
"The Taylor proposition." said Presi
dent Oompers. "would make more
money for manufacturers and It also
would kill more workmen."
Clat.op County Pay Tax.
ASTORIA. Or.. April (Special.)
County Treasurer Sherman sent the
first half of Clatsop County' portion of
the state tax. amounting to lli.6: J
to Stat Treasurer Kay today. This
payment will be due on May 1 and the
second half of the tax vtlU be due on
November 1.
Queen Helena Conducts Ceremony.
America, Well Represented.
TURIN. April 19. Th International
Exhibition of Industries and Labor, the
biggest affair of It kind ever attempt
ed In Italy, opened today. The exhibi
tion occupies 11.000, 00 square feet ex-
It Is said there are certain spring In
I Europe that give relief and cure to
' Eczema and other skin diseases. It you
I knew that by washing In these waters
, you could be relieved from that awful
Itch, wouldn't you make every effort
to take a trip to Europe at once.
Would you not be willing to apend your
last cent to find the cure?
But you need not leave home for
these distant springs. Relief la right
here In your own home town!
A simple wash of Oil of Wlntergreen,
Thymol and other lngredlenta as com
pounded only In D. D. D. Prescription
will bring Instant relief to that terri
ble burning Itch, tnd leave the skin aa
smooth and healthy as that of a child.
Best poseible wash for pimple and
all skin Impurities.
If you hav not already tried It, ret
at least a Zi-cent bottle today. We
assure you of Instant relief. Woodard,
Clarke ex Co, Skldmor Drag Co.
Muslin Drawers Best 5 (Jo
Values Special'at 35o
These Drawers are made of extra
good quality muslin or cambric and
neatly trimmed with pretty, embroid
ery or lace ruffle. All made extra
well and finely finished. Regular
50c values, specially priced at. . .35
TuTonhiM 0 R Rl SO
eMlv ajjjjiJB0ssj
v-- ,r'.:-VeVVJS'.-'r.-'
The Most in Value, The Best in Quality
Corset Covers, Best 50c
Values, Special at 35o
An extra fine showing of Pretty Cor
set Covers, made of - good quality
nainsook and daintily trimme'd with
fine laces, embroideries and ribbons.
Regular 50c values, specially priced
this sale : .35
Spec'l in Suits, Coats, Wash
Dresses and Silk Petticoats
Some Strong Values for Monday and Tuesday
ui 3 fir
! -; - -.
New Suits at $12.50 to $25.00 '
The prettiest, best quality suits for the money possible to
buy m Portland. They are man-tailored throughout;
materials are of the best. Coats are lined with strong
silk or satin. The colors comprise all the new blues,
greens, gra3s and tans. You will find here a becoming
style for every individual, ,
. New Coats at $8.50 to $19.50
The very newest styles in the most fashionable materials
and most desired colors , will be shown here tomorrow.
Materials are fine quality covert cloth, cravenette and
all-wool serges in all wanted plain colors and novelty
mixtures. Unlined or lined throughout with fine grade
satin lining. Very handsome and stylish garments.
Wash Dresses at $1.25 to $6.50
For this sale we are showing a very complete line of
House .Dresses. -They are, greatly improved over the
usual style of house dresses, as they fit perfectly and
have a very stylish appearance. Suitable for either street
or house. They are made with low.J)utch collar, sailor
dollar and several other styles in plain colors, also checks,
figures and stripes. Every garment will launder fine. '
Silk Petticoats at $2.95.
Brand-new Spring styles in Silk Petticoats, made of fine
quality chiffon taffeta in all colors, plain or changeable.
They are neatly finished with deep flounce, with under
flounce and dust ruffle, and will wear much better than
the higher-priced petticoats and look just as good. J
fi Great Spring Lace
Toilet Articles and Drug Sundries
To induce you to visit our new Drug Sundry Department, in the Notion Aisle,
we offer the following underpriced speeials. See if you need any these articles:
,25c Fiberloid Dressing Combs 10
25c French Tooth Brushes. 10
25c Mennen's Talcum Powder 15
25c Borefoam Tooth Powder 15
50c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder 2o
10c Astoria Violette Soap 7
35c Cashmere Bouquet Soap. . ... .34
25c 4711 Toilet Soap 15
Wouna Ruff Skin Cream 25
Welcom Foot Bath . .25
Naiades Toilet -Water 75
Lilac Imperial Toilet' Water. ..... . .50)
Monad Tinted Talcum 25?
Head Heart Cold Cream ..... 50$
We know' that many housekeepers have been waiting
for weeks for our Annual Spring Curtain Sale, and
many, of them will supply their needs for a whole year
ahead when they can select from such fine assortments
at such low prices. The-various lots are conveniently
assembled, in our New Curtain Department in the
Basement, making it an easy matter for you to thor
oughly inspect them. Don't delay; be here as early as
possible and benefit by the unusual values offered.
Lot 1, at 85c Pair About 200 pairs of Scrim, Swiss
and Scotch Lace- Uurtams, irom no to ad mcnes wiae.
All new goods -in neat patterns. They come in both
white and Arabian and are unusual values at this price.
Lot 2, at $1.25 Pair A splendid assortment of. Scotch
Lace Curtains, shown in the latest styles. They come
full 60 inches wide and 3 yards long and in both white
and Arabian. v -
Lot 3, at $1.75 Pair 'A very attractive showing of the
new styles in Scotch and Madras Lace Fillet Net and
Scrim Curtains,, in widths from '38 to 50 inches and
from 2Y2 to 3 yards long. Every pair a bargain at price.
Lot 4, at $2.25 Pair Fine high-grade Scrim andNet
Curtains, full 38 inches wide and 2Y2 yards long. They
come in white, cream and Arabian and are neatly fin
ished with Cluny lace, and Bonaz braid. .
Lot 5, at $2.50 Pair An unsurpassed assojtment to
choose from at this price. Cable Net, Scrim and Ma
dras Lace Curtains in white, cream and Arabian, from
38 to 52 inches wide and 2 and 3 yards long. They
come with plain-centers, neat borders, etc.
Lot 6, at $3.00 Pair Attractive New Madras Lace and
Bobbinet Curtains, shown in a large variety of pretty
patterns in white, Arabian and two-tone. They come
from 36 to 50 inches wide and 2 and 3 yards long.
Lot 7, at $3.50 Pair Dainty Bobbinet, Scrim and Ma
dras Lace Curtains, in the most desired , widths and
ItIIti LliO. XI LI UiilimiLCU. aOUl ULXAJ-lU UL 31 VIVO AX1 I
I white, cream. Arabian and two-tone. . J
Mew Spring Styles in
Shoes and Oxfords
At Decided Price Re
ductions A great Factory Pur
chase enables .us to of
fer many excellent op
portunities to procure
the new season's Shoes
and Oxfords at a big
saving. The following
prices hint of the savings only; to really appreciate the bar
gains you must see the Shoes themselves:
A splendid lot of Women's Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps in the
new stvles and leathers. They come with hand-turned soles or
in Goodyear welt. $3.00 and $3.50 grades on sale at. . .$2.47.
Children's Jockey Sandals, in all styles in four and five straps.
They come in all sizes from 3 to 8 and are best $1.50 values.
Specially prieed at . 99$
Misses' 1 and 2-Strap Pumps, sizes 5 to 11, $1.50 grades. . .99
Misses' 1 and 2-Strap Pumps, sizes 11 to 2, $2 grade $1.25
$1.25-31.50 Shirts at 89c
Men seem to like to com here for their Furnishing Goods.
They find us ready with just the things they want and they
find our prices lower than the exclusive stores. For tomorrow
we place on special sale a splendid lot of Men's Dress Shirts,
fine custom made Shirts, in coat style, with attached cuffs and
pleaded bosoms with side or box pleats. They come in plain
blue chiimbray and blue, pink, green andvblack striped pat
terns, in fine quality percales. Regular $1.25 . QQp
to $1.50 .values, special , UUu
Boys' Waists Priced at 50c
A very special showing of "Mother's Friend" Blouse Waists
for boys. Made of excellent quality material, in plain Kflp
colors, stripes and figures. Priced this sale, each...... JUu
Men's Half Hose, Best 20c Values, 15c
A sale of Men's Silk Lisle Half Hose, made seamless with fine
ribbed top, Especially knit heel and toe. They come in plain
gray, navy, blue, tan and black. iVery best 20c . IKp
values. Priced thissale at I uu
An Unsurpassed Showing ot
The Most Charming- of the Season's
Patterns and Coloring's
That is the most notable feature of this notable
showing, and invariably the prices are lower
than similar qualities are to be had for else
where. Portland's greatest and best silk store
is now a bower of beauty and elegance, over
flowing with exclusive novelties and the most fashionable weaves of the
season, including the finest imported and domestic Pongees, shower
proof Foulards, Fancy Silks in stripes, checks, dots and a great variety
of plain Silks, in all the latest Spring and Summer shades. Hints here
of the immense variety to choose from:
Cheney Bros.' Foulard Silks, 85c a Yard
We have just received a large assortment of Cheney Bros.' Celebrated
Shower and Spot-Proof Foulard Silks, beautiful fabrics that are all
pure silk and perfect in both weave and finish, shown here in the cor
rect new shades and designs for street and evening wear; especially at
tractive are the neat small figures, dots, scroll and novelty patterns,
These Silks are full 23 inches wide and are very much
underpriced at, a yard. ..... ... . . . . .'. . ... .:.
20-Inch All-Silk Foulards, 50c a Yard
A new line of All-Silk Foulards of splendid weight and quality, shown
in the new shades navys, marine blues, Copenhagens, tans, browns, etc.
and black, in an endless assortment of polka-dots and neat Kflp
small designs; an unm,atchable silk value at, a .yard .: ... UUu
Fancy Silks at $1.00 Yard
23 to 27-inch -Fancy Silks in Jac
quard Weaves arid Printed Warp
Fancies in Messalines, Louisines,
Crepe Imperials and Swiss Taf
fetas, etc., shown in the new sea-
son s oest designs ana colorings.
The finest Silks to be 01 flfl
found anywhere at, yard. U I iUU
French Challies at 65c Yard
New bordered, all-wool French
Challies. full 28 inches wide, shown
in the popular new stripes in rich
colorines. finished .with floral bor-
der of contrasting shades. '
Gray Novelties at 75c Yard
20 to 27-inch new Gunmetal Grays
in Faney'Weaves, Taffetas, Louis-
Lines.: and Pin-Striped Messalines,
m the new shades and all size
stripes. Beautiful new Silks of
dependable quality and bright rich
finish ; special values at,
a yard
French Voiles at 75c Yard
38-inch French Voiles, shown in
the correct new evening 'shades;
sheer, clinging fabrics with nov
elty; selfrcolored overstripes. A
favorite material for Summer wear