THE SUNDAY OltEGOXTAX. TORTLAXD. APRIL 30. J911. . rr Sjj RSH-H FEDERAL TROOPS HURRY TO JUAREZ TWO PHOTOGRAPHS OP BRIDE AND ONE OF BRIDEGROOM Dl! ikT a . TfwfvtifM jt-r-a. mw win 1 1 1 fx a '. YV IjULfXHKt XJl I LtO 1 AXA. Z THE style that becomes you the quality good taste and good sense demand the, wear that honest, well-tailored clothes ought to give are yours with Trains Loaded With 1000 Men, Guns and Ammunition cn Way From Chihuahua. ScMbss Baltimore MADERO TALKS OF FIGHT f ..." T if Cel. R-sftimnrct rinth II I Hats I Hats I -- w i II rwrs i . rials it w -.mi ww-.nif.r-- "t i I1 ' T-an I Si , ttt . r. ff I BT f J rvh 1 1 - uv v I aX5r ' t- lie Says Movement Violate Trace and If Iteport Confirmed, He'll Attack Juarrx Scouts Sent Out to Learn Facts. rHIHl'AHCA. ilex.. April IS. I-arr.i... Tri.. ADril 19.f-Mor than freight nn loaded with 1000 federal troop anj equipment left her ore th Mexican National Rallroii tod for Jjar--a The troop are eommanded by t'enerals Kibitxacd Oro and are prortded with 'cum and ammunltlo for heavy action. Since Sunday gang of workmen, un der military guard, have been hurried ly repairing the railroad north of her and today It was to be repaired aa ra north a Snus. 30 miles. The troop were to take the train aa far aa s'an and from there march overland to Juarex. No effort are made here to roncea .the expectation that before they reach Juarez the federal troop will be en countered by the Insurreetos and th a serious conflict will result. Tie movement of the federal rein forcenienta northward was . being ex !!' 1 In 1'hlhuaUua Just at a time when officials were giving out in formation that an armistice was being prepared. TKKE DKILVRKU VIOLATED Madero Will Attack Juarrx If Fed era I Troops Move. EL. PASO. Tex.. April !9. The Chl hnnhua Hulletln stating that 1000 troops left there today for Juarex caused great excitement In the revolutionary ramp. "If the report Is true, and we ran con firm It. that moment we will attack and take Juarex. declared Ueneral Madera. "It may be fiat Chihuahua has not been Informed that the armistice was ex tended tor another five days yesterday, and that the troops. If they have been dispatched, will be recalled as soon aa the mistake Is discovered. ienrral Navarro, at Juarex. was with out Information as to the alleged rein forcements. General Madera tele graphed to the City of Mexico, and in reply was told that the government knew nothing of the movement of troop from Chihuahua. cneral Madero waa unable to get a telegram of Inquiry through to Chi huahua. According to Ueneral Madero. a T movement of troop from Chihuahua la any direction wo,uld be a violation of the armistice. "It makes no difference In what di rection they were sent." auid General Jl.iriero. "even If to a point outside the iuarfrllatcra! covered by the trace. Chihuahua itself Is within the quadri lateral, and there can be no military movement to or from the city under the terms of the armistice." Madero has scouts stationed at 25 mil Intervals between here and 'Chi huahua, but. even by the fastest riding. relays could not bring the information to ramp In leas than 2 hours, it Is said. Of the alleged Interview with Vice President Corral. Madero had this to ay: "I am not sure that Corral mad th statement credited to him In a news paper, but I do know that when th revolution was In th formative tag It waa a part of th Idas-Corral stratea-y to spread the Impression that the Coiled States would Intervene In behalf of th Mexican government. Thl was to cnak us appear unpatriotic However, th revolution got under way and is winning., yet ther ha been no intervention. The government there fore la now trying to make It appear that th revolution doe not owe Its spread to th unpopularity of th ad ministration, but to foreign elements, which they allege have com to th alu of th uprising." -. When th revolutionsla learned that the Chihuahua telegram had been sens four dy ago. It lost Its Importance and the excitement subsided, a busi ness man of Chihuahua who left that city by automobile last Thursday and arrived here tonight stated that the federals there were observing th terms of the armlstle very closely. No troop, he said, are biog moved any where. He P.KLS AltE ACTIVE I" SOXOB.1 I'rrlmcnt of Insnrrecloa Marrhlnc sooth Despite Peace Conference. DOIGLA3." Arix., April .-Dept peace nexulatlons at El Paso the rebel activity in th State of 3 mora, across the - border from here, continue una bat,d. Today a band of Insurrectos. numbering between Sou and low. .war reported marching southward toward M.w-tsurra from th country around Na.-.-xari. 75 mile southwest of Douglaa. Major Luis Karron. commanding th rura!cs at Agua Prleta. left ther with So picked mm tn pursuit.' folio Ing th receipt of Information of the rebel move ments. It Is believed that Jnen Cabral Is th leader of the rebels and that th lorcea cf Barron and Cabral will come toeether near 'rontera. Many of the rebel lesders of Sonora, ln.-lui!ln Antonio Garcia and Gtron. have leen in ta I'aso conferring with Madero. Garcia has returned to Sonora from E. l'a.j bearing a new commissioner as chief of th rebel forces. Hands of rebels. ach numbering from li to men. are roving the country, most of them seeking leaders. ATTACK BEGINS OX MAZATLAX ICrbcf Are Stronger, but Federals Are Well Entrenched. ! TlTf-OX. Aria. April . A special from Mazatlan. th big Pacific port of th Stat of Flnaloa. Mex.. today says that the rebel army which has been beg.. attacV upVn th.' e.y "a't 1 mis morning. Th fighting was sever ur buv sir.i nan nour. ana aevuitOLy nr:ng continued until daybreak. Biil lts fell almost everywhere In th city. No Americans w.r killed or wounded, A Southern Pacific locomotive In Ma saltan was struck by a shell and slightly damaged. Telephone and telegraph wires in many part, of th city ar reported down. The news of the f'ghtlpg at Maxatlan today waa contained In a dispatch re ceived by Colonel Knes Randolph, rlce prenldent of the Southern Pacific lines tn Mexico. The rebel strength Is not staled, but trey ar believed to out number th Federals In Masatlan. who tiro SO men with machine guns and p nty of ammunition and ar strongly ntrnch4 If , w-SJ 1 IE III tr'Zw - . ' ta?a-sMT tf jit-un-w awe '. ' Fourth and Alder Streets n ' H I H v -a. " '- 1 !:' " '1 ABOVE, PORTRAIT AND SNAPSHOT OP BCLUW, Annie Douglas Graham Made f Bride of Millionaire. FEW INVITED TO CEREMONY White Satin With Brussiels Lac Forms Bridal GownCouple Will Go to Adirondack and 'Then to VUlt the Decles. i .,, -mt T..t . wallan family to which Miss Graham s ; mother belongs who waa present at the wedding today Is Princess Kawa- anakoa, who arrived from Honolulu few days ago on her way to- Eng land for the coronation festivities. - Mr. Gould and his bride will prob- bly go to his fathers camp In tn Adirondack. Later they will go to London to visit Lord and Lady Declea. where thejr will b Joined bf Mr. Mrs- George Jay Gould and Mr. and ' and ! Mrs. Ilubart Vos. BANK PROMOTERS CHECKED - Cont roller Murray Refu-tes to Char- ter More Suspicions "Nationals. iVAHivr.TOV Aoril ! Con- L WASHINGTON. APr -on trotler of the Currency Murray today . made formal announcement that his of- j flee would never again Issue a charter to a National bank when ther waa evi dence that bank promoters were active In the project. Mr. Murray holds that th organisation of a National bank should be prompted by th needs of th locality. Promotion of any kind whether .for participation' In the bank's stock or other wis will be barred. HEADS BARE AT WORSHIP , Oakland Jewish Congregation Votes to Adopt Reformed Rltnal. ' I ' OAKLAND, Cat.. April H. (Special.) After considerable discussion th H.bcw Congr.t.on a. Twelfth and Castro streets has decided by two-thirds Tot to adopt the reformed ' ritual with th beginning of th Jew ish year. Hereafter the union prayer book will be used In services at th church, Another rule adopted call for th uncovering of th haada during serv ices, which has not hitherto been don. CRANK EXCITES BIG HOTEL He Wants to See Mrs. Belmont, Say ing She Is Ills Wife. NEW TORK". April 2 There was no nd of excitement In th Hotel Plasa YOUNG GOULD WEDS ar"- aa . i.ti---b- -v Fal IK a rtfl T ta. fill n ANNA DOUGLASS GRAHAM GOll.D. JAY GOULD, JK. this morning, to which Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont was an unwitting contributory cause. A shabby man. who said he had no horn and gave his nam to the police as James Burke, would not take the word of th clerks that Mrs. Belmont was not In the hotel. lie waa shown to the door but re-entered, found his way to the second floor and was caught trying th doors. When he saw the house detectives coming, be ran to a hall window opening on. the roof of th dining room, let himself down on the roof, clambered over It to anpther hall window and was overtaken aa he was climbing Into the corridor. hen the detectives 'laid hands on him. Burke fought Ilk a madman and shouted Mrs. Belmont's name until It could be heard In the streets. Over powered, be was arrested and taken to a police station. "What made you think Mrs. Belmont was InT" asked the-magistrate, whan Burke was arraigned. "Why. Mrs. Belmont Is my wife. I guess a roan ought to know where his wife Is. replied the prisoner. lie was fined $10. and lacking th money, went to prison. llllfHTII I a riiTmo n n attot UIIH I llL.H til I CT0 I fiU J LO I WoolgTowers Fear Iloads Will liaise Hates From Oregon. - . PKNDLETOV. Or.. April 19. Uma tilla County woolgrowers plan to enter j as Interveners In the suit brought by ; Idaho growers befor th ' Intarstate Commerce Commission, contending the rate of f 2.1 per 100 pounds of Wool from Idaho to. Boston should be re duced on the ground that .the rata of 11. i3 from Pendleton points Is prefer ential., Idaho flockmasters base their suit on the shorter haul, while Uma tilla County growers contend a cloaa proximity to the Columbia River occa- slons a lower rate. Umatilla County woolmen fear that as the shipments from Idaho are In the proportion of It to I of those In Oregon, the rall- rod Jr,U TtT the ate from OrKon, points to conform with too Idaho rat, thu, belng eoable- to vtftd the Bol,e rate Is proportional to distance. Oregon shipment will then be found to fol- low the water rout. .WOOL, SALE DATES FIXED Final Official Schedule Announced by Oregon Association. PENDLETON. Or.. April 29. Final revised official Oregon wool sale dates w announced tonight by Secretary P. Smythe. of tha Oregon Wool- growers Association. The sales open at Pendleton and close at Madras, fol lowing are the dates s announced: Pendleton, May 23 and June ; Pilot Rock. May 26 and June 10; Echo; May 24: Heppner. June 1 and June 22; Shan' Iko, June S and June 27; Madras. June 24 and July 14; Vale. June IS: Ontario, June 14: Baker City, June It; Enter prise and Wallowa County, June 30 and July 11. PLAYER PIANOS MUST GO. Make your own prices and terms for the few remaining days of th closing out sale of Ellers Music House. See page seven, section two, this paper. Klttredge Still Critically III. HOT SPRINGS. Ark April 28. Ex United States Senator A. B. Kittredge, of South Dakota, who Is critically ill here at a hotel, spent a restless night and today there was no marked change In hi condition. Ills brother and sis ter arrived last night and were recog nised by tha sick man. f u- 1 1 -- rii nan i ndt i ocnioss Dammorc Glomes UNION POLITICS IN SOUTH STIRRED San Francisco's Mayor Criti cised by Members of Labor Council. M'CARTHY ADMITS CHARGE Prospective - Rival Candidate for Executive Office Declares In cumbent Is Unfair to Steamfltters. SAN FRANCISCO. April 29. (Spe cial) Andrew J. Gallagher, prospec tive candidate for Mayor, threw a bombshell into the political camp of P. H. McCarthy last night when he filed with .the Labor Council a report charg ing the Mavor with discriminating un Justly against the members of one of the Labor Council unions. The Mayor was accused of having uaed his official position to keep mem' bers of the, plumbers' union in the em ploy of the San Francisco gas corpor ation to the exclusion of members. of Steamfltters' Union N0..4S. The report covered a Jurisdictional dispute between plumbers and steam fltters. Last week the council rendered a decision awarding half of the dis puted work to the steamfltters. It de veloped at that time that the gas com pany was employing plumbers exclu sively at the behest .of certain officials of tha McCarthy administration. Mayor Admits Charges. On" serving a' copy of the council's decision upon the gas company last week. Gallagher, as a member of the committee in charge of the affair, was Informed by officials of the company that the plumbers were employed at the request of the Mayor. Officials of the :compnny stated further that the Mayor had granted the company the questionable right of tearing up streets for the laying of pipe. The Mayor, ac cording to Gallagher, admitted to the committee that he had used his Influ ence In behalf of the Plumbers' Union, which Is affiliated with the Building Trades Council. Some heated discussion followed th reading of the report. The Mayor was accused of using his position against the Interests of the Labor Council's or ganisations and for the advancement of the unions of the Building Trades Council. . . - . Delegate Condemns McCarthy. The Mayor should be condemned." ! aid Delegate Beaver, of the stationary flremens' union.- "He has no right to take sides In this controversy and say that th work should be given to the plumbers, thereby throwing the steam- fitters out of work. The steamfltters have always had Jurisdiction over this work." - Delegate Urmy, a member of the Me. Carthy administration.- asked that th matter be referred to the American Federation xt Labor for a decision. This waa taken, as the vole of th Mayor, seeking to retard the enforce ment of the labor council's ruling. The council adopted a motion pledging its support to the steamfltters. It was de cided to notify the Mayor of the coun cil's action. ' T " " ACCUSERS TO,-BE FACED (Continued From First Page. ) Indicted in connection - with the dyna miting. .-. McManlgal Rebuffs Attorneys. - Mr. Harrlman Interviewed only th two McNamaras. His visit followed that of Attorney O. N. Hilton, chief counsel of the Western Federation of Miners, whose declaration this after noon that Ortle McManlgal had denied his alleged confession to District Attor ney Fredericks was emphatically de nied by the prisoner, as well as by Jailor Gallagher and Turnkey Norell, of the County Jail, who were present at Mr. Hilton's Interview with McManlgal. Mr. Hilton said that McManlgal had freely admitted that a statement had And cost no more than the ordinary Spring Suits From $ 1 5 to $40 Hats Are But if judged by their style and the service they'll give, they're well worth $5. Do you know the Hawes? If not, 'twill save you $2 to become acquainted Clothing Co. aa fii Sckloss Baltimore Clothes been made by him to the District At torney and that the accused man had stated his reasons for giving it rea sons that were eminently satisfactory to the defense. McManlgal flatly denied that he had had an Interview with Hilton, and over his own signature sent a note to a rep resentative of the Associated Press, de claring that he refused to talk to any one Hilton and everyone else. ' Labor Leaders to Confer. WASHINGTON. April 29. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, accompanied by W. J. Spencer, secretary, of the build ing trades department of that organiza tion, left here tonight for Indianapolis. They will participate in a conference of National labor leaders to consider the McNamara arrests and the Los Angeles dynamiting cases. , WHISKERS TO BE DEBATED Congressmen WM1 Discuss Merits Compared With Baldness. WASHINGTON, April 29. Senator Robert L. Taylor, of Tennessee, who, during his term as Governor of that state, was known as "Fiddling Bob,' has replaced Representative Ollle M. James, of Kentucky, as member of .the affirmative team in the debate to be held at the National Press Club Tuesday night, next, on the resolution: That whiskers are a greater detri ment to a man than a bald head. ' Senator Taylor's associate on the bald head side of the argument will be Rep resentativ' Nicholas Longworth, of Ohio. Upholding the value and beauty of whiskers will be Senator John W. Kern of Indiana, and "Uncle Jos" Cannon, of Illinois. Mr. James will be absent on business. Woman Casts Deciding Vote. " DENVER, April 29. Amid uproar lous protests from opposing members. which were Ignored by Speaker Mc Lachlan, the House today, by a ' vote of 31 to 10, a bare majority, concurred in the Senate referendum amendments to the Moffat tunnel bill, then passed the bill by a vote of 35 to 27. The vote of Mrs. Kerwln, a woman member from Denver, gave the tneas ure the necessary 33 votes. Mrs. Kerwln was not present when the vote was taken and the announcement was de layed until she had been found, es corted to her seat by friends of the measure, and, amid a pandemonium of cheers and protests, voted aye. Trouble Brewing In Oklahoma WASHINGTON, April 29. Represen tative Carter, of Oklahoma, today left with President Taft several telegrams protesting against the alleged political activity of V. M. Locke, appointed tribal chief of the Choctaw Nation some time ago. According' to the tele grams Locke threatened to- displace several under - officials unless they would get recommendations from -Republican State Chairman Harris. This they refused to do and appealed to the President. s. r -- ; - Spring Medicine There Is no other season when medi cine 1 so much needed as In the Spring. The blood is Impure and Im poverished a condition indicated by pimples, boils and other eruptions on th face and body, by deficient vitality, loss of appetite, lack of strength. The best Spring medicine, according to tha experience arid testimony of thousands annually. Is Hood's Sarsa parllla. It purifies and enriches the blood, cures eruptions, builds up the system. . . ,. "- Any preparation said to be "Just as good" Is inferior, costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Insist on having Hood's Sarsaparilla Get it today. In liquid form or choc-. olated tablets called Sarsataba. Instantaneous Hollow Wire ? Gasoline Lamps Nf 1 to 1000 candle power, adapted to any hollow wire system. Sell at sight. Write for special prices. H. W. n.tiVMVG I HiHTINO A SIP. CO- rj-:wi dak St, ilelsi Sixth and seventh. AT IT 'V $3.00 I : RaSI with them. 3 If YOU are to be a June Bride, you N should give thought to your Wedding Sta tionery now. The Invitations, Announce ments, etc., which you send to your friends and relatives ire as important as your wedding gown, and as you would intrust the making" of your gown to an expert tailor, so also should you intrust the execution of your Wedding Stationery to artists iu this line only. Bridge and V DR. W. A: WISE 24 Years a Leader la Painless Dental Work la Portland. ' TAKE ADVANTAGE OF These prices are extraoiely. low ' Good Rubber Plates, euch .-. gS.OO The Beit lied llbber . Plates, each, for. S7.50 22k (iold and Porcelain , Crown for -&3.50 Up m ' EXAftATIOX FREE. THE WISE DENTAL CO., Inc. Office Hoars 8 A. M. to 8 P. Snndaya 9 to 1. Phones A and M 2029. All Work Guaranteed. FAILIXG BLDG THIRD AND WASIIIJIGTOX ST9. 14 sf a Grant Phegley, Manager , rnawesl 1 r Hats j Schloss Baltimore Clothes L Jtat rides You can depend upon us. r Our styles are correct and the workmanship perfect. Our forms follow the dictates of the most fashionable East ern social events the height of elegance and good taste; and the la.rge quantity of work which we do speaks well for our moderate prices. If YOU are to be a June Bride, we invite YOUR in spection in our private con sultation room, or a repre sentative will call at your : desired. CbRRtCT ENGRAVINO. ;: BOOHS AND .STATIONERY Plate Work There are many kinds and forms of Dental Bridge Work, each of which has specialized merlin . Bridge work to, be right In every detail and possess the. quality of permanence, must be" exact in its mechanical construe- , tion. Most failures In bridge work ' are due to unsanitary construc tion, to actual "don't care" care lessness or to honest ignorance. MAKING ARTIFICIAL TEETH is a leading feature of our busi nep. and we believe it cannot be surpassed in the point of its completeness. We operate our own laboratory, and as making artificial teeth is a "specialty in dentistry, we are in a position to make this offer and guaran tee satisfaction. Dr. Wise has made thi branch of dentistry a special study for a great many years and is again in active practice and will wait on all who wish his services. Out-of-town people can have their plate and brldgework fin ished in one day. if necessary. THIS SPECIAL OFFER. for the quality of work w offer: 22k Bridge Teeth, guaran teed, earn 83.50 l Tioirt and Enamel Fillings.. SI Ip Painless " Extracting 50" I p Silver Fillings, each 50 Vp