6 jrrw too at. Two Lots FOR $150 IN West Portland Park 20 minutes' ride from the heart of Business Center. No bridges to cross. $15 Down $10 per Month Free descriptive- book let. Write or call for it. Bet ter still, eomc and look this property over. Free Car Tickets at Our Office. Cars leaving 10:30, 11:30 and 1:30 today other days by appoint ment. D0YE.TH0MPS0N.C0. 420-422 Board of Trade Bldff., 4th and Oak Sts. Main 3014. Apartment Site ee nnn ltOslfO ft. on Gllian 033tUUU utrMi, In tha b"t rldn- rflatrirt. Nothing bttr fr bif-la!i apartment or pri vate, hotel. KMene on tha prop erty coil over :.00. . Acreage A M TCf Orer threa acre. In wet )4 I OU ern part or rlt. Fln for country homo or chicken ranch- 511,000 four acre. In South rorlland. Home Sites frr Any on of it fine lot. In OjUU tbe beat part of Rom City Park. tf. frn Torner lot. Rw City dllUU Park. 1 block from cars. a enn-i",U on S4,b dlOUU Irrlncton. $1500" v lTli. ctoae to Union are. nue. tinnn Comer. Ut1 In the best OJUUU part of lrrlna-ton. Portland Heights enn A 1"B1B" feet: eltr. moun dOUUU tain and river view. e nnn O'er l. aquara feet. dlviUUU fine alto for bom with room for rarase. , a a s nnn-IftflileO feet, and -dlUiUUU room houee. In beat location. WALKER & REED 41 Hallway Frhana- Pulldlng. FOR 6 MONTHS To fatly appreciate the value of thla offer, ficur up your rant money for a period of mix month. Hay whera you ra and It Is a dead loea: Join ua and It la a not ain. Opportunity ta knock Ins at your door: make the moat of It by taklnar advantage of the fine offer now mad you la GREGORY HEIGHTS Tbe addition of many homea. Many of Ilea borne are the direct reault of this ftno offer, which proved Itself so ocreasfu! durln tha past season. Our himK beaithful altitude will make life worth llvlnc; ! per rant of the cost of tha lots er yon free rent for tha next ill months. l-ota. Hf and up. Coma tomorrow. Call at our cfflca In CJreory Hels-hts. and of tha lloaa City Park car line. $8750 wtkst diDie HOW. 11th sc. near Market; I rooms. Own. r. tit 11th (. BEAVERTON acre. I ml'e from etatln: 1.11 lx cleared: a1 'nine In4 held at 4e I.r ar.. Mv price, lili. bait cash. i Tea a bide FREE RENT W TOO AT. ROCHESTER Level Cleared Lots $25 GREAT OPENING SALE NEW TO WNSITE ON THREE RAILROADS Rochester Is located In a beautiful valley, rljrht at the Junction of the Northern Pacific Oregon Jwhn ton and Milwaukee rUro,"-K.TJ1"f roads are not proposed roads, built on paper only, but are In actual operation right now. ROCHESTER I surrounded by soma of the finest fruit and dairy farms In the state, and the soil will produce the flneet garden, fruit or other crops wlthoct Irrigation. RO CHESTER Ha irood schools, hotels, stores and churches. Lumber for building can be obtained cheap from mllla near town. FACTORIES A large aaah. door and box factory Is now bain built, and free altea are offered to manufacturers all over the country. Rocheeter will be a city of smokestacks, where purchasers can ob tain well-paid employment. Here I Your Chance For a few days only. In order to ad vertise the town and get people talk ing about It. we will sell fine, level, cleared lota, close to the depot and stores, for only 115. These lots are worth from tio to 100 each right now. THINK OK IT: Uoia In a new town, at the Junction of three railroads, for onlv Warranty deed and free ab- etract with each purchase. Remember tlie.e railroads are running trains dally. COME IN TODAY TOIT MTST ACT QUICK IF TOU WANT ANT OF THESK I-OTS. FOR THEV ARE (iOINO FAST. PONT WAIT UNTIL THE BEST ARE GONE. COME AND MAKE TOLR SELECTION TO DAT. CALL AND SEE PHOTOS AND GET PAKTK CLARa ABOUT THE NEW TOWN. OFFICE OPEN UNTIL P. it. AmericanHomelnveslmentCo. tela rbawjaer af Ceaaaaerre. The Right Kind a Farm 14 acres. 4 acres of 11-year-old apple, peach, pear and cherrtea In full hearing condition, well cared for: too box's applea sold off thla farm laet year, besldea quantitlea of fine peachea and pears. There are five acres of young orchard set Inut year to Spltsenbergs. Win ter riananas and Newtowna; acre, genuine onion land ready for the crop, balance garden and pasture: a fine new 7 -room bungalow: splendid stream of water and a nice spring. All thla la 1 mile from a good town, 1 liour'e ride from this city on main-line railroad, and the price Is $4750. easy terms. Now this Is about all any one can ask for. and we can deliver It Just as described. If you are a buyer we are ready to make good, an he sure to read It over eeveral times. It's a bargain and we will aell It thla week. WALLACE Investment Co. 1T-4US- Oresaalaa Bias. 'let Us Show Yon" Beautiful Armona The restricted suburban addition down the river, on the United Elec tric Ry- on the SU Helena boule vard and Willamette River, with free wharfage to those who own their motorboata. and If you are out In your automobile take a ride down to Armona. on one of the finest roads In tbe state. Lots from 4&e and up. Including graded streets, cement sidewalks and water main. Easy terms. 8ee the Gowan-More Co. Hi Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 114. A 411. Portland Heights BARGAINS S44 Fine view lot. near Council Crest. i,vo SO i inc. on Tear ace Thrive. i;0 sightly lot on carllne. In Greenway. 11450 Corner lot near Ravensrlew Drive. $ifvoo 100x11 la Oreenway. t:o. 100x1 It. one block from Coun cil Crest. tiiie toxtt on lth near LaareL 10 Unobstructed view lot on Ellxabeth. t On Montgomery Drive, Includ ing hard surface. JiJ 100x72. corner, on Myrtle. nUMASQUJEfflRY ) 232 Chamber of Commerce. C CHICKEN RANCHES We have a number of fine Improved chicken ranchea for sale at reasonable prices. locations. St. Johns. Tlgard. Tigsrdvllle. Metiger. Courtney. Mil wank'e. Also, unimproved acreage in hlch state of cultivation, well located, suitable for chicken or fruit ranchea. GRUSSI & ZADOW SIT Beard ef Trade Bldg, ata aad Oak. THE STJTOAY OREGOXIAN. POSTLAITD, MARCH 19. 1911. KEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE DEFT. Chamber af Casaaserra Bldg. 4th aad Ktark mreetm. Teleabeaea Em. A JOOO. PORTLAND MAPS FREE. This column gives aamplea from the large list that can be given you at the real estate counter of Hartman Thompson's Bank. Mapa free at real aetata counter. HOMES fnn nnn Beautiful East Side. wbuiUUU home: corner 100x100. Every modern convenience, left to be desired. (12S6J Nothing e1 A nrn Handsome Portland 9 14UUU Heights home: beautiful grounds. 100x130; splendid neighbors, grand view. l15) in enn A tru,5r "-urul. Ea?i PlUrOUU Side home: close In: 10 rooms; fine block; H caah; lot SOxlOO. (IMS) dSTr?rrt Braxee St. corner home; 9 I JUU vfv n pa- 7 u. atones, a rooms and attic; new; hardwood floors. Terms. Uil) THESE PLACES ARB ESPECIALLT GOOD OR WE WOULD NOT ADVERTISE THEM. Cnn A splendid home: new. tiltUUU mod, attractive: furnace and fireplace; 10SS Broadway near E. J&th. libij irAn Corner on E. Flanders, near OiOUW l carllnes: handsome 8 room bouee. 4 bedrooms. H cash. (13S4) m Cnn In Mount Tabor district; S 404OUU storv home; t rooms and bath: lot tSxliS; fruit trees, garden. (1J64) ainnn Modern home on Tillamook 94JUU at., near E. Jrt 7 rooms: hardwood floors; furnace; fireplace; terms. je a Rnnralow In Rose City aPOOUU Park; S rooms and bath; terms. SO0 cash; easy monthly pay ments. Investigate. U3o a04nn Some furniture free with this (-room Rose City Park home. Key near tha house at 40 E. r.2d at. near Ftanton at. See It today. Easy terms. (li: nirn Fine Rose City Park bun dulOU galow. Key near thla house at 440 K- t2d st. near Stanton. See It todav. Kaev terma. Anr A 4-room house, on lot 50x J60JU ion: In Rose i?1ty Park sec tion: near carllne: t:& caeh; easy monthly terms. tl!96 YACANT PROPERTIES t. FOR HOME BUILDERS (QCnn In Portland Heights: S. JJjUU Chapman and I-atirel; 11 E. nox loo. with treea in rear of lot. rine. view. 144 a ay pnn Beautiful lot. Cedar Hill. O 1 DUU adjoining City Park: curved but about 100x100; unsurpassed view. frAn In Portland Heights: fix 9DOUU 100: on carllne; suitable for fine home or apartment bouse. (465) a aev Fine comer, near E. 25th 24Z3U and Braxee: lOOxinX: fine location for aeveral houses. U3S4) einnn J tracts of vacant land In OZUUU Creetvlew Villas. About IVa acre. In alL A good buy. Terma. e4 onn A fine corner on Broadway: OIOUU 100x100. This side of Rose City Park. vrf. The choicest lot In Bose City O I OU Park; toxion: only 76 cash, tit per month. Investigate. nrn The cheapest bny In Grerorr OOOU Helghta; fOxlOO, fenced; 360 caah. Other cheap lota. a arr A dozen cheap lots on easiest 24DU terms: near bandy ndy road. t-pe. ctal Inducement. YACANT PROFERTIES, (Continnd) II. APARTMENT SITES. Cft nnn Church property; 66x100; SOUlUUU .-orner Park and Colum bia: church going to move. Your op portunity. (1J6) $31,000 5? Prominent comer, BOx on West tide. m apartment house xon- -rej-ni itu provements. Well rented. 1S7) mcenn outh Portland: 4th and JJjUU Hooker: KOxlOO: apartments In demand there. Cheap buy. inifn The best buy for this money on tha East Side; 100x100 corner. U4 YACANT PROPERTIES, (Continued) IIL FACTORY AfD WAREHOUSE nKS. Ann pnn A great big factory alt dZailOUU on the West bide; track age. (134) ann nnn Alblna and R. R. ave. ffZaetUUU sVcUon (East Stdei; trackage. Would leas If desired. UJJ4J . $4500 Wilson lU near :3d. HARTMAN & THOMPSON " steal Estate Deewrtaaeat. (kiaWr at Cemmeree Bmlldlag, tearth aad Stark. KEW TODAY. $300 Per Acre For5-Yr.01d Orchard of the Dufur Land fc" Development Co., at Du fur, Oregon. Dufur is the Garden Spot of Ore gon; the climatic condi tions are identical with Hood River, the most famous apple belt in Oregon. The soil is superior to the Hood River soil. We can fur nish you a 5 -year -old orchard at Dufur for the price of land in the rough at Hood River. Small cash payment down and 5 years to pay the balance. For further particulars inquire of THE HART LAND CO. A -w V 1912 Cham, ot Com. tiiag. Selling Accnts. SEW TODAY. rWest Siden LOTS 4 GRAND VIEW Close to City Sc FARE WATER TO EVERY LOT $200 to $400 EAST TERMS Ground is U cleared and ready to bnild on. These lots are in a well estab lished locality and in the midst of a pleasant neighborhood. At these prices there will be a rapid sale, so let us show you the property TODAY. Take United Railways car, get off at Whitwood Court. Agents there all day. Shepard-Mills & Rogers 214-215 Board of Trade. Main 6659 A 4710 Apartment Site FINE WEST PARK CORNER $20000 FLATS PARE ST., near Harrison; "2 flats, rent $70. Price $10,000. A genuine snap. NEAR KINO ST. and City Park, four flats, rent $212.50 per month. Price $21,500. A fine location. ALBERT WELCH & SON 911 Lewis Building, Corner Fourth and Oak Streets. Irvington Special Attractive property and attractive prices. Full block, eignt lots. lour choice u you can ai once. m txu below prices of surrounding property. Tiiio i hnunifod hv Rroadwav. Schuy ler, 25th and 26th. This must be sold. Particulars at office. Hawthorne District inftxino corner, aweertine view of 'itr- ciirrnnndeH hv artistie homes. The lucky buyer will be proud of this. Price cut to ?-UU lor a lew aays. J. HAAS 408 Yeon Building. LargeTract to Plat WILLAMETTE VALLEY Over 1200 acres, half of it in cultivation. Choicest of fruit land, near railroad. $35 per acre. Fruit lands in small tracts sell ing for $125 to $200 per acre. Geo.S.CasedyCo. Lobby Commercial Club Building. A Few Well-Arranged and We'J-Located Modern Homes $5250 On of the choicest 7-room houses In Walnut Park: one of the choicest residence portions of the city. 11000 will handle It. , . S!00 A S-roora. up-to-date, finished house, on Corbett st. 1500 will handle It. $4600 One of the neatest -j;oom bungalows, lot 55x100. on E. 7th at. $30o0 cash required. Otto & Harkson Realty Co! 1S3H Flrat atreet. WALNUT PARR Home rooms; A-l. modern: easy terma: at sacrifice. Owner called away from city. Fully worth $6000. but $5000 will buy. If raise $2000 cash; $5600 on terms. Sea owner. ROSE CITY PARR 7-room new bungalow, now Just un der construction: will rush work: hard wood floor, furnace heat: w'll be mod ern. Deal closed now will be $40i0, .,, terms. See builder. Phone .Mar shall 660. 610 Gerllnger bldg. A ml ACRK TRACT at Ellsworth. mllM mt Ttarauver. on railroad and conn " road; has rlw front.: ldal location ' . . . mnmr r,r f.r'-!. f rota Bauisiul auiucd. AJi 670. Orasoaiaa. NIW TOD AH. Virgin Soil Is Nature's Bank Account You may start a bank account -which has no limit to its increase by invest ing a few dollars now and then in soil over 20 feet deep. HOW IS THIS? Within 40 minute of Portland you can buy five acres, more or less, of this soil urwn which you can grow anything that grows in this climate. Onions will produce 500 bushels per nnreradish. 3V- tons: parsnips, 6 to 7 tons; carrots and cabbage, 10 tons; rutabagas and turnips, o to will not from $500 to j , $600 per acre; and poultry will exceed them all. AtwV1k: rxars. rieaches. prunes, . , f j 1 cherries and other fruits grow in abundance, and tneir yieia is oniy limited by the amount of care and age of trees. ' NOW LISTEN TO THE PRICE extromelv fertile soil will cost you only $125 to $350 per acre, and having made tne initial payment, iue c A. h rest. You do not have to pay all cash down, only a lit tle now and then as convenient, uui easy payment plan places this within the reach of everyone. You can get a discount for cash. StTCH OPPORTUNITIES DO NOT LAST FOREVER Cut out this coupon and mail today: THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Street, . Portland, Or.: Please send full information. Name . ... Street No., Postoffice DUFUR WASCO COUNTY OREGON Grain, fruit and stock grown in the DUFUR District means first quality to ihe man who knows. ' ' We have the choicest property in this district in large and small tracts at surprisingly low -prices. 2500 acres being planted -to or chard this Spring. Come in and give us an oppor tunity to tell you about this dis trict, and we will give you a beautiful book full of facts. Our exp61166 an knowledge of this country is worth money to you. BOTHFUR & JOHNSTON 908 Chamber of Commece LOTS $65 UP IN ay ON TltLAMOOK BAY Exchange privilege. Easy terms. : Terminus United Kaihvays. Call today. BAYCITYLANDCO. 701-702 Spalding Bldg. EAST SIDE BARGAINS $23,000 Warehouse site, 100 feet 20,000 200 x 200, Hawthorne resi- 820,000100 x 100, East Washington 516,000 100x100, elegant home, Co S16.000 100x100, Williams ave., near 1 1 , - SIO.OOO 50x100. East 11th, 2 houses. 10,000 Buslnees site. Union ave., SIO.OOO Nearly i block E. 6th st. impruveu. KyA Ffn tinmo corner E. Sth. 8500050x100. 10-room house, Albina ave. S2700 Five-room house, near Union ae. IXQUIHB 40S E. MORRISON, NEAR GRAND AVE. Apartment Site n-r,r- KriTino. on. block off Wash ington, elegant neighborhood. Eay walking distance to aouiuu uuoi ness district. No better in the city. $182,500 McAllister S Lueddemann 722 Electric Building. City KEW TODAY. ' WESTOVER TERRACE ABOVE CORNELL ROAD BETWEEN LOVE JOY AND QTJIMBY Choice homesites -with build ing restrictions. Splendid view. Easily accessible. Close in on THE WEST SIDE. .AH modern improve ments and everything that goes to make the most desir able residence district. For prices see our representa tive, Mr. W. H. Weir, at our office on the ground or CLARK r COOK COMPANY Room 6 Board of Trade Bldg Good Investments Union Avenue Price $20,000 Tjit 7n-rinn sifnaterl on the N. E. corner of Union avenue and East Da vis street. A fine investment. 1 sere are some improvements on the prop erty bringing in a fair rental. Grand Avenue Price $45,000 Ttiar. fin rinsinpss comer. 100x90. situated on the S. W. corner of Grand avenue and E. Ankeny. This is a fine corner, being a transfer point for all East Anfeeny ana lirana avenue cars. HAWTHORNE AVENUE See us for property on this street. We have a number of quarter blocks for sale west of 12th street. MALL & VON BORSTE 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. Pays $1440 Per Year FOUR 5-B00M FLATS Corner lot, close in, on East Side. Will stand increase of rent to $1500 per year. New building, thoroughly modern, all rented. Part cash. See our column ad in today's paper, Hartman I Thompson . Real Estate Dept. 4-5-6 Chamber of Commerce. ATTRACTIVE BUY IMPROVED CORNER, 100x100, GRAND AVE., Near HAWTHORNE Part improvements new, part old; pays at present rentals better than 5 per cent; with little additional ex pense can be increased to 7 net; is right in the zone where values are increasing rapidly. Price $40,000; half cash. ELLIS, SMITH & CO. 326V3 Washington St., Rooms 201-202. Ladd Addition Large new house, built by a doctor for his home. Modern in every way; 1V4 blocks from car. Reduced from $8500 to $7500; terms. Merchants Savings & Trust Company MORTGAGE 1.0AN8, 5 Inside property, EDWARD B. fiOCDET, FOR SALE Lot in Laurelhurst: all improvements Price $1350. Will sell st 15 din count, part cash. bal. t.rnw. Phona C 1125. $1000