The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 31, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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House Control Expected to
Change Though West
Stands Solid.
, w York Herald Forecast Show
Republicans Most Carry All
Doubtful Districts to Main
tain Present Leadership.
' Ins-ton, Oct 10. Congressional election
forecast compiled by the Washing-ton
1 correspondent of the New York Herald
indicates very atrongrly that the next
House of Representatives will be safe
ly Democratic
Nothing- short of a miracle. It la said,
can bring about a Republican victory
a week from next Tuesday. The tier
aid's figures show that the Democrats
are reasonably certain of 157 districts,
leaving 40 districts In doubt. Repub
licans must therefore carry every
doubtful district In order to control the
next House. If the Herald's figures are
In a tabulated statement the Herald
predicts the re-election of solid Repub
lican delegations from Oregon. Wash
ington. Idaho. California. North and
Houth Dakota. Wyoming. Montana.
T'tah. and Colorado. Heretofore two
California districts were regarded as
doubtful and at least One in Colorado.
The latter state is now represented by
three Democrats. Nevada is the only
far Western state listed as doubtful.
Losses Heavy in East.
Heavy Republican losses are Indicat
ed in New York and Pennsylvania. At
present the Republicans have 25 dis
tricts in New York. They are conceded
only 13. with four other districts In
doubt. In Pennsylvania where 27 dis
tricts are now Republican only II are
conceded the Republicans and five are
Thirteen districts in Ohio are now
Republican. The Herald shows only
nine likely to be Republican with three
in doubt, while In, Missouri, which now
has six Republican Representatives,
only one seems sure of re-election and
two districts are doubtful. Three Re
publican districts in Illinois are In
donbt and In Iowa Democrats are con
ceded a gain of three and possibly four
seats in a delegation of eleven mem
bers. BeTeridge May Lose Seat. -
There is a possibility that Repub
licans may gain one Congressional dis
trict in Indiana where they now con
trol but two out of It, but according
to the Herald there is no doubt that
the next Indiana Legislature will be
heavily Democratic thus bringing
about defeat of Senator Beverldge, In
surgent. In Kansas Democrats are accredited
with gaining two districts and are
given one -sure district In Wisconsin
with two others in doubt. Other
changes are- Indicated but the princi
pal Republican losses indicated by a
preliminary canvass are as given,
Commenting on the political situa
tion the Herald says:
"In perhaps CO Congressional dis
tricts which are close, the result will
be decided by -regulars' voting against
'insurgent' nominees and for Demo
crats and ' by 'Insurgents' voting
against 'regular nominees and for
tr Kims at Kxcelsior Springs Is
Total Loss Visitors Saved.
The New Kims Hotel, built about a year
ago at a cost of tlSO.000, was destroyed
by fire here early today. The fire
originated from an ash heap in the base,
ment. All the 175 visitors escaped un
injured. It la thought the total loss will
be about K00.000.
This city haa only a volunteer fire
department. It was unable to cope with
the flames and the fire never was
The hotel was owned by I. J. Rlngolds
T and J. IL White, both of Kansas
City.-. They announced today that they
would rebuild the hostelry at once.
The Old Kims burned May I. 190. No
visitors were Injured.
Disturbance Looked for in Pacific
Slates on Tuesday.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 30.-A reaction
from the cold and unsettled conditions
of last week is predicted by the Weather
Bureau for the eastern half or the coun
try for the next three days. In the East
ern and Southern states a moderate tem
perature will prevail until the latter part
In the Pacific states a disturbance is
looked for Tuesday, which will reach the
Middle West "Wednesday or Thursday
and the Atlantic states by Friday, bring
ing with It unsettled weather and rain.
Allied Printing Trades Pledge Sup
port to Pressmen.
DENVER. Oct. Jl. The Allied Trades
Council of Denver, today adopted resolu
tions of support to the' Denver Press
men's Union, members of which are on
strike against three local newspapers.
The resolutions specify, "All support,
moral or otherwise."
They are signed by representatives
from the Typographical. Mailing. Photo
Engraving and Stereotypers Union, and
will be referred for further action to the
locals of these unions. A crisis In the
strike is generally expected to follow
today's action.
Roosevelt to Address Mothers.
CHICAGO. Oct. 30. Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt will deliver an address on
"American Ideals" before a Joint meet
ing of the Iowa Congress of Mothers
and the Iowa State Teachers' Associa
tion at Des Moinea next Friday night,
according to an announcement made to
day. Business Men at Manila.
MANILA. Oct. SO. The delegation of
American business men representing the
chambers of commerce on the Pacific
Coast, arrived here from Canton today.
They sail for the United States oa the
Manchuria November I
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Flight Is Made Around Statue
. of Liberty.
Cold Wind Blows in Face of Bird-
Men Over First Half-of Courses
Molssant, Grahame-White and .
DeLe&seps Are Contestants.
ContlnnI From First P-
speed, despite the biting cold. Graiiame
White was still gaining on Delsseps,
but the Frenchman was first out across
New York Bay and around the status,
about 1000 feet above the big black bal
loon that had showed him the course.
The crowds along the Brooklyn water
front, on Governor's Island and along
the Battery shouted and waved hands
and handkerchiefs.
Lead Soon Overcome.
Then Grahame-White sent the noee of
his Bleriot around above the head of
Miss Liberty and started back along the
same course he had traveled.
DeLeaaeps still hsd a slight lesd. but
with the wind at his back, Grahame
White put on full speed and began cut
ting down his rival's advantage. Mid
way over Brooklyn the aviators were on
even terms, each at an altitude of be
tween 3000 and 3000 feet, but reaching
the outskirts of the city, Grahame
White forged ahead and set sail In earn
est for . Belmont Park.
De Lesseps kept directly In the Eng
lishman's wake and now and then could
be seen working his control in sn en
deavor to get greater eveed from his ma
chine, which was fast falling behind.
Both men continued to fly above the
railroad track.
Passing back over Jamaica. Grahame
White had a lead of about two miles.
Arriving at the aviation Held, the Eng
lishman started his descent from a height
of about 3000 feet. He came down in a
graceful sweep over the tops of the
great trees with the nose of his machine
pointed downward at an angle of 40 de
gree. As Qrahame-Whlte-had done, De
Leseeps came down from a level of SOOO
Moissant Is Off.
Molsrent was tuning up bis newly
bought Bleriot preparatory to making a
start. At first its motors did not sing
true, but finally they became attuned and
be was off over the grandstand.
Fifty miles an hour was the speed the
spectators reckoned he was making
against the cold wind. whiwas blowing
about 10 mites an 1' ?Ie crossed
Brooklyn at an altitude or iuU feet. To
those who bad seen Grahame-White and
the Frenchman It did not appear that
Moissant's machine whs as steady ns
theirs. Now and then It seemed to dip
or swing from one side to the other.
If Moissant was having trouble he did
not show it, for he kept winging shead.
with never a let-up In speed.
Reaching the East River, Moissant
swept across to the NewYork shore
and passed almost above the Battery.
tt-ttt "i--it- fi iTsa inr si i n n niTir v iisTWsiign tt i
, 1e1
Copyright by American Press Association.
Then, describing a pretty half circle, he
dashed out across the bay and around
the statue.
Above the massive figure he seemed
to stop momentarily, then shoot ahead
for the return to the aerodrome. Like
the two rivals who had preceded him,
Moissant had the wind at his back and
sped across Brooklyn at a mlle-a-min-ute
Lower Level Chosen.
Once be deviated from his course and
followed the elevated railroad struc
ture, but. finding himself going wrong,
he turned again toward the tracks of
the Long Island Railroad and followed
them back to Belmont Park.
Moissant did not fly at the high alti
tudes of Grahame-Whlte and
seps. Probably 2000 feet was his aver
age, but often he was below that. Cer
tainly he was not much above 1500 feet
when he reached the aerodrome. Ha
was numb with cold when he alighted,
but was as happy as a schoolboy when
his time for the IS miles showed that
he had accomplished the feat at better
time in the aggregate than a mils a
1'ortugnese Officials Say He Issued
Illegal Decrees Conspiracy
in Republic Reported.
LISBON. Oct. SO. Senor Francl, ex
Premier of Portugal, who held offloe
when King Carlos and Crown Prince
Luis were assassinated in 1908, has been
arrested on the charge of abuse of power
during his Incumbency. It is declared by
the government that It did not Inspire
the arrest of Franco, but that It was the
result of an Investigation held by the
Judiciary. The ex-Premier has been re
leased on ball. , ,
The government has approved a decree
granting the right to strike end hss
named a commission of arbitration to
take labor disputes under, advisement.
Pale green and bright red have been
adopted as the colors of the national
Franco's ball wan 1200.000. Tbe
charges against him Include the Issu
ance of TO Illegal decrees and the liquida
tion of King Carlos' debts, amounting to
$000,000 with crown fundsv on the pretext
of augmenting the civil list.
MADRID, Oct. . 3U. Special ' di.-patch
from Lisbon to the CorresponUenciadea
Evpanla says that a military conspiracy
against the republic has been unearthed
and thut 22 officers have been arrested.
The famous Hop Gold Bottled Beer,
manufactured from the purest and best
Ingredients to be obtained, makes a
fitting beverage for any occasion, be
It the Impromptu lunch or for a dinner.
Always convenient to have on hand to
regale the unexpected guest. Order
by phone. East 46. r. 1148.
$4 Offer Bring Strikebreakers.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct-' SO Recruiting
of strikebreakers to take the place of
striking drivers In New York and Jersey
City began here today. A promise of Si
a day and ample protection quickly
brought 30 recruits, who were at once
sent over to New Tors.
m:; oe?--.-v'.. w
"W:-. 'tut?: a-- " :Nje . :
Man Counts 75 Per Cent in
Flying, Says Expert. .
Inventors' Attention Turns to Prob
lem of Slotors- and to Achiev
ing Stability Rlectririty Is
Receiving Study.
' WASHINGTON. Oct SO. Multifarious
as are the new devices which are being
applied to the navigation of the air,
none is likely to be found to take the
place of brains In the aviators. This
is the opinion of James H. Colewell,
the patent office expert, who has Im
mediate charge of all flying machine
inventions, and who has given personal
attention to almost every application
for a patent In that line. Summing up
his views today, he said:
"Ten per cent of the success of every
aerial flight is due to the machine, 15
per cent to the motor and 75 per cent
to the man. The man of indecision,
poor Judgment, weak nerves or slow
judgment is as much out of place In an
airship as a defective motor.
"Airship - Invention has received a
stirring Impetus within the last few
years, and there Is no more reliable
Index to this activity .than that dis
played by the records of the patent of
fice. It began with the first exhibi
tions of the Wright Brothers on the
North Carolina coast and has Increased
in geometric ratio since, with the con
sequence that to date about 3000 pat
ents have been Issued on these ma
chines or on devices connected with
them. Tbe bureau is now handling aa
average of about 90 cases a month.
"The Patent Office regards as estab
lished the- principle of the plane In this
method of transit, and the inventive
genius of the world is now concentrat
ing its attention largely upon the mo
tive power. Electricity as a motive
power Is being the subject of careful
Inquiry. The weight of the electric
motor is a bar to its use in aerial craft,
and tt is feared that no progress can
be made until a way It found of gath
ering this force from ihe atmosphere.
"Much attention also is being given
by Inventors to stabilizing," by which
is meant the keeping of an air car in
the right position. In rase of accident,
the machines have a tendency to turn
turtle. Already vast Improvements
have been made.
"Inventors also are seeking for Im
proved methods of rising and alighting.
The air men want a machine which can
lift Itself suddenly from the ground,
like a bird, and which can' light any
where. To satisfy this demand, the
Inventors are turning their attention to
the horizontal -screw, such as is used
in water In connection with subma
rine boats."
Oh, My! Pumpkin Pie!
The deep, spicy kind they bake in
New England. Get them for Hallow
een tonight. Klther Washington or
Morrison-street branches Royal Bakery
nd Confectionery. Two for two bits.
in Orient Is
Forest in
Noted Writer, Living in Southwest
China, Declares Boxerism Is aa
Rampant Todtty Underneath
Surface as In 1900.
CHUNO EOfO, S. W. China, Oct. 30.
(Special.) In spite of all the uuk in ior-
1 ...I..- n nlir.rol nrn0TIJU ttl
China, we who are living among the
Chinese or tne interior bob piouu i
reason for feelings of deep gloom in the
present outlook. For boxerlsin is as ram
pant today underneath the surface of
Chinese life as it was In 1900, ths year of
Vi a t AiithrAflk.
Undoubtedly there is a spirit abroad
among the natives of the southwest
lUUl uuu L e"" -v.. t'
I . know that optimism in regarding
Chinese matters as mo wu
People are most ready to hear of naval
and military progress, advancement in
arts and science; and they blandly ac
cept the soporific messages of foreign
jii . .. i ...lUiilarlv whm hnnlced bV
puiuaifl. . ci-A J - --
missionaries who, though knowing the
danger. Join In nusnmg up me now oi
it because they yearn to tide over the
crisis and to use the all-important pres
ent for Christian propaganda. But for
nearly two years I have been traveling
. . . - ... h. AmnlrA ff H 1 ,1 -
I ro in earn w "n, ,
lng at intervals in many inland towns
and learning tne views oi tne "
people. .
I say, therefore, calmly but emphati
cally, that foreigners In China are dwell
ing in a state of Imminent danger. The
balance is so delicately set between
p?ace and massacre that -x very little
cause would turn it to the side of blood
shed. Therefore. I warn as many as my
views may reach to be prepared for
serious happenings In China at any time.
I have gone through one rebellion with
in the past two months that caused but
little stir among Western capitals. That
outbreak was suppressed on the surface.
But the spirit Is still there; it animates
not merely southwest China, but almost
every province of the Interior.
The riots of Changsha are still the
talk of the masses. The whole of the
Yangtse Valley is more or less dis
turbed; from north, south, east, west
come tales of simmering discontent snd
disapproval of the gentry and official
classes. It is but a hairsbreadth from
that to hatred of all foreigners.
Even" in Yunnan, a province bordered
by the British In Burma and the French
in Tonkin, removed but a few days from
the throbbing centers of civilization,
riots and disorders are as rife ss any
where in the Empire. On the borders of
Indo-Chlna. the famous revolutionary
Sun Yct-Sen. with his keen foresight and
Iron will, plots for the triumph of the
antl-Manchu movement and the subver
sion of the discontented Chinese troops.
On the borders of Kansu. the suppres-
i nAnr,v arrowing li.TH roused
the people to wrath against officials and
. : TKat 4iitnrinn nnerates also
luicinci o. ... -
throughout Yunnan and Szechwan. rear
Kwelchow. tne cnao-i ong
, ji fjMtit thnuah all the
leaders have been decapitated, and some
Innocent men as wen. io
In fact the whole western region Is a
hive of discontent. Foreigners are not
allowed to travel off the main trade
routes. So ienorant are the various fac
tions of tha rebels Mohammedans, abor
igines of all kinds, ordinary Chinese and
hybrids that tney consider omciaia ami
. . ... hinH in clove. So dis
crimination is outside their capacity. A
riot against tne ruung v
... ocaino. th fnrpiimers. who are
..-!-.. 1 1 . nrioHnstlniF China's ills.
The rebels are ready at any moment to
wreak their hysterical vengeance on tne
white men, regardless, of his work or
his condition.
Not msny weeks ago. when on my
travel?. I heard a throbbing continuous
v. tA lllrj, t h minor kev of an or-
gan blown unceasingly. As I turned aside
, - -
"l II li n j-SSnl iiiitj at III III
You read and look afar with
equal facility, but no one ob
serves that you are wearing
bifocals because the usual
lines are absent. Wear the
genuine Kryptoks awhile and
you will never willingly re
turn to old-style bifocal
We are headquarters la the State f
Oregoa for Genuine Krystok Leases.
Come kere and be fitted. Avoid Imi
tations. We do all our owa grladlng.
Brokta lenaea replaced while yoa
Our Skillful Fitting and Adjusting Will
Satisfy the Most Critical.
Eyesight Specialist
Fifth aad Morrison,
Great Empire
Likened to
- A
Best Grade Lump Coal
$6.00 Per Ton
-Delivered to Any Address Within tie City Limits of Portland
The Pacific Coal ft Gas Company wish to announce to the publlo that
they have sold the 900 tons of coal which they advertised they would
sell at J5.60 per ton. and the Company has decided to offer an addi
tional" 500 tons at $6.00 per ton on the eame basis as that sold, at $5 60
per ton, which was only two tons to each customer at this price and
no orders will be accepted unless accompanied by the cash or check.
We are making deliveries of our coal to those who have ordered, and
we are printing for your Information some of the letters that have been
written to us by those who are now using the coal. We have many more
on tile in our office and would be pleased to show them to you that you
may know the kind of coal this is.
This order will positively cease as soon as the 600 tons have bees
sold and the price will then be advanced to fj.50 per ton, which pries
will remain in force for the balance of the Winter.
If you wish to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to save
several dollars per ton on your coal, you will have to act at once aa
this 600 tons will be sold very rapidly.
The following la a copy of some of ths letters:
I. 3. Folsa.
Merchants Trust Building.
Portland, Oregon.
Phone Main 407S.
Portland, Or.. Oct. 7. 1310.
Pacific Coal & Gas Co., SIS-IS Commercial Club Bldg.. Portland. Or.
Gentlemen: I am very particular about the coal 1 use, always buying
the highest grades. A friend told me about your offer of two tons at
a low price as a test. I am very glad I availed myself of that offer
and secured some of your coal. It is as good as any high-grade coal I
have ever used.- It is clean, sootless. leaves little ash, fires quickly aad
holds heat well. X consider that you have done me a great favor In
tbe service you have rendered. I will most certainly want more of 1L
You are at liberty to in this letter as a sincere testimonial.
' Yours very truly,
(Signed.) J- J- FOLEN.
Portland. Or Oct. t. 1010.
Pacific Coat ft Gas Co., Portland. Or.
Gentlemen: In reply to yours of the th will say that after trying
your coal that It is a pleasure to me to recommend the same.
It burns well and does not clinker and leaves little ash.
It Is the best coal that 1 have used In Oregon and I can cheerfully
recommend it. Sincerely your. JAS. P. HAGA DON C
Portland, Or., 9-18-1910.
This is to certify that the undersigned has purchased two tons of
coal from the Pacific Coal & Gas Co. of Portland and have tested it
In our kitchen range, and find it to be Just as recommended, first-class
coal for a soft coal.
J. S. GREENFIELD. 491 Fatton Road. Office phone,
Main 1944.
Pacific Coal & Gas Company
Boom 218, Commercial Club Building
Phone, Marshall 2581.'
... ' . " .1 I ' . V. n(. rA
retinue I asked on excited Chinaman
what all the bustle meant. "It s tne
hslen jrwan (district magistrate), going to
Don't buy until you investigate If you wish to buy
at the lowest price If you want a drawer operated
register, let us sell you the best one made at the
lowest price.
All Total Adders
All Tape Printers
$40.00, $50.00, $60.00
$70.00, $90.00, $100
Detail Adders $20, $30, $40
All Prices f . o. b. Factory
National Cash Register Co.
Salesroom 70 Third St., Portland
E. T. KELLEY, Sales Agent.
Expert Mechanic on the Ground This means that
our guarantee will be promptly fulfilled.
New York
Busiest Spot
Opens November 27th
- With All-Steel
Through Train Service
From and To the West
The new station occupies two entire blocks and fronts on
Seventh Avenue, one block from Broadway, and on Eighth
Avenue, opposite the U. S. Postoffice; also on 31st and 33d
Streets, and by special plaza on 34th Street.
New York's principal hotels, retail stores, theaters, clubs and
restaurants are within a short radius. It is the most complete,
most costly and most convenient passenger station in the world.
Pennsylvania's Portland City Passenger Office
122A Third Street
or address F. N. KOLLOCK. District Agent, PORTLAND, ORE.
O. K. Fltzslmmoaa,
Portland. Oregon.
capture rebels who want Jo kill you for
eigners." answered the man softly. Then
nis eyes xurnea iron
away into the crowd
his eyes turned from me and he slunk
No. 1054 Speeiul with Aa
tographic , Attachment $95
One Block