13 TIIE MORXING OREGON! AN, 3IOXDAT, OCTOBER 31, 1010. ron RENT. HEN you bm you 11 aew furniture. uF It Jualelo sly and the Mflsgl will .ea rs, d your nnin iiptniH Our NO-RfcNT rlli'EH mad as on of th. urgMt turmtur. houMi la, lb city ta t. n Looker Ihowi Same courlfiT a T" VORliAS-ATCHLfcT (IKXITlKE CO 7 A raad a.. cornr Kut Stark at. Last Aaaeor and Kuseil-.r.avr carlln. PAS OIK doajR. Wi CAN FL'R.Nldla IOV.R HUMK. Al a creat sarins, tiet our jirlc. Ie-k.r anoa erary court. M. U.-rRuvv CO., O4-04 North trd St. It easnna Bio trie. asy term. -RoM modern house (or root. 1U0 p monta; oa Last loth St. A. J. UA.NTNKH, i 404 Henry Mdc- til a d Oe-k its, Maui Ti. i-ROOxf analow In kuMmt its, butlfull furnished, hat air furnace, electrie Uaat and every modern coaventence: Just alerted, oa full-siaed lot. rant ftl oaf anoalh. Inquire Calumet Hota TOR RENT Nmo-rootn. atrictlr moder keaaa. oa :3rd (treat. (Ino location (or rofn!n bnuM, will lv. leaa-. a month. Huca Really --1 laimbor- kld(. UOtkU and fiat for rant, mat rural se. MERCHANTS UVIN'.S aj 1KLET CU1IPAM, i. VT. Cor. B'.h and WasMneton 91. Ft'R RENT trm rot lag. Portland Height Tel. Main :la. r.raUlsed" Mum. RrjCM modern kouee. mml)ii and e.e gantry ruralshe.1. nn Willamette Ite.a'hta; m i IX rait for ets cnootha, rant a.a. 1 ARrlIil. WATKlNa CIA, Aider St. k AIOIjEKN furoiahed a;aht-room hou; ovarvtUlna com L.at . rnt raaonaoia; party ao4n4T kaat. S3ft Moolaomary at ILKMSHKb ciIIaL haih. fma lw nrrr. anountaina. rlty. t'alatlna Hill. Klvardala atation. rbona A M:M. l'lkMlikl 1 1 room modrra rraUUneo, frtm.r huuar. tVaat cloa In: rnl or kaw . month. liifUtra aw'J Kront. (antly rhillr furmabrd. F.aat Fija. rant 9"; no rhillrn. J. A. Uartnca to.. t"T 4'nrbott bida. f'irnlahad hnaao. Ao Ilalmont Taka sannyail or lt. Tabor car. A Nli'K a-ruom furniabrd cttaia. Apply K4 Y. Srfimna at. -h"la H Itk.t. rH RfctNT t-ruom tarnuliad houaa. jt4 . N. Tailor at.. lt. S. oit far. FOR RKNT aurnlhcd r-'aldrnva, ftia Couca It ' I I m1trn Itiiprrtwin-nia far Rvat aarallara for BataL. TyH SA1.K rurnltura t.f a 4-rooin cottaca. ar t. fl krldca. daalnabla. I'kooa Wood laaa II.K'IAST furnitura of l-rooro tlat. uaa4 1 itiTi. mull sell at onca; term. li.'Sa Mill at. U.-FT ll.VIti UK mrxlcrs U-rootn bouaa. atcffantir furnu:ird. rent raaaonabla; cloaa In. .Mtlr -T7 No a'nia. 'tK aA (.. r'urnltura af a fiata. 1 paya r:it af tna houa. ctoa In. Writ Slda. a harcaln: no a(nta J a.V7. Orrgoplan. Fl KMTl'KK bMiaw. cu-ti rooma full . for a tia 1 room tnraa.atory n. Wrat S nl fln' location, rant 4V Call A Ja -PKM flat fr rrnt. furnitura for aala. !. K. Morr nan FVRN'ITl'RE of a rooin h"of for ami. Call aftarnoona. Writ Park at. TIV'O naa small coo:rata atoraa J ual com ptatad In main aaat-alda buatnaaa block, woodartni opportunity for any kind of bualnaaa. U. niurar. room 3. lirn barmana b.dg Main -4. BRICK bullulnc. JO by 10 faat. aoutbwaat rarnar 13tb and HaxaHAU atraata; rant (la par rnoath. PAKRISH. WATKtNS CO.. 2JO AiJar t-t. FOR RENT A amall at or, with ftra Ht-Ins-rootna In raar. la Oaorta block, car nar Front and OlNba ata. ln)Ulra of tka drmiut. Tak -S" car. yuR RENT for a trrm of Br raar, tb old Arllaiton Club bulIJIntu Waat Park and Aldar ata. Apply to K. T. Cos. room Mo. . Wj 31 at- STORES In brick bulldln. with baaamanta I'nioa atanua and Kvat Aib. Rodaar Hart-Oibaon. l-td Sacond at. ; liavV atora. vary promlalna location for buatnaaa. Kartmaa Thompson, Chnm- bar of Commari. BluHS room, al lark at. Morttu Wall lo catad: low rant. ' TOR RENT Tbraa flna offlca rooma oa aac ond floor Lualxr Exchangfa bulldlns. aal ar.d Stark at- lnqulra t- Holbrook Cts. tit l.umr Iichtngi bhlk;. OrriCEj for rant al at a barsaJn. ruanta Truat bulf. Ir-fton. d nlea furnitura for Inqulr janitor, klar cor. th and Win- FART of Boa front offlca for rant: aaa of foona; rnt sis monthly. Apply 411 tailwar aliening;. FOR S.VL.E Flrat-claaa offlca furnitura; ownr Irrtna city; bo aenta 110 Car lli.gtr blU.. Second andAldr ita HOST rmtrally locatrd officaa. fix and an. all-night alatator aarrlcr. Juki Saatlaad Mtlg.. 5th and WaaMngton. FOR RENT Daak room with tlaak. Ilghla. wilrr. both phonra and clark irrTlcea; ll J So monthly. i"l Fpaldlnc building. Of'r'ICKS anl I irn pi a-rooma bull.lina V. 3lh at Maachaatar DKSIK ABLE offirra. Camurtda bldg.. 31 and lorrton. Chap rtt. Apply room 36. FOK k.-:M A fr urxioaa In Couca blug. fait Laala bldg. Ma WtREHOIir: FOR RENT. C or Kaat Uaablngtoo and Eaat Sacond ra. 15v 7 j faat. ona floor; on o. R. A N. track; Latvia occupied by Cudahr Pack ing Co. i'Aga Inwatmaot Co.. 1:0 Front t. Pnoaa Main oo. TO f-EASB. ""FINK DAIRY RANCH TO RENT. l.loT acraa to rant for raah to right party: oar Siv acria In rultlratlon. baL paatura: can kavp cuo r.-d of mllcli oii good bulluiaga running wator. 34 mliaa to K. H. Coma to our offlca If In tarsatad. BRONO-rTEEI.E CO.. Ground floor Lawia bldy. FOR LEASE Trackaaa; Bn warahaaaa ar an fg. loemtloa; a 10 coraar itor room. Ud and Broadway, raady No. 1. Alblna Fnat .Co. rvnTErtS OPPORTVNITIE. aW ANTED Psrtnar In restaurant: co..'k pra ferrad; Investigate. Owner. C4, N. th A RESTALRANT, doing good bualuess. cen trally located, very cheap If taken at once, at. E. M.. Eoat Ilurnalde. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity on ground floor lexga manufacturing proposition.; lv.ovv required. AC 4tfl. Ore mil an. KEAL aatale buslneaa: opening for ener- getle nn: proUts large and only flAO .qulrad. partlculara l4 rtark at. r-aah re BARBER Her t a chance: will sell ha f Interact In a 2-hatr barber shop, trial given before you buy. O 4C3. Oragonlan. CASH business; psrtner wanted: emparlance not neceaaary: aM;i pay SO day; a.luv ra qulred- Partlculara JliSVa Btark at. FOR SALE e. 1 and lie store; good busi ness: Invoice about ftvoe; city of 11.04 Address H 4a. Oregoqian. TOR tlALE or rent. laleet ramodeiad bakery sad confectionery at Woodlawn. Inquire SO N. 3d St. PARTNER wanted for transfer bualn-aa; requires ao experteuce and will pay lido month clear. t.':iU 1'4SS stark at f-Pl.ATEN printing plant, estsbilshed H yaara. or will cell t Interact to rustler. F eoO. Oregonian. tiROCERT. Bne location, rooming -house d:a tncL West Side, will Invoice, a oargain for cash: no sgents. J 4oa. tTegon lan. HopEKN hotal-roomlng-housa on Wash ington St.. r.2 rotrma and grotind floor lob by; 1,0) will handle. C 4.1. Orrcoman. OKOC Kill MAN. Io you want a good grocery if ao call and see me. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. GENTS" FURNISHING store; If you want a good, clean paying puatneaa look thla up. Illoch K-alty Co.. 221 Lumbermen! Bldg. WANTED Manaxer: eet.tbliahed manufac turing plant: loooo required. N 4tl7. Ora KOOlaD.. Al'TOMATIC Call aV Advertising Clock Co l)h shsres or any part for 50 cents a share. AH 4o7. Oregonian. Al STOCK salesman: good commission to right party: best selllnc proposition la the country. N 4od, Oregonian. PHOTO studio for sals In the beat location In city. AM 4od. oregonian. RESTAURANT for. sale chtap. N. 61 h ctreec fo WILL handle nice profltahle bualneaa for 1 or 2 ladica. D 4U. regonlan. tot BUSINESS cards. fl.nO; you mtist brine this ad. Rose City Primary. 132'iThlro 1-HOTO studio fin- sale in the beat location In city AM 4d. Oregonian. FOR SALE Poolroom. 6 tables; good loca tion. Call 52 Wtlllama ave. FOR SALE Meat market. Bn location, rent $ 14. Phone Sellwood 14.'.7 MEAT 11A1KET cheap: py you to Inveatl ATat. East Slat and Clinton. Bnnrr orroKTTxmEa. MOOD aaloona far ssle to city and county. A 4 'I rasa Lux Tradln ompany. Bank of L'ommirca bid.. Tacoma. uk, JaOno.N-PICTl'RB machine: Power. Kdl-a-n, I -alb and other alway In stork frcasr II op: tba lataat and ket fllma for ri Tb beat la aon loo food" la oar staad ard. taa.-k operatic and ualiry to rua a anoar: aelor. ctoain oaaj .aa.r. . smr. and aa a; ti hsv tka rooe and ericas art nsht. WRIT- f 1! Rf5ARO T OI K CrtilTOR BOOK ITNTITI.FTD -PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION I TO OPKrV ATOHi OF HOVUtO r-At-lvrt" -A-CHINES." PTloa t- L iml Film r. lr. A.iiaara. rouaa aua-oiu Coack aMc. Htrtlaad. Or. rOR 8 ALB BT OWNER. A OOrD-PATI?J rtaoranI, with fi at.M-k an aval art: loar rot, l"m la am oln to taka iv contract wl rail and aaa thla at onca; a food buy and will a.l quick. "OWT. CAlTf . 3M C Mortiaoa Su City. vriu. rubar.ga for city or rountry prop arty. Ih" faataat monay-maklng prtpoat tton In Portland, conalatlng of aall-vatab !tanrt racuum rarpac'anin Mj.intai ha- f marhtnn roraplta t-a,t wtl in tolca. togathar with rktra. Titturas aDDllancaa. about fOno: I oan mv t.atvnta and bara axclualva right In riv baat atAtaa on Coaat. Vry baat raaam for arlllng. prlr for rrythlng. raah 01 trad. f'.'AoO. rnihi my own marhtna haaa good location, cheap rfnt. IHiaar, A 4.. tragonian. LAitni: FCRNiTi Ra -T(mr. Larga nrat-rlaaa furnitura atora In haart of buatnva dlatrlct on r.aat mo. I Ivaaa. brlrk bulUllng. bwmiM rapal work mora than MTI aSDrnaa. T-n I r HJ't par momh. doing from f lino to f 1A0O bualrta par month; this I a good-paying; bualnva and a 111 alana cioaa uvaatigauoo avl! at luvol-a. about I""1 ORt'SSI dr 7.AOOTV. HIT Ftoard of Trada Itldg.. 4th ard Oak- ai 1. uvr flNW nwrvrnv ittohk from and vo. Cigar and confactlonrrtc from ft'JO and up. V?u,..n.ta rvnm UtOA and HO lKn't buy anything In tbra Una ontll you ic ua; It will pay you to do u. KI4:il RF.AL.TV CO.. rjl Lumbrrmrm ftldg. VMR CALM A ao-lff aanarltv Huaaall Portabl lit mill complata. with cutoff aaw. aawduat onvyor. ate.; aia a iho. - alintr. with attachments, good i flaw has baan usad only a ahort lima For particular call at my ofllca. Front St-, l'ottland. Or. 11EKXAN JIETWIin. Ownar. FOR 8AI.E Woodworking factory and alac trie light and powar plant, with contracts on hand and pandlng to kaep factory busy a 7 Mr . gooo roaaon .or aviuu. ih vita Inapaction anil cloaa tnvvaugatloa. 1 lnlaraat"l call or corrcapond. Addra Hoora 2U. Li. . Natl. Bank bldg talain. Or. OPPOMTVNIT1 to wurcnai twenty mUlloa faat of fin timber, located whirl II can h loggd cheaply to large pond of water. SO.OOu capacity sawmill and Wlllamu loaaing angina go with this deal If re quired; satisfactory larras can be mad with right party, p oi. oragonian. REAL. EaiTATE SALESMAN. Want young man who knows Taluaa to tak charge of city department to be opaned ; no other need apply; gooa con tract to right party: references given and raqulrad. 00. rv. caaauy v-o.. Miir vorn marclal Club bldg. VAI TtaHI.K Hi SINE.-.8 INFORMATION. Thia utm la In a aoaltloa to furnish tetlabl informatloa regarding' bulnss apanings: only legitimate propoaltiona eea- aldarad. AMES MERCANTILE AOENCT. 1 Allngton bldg- Eatahlltbed 193. lIOVLSfi PICU RE THEATER. The Niw York Motion Picture Company tarts ye-j la iui:loa plctur buslnrsa on ansy tart. a. established tli-aler alao for aaie; larg.-at s'ock of machines, films, alo. for sale or for rent, aitl - Waaaingtotl, nrsr 17th. WANTED. Party with t to tak sn Intaraat ta a good paying business. AUEa MERCANTILr? AOENCT. 41 Ab.ngton bldg. Main taSi. FOR BALE Real eat ata office. gTOund floor, vary beat location; large llt or Karma, rlty profe-ty and buatnaaa rriancea; good furniture; large ahow window. A legiti mate propoeiuon; caab eouv. Pbone A luua. Mala 101. TAILORING A tsilor or dry c'.eancr could build up a koo 1 tuatne in tb oeyurts block, corner 1 ront and Giob at.: rent reasonable; A HMr.g-ro.ims In raar of store. Inqulr of in druggist. Taka "a" FOR 6ALE Com! and sneat metal shop, S Inter!. In tna oral loan 10 Oregon; work on hand win ust a'.! winter: will lnvolc fraat; real tarrain for a sheet metal worker. AJlra.a c 4-l. Oragonlan LIGHT woodworking p:.,ni. ftlnc good bual- n aaa. muat hivi La. p. wnl l"l half Inter eat go to go.d man for S-'-l: lake hold t onca baa miuvrr. .a Norra -vta ic, Portland, or. HALF lnteret In li ol.l eatab.L-ned bual naaa. doing a g."j Dustneaa. t itn a sal aried position of I ,o per month. For full particulars, call Kll.nvr dt Stamphart Luin- bar i:inangr ciug . rvx.rus imi-uja TOl'Ntl MAN. OTRANGERI Make careful Investigation at expense af seller before you Invest money In any proposition. Advisory IX penmen. L. X. M. C. A. THIS Is or rbsnca 1 will sxcltatige ery good g nerai msrcnanoiae bualnaaa in auburbau town for l'orilsnd property Invoice price. Must sell account sick m-a. Wrl'l ener II 4110. Orcgunlaa. RESTAURANT. Wesblugtoa at: S -years laarr. clearing; tin ttauat ir you wanl a good one you will buy thla at $1.00 terms. H. K. JAMES CO.. 8S loth, near Stark. FLOL'RIMBI.'i dry goods business for aala. In nut town. rropnator la old ana wishes to retire. Stock lil Invoice about fKo.uuu. Net profits elSCOO. A snsp. In quirars gie reference. L 404. Oragonlan, S1I.U1 JOB PRINTINQ OFFICE. Coiul .etciv rautpped. doing nice busi n-vvL. l-ss than cost; fX00 raah, balanc easy p rma. ltlo h Realty Co. 211 Lumbermen! Bldg. WANT young mau with 1.100 to taka in tareet In well-establlahed paying cash buA.s-ss: muat be willing to huatl; will guuatitee rlgbt party fix per weak. Par- tlcuijrs ."3 riqara Ol 1 raue. CliiAR jrAND We have for sale ona of the pest-payt-ia cigar stands In the city; la paying f.O per day; Bn location, thre fear Iras, raitlcalars tOf Board of Trada Si- X KEI'AIRINO A handy ahoemaker r.u..' c .11.1 up a good bualneaa In th ;evb'ts blo.'k. corner of Flrt and Glboi a Kiiii roemi In rear; rent reaaon- a.K rlrjggust Tor gey. CAKPM'rlK shop, stock and tools, worth mot- ban price asked r for a few days cnlt I : lota ot work. Mlo a nealiy Co . 221 Lumbermens Bldg. 1 w::.L loaa my elegant Weber piano to r-a .slMe party willing to store eama fre f charge for a period of not less than o e - r.rr. az. orrgonnn. I.-i 1A1R barber shop averaging; $90 per a-ak, good lease, pest town in central o-erm: f.'Of cash. Fyfe At Glngrma, box H-i. Ma.'.ras. Or. KuH ALE Blacksmith shop and tools: s"o.l location for a good horeeshoer and general blacksmith. Inquire .of owner, J trt-.ea Pper.ce. St. Helena Or. E t-n.ve the beat opportunity In 1000 for a f. wt-rlsss Investment for parties that nn furnish f lral-claae references aa to 1- - -on id standing. M 412. Oregonian. GIVEN away free, map of all the California on fields, also trial subscription of publica tion "California Oil Fields- Ssgar-Loomis l 701 Oregonian bltig . Portland, or. HAVE you funo? I have for aale good wood bualnea"t vether with a home, house and woodysrd. aawlng outtlt and wood. Ad dress C. M. Crittenden. H'Jbbsrd. Or. POOLROOM and confectionery, i new tables, lunch counter In connection cheap rent; a'.DU. $S."H cash. Bloch Realty Co. 871 Lumbermen a Bldg. WANTED Neat, honasl (Hing msn with little money as partner u show property and work In the office. 1 am alone atid tired of hired help. 243 Fifth at. AN 11-HOOM boarding-house, rooms all fuir pries low on account of-atckneao and very eaey terms. Inquire at li E. ftth sc Tak ' (as car. . T A 1 1 -Oit I N 'i and cleaning shop, flns loca tion, gxri trade; -'""U. Ploch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermen Bldg. HAVE new piano to sell for cashTTheaT slcknras compels ma to sell quick and for caah only. Call at 631 Alberta at. BARBER SHOP. - chairs, no competition; H'och Realty Co.. 121 Lumbermen.. Bldj. WANT E I -uretahlp Party with $.ooo to take trasi Al manuiactunng Proposition AO 47, Oregonlsn. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL BTOCKi " Telephon and other bond bouahi d sold. Fletchr 1st. Co, 2 Ablngton. OPPORTUNITY Ther I a good oppor tunity for aoms msn or woman to go Into busineas In th Gcvurts block with some small line: rent of store Is reasonable and there ire live living-rooms In the rear: also a full cement basement. Inquire of druggist at corner Front and Glbbs St. Taks "8" or "Fulton" car. IF TOU HAVE $100 TO $00. Or more to Invest In solid rasnufactur Inr bualneaa where the net Income la from 40 to 10O per cent and your money abso lutely ssfe. address or call ATLAS ENtilNF.ERINO CO.. .117 H-nry Bldg. Phone Main 1554. INVESTMENT In California oil company: iilsh-itrsrle oil. proven district. large i'rm, legitimate, gllt-rdg opportunity, reliable associate, excellent reports and references: Investigate thla. r or intor. maticn. S23 AMngton bldg. Phona Mai -'2T4. or s lilraa h 470. Oregonian. ONK.ltAI f ISTKHEST In the BEST pay Inr bustnes in Central Oregon; price 12lni' t i.Mmi down. Thla Investment will sura brina vou tlO.ono In two years. For particulars sec or write Ora Van Taeaell Madras, crook County. Oregon. Ml-ACVSMITIf SHOP. This la the beat prnpaettlon In Eastern Oregon; will bear closest Investigation: owner retiring: will give farms to rlcht party. Partlculara. room Alo i.umoier ex change bid. THRIVING eatebllahed arocery bualneaa, that la turning a small stock bett-r than one month. Must sell oa account of lllueea. For Informatloa see C. I. uatn laner. A 24". Room 2, Lumberman hid;. slain 24.s. UIIVIVI1 PICTURE IAX7AT10N. dnlendid new motion picture location In thriving east aid auburban district. Auuly at onca C, L. Bamberger, room I umbarmana bldg. OFF-ICR MAN. Too can buy aa Interest In a flret-claa proposition, with a guaranteed aalary of tliO rar month. Partlculara. room Slo Lumbar Eichange bldg. A Local corooratlon. well eatebllahed. d In a aood bualneaa : require IJOOO to .on0 for further development of business beet of references given and required. Ad. dresa O 44.C Oregonian. PARTNER WATTED An honest, sober man can buy half Interest In a flna pay ing onaineaa tnat win oaar invvawcai."., enlr little money will hantile It. Call room 3lo Lumbar Exchange bldg. Ci:m:VT bualneaa! rjartner wanU-d: cx pertcne not neceaaarv: hav mora work than I can oversee and want Interested lielnr will oa v anereetlr msn 1200 month I7. required. Particulars 24'a Stark st. kllsTAI'RAN'T If vou are looking for good restsursnt. It will pay you to Invest! ate thla one. Call room SU Lumber Ex change bldg. Contractor wants stesdy. sober partner dutlee e-aily learned: f-"0 required; larg pronta i all -as1 stark sr. Altc-K lunch noun t.,r. feed 17K at lunch rent 110; blc snap. Call at 4l8 Wash, at. 11:30 A M. PARTNER wanted to help In store; pay 12.1 month aalary: also shire profits money secured. Call 24H stark at. LOST AND FOOD. LOST Sunday night, a diamond brooch se with nesrls. sunburst stvle. marked 1 A D.. between 10th and East IMne and Union avenue and the Broadway car to 2 2d. Re turn to 4P4 East Plna at and recslv llb- eral reward Fot'N D Where you can buy genuine half mattreeaee retail at wnoiesaia prirea; wa renovate mattresses and return same aay. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metagar. F-' Front. Phones Msin 474. A 1374, FOUND Where watches, diamonds aaC lewelrr are cold for th amount loaned and ona month's InteresL Uncls M jars Collateral Kink. Tl 6th si. near oak sr. LOST Rose color silk work bag, belwsen SDth and Broadavay, Williams ave. ana Hancock it. Return to room i Chamber of Commerce. Howard. LOST Wednesday or Thursday, string of coral heads: liberal reward If returned to 217 Board of Trade bldg. LOST In Tlce's Grill, a plain watch with pin attached; Under return to Alexandra Court. LOST A brown bulldog bitch; finder re turn to Mvrquam urand barber snop. oin and Morrison; reward 1.. LOST Sunday evening In First Presbyterian Church, peari pin fastened u smau do riease phone Woodlawrt 3sq for reward. LOST Sleet gray vest, between Wash, and Couch, on park: return to at is. rarx rea-ard. Phone A 841S. F.EWARD for puree, bank book, money, lot In Kennard & Adams' store. East siae return to bsnk or store. Miss Miller. LOST A sable acarf with Sllverfleld mark rn It. between 12th and Aider ana trinity Place. Phone Main sows; reward. LOST Child's gold bracelet. Return to a7i4 liaise y. receive reward, xz. are. Htllups. PEARL grape stick pin, lost In Vancouver or Vancouver oar. Return eu r-iia at. ROOM1XO-HOI SFS. EAGLE REALTY CO. Main 77. 319 Board of Trad. HOTEL CLEARING t700 MONTHLY. .M rooma axcaDUonally. handsomely fur nlshed: private hatha, unsurpassed. In comparable accommodations; Inconceiv ably advantageously located: superlative cleenlinea: lnaisputaoiy euri-ura, o criminatory comparison luppllcataa. A UOOD MONEY-MAKER. AA rooms, corner, brick, long lesae. al ways rented: best of furniture and oarpet. city beat transient location. A GOOD SMALL HOURS. 35 rooma fully modirn. rent 140; year lease: fI700 handles thla SWELL HOME NET INCOME ttBO. 23 rooms,' steam heat, hot water, every room elegantly furnished, velvet Brussels carpets; even-thing lirai-riasa. CAN-T BEAT THIS. IT rooms, lease, cheap rent: always filled, clears $126; fine location: (BOO cash. 1K sine. IKJ cr.E. a inn. is rooma eleaant furniture and carpet s. lease, rent $ AIL 00; running water. In rooms. CLEARS tM. 10 rooms, good rsrpets and furniture; vera central, always rented; a bargain. Wa are headquarters for rooming-houses. See our list before buying. Rave your tlm and money. W buy -sell and trade. Call on ua It you want to sell. Sl Bosrd of Trade. WE HAVE 1 Bo-room brick hotel. 1 A 5-room brick hotel. 1 a-roAm frame hotel. All In fin locations, and all making money. BLOCH REALTY CO., 221 Lumbermane Buldg! WE HAVE S 10-roora rooming houses. I -la.cAom room I II IT house. All close In and all full, and very cheap. oonsldsrlng location anu turniiura. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 221 Lumbermane Buldg. ryi'EPTIOXAL OPPORTUNITY. Hotel of 41 rooms, first-class condition, modern In avary respect: for sal very enaar. an account of leaving for EufODe. Must be seen to be appreciated. Apply to owner. Phon East 4.o. run Ki l-E A blacksmith shoo AOxoO feet fin location: also an a-room reimnari across street from shop: lot 80x83 feat; located on corner of 6th and B ats.. Mc- Vlnnvllle. Or. A. C Ahrendscn. oa-ner. ROOMING-HOUSE, beet f 2.000 cash buy In city; must oe soia on account ok leav IrtsT the city; no agente: for Information call at 8H8 Jefferson SC between luih and West Park. I Aal compelled account of sickness to sell my 34-room, modern rooming-nouse; iirst time on market; steam neat, clears -o.; don't anawer unless you have at least fJOOO cash. W 40o. Oregonian. HAVE two small rooming houses; must sell this week : It you nsve money ami wans. to buy. sea m; no agoats. W 406. Or, gontan. want to buy a good-paying rooming- house from 1.1 to 40 rooms: have flftno cssh to pay aown; owner oniy. v eoi, Oregonian. FOR BALE or rent, completely furnished A swell little jo-room iiaiieiT-m tiouee la down-town district: (20O cash will handls. Owner. Marioan m- ROOMING-HOUSES bought end sold: come and USt Wim US. hit niiiini.iem in Co.. 2.'.a Alder St. Alain 4.Vt:l. A 4H72. 18-ItOOM apartments new furniture, new but ding, nice noma, ovaio.-e i,i n,ioi. S1.1.-.t. Terms. Hatfield. 183 4th at. ROOMS, modern, best paying proposition In city, rent $30: clears $60; terms. 26$ &th. opposite City Hall. fS-ROOM rooming-house tor sale; price K oo . terme. ig.i f4DO 3-room house, well furnished, best renttM qietrici. v-.- . IrlllM XOTIf.KeV. preooaala 'lovrteSl. SEALED bids will b received at the office of the School Clerk, room 402 TMford building. Portland. Oregon, umii M Thursday. November 3. 11110. for 4P00 feet of 2-Inch fire hose, one appropriate naxxle and one rack or reel for each 100 feet of hose. Bid are understood to cov er the Installation of the same In schoo s. a list of which may be obtained at the Clerks office. Samples of hoie. nozxles. racks and reel are to be sunmttted with bids. The Board reserves ths right to reject an, and all bids. h thoma& Oct. 27. 1O10. School Clark. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE of sale of Capitol building lands of the State of Washington Notice Is here by given that sealed proposals or bids will be received by the State Capitol commia sion of the State of Washington, at Olynr Dla. Washington, for the purchase or proximately 19,700 acres of Capitol build' lng lands located In Clark. Cowlitz, Doug las. Kitsap. Skagit and Skamania Coun ties; that blank forma of bids or pro posals containing a detailed list and de scription of all tna lanas. timoer ana ma terlals to be sold and reservations maai end eettlnr forth the terms and condi tions of sale and the methods prescribed for the submission of bids may be had by addressing the Secretary of the Stat Cap itol Commission, at Olympla, Washington, or by applying to th County Auditor of any county of tb Slate "of Washington. The printed lists may be used In sub mitting bids or proposals, as Indicated therein. Bids or proposals should b In closed In a sealed envelope Indorsed "Bid foe -'anltol Rulldlna Lands of th State of Washington." and this nvelop ehould b Inclosed In a mallln envelop where in bid Is transmitted by mall. All bids or proposals, whether by mall or otherwise. should b forwaraa so as to rca.ii hands of tba secretary, at Olympla. no later than one o'clock, P. M. on th flf teefith rlav nf November. 1910. and eac bid must be accompanied by a certified check for at least ten per cent of the total amount of th bid. At leaat ono flfto of the purchase prlc of ac!i tract or parcel must be paid Immediately roi toiaina the aeceotance of the bid by thi State Capitol Commission. The balance of th purchase price may b divided Into equal annual Installments, not exceeding tn. aa the purchaser may siect, an u reeracl Davments to draw interest at s nee cent tier innuin. nayable annually. No tld or proposal will be received for lesa than the appraised value of each tract or parcel offered for sale. Th mats t anltol Commission expressly re serves the light to reject any or all blda or proposals. Dated this loth day of Oo- tober. A. D.. 1910. E. W. ROSS. ' Secretary State Capitol Commission. PHOPOOALS Sale of U. S. vessels Eagre, Wlnalow. Siren. Bennington, and Detrolt.--Scaled proposals will b received at tha Navv Department until twelve o cioca noon. November 14. 1910. when they will .a , ,!.! it-1 v orieried. for the nurchase of said vessels. Forms of propossls and bond, and information concerning the ves sels and the terms and conditions of sale, may be obtained on application to tha De partment. The vessels may be examined at the navy yards where they He Eagra and Siren. Norfolk. Vs.; Wlnalow and De troit. Boston, Mass.; and Bennington. Marc Island. Cal. Beekman Wlnthrop, Acting Secretary of the Navy. 9-29-10. PROPOSALS Sale of V. S. vessels Boston and Concord elected proposals will be pi.ivr.ri at the New Department until l'J o'clock noon, December 7. lull), when they a 111 be publicly opened, for the purchase of the Boston, appraised value $13.Ot0 and the Concord. appraiseo value e-ie.ow. Vorma of nroDosal and bond, and Infor mation concerning the vessels and tha lerma and conditions of sale, may be ob tained on application to tiie DepartmenL The vessels may be examined at in nary Yard. Puget Sound, Washington. R. F. Nicholson, Acting Secretary of th Navy, 8EALED bids will be received at the office of the School clerk. o i mora Duiiumg. until 5:00 P. M. Thursday. November 3, lulu eoe erndlntr and otherwise LnlDrov- in a 'the Gloncoe and Richmond school grounds. All to be done in accordance with plans and specifications of Ar-hitect George Otten. copies of which may be procured at the Clark's office. Blda are to be made on each school separately. The Board reserve the right to reject any and alb bids. R. H. THOMAS. Dated Oct. 3T. 1910. Clerk. SEALED bids will be received at the office of School Clrk. aoa 'Aurora puiiaing, r-ori-imnA riraaon until ftioo P. M. Thursday, November 8, 1910. for haullnff tan bark to various schools In accordance with anacifications of Architect George Otten, a copy of which may be obtained at the Clerk's office'. Bids are to be on each school separately. The Board reserves tha right to reject any and all bids. K. H. THOMAS. Dated Oct. 27. 1911); fchool C!ra-. SEALED bids will be received at the offlca of School Clerk. 4" i mora Duuuins, i-ori-i.nH Or.pnn. until B:uO P. M. Thursday, November 3. 1910. for printing 1000 "Les son Plan" books. Specifications and other necessary data may be obtained at the Clerk's office. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. B, H. THOMAS. Dated Oct. 2T. 1910. School Clerh. Miscellaneous. TO whom It may concern You are hereby notified that tne unaersiK-nea win out oa responsible for any ueDts incurrea oy jar. J. M. Mttlehner or Josephine Mitletuier, Signed Albert klltlnnner. fffo whom It may concern; from this date J win not oa eeanonainie lor u iit ueuu cou- tr acted by my wife, Mr, v. P. Mitchell. (Signed) V. P. MITCHELL. FINANCIAL SEVERAL first mortgages, all high-class dwelltng-bouao security, close in. restrictsa districts, l-a Ol vaiuauon, I per cent in terest, psyable quarterly; Insurance, ab stract. Call svi Aicnay mug, aaia iiiv. 1 HAVE several gilt-edge building contracts or secona mortgages tor aaie auicu x ant discount from 30 to 15 per cent. Anderson, 804 Spalding bldg. Call between hours of 12 and X WANTED Party with $2000 to Join ma building a flat: i own a ciose-tn lot anu Investment will pay 11 per sent net. 810 Lumber Exchange bldg. . unHTiiiCEit contracts, bonds, stocks, war rants and notes DOUgnt anu suiu. laiuii negotiated. Henry leai, oio ADingion bldg., nan oa at. LOANS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT S TO I PER CENT. Ol LAW15 XUAA.AArit. Money 1 Loan Real Estate, rw iuprovrii eltv nrooertv or for build tna nurDOaea: a to a veara- rime: iioer repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses, i am nquiieuie emv- Ing s At Loan Association, aao o i-ara ru CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' Interest in contracts on real estate anywnere in Oregon or Washington; mortgsge loans negotiated on Improved properly. H. E. Noble, Lumbermcns bldg.. oth and Stark. $".00,000 on Improved city or farm property; buliaina or smau loans at luwin uncaa. large loans a specialty. Jv H. McKenxio Co.. 014-16-ltl Ucrilnger bldg. FIRST cud second mortgages and contract purchased on farm and city property, anywhere In Oregon or Washington. Jv. L Devereaux. Fenton bldg.. b4 6th St. PLENTY of money to losn at 0 and 2 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL. 1U4 Second SC MONEY to loan, first-class securities, bonds. mortgages bouf nt anu soia. U. G. SHIPLEY. 802 Spaulding bldg. WE HAVE plsnty of money to loan on city property in sums trout avvu up to aov.uuw at lowest current rates, Morgan, Flledner Ar. Boyc. OOa-OOO Abington bldg; f 10O0 TO A40UO to loan on close-In Improved loruanu propervj ; priiai. ruuua. ova 1'enton bldg.. b 8th at. LOANS on Improved city property for pri vate investors. M. E. xnompson to, ia and Oak. Henry blug. f20u.ut0 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. building loans. iowt rate. v. u. A3 art, 312 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. 11. Birreu Co.. zo2 aicja.ay Mag., Sd and Stark. MONEY to loan on Improved inside property. tlHO.NU-HLLl.lt CO.. Ground Floor. Lewis Bldg. TO LOAN $2000.00 to Jlioou.oo on farm or city property, i per cent, aj . ore gonian. PRIVATE FUNDS Any amount, reasonable terms, mortgages purchase a. Henry, c I'rudhomme Co.. 9Ud Spalding bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate morl- gagea 1. Mlley. room aut uernnger DiQg. LOANS on real, pcraonul. chattel or collat eral security. C. W . paueit, joe- renton. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom- li, state agent, auimumin v-o.. aoo l. MORTGAGE LOAJS AT REASONABLE RATES, r. Ai. i-Auwis a LE,n 10 xjLtua. Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. am tig ton, 4lo commercial liub oiug. MORTGAGE LOANS, AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 2Ja DlAllh. SA'. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved realty. 92U-T Board -of Trade oiag. MONEY, any amount, tt to 8 per cenL Good- nough at belts, aio spauming plug. WILL loan $o0ou or less on real Hitchcock, cm rtotncnild Diog. Mouey to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY advanced .salaried peopie, house keepers ana otners upon meir owu uam without security; chespest rates, easiest payments; offices in bii principal cities; save yourself by gettlnr my terms first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, cnaneis or leal eaiete. tviuuu uiun Co.. 3o Latayette bidg.. 8th and Wash, sts. WILL LOAN in amounts to suit on aH kinds Cunningham'. 722 Electric blda. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry, reaaonaoie ' " A. A: M. oeiovaae. - .. -....oa.o.i -t. trior rates wc losn money on oiamonas . c x 1 1 .... v. Ta um -. AHA JCWCiair. , a - - FIJfANClAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. BUTTON CREDIT CO.. $07 Spaldlr.g Bldg. ' DON'T IJ'ORRY. la your landlord waiting for hla real? la vour grocer waiting for his hill T la your life Insurance company waiting for it premium? la your furniture store waiting for ita pay ments? Hav yon been out of work or had sick ness, with all its extra bills? If so. you have worried enough without worrying about money. But you aay the landlord must b paid and other wm not wait-. rhin't worry: let us do th Waiting. W hav money and nothing to do but -wait that s our Duainaaa. Gst out of debL Get vour mind off your mosey trouble You will be abl to work bettar and gst a.,t .-.r rleht sooner. Come and get the money from ua from $10 up ard. x - will loan vou on vour furniture, nlano. fixtures, storage receipt or any personal property: also on your salary. We will give you 8 to 12 months In which ta psy it on. Easy wA!y or monthly payment, ca na Im whan In need of money. Wo oOer a better proportion on loans of this kind than can oa wnai shin. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 307 Spalding Bldg. Tnlrd and Washington 3ta. "f $ $ $ $ $ $ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terms are you would not b hort of money. . Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us lurnlsh money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, llv stock, rooming houses, lite insurance policies, all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly In alAllments. Wo buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity In con- UsI"rEAL ESTATE k BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton Bldgl. 131 3d. Main 20S4. $ $ $ $ $. STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ TA-R-O-lv-K-R-S. $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. flO TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10. repaid In installments of f .43 $20. repsid In installments of. .90 LSO. repaid In In at ailments of $2.00 Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges in plain niturea. Business strictly confldentlaL STATE SECURITY CO.. f f $ f 808 Falling Bldg 3 $ 8 $ A LOAN for tha asking, salary or chattel. Th Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LIBERAL loans on furniture or real estate. J. E. Nichols, Board of Trade bklg. Loans Wanted. WE loan money on watches, dlamonde. seal skins, mink overcoats, trunks, dress suit case and musical Instruments. UNCLE MYERS, 71 Sixth St. Between Oak and Pin Eta. Main9ia Vf'8 can invest your money at good rate of InteresL Glit-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-terms InvestmenL PROVIDENT INV. 4 TRUOTEB COi, $24-5116 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED The loan ot $9000 at 8 per cent for 5 years on $28,000 or farm property. Apply to Hawthorne ave. stables. 420 Hawthorne ava. Phonos B 13'i9 or E 72. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sale. Henry C Prudhommo Co., Spalding bldg. IFc-you hav money to loan on realty at 7 to o per cent, come se ma t ORUBER. 927 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Loan of $3000; gilt-edge se- curlty: not property, is 40a, oregonian. LET us place your money, good mortgages, references. F. H. Lewis. 8 Lewis Bldg. PERSONAL. DP. W. E. MALLORT. 812 Rothchlfd bldg, has the most up-to-date office In Oregon. All room are furnished with the most ex pensive appliances, including radium (tb only physician on the Pacific Coaat who has radium). Every therapeutic electrlo current In use; X rays, static machines. X-ray colls, oxone. oxygen generators, high frequency, wave, sinusoidal. Far-"- ic. galvanic, cautery, vibrators. radiators, baths, herbal, steam, shower, electric light bath cabinets and bake ovens. Smallest to the most powerful lights, including flnaen. hellos. solar, violet and ultra-violet. You are asked to visit my offices and Investigate lor yoursen n you nave cancer, old sores, tumors, swollen glands, ahaumatum. catarrh, ecxema, blood dis eases, bronchitis, throat trouble, mother mark, moles ana supereuuuua nuir re moved without scars. All cnronlo diseases trested with these methods. BICK men and women go to Dr. Horn, who ray examination. Dr. Horn treats and cure ail curable cnronlo nervous and spe cial diseases of men and women, includ ing male and female ailment, varloo veins, ulcers and skin dlseaaea. PILES CURED WITHOUT THE KNIFE OR NO PXY Dr. Horns does this by new, natural and drugless methods. Stop making a drugatore of your stomach and don't sub mit to an operation, but consult Dr. Horn at once, call touay ana consult mm ire. Take elevator to 4th floor Rothchlld bldg., 287 ts Washington sc, rooms 407. 4U6 and 4U9. fnon saarsoan aoow. l-1 : H L FURS. FURS. A large stock of exclusive designs In muffs scarfs, shawls and coats; old furs remodeled to latest Slyies; redyelng of seal and new order work a specialty; lowest prices; practical worst. A. REINER. 129 11th St. SWEDISH - TRAINED NURSE Heisingfors graduate; rneuiuatiaui, ucnuu, anu nuiu- bsths. masseuse. No. 7 East 11th st, sec ond door south from East Ankduy car line. Phon Eat280. B 1 SOS. " FEB VET fc HANEBuf! Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods la the city; up-to-date parlor for bairdresaing, manicuring, lac and acalp treatment. 147 7th st., bat. Morrs- aun and Alder. Phon Main 648. NEW YORK Massage and Beauty Parlors Just openea, moaern appiiaui-ea, aeouiaie Iv used for rheumatism, blemish, flesh anA facial massage: reasonanle prices hours. 10 A, il. to 8 P. M. Marshall 2643. 420 Alder il AGED people and others suflering from ner vousness, rheumatism, uiuigesuon, uys pepsia, etc.. given home treuiraenl; Euro pean maasaga and especially prepared foods; no money unles curd. btA E. Main St. DH. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electrlo treatment of nervous ailments, private hos pltaL Rooms 505-506 Commonwealth bldg, A)th and Ankeny. Phones Main 4U47. A 2A1L HAIR. HAIR All shades In best quality al Coal. Closing ouv eiuva. -- and scalp trsatmenU; expert halrdressing and maincuring taugbC All H. Klbbacka, urand Leader. 5th and Aioer. PAINLESS, prompt, permanent ana Inex pensive CUrea oy a oeaiin methods. Dr. Poillp 1. Ball, Merchants Trust bldg- DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and plies, consultation free, lal Ast ii-, runia"". 5pECLAL announcaiuent; expert leather Curling, Cieunins, or'"e icaiimi done uy Madame fjiioeri, sag nn sc phone Main 4443. Moved from 66 tith st- M t, u fcoPHiA B. SEIP, mental and spir itual scientist, 21 Selling-11 lr sell bldg. Matin 6324. Open meetings WreOnusedAy at 8 P. M. MRS. MAYME WALLACE. Electrlo and vibratory treatments; bath; masse us i. -826 V, Stark iL, Port- laml. Or. ruw" -"- --.- DRESS uit for rent, $1.50 month keeps your ciotuea - sewed ou. rips repaired, phompt calls anu deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3uu Stark. xxEN No matter what your ailment. If oshers nave laneo. 10 - . jou, 1.0010 ua Voae Medical Ac Optical Co., 25 us. v ose 2001, Alder t. LADIES' own plumes maue into willows; best a orKmaoio'H. , 1 " ' ' - ' Ward. Hotel Franklin. Phone Main 71li. SWEDISH drugless specialist, nerve, rheu- 1 , rf I Mi.nl nr , ' 1 J . . , . matio snu , ... - atrom. 302-8 Oregonian bidg. Mara 2828. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferson helps you out ot an I.10-". - a t., above 14 th st CTh LADD FINNICAN has returned to j;.i,.nd and can be found at 2 East 14th st. North. rr- i-ourtwrlght. skin and scalp treat r" rt.i de.formitie corrected nl... iPe "Vsery. 453 Morrison sC Main SuAa. ,"IQi:OR habit permanently cured In 3 days: no suffering and, harmless. Cardlola Instl- tute. in.' r ....v.. yjr. FREE Madam Radmaker trims hats free v . . , .. . , , . , .... haw u..lr . I , . "and people. 701 Washington st. Apt. 2. DrT iCETCHUM treats wo. 1794 3d St.. cor. Yamhll omen's maladies. WANTED Five more ladies to receive ac treatment al home. Phone East 4H42. RB BADOVICK Get letter In postonrico; wish to see you at once. J. Pestal. ntYULT new thought and scientiho booka WCU . c..,,. VK1 Oak at Jones awi .w.. ANICUKiNG Removed from 123 0th sL lo 30U Jiornaoo a... . w BALM OF FIGS Remedies for disease ol omen, oa -- - - . PERSONAL DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Rcom 12 Grand Theater bldg. Main 8P2S. A 560. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bidg. M 3473. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRt) tc BERR1DGE. Public accountants and auditors. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7380. A 1449. Office systems. Factory systems. Periodic audita Investigations. J. M. WILLEY & CO. Public accountants, all branches. Suite 426 and 42S Henry building. ' Phone Mar shall 122L or 45 William St.. New York city. . E. H. COLLIS At CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester block. Phone Main 6o67. Assayer and Analyst. Wells ProebsteL mining engineers, ctaera Ists and a-sayers. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Labratory and ore-testing work. 188 Morrison bl Baths and Swrnuuing. Portland Swimming Balhs. 167 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths. 25c. Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 108 N. 8th. Main 3702. Cliiropractio""physiclan. DR. TICKNER removes the cause of disease. 600-1 Columbia bldg. A 52.15. Hrs. 1 2-3:30. Circulating Library. LATE fiction. 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg.. 180 5th St.. bet. Taylor and Yamhill. Civil Engineers. E. A. MIDELEBROOKS At C. C. COTTRELL. civil engineers and surveyors. 420 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone Main aioe. Assayer. EARL V. INGELS. B. S. Best equipped of flee In state, established 5 years; no ap- prentices. Grants Pass, Or. Chiropody. war TrrKTTzr.T.tr: anrf Flossie Denevey, the only scientific chiropodists In the cly- ruriurs o osruuici uiua,-. w ... - and Alder. Phone Main 130L Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room 429 Fliedner bldg. pnone asm a-..-. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokera com mission merchants. Sherlock pioa- Collections and Law. NETH AV CO.. COLLECTIONS COLLECT EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION, NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg- Portland. Equitable Adjustment Co., 214 Couch bldg. Collect on commission. Ask agent to call. Dancing;. m. a Ten xrou hrith'S dancing school AUskv bide. 3d and Morrison sta Stage danclna tnnaht class Sat. evenings; pri vate lessons dally: waits and two-step guaranteed In four lessons. PROFESSOR RINGLER'S dancing classes, Monday and Saturday evenings. privat Instruction daily. Western Academy, .and Morrison. Main 9212. 2d I log nnd Horse HospllaL DR. .BROWN. IX V. S Office 324 Flanders St.. Main 40S6. Hospital K9 lmn sc Educational. WANTED Pupils who wish tutoring in th grammar grades. Phone E. saoa. Electrlo Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 -u au Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machny. Co.. Coast "agts. Seabury ataam engines anil boilers, aasollne en- ' gine. 281-2113 E. Morrison sc phone E. 615, Feed Store. ZIGLER Misntr, hay., grain, feed, ce xuenc shingles. . 204 Grand ave. E. 482. French Dry Cleaning. CLEANING TAILORING DYEING ALTERATIONS VUVMIMn REPARING Special club rates 50c per suit (sponged and presseco per ween. 'tne naiuioua 751 Washington sk A 5417. Main 8553. Furs. N. M. UNGAR fe CO.. INC.. formerly of 408 Merchants 'trust Diag.. nsvi reuioveu 109 Seventh sc Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall too. Hat factory. HATS made to order cost no more. Se us. Itoyal Hat Works. 223 ist sC M. 8442. " Leatner and Finding. CHAS. L. MASTICK t CO., 74 Front. Leather of every aescription, taps, mira. iinuinita. J. A. STOWBKiDGE LEATHER CO. Es tabllshcd 1858. 189 Front sc Machinery. n T REN KM AN 4e CO.. Hydraullo and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. All kinus Oi reuaiia, lui i.u. Contractors' machinery of all kinds. David Dow ai Son. 202 Lumpermens Drug. A-aouca. Muitign:(.lilng. PORTLAND Mailing Co.. multlgraphlng tvDewrltlnir. maiiing. public stenographer, personal typewritten ciroular lettera, 8ott Ataiiway i-a-ciiauge oiua. MualcaL EMIL THEILHORN. violin teacher, pupil bevlck. 9u0 Marquam. A -4 1 80, Mar. AU-u Neurologists, Eye Specialist. QUICK relief for eye and nervous troubles. Drs. Froexe At Rice, o20H Washington sc Osteuputklo 1'hvsiclann. UK, R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-416-417 Dekum bldg. PHONE, OFFICE M. B4U7. RESIDENCE EAST OR B 1028. nit uHov Smith, craduate Kirkavllle. Mo. or lsus. nost-Kraduate 19o7. under A. 'A'. Sill, the founder. 31 1-818-319 bwatland. bldg. Main 198 1. A ll)li5. l'aiula. Oils and Glass. KASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, arlass, saan and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. U. S. and foreign patents that protect are 'secured through Pauihc Coast Patent Agency. Inc. DepC A. stociiton, Ca L PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. Attorney Ml X-H a . una or . .sum ouiva xoua let tree. i!9 Board of Trade bldg. B. C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat eats. inlrtligemen.caaes.UlH Dekum. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 805- uiiuh i..N Construction Co. street uavlnir. sidewalks and crosswalks, 317 Beca blug. Pawnbrokers. LNCLK MYERS Collateral Bank. -10 years In Portland, i A otn st- aiaia Mil;. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. i'aotory and office near 24th and York sta M. B4B9. Rubber Stamps. so seals, stencils, choice stationer, eta. ....- Mm a. :il Stark.- Uma 14n7 Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old CarpeiS. COloir.a -aa . a, UHUlUg and laving. 153 Lniu sv- nr. E. Morriaori. Safe. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d IL Safes at lacvory a... ..- showcases. Bank and Store Tlx lures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap- ips onoia-aea v.. '- -- a.w w rv. uuuvo, mgr. .i mmiSALL. 20S HAMILTON LLDi;.. showcases in stock; prompt tlelivery. sales agent iii. " 111 lXr - - MARSHALL MFG. CO.,4th and Couch, new Shingles. BEST in the city: car lots or less. S. E. Gil- Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAfl oiuiiAUi Co.. corner STORAGE - i t aia. .1 nut n n..ri ,i .. .. . I L (1 uu ' -- - - - uun&B. aud moat modern storage warehouse -lu city' every convenience for sate and proper handling of goods; lowest insuiuuco rata In iSortuwest; free trackage; vans tor mov ing. Main or A 1520. . tiTOHK VOUR FL'RVITIIWP Aiiick building, dry and airy; waren'ouse district; 1 - "-"o uiuBi careiui hundliug; turniture moved and packed oy exoeiu. estmiates given. Phouo . luio, A lbs van Horn Trai-fel- Co.. 40 2d il C. O. PICK Transler at Storage Co.. office aud CUliii"'" i r ui.a. ndni- liouse, separ-te iron rooms and nreproof vault foi valuaoles. -N. W. cor. uiu Pino sta. Pianos and furniture moved aaa parked tor shipplng. Main 390, A 199a OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. Geneml transtcrruig and storage; safes, pianos and turniture moved ana- packed lor shipment. 2oo Oak sl, bee From and 1st Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Tranbter aiio. otorage. Olfice 310 Buyt St., between 5tn and UUi. phones Main 69. A 118U. Stove. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110, 614 front. : Vetortnarlans. . L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterlnavrlan. 31 Aniteny sc a on j y. saaia -aua. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $50, fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Paciric Stationery & Printing Co., 2u3 2d sc WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex chango. 2S7'a Washington st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut ratea P. D. C Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407.' Printers. GLASS A PRUDHOMME CO.. ptlnters, blank book makers, legal clanks, loose leaf da vices, township plata 65-07 7th it.. beU Oak and Ankenv. Wall Papeir. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St.. whole sale and retail Samples mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. LrnvlTi, PnM!.. Ashland Passenger ..... . Roseburg passenger Shasta Limited Sllverton Passenger California Express San Francisco Express .... West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger .. rorest Grove Passenger.... Forest Grove Passenger 1. Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland passenger ....."..I R"sebrg Passenger .. .... Portland Express Shasta Limited Sllverton Local .. . West Side " "" Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenner . Forest Grove Passenger ... Forest Grove Paenv.. ... 8:30 a. m. 4:1.1 p. m. 6:O0 p. ra. ' 6:20 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. &:b0 a. m. 5:40 p. in. 7:30 s m. 10:00 p. m o:ou p. in. 11:00 a. m. 2:30 p. m, 9:30 a.m. 6:20 n. TO, 10:20 a. m. 8:00 a- m, 4:40 p. m. Northern Pacific. lSVlnsr PnHla.A sJfJnd Coaat Limited via Puget1 North Coast' "Limited "via " North Eank Atlantic Expresa via" PuKeV Enund S.'f n lc Express via North Bank Sounrf y ExpreM vi Buget T,vJn , Clty ' Express ' Via " North isank Eastern Express via PuVe't "sound r-astern Express via North Bank Missouri River Express via Puget sound ..... Missouri River Express" "via North Bank Portland. Taeoma nnd' SeaV'ie Ex press. Grays Harbor, olympla t..8". south Bend branches Portland-Vancouver Special Pueet Sound Limited. Grays Har-1-am3 So"'h Bend branches. J Yacolt Passenger . . Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North nank .......... N"th Coast Limited 'via' Puget -potindl a . . . . Northern Pacific" 'Express " Via North Bank Ntthern paeinC Express via Pu-ret Round Paoinc Coast Express via North Bunk Pap ,fiC Cast Express via Puget 10:10 a. ra. 00 p. m. 15 a. m. 00 a. m. 3 :30 p. m. ':00 p. ra. : : 1 .1 a- m. 1:00 a. m- 1:10 a. m. :00 p. rn. l:45 ft- m i:10 a. m. :?W p. rfi. :00 p. ra- t:15 p. m,. :20 a- ra r:30 a. nu ':10 p. m, t:13 p. m- ':20 a. m. p. m. :30 p. nu :30 au m. i :00 p. m. Wr-str-m -Express via North Bank Western Express via Pujret Pound Missouri River Express via. North Hank Missouri River Express via ' Pugret bound r Portlnnd-Tacoma-Seattie Express nd from Olympla. South Eend ana Grays Harbor 4 p. m. Puiret Pound Limited 1 7:10 p.m. Vancouver-Portland Special lfl:Mp.Tn. Yacolt Passenger Ill :20 a.m. jygon Railroad & Navigation Vo. aaovtng, rui iiana Baker City Passenger Oregon-Washinp ton Limited. - . The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland ....... it. Oregon Express Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local . . Oregon Express Soo-Spokane- Portland Baker City Local Passenger. . . Clreiron-Wnshington Limited . .. Fpokane Flyer 00 a. m. ;00 a. m. 00 p. m, :) p. nu :(!0 p. m, 00 p. m. : 1 5 a. nu 30 a, nu o0 a. m. 00 p. m. 00 p. m. 00 a. m. Astoria A Columbia lUver. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express... Astoria and Seaside Express ... Rainier Passenger , Rainier Passenger ............. Arriving Portland Seaside and Astoria Expresa .... Seaside and Astoria Express. .. , Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger :00 a. m. 30 p. m. 13 d. m. :45 p. m. 20 p. m. 00 p. m. ;-i0 a. m. 00 p. m. Canadiun I'a-iflo Kail way Co. Lea. vine Pnrllnnri oo-spokane-Portland , 00 p. m. 1- a. m. :30 a. ra. 30 p. nu Co. Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Poriland Via Seattle -Hi .HO: Oregon Jg Uahington Kallroad Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger ..... Shasta Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl 30 a. m. 00 p. XEU Ait p. m. 15 a- m. .Op. m. 45 p. m. Shasta Limited Portland Passenger . . . Sou th erg I't.clflc. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Pa&senirer 7:40 a. nu 4:05 p. ru. 1:00 p. m. 10:15 a. xn, 5:f5 p. m. 1:00 noon i? orest Uriove Passenger. . Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger , Forest Grove Passenger . HtHtMlJ AM) HO VI STKEiilj. 1A&- DtAULK M.illUA, fepokaxie. Portland & beattlp AiaiUvay Cq. Leavlug Portland- Inland Empire Express fi;00am - For Ciilcago. tit- Piiul. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis, iJillingB Spokane, Pascu Roosevelt, Granddalles. tiijcdale, Lyle. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. Columbia River Local 4:ut,. m North .bank Limited 7;ou p. m For CuicuKo, &t. PauL Omaha. K.n City. St- Louis, i-iilings, Spokane, Wash tucua, Kahlotus, Pasco. Rouovelt, Grand dalle., Goluendaie, Lyle. W'liit i aim on, iia- en son, Vancouver. Arnving Portland . North Bank. Limited 8:10. nu .'rum cuicag u, l Paul, Omaha, iv.uj City, St. 'Louia. Billings, Spokane, Waah tucna. Kahioiui, Pacu, Rouse volt, amnii. oaalea, Guia-nUaJe, Lle, What Salmon. bi.evnsoa, Vaucou. er. Columbia River Local 12:32 a. m Unlana Jimpire icxpress ;! p. nu ur Cluci-,o, bi. ru.ui, Omaha, Kantjaj City, St. Louis, Biiiin;s, Spokaue, W'a.h tucua, jsanloiuj, I'a&uu. Kyveii, tiranu UAiles, Goitieuuale. L1, VVl.it Sainioxu bitfvc-suti, V ancouver. Oreafc oriucruauiuwMy i,umpu. Lea. ui ; Portland lltn and iluyt ata. Onontal Liinlteu, via b.ittue JLy:oua.nu Xiie uregomau, via Norm jaanK. .11 ;ut a. uu Oriental Limited, via North iiauK. 'i :uu iU iuitjr national Limlttxl, eteuLUc, Ta.- coin auu Vaucouver, is. c 10:00 a. a. The owl, Xacoma, beattlo and Vancouver, B. C 6:00 p. nt, tihoi L ats-vprc-i-, lacoui, - atua ana - p. nu AiTiviuk Porti.ua Ulu ana Buyt Sts. Oriental imiuiu. Via -.eaiUe .oa.ia. in ueuuivu. via Norm Bank.. '.:w4.a.iu oriental umited. via North Bank. b;lai. iu. Q VJWI, LA-- . -a, -a M.- lio aua .lacuiua. . . . - -:-0a.itu Shore Line A.uU-t3, a f eatkie ana Tacuina Man - jjiiornaiiou-sl uuited, Vancouver. ... Ja,s--tvJ -- - . . . tJ.UV p. TT hue cartj. --.-v.. m -..i w Uj u ta-i-yeratution. Front and Jvtlmua bU. oouburu-Saiem and Int. Points Locals ,Bv t-oill-." i-oO, AA:0u a. d.( j:Uy w . ..... .i M VI LimiiMl t..r- , i 2 : u, .", ------ - -'-i.u Hua Saiuu -;i: A AI- J-wt-ai lur wu.ua T una int. totauons. &:10 P. M. iiUuoro-i:oreit Oruvo uuu ' lutermediate luuis ea e i-artiand 7:o-. S;.y, lu:u i ; liilw, f. M. aat- . ouiy. l uuiy. li:3u f. il. re A'ortland frtuti Salem - and Int. s:iti, AA:uO A. il. i.io. 4.uu, . :u :1V. lv:-u it. A-ucal tr-jai vv'ilson- 1A !.. Arriv KlilUOllsr" ...i in f. l. ia-cai ii-:ni Villa and lut- P"" . " at- daily ex ltuL auuday ana A. M. uaily. arrive I'ortlaud uoru 1 orest oruve and lnt Btatio" s;vO. il:. A. M.; i;Ju. i ii a ;u, :!. Xt:ii a, it- Sunuay vail t:..." f m. '".nt brunt and Jefrerson. Portland. Or. Portland Kauway. mui at x-uwer uorniianv. Ticket Office and Waltlng-Room, Vtrst and Alder and ast Water and ifeaat Morrison -treets. , CAP.S LEAVE EAST WATER AND MOKK1SON STRK-TS. OreEOn City 4:00 and :30 A. M. and every av -. aj. car. iu:4i A. 11.; ,A.:4S. i:4. .:4a. ;4i. Lazauuiu v"u a..i.. uiiitsr--o .03 45. 10:43 A. M. ; 12:4a. a:45. 4:14. 6:4j FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room Second and A M. ft:l. :50. J:2S. S:00. :35. $:1(L -57 :30, 11:10. 11:50. P M- 12:30, 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. J:lo. :B. -30. 5:10. 5:5". ;. ':40. :J6. :2a. 10:35, 11:4. rt, ih. third Monday in every month ths last car leaves at 7:03 P. li. -Daily xcpt Sunday, "i.nr s s. awusj, ""eleiuam and Inttermedlate points :S5. .7-45. :45. :5- 1:4. 11:4S A. M.: 12:45, 1 il 2:45. J:4S. 4:4a. o:4S. 6:4a. 11;J0 P. ;. ..'ieviaar anil Tiourdale 6:ij. '7:45. -a