TJ1E SUNDAY OREGCTXTAi, rutniA. i. n u V JCJirrat 22, 1908. HOMES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALt It u. build vou a weil-constructed moo em horn according to your own plaaa at a low cost, and pay for It the same rent. If ou do not own a lot. select one from the list below, which ar a. I on car lines and In rapMly Improving districts: 2 loin ,-175 eab. Gladstone ave. T ' lot . Jt-O each. Alnsworth ave I in. .50 nih. Willamette Bivd. 4 lota, ?- each. Emerson st. 3 loin. a. h. H.swell - 4 lota. ." East fill St. 3 lota. ,7i each, near Hancock .1. 3 Iota ,7.-.0 each. Woodtork Add. 3 lota. ,; each. East 3"th st. 4 lot fiono each. E. Yamhill St. 2 lot.' 12" escji. Piedmont Add. lots. ln for ail. E. "' 24 lots, for all. E. 24th at 4J lota. K-o to l0. Country Oub. ALSO I.ote la everr addition In the city, many of ahicn km gtlt-.lce Investments. THB VETERAN LAND CO.. 822 Chamber of Conuwrct. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. l-rootn cottage. Lot Sxi. TJaexcelied view. . M"tttl fnstallnvms. Vour chance la good. COM MBU TRUST 'OMPtST 714 Couch Bldg 1" Fourth Ft. MODERN bunc.low with 6 r' ' h "J hall, on lower floor; s-cond floor cn"J h. finished to m.k. 3 '' r""" water heat, hardwood h o. nTlert rllnlng-room. hall and den with "'' wall, and beamed ceilings. Pu'ch llllehca. ' with rooked food cabinet nd Beautiful ".replace, on. P"'""V. d"r linen closets, la.inrtrv trays, """'ll,.?'' mil baaetnent. 3450. -H '" "7' ,h. ;round. 50,100 Ialed In one LVe! he.t residence districts of Portland -$7nno. or will exchange for .uburban busl neaa property. If you are loo king for a .well, modern home, here It la Address owner. O 442. Oregonian. HOMK IN BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. Full two-.torv. new. mod-rn .-room residence and full lot. near carllne. Hou" bi. full cement basement, laundry trs furnace to so In. all lane r..oma. fire place, porch, bedroom, all convenience and a kltch-n to delight 'he eve of the moat exacting woman Trice fi.eiu. REALTY BROKERAGE CO.. 2ii Stark .1-. ulte 32 FIVE-ACHE TRACTS. 12 mile, from rortl.nd on new electric line to Hlllshoro. The finest 8-acre tracts on the market. Deep, black soil, fine for walnut, and fnrtt. No rock. to fruit or wa Inula will he worth ino per acre. H0 and up. 50 cl and iu p. r month. tMITH-WAOONER aV CO.. 333 chamber Commerce. $.-nnn Part ch or trade for houee and l.-t In citr. 2- acre with 40 assorted fmtt tree. ra.iberVle.. tra berried, curr.nla. ro.e norae and cow barn, buggy ahe.1. larae chickea-houae and run. 4-room houae. 2 block from car. bo fare, on coun ty road: will irtve difference In trade. KAST SIDE INVESTMENT CO.. T.bor 1I4T. 3Tlh and Hawthorne- tune FOR B-room houae In Alberta; only ;:. ca.h and 1 a month: good i-room hou.e on 4ith M.. aouth of Hawthorne, for 11300 M" caah: choice corner, in.miin on 3Tth it., all Improvomente. lTin worth t:"0. or will exchange for cottage, .plrndld lot 10x100 on Mjr Eere ..J.. I(0. J. J. McCarthy. 3. Mohawk bldg. : HOI-UAUAT'S AUPITIO.N. Extra good quarter block. and Weidler t... facing eaat and north, near all the new building., treea on the lot.; one block from Broadway carllne. to !.:ork. from -th Irvlngton line; a . price than aurroundlng property. S4loU. Phone. Eat 92. B 13..2. Ea.t 728. REAI TIFVL HOI.LADAT LOT CHEAP. Klevated aouth facing. SOxlOO. .ewer, aater In yard, cement walk, curb, paved .tree:; all aaeeameta paid: all Improve-rnent.- 3'i't the place to build your bun galow: 120n alll buy this, no lesa. HE1LMAN I-ATHROP. Over Merchanta National Bank- HEItE IS ANOTHER. Very neat bungalow atyle. attractlra and homer and on the weat .lore of Mt. Tabor: handv to car line: 2 flrcplacee, full cement basement, furnace, nice large grounds 3.V. . HE.NKLE HARRISON'. Ell (Jerllnger Bldg. UNIVERSITY PARK. Three nice lot. on Newman sr. only one block from Dawson .t.; price for quick PORTLAND TRVST COMPANY OF OREGON, p. E Cor. Third and Oak Ft. WE BUILD HOMES. Wa have flrat-claaa. modem facllltlea for building home, upon "ma within reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date method.. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 62.. Chamber of Cfmrnwe-. A TFMPTING BARGAIN. thm bf-H locallona, Wt Sid, far l,00o: ..r lon worth m Rrrt de&l more and growlns -n valtw vrv daj. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Curbtt bldff. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. $10. wo cash. I In thoU ralty will buv niodtirn apartment house, cen tral! tutuatetl. lasd for 41I5 per month; value $r.o-0; mortfeatc'l '"r JA'.00. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. Corbeit Block. i. ACRES H In brinr fruit. 5 mil- from Vancouver, on North Bank Hoal. At a barf a in. or will trade for Improve.! l'oril.,nd property. W. C. Hardin Land 'n, jm 4th st., ground floor Board of Trad b'.Us. Main WV. A IS A'RE3 of rhoh-e land, all under culti vation ; rood houM and outbuildings: rio to ,v carllne; S a. res of strawber rlen. parn, apples. chrTlea. etc.; wtU i-onslder a trade. Ohapln Herlow, 33J Chamber of Commerc. 1'ORTliAXn HEIGHTS home. IS500 and trmi, arrirt'-e. new. modern. 7 -room houw. famine carllne. In moat valuable lo cation on Hettthta. fin lawn, tlowera. etc.. everything up to date, furniture for sale If desired. S 421. Oreonian. 4niit a fln 7-room houae. all modern, flre p,ae. furnace, aafl and alec-trie, on be-iu-l iful xl corner lot. situate on Eaat Flanrtera at- Nothing; better offered f-r the (rjr. C. F. rrtuer A Co., room 14. Mulkev bid . "d and Morrison at. S000. Fine home on Maruer!t ave.. fscea eaat, kt 4,!.xl 1 . flne ahnibbery. fireplace, modern and complete In everr way, finely nnlshe-d. ontv 1500 caah required. C'ONKI.IX BROS. St? Rothchtld Bid 7rt-nrt CORNER LXVT. Central l-."t Side, splendid aurround in, atreeta improved, handy to car. in. HEXKLE HARRISON. .M 1 Oerllngcr Bldg. $7500 Half caah. or city property, balanra to aiilt. takea SI acres beat bottom land; A acrea or.-hard; ood buildlnca. stock and Implement a included- Sea owner. 1016 East Slat at. North. Take Alberta car. 7 i, ai'RKS, mile from Tnta and car. rmnd leant berry land, adjoining acres heM at per acre, onr prlca $140u. u-rm o ner. Concord bid. T(R T.B at a barcaln. on terms. fi-r-Mm i age. modern, "-nat front, near Alberta tar Fnr partifuiars addreaa N wl7. Ote onlan ROOM modem houae. cloa- in. Faat Plde. lot 74.x1t rne. $4:.4). caah. West ern Ore.n Truat Co., 14 Chamber of 4ommerce. 1 KuOM houae and lot. only $7S; 125 cash, and lrt a month without Interest, a anap. fall early. Ml Chamber of I'oramirc, S - a r on1 houae. 2 Iota, bearing fruit :reea. I'-art on time Neep. 23 N. Mora f.. Arleta, Or. Mt. S-.-ott car. 4 l; m M bunga'ow on E. Sith at., near Hawthorne. 1im $-0 cah. MARTIN J. HICT-KY. 12 THIRD 9T. CHO i"E taOTP. Inalde prices, line homes a!tv. Office ISth and Haleev ats. P honest E. SJ, C W.1 Dnlen A Herd man. WoopktO'K. full bTock. foort; ti iota Co lumbia Helghte. 40 fruit trees, -room houae, $2.VH. UX Corbett bid. JRVlNrtTOH R ARCS A IX Fine lot. ful'y improved, near iwe carllnea. N 42 Ore run lan. FoCR-ROOM rfltiac In Campbell-Piedmont dit--i.-i, 2 lota. Jinx. .h cash, balance mopt h ly. W 417. Oregonian. trtA a rnnnm. cl-ae in, Weat Side; !t; rents for 2A; a real snap. Frank I.ucaa. 21 Chamber of Commrrci. IN P. t77. Ijnt, block fenm Idd Tract. 60S Mam at-. Oregon City. . f TOR SALE-REAL ESTATE- FOB SALE-REAL ESTATg. o2Vni HiOxIOO. corner. Vet Side. 11 roora modern house, flnlahed a air 2 bath room, a Tery complete home. Good term fTJ.WVt Elegant 7-room house, with attic, finish unsurra(ed- . ,. $inftf-ft irxl00 corner, 9 -room house, beautiful viw. looKinO. fine 8-room bouse on Wil lamette Heights. $Vion Beautiful 8-room house, new and up-to-iaie. , m StK--n Full l(jt, worth 00f0; good 4-room icodem hout?e. HoMVitM'xl00 comer. T rooms. $4300 Full lot, 6-room house, furnace, ' $:.20fi Full lot, 10-room house, modern, caah. ,, J Nice modern home, in Holladay Park. If the do not ault you, we have plenty of others. ZIMMERMAN. 521 Coroett bid. $15.000 Cheapest quarter block in city; Just the place fur fiats or apart ment a. $ 3 Ron lonxlu. near 24th and Thurman. $ l.jSO lOUxlOO. 25th' near Nicolai. right near tha place where Hill s depo.t will be. $ 7n 4 lots on Peninauka. near Swift's. $ 3t0 per acre. 53 aire, near linnton road and United Ry.. only about 4 miles from center of city. t 200 per acre, 20 acres on Base Line, & miles out. also on carlme. If you want property of any kind1, see "t?HOS. M'CL'SKER. 205 Couch Bldg. STOP paying rent. We can sell you a 6-room. modem house, full cement baao ment. lot boxioo, 2 blocka from Wod stook carllne. for K30U; 200 cash, bal ance S10 monthly. J-room house, lot 50x100, 1 block from Mount Scott carllne. close In, $700; cash, balance M0 month. 3-room houae. lot 100x100. fenced, shade and fruit treea. 3 blocks from carllne, $:0; 1300 cash, balance easy. t vacant lots JixluO on Sell wood car line 13-0. C. S. ARNOLD A Co., 351 H Morrison St. 80 ACRES of the very richest level bottom land, heavily timbered, with living at ream through It. and on county road; -mlle from Poring, on O. W. P. Saw timber contracted for $1 per M. This contract will ba transferred to purchaser. Balance of timber aa cordwood will pay for clear ing land. Stump land near thla divided In 5 and 0-cre tracta selling for $11'. per acre. Mv price. iWi per acre. down, balance terms. Adresa lil Cleve land ave.. City. ttM00 The best and chtapeet nj.partment and stora site In this city; blmk from Waahlnton. nearly 2 full lota. This bar gain holds good for a few days only. After that the prlca will be $2Voo. Portland Real Estate Co.. 1 17 Abingtou bldg. C K. IeBurgh. manager. $47,rt 7 rooms, new; cement basement, floor and walks. furnace. fireplace. cement laundrv trays, gas and electricity; Holla day Park. ii7iM) 7 rooms, modern, well located; terms. You can t beui It. FRANK L.lCAf. 21 Chamber of commerce. $3000 Beautiful ft-room cottae on Em Tay lor on improved street, two blocks from the best oar serAlce in city. 43x!' lot, ce ment baeement and walk, fixtures In. houM ttnted. imnrovementa for street and sidewalk paid, sewer. BAST SIDE INVESTMENT CO.. Tabor 1147. 37th and Hawthorne ave. 3-ROOM cottage, water, baaement, full lot, near car, $76f; easy terms. 4-room cottage, nice lot. fruit trees, near car, $1000; easy urms. Corner lot. two good new, houses, on carllne, $22r-0: terms: cheap. ANKI.ES TRUST CO.. 326H Waahlngton St.. Room 41 .. (-ROOM bungalow, double floors, fine base ment, fireplace. lare lot: very tine. g;ts. and electric fixtures, rlose to car. moat excellent location; this Is something pretty, convenient, and good as money and talent can construct: S35U0; terms. Call 613 Chamber of Commerce. l BARfiAIN S270. $.VW down, balance like rent, new California bungalow, 5 rooms, paneled dining-room with bein ceiling, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dulcn kitchen, large basement, a beauty In every respect; let us show It to you. 612 Couch bldg. . WAREHOUSE APARTMENT SITE. Verv close to river, new bridge will make property double In value values in creasing bv bounds; this 'i block can be bought if taken at once at one-third price of adjacent block. Buyer only. Ad drees AD 3S.1. Oregonlan. PRICE S24.V A brand new modem home. 6 mum with bath, hot and cold plumbing, full cement baaement. electricity, walkt and curb, graded street. 2 blocks from car. 20 minutes from city center. Terms. $..tK down, balance monthly. Heilman A. L-a-throp. over Merchanta National bank. BUNGALOW, large rooms, all on one floor, fur nace, cement basement, walls tinted to suit, complete and modern in every way, improved street, sewer, lot 43x142, near Sunnvslde car. J340O; SO0 down. CONKI-IN BROS.. 302 Rothchild Bldg. $1260 New 5-room plastered cottage, bath, toilet, sine: in pantry, hot and cold water, electric wiring, good appearance, woodshed, barn, four block from 1-ente elation. Mount Scott car line. See owner. J. D. Sowerby, 350 Hawthorne ave. Phone But 15fi2. FOR SALE A fine, modern house, wltn Bleeping porch and extra finished, will be sold at a bargain thla week; easy terms; lot 50x100; location one block from Hawthorne ave.. East Side; price $4JUU. W. G. Beck. 313 Failing bldg. FINE lot 45x138. best location In city for barn nd garage, fronts on both Belmont and Morrison sts.; price 1700. term If desired. . F. J. PTEINMETZ CO-, lua Morrison St.. 2S CASH PAYMENT. 4-room cottae, 40x111 ground, a neat, new little place; monthly payment, Slu; the price is only Si 800. H ENKLK A HARRISON, ill (..erlinger Bldg. WASHING TO N T. CORNER. S16.00O Just the spot for apartments. This price will not hold long PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 8 E. Cor. Third and Oak fits. FINE BUILDING SITE One acre fronting on atreet, water on ground: for quick sale price ha been re duced to SH"V will !-Hl H acre: term. C B. LUCAS. S2a Corbett bldg. EAST SIDE property, good 7-room house, corner lot. on Improved street, close to carllne. S3M0 cah or terms owner non resident, in the city few days only. Ad dreaa T 3". Oregonian. rRETTT browo-shingled house, with beau tiful 7KX100; choicest of Irvtnr ton. below cost. Just call at 725 idl5 end learn why price is so cheap. Owner, 725 Weidlerst- IF YOU are interested in Portland Heights and are looking for a site with an unob structed view and In a good residence auction, eee us. Chapln A Herlow. -J Chamber of Commerce. CEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. glK0 Corner lot and 4-flal building on 17th at., north of Waahlngton; Income S0 per month. . W. O. Waddell. 809 Lumber Exchange. 1RVINOTON A beautiful ft-room house, full basement, furnace and fireplace, full lot verv choice. S"-00O: terms. Mossmaa Realty Co.. 4hj Commercial Club bldg. 27 V 4-ROOM bouse, all modem, near Grand aVe Holladay Addition. S10OO down. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. SOU. WILL handle full lot. swelleat part Holladav a Addition. All Improvements in. Including cement street. T 42L Orego- HOLLADAT ADDITION You won't be Sorry if ou buy this lot; all improved surrounded by elegant n-niw payment necessary. N 41 Orrgonn mull cash an. TWO lots on a comer. Portamouth ave.. near ear SI 000 cash; owner needs the money; a bargain. S 43:1. Oregonlan. S FINE LOTS for cash cheap, at Mann's station. Waverly Woodst'k oar line. L. D. Truman. Engine 4. 3T0 Fourth at., city. ONE-ACRE tract, cleared, on Thompson St.. Ft. John, for sale by owner. 264 Morrison at., room 33. airr 70th and Division, in cultivation, citv water. blocks to cars. $900 to $1200; terra? Phona Tabor or Tabor 1563. avR kat.ib Pr owner. -room modern house. HolUJ.yP.r. 6OI130 lot. -toot alley. Phone B IMS W-I1.I. buy amall arreage or bnnrt i of lot, Inrtiie city, cloee to car.. Wledrick. 110 2.1 at. LOTS on E. th .. S60; eaay term. Call 419 Falling bldg. $.T.'.vPnll lot n Kearney t near MARTIN J. Hial.BY. 132 THIRD ST. MAKE OFFTH Brand-new -Toom resi dence: tiulKa 7S Kt TamhIU -. . - - . ui'vy 7-room modern house, ncwr. n h lametie Height. ,., fi:,00 s-room modern houae. new. I"1": ton: rhol-e location. East 16ti and Tlllemook. . IB300 -rnom modem home (Idd tract) Inelde oak finish, a beauty 145(V 7-room. elegant new bungalow, lot lOOxlih). aouth sloye Mt. Tabor. 300 ,1-room. new bungalow .team Heat combination fixture.,, full lot. East Side, clone to carllne. IIMOO -room. nearly new hou.e ' ,ot , loe to carllne. Brooklyn and Eat "Sth: a big bargain to clo.o an $000 ntment. S modern w"' new. corner lot. one-year all of them: income now ?i"0 per annum. Eaat Main. Pur.ny.lae. Vu-AVT propertt. ,4000 inOxl.K..' evst front. R'n in.t north Uupont street: terms. ,5300-7 wi?lfil lot". , "-'".""oh Height. Ouitibv street. Just north "th Vfox 100 each; a big snap at , 400 lV beautiful Richmond only , h,cic to flt-iton-street carhne. von and East 4.1st ; this I. a dandy "7f youaiookLng for Investment loans, farms. Improved c.t or a cant property, i-air M V 11. P.IRRKr.U .o; McKay Bldg.. .11 at d Stark. EAST SIDE BARGAINS A new -om; up-to-date residence, .''f J ! f.'r :;-. a month, on Woodsttock- aierly "V n?w- "wm resWcnce. modern In every w.v. ?uM .Ue basemen,. lth cement floory laundry tub, and I urnaoe on cor ner liinxOHi, close to car; ,000 casn. Dai ance to suit the buyer. lot A B room residence just An'"- . r.xl:.. facing Willamette bcaHevard cIo. I rortiand boulevard, grand lew or river and city, more room. upstairs, full size basemejit. l ' ment iloor and nrst-class pluiHJnS. ,..0tw ,1hio cash, balance 1j month. Jon t "VS.' in llamette overIOok- Joining SWirt townsne; mwv. y, to 1W O lots on U a . Vnlyerrtty. Park Station good buln. 1 nivernnty hark oiaii"". m ."" property. ,1200. terms. We have Impro i l,.in,nrnv.i nronertv all over ved the! l'enlnsula. ( all at once, office WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE CO.. Willamette Station. St. John car. Woodlawn lti."iK. EVERY ONE A SNAP. ,10.". per lot. on easy tei ms. for lota adjoining North ML Tabor and Jonrta more; worth double the price. S7.W n lot worth ,10O) -nd a -room cottage. Insured for wee. Kide: beautilul view; sacrifice sine. er.'on for a nice lot between I nlon and Urand avenues and modern S-roo m. house; easy tei ms. . ,4L'i for a nice lot nesr Wrashingtctl at.. In the swell neighborhood. K. FUl'HS, -1 Morriwn St. RY TUB OWNER. New ft-room house, restricted district., best-built and mitt up-to-date home In Piedmont: entirely moiiern: large op n Torch; selected Interior finish: bane trei p. full lot. i.vfoot alley. 1 did not build tl lis home to aell. but am forced to sacrifli r; mine and ace It; !." feet from car; ,44' Kl, part cash. 1170 Commercial t. 15 ACRES, on Oregon Electee, betwern Metzger and TiKardville. s minutes' wulk to station, price 'j:l. per acre: 20 acre adjoining above for ,1s.-, per acre, or walll sell 10 acres at the .-ame price. 74'4 acres on Hlllsboro electric lmer, prlia, ,100 per acre. LEONARD FRO?. 3X4 Chamber of Commerce. AN HONEST IH'Y Good aa new, B-rot.m modern house, cor. Maeely and Cleveland ave., near new High School and Jlil'h lend School, ono Mock Williams, ave. oar. Thin is In' the diatrlct of good advance ment: ,:1omi. ,17ls down: Al for invest ment or home. B. S. Cook i Co.. 503 Corbett blog. ROSE CITY PARK RARGAINS. One lot, 1 H blocks from car line. ,100 less than adjoining property; easy terms Three lots near the Alameda for P-'W-THESE LOTS COST SIHOn. BUT THE OWNER Ml'ST HAVE MONEY. CHAl'IN & HERLOW. 3.12 Chamber of Commerce. ,2100 fl-room house, full lot, south front. Brooklvn St.. near E. 2.".th. 2 block, to a carlines, am foroed to .e.11 at otwe. down baiaiwe temu to suit the purchaser. Addreaa OWNER. AD "SO, Oregonlan 4 2-3 ACRES. 200 buvs a choice 4 2-3-acre tract -wltn B-room cottage, good .oil. all in cultiva tion, on electric line, 7 mller from Port land; easy terms. JORDAN 4 OARBADE, 232 Washington .t. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. 8-room houKe on Improved screeta. best of neigh horhocd, cement steps and walks, for ,3000 and worth It; can make terms. HENKLE & HAF.RISON, oil Gerlincer Bldg. NOTHING BETTER. Pine lot on East 44th it bet. Hancock and Broadway, for ,000. Including Im provements. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGOV. S E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. MODERN HOMB. S rooms and den: interior finish of se lected material: line lawn, excellent loca tion; a rare bargain If sold soon; can he had at J37O0; terms. C. B. LUCAS. 322 Cornefct bldg. 8 ACRES of choice ground at the junctlom of two well traveled avenues; all In high state of cultivation; choice orchard: large modern 8-room house: near good oar II n,; ,5500. Full particular, given at 410 Fall ing building. MT TABOR. Nob Hill, we have ttvo choice view lots right close to car on prettyman ave these lots will Increase 23 per cent before Spring, a. streets are being pavea; for quick sale ,1150 and ,1050. B. S. Cook & Co.. .10.1 Corbett Mdg. ArtE YOU looking for a good aubdtvlslon. one that will muke you money? Then see us about the 20 acre, on a So carllne; alo 15 acres in one of the best aectlons; prices are rinht. terms are easy. Chapln AY Herlow. 3:t2 Chamber of Commeroe. 1RVINOTON IOT CHEAP. r..-,0 will handle, balance 6 per cent 5 vear mortgage, close In, fine loca tty. east face, right elevation: Just the right sixe and place for bungalow; price 7lJOO. Both phonea 3126. 40 ACRS. IV mllea we.t of Dayton. Wash. Good houseT barn, orchard, alfalfa ana running water: best of fruit and sard land- to trade for residence property In Portland. 214 Front st. T-ROOM house, built la.t year, full base ment, full lot. gas and electricity, on East .13 St.. 1 . block, from car. ,3..lO Moss man Rea'lty Co., 40S Commercial Club bldg. Slioo CASH buvs 3-room nous, carpen ter's shop. ROxlOO lot. fine yawu. rosea, cltv water. In good condition 4 'd t.. Hawthorne. Apply J3j Eaat sod tich TWO-STORY -room Queen Anne cot tage every convenience. Including heater, fireplaces, etc.. never been occupied: owner will "HI on terms. X350 cash, balance moaithly. THB SPANTON CO., 270 Stark at. RISLEY TRACT. OREGON CITY CARLINB . to 5 acres, all In cultivation, best of land. C. W. Rlsley. owner; P. O.. Mil waiikl. Phone Oak Grove, red II. , -,0 New 7-room house. Just completed. Fast Side, near Hawthorn, car: 5O0 cash balance ,23 per month. AD 362. Orego nian. , BOxlOO Less than 1 block from carllne. In choice location, in Vernon: must b sold Quit-klr; need the money: all cash or part on time. F 42-V Oregonian. MOST convenient 6-room cottage, lo 52x JO0 In Waverlelgh Heights, 1 block from carllne; make m an orfer. 3 E. Kelly St.. near 20th. W.-W. car. T ROOM hunpalow. new. modern, furnace, electricity, a. Bast Everett st, 2 btocka to or. ). . J. K. STirc, I" 4-room cloth and papered house on 3th st. near Hawthorne ave.. uo. t.O cash. MARTIN J- Hl.-.LEY. 132 THIRD ST. IRV1NGTON 75x100 feet In center of district- beautiful homes on all sides; bargain' V 410. Oregonian, a room plastered house, basement and washtubs: 40x100 lot; ,700 If taken thla week. 15T N. Taylor St.. Lagremowi BY OWNER 30x1OO lot in choice residence ectlon. East Washington St. near 37th; cash or terms. A 444. Oregonian. FOR si,E bv owner, o-room house, mod em, fixture, and shades. 1135 Rodney ave.. or Woodlawn i-:ii py, Qi.r3 2 7-room Mings tow. all mod ern, cheap.' Phone owner. Sellwood S3. 3-ROOM cottage, modern. Grand ave. near P OR S..E RKAIv ESTATE. BUNOAJXIWS. $20 down and easy monthly paymenta buys a. new. modem S-room. close in, two blocks from carllne. price ,2000. ,:i,0 .w, S.'room". modern in every w-a-; lot SexlOO, 200 from carllne. small pa.n?nt down, balance easy monthly. $04410 N S-room. modern house: near E. 33th and Hawthorne; thl. Is a fine hoi nee also tas been tinted and has gas ami electric light fixtures In. This can be bought on easy term.. . $200 N.w, B-room, modern, in fine location, near E. 40th and Salmon; terms are- right,- Se20'-Nw. modern In every way. B room. a.ory and half; hall, large, well lighted living-room, dining-room and kitjrhen down stairs; 2 fine bedrooms and bain upstairs; near E. 34th and Haw thorne'; a small payment down, balance montb'ly; easy. 2 27 50 New. 5-room. modern In every way. near E. ,39th and Hawthorne, on very asy terms. $1 150 New. B-room. modern, and up-to-dau... near E. 38th, and Hawthorne, on eas y terms. " PACIFIC . BROKERAGE CO.. BOJ. Board of Trade. M 1. CHEAP BUYS IN LOTS. ALL SACRIFICE PRICES. ROxloo lot on Multnomah St.. ,1200. 40x100 lot. East 12th, close Broadway, ,1300. Union ava. corner, facing south and west. 50x100. In business section. 2.'.00. 50x100 on Union ave., ,1800: Union 1. the coming East Side street. 5Ox!O0. corner Magnolia and East i th Xorth. ,4.".n. very nne building lot. 50x100. Ellis ave.. Improvements. ,350. less than 20 minutes' streetcar ride. Northeast corner East Salmon and Eaat ISth. ,1SOO. 50x100. corner East 32d and East Mam. all Improvements, very cheap at ,1250. These prices are way below market valuation; Investigate, at once. HEILMAN UTHROP. Over Merchants National Bank. AN UNUSUAL, PROPOSITION. "We have for ssle 200 acres of the bast land adjoining Eugene. It lays fine, haa two sets of btilldings. water Is piped to all parts of thw farm for the buildings and for watering Mock; the place Is all fenced and crosa-feiced: the property on three aMe. has1 oeen platted. THIS PUOPERTY IS IDEAL FOR 10 ACRE OBTHARDS. CHAPIN HERT.OW. 1 32 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES 10 ACRES. 10 acres on Council Crest can be bought for ,2O0 an acre less than adjoining proa- e"ypORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S E Cor. Third and Qafc Sta. ,18.000 INVESTMENT. 30 acres, all In high state of cultiva tion, fine shade trees, fruit, large bsrn, running water, a modern 15-room house, furnace, open fireplaces, electric light and gas: a magnificent suburban home; close to Portland, on steam and electric line, verv desirable for platting: one of the finest places In the slate. See A. H. BIRREI.L. 202 McKay bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark. WASCO STREET. Best Home Buy . In HOLLADAY PARK. Price low: terms easy. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 714 Couch Bldg. 109 Fourth St. 7EW- modern 4-room bungalow '"rnU!,!ed'K. block from car. Price ,2000. ,1100 caah. bal ance like rent. , . , Have some snaps In roomlng-houaes, bet ter look these up. - . Choice acreage to exchange for city prop erty. See VB about those Seattle lots. BARTLETT REALTY CO 612 Commercial bldg.. 2d and Wash sts. Main 6113. A 5258. RIVER FRONT ACREAGE. 34 acres, all choice, on Willamette, few block, from electric car. 2a acres bottom land, small price, easy terms, with small payment down HENKLE HARRISON, 511 Gerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. ,1U00 5-room cottage, lot 100x100, on East Yamhill at.; 12 fruit trees, 50 rosebushes. ,17O0 6-room house, lot 50x100. on East Tamhlll st. jo..m ,2000 Neat 5-room cottage, lot 49xloo. near Eaat S4th and Hawthorne. 134 chamber of Commerce. A BRICK building. xSO Part of this two storiea. Entire building leased for 3 yeara to good tenant. Located in one of the best town, in Washington. Price. J5000. Will give terms or will " for acreage near Portland. Address 1061 Cleveland ave- City. GOOD TIP Buy In St. John, one-half acre well Improved In center of city; one block from carllne; only ,2000; consider thla. W. C. Harding Land to.. SO 4th et. ground floor. Board of Trade bldg.; Main 5465. A 3229. FINE IRVINGTON LOT. On East 23d, near Tillamook, best lo cality. 50x100. water and sewer In yard: one of the prettiest Iota left; want to use the money in business. Call room 3. over Merchants National Bank. STOP INVESTIGATE Irvlngton ' home, new all modern conveniences, location and surroundings O. K.; must sell. before December: price reasonable; easy terms. R 426. Oregonian. WEST SIDE. Choice comer. 110x100. high, sightly, close in. ,12.500. Very fine for apart ment, or reaidence. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. MODERK 12-room house. 2 bathrooms, hot water and fireplace heat, quarter block, beautifully Improved, short distance from Steel "bridge; ,11,000: terms. Mossman Realty Co.. 40R Commercial Club bldg. NEAR Broadway oar. new artistic bungalow. J3500- has 5 rooms, bath, pantry (chance for 2' rooms above), cement basement, walk arid curb, fireplace; corner. 50x100, aouth facing. Call room S. 245 u, Washington st. HOUSES for sale In all pares of the city; acreage close in and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44S6. Kinney at stampner, A SPLENDID flat on 221 and Johnson ts. ; good Income, alway. rented: will sell at a bargain this week only. Chapln & Her low, 832 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner, email modern houje, cement walks, full basement, bl-ck from carllne: price ,1450. ,.W0 down, bal ance) easy terms. AC 346. Oregonian. NICE lot. 50x100, on carllne. In good loca tion In Montavllla; price 1350. JORDAN A GARBADE, 232 Washington st. IF you want Peninsular real estate call Wil lamette Real Estate Co.. Willamette Sta tion. St John car. Phone Woodlawn 1658. 4 BLOCK on ridge, finest In Woodstock, beautiful view: ,1250 if taken aoon Hewltt, 616 Commercial block. AM forced to sell beautiful bungalow In Hol laday Addition, on E. 10th st. ; lot 50x100; J4250- easy terms. Call 410 Falling bldg. H BI.OCK- 6-room house, frutt trees, on ridge In Woodstock. 2 blocks from car. ,100 Hewitt. Commercial blk. TWO lots, new 3-room house, city water, with or without furniture. M 433. Orego- niap. FOR SALrl S-room. modern house. $3500; $300 down, $25 per month; by owner, ,77 J2. th N. ,4730 10-room house. Flanders St.. near "1st- lot 28x100: worth X05OO. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 THIRD ST. 4--ROOM house and large lot overlooking the river. $1400 with $400 cash buys this home. Call 410 Failing blxla. ACRE, close to car. only $526; $75 caah and $10 a month. This Is a bargain. Call 513 Chamber of Commerce. gVAP New S-room house, bath, Enet Side, near school and car; ,2500, ,10u0 down. Room T. 181 ti 1st at. IF you have only a little money and want a house on easy terms, let me help you secure It. Thoa. McCusker, 20B Couch bldg. HAVE cast customer for cottage convenient to Union or WlUlama-ar,. cars. Wledrick, 110 2d. XS250 FINE! residence, near Portland Acad emy, walking distance, fine view. Seng stake Lyman. 90 Fifth at. CORNER 50x105, 1 block from Union ave., S-room houae, $2000. 410 Falling bldg. MUST sell 5 acres improved. Call Wagoner. Gilbert Station. Phone Woodlawn 2t43. CLEARING lot. a specialty; good work. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. TArge grounds. . magnificent view, beau tiful 8-room house, built by owner for own home: hardwood floors. -3 fireplace., fin ished in mahogany and quarter-sawed oak: this is one of the finest homes on the Heights: sold at a bargain if taken at once. For price and excellent terms see ZIMMERMAN. 621 Corbett bldg. YAMHILLLAPPLE ANDWALXUTLAND. Beautiful rolling hilla Peep, rich soli. One-third to one-half ready to plant. Balance oak grubs. We have several thousand acres of picked land, about one-third cash down, balance easy terms; almost any sixe from a small farm to 2000 acres. 923 BOARD OF TRADE. ,400 CASH and ,20 per month buys it. 6-room bun galow, now building. See it. Rest thing for the money in town: streets graded, ce ment walks and curbs In and paid. We will build thla bungalow for you any where. See clans. BUTTER WORTH-STEPHENSON CO.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash. M. 8529. BUILDING OPPORTUNITY. Will furnish enough money to build on your vacant lot. either for home or in vestment, on easy terms. Plans and speci fications free where we oversee construc tion. Specinl offe.- made to parties owning tracts. Call 517 Lumber Exciangs bldg. Main 3917. RODNEY AVE. Good 6-room house, full-size lot, barn, on Rodney ave., near Skldmore. ,2500; ,250 down, balance easy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. MOUNT TABOR. 5-room cottage, good condition, cheaj) ,2500 Ground 73xlon feet: fruit trees, many kinds; ' fine opportunity to get a desirable home. F. S. AKIN. 623 Chamber of Commerce. ,480 TWO-STORY fl-room house, with all known improvements, in the most desirable location in Piedmont; quarter block; thi Is a great buy and can be had on terms. THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark st. ,21.000 Cor. Park and Everett, cheapest on market. Walling. 243 Stark. WANTED REAL E STATIC BARGAIN I am the owner of a large bus iness building and a 9-room house, on corner lot. R3X120; monthly rental ,150, value ,15,000; Incumbrance ,5000. due 1911; will trade my equity at ,7000 on a good citv home or a well-improved acre age or farm. This is a bargain, but I am too old to look after the building. S 379, Oregonian. WANTED Information regarding a good farm for sale; not particular about loca tion; wish to "hear from owner only, who will sell direct to buyer; give price, de scription and state when possession can be had. Address L. Derbyshire, box 1910A. Rochester. N Y. HOUSES and cottages wanted. We have several clients who want to buy homes on either side of the river from $2500 to $10,000 direct from owners only. It will pay you to s?e us at once. Catterlln & Company, suite 3, ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A email farm not over 50 acres, with fstr house and some Improvements: must be low in price, with terms; near ststton on Columbia River preferred; no objection to good locality on coast. O 444. Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 7-room bungalow, new and modern, no objection to fractional lot, if location between E. 18th and 2!th E An keny and Sullivan Gulch: give price., de scription and location: prefer to buy on Installment plan. D 442. Oregonian. A SNAP in acreage. An 80-acre tract 5 miles from Portland Postofflce; easily 'cleared; lying nice for cutting into small tracts. Price. $100 per acre. Nowlin & McGrew, room 318 Alisky bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison. 10 TO 20 acres cleared land without Im provement, within 50 miles of Portland; cash payment, balance in yearly pay ments at 7 per cent; state terms and loca tion, so I can And it, by first letter. B 43a, Oregonian. CASH for your real estate, business or other property, no matter where located. If you want to buy or sell, write us at once. Northwestern Business Agency. Minneap olis, Minn. I WANT a couple of 10-acre tracts, not too far out and cheap; also 6-room house, about ,2000; small payment down, bal ance monthly. Thos. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg. I WANT TO BUT . Lot, or 100x100, Irvlngton, Piedmont. Walnut Park; state price and location. A 441. Oregonian. WANTED For cash, 40 to 60 acres. Improved: must be an ideal farm home; don't delay. Angeles Truat Co., 32G14 Washington St., room 417. I wrTLL buy a 6-room modem bungalow or cottage in vicinity of Irvlngton. Will pay up to $6000 cash for right place; owners only. C 442. Oregonian. WILL pay cash for li or 1 acre on or near west side of county road, between Broad way and Knott st. ; no holdup. AD 377. Oregonian. IF YOU have real estate to sell and the price Is right, see me. I can find the buyer. George H. Hill. 608 Commercial blk., cor. Second and Washington. X WANT a good platting proposition at Warrenton; must have answer Monday, as I leave town in a day or two. X 410, Oregonian. WILL pay up to $5000 for a 7 or 8-room modern house, close in. on east side of river; .part cash, balance on time; no agents. C 443. Oregonian. LOT IN VERNON. Piedmont or University cheap for cash; give exact location. T 412. Oregonian. TO BUY Modern 5-room hoiSse or bunga low: elegant $430 piano 16 apply as first payment. L 434. Oregonian. WA NTED 5-room modern house. East Side, $2000 limit; $400 cash, balance $20 month ly. T 413, Oregonian. WANTED 6 or 7-room modern home In Mt. Tabor, large grounds; must be mod ern: owners only. P 410, Oregonian. COTTAGE, make payment, with 1 acre, near car: balance terms. Phone A 1215. 233 Worcester bldg. WILL exchange real estate for good, well located rooming-house. AD 375, Ore gonian. WANTED Cottage In South Portland on Installments: no agents; give particulars. S 423. Oregonian. HAVE cash customer for a few cheap lots. ,2oO to ,500. Frank Lucas. 210 Chamber of Commerce. FRACTIONAL lot. suitable for small flats, between Morrison and Montgomery, Third and Fifteenth sts. R 429. Oregonian. CASH paid for lots convenient to Alberta car. W 423. Oregonian . WILL PAY . CASH for equity In lot In Vernon. A 437, Oregonian TRADE anything you have for anything you want. 1019 Board of Trade. ACREAGE. GOODNOE HILLS Offer the best Inducement to the fruit grower. Our 10 and 20-acre tracts pro uce a world of wealth In almonds, wal nuts, apricots. Muscat and Tokay grapes . Ithout Irrigation; Ideal climate; deep volcanic ash soil: excellent water; no frosis. The garden spot of the Pacific Northwest. Small cash payment, balance 4 years. See exhibit at our office. DABNEY sr DABNEY. 412 Commercial Block. Second and Washfnston. 640 ACRES, $6 an acre. 40 miles Portland: exchange for business, rooming-house or town property. Hall. 380 Front st. HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEADS for Immediate flllnz In the wheat belt of Eastern Oregon: land Is slightly rolling: all can be farmed: good water to be had. Romig & Abbott, 13-16 Lafayette bldg. A CHOICE homestead location, fine soil, within 40 miles of Portland and 3.000.000 feet of good timber for ,400. Moulton & Scobey. 915 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE1 640 acrea at $5 an acre: also 2 good homesteads. Call today 1030 Grand ave. N. 160-ACRE relinquishment In Hood River Val ley: good apple land. Address or call 431 Larrabee St.; No sgents. FARMS WANTED. WE want to rent a good pasture at Port land or vicinity. Address AD 397. Orego- FOR SALE FARMS. CLARK COUNTY FARMS. 60 acres. 10 miles from this city.- m miles from railroad town and . mile from graded school -and church; 40 acres under fine state . of cultivation. 7 acres green timber, balance slashed, burned and seeded: fine S-room house, barn and other necessary outbuildings, family orchard of assorted fruits In full bearing, nne well. In excellent neighborhood: good teem, wagon, harness, plows, harrows, cultiva tor. 2 cows, about 100 chickens, some hogs. 20 tons of hay and all small tools: everything goes except household furni ture; price If sold at once, $4800: $2000 caah, balance can stand at 6 per cent 90 acres. 3 miles from this city, on fine road, close to school; 65 acres under fine state of cultivation. 40 acres of which is fine beavelMam land; some green timber, living stream and fine welt young or chard of assorted fruits Just coming into bearing, good 5-room plastered house, good barn and other necessary outbuild ings If you art looking for a home or an investment, do not fall to Me this place, as It will sell for 1200 an acre within the next 12 months. Price, ,11,000; terms can be arranged. 310 acres. 275 acres under fine state of cultivation; 35 acres timber and pasture land: One trcrut stream through land and pastures; fine spring at house and well and water system at barns; 6-room house, barn with room enough for 1000 cows, be sides horses; feed-cutter, cream separator and other similar machinery set up In barn and run with engine; granary and other outbuildings, family orchard of as sorted fruits In full bearing; 12 mile, from Vancouver, on fine graveled road. 1 V, miles from country town, church, school, stores, etc., and 5 miles from river and railroad town. This Is the best hay. dairy and stock ranch on the market in Clark Countv today. Owner has good rea son for selling. Do not fall to eee this before buying. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Price. ,55 per acre; cash, balance can stand 3 years. 1S6H acres. 145 acres tinder fine stale of cultivation. 40 acre, onion land. 20 acres fine green timber; place all fenced and cross-fenced : fine 10-room two-story house with hot and cold water plumbing: 1 barn 60x104. and one barn 45x00. brick dairy house, woodshed, chicken-house, granary and all other necessary outbuildings- R. F.' D. and telephone in house; T miles from Vancouver, on fine road. V mile from railroad town, stores, etc.; liv ing stream through place, well and water svstem at house and water piped to barns. Including the folloa'lng personal property: 5 cows. 4 good horses. 1 colt. 60 sheep. 2S- goats. 17 head of hogs, some chickens. 2 wagons, hack, buggy, cart, binder, mower, rake, hay tedder, manure spread er 4 plows, .cultivators, 2 fanning mills, drill, gasoline engine, equipped for saw ing, separating, pumping water, etc., sheep-shearing machine, three different kinds of harrows. 40 tons of hay. .VMl bushels of oats, potato-digger and plant er, elder mil;, feed grinder, corn heller, all small tools, etc. If you are looking for a home or an Investment, do not fall to see this place. Price. ,15.O0O; ,5000 cash, balance 6 years. 6 per cent. THOMPSON SWAN. Citizens National Bank Bldg.. Vancouver, Wash. A DAIRY FARM .JUST LISTBD. 40 acres, near Oregon City, no rock or gravel, very best of soil. 25 crea culti vated. 2 acres bearing orchard: all kinds of small fruit; 2 running springs and sev eral acres fine timber, on county road K. F D. and creamery route: good house, bara and outbuildings: new school house on ad joining farm; telephone in house; all rarm Ing Implements, such as seeder, mower. rake plows, etc.. included; some hay. a team, harness, wagon, 8 head of good cows, some chickens, etc.; land lies beautiful; one of the best buys In Clackamas County; price ,4O0O; terms. ,2500 cash, balance time. ROSE CITY REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY, Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. A BIG SNAP AT ,4200 206 acres, 6 miles from Carlton. 43 miles from Portland: 40 acres clea ed. balance handle oak timber; new hog-tight fence; thla can all be cul tivated when cleared, and Is the best opening for a good stock ranch I know of It is also No. 1 fruit and berry soli, no gravel. Will take Portland property for ,1200;- can give 4 years' time on bal ance at low Interest. This place will surely double in value in 2 years time X 407, Oregonian WORTHY OF INVESTIGATION. 140 acres of the best land In the state, about SO miles from the city an fronting on the river; this land Is covered with a heavy growth of fine timber, very little brush: It la a beautiful tract of land snd the timber will pay for the land and clear It; It Is a good investment as a holding proposition or a revenue-brlnger from the start: only ,40 per acre; good term. leo. W. Turner, 415-16 Rothchild bldg. WE GUARANTEE THIS BARGAIN AS RBPRESBNTEO. 63 U acres very best of soil, almost level, no gravel or stone. 35 acres In clover and timothv; 17 acres in good timber; small house. R. F. D. and creamery route; close to Oregon City. Price 13000; ,1000 cash, bal- ROCSEeacTTYrnR'EALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY. 815 Lumber Exchange bldg. IRVINGTON HOMES. New 8-room. 2-story house, attic, thor oughly modern, elegantly finished, "re place, furnace, corner lot 60x100, $6io0; $2500 cash. ' New 6-room, 2-story house, attic, mod ern design. cement basement. nicely finished, sleeping balcony, $Sia0; $1000 "?TT REALTY ft BUILDING CO.. 430 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak Sis. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 160 acres. 50 to 60 acres under culti vation, balance pasture. fenced, with lots of outside range; house, barn and other outbuildings; 1500 bearing fruit trees: 6 miles from Portland, on good road; ,ia per acre: terms CHITTENDEN OTTO. 20S Stark St.. room 17. . 80 ACRES of rich land for sale. - or will exchange for Portland City property. The land Is situated at the head of the Irri gation Ditch of the Pasco Power Water Company, whose plant is at present In op eration. If interested, write or call on th. undersigned . for full details and descrip tion. F. A. Jones, cor. Front and Oak 111, city. POSITIVELY a bargain; best reasons for selling' 40-acre ranch. Yamhill County; team. cows, wagons, buggy, various farm ing Implements, hay, grain, pigs, chick ens: onlv ,1450; 1- acre river bottom, lnts; ,S50. 4(4-acre chicken ranch new buildings, on carllne. a dandy. ,10o0. H. & M. Realty Co.. 380 Eaat Washington St. East 111.1. B 1437. PARALYZED I am so afflicted that my 'home must be sold; 350 acres best land In Yamhill County. ' .TOO under plow, fair buildings and good fences, half mil; to railroad town, school and church, ,oj ner acre easv terms. See my agent, JOHN B. EASTER. 402 Gerllnger Bldg., At Once. . 160 ACRES. Stock and fruit ranch, in Multnomah Co 26 miles east of Portland, fine soil, good house bam. etc.: horses, cows, wagons, all the stock and complete farming Implements, including cream separator; on good road: cream route: mall delivery; - you get It all for ,41 per acre; part cash. J. R. STIPE. 720 Chamber Commerce. 450 ACRES 330 under high state of culti vation; ideal fruit or English walnut land: lines fine to subdivide; H mile from railroad station, In Benton County: fine house and bam; water piped to house and barn; price only ,40 per acre; ,6OO0 casn. long ttme on balance. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbert bldg. 15 ACRES. H mile south of Besverton. 14 acres In high state of cultivation; 3 acres bearing apple trees, good varieties: 1 W story frame house; large ham: deep black soli Price ,3000. cash ,3000. balance 3 years. 6 per cent. Romig & Abbott, 15 16 Lafayette bldg. THE finest 200-acre farm near Forest Grove; 120 acres In walnuts: 1 mile to railway station; will earn ou ,3000 per year In onions, grain and dairying; house, barri. stream, living spring. Call at 228 Stark st and learn how ,2975 gets this. 15 ACRES fine fruit land, good as Medford or Hood River cleared and now In wheat; spring water; ,l.r00: ,600 cash, balance any terms. Address H. Graham. Oak land. Or. Owner. FIFTEEN acres adjoining city limits. In corner of main roads; lies beautiful; nine acres In strawberries; sell on easy terms on account of age. 904 MolaMa ave.. Ore gon City. Or. ; IF YOU want to buy a nice home In the country for a little money write to Forest Grove Real Estate Co.. Forest Grove, Or., for list; land very productive. COMPELLED to .ell 10 or 20 acre, of fruit land 3 mile, from Oregon City at ,1 5 acre, part cash, or will trade for house and lot. 411' Couch bldg. WHITE SALMON FRUIT LAND The best o' soil, with pure spring water, 20-acra tracts. Romig & Abbott. 15-16 Lafayette bldg. ' ' S40 ACRES; $S an acre: 40 mile. Portland; exchange for business, rooming-house or town property. Hall. 380 Front at . F L. KOBERSTEIN, Real Estate. Gaston, Waahlngton Countv. . Oregon. FOR SALE FARMS. BARGAIN SO acres 17 mllea from Port land 45 acrea under cultivation: 40 area . bottom land: all necessary buildings; good spring and creek through the place; ,4.y. $3500 cash. - 100 acres near Waidport: 30 acres good bottom land; good orchard, old buildings.-, would be fine stock ranch: plenty of walet, . unlimited outrange; snap at ,10 -per aci-e IflO acres on Columbia- River: mi acres in cultivation: 4 mile to Portland; goort buildings: 18 head cattle. 2 horses and harness. 20 hogs. 30 chickens, 24 ducks., steel range. 30 tons ot hay. cultivator... harrows, mowers, plows, wagon, cream, separator, cider mill, w ashing machine. Everything goes with the place. Price, - IS-.011; $4000 cash will handle: might take, some city property. . 60 acres 3 miles from Oregon City. M , fenced; 6 acres under cultivation: fl-room , house, log barn, creek, well; close to school, on countv road: $2500; terms. 6 acres In high state of cultivation; house and barn; right In city; only ,.';,: cash. 320 acrea best buy in Oregon: 150 acres good bottom land. lf0 acrea In cultivation; all slopes gently toward good -stream, which runs through the placet 3 good barns, old house, good wells and springs; all fenced and cross-fenced; 20 head cowa and young heifers. 1:15 head Angora goau; 2 miles from railroad: good roads;- osUy $40 per acre; good terma , CITY REALTY & BUILDINO Off. ' " 430 Worcester biag.. 1 hiru and Oak sta. A FEW SNAPS. 930 acres In Benton County. $20. bot tom land, fenced and cross-fenced. -00 cultivation, 2f0 pasture, balance limber,1 3 houses, 4 barns, good outside range, running water. $6000 down, balance 6 per .cent: can be made three good farms. 3(1 83 v acrea In Clackamas County, fi miles to R. R-. 1 mile to school and store, .run- nlng .water, black soil. 40 under, plow. bal-Tj.. ance timber, good hop land, lots of good - buildings, family orchard, berries, $5000, cash, balance 5 per cent. 13 acres 5 miles from Vancouver, all In prunes, apples and cherries; will net $2000 next year; price $3500; will take some trade. ' " 23 "" 42 acres on Base Line road., level, good. soli, creek, windmill, water in house and barn, bearing orchard. $9000. 6 per cent, very little cash needed: investigate. 26 .6 acres In Yamjhill County, all fenced. A-l soil. 45 under plow, 35 pasture, good buildings, spring water, $1850; $1000 down. balance 6 per cent. 23 STOCK. DAIRY. FRUIT . 1 And grain farms in ail the best coun ties In Oregon. Call or write 7 ANGELES TRUST CO.; 328 Washington St.. Room 417, ".. SALE OR EXCHANGE. ' . Two Swell Exchanges. 1475 acres, fine fruit and stock land. 10 miles from Roseburg. Or.. 100 acrea in crops: 8-room house, barn 4i'x8u, i other buildings; price. ,12 per acre, or will exchange for good city property. 160 acres. 120 under cultivation. VI . acres in crops, fine land, plenty water, 7 n.'om house, barn, other buildings; 5 , t miles to RR. station; near Dayton. Or.; price, ,3200: will exchange for city prop- t (y erty or livestock. Remember we have what yoj want, and can sell or exchange your properties Two Swell Buys. Two 20-acre tracts, all line land, small brush, easily cleared, is mile' to R. R. -station, 14 miles west of Portland, on county road; ,100 per acre; good terms.. . PINE TREE LAND CO.. 5O9-10 Buchanan Bldg.. 2864 Wash- St. , FINE 60-acre tract 10 In cultivation, aome ; fruit, good soil, 5-room house, barn, good spring, some good timber: this will make fine fruit ranch and handy to market; only ,1500; ,250 cash, $500 on or before 5 years, balance on or before TO years, 4 per cent: will take" some trade. 20 acres fine . land near Eagle Creuk. some cleared, running water, on good road, school, church and store near by; only ,100 per acre; ,250 cash, balance ,200 per year. Fine 10-acre tract near carllne station, only 11 miles from Portland; ,250 per acre. 40 acres. 11 'miles from Portland, some good timber, on carllne; only ,110 per acre. ' r CHARLESON V CO.. 411 Commercial Bldg. Phone Main 8H05. WILL EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROP ERTY. 296 acres near North Yamhill: liin acres In cultivation, and mostly in crops; best of soil; ever running water from creek: some beaverdam land: plenty wood, some fine saw timber; good 7-room house, barn, granary, chicken-house, goat-shed. etc. 5 head cat tle. 3 good horses. 3 colts, some hogs. 71 head goats, loo chickens, all implements, such as wagon harness, diso harrow, sul ky plow, straw cutter, mower, rake. etc. : an Ideal walnut, stock or dairy farm: price ,10.000; will consider two good houses" and lots. ROSE CITY REALTY 1NV. CO.. Lumber Exchange, cor. 2d and Stark. FARMS IN WESTERN OREGON. OUR SECOND EXCURSION. Left Saturday with 80 actual settlers to our ' land to take advantake of the last, but the best and the cheapest farm land prop osition on the fertile soil of Oregon In tracts of 40 to 160 acres, only 75 miles from Portland. Price. ,12 per acre, one-third cash, balance five annual payments. Thls prlce rood until the 13th of December after. ,15 per acre. w EXCURSION EVERY SATURDAY. THB MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY, INC., 626-627-628 Corbett bldg. BARGAIN. 145-acre farm adjoining R. R. town. . Rich soil. Large house and barn, family orchard. Good for dairy. H mile to creamerv; 15 miles from Portland; ,40 per acre; k cash, balance to suit. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bldg.. 109 Fourth St 80 ACRES. 3 miles from R R.. well watered with springs, large orchard, 8-room house, two -years old: good barn and outbuild ings No better land for general farming or fruit and walnuts; will seil with stock and implements or without. If tills dnnt..., suit we have others. Western Land Co., 417 Board ot Trade bldg. FARMERS AND HOlffiSEEK ATIIS. If you are looking for a choice farm of any size or kind, investigate our large- . list of excellent bargains in fruit slock. . dairy and general farms throughout tne slate; ,10 a day and all expenses paid If not found as represented. F. FUCHS, 221 hi Morrison St FOR COLONIZATION. Grand opportunity to acquire tract of . ' 13O0 acres or more In Western Oregon, -close to railroad, at your own terms. Price -' ,10 per acre for land that will retail from ,30 to ,50 per acre. For particulars see ; Goldsrhmidt's Agency, 25.1', Washington, cor. 3d. J DAIRY ranch, 40 minutes,' ride Trcin' Port- land on Columbia River. 300 acres. ,33--per acre; 123 acres meadow, balance up land; fine orchard, spring water, railroad. stops on place, easy terms.. ,2600 cash. - -balance 4 -years-6 per-cent. Owner, AC ' 344. Oregonian. . 1 ;) f FRUIT FARM. 14 acres. 5 miles east of Vancouver. 14' miles from Columbia River; all In fruit : apples, pears, cherries and prunes; trees in fine condition and the-best soli; price . $3250; terms. JORDAN & GARBADE, 232 Washington at. 455-ACRE stock rAnch In. Benten County: over 350 acre, in high atate of cultivation: handy to railroad station: buildings are first-class; telephone In house; price ,40 per acre; ,6000 cash, long time on balance. M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. GOVERNMENT farms free r Our 112-psce book "Vacant Government Land." de scribes every acre in every county III 1'. S. How secured free. 19O0 diagrams and tables. All about free Irrigated farms. Price 25e. postpaid. Webb Pub. Co.f St Paul, Minn. - ' , " j 200 ACRES All under cultivation: 1O0 . acres bottom land; 7-room house. :t years old. cost over ,2000 to build: good barn, terming machinery, telephone In house; ' -close to railroad station; S miles from Corvallis. Price. ,55 per acre,, M. E. r Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. . 67-ACRE FINE FARM AT A SACRIFICE. Owner moving East;- b miles from Salem; 30 head stock, mostly Jersey cows: T.O tons hav. 50 cords wood, farm imple ments, separstor and other dairy supplies: family orchard; some beaverdam; $75lo; easy "terms. 12a Ablngton - bldg. - ACREAGE 1 acre, improved. East 3Sth St., close to carllne. only $1750. "' " 160 acres, near Scapnoose and . N. P.. R R., only $16.a; 2200 cords of wood. .- FRED C. KING, BOS Commercial block. 2d and Wash. St. FOR SALE 36 acres on the Clackamas River. 4 miles from Oregon City. 2 miles from carllne and 12 miles from Portland- .J) acres clear. Also 23 acres adjoialsg Ihe .IB acres with fine buildings. Address. Mary Erlckson. Oregon City, Or. R. F. D. R. 2, Box 5. FOR SALE A bargain at ,3500; 10 acres on Salem Electric. V mile- from station, good 7-room house, brick mllkhouee. chtcken-houses. smokehouse, barn, good well, large family orchard, good soil, all under cultlvallon. 903 Mississippi ave. 160 ACRES .tump land: 5 acres; 600 acre, near Portland. $14 . per acre: good soil, creek on place. $13 acre 160 on Columbia, good apple land. $-0 per acre. Hoban, Allsky bldg. ,5000 AND services will secure Interest In . Targe platting proposition; party w I th ex perience preferred. Address J 438, Ore-, gonlan. .