I I j r. ,,-, .r:- TOB BUB - I I " I I 1 len irREP. 40 in cultivation." n avTres 7-room h.us. fin "ream, good head cattle. 10 goats, hay. ,,c-: eo"1" rU" Krth YamhllL A -map at T i'r-. tin. fruit Una near Yosoal la: good buildings, fruit hriss. ete W ould irhsn for property on Mt. Sctt cr Itn. and som cash. A, good buy tor ,47o Mrs. In Polk county. P""1',; f.nol sad oro. fen.ed; b"u,J JJ of goals. 1 head cattle, hay. ': '" - b.,IMlna Prlc UJ.nw Tak oma city property and g.v Ions Urn .on baianca. 4ii s.-res fWw to Portland: 1 P tr-ra. a cr in cultlvatl..: good bulld . Inxs. Thia la a moneymaker. Only IsOoo, . ""crrVltB A I.TY BLn.DIN9o. 30 wewlr Bldg. - d and Oak Bta. " I EXCHANUF) BARGAIN. Ha hae 11 modern city properties valued $j- 4o 14.jO to exrhans. for "well lm-r-ved term In count!- adjoining Mult muA or in tha w ll.intle Valley. ALSO Snhurbaji' Unproved property to excnang - variously, v. . ' - alo A Am modern b 12-room restnene m (Ins nelxhr-rhood tn Kuw City. Mo., valued at Ii4.w to exchange lor Portland Improved property. ALS" Improved and unimproved prr.perty In sttt-s of Washington and California lor Portland pro;- r.y THE VETERAN LAND CO, 822 Chamber of commerce. '4n-A-Ttp; Clark County farm, well Im proved, with stork Implements, ate. Ji mile from R R town; will richtnl. for . hotel or good business. 727 acre wheat and stork farm In Mor row County, well Improved, to trade for grocery, hardware or hotel business. A 8-story business building and ft -room tonus oa same around to exchang for fsrm or good home In Portland. This proparty la o-atd In this city and brings ' In ood monthly rent; equity ISooo. For trades, smsll or large, call on u Our list la too large to advertlae. COABT CuMMEKl'IAL CO. 604 iMkum Bids. A GOOD stock - of general merchandise. Pualneaa A few mllea from Portland; nna location. good buslnesa with postnfflo. " eic ; stock will tnvolo about $2."ki; build Inns for rant or sal to suit: good terms, or will trade for land east of tha moun tains by taking buildings and all. Coaat " Commercial Co., 6V4 Dekum bldg. TO EXCHANGE "(-room housa on 3"i-scr family orchard, bit barn; rear state bulld ln. S.iera: will trada equity for Portlsnd proptrty or cattle and horse. CoWcJunldt'a Aaency, Vaohlnton SXl'HASGB Timber claim to Eastern Ore. aon. contalmnf li nilillon ft- yeilow pins, fur houae and lot or lot only, ccord fr t location, in Porliaad Add. 1 ail. (refonuui. ' TO rXCHA.NGB Swell bom In Forent Oror tor all or rartlr Improved farm, not blkhsr than I" Ba Ooldachmldt A fancy. 263 IVashlDltton St. JTlW. tnuie wall paper. . ate. for land or timber. What bar you to icluuigeT f 317, Oronlan. , inn ACRES timber. ' RjOOO.000 foet. for enulty la house and lot or mortgage nota. . Bocboss" room a. 21 Morrison. . TB PEACTIKll. lots, aalect; Ink bom or farm to H000. Owner. K 16. Oregonl.n. INDIAN motorcycla for sal or (rada. An geles. 112 Stta and ilalo. AI'inMOBILE to exchange for real estat within city llmlta O aid. Oregonlan. WANTED TO B EXT r ARM 9. WA.VTKP--Jparm land on water navlgabla by -mall launch: unimproved preferred. Address 26H KrKO St. TaPANKSK wants to - rem small farm within 10 miles of Portland. Address O 8H. Oregonlan. ' WANTED TO RENT Farm 6 or 10 acres, on 5c car 'line. H 313. Oreaonlan. FOB SALE. Uoraea, Vehicle and Harness. 'WILL SAORIFICK our family driving rig, ..... u old. welicht 1030 Iub , guaranteed gentl for any timid lady or .hlhlren to rids or drive; brand new top buggy and new names; win noi een uu- leiui we ar assured horse has good horn; 4120. Mra Summers, A 13 J- FOR SALE New light two-horsa exprees wagon with canvaa top vr seat; ca pacity 1000 pounds; also new doubl bar ren and rob, all In good condition; prlc 1I0O Inqulr at room 200 Oregonla bldg. or of A. p. Langenberg. clackamaa. or. FOR HALK 1 heavy draft teem. 1 SV, wagon and hma. 1 1'W tesm. 1 g"d . sad.lla horse. 1 looo-lb. horse. I IkKi-lb. horse. 3 set of single buggy harness. 1 set of light douh;a harness. 1 new Mock !dl 2 bug.lee. Nobby Stable. North - ISth t., cor. Flanders. 109 BIT! bsy mar. T year old. we'.gns llrtO. sound, works single or double: bay 4-vear-old horse. 1 bunds burn, weighs l!!tn slred'by Array.. 2.13. city broke; t standard-bred tlllie by Commonwealth, I 1.1. broke to city; bargain. 2Sel Mont gomery St. "KT b sold at one at a great bargain (leaving city), two 3-wprtng peddling wag ons, nearly new road cart, 3 sets of har ne On 6-year-oid pony and on 1060-lb. mare. 83H Baat SSto t- W.-W. car to Gladaton Bva. IT TOU really want to ell your property and your prlc la right, list with us: w hav buyer for all classes of proparty. DEVLIN FIHEUAUGH. IW- Swatland bldg.. cor. 0th and Wash. JVT arrived, a lev carload of horses from CCndoo, Or.; w bar a numhr lluo Iba. 4 vears oij.. Any on In nved of a horse houM com and look over our bunch be for buying. 2t 17tb at. X. FOR RENT to responsible- party, a good bor for buggy or light aork. part of time or law hours dally. F 816. Or gonlan. ' FOR RALjr On good driver, city brok and gentle: standard bred. Kabcc.k bugKy aa harneM. Nobby stable. North 12th it, cor. Klaadara, WTC TC will pay cash for good young ho re re. veaicla ana oi - Front St. cor. Montgomvry. Poon. slain 20 i GOOD sound ranch team. and 7, weight 5r..l0 pouuda, wsgon and barnesa Will . lik. cows or light ouint. M 31. Orego nlan. J FINH thorotsghbred. I standard bred drlvra: young, sound and fin travelers; s.so 2 rubber-Ur buggies and 3 set str.g.c - - harness. Phoa Tabor Kla. HIPKRT A HALL, moved to S?0 Kront t. cor.- Montgomery. Main -Horses ard vohlclca bought, sold, horsss. rigs for rent. . 4.t PL'ys big sorrel work horse, hav no use for him: guaranteed good, tru pullar. I'alac SiabWa. 3th and -Montgomery. HORSK. light aagoa and harnees: a bar- gan If taaea at one. For particulars, A tvrtd. ONE PPAN" mare, weight 3noo pounds, or would hira Uiem out- - lnulra 1110 K. Palmon- FOR SALE lo good horsea weighing from l'.'OO to 140 pounds. Phon Uresnam ROAN mare, top bu:r.e rig. harness; must sell. 375; come. sea. Zl4 Montgomery street. WANT to rent fl-wt-clasa. low style rur.aSmt and g x1 harness, lor hors show. B 3:1, tirvgor.lan. A CRAI driving mar, good trawler and gentle, at a bargain. Ph Tabor H.Vi. FR PALE A head bmk horves. w.lght li-i to 14C. lar Stab.e. 310 t"ront St. HORSE FOR SALE Will rh! or drlv. we;ght about le.k ffa East G'.lsaa at. TO EXCHANGE A good old hor. worth ISO, tor -a nrsl-cias cww. -riom mv. TEAM rentl. black mar, ponies, ham ass and buggy. J1M. H. Fry. Ha-erton. Or. BORSra. acsrra. rUl asi harass of all kinds fvr sal. Iv Montgomery. FOR PAI.E Nerly new grocery delivery a agon, cheap. Phon Sellwood 1143. FOR SALE Tearg team draft borsaa. Ap ply A Davis st. FOR eAUV-l horses. and lS: good for rtdliuf or driving. t oon t iimsa JX'R 6ALG Handvom mar and runabout. Phon. laoor oia. WORX kors for sal. 13tb and JcSaraon sts. Livery barn. gnesMMka . - iooO T-pasengar 40-h. n. Roysl Tourist with top. lairp. etc. ti fn. order. W. O. siaruxtaa Cos, 4 So. si. I Automobile. NOT l the Mm to buy second-hand ears; w nav in oeex wrMi in ' - - -day m-e-paswnger Whit Steamer touting car !n nrst-ciaa condition, guaranteed. Garase & ptoraga Rosa City Motor Car Co., im Chapman u Fft EAI.E Becond-hand 4-cy:indr gso- ii ,nl.AMU In rnnA condition I DflCS rg.t to qukk boyr. Answsr R 301, Or-, gonlan. AUTOMOBILES, touring rarg an4 run- .n -. gitrui 4?-.w satnTg r"i T T rlfl- wToT H.rtman.'46 3d Vc ..Vim FOR tny OsdfUac runalrOTiU 10 H- P.. A -1 ninnmir orn-r. mtib '' nap. G 33, .OreKOOlan. FOrR-pfiN?JCr tourinc cr for sal, or wi , i ncnftnia iur .. -- Orffnian. WANTED An autmoMJ to run In th rnt busfnfd on har tic otherwise. Ji. Orf-tronian. THIS ta your chfic lo a hlirh-grado III ".no, U.Il'TJi:j , "'- t -J day; new. R 31. Ore k on tan. BTANDARD make upriht piano, boo, con dition; muat Mil at a tvcrinc. rnone a bor 2a. 4 CABLE opriht Kran't mahogany ptano. cheap; t-m-.; mignt rem prwpecui buyer. 617 Touray. Main 878. VAVTBD An alert rlo piano; a (rod, iec- onn-hand liatrumtni ai reaaouaum cu flgur-4. K 300. oregontan. ROAIN Piano and tpiano playar: cost . 4A3; coly y; roonuuy. van w der. LAUr wouli atore piano for uaa; very bcM car. E 314. Oreaoniaa. PIANO for ml. aeoMan attachment. In quire 4j Jefferaoit ax .- PIANO, food a new and In line condition; win d aoia at a oarpaio. -v niuntu bld. , FOR SAL,T Goof upright piano, Try reason able. Mir-A vatningi.on. IHiaoeUaneotia. FARMER? FARMERS. Wa have any amount of the following that we are selling at chwip prices and remember whatever you buy from us w guarantee If not satisfactory your money refunded.: pIpBprPEpipE. Bath tubs. "Wire, all kinds. Koonng paper. $1 per square. Felt paper. 31 per roll. Nails and staples. 12 per keg. MHtoo potato sack. 'orrugated Iron. Machinery of alV kinds. Cable any length or-slie. Vises, blacksmith and machinist. Crowbars, picks and mattocks. Thousands of other things too nutnerong tn mention.. Call or wrlto tnl be con . vlnced. ' J. 8IMOV A BRO.. . S14-4O-50 Front St. BEWINO machines 60s slightly damaged machines at very low prices Kln'fr' Wheeler Wilson. Domestic, Household. Pavls. Olds King. Standard. White. f.ew Home, and others. Machines rented by week or month. Nttdles, part and at tachments tor al. makes. Expert re pairing and all work guaranteed. 8. a. Figel. agent for Elnger and Wheeler Wilson machlnea, 835 Morrison at. GET our prices and save money on all kinds OF PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. vs. w sell to all. FIttmbrng goods Installed If desired. NOT IN THE TRUST. M. BARDB & SONS. PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE. , 110 N. 3d St., near Gllian. MOVINO PICTURES. New films, new subjects for rent and right frlce. Moving picture machines for sal, nformatlon freely given about the busi ness. Wo teach you to operate. Consult tis about th most profitable business of th age. l.aemmle Film Service, 41U-4.4 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or.' 30-FT. GASOLINS launch. 1 year old, with ft-horsa power 4-cycle Llppert engine, never been used yet: outfit cost 310: must sell at one for $400 CASH. Launch has cabin with la windows, will seat s.t peo ple. Address J. H. D.. Box 120, Astoria, Or. DOOO SiiUARES of new rubber roofing. 31 per square; very equar guaranteed. The store that has th money-back policy If not satisfied. J. EIMOV FRO.. 244-l!4ti-V Front at. MOVINO plctura machine. all makes; films, slides and supplies; talking ma chines, records; opera and folding chairs; posters, tickets, etc.; lowest prices. New man Motion Plctura Exohange. 2SJ Burn . aide. Portland. Or. 6000 SQUARES of new rubber roofing, $1 per square; every square guaranteed. The store that haa tha money-back policy If sot satlaiied. J. SIMON BRO., 244--4t- 0 Front at. ONE dining table and four chaira. perfect ly new and 11 other piece of furniture, all for t'M. 12T1 Rochester ave., two b oclos south of tha end of Woodstock car line. PURE bred 6. C. Whit Leghorn cockerels from a famous Eastern strain. 4 14 months old. 12 each. F. A. Shogren. Gil ham ava.. North Mount Tabor. Montavllla car. 1 block south car line. FOR SALE Almost new No. T Remington typewriter: adjustable roll; late pattern; perfect condition; cheap for caah- L 3-3, Oregonlan, S : I,K RAINCOAT 110. retail prlc 120; manufacturer overstocked; postal brings catalogues, prlc. I. 8 toco, 2S0 Broad way. New Tork. t FRESH milk cower sum big milker 14t4 Macadam at., Fulton caxlin. Main 1. FOR SALE cheap. 17 thoroughbred Barred riymnuth. Rock hens and cockarel. Call at 171 East 23d. near Belmont. FOR SALE Cedar posts and poles; all sires and lengths. For particulars address Nick Faier. Lents, Oregon. BEAUTIFUL diamond for sal cheap: eulta bi for lady or gentleman. Main 63S4, A 4. TH RED FINE fresh cow and calves, extra heavy milkers and rich. Brown house op posite Ockley Oreen station. St. John car. REMINGTON typewriter, very reasonable, good as new. used about on week. O 303, Oregonlan. - " FOR SALE Cheap; handsome large oak li brary table, full sixe. white iron bed. springs, mattress. Call 20T 14th St. vh-ir QAT.R Rautiful battenberg opera coat. worn twice. col A5S; will sell for 120. J Sou, Oregonlan. . FOR SALE Low pitched A clalronet. Carl Flee her make; 111. 40. lot Macleay bldg. Bldg. . AL1AVIN baby cab. naed 1 yaar; Glasscock baby walker, newj nursery chair, new, cheap; call forenoons. t4& Belmont st. NEWSPAPER plant complete: no presses; ln-voK- .n); w ill sell for 1200. , F 322. Ore gonlan. COLI.IR FUPS Black, whit collar; Fox Terrier bitch pup. Inqulr 617 Evarett. Phoha Main Sue". A NirE , guitar, never used. Call at 183 Porter. FOR fine can seat In your chairs call up Main 4'1S or A 5211. TWO party nreeea. slxe 32. cheap. Inqulr at once. 573 E. 17th South. MOVINO-PI rri'KE EXCHANGE Machlnea supp tea vildes. films for rent. I60S4 4th st. NKARLT new typewriter, 140: cost 1100. Oregon Brass Works, W North 2d St. A FIRST-CLASS well drill (new), gasoline power. Call Watson's Restaurant. FOR SALE Invalid chair, almost new. very cheap. 454 Flanders St. FIRi-T-OLASS ticket to Kansas City: lady, me.tlum. dark; 115. J S'J3. Oregonlan. FOR SALS Fine-bred foxtenier dog nicely marked. Call 171 East 2od. near Belmont. SHOT OWN. L. C Smith, high-grade. 130. Pioneer Loan Office. 13 North 3d it. FOR SALE Oescrlpttv male ticket to Chi cago r Columbus, O. R 310. Oregonlan. FEIM'IREE collie pups, prise winning stock, 3 left. Main T704. til 12th sc. FOR SAI.F Pur whlta Ppltx dog. Call Main 6"3i PEPIGREKO cocker spaniel pur, male, on red. on black. Phoc Main SoSl. FOR SALE 11-foot launch hull, 3. Call A 1741. s FOR SALE chap. two cabinet filing cases and wardrob trunk. &o, Oregonlan, THE STJXDAT OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. MERCHAVOiaH PURCHASED FBOAl SHERIFFS' AND RECEIVERS', SALES. Our price positively defy competition. Rubber roofing, positively new; every nuara guaranteed. Including cement and nails. $1.00 per square. ' Corrugated iron roofing. II per "quar. Deadening felt paper. 1 per roll. Cast-iron Whit Enameled Bath Tubs, 115. ach gnsranteed PIPE PI PEN PIPE. W hav surely got the ptp. any kind, stse or qusntlty. 2-Inch pips. So foot. m-lnch pipe. 12o foot. l-lnch pipe. Wo foot. 4-inch pipe. 23e foot. . All the above pip ",d.?,, .,. atrlctlv first-class condition. ll having new thread good couplings and dipped In coal tar lnride and cut fre. . Hot water tanks 13 each aaranteed. If you ar ever in need of any kind of merchandise or machinery nirhii boiler engines, pumps, dynamos, tanks or any "her kind of Sawmill. "!n,nor,i'oo;.rl0 machinery or have nyth!ng dispose of no matter how large or small, ""'"Lf. "J are positively the larg'at and most re.labi ator of lu kind la th city. THE STORB WITH THE MONTY -BACK POXJCT. BRQ . 'one. and .il.rroom Warehouses and work. 6O0-92-4-ra xrom. SW-52-54 Water st. . M A CH I NERT M ACHINERT 1 14x20x14x12 Advane pump. V" iv the best cond-hand pnmp ever offered l0i roxS'Fi.rbanWMor.. pump'. S.v- T $ F"r?rk.-Mor.. boll.r. . 2 54x19 boilers. , 1 40 H. P- firebox boiler. 1 20 H. P. boiler and engln. I 8 H P. boiler and engine. 1 10 it". P. boiler. . 1 0 H. P. boiler , . 1 a H. P. new boiler, complet. 60. 1 12 H. P. Atlas firebox boiler. . 1 H. P. engine. 1 100 H. P. englna. 1 40 H. P. engine. 1 Ito H P ens' In a. f 6 H. P. 220 volt Induction motor. 1 4-mould Berg brick press. 1 12 H. P. gasolln hoist. Several dynamos, all slxea. - 1 l-foot American feed water heater. 1 80x4-foot tank. , , 1 20x4-foot tank. 1 10x2-foot tank. - Several smaller and Urger tanks. (1000 feet practically new 8 ana ij- 100o7ee't practically new SO-pound rail. Ijirxe amount all other. slxe rails. We cut rails to suit your concrete work. KXI0 feet new 12-inch pipe. 8000 feet new 10-lncn pipe. 600 feet new 3-lnch pipe. . Any amount all other sixes of pipe. W dip' and cut pipe at hi others- .. - : . 1 1 . . f,.t, . V. i ,ri.e Charge. WB piWIllci; im.v anil best equipped pipe shop In the city . ..... ,uA n-lr out In e hurrv. anu caa 14m 1 ' ' " " " . If In need of anv pulleys, belting, boxes, shafting. gearing. piping. hangers, packing, sprocket chain, grate bars, or anything else that is n: anufactured from any Kino 01 raoiw. ...-. ,, j one place that you are apt to find it. and that is the only store of its kind that has . I. iln IC ntt aiflAneil III muucf -woA.n, I" "W ' ' - J. SIMON 4 BRO.. 244. 2411. 2S0 Front St. KnoA rott A R ss of new rubber roofing. 11 per aquare; every aquar guaranteed. The store that has th money-back policy If not satisfied. i. SIMON ft BRO.. 244-24-250 Front St. FOR SALE New and seoond-hsnd billiard and pool tables; easy payments; w rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 48 Third st. BARGAINS In 8x12 Gordon Press, 14x22 style. 2A, Colt's armory. Imposing tone, 30-lnch paper cutter, type. tc, 8 air brushes and automatic pump. - 2 motors. Address E 298. Oregonlan. I HAVE purchased th C. J. B. Grocery. 60 Mllwaukle su. and am able to handle large orders. I solicit a snare 01 mo pa tronage of the good people of Brooklyn. Mrs. Abble Kuoie. VINE 'diamond ring cheap; will take norm, harness, buggy or cow In xohange. 838 East 28th at. Woodstock car to Glad stone ave. COLL1B pups, full brothers and sister to . first prize winners at last Portland Kennel Club show. inoma inniuMwi, uwwu, Or. r ' o l. u 1 11", - -------- Mitchell bookcase, also hall tree, same n . , c vt-& ..tlniia vilnnt Rnht make, at a oargam, doih guou uew. E, 810 Oregonlan. FOR SALS Cheap, five shares of mited wireless ana one buiuiiic .iiu,Ki,. small repeating rina, nw. jr sis. uregu nlan. office furnitur for sale, either In whole or pert; price reasonaoi. ov r ouwu uiu. Phone Main 1343. FOR SALE Chippewa logger or cruiser boots 14 high cut, sizes 4. o, v. iv, an now peg soles, worth IS; our price 15. Can I end you onaT Lowlt, 11 N. 2d ai CXILLECTION Indian relics, arrow, spear heads, beaded work, basket and stone work. Phon Tabor 891. Address M 817. Oregonlan. HA.VB a paid-up bookkeeping and business course with the International School, will sell for 30. Call Eng. No. 13. Lieut., 261 urana a, v. LADY'S Washburn guitar with case, stand and books, for sal. Phon Woodlawn KUT. Call Monaay. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir end oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover, 813 Water st. Phon Main 74S1. FOR SALE Gasolln pumping engine with auto sparker and 6000-gallon tank. 211 Eiec u J 111 - OLD violins bought and sold: expert r- palrlng. L. winters, sib 11110 oiug. loth and Morrison. FOR SALE An elegant evening dress In pretty blue. Imported from Europe, never worn; six eu. 111 00 .-1. im - DUCK LAKE For sale, an Interest in Co lumbian siougns. .-o; gooti iuuuuuk. v H. McGirr, W ells-r argo Oidg. FOR SALE Frosh Jersey cow; good rich Hll 1 H. 1000 atiifi.ig v. I'nui'u ovi. wood 828. TWO fresh Jersey cows, heavy, rich milkers. 8S E. 30th; 6unnylde car. Phone East 6503 ENGLISH pointer, thoroughly broke for neld ana aucxs; price v;wurm uuuui 172 East 14th. FOR SAI.E One 12-foot office counter, one letter press and linoleum; can be seen at 801 w orcester Ding. COMBINATION buffet and china cloi-et. . . - . . 1. . . 19, , . e,;o f kJ . 1 r- C0SI f -.1 , milk evil lui . - -'J - rleon st. . S3 31 ' 'V I - ' J 1 1 1 1 u ' " " phonograph. Pioneer Loan Office, 13 North 3d St. THREE female thoroughbred brindle bull terrier puppies for sale. .56 East Sal mon at. FOR SALE I fnesh. gentle cows, at Jen Blngs Lodg Station. O. Morse. FOR SALE Fancy round counter. B 317, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Ticket to St. Paul; mat: at one; xo. a- wi ift..ii-". WILL trad diamond for soma dentist work must be good work. P 318. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP Two Incubators and S brooders. 11 r lonaa - FOR SALE Good feather bed, 25 pounds or more. rnoiw - sirif BAVOS. good as new, -will sell cheap If taken at one. 389 B. Morrison st. HIGH-GRADE Marlln repeating shotgun, 1 guage. clieac;. 1.1 r mm i . FOR SALE? No. T Remington typewriter, good condition. 408 4th St. FOR, SAJ-C -Foxtorrlar pupa. 132 4th St. Mlsrollaneoxis. ONE 220-volt. 10-H. P.. 3-phsse O. E. In duction motor, guaranteed. i.u. inoo s-candle power, fronted. Incan descent lamps. 117 volt, at 12"-ic. 412, Couch Building. Portland. FOR SALE-Thoroughbred Scotch collie dog; pedigreed; 8 months old. IS tMt urn. SCOTCH COLUB pups, sire and darn cup winners, sio. r . v . r leca. Ancm. v-,. HE1.P WANTHD MALE. A GOOD business man can 1 earn 4&o( per year. Exclusive territory jrivcu. ""y, ences that will bear the strictest investi gation required. Man capable of open ing up branch office and superintending agents. Parmesan Co., 50 Church st-. New York. MEN wanted, good vision, under 30. over 145 pounds, for DraKemeu ami m -rallroads In this vicinity. Experlenoe un necessary; pay 875 to 8 lOO monthly: pro moted to conductor or engineer; 130 to 82iX monthly. Railway Association, care Oregonlan. WANTED loanable, energetic man. accus- tomed to Interviewing people, to repre sent an established nrm; moaerate samiv, chance for advancement. State age. ex perience and referencea or no attention will be paid to answer. Address R 311. Oregonlan. WANTED Young man to take clerks' and carriers' examination in ovemoer; see ua in regard to preparing for same. A good opportunity to choose a life ' position with sure pay and advancement. Call today. Pa cific States Schools. McKsy bldg. WANTED Good strong boy not under 17 years who is not arraia to wor mm wants to learn printing business: steady employment and good pay and pros . pects. Apply Kllham Stationery 01 Print ing Co., Fifth and Oak ata GOOD live man to represent us as agent In Northern California. wagon, equipment and iplendld inducements to secure trade furnished free; state references and ex- fierlence. Grand Union Tea Co., 473 Wash ngton st. TOVNR man to manage office and outside force In Portland. No fake and no fakers or drones need to apply. Will- be associ ated with high-class business men and be able and wining to Invest 500. Address S 304. Oregonlan. SALESMEN for guaranteed, used automo- biles, all prices; care rebuilt and guaran teed.'llke new by manufacturers; high com missions: great opportunity. Auto Clear ing House. 240 Michigan ave., Chicago. WANTED Young man with office experi ence and salesman's ability to Join adver - tlser in supply business; must have e-mail capital, well secured. Box &83. Boise, Idaho. HOSIERY salesman wanted; experienced man to sell large retail trade. Best line of guaranteed hosiery on the market. Pa ciflo Coast territory. Address Buster Brown's Hosiery Mills. Chattanooga, Tenn. SALESMAN Experienced In any line, to sell general trade In Oregon. An unex celled specialty proposition. Commission with $35 weekly advance for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. SALESMAN of good personality and rare business ability to go East and demon sttate a gigantic commercial enterprise; fortune for right man; must pay own trav- eiing expenses. 215 commercial block. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line; high commission, with 8100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. ASSISTANT in patent law office, must be neat draughtsman. State qualifications, previous employment and salary expected. J 324. Oregonlan. WANTED High-grade salesmen, capable of esrnina- goOOO tier year. Call 9 to 11, ask for Mr. Wnlte. Jacobs-Stlne Co.. 148 5th st. LIVE MEN handle greatest magazine club bing offers; three magazine 11.00, 50 cents commission. Van Dyne. 68 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. WANTED Paperhanglng. house rainting, land clearing or farm work in exchange .for lots or house rent. McCoy, 8(14 North 2th. west side river. WANTED Man and wife at private resi dence. 1 mile from town; wife good cook, mnn understand gardening, etc. Phone Main 1072. WANTED Gentlemen with some sales ex perience to present unusually attractive proposition among club women. Mr. An gell, Hotel Oregon. WANTED Second meatcutter and delivery man for .seaport town. Only competent man need apply. The Ames Mercantile Agency, 403 Swetland bldg. WANTED Young man experienced In pack ing and shipping for wholesale house. Ap ply Monday afternoon, bet. 3 and 3 o'clock. 53 Front, corner Pine. WANTED Party to take contract clearing land: none but those able to carry out contract need apply. Jno. S. Stall, 321 Hawthorne ave. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL gives two years course with degree: both Junior and senior classes. 630 Worcester block. Phone Main 4504. WANTED I want three high-class men. New proposition In Portland and a pro ducer. Apply Monday. Mr. Angell, Ho tel Oregon. WANTED- First -el ass engineer to run elec tric power plant, must be married man: state salary ; give references. P 313, Ore gonlan. t GOOD all-around -Job printer: must be capa ble taking full charge, Addresa Rawlinga, Albany, Or. WANTED Two shlnglers for side work, also one inside carpenter. Apply room 402 Oor bett bldg., 10 to 11 A. M. Monday. FURNISHING GOODS, dry goods, furniture salesmen, bookeepers and stenographers. P. A. se C. Co.. 323 Washington, rooms 39-41. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP. CALL ON "PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 North 2d St. Both phones. WANTED experienced driver for Cleaning Works. 43 Union ave.. South. Call Sun day. ' BELItELE place to borrow money on dia monds, watches and Jewelry; strictly con fidential. lo5 1st at. BOY aged sbout 15 to accompany blind man through city. 269 Cherry St.; call Mon day. ' I WANT some one with 23x100 ground to water and care ror a 101. 01 un.i nun plants next Summer. Phone Main 3524. WANTED A good solicitor, by business college; good field; liberal commission. A 281, Oregonlan. WANTED Young man with some money. In a first-class real estae office. Particulars 230 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Flrst-claire coat, vest and pants makers. Nlooll the Tailor. 141 6th St., cor. Alder. WANT good driving horse and bugsy for a full corner lot In St. John. M 310, Ore-gonlan.- WANTED--Toung- man to learn barber trade; steady Job; terms reasonable. Call 772 Mississippi ave. WANTED Teacher to teach one pupil, reading, spelling; two evenings a week. " A 327. Oregonlan. WANTED German, experienced in grape culture. Inquire 310 Chamber of Com merce. ADVERTISING solicitors wanted: salary and commission; nign-cias puoiicuiion. r l-o, Oregonlan. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wins Uepot. sr. xjiaii. 10 ihi. -,- ' YOUNG MAN stenograrher. permanent po sition, O aoo, uregoiuan. trivTKn Tailors, helpers on coats: ex perienced. 42 Hamilton bldg., 181 3d sL EXPERIENCED dishwasher. 7 week. 506 Washington. WANTED Bright boy about 17 for mes senger. X 297. Oregonlan. YOUNG man to learn drug business; must live at noma, r uitguni.ii. WANTED Experienced presser. Selling. Leading Clothier. WANTED Good solicitor to work in city. Room 3v Hamilton 010. WANTED First class hand on ladles' coats . to go to Eugene, A 33I.Oregonian. LADIES' tailor, steady position for right party. 405 FUedner bldg. PAINTERS WANTED Phone E 1294. WANTED A first-class ladles" tailor; good wage to right part. 42ofe Morrison at. OCTOBER , 11. 1908. HELP W ANTED MUX LOCAL representative wanted Splendid in come assured right man to act as our rep resentative after learning our business thoroughly bv mall; former experience un necessary: all we require Is honesty, abii ttv. ambition and willingness to learn a lucrative business: no soliciting or travel ing: this is en exceptional opportunity for a man In your section to get into a Dig paying business without capital and be come Independent for life. Write at once for full particulars. Address E. R. Mr den. Pres. The National Co-op. Bal es tate Co.. suits 792. Marden bldg., Wash- lngton. D. C. PATENT MEDICINE SALESMAN WANTED For thoroughlv established, heavily ad vertised line, offering unusual opportuni ties to man who has successfully sola medicine, stock food, tobacco premiums On similar advertising propositions. Appli cant should be under S3, robust constitu tion and willing to do such driving as may be necessary. Appllaation treated confidentially but must state fully experi ence and present employment. Satisfac tory salary and expenses to right party. Address box SOL Chicago. 111. A LARGE corporation having offices In eTery state west of the. Mississippi except Montana and Idaho, are arranging to ' open offices in these two states. We de sire the services of a man with ability to take charge of and manage those branches. Must be able to furnish ftrst- class references and also cash bond of lioutl. The secretary of the company Is here in Portland and will arrange for per 'sonal interview. N 810. Oregonlan. CAPABLE, experienced salesmen from any .. . , .i.i..,. - iiWal MimraiN- slons. minimum of travel, now complete line of calendars and advertising special ties for next season; no aide lines; un usual opportunities for capable men. Bennett-Thomas Mfg. Co, 173 W. Van Buren st., Chicago, 111- 2!0 Motor cycle or horse and buggy fur- nisnea our men iur iron - - month and expenses, to take orders for the greatest portrait house In tha world; you will receive, post-paid, a beautiful 16x20 reproduction of oil painting In answer to this ad. Writ for particulars. R. D. il artel. Dept. 949. Chicago. WANTED Second-class electrical drafts man at 4.72 per diem, a .o"'i"'"'".; examination will be held at the Navy Yard. Mare Island, Cal.. October 26. lHOS. to fill the above position. For appllca- tlon and further Information address Commandant, Navy Yard. Mare Island. Cal. 10,000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from 115 to 125 weekly: expert In structor: tool fre; write for catalogue. Moler System of Colleges, 35 N. 4th St., Portlsnd. Or. ' ' - WANTED Man for wholesale hardware; must be active and energetic, able to assume some responsibility; be willing to do whatever he is asked to do and earn a promotion before he gets It. Answer in own handwriting, giving age, experience and references., G 819. Ore gonlan. WANTED For U. 8. Army, able-bodied un married men., betwen ages of 18 and 35, cltlxcns of United States, of gooi charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to re- - crultlng officer. Ainsworth block., Sd and Oak sts., Portland. Or. WILL sell H Interest in established real estate loans; business chanoe and insurance 1 business; small capital required; exper ience unnecessary. 225 6th st. I POINT the way to success to anyone who will follow my course; I have shown thousands how to make money I can show you. Wrlt for particulars and free sam ples today. Sayman, 2272 Franklin ave., St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Men to work In tunnels at Spring Garden and Chilcoot, California, and on outside railroad grading near Quincy, Cal. Apply at Chilcoot or Spring Garden. The Utah Construction Co. EXPERIENCED sheep and cattle dip sales man; exclusive territory and good contract to saleoman with established trade; officer of company will be in Portland about Oct. 13. Address P 232. L. A. Farnsworth. care Morning Oregoniah. BARBERS" 8TATB BOARD OF EXAMI NERS will be in session Oct. 12. 13 and 14, at 1674 First street. Those holding permits must appear for examination or the same will be revoked. T. M. LBABO, Secretary. - THE PASSING OF THE SALOON Live agents and temperance workers to sell this book on greatest conflict In history; even saloon men buy it; prospectus $t, book 12. N.-W. Sales Co., JJortland Spokane. WANTED Some reliable business laCles and gentlemen to Introduce a flue proposition In Portland. Or., and other territory. Call week days between 6 and 7:30 P. M. Cas tellaw 8l Peterson. 193 W. Park st. WANTED Experienced salesmen, high-class, staple goods; sold on long time; a trade boomer for dull times. Write for partic ulars. McAlllster-Comaa Co., 859 Dear born St., Chicago. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, brlok laying, plastering, day and night classes, no books, positions secured, free cata logue. Coyne National Trad School, 330 240 8th St., San Francisco. C. B. HANSE7N. JR. Employmsnt Olflce Men's Department, 26 North Second st. Phones Main and A 1520. Help Free to employera WANTED Combination clerical man and stenographer; must be good at figures and write legible hand. Apply in own hand writing, stating salary expected. Good chance for promotion. F 269. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS bookman to sell Encyclopedia Britannlca; heavy advertising for closing salo; ooupons and leads furnished; extra commissions; expenses paid. J. W. Bar nett, mgr., 45 Perin bldg., Cincinnati, O. TWO smart solicitors for biggest magazine combination offer of the season; 18 weekly and free transportation; A-l references necessary. Call before 10 A. M. R. H. Madden, 502 Swetland blda SALESMEN wanted to sell our fine line of art calendars, fans, novelties and leather m goods; liberal compensation. Wrl:e for our proposition at once. Ohio Novelty Com pany. Springfield. 0. MOVING picture operators make 335 week ly. Easy work, short houra Learn ths business In short time. Terms reasonable. Particulars Newman Motion Pictur Co, 2U3 Bumside St. SALESMEN wanted to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory Writ us if interested. Albany Nurseries. Al bany. Or. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while leering. Watchmaking, En graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattla WANTED Railway mall clerks, Postofflce clerks carriers, for November examina tion instructions. Apply Government Po sition Bureau. Boohester, N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, postollice clerks, carriers wanted; 11100 yearly; examina tions here November 18; preparation free. - Franklin Institute. Rochester, N. Y. ADVERTISING solicitors, contracts cashed Immediately. Benedictine Press, 603 Good nough bldg., Portland; 406 Peyton bldg. Spokane. THREE men over 18 years of age to learn auto repairing and driving.. Call for Mr. Mulklns. Portland Auro Car House,. 115 Grand ave, corner East Alder. t WANTED Salesmen for new office furni ture: men with ."typewriter or office ex perience preferred. Address AD 246, Ore gonlan. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, For Men 250 Burnside Btreet, Phone Main 5894. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers and stonographere. Commercial Abstract Co, 4U8 Commercial Club bldg. COATMAKER wanted to work team work, steady at 322 week. David M. Holbrook. 4th floor. Couch bldg. tup: Fa pie Baths and Shaving Parlors: shaving 10c. Ed DenhtxoD, prop, 64 Sixth st. WANTED Registered prescription druggist who Is a ucceeful seller of pianos. Ad dress S 300. Oregonlan. SNAP if taken at one: 250 takes laundry this will stand Investigation. 80S E. Wash ington. JAPANESP3 and Chinese employment agency. 310 Davla st. Main 8368, A 2997. BLACKSMITH helper wanted. 231 Madison TAILORS wanted to help on coats. 495 Wash ington st. - TWO first-class coatmakers wanted. Baldeck 4k Kausburg, Lewlston, Idaho, f HELP WANTED M ALK. T HELP WAXTEP-FEAJJ. , t . v-.-c-,'-.- PUDI OTVP.N'T OFFICE. 6 bridge carpenters, 3 to 3.50, Last, free fare. House carpenter. $4; 8 hours. Man and wife, farm. 130. . Stenographer. Shingle packer. Miners. 33. Mattress maker. $2.50. Woods teamsters, ?2.50. Sawmill help, loggers: city work. Railroad laborers, teamsters, men to build fence, etc. Free fare to California, Oregon and Washington. Contract to let small team outfit, about 10,iaK varde. C R. HANSEN. Jr, 26 N. 2d St. SALESMEN WANTED For the season of 1909. no former experience required; hun dreds of good positions now open; travel ing salesmen earn big salaries; if you de sire to enter this highly lucrative profes sion, our free book. "A Knight of the Grip," will show yon the way. Writ tor call) for It today, and testimonials from hundreds of our graduates placed in good positions. Address Dept. 773. National Salesman's Training Association. Chteaito. Kansas City. New Tork. Minneapolis, San Francisco. Write our nearest office. NOTICE NOTICE. We have a large list of work at our office every day. When vou want a good rosition see us. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office 12 N. 2d t. Both Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY WANTS MONDAY 2 salesladies, out of city. 115 week. 2 seamstresses, city.' 11.50 to 32 day. 1 Infants" nurse, 20; nurso for Invalid. $30 to $83 month. v . ' Cook for small restaurant, country, $40; alty. $30 and $35 month. Waitress, country. $25. Waitresses, city. $20 and $25- Famlly cooks, $30 and $35. Second girls, $20 to $35. Housekeepers, country, $12 to $20 month. N'i nosHionn cvtmA tn dailf. S7AI4 WASH. ST.; Merchants Trust Bldg. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO, WANTS MONDAY Cookr, waitress, chambermaids, girls for gereral housework, experienced laun dry girls, good wages. waitress for logging -camp boarding house, wages 130. room snd board. Large list of other positions, too numer ous to mention here. Call early and get your choice. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Department 205 Mi MorrlBon St. WANTED Neat housekeeper: one who un derstands buttermaklng and wouin appre ciate good home preferred; no objection to one child. Reply today, giving phone number. References required. A 330. Oregonlan. WANTED A conscientious woman to take charge of office and direct employes. J 291, Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; no children. 260 Grand ave. North, cor. Multnomah. WANTED Elderly German lady to keep house for widower. Call at 703 Lambert st, gellwood, before 3 o'clock. COOKS, waitresses, chamber, other positions; J city, rancn oomestics necii. iickci, Camas). Drake's. 205t Washington. ' WANTED Experienced second girl. Apply mornings. Mrs. Lang. 558 Jackson, cor. 20th. Phone Main 2644. WANTED A good servant girl for general housework. Call 175 12lh at, bet, 9 and 12 o'clock. FOR HELP FOR WORK A, B. C EMPLOYMENT CO, I26V4 Morrison. M. 3022. We are white. W-ANTED Reliable girl for general house work ; small family, good wages. 620 East Ankeny. WOMAN for cooking and housework part of day. 747 East Madison. Hawthorne or Morrison cars. WANTED Girl for general housework, 610 Spring st, Portland Heights. Call morn ings. WANTED An experienced dining-room girl, no other need apply. 53 N. 18th. corner Davis. LADY bookkeeper; state experience In own handwriting. Address R 303. care Ore gonlan. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES" AGENCY. 820 Washington st, room 307. Main BA.-10 or a oiw. WANTED Good skirt and Jacket hands In our alteration roem. Silverfields. 4th and Morrison. , PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO, Ladles' Department. 2051, Morrison St. Phones Main 1062. A 2061. WANTED A girl for general housework: two In family. 781 LoveJoy st. Phone Main 3760 or A 4636. WANTED Lady to care for house and ttvo children for few weeks. Call Sunday. 385 Hancock st. ' WANTED Girl to assist in general house work. 335 East 21st North. Phone East 1702. , WANTED Girls and women at cannery of Oregon Packing? Co, East 8th and Bel mont sts., clty SCHOOLGIRL to assist in housework for room and board, near W. High school. J 299, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER with typewriter, perma nent position. M. Barde St Son, 110 North 3d st. WANTED A girl for housework or to as sist In country; good home to right girl. Phone Tabor 1856. WANTED Stenographer for office; hours 9 to 6- state experience, references and salary wanted. L 316. Oregonlan. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good pay; instruction free. Call 452 Washing ton. WANTED Experienced second girl; ref erences required: good wages. 722 Park ave, cor. St. Clair. GIRL for general housework: plenty of work but good treatment; good room sad good wages. 6S0 E. Ankeny st. WANTED A stock girl. Apply Lowen gart & Co. WANTED Woman In alteration Dept. Ap ply New York Outfitting Co, 167 1st st. GIRL wanted, second work. 680 Everett, cor. 21st st. WANTED Girl for general housework. 832 North 23d st. Phone Main 843. BOOKKEEPING, private lessons. 4 nights in week. 4 per month. Main 7862. A 4948. GIRL for general housework, must be com petent cook; wages 125. Main 4152. WANTED Competent girl for gene'ral house work and oooklng. 269 North 22d St. WANTED Girl for general housework, 3 In family Inquire 346 Washington st THOROUGHLY experienced girl for second work. Apply 835 LoveJoy St. WANTED House-to-house canvasser, good thing. 289 First st, Portland. Or. GOOD cook In small family: good wages. 295 West Park. cor. Columbia. WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply 381 10th st. V WANTED Ladies' tailor at once to go to Eugene. Or. - Address A 332. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waist and skirt makers at 405 Fleldner bldg. WANED Girl for general housework and plain cooking. Apply 708 Overton. WANTED A girl to assist in housework. Apply 6S2 Hancock St. EXPERIENCED ' Jacket hand wanted. Grand Leader. A THOROUGH course of millinery taught in six weeks; term reasonable. 14i 11th st. HELP wanted in a small laundry: general help. 123 16th st, cor. Washington. tvtt t . alve mother's care to one or two ehil iren; goooXme. 2o9 Cherry: call Mopday. 'rlRI for general work in family of three. Srt 7th! Phone Main 5016. A 4135. WASTED Girl for general housework. 614 Delay st, near Stanton st.; L car. GIRL to assist In housework and help with child. 545 Yamhill sc. WANTED A girl for general housework. Call 780 East Main or phone East 3759. GIRLS for paper box work. Portland Paper Box Co, 208 Oak sc GIRL for general housework; family of two; good wages. 812 Johnson at, WANTED filrl waitress at 765 Thurmaa st- HivsfN-s T, A DIES' AGENCY. 6 factory girls. $l.lt a day; city. 2 laundry women, $1 50. 3 cooks, country, $40. , 2 waltresaea city. ll'O. $23. 6 family cooks, $30 to $40. , 3 housekeepers, $10 up. Tatloress, $2. 2 hotel oooks. $40. S chambermaids. . 4 second girls. $30 and $20. Dishwasher. $20. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84314 Washington St, corner 7th. -upstair. ALTERATION HANDS AND PRESSERS. who are experienced and do good work Apply Immediately to OLDS, WORTMAN A KING. BE TRAINED NURSE Esrn $25 weekly; we provide home-study lectures, hospital practice when desired, employment througli phvslcians; unlimited demand for our graduates; fre catalogue: small monthly pavments. American Training School Nurses. 829 Crilly bldg, Chlcsgo. GIRL over IS to help In kitchen; no ex perience needod: no Sunday work: no lan evening work; $15 per month to start with; good home for right girl. Call Sun day between 7-12 A. M, or Monaay after A. M. Delicatessen. 349 E. Burnside, Just across bridge. LADIES to act as agents to sell a quick selling Hoe of ladles' wearing apparel on the Installment plan; no former experi ence necessary. J. D. Sherman. 80 Grand WANTED Ctrl thoroughly experienced In cooking and general housework: mall fam ily best wages; desirable place. Apply Monday bet. 11 and 4. -Young Women's Christian Association. WANTED Good man to sell lots, best close-in tract on the market; Inside lots 1350. corners. 1400 to $430; all Improve ments; experience not necessary; full commissions. Address X 535, Oregonlan. LADIES Make t shields at home, materials furnished, 15 hundred. Particulars stamped envelope. Dept. 55, Imperial 8hield Co., St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Speedy typewriter with law of fice Or real estate experience for out-of-town work: good salary; glv phon. Ad dress D 826. Oregonlan. WANTED At experienced stenographer; re ply in own handwriting, stating experi ence and salary expected. Address P 814,. Oregonlan. WANTED Good canvasssrs. neatly dressedj women, city and state: good moos y. call room 508 Merchants Trust bldg, at, n8 Washington ate HD1ES to make health shields, material furnishfd. 112 per hundred. Particulars stamped envelop. Dept. 504. Health Belt Co, .Chicago. 10 GIRLS to teach dancing; call today. Prof. Wal. Wlllsons Dancing School, 8814 Wash, st, between West Park and loth. , HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Wash, st, cor. 7th, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2882. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED Young girl who lives at horn and plays piano to demonstrate and sell music; good future. Call Meier Frank music dept. , WANTED An experienced lsdy solicitor, capable of handling high-class line; salary and commission; references required. 613 Buchanan bldg. HATS remodeled like new. half price; we dve,' clean, curl, remake plumes. Model ' Millinery. 204 Merchants Trust bldg, 6th and WashlngtoiK WANTED Lady willing to travel, to call on offices and help In office. $15 week. 181 14 S. First st, room 27. call after 2 P. M. YOUNG girl to help with housework, small famllv. nice room, fair treatment, fall mornings, 773 Irving, near 2ld st, or phone A 1006. NIGHT SCHOOL for shorthand, bookkeeep lnc. arithmetic, grammar. Business Uni versity. Worcester block. Phone Main 4504. ENERGETIC young lady canvassers de sired; none but best of character need apply. N B04, Oregonlan. NEAT, reliable girl to assist general house work; good home. Call mornings 11 18 Belmont St. WANTED A girl for chamberwork and to assist in dining-room. Call between 11 and ia today 189 West Park. CATHOLIC woman to work for three adults In coimtry; wages 110; references given and exchanged. H 320. Oregonlan WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co, 609 Both chlld bldg, 4th and Washington. WANTED Nurse girl to tske cars of Hi year old boy. Apply between 10 and 11 A. M, room 34 Hubert Curtis Hotel. WANTED Experienced walt and skirt help. Apply The Sheffield. 7th and Jefferson sts, apartment 8 HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84354 Washington st, cor. 7th, upstairs. " Phon Main 2692. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 434 Salmon St. ' . . WANTED Girl for general housework. small family. 106 N. 22d. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WE secure positions for ' our students: sny evetem of shorthand; enter now. Business University. 68 3d SC. Phone Main 4504. SCHOOL officers and teachers celt at Flsk Teachers' Agency. 02 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 2410: res, M. 6428. W1ANTED Solicitors, either sex. no PJdl'n; 820 to 880 per week easily made. W will prove it to you. Call at 193 4th st, LIVE salespeople, salary and oommission; hard work and good pay. 231 Stark st WANTED Man and wife to run young fruit farm. Main 90.13. SITUATION WANTED MALB. Bookkeepers snd Clerk. THOROUGHLY competent accot ntant de sl7es position as principal or assistant, also have experience as traveling salesman. Address C. F. Scotten. 606 Spokane ave. Sell wood ' YOUNG man now employed In responsible position wishes to mak change: under stands advertising and can handle corre spondence: salary at start i0. B 326. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN of 24. single, wants position In office of some reliable house; about 4 years' experience; can furnish letter of rscom. mendatlon from last employer. P 807, Ore gonlan. ' SITUATION wanted by an experienced ac countant, familiar with credits and col lectlins. capable of taking full charge of an office; good referencea D 820, Orego nian. AMBITIOUS young man of good habits de sires position a grocery clerk; has had eight years of experience. L 801, Ore gonlan. WANTED Position by young man experi enced in hardware and general office work; best of references. C. D. F, lbi blxtn st. Phone Main 3315. WANTED Position as-bookkeeper: general office work, shipping Clerk Or timekeeper; l" vears' experience; beat Eastern refer ences. 24 E. Sth st. North. YOUTH of 20, experienced stenographer and sood penmin. wants position where he can learn bookkeeping by helping with accounts and records. F 324. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER, expert, at present em ployed, wishes to change; city or country. E 318, Oregonlatu YOUNG woman attending business college wants) stenographic work out of school hours. M 323. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED Warehouse by middle-aged man, sober and rename. F 254, Oregonlan. - BY thoroughly competent o''p,r" years' Plence 8 years In Portend mar ried, excellent references. H 331, Oregonisn. DOUBLE-ENTRY bookkeeper of perience desires position: best of refer ences. R 290, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper in line for position, handy with typewriter. N 302. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN 10 years" experience dry ioodi furnishing snd shoes desires posi tion. B 322. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. fair stenographer, desires position in office or wholesale house; sal ary no object. B 820. Oregonlta,