THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA2 S PORTLAND. OCTOBER 11, 1908. . v it I ' MWIODAT. I NEW TODAY. 1 NEW TODAT. I IOPAr . TOPAT. y , NcKENNA JUNCTION I have for sale 66 lots facing Chau tauqua boulevard and Fowler avenue, in blocks adjoining Columbia boulev rard. I will give some one the oppor tunity of a lifetime to make big money. The money is wanted to de velop another enterprise. These lots are in direct line of the march of im provements on the Peninsula. Right at the junction where the Oregon & Washington Railroad from the Sound crosses the main' line from the East. Here is where the depot and railroad yards will be located. Swift is now pushing to completion his $4,000,000 packing plant, which is bound to draw other industries. This opportunity will only last for a few days. For particulars call or address W. H. Grindstaff 510 Commercial Block. Telephone Main 6009. MABELVILLE Lots 5S5 and $100 $10 Down, $5 a Month 5 Minutes' walk east on Baae Lino Road from end of Montavilla carline. You who have any intention of get ting a home had batter commence by buying a lot. And we want to tell you that if you don't take advantage NOW, it will be but a very short time .when you will have to pay double the present prices, and yon won't get the kind of a lot either that we are selling at MABELVILLE. You can't get prettier lota today in Portland for the money than MABELVILLE lota are selling for. They are absolutely clean lots and ready to build on. And if, after baying a lot yon should get sick or ont of a job, yon don't have to worry, as we will carry yon until yon get straightened ont again. BUY NOW. GO OUT TODAY. See the REDMOND REAL ES TATE CO., our Agents, at end of Montavilla oar line, and they will show you MABEIA ILLE lots. .MURPHY & CASWELL 230 Stark Street. Phones Main 8877, A 3223. IRVINGTON. 93500 New bungalow with all modern improvements, well built, situated on corner lot. 50x100, sev eral fine fir trees. Terms. WEST SIDE. 94250 Beautiful Queen Anne cot tage, 6 rooms, reception hall, and bath, well finished and attractive, exceptionally good locality, lot 50x 100, eastern exposure. Easy terms. TERRACE PARK. $1850 New bungalow, exception ally well built and attractive, with 5 rooms, bath, full basement, fine plumbing, beam ceiling, lot 50x100. Easv terms. SEE The SPANTON CO. 270 Stark Street. For Sale on One of the Best Avennes in the City. We Have 56 FINE LOTS left in Caesar Park ADDITION Almost 10 acres, running south on Killingsworth avenue from Ninth st. to 14th st. Bull Run water, etc. Will sell all together at a sacrifice, half or all rash. Cars within three blocks. O'Brien Realty Company 301 McKay Building, Third and Stark Streets. 15 to 20 I have for sale a small amount "of stock in amounts of $500 up. in new apartment build ing, which will pay 15 to 20 per cent, besides big increase in property alue. W. L. MORGAN 322 Failing Bldg. Best Buy in Portland fernl-Buslness Prnjrty In the Thur-man-Street Business District. Income - $1650 Price - J5 15,000 Martin J. Higley 133 THIRD ST. Portland Heights Choice i block, level, close) to car. SS7 Myrtle. TL Main 3s. SAIE. OR A Exchange SOME SAMPLES 15 ACRES, 4-mlIe Witch Haxel. Reed viile 1 mile; mostly under cultivation; all level and choice land; g-oes for per acre. 20 ACRES. H-mlle Witch Hazel, nice level land, good soil; a snap for some one. HIO per -acre. 10O ACRES, i miles east Hlllsboro. Ore gon. Electric through property; H under cultivation, remainder heavy timber; all fine soil, level. Timber will pay for the land, price. J115 per acre. Will exchange for gilt-edge Portland property. Some one's opportunity to Ret a fine tract for cutting into acreage tracts. m ACRES. S under cultivation, rent pasture and timber: 6 miles Oregon City: 2 to New Era; tine soil and great fruit land. House, barn and other buildings; all farm tools and machinery, and horse. 2 cows. 10 hogs and chickens, all go at 17'irt. and will take in exchange modern Portland residence up to JSuOO. Balance beat terms going. 2H ACRES. St. John, all fenced and crossfenced. all under nigli state cultiva tion, variety fruits, deep soil, no gravel. blocks electric line; well, house. 6 roora. plastered, cowbarn. chlckenhouse, etc., all new. Owner wants larger place. What have you for him? 1 ACRE, all cleared, under cultivation, 2-story S-room house, barn, other out buildings; 8 clocks railroad station. 2 to electric; all kinds berries, some orchard, to exchange for chicken ranch. Writs us or c all. 223 ACRES, level, all best of soil. r0 under cultivation, remainder oak. ash and fir timber; small orchard and berries: 10 miles to Salem, 1 mile to Derry; nice spring on place; house, t rooms, barn xM. sheds and other buildings. Price. IMf.OOO. 1-3 cash, remainder in small rental nouses In Portland. 130 ACRES. W under cultivation, 10 acres hops, small orchard, berries, all bottom land: & miles to Independence, 3 to railroad station; 3 wells; fine 7-room. 2-story house, plastered, fine large barn, machinery shed, smokehouse, roothouse, granary, hophouse built last year, cost JJOuo. and other buildings. AIho 3-room house for tenant: full line of Implements and hophouse fixtures; some household goods. All for 212,000. Will exchange for Portlarfd- property, vacant or Improved. 80 ACRES, all under cultivation, near Salem, 1 mile to railroad station; fair house and barn, chickenhouses. etc.; both wells and running water: 40 acres hops, 3 year contract at 10c per lb. Price, only IsoO". in exchange for choice Portland property. 124 ACRES, Irrlgon, water rights go with it, joins townsitc. Price, 2200 per acre. Will exchange. 17 ACRES. 2'i miles to Irrignn. 3 acres orchard, bearing; all nice level land. 12 acres under plow. 1150 per acre. Will exchange for city property. If you want to sell, buy or exchange, write or call on the ones "who do" the business. PINE TREE LAND COMPANY S09-S10 Buchanan Bldg. Phone M. 8S00. $4600 Cash BALANCE $4400 AT 6 PER CENT i ' 5 . for Four Six -Room Houses Income $70 Per Month. MARTIN J. HIGLEY 132 Third Street. $3500 100x10ft with comfortable 7-ronm housa on Central ave., near car line, Mt. Tabor. $8000 60x100 on Montgomery St., with fine house and 2 flats. All rented, for t0 yearly. $ 12,500 SOx.V) on 23d St.. wltTi new 2-stnry frame containing store and lodgings above, leased for 5 years at 2960 yearly. $16,000 50x3o on Jefferson st., with stores rented for $480 yearly, and travel on the block Increasing steadily. We'll get you J17.W0 for It this Winter. $16,500 60x100 with new flats on the East Side. There Is nothing in the wsy of modern construction that hasn't gone into these flats. $20,000 FAxlOO, corner on 16th- St., with 3-Btory frame containing 3 stores and 30 lodging rooms. Fine income. $40,000 0xlnf. Corner on 6th St.. not far from this office, with stores and lodgings; all leased, for 100 yearly. Fully worth M5.000 today. WHITING 5 ROUNTREE 82H Third Street. I'patalr WALNUT: Our splendid three-year-old walnut trees In i and 10-acre groves at North Yamhill Or., are offered upon easiest terms. Including four years' care of same. This means home and Independence If vou can save a few dollars each month. This property la two hours from Port land by railway. Will you go? Oregon Walnut Co. K. E. MORGAN, President. Telephone ... 22 Mark St. East Madison, Near 20th IVroom artistic bungalow, full cement basement, a nice home in good location; now rented for JS5 ptr month. Price, $4j00. Sengstake & Lyman 90 Fifth St. Warehouse Sites 327 Water St.. near Clay, on United and Oregon Electric Railway tracks; full lot; 11-room house. Price, 2iv00. tVnter East S:do warehouse district, near E. Morrison St. Rail facilities; full naif block. Price. 222.5t. I guarantee these to be the best buys In their respective districts either for Immediate use or speculation. Can make terms to suit you. V. L tiRKE.X. 2434 Washington Street MORTGAGE LOANS Lawewt rate and 4ema t. .nltt loan. ba.liru Bronertte. Loaara for Prlvnt InTCntom. A. H. BIRRELL J03 McKay Bldg. Xd '" AEOROk BLACK. FTBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 2t Worcester Bullduag Pneaa Mala til. ft YOU HAVE IT III YOUR MIND T. aref Jn.t a certain norl of home of your own "some day." Meanwhile you are atolna; oa paying; rent, with nothing to show for It. For a very little more than rent money we will sell yov a lot. on which yon can build a home to nit yon and pay for It oa the Install ment plan, you to sjet clear title when all In paid. Come In and learn how It la done. Chamber of Commerce. HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE SITES 130x100 ft. on Lovejoy st. 110x100 ft. on Johnson st. 40x100 ft. on Irving st. FLAT OR APARTMENT HOUSE SITES lOftxlOO ft. on 20th at., bet. Washington and Everett streets. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 7-room residence with 75x100 ft. in best section. $2800 $500 down and 35 per month. Including interest, will purchase a five-room mod ern bungralow on Ravensview Drive, Port land Heights, or $2900 . $100 down and 35 per month, you can nave your cnoice 01 terra. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. Hamilton Bide- 131 Third St. Tel. Main 3340 or A 3320. 8 Tte one BEST place In Portland to buv. GEOGRAPHIC AT.. CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER ro and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the im provements going- on. The Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. Acreage If you are looking for a tract of land from one to ten acres near the city, no stones nor gravel, first-class soil, you should see us before purchas ing, as tee have the best on the mar ket for the price asked. Easy terms. Knapp 6 Hackey 213 Board of Trade Bldg. $1000 Cash Will make the first payment on Beautiful Home West of 15th street, on Hawthorne Ave. Hiph and sightly: 9 rooms: STRICT LY MODERN in every -way. Large fire place: hardwood floors, etc. This was BCIL.T for a HOME and the price is rlsht. Devlin & Firebaugh 50H-S gwetland sBldjg., cor. Gtb and Wash 13 NET NEW APARTMEXT-HOl'SE, FIXE LO CATION. Seven apartments; six rented at $40 per morth, one rented at $30 per month, all rented and occupied. Steam heat, hot water and janitor service the year round, contracted for at $30 per month for 10 years. MIST SELL. TOMORROW OR TUES- $21000 10.000 CASH, BALANCE TO SCIT. THE LEE-BOWDLER CO. PANTAGE9 THEATER BLOCK HANFORD 6 BLACKWELL CIVIL ENGINEERS. Railroad. Power Plaau. Industrial Plants. 1101 Alaska Bids;., Seattle. Wash. LOANS REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE Administrator of estate! and car of large Interests a specialty. R. H. BLOSSOM 318 Chamber of Commerce. TO LEASE lnOilOO on North 1st street. We can (rive a Ions; lease at a low figure. Let us tell you about it. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. i Lnmher Exchange Bids.) and Sua E. Boraslde St. THE OREGON Real Estate Co. RIMOITD TO GRAND AVE. AJ.D MCLTNOXAH ST. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Mortgage Loans Lowest rates of Interest. LOl'IS SALOMON. X3I Stark Street, sear Second. Hollaoay Addition ! Overton Street Between . Twenty-fifth and Cornell Road. I CHOICE j BUILDING I LOTS t FOR SALE 1 Corners $5000 j Inside $4000 2 In absolutely the best resi J dence part of the city, where J no apartments or flats will J be allowed. Overton Is to be parked and hard- surfaced up to and connect ing with Cornell Koa-d, thus affordiner one of the best thoroughfares in Nob Hill district. Before buying a home site, see this restricted section, which comman'ds a fine view of the city and mountains and offers - excellent advan tages for those wanting homes with attractive en vironments. Now is the accepted time, as prices will advance after November 1. VANDUYN & WALTON I 515 Chamber of Commerce. Has Building Restrictions Thai Is Why Those Cozy Homes are Being Built There THE LOTS ARE 50x100 THE PRICE $350 to $500 Come Out and See This Splendid Tract Take Montavilla Car Geo. D! Schalk 264 Stark Street Main 392, A 2392 FOR SALE BY Louis Salomon 6 Co. 233 Stark St., near Second. S13.000 Corner lot. with t large dwelllns; rent $75 per month; near Washington street. S12 OOO Fine 8-room house, 10 lots, well improved, with bearing orchard, etc. SSOOO Hoyt St.. modern 9-room house, full lot, choice location. SOOO Income J8 per month. Frac tional lot. near 1st St.. with 2 good houses. A snap. SZ500 3d St.. 5-room cottage. $2500 Full block on South Sd st. S2000 Thurman St., fractional lo. 6 room house. S5500 6th . t-, close In, 50rl00, 6 room house. EAST SIDR $8000 120xlio with 4 modern houses, E. 26th St. 83SOO Williams ave.. corner lot with store renting for $31 per month. 84500 E. 12th St., near Morrison; corner, with 8-room house. S3600 100x100, with 2 cottages, 17th and Karl. S26SO 7-room house, full lot, Borth- wlck St.. near Stanton. 82500 Grand ave. north, full lot, new and up-to-date 6-room cottage. LOOK AT THIS! $1500 Elegant fractional residence lot-near East Morrison, west of 14th, walking distance. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH 50S-9 6wetland Bldg., cor 5th and Wash. Street JOIiElORE A 5-ACRE FRUIT FARM PI.4XTED TO APPLES A"D PE4CHES AND CILTIVATED' FOR THREE YEARS, ONLY $100 CASH $15 per Month 4 Interest Why go 200 to 300 miles from Port land to buy a fruit farm. wTien you can buy one close home for less money, land that will produce as fine apples and peaches as any in the state. THE VALLEY FRUIT FARM Three miles from Jefferson, on the S. P. R. R., 14 miles BOuth of Salem, and near the survey of the Oregon Electric from Salem to Albany, has been platted into 5 and 10-acre tracts and Is offered on the above terms. This farm contains about 340 acres, lies on the banks of the Santlam River and will ;mike that Ideal home you have been planning for old age, with sufficient Income to live In comfort. You must see this place to appreciate it. Comfc In this week and make ar rangements to Join our excursion next Sunday down and back the same day, with lota of time on the property. The lee-Bowdler Co. Pantagea Theater Block, 4th, and Stark iveraaie Does a country home appeal to you? If it does, tnere Is only one section that can possibly satisfy you. It is Riverdale Rlverdale surpasses every accessible section in and around Portland , for magnificent views. The mountains, the river, the city, all are before you in their grandeur. It is the one suburban section that is established beyond any question, and of which Portland Is Justly proud. It is here that are now grouped our only beautiful country homes. IT PAYS TQ SEE US. Chapin 6 Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Main lo2; A 4770. HOUSES AND LOTS 65 EAST 29TH STEEET Near East Oak st.. good two-story house, containing six rooms, bath, etc., pleasant neighborhood, which we offer at 2260. 1092 CORBETT ST. Good five-room cottage, corner lot. Bargain at J2500. 503 EAST 16TH ST. Modern 7-room house, very pleasant ly located. Take car to 16th and Clin ton sts. and walk one block north. 179 BANCROFT AVE. Large eight-room house, sightly lo cation, which can be sold at bargain. . 742 LOVEJOY ST. Good eight-room house, full 100x50 ft. lot. - 35 EAST 22d ST. NORTH. Large two-story, lOOxiOO-ft. lot. nine-room house, 961 FRONT ST. Modern 12-room house, large grounds, magnificent view. An Ideal home. WAKEFIELDJRIES S CO. 229 STARK ST. The Place Where the Big Red Apples Grow The Dunn-Lawrence Co. have just arranged to sell in ten-acre lots, I14 miles from Mosier Sta tion. Price $125 to $200 per acre. Also 160 acres, 3Vi miles out ,in the best apple-growing belt. Price $35 per acre up. All platted in 10-acre tracts. For sale on easy terms. " No. 248 Alder Street. $7000 100x100 Twenty-Second and Pettygrove, Suit able for Flats. FRANK BOLLAM 128 Third Street. A FINE HOME -Only $5500 50x100 and 8-room strictly modern house. No. 691 Multnomah st. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 5eond St. (Lumber ExehanEe Bldg.) and 3U2 V Si. INVESTMENT Desirable corner 45x60. East 6th and Ankeny, with good house. In direct line of earlv substantial improvement. Fine buy. SEE ME MONDAY. A. H. BIRRELL 203 McKAY BLDG. BRICK BUILDING Brand-new, two-story brick; close In, West Side; covering 50x100 lot. $25,000 Paying; 74 per cent on investment. GRUSSI & GANTNER Room T, 205 M ashlnatoa, cor. Third j PROSPECT PARK is one hundred and ninety feet above city grafla, has a beauti ful view of Mount Hood and Mount St. Helens, and over looks all the balance of Irving ton. V. Prospect Park has asphalt pavements, cement sidewalks, parked streets and building restrictions. Sewer, gas and Bull Run water. Prospect Park is close in, is only one mile from the Steel bridge and 10 minutes' ride from Washington street. Lots $1000 and Up EASY TERMS Take any of the Union avenue carlines at Second and Wash ington streets to Knott strnet, and walk one block east. Rountree & Diamond 241 Stark St., Cor. Second. ttenn 6-room modern house, on Wil-&4-DUU lamette Heights; J1500 cash. jmmmm f Fine 11 -room nouse, run V h II lot. on Nob Hill, near Slst f I nil and Gllsan. Lot alone is Ul I UU worth 6000. S8000 S8500 Factory site in St. John; 2 acres on car track. The orilv available site left. Will double in 2 years. Fine 10-room house, mod ern, lot 100x100,- fire place; paneled and hand Dolished hall, stairway and dining-room, double floors, lawn, roseS; fine view; in Overlook. Terms. SI 5,000 $20,000 Business property; in come $110: half cash; good Investment. A nlee corner lot, close in on Flanders street. Worth 2i,000. - Martin J. Higley 13a THIRD STREET. 5O00-ACRE RANCH ON COLUMBIA RIVER AND RAIL As a fruit, stock or alfalfa ranch there Is nothing better out of doors. Several hundred acres now in cultivation; good buildings of all kinds. A large IRRIGATION PLANT Now In operation. Just the place for a colony or for subdividing. Livestock, farm implements; a number of acres bear ing orchard. One-hird of the price asked includes imDrovements and personal prop erty. Price including everything, $Ho per acre. Any kind 01 terms you want. W. 1. GREEN, Wa stall nK ton St., Portland, Or, TAFT Is elected in November, corner of Sixth and Hoyt 50x100 feet, paying 6 per cent NET, will be sold for $3 1500 GILLETTE-RIGGS LAND CO., 614 Board of Trade Bld. BUY A HOME COVELL "Where you can get rapid car service, at the same time where you can grow something, tnrl buy on easy terms, one to five acres, at price of town lots. The Dunn-Uwrence Co. 248 Alder Street. THIRD, NEAR COLLEGE Apartment House Site Price $5700 L,ot 50x106 and small 5-room house, situated at 546 3d St., near College. A fine Investment. See us. We can ar range for terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. I. amber Exchange Bids.) and 302 E. Burnside St. NOB HILL HOME On easy monthly payments; 30S North 24th street. Thoroughly modern eight room house. In the heart of the West Side's, best residence district. FidelityTrustCo. OWXER. BOX Bonrd of Trade Building. Phone Main 447. GRAND AVENUE We have the best buy on Grand ave. Call and see us. Let us tell you more about It. . Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. (Lumber Exchange Bids.) - and 392 K. Burnside St. S4SOO 100x100, North 25th, near Thur man. A good location for factory, at a low price. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN, 90 Fifth Street. Will Build to Suit We have 101x100 on 5th street, near the depot, where we will build to suit tenant. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. i Lumber Exehansre Bldar.) and 302 K. Burnside St. If YOU Knew THE ADVANTAGES OF Overlook Ideal Location, Unexcelled View,' Modern Improvements, Attractive Homes, Building Restrictions, In fact, everything to make it The Residence Property On the East Side, YOU WOULD IMMEDIATELY SE CURE A LOT IN OVERLOOK. Take "L" Car, Transfer to "R-S" Car at Shaver St. AGENTS ON GROUND A. F. SWENSSON & CO. 253y2 Washington Street. 8-RoomJ House Thoroughly Modern In every detail in Ladd's Addition, near Hawthorne avenue and East Twentieth. The price is 100, part cash; balance, easy terms. F. W. Torgler, 106 Sherlock Bldg. KE.IL KSTATE UKAI.KM. Andrews, F. V. 4 Co., M U4U. U Uamlltoa M Baker, Alfred A., IIS Abtnftoa bide. Chapin Herlow, 32 Chamber of Comrotrcn Cook. B. 8. Co, 0S Corbott bids. CTuuloy Co., JU- Oorbott bids. M TSM. Fields, C. S. Co.. Board of Trade bids. Oeddard. H. W.. Main and A U4S. lltMMi Jeanlnca A Co. Mala ISA Xtt Oreconlsa, Loe, M E-. room 411 Corbstt bulldlnc. Kail k Von BorsUL 104 Sd st, SS3 B Sttnulon. Pmlmer. H. P.. tit Commercial Club bid. M Sa. A 8A parrUa, Watklns CO.. ISO Aider st Richardson. A. B. S21 Com. Club bid Schslk. Geo. D.. 4 Stark st. Main SOJ. A (M. Sharker. J. P. Co., 13 J Sixth at. Cwanuoo, A V. A Co.. SoSM waahinxton sc. The Oregon Real Estate Co , Grand ave. and Multnomah ata. (Holladay Addition.) Waddl, v.. O., 8w i.imtr ticnn slaa Whit. B. T.. 27H Waahlneton at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SEASIDE COTTAGE FOR SALE) Com manding unobstructed view of Clatsop. Beach, fully and comfortably furnished throughout and rea.1y for Immediate occu pancy; B rooms (sitting-room Is 2ftxl) fin ished in natural wood, heavy beamed ceil ings double floor, large open fireplace, hot and cold water, toilet with sewer con nections, woodshed and bath-house; an Ideal Seaside home, up to date, never occupied by anyone but owner and family. Frlce. S350O. An unusual bargain in this class of property. S04 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Modern furnished 5-room cot tage, near car line; will sell without fur niture If desired. , - Two fine low, near Hawthorne ave., fine residence district. , One lot, Stanley's .Addition. No. 2. See JOHNSON. &OS Chamber of Commerce. StioOO A beauty, swell part of Irylngton, njed ern 8-room home, open fireplace, fur nace, every convenience, plate-glaes front, swell porch, east front, full lot. K. iRth. near Tillamook; "ld in 10 days or withdrawn; half cash, balance terms. A. H. BlRRKLU ani McKay Bldg., Third and Stark Sts. FULL lot. good location. 6ro.?m ""nf,; basement, nice lawn, some fruit trees, near iKth and Ankeny line extension quick car aervlce. Hee owner. 8ti Weldler st. Might pay difference and exchange lor - larger house. O 816. Oregonlan. PARTY desiring fine, modern. up-to-date residence, with 80x100 or lW'XlOO tn choice residence district, close In. will find It to advantage to call at 81 East t-. cor ner Washington: long time on part. Phone East 189 INCOME INVESTMENT. Fine oroposltlon. Union ave.. close in, Droperty rapidly Increasing In value; you can make yourself 20 per cent Income. HEILMAN A LATHROP. Over Merchants National Bank. HILLSBORO ACRES. SWEET, 204 Corbett Bldg. 1400 60x100. fine lot, eonth front; Ivon St., Just east of B. 30th t.; one block to fllnton-st. carline; all Improvements In. A. H. BIRRELL, S02 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark Sts. A WHOLE) block, JO0x2O0, with new, mod ern 11-room house on Blandlna St.. nesr Patton home. 8500 tor tlt whole prop erty, half cash. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. HILLSBORO ACRES. SWEET. 204 Corbett Bldg. 10TH ST.. WEST SIDE. Near College, 7-room house, modern en tirely; east front; 14 minutes' walk; 16500; good terms, but hurry. J. R. 8TIPE8, 730 Chamber Commerce. HILLSBORO ACRES. SWEET. 204 Corbett Bldg. B-ACRE tracts, close to electric and steam lines; teat black soli; $750 e: iti: cash, balance per cent. Calterlin A Mann. 142 Vs Alder St. 11200 40 acres, miles from Forest Grove, y, miles to railroad, unimproved, nlre springs, heavy timber, half cash. Box 131, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE Fine, modern homes, all ever the city on eaey terms; before you buy see the ooldschmldt's Agency. 25V Washington at. 1RVINOTON 7-room house, Huh, between Tillamook and Thompson. For particu lars Inquire apartment T. the Irving, or phone A 2522. EXCHANGE My 2.1-acre Valley farm, well Improved; take part good mining stock, timber claim or realdence. M 3J2. Ore goAlan. 6-ROOM cottage, good condition, lot 3Sxloo, walking distance. 1X; will give terms; Owner. P 310. Oregonlan WILL exchange nearly new '08 twin mo tor Bicycle. Indian, fnr lot of equal value. Phone A 380. Sunday. FOR SALE 2 Peninsula iota, close to 8wlft packing plant; owner In a pinch; must soil. Phone Main 48ST. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house with hot water heat: close in. Call 742 E. Main, or phone East 1311. WEST SIDE cottage, fractional corner, .1 roome, bath and pantry; i400. Owner, 24;; Stark. FOR SALE Bungalo house and extra, lot ad . Joining for flJSO. on Mt. Scott car line. S , 311. Oregonlan. 775 Fine lot. East 22d near Division; worth ISOO. Address BUS Main St., Oregon City. . INSIDE property, 52x104: price la. below the market. See ua for this snap. Chapin A Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 1530 BUYS a fine 1V0 lot. Hancock St., near 32d at. O 304. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Modern 4-room house, 'close In. large lot. giKM); term. L 817. Oregonlan. WHAT have you to trade for 10.000 shares .of mining stock? M 321. Oregonlan GOOD corner lot -on East 2Ath St.. 11200 cash, from owner. E 316, Oregonlan. A HOl'SE and tot for eale cheap, by owner. 6U0 East 13th St., Brooklyn car.