THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. OCTOBER 11, 1903. 1 . CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.! Fanowtas ntrn win b flveai amly k tTcrtltlu U TArrrA la rua einecntle dav. ItaiTV and Ruaetay Issue. The Ore aroiaa fnirgt nrt-ttmi rate rach lacrtloa for claslllei adTertlsini thai I run aa caawnittva day. The nrst-tlm rharpil for Insertion la The Itcrkljr ' Or-sonla. . - Rooms. -Rooms aad Board." -Hoose-keltna Room." priate nousea l71. --alrnailoas IVaated." 1 word or W". '? . rnit: ! to t words. t rrat.; words. IS eents. etc. a aUscoant for addi tional In-m k.o- Matrimonial aad C lalrreyaat ada. ona IImi rmfo earn Insertion. ' Tm" r1. OTHER HEADS. except -r. Todar." mil lor 15 word, tt kt.: IS t word.. 4 cent.; 21 to SS wrfl. nr.. rr. gm Insertion, fcach additional Insert Ion. one-naif i no further discount n- dr on monih. ' . "SEW IOU.IT" (ranee nsrasvrn !"). 14 rents ner liar. fr.t laoortioa; 7 cent per line for earn additional rn-rrtlon. . th.Tr ratro apply to adTrrtlln paid la aflaore only. AM book rntrlra will be rharard la llnro Mr r" line lor Itrot In sertion and V' lino foe each consrciitlvo taorrtloa. hpoclal rates aa contracla Iven maT'X$fil!r. .WVMTWmFST. - tor the nairiinrr of pal ran. The Orrnonlan will accept adcrtlcmcnt. IrxceptlDn: -.Itaallon Waalcd"! for publication , In rlaesiMrd column, over the telephone. Bill for nrl advert l.lnc will be mailed Imme diate! and payment I. expected promptly. .Ill be taken to prerent error., but The Oretonlua will ort be responsible foe error la arlrrnlormrnt. taken " telephone. Telephone: Mala "0.0: A wHi MEET! NO NOTICES. HAT I. F P1"T INDVit LOUHE. NO UrtiRKK OF HONOR A. O. L". "J'm,V"r an1 frtn1 t n"tl-e tht on Wednesday evening Ortooer 51. will b tha nrst .-nV party and dance and each third Wednesday of ea-h month thereafter All coma and har. a i time. Kafrasumanta. Br order PI rfT 1RT, AyD ANNA VVNX. MINNIE ML'NOER. THB LADIES of the rrext.n'a Flret Hive. . frM. atfl tnc cir Knlrhus of .Va-n Tent. "No. l.. of the Mortem Mao abees. will lvc their nm dame and card party of the ea r.n t Aiettv Hall. Tlilrd an.l Morrlsnn .treete on Mond.y eveninl. Oct. oer ll. I"8. Rrfrr.'hmerin. Mlrhin fuka -ake notiie. WBBFOflT tfiMPAXT fNIFORM RANK Nti tA t . O. V. Panrlntt and ahlst r.rtle. Friday evenlrf. ' October I. Admia i,i .-ent. rxui. lr HI H: card, promptly at Hi o'.Jock; refrc.hmcnta. Uuca- or cneitra. MAfN-A BEKf fnlfirm rark will rive their flr.t ci.D.a of tha aoon In K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder etreer. Hid. arc out and can be attired from members or at the oftire. Main It34 or B 1TJ.1. " MAr.-ABEES. INIKiiRM RANK RIda are out for the flrrt dant-e of the .e.eon. Thurdv evenlnr Oi toror IS. K. of P. Hall. 11th and A;der st..iood floor. Ptllea Or chestra. pnRTI.AXn COMPANY. NO 1T. V. O. TV.. ai:l aive a whirt iiarty In th. . O. W. T.mple. IC Eleventh .treet. W'wlneriiy iv.mni. tt.ber 14. AdmHalon. lie. He freahn.rnra ard dar.rlra. I-t-tRTl.AND fIRi-I.E. NO. M.. W. O. W.. a III tlx e lil.t party evenlna. Oe toher at W O. W. HaU. US 11th at. Panctns and rcf rerhmenta. THE HOMRSTKAUER lIV;E will lva their arcond d.n.lrit p"V at the e.iera A.lm of Mueir. Second and Mdrrlaun atreete. Thursday evenin. Oct. 15. II A R MOST I.Onr.E NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. 8tatad communi cation on Monday. tctober 12. at 7:3l P. M. A talk by Brother R. ' t. Wrtaht on tho "Inner Circle." VI. Mora are cordially invitea. By order of tho W. M W. M DeLln. Secretary. PORTLAND HOMESTEAD. OKI. B. A T.. Hill give ynv party In Weatern Academy Hall. 21 and Morrlann. October It. t;ooi prises, refreshments, dancing. Come and brlna; your friends. DIED. KEl.t.K.Y At Watsonvllle. Cal.. Satunlay. o. toher 1'). lle-H. Mre. Mary Kelley, mother of Mr C. A. teurley. Vatpj.nvllle. Cl. ; Mre. Varaaret Boreher.. Portland, and W. H. Kellej. of North Tsklms. Warti. JACKSON In this cltv Cober 10. at tha fnmllv re.ldenco. 11:12 First street. Mrs. . Martha Jaokeon. aaed HI years 11 months IZ daa Announcement of funeral later. Fl'NEBAL NOTICES. CtlSTEl.lAl t.clober . Stephen Corftello. aaea -.- years and months. Funeral from Holman s chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at S::it) A. M. Monday. October li Theme lo St. Patrlck'a Church, liith and avier streets: services at u A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. PAI S In thla city, at the family residence. Woodstock, tvtober lo. Richard M-. Infant son of Mar and Nellie Dnus. aBed i months and III days. The funeral servi-e will be held at the family reeldence at '2 P. M. tiMlay iSundayi. Friends Invited. Inter ment River View C.melery. gHKKIPAN The funeral services of tha late Edward J cherldan -lll be held at Fln l.vs chapel at 11 A. M. today tSundayl. Friend invited. Interment Rosa City fTEWART The funeral eervlces of tha lata ticorce Law Stewart will be held at Fin lev, chapel at 1 P. M. today. Frlenda In vited. Interment Flnemen'a plot. Lone Fir Cemetery. t Lannlnc. McEntre t.llbaasjb. f ntieral Director.. 7th and Plue. 1'buao .Main Lady aMistant. Office of 1 aunty Coroner. EMWAKII HMLwAN CO.. Kooeral Dlrect rs. ita ad at. Lady aasUtant. Phone M SUI. J p. 11M.KV HON. ltd and atrtlo. Lady attendant. Phon Mala A tEl.l.EK-BYRNEH CO.. Fnoentl Dlreet ara. Ill Huaaell. East 1U- Lady aaal.tant F. a DI'MNINO. I'adertaker. 414 Kast Aider. Ijidv swtast. I'hona Eaat At. NEW TODAY. GILMAN Auction and Commission Company 9. L. .V tillmaa. Auctloaeer. Chattel Mort?a?e Sale of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.ETC. Tuesday, October 13th At Salesroom, 411 Washington atreet. Regular Sales Thursday and Fri day. Each Day at 10 A. M. Both phone. Cash for furniture. S. lu. X. OILMAN. Auctioneer. 3S F. MORRISON STREKT. IUva some EXTRA FINK Fl'RNITTRE f,r ihU wwk. TT.onic which in an almost new MatMetit-ie rnc or Rm-kV ranjee in p rfe,'i onl-r. buft.MS, niilf board?, exten uton la Mr!, dr!ners, ronimmies. chairs. r-ker unci everything in the household All to be oM at the I'Sl'AL RAROAINA at any time. If you want furniture. cj'I n:ui be convlncej that we OIVK KAROAINS. Fhone KM W-V B 2311. in Mils' be aold at a aacraflce. a brtnd nrw t-room house. fxl' lot. at i0 Kast Hth St., North, half b'ox-k from Tllla m.vk st. Fine reception hall, dinimt-room. extra Urae pantry with t'irvulaiin cooler. 1 rtr.'plaiv... fiirnace. laun.lry. beamed ceilin. pcliahed oak f'.rwra. tinted walls, laraje front beaiilfill exterior le aittn. Slrsel Improveni-nts all In and paid for. I'rtoe. $A': cash. House mill he erwn t'.-.'s V. ! and ilonday. Call or phone Woodlawn 1I7S. A Farm Bargain Exceptionally fcd J--aore farm 12 miles from t:t Mrnn Stiwt Pnde alt m cultivation, a crniail sprinn; creek runs a. ross tl:- p'a.-e. A 4-nKm liouse. Rood varn, Rtv.d ch.cktMihouae; U wll fenced; ltov. soil, no uTaiVcl or stone ; R(oi fr -a Inula or appi ; orchard. Price, ne-u.lrU casii, bill. ii p-r cent. W. H. XOeNG. 340 Chamber ot Coaznrc. rv jwab. I i . i i AUCTION SALES BT THE PortlandAuctionGo. (INC.) 311 FIRST STREET. lhane of Sales Days MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, 2 P. M Special Private House Sale at 580 Fifth, Corner Urant TI'FSDAT AT 10 A. M. we will sell the contents of this nice S-room rlwellinK. ronsintinir in part of: Parlor. 9x12 BOUl BBl'SSKIS ntr. mah. sec. bookcase, odd chairs and rockers In mahoicany and Klden oak. larfte mantel mirror tFrench platel. oil pnintinsrs. curtains, etc. Dtn-InK-room. 9x12 Axminster ruit. 10-ft. round extension table, oox-eeat chairs (uphol. In leather), combination china closet and buffet, all In golden oak. KITCHEN: HOME CWrFORT 6-HOIJ) RANGE. Jewel fax rang-?. Ka water heater. Inlaid linoleum, kitchen treasure, etc. Front bedroom: VERY FINE MAS SIVE BR.iSS bd with best of iron springs and B. M. O. E. mattress (prac tically new), golden oak dresser and com; mode (original cost. $2, large BLACK WALNUT wardrobe WITH DOUBLE PIRATE GLASS DOORS, rockers and five bedroom chairs. Back bedrooms: Wrought Iron. b rajs trimmed beds with iron springs and hair mattresses, golden oak dreawers. etc. In fact you'll find this as neat and well furnished a house as you can think of. It will pay you to attend this sale. HOUSE IS FOR RENT. For our sales during the week you'll find a complete a, line of furniture and household goods as it ever has been our good fortune to get together, and if ever von attended our sales, you'll know what that m-ans. We have metnl beds of all descrlp.lons and springs and mattresses to niii'eh. Dining-room suites, full assort ment of rugs, couches, davenports, dress ing table, combination bookcase and writ ing desks and. in fact, anything you may want for the house. Also a few roundtop desks. Tome and be convinced that we still BUY MORE AND SELL MORE furniture than any other auction house In the city. PORTLAND AUCTION CO. INC. 211 FIRST STREET. Main bfioS. A ilS. SPECIAL NOTICE Our private sales are Increasing more and more everv day. which we can only ascribe to the prices we charge and the courteous treatment we are trying our best to give. Ring up Main 5S55 or A 4121 for b?st resulu on your furniture. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION AND CGBION HOUSE 173-175 Second St. ' . Corner Yamhill Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. Comprising pianos, organs, high-grade parlor library, dining-room, bedroom and kitchen furnishings. Steel ranges, gas ranges, cook stoves, heating stoves. Carpets, rugs, linoleum and a complete lino of modern housekeeping furnishings. Our stock comprises every thing In the home furnishing line. SPECIAL SALE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13th AT IOA.M. On the Premises. 1119 E. Mad ison, Near 37th Street The cottage comprising 5 rooms In hard flnish. modern In detail, with lot H100 ft., will be sold promptly at 10 A. M.; lib eral terms offered to the purchaser. The furnishings comprising Decker up right piano, Flemish oak parlor chairs and tables, large Morris chair, wicker chairs, lounge and cover, pictures, jardi nere. carpet, etc.. dining-room suite in Flemish oak, extension table, chairs and buffet, lace curtains, pictures, carpet, heating stove, etc. Iron beds, springs, silk floss mattress, bedding, pillows. blrd"s eye maple dresser, toilet ware. White aewing machine, fibre mattings, chairs, rockers, bed linen, towels, etc. Steel range. Jewel gas range, dishes, kitchen requisites, laundry equipments, lawn hose, tools, etc. ... This neat 5-room cottage with furnish ings complete to be sold on date men tioned a i public sale by order of the owner. P. R. Kltchie. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. If you want a fine rubber-tire driving Dtlggv or anjiiima; iu miiii.-i ....... ......... or farm with at less than wholesale cost. attend me. nannruin .u- n street. We are closing out the P. M. O. Cos. stock, comprising something you wish to use. eat or wear. If you wish to sell your belongings for spot cash, call .. .-:.- r T wit isriv up Alain irtK a ..i.. -. " - t.i i. .i.. r.,MliiiM In ve.1 mnhnpnnv bird'a eye maple and quarter oak, body brussela carpets with hall and stairs to match. Axminster rugs, all sixes, etc.. AT BAKER S AUtTION HOL SE, 152 PAJUC STREET. TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 AM. We are instructed by the owner to sell the handsome furnishings of his private home removed in from the suburbs for convenience of sale, comprising very massive mahogany parlor suite in silk plush coverlnKS. sectional bookcase in weathered oak. oak library table, rocker In golden quarter oak and mission style, center tables, portieres, lace curtains, French plate mirror in gilt frame. Cole s Hot Blast Parlor Heater, double parlor IhxIv Brussels carpets, oak hall seat and mirror, very massive steel tube bed (the kind you cannot break!, other beds in green, bronx?. Verms Martin, and cream enamel, best all steel springs, felted floss mattress (the celebrated B. M. O. felt and other mattresses, good feather pil lows, dressers and chiffoniers In genuine mnhoganv and bird's eye maple, quarter ed oak chiffoniers and dressers, oak dining-room suite, viv pedestal dining table, box seal chairs, buffet, nearly new com bination bookcase and desk, gas range, inlaid linoleum and other effects. Also from another ladv we have consigned two Iron beds, folding bod. dining-room suite, extra qualitv oak buffet. cook stove, granite ware and many other useful lots. Ssie starts prompt at W O'CLOCK ON TUESDAY NEXT. Tarties furnishing are Invited to inspect the above' goods tomorrow, be sure and bring sixes of rooma for carpets. BAKER SON. Auctioneers. THURSDAY NEXT The furnishings of 7-room residence will b sold by order of administrator of estate, including bedroom furniture, din ing suite, steel ranee and other effects. Saie at BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 154 Park St., at 10 o'clock Thursday next. BAKER A SON. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE 41 cows and heifers, 4 workhorses, wagons. I?nrness. Tl F.MltV. ( 13. ISO. .t Saltxman Plae, lx miles north west fr..m Portland, on North Cornell road and half mile from Union Lumber t o s' mill; also 1 's miles southwest up old Pnrln gville road from St. John ferry lanoiti. 1 o'clock P. M. lacQUik. .u. 1GilCND BURGER. CHOICE OFFERINGS S24.000 -That lOOxSJO on Tork - at. switch. 15,000 ISOO-acre ranch. Southern " Ortgon. or will exchange for Portland property, equal value. 87.200 A beautiful residence In se p lect portion Irvlngton. spuce in rear tor s.i age y, : dwelling. Half cash will Handle, see si (i xjiuv way. 85.700 A very tasty, modern dwell- lug, SUUIlljLij " ' corner, sightly and good every way. Eaat 28th and ! Yamhill. Half cash. j S5.000 40x100. with 8-room dwell- lng, near 14th and Jeffer-J son. - Easy walking dis- 1 tanre. Half cash. . ' S4.750 New, 7-room dwelling. East Main st. i'our own terms. I S3.OO0 Two lots. 7-room house. Arbor Lodge, neax car. Half cash. S1.200 Let us show you that sight- lv lot. East Stark, near 20th. Half cash. SOO Two beautiful lots. East 33 J. one block from car. Make your own terms. FE.VIXSII.A 35 scattered lots, some bunches; no boom prices. Look them up. LOASS On inside, improved prop erties. Jackson 6 Deering Phone Mala S43 24 Stark. THE LIMIT You may not think so. but I positively mean what I say that Only $5500 and only part of it cash, will bur my new exceptionally line large modern, in every respect, bungalow, situated on 68 feet front lot. next to corner of GHsan and E. 28th street. Tills fine home con sists of reception hall, parlor and large dining-room 16x19 with floors covered with the most expensive imported carpets by the firm of Tuil & Gibbs; two large bedrooms, well carpeted, large bathroom, toilet separated, kitchen and pantry. Sx 10. floor of all these covered with best of linoleums, 5 closets, full basement, furn ace, electricity, gas and gas range, wash trays, etc.. all window shades and screens included in above price. Cement wall in front of lot and steps and walk around the house: fine lawn and choice trees and roses, and delightful view of city and heights. Without exception one of the most desirable homes of its kind in the cltv. If you want such a home cheap, begin and get busy. Call at the home Itself, 124 East 28th at., North, or at our ofrice. DUBOIS Sc. CROCKETT Washington Bldg.. room 3. . Please not to bother us except you mean business. ' Stillwell Donation Land Claim, Yamhill County First time offered for sale. Com mands a picturesque landscape view unsurpassed in Oregon. Overlooks two of the most substantial villages in the Willamette Valley. Four snow-capped peaks in the background, and an ur ban frontispiece which for beauty cannot be excelled in the Northwest. Large oaks surround the buildings, that are supplied with the best of water from springs on the hillside. Mostly in cultivation and especially suited for a large orchard plant, as all the land has been pronounced by expert walnut and apple men as the choicest for those varieties. Price only $60 per acre. B.S.COOK & CO. 503 Corbett Building.. BY OWNER Handsome Home 8. ROOMS fireplace, furnace, combination fix tures, cement basement; beautiful lawn, with fine bearing fruit trees; plate-glass windows. $6500. 437 East 15th Street, N. Corner Tillamook, Irvington. SNAP! Half Block, 7th St. TERMS. Frank Bollam 128 Third Street." SAVIER STREET lOOxino on the northwest corner of JCth and Savler sts. Price7000 MALL & VON BORSTEL J04 Seeod St. ( Lumber Kxrhansie Bids;.) aad S2 K. Uuraalde t. Rent Money You never see again. Buy a lot with $10 monthly installments and when you get it paid for. build a home. See our lots in restricted district. Purse. 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309. FOR RENT FOR TERM OF YEARS Half block, Irving st., bet. 5th and 6th sts. Inquire room 317, Beck building, cor. 7th and Oak st3. $5800 $1300 cash, balance on easy in stallments, gets yon a home in Irving ton worth $6500. Owner. Address R 312, Oregonian. 6-Room House Thoroughly Modern In everv deta'l. at Ti'o E. Salmon, near h Price 4oi1rt. Must be sold soon. Conie and aee this place. Make an offer. F. W. Torgler, 106 Sherlock Bldg. r xooA,. i "" : BEAUTIFUL GLEN HARBOR Have you purchased a lot in Glen Harbor T If not, read this: Three Weeks Is the time it took to sell out six blocks, comprising 150 lots. To accommodate the late comers we have rushed the platting of our new addition, and are now ready to sell these lots at the same low prices and terms. Lots 50x100, some larger. From $225.00 to $500.00; 10 per cent down and $10.00 per month. Graded streets. Water and sewers to every lot. The above i3 enough for the price, but we add more, viz. : Unobstructed view of entire East Portland and suburbs. The mountains and the Columbia River. Fifteen minutes to center of City of Portland when electric line, now building, is finished. West Side no drawbridges. Inquire of us when automobiles leave for tract. GLEN HARBOR REALTY CO. 836-840 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Home A 1568 Street improvements at Bossmere are now about completed, and it is in deed "a thing of beauty." ROSS MERE has more miles of graded and graveled streets, all 10-foot parking, cement sidewalks, curbing and Bull Run water than any tract in the city, all now in and paid for. Lots 50x100, $2000 building restric tions. An early selection will secure an elegant homesite. Lois $450 to $600, incloding improvements all paid for; rapidly enhancing in value owing to the many new modern homes going np in this vicinity. Take Rossmere car 3d and YamhilL JOHN W. COOK, Manager. GEO. KNIGHT CLARK, Gen'l Agt. 336 Chamber of Commerce. Phones Main 5407, A 3252. SETTLERS REALTY COMPANY WE HAVE BARGAINS IN Farms and City Property 16 acres near Portland. $1500, including stock and implements. Brick building on Russell street. HS, 000, pays -10 per cent on Investment. Very attractive bargains in beautiful Overlook. Investigate. Last your property with us if you want quick results. SETTLERS REALTY COMPANY 26 Sixth Street. North. Phone Main 9498. A Bargain in the POLK COUNTY FRUIT BELT 110 acres of deep, rich soil bringing large income. Good 9-room house with hot and cold water, phone and K. F. D., windmill and tank: large barn and good outbuildings: H-mile to school and rail road: 2'i mllea to Dallas. 40 acres set out to choice apples, cherries, Crawford peaches and English walnuts, trees vary ing In age from 4 to 16 years. 60 acres in grain, balance in pasture. Price. $13, 000; $5000 cash, balance easy terms. KAUFFMANN 6 MOORE 325 Lumber Exchange. Cheap Building Lots IRVINGTON See the lots we are selling from SoOO to S800 each on Thompson Til lamook, Halsy. Schuyler. Broadway, Weidler, Clackamas and Wasco streets. MALL & VON BORSTEL K4 second St. and Sa E. Bornalde St. $60,000 Solid Block 200x200 North Sixteenth St. TERMS, HALF CASH Sengstake & Lyman SO FIFTH ST. Willamette Heights Your choice of those beautiful modern -room homes. Just completed, on the northwest corner Twenty-seventh and Savler streets. Price. 4250; $400 down and Jw a month. Fidelity Trust Co., Owner 01 Board of Trade Bldg. ihone Main W,. Time To Invest Carefully selected real estate is steadily increasing in value, i Now is the time to purchase. 7-room house on East 26th st, near Clinton st., $2000. New 5-room cottage in North I Albina, $3000. Close to car. 8-room, East Ash, near 9th, $3400. Fine lots in North Albina, near car, from $650 to $850 each.. Half block in "Woodstock, $750. 2 fine lots in Beauvoir, only $800 for both. Close to ear. 10 acres on Council Crest, $1800 per acre. REMEMBER We handle only such property as we can recom mend. Portland Trust Company I - of Oregon I S. E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS j $80.00 Buys a Beautiful Lot in Montavilla Ob Monthly Paymenta o S1.00 Each S Minutes From Car Line, B-C'ent Far and T-Mlnnte Service Bnltdlna; Restrictions Cement Sidewalks. HOMESEEKERS, SPECULATORS AND INVESTORS Wanted, to join us In subdividing 25 acres of the prettiest land In Multno mah County; level and all In cultiva tion; nearly half a mile closer to street car than either Mabelville or the Rail way Addition. Lots adjoining this tract and across the street are selling for J350 to J500. Why pay the enormous profit of subdivision dealers when you can join our syndicate and get your lots at acreage prices? We will plat this property early in November into about 300 lots 25x100 feet. We are accepting applications now for 117 of these lots at J80 each. We will lay cement sidewalks In front of the balance of the lots and at the same time lay them in front of the 117 sold on this plan for actual cost, at the option of the buyers. Only a Few Left Come out today and look it over. Take Montavilla car and get off at Hibbard street. THE LEE-BOWDLER CO. Pantsse Theater Block, Fourth and Stark Montavilla Office Cor. Villa Avenue and Hibbard Street. Acres I have just completed subdividing my Milwaukie Park tract, six miles from City Hall, on the Oregon City line, 8 blocks east of Milwaukie Heights station, into one, two and three-acre blocks. At the prices, $350 to $450 for any portion or for all, it is one of the snaps of the season. Suitable for fruit, garden truck and a portion for onions. Fifteen hun dred feet front on Kellogg Creek, a handsome and extremely profitable homesite. Absolutely clear title. Will be glad to show interested parties. Suitable terms. Mat. Foeller, Cham ber of Commerce Cigar Stand. Portland Heights $700 Lot 50x100, two blocks from car. If you want a very desirable lot cheap for cash, look me "up. Xo agents. A. F. MERRILL, 218 Customs Building. Apartment Site 60x100 on Park St. near Main St. would make an Ideal apartment-house or flat site, and would yield an enormous Income on the amount Invested, being close In to the business district. PRICED 10,000 Martin J- Higley 133 Third Street. EAST SIDE WAREHOUSE PROPERTY We have a. hg bargain in a half block i" the warehouse district. See us about it. Mall & Vori Borstel 104 Second St. (Lnmbfr Kirhame Bldg.) and 392 E. Barnaide St. 1 ItiVESpiJTS INSIDE PROPERTY HALF BLOCK on Petty grove st.. near Willamette River, with 200 feet of railroad trackage. . .. S55.000 50x100, with trackage, in same vicinity S12.000 FRONT STREET and Jeffer son, oDiTO, terms S15.000 RESIDENCES EAST AXKEXT and 30th St. 6-room, modern house, with all conveniences. A genuine bargain WOODLAWX, 4-room. mod ern cottage, has electric light, bath room and nice yard with roses and fruit trees KING'S HEIGHTS. 7-room house on high lot. Fine view of city. Terms MOUNT SCOTT, modern. 5 room bungalow, complete ly furnished in quarter sawed oak. A bargain S2.900 S2.000 S2.900 S2.450 ROSE CITY PARK. 6 - room, new, modern house S3.300 VACANT LOTS UNIVERSITY PARK, 100x100 corner, with small barn.... EAST ANKENY ST- 50x 80, near 23A st SUNNYSIDE. 50x10.1. on East 83d st. A good buy.. S50 Sl.SOO 900 &T Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS, Three-Story and Basement BRICK BUILDING 50x100, suitable for wholesale estab lishment; apply to A. L. PARKHURST 424 Lumber Exchange Building. MT. TABOR For logical reasons, the finest residence section In the city and prices now are less than they will be later. Mark the prediction. Single lots 50x100 each on improved street and handy to carllne, J750 to $850, on easy terms. Some irregular shape pieces. Just the thing for bungalows. All fine view property and on the West slope. Easy terms HENKLE S HARRISON 611 Gerlinger Bldg., 2nd and Alder. Beautiful Six-Room BUNGALOW-CHEAP A beautiful 6-room bungalow, 2 large bedrooms, nice clothes closets, reception hall and den; porcelain bath: medicine chest; dining-room, with opening; china closets into pantry; nice furnace; fine kitchen with pantry; porcelain sink with back; piped for gas; electric and combina tion fixtures; elegant drop light; nice front and rear porches with lights; brush finished walls; cove celling and shades; cement basement: stationary tubs and everything modern. House 2 months old; good neighborhood; lot 50x100 feet. Price, J26O0; J600 down, balance at 130 per month. RALPH ACKLEYi 603 Corbett Building Yambill County 1320 acres of the choicest land In the county, between 300 and 500 acre now under cultivation, balance contains fine timber. Plenty of good water on prem ises. Will sell at 117 an acre. S3SOO CASH. Balance Six Per Cent on Time. CHARLES I- SHCIKPFELIX, 270 Stark St. Will Build to Suit Tenant A family hotel or apartment house on lots 100x100 in the best residence loca tion within walking distance, 100 feet north of Washington street. F 323, Ore gonian. ' ATTENTION That fine 10-room modern home and one lot, northeast corner of East l&lh and East Ankeny streets, can be had for 8oo0 provided it is purchased this week. A splendid bargain for any person want ing such a home. Go and look at the place or call on us. DUBOIS & CROCKETT Washington Bldg.. room 3. IRVINGTON HOME and 16x100. in most fashionable Part of Irvington proper-XOT a suburban addl Uon of IrvinVton-land alone Is worth ix,; house $3500 to build. You can have Ufor J5700; 3ou0 cash. Call at i25 Weid ler or see me. A. D. MARSHALL, 427 Chamber of Commerce. Bungalow for Sale Modern in every respect. Located in the most attractive residential section of the East Side. SMITH EVERETT, 215-317 Swetland Building. Thirteenth St. Choicest quarter block on 13th St., within a few blocks of Washington St.; close in and on track. This price will sjon be adanced. buildings costine over $250,000 being erected in immediate vicin ity. ' If you want to buy it, "Do it now." If you don't it will cost you $35,000. Price now $30000 Fourteenth St. South of Glisan, corner, sox 100; fine for factory or ware house; close in; some income now. $15000 Washington St. Quarter block, corner, ioox 100, east of 13th st. $125,000 or inside lot 50x100. $50,000 If inside lot is sold, owners will erect on corner lot ."me brick or concrete building. This will greatly enhance value of the $50,000 lot. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. INVESTMENTS ABSOLUTE BARGAINS $15,000 Washington-street lot, full size, choice location. $32,000 Full quarter block, upper Vash- ington st.; an ideal location for hotel or apartment house. $32,500 Seventh st., full quarter-block, wholesale district; best buy on the street. $75,000 Half block, 200 feet on Seventh -st.; good for a quick turn at a big increase. This is a snap. James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce. Special Home Buys S2000 New, 6-room cottage, between Hawthorne and Richmond car.' Nice lot. full basement, gas, etc. Terms. J500 cash, balance $15 month. K2SOO Beautiful lot on corner, 88x -"w 3a, with lots fruit, flowers. etc. 5-roora cottage, In Sun nyslde. Can make terms. S4500 rooms, bath, all modern. v-aovv f)re condltlon-, on fractional c-orner, not far from 23d and Thurman. Will make fine home or will pay 8 per cent net. The price is below value. 85500 Modern. 6-room -house. 3 years old, In center Nob Hill on Marshall; J2000 cash, bal ance per cent. SSOOO Iarge, 6-room modern houso on corner Thompson street. F. O. NOBTHRIJP, SIS Coach Bids;., 4th, near Washington. Modern Homes EAST SIDE in nnn 9 rooms, 100x100. near E. , " 17th and Ankeny. OflO -8 rooms, corner, near E. 12th and Tillamook. S6 500 9 rooms. 50x100, near 21st ' and Hawthorne. WEST SIDE ej sso S rooms, .fractional 'ot, near Uth and Market. S 500 7 rooms, fractional corner, 99.ouv near park an( Harrsnn. S10 5009 rooms. 61x100, near 21st " and Northrup. F. BIIESKE, 444 Sherlock. Bldg. Chickens Pay Re independent on a 5 or 10-acre place in the CHICKEN AND SQUAB BLSI- We Can Locate You Right Prices of our tracts rants from J100 to 1300 per acre. ALi. NEAR THE CARLJNE. IT PAYS TO SEE fS. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Look, a Snap! ( A new modern 6-room bungalow, imi concrete basement. Corner lot J0 beautifully situated. Two blocks from carllne Must sell. 930 Division at., oor. 81st. If not at home leave addreas. FOR SAL.E 20x100 ON WASHINGTON, NEAR 12TH Good Income. Good prospects. Satis factory price, terms H. W. GODDARD, Phone 1713. Second. i