SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 12 VOL. XXVII. PORTLAXD, OREGON, SUNDAY 310RXI3 TG, OCTOBER 11, 1908. Q. 4l. Mail Orders Filled bgV ' , AR Hffi S zlfL iUL 1 Sole Portland Agents Heminway's Sewing Silks Sole Portland Agents Pellard Tailored Suits Lipman-Wolfe'S Exclusive Women's Apparel for H orse Show In connection with the Horse Show Exhibition Lipman, Wolfe & Co. announce their agency for the superb gowns of PELLARD, of New York and Paris We also exhibit the Millinery of the leading shops of the Rue de la Patx such as Georgette, Mme.Lew.s EtherMayer Suzanne Blum, and others, as well as the Hats of Robinson & Wells of London. Many other features of LiomanWotfe's Superb styTe showing will appeal to lovers of the beautiful in dress The .deas of the pero d dSatenbse exclusive novelties-the broad revers, the high ruffs, the long lines of that period of long ago. We have absolutely exSusfve models oX on" of a kind, in Gowns, Cloaks, Waists, Parisian Jewelry, Millinery, Neckwear, and accessones Smart Set." " W B "La Vida " "Nemo" and "C.B. a la Spirite" Corsets, sold exclusively by Lipman, Wolfe & Co msure perfect fitting Xfk- Z' nrul,J Tnnarel. Lioman- Wolj e's.-as usual, appeals to women whodesire of simple elegance $1.50 Imported Plaid Silks 95c On Monday we will place on sale a special purchase of 5000 yards of im ported Plaid Silks at 95c a yard, newest and most exclusive patterns one of the greatest silk values of the year. ' They come in all the new color com binations, such as taupe, wistaria, catawba, canard, cedar, olive and many others. They are exclusive piaias or sucn unusuai ucsigus made only by the French. Regular $1.50 yard. For one day only 95c Women's Tailor-Made Suits Values to $40 for $2475 The suits in this big Monday sale are the best kind of a suit bargain, be- - .u...... arnn1 uiic nnr a enrrial rmrehase. nor odd lots lUSt suits that we sold right along up to $40, reduced in price in order to sell a lot r . i 3 oi uicm wonuy. . Made of fine broadcloth, English serges and fancy serges, in navy, smoke, taupe, brown, green and , black. Some plain tailored, sat- - . i I . J c: t tnmmcn or uuiiun uuuiucu The styles are the very latest long and medium-length coat styles, cut in a variety ofnovet and modish effects. It's not often you get tailor-made suits 004 7t so stylish as these for ' 52 - Inch Broadcloths $3.50 Broadcloths at $2.98 Imported Chiffon Broadcloths, regular f 3.50 quality, high luster, permanent fin ish, piaranteed London shrunk; in black and 73 colors; staple and novelties; new arrivals are wistaria, catawba, taupe, Canard, apricot. Edison, berry, tfJO QO etc. Special, this week, at. .f"J $2.50 Quality at $1.89 Imported French Broadcloths, 52 inches wide, new self stripes, illuminated stripes, shadow plaid, etc, in the latest-colors olive green, wood browns, Edison blues, new navy. Regular $2.50 qual- d1 QQ ity, special price, yard. t1,u, $2 English Tailor Suitings $1.48 English Tailor Suitings, 66 inches wide, fin est quality all wool for coats or tailor suits. Stripes only in new colors smoke, taupe, olive, new browns. $2.00 qu J- CI 48 ity at, yard.. .V...V $1.25 All-Wool Storm Serge 50-inch all-wool Storm Serge, plain and herringbone stripes, best fabric made for hard wear. This sale includes black, all shades of navy, brown, .greens, ' wine, smoke and cream; qualities Qq. worth $1.25 yard, t. Hosiery, Vals. to 65c at 25c Pr. Black Cotton Stockings, sample lines, luu 7 c to 65c pair; for Monaay saie $2 Union Snits $1.69 Each 12V2 Women's "Forest Mills" Merino Union Suits, best fitting garments made; long sleeves, high flj-l ?Q neck; half wool; $2 vals. Woman's, imoorted fashioned. Hermsdorf dye, values Reg. 20c Hosiery 12Vac Pair Women's Black Cotton stockings. ma, 1c with seamless foot and guaranteed fast black. Ree. 20c values, sale ?0 Women's Bags $4.48 Here is a Monday sale of Women's Bags that eclipses any values given by any Portland store for many years 500 Car riage Bags, Automobile. Avenue and Vanity Bags, made of seal, morocco, calf, pigskin, buffed alligator, frog and all the new fancy imported leathers. Every style of the up-to-date bags. Regular values up to $10.00. See big $4.48 window display $5.00 Swagger Leather Bags $2.48 Swagger Bass, medium size, made of finest imported leather, all colors, to match vour suit. Regular $5.00 CO Af bags - $15 Horn Back Alligator Bags $8.75 Horn back Alligator B.urs. extra large size, one-piece or flat bottom two-piece style. Sold OQ 7 everywhere at $15 and $1(5.50 ?J t xJ Horn-back Alligator Bags, small size, one-piece or two piece -nith Mjuare bottom. Kegiilar $7.00 dJO QQ Alligator Bags, special ?O.J70 The Calling Bag. very fashionable, made of finest im ported leathers, all colors; also for children's "7C- bags; r.00 size. $1.00; $1.50 size Soft leather Squaw Bags, with ring handle, all colors. A handy knock-about bag, that sells for $1.00 AQf k 'V- Sale of Lace Curtains Lace Curtains of all kinds are greatly reduced for this week's sale.- Large. va riety in Marie Antoinette, Irish . Point, Cluny, Nottingham, Battenberg, .Cable Net and Renaissance styles. White or Arabian color, 2y2 and 3 yards long. $3.50-$3.00 Lace Curtains $2.39 Pair $4.50-$4.00 Lace Curtains $2.98JPair $5.50-$5.00 Lace Curtains $3.89 Pair $6.50-$6.00 Lace Curtains $4.68 Pair $7.50-$8.50 Lace Curtains $5.95 Pair 8000 Yards Fine Novelty Embroideries Regular Values Up to $5 Yard at 98c Here is a sale that comes only once a year 8000 yards of the highest novelties of the sea son in High-Grade Embroideries. The very latest novelties in soutache, filet and lace ef fects in Bands, Edges, Flounces and Allovers. Usually sold at prices up to $5 -f Q - a yard. On sale monaay. ino winaow aispiay on aauum m num; uhwvt - rnt hibition. Be very eany TaffetaSilkPetticoats mi Annual Sale of Sf . ; I Ostrich Plumes The Lipman-Wolfe leadership in the as sortment, stock and selling power of Os trich Plumes has always been known to Portland women. Our season sales of rich Ostrich Feather Plumes are patronized by hundreds of women who await eagerly the opportunity to buy these elegant feathers at prices never attempted or offered except at these sales. , In .tudying the beautiful hat from Pari atelier, on. U imprened with the great popuhyfJtrichjMmejW erymae curl .round the big hat, nod oyer the crown of Directoire bon net and drop over the brim of dathing turban i. We can say with assurance that this is the greatest offering ever made of fine Ostrich Plumes. It is a sale at less than any small store can buy them or any wholesale house can sell them. In order to prop erly display these feathers we make an extra showing in our Drapery Dep't, in addition to an immense display in our Millinery Trimming Dept. $4.50 Plumes, Black and White, $1.98 $5.00 Plumes, Black and White, $2.45 $6.00 Plumes, Black and White, $2.95 $8.00 Plumes, Black and White, $3.95 $10-$12.50 OstrichPlumes 3 Q C Black, White, All Colors J $2 Neckwear 98c 98c Over 1000 pieces" of high -grade-Women's Neckwear, including all varieties and novelties in lace, net and ribbon effects. All pretty and new. Values to $2.00 for... .." Linen Tablets at 9c Best quality linen Writing Tablets in white', blue, etc.;" all sizes; rega- . fi lar 15c and 20c values '. ..... . W All the regular sizes of best quality linen Envelopes, with latest style flap. Qr.: 15c value - " Rayo Lamps $1.79 The Rayo Lamp is the best lamp for all-around household purpose. Gives a clear, steady light. Made of brass throughout and nickel plat ed. Equipped with the latest im proved central-draft burner. Hand some, simple, satisfactory. Every lamp guaranteed. Reg- "TQ ular $2.50, sale price P Values to $10.00 for $5.39 It's not often that silk petticoats' of the style and beauty of these are ever sold in special sales. Made of finest taffeta silk, black and ' colors, in smart, neat tailored styles with flounces and ruffles tailored stitched. Cut generously full. Only 100 Petticoats in this lot, and they ought not to last long, considering the unusual quality . r -1 1 r , 1 : . ana value, four yaras oi suk oi equai quamy would cost at retail as much as one of these fine man-tailored Petticoats that we offer at.' v...... $5.39 $1.75-$2 Kid Gloves $1.29 On Monday Portland's Best Glove. Store offers 50 dozen 2 -clasp Over seam Dress Kid Gloves, with Paris point embroidery; every size; in black, white, tan, brown, mode, grays and ox blood. Finest quality $1.75 and $2.00 Kid Gloves. Included with the above ar. a limited num ber of the famou l-clap "ReUem" Lon don Cape Glove, one of thi Fall' molt popular style.. Regu- tl p f ' lar $1.75 to $2 value 4j)X.rfC7 : $1-$1.25 Belts 69c The new Leather Laced-Back Belts; also leather and elastic combination belts, in all colors; $1.00 and ZQn $1.25 values $1.00 Tailored Calf Belts, 59c New neat Tailored Calf Belts, with three rows of CO A leather lacing, in all colors; $1.00 values..; JJ $2.00 Silk Elastic Belts, $1.25 Wide Silk Elastic Belts in all colors, with d1 OC buckles: reeular $2.00 values. ,K A v.vj ' - $1.50 Sheath Girdles, $1.18 $3.50 Sheath Girdles, $2.89 Sheath Girdles, made of knit silk in solid colors or- two-color combinations; the daintiest belt of the season. Priced, as above. $1.00 Alligator Girdles, 39c Buffed Alligator Skeleton Girdles, in tan, brown, green or gray; $1.00 value Beltinsr-Silk Elastic Belting, extra qual ity, all colors; value 3c and 5c, 2q lor, an men. $1.25 Calf Belts at 39c, 39c Fancy Moire Pressed Calf Belts, in navy, brown, green or DiacK, wiin- pieaiea leather back buckle; $1.25 value. $1.00-$ 2. 00 Belts at 29c Odd lots of Leather and Taney Belts, values originally to $2.00. Sale 29c price Fancy Belting A most correct selection of silk and tinsel combinations, colors' and shades to match your suit; 212C 5c values, an' inch... .." $3.50 Mission Furniture Clocks at $1.89 rr : , riorks, 18 inrhes hiph. nendulum swine and neat gilt SrAcTlW from to match mission or old. $1g9 ' P'.ntrlisri furniture $3.50 Cut Bead Necklaces at .$1,29 New novelty Cut Bead Necklaces" in garnet, blue, . 1 fiiT-malin SdlTlfi 111 extra large graduated Deaas, sirung on foxtail $1.29 Reg. $4.00 Gold Cuff Links at $1.62 Solid gold Cuff Links, several new designs, in chased, engraved, English and Roman finish, finest qualities. Rcsularlv $4 pair. Yod do not often ?1 goa a cfllA at (in I V i Mm $5 Framed Pictures $1.95 This is without question the greatest picture value we have ever given ; Carbons in a most irresistible assortment of subjects, framed correctly in hardwood frames. We wnt y.o to expect thU t picture tou .een for in.nynuEpect much-in fact more than you have right to expect, and you will not be di.appomted M . ; .-. i , . .u:. -.-tinn.lly low once of - when yon come here on wonaay ror mei picture : . h I ...... ............ .....a. I . u : : ; :