The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 26, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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$3000 to $10,000 a ypar in the real estate
business for man who is looking for a
future Is offered by one of the largest
real estate Arms which is now being or
ganized; men wanted In every section of
th state; a great opportunity tor in
ventors with a few hundred dollars to
make a fortune; Investment guaranteed
and wcurpd bv 8 per cent real estate.
- We control large tracts in which for
tunes will be made; we control the finest
fruit and farm land, in which we will
take in- a few partners to participate in
the large profits, at the same time acting
our representative. Answer with full
particulars. R 114. Oregonian.
TRAVEL! NO SALESMEN earn big sal
aries. l0O to $20.not a year and ex
pense. "We will teaoh you to be one
in eight weeks by mail and assist you
secure a position with a reliable firm. we
p!a-e our graduates with the best firms
in the United States. If you are am
bitious and want to increase your earn
' inns, write for free catalo-gue, "A Knight
of the drip," and list of good positions
' nrw open. Address Dept. 6rt5. National
Salesman's Training Assn.. Chicago, III.,
Kansas Cltv. Mo., and Minneapolis, Minn.
Write nearest office.
RELIABLE Chicago company will contract
with high-grade man with sucessful re?-
ord for selling scales, assortments, patent
medicines, etc. Position pays $400, $.V10
monthly. Exclusive patented specialty
sold to five linrs dealers, towns and cities.
Legitimate, dignified, permanent business
for reorders. M'trhera Mill Co., 120
Franklin St. Chicago.
2lO MOTORCYCLE or horse and bugsry
furnished our men for t raveling, nd $85
per month and expenses, to take orders
for tne greatest portrait house In the
world. You will receive. postpaid, a
beautiful 16x20 reproduction of oil
painting in answer to this ad. Write for
particulars. R. D. Martel, Department
330. Chicago.
WANTED Druggist or doctor to take full
chargo of corner drugstcre; good Valley
town; one who can take half interest and
assume management. Owner has othjr
business. No competition. flourishing
town, with two colleges; rich country sur
rounding. Splendid opening for either.
Mt. Angel Drugstore, Mt. Angel, Or.
AN AMBITIOUS, hustling young man, no
drone need apply, ran have an active in
terest In a proposition of magnitude and
certain success if willing to invest a small
amount of capital with active services;
only general business experience neces-
snrv. Call today or address J. M., Kelso,
For graduates last year; men and
women to learn barber tnde in eight
weeks; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert In
structor; tools free; write for catalogue.
Moler System of Colleges. 35 N. 4th st..
Portland, Or.
WANTED Expert electrical aid at $5.04
per diem. An examination will be held
at the Navy-Yard, Mare Island, Cal.,
August 31, 1908. to fill the above posi
tion. For application and further Infor
mation, address Commandant, Navy-Yard,
Mare Island. Cal.
M EN wanted, good vision, urder 30. over
145 pounds, for brakemen and firemen on
railroads in this vicinity; experience un
necessary; pay $75 to $100 monthly; pro
moted to conductor or engineer, $150 to
$200 monthly. Railway Association, care
WANTED Man, must be willing to learn
and capable of acting as our local rep
resentative. No canvassing or soliciting.
Good income assured. Address National
Co-operative Really Co., Dept. 792 C,
Washington, D. C.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books, free catalogue ; special low
tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National
Trade School, 239-240 Eighth fct.. San
WANTED The name and address of every
pioneer aged fiddler in Multnomah and
Washington counties; this includes all
amateur or professional old-time fiddlers.
We are asked to get up a reunion. Ad
dress D C. Freeman, The Oaks.
FREE -Complete $30 course , Real Estate
Salesmanship. Employment given imme
diately. You can make $;too monthly rep
resenting Greater Washington Realty
Corporation, Washington, D. C, Colorado
c. k. Hansen, jr.
Employment Of tice Men's Department.
2 North Second st.
Phones Main and A 152$.
Help fr-ae to employers.
TO introduce our line we offer our 50c
hook, containing 50t headlines for show
cards and advertising at 10c postpaid.
Greve Show Printing Co., Milwaukee. Rep
resentatives wanted.
WANTED Steady man for employment
agency, old established, money maker, big
pionts. unlimited; $200 required; splendid,
chance. Particulars Pacific Business Ex
change, 3t3 S Washington st., suite 4.
BRIGHT, energetic real estate salesman
w anted, only those capable of earning
$:moo a year need apply. See Mr.
Custer. 270 Stark St., opposite Chamber
of Commerce bldc-
WA NTBO A printer to take charge of the
White Salmon Enterprise, of White Salmon,
Wash., on or before August 1; state experi
ence and wages exacted, with reference.
Write A. W. Estes, White Salmon, Wash.
W A NTED Men, timekeepers, bookkeepers,
foremen, solicitors, or any one desirous
of making a few dollars weekly on the
side. Send postal to Regal Registry Com
pan.v. 277 Broadway, New York.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer for temporary
Government position, city. Reply in own
handwriting, giving age. experience, ref
erences, etc. also addiess in full. A 110,
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED Young man at once to lern
barher trade; steady work, union shop:
terms reasonable. Call 772, Mississippi
ave., city.
50OO AGENTS wanted at once to sell more
good a and make more monev ; one in a
tvn; be first to apply. Address Sayman,
2272 Franklin ave.. St. Ixmis, Mo.
WANTED A solicitor for accident and lia
bility Insurance. Seeley & Co.. gen'l agts. for
Oregon The Fidelity & Casualty Co., Sol
Hoard of Trade bldg.
WANTED Organizers. Order of Owls, Fra
ternal. Social. Any territory, good com
mission. John Talbot, Supreme President,
South Bend. Ind.
M A N and wife to care for country place,
near town, must understand gardening
and care of stock. C 111, Oregonian.
For Men 250 Rurnslde Street.
Phone Main 5094.
I'XKBDA doctor? Not institute or sani
tarium. Write licensed physician, a?ge,
married or single. Box ".4 it.
FIRST-CLASS carpenters wanted for out-of-town
Job. Call today at 11 A. M., 452
K. Burnside.
SALESMAN Postcards as a sideline; cam
luiign and cards that are winners. Nor
wood Souvenir Co., Box 017, Cincinnati, O.
THOROUGHLY reliable and capable man
to manage sale of patents through the
Eastern States. Address P 09, Oregonian.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book
. agents; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, D
kum bldg.
12 North 2d at. Both Phones.
WANTED Salesmen, ail lines, bookkeepers.
ter,oBraphfrs and clerical men. Commercial
Abstract Co., 40T-S-9 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Stenographer in law office in
country; young lawyer preferred. A B
111. Oregonian.
BOY to work on suburban place: must be
able to run gasoline launch; salary $20
month. Address lock box 164
WANTED First-class slack barrel cooper.
Apply 22 Corbett bldg.. Western Cooper-
VP-TO-DATE creamery buttermaker; must
limiri siaiiu r usicui izaiiun. 1 11)4, Ore
gonian. BENCH men wanted, sash and door factory;
only flrst-clas men need apply. Nicolai
Ncppach Co.. 227 Davis st.
COMPETENT Fl-OUR salesman; state ex
perience and salary expected. A F 99, Ore
gonian. WANTED A married man for farm; must
understand farming and care of stock. C loi,
TOI'TH. 14-1S. will be given good home, pri
vate family; state particulars.
FIRST-CLASS sth and door machine man.
Oregon Planing Mills, lftth and Vaughn.
WANTED Bov to drive wagon. Henry
perger Co.. I2S lt.
HARPER SHOP, 4 chairs, good, location, very
cheap. B 112, Oregonian.
We can use several good men for saw
mills for both inside and outside work;
we also want four good farmhands, wages
$'W to "$33; milkers, $:5; several other
positions too numerous to mention here.
Large list of new work Monday morning.
Open Sunday 1 to 1:30 p. M.
12 North Second Street Both phone".
WANTED Good Protestant boy 1 to 17
years that wants to get in a wholesale and
retail house to learn the business-; must
live at home with father and mother of
good parent and have references; no other
need apply; wages $15 per month to- start.
Call 72 6th. -
WAITED Young man familiar with office
work In connection with railroad con
struction; must be stenographer. Perma
nent position to the right man. Apply
Hill Hotel, between 9 and 10:30 A. M
Sunday. MAN To take "contract to cut wood; long
contract: logs, 75c per M. ; wood $1 cord;
bark $2.50 cord; tent and Move furnished;
tools and grub advanced. A. B. C. Em
ployment Co., 226 Morrison St. Main 3022.
open Sundays.
SALESMAN wanted, now steadily traveling,
small towns, having established trade gen
eral merchandise stores; complete lace-embroidery
line, leading import err. Merk Co.,
416 Broadway. New York.
SALESMAN Experienced in any line to sell
general trade in Oregon; an unexcelled spe
cialty proposition; commissions with $.15
weekly advance for expense. The Conti
nental Jewelry Company, Cleveland, 0.
WANTED. QUICK Agents for an old-established
Swedish atory paper; a. good
proposition to the right people. Address
Lawrence Peterson, 395 Salmon st. Phone
Main 4791.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line;, high commissions, with $100
monthly advance; permanent position to
right man. Jessx H. Smith Co.. Detroit,
WANTED Competent man to handle a ter
ritory for manufacturing concern; liberal
salary to right man; small investment re
quired. W 108, Oregonian.
I ;
"WANTED Young men to learn telegraphy;
wages $60 to $90 per month when com-
, petent. Beginners' classes both day and
evening1. Oregon College, 83 5th st.
WANTED An experienced man to operate
a typewriter; penmanship must be neat;
good salary. Answer in handwriting, O
105, Oregonian.
REAL ESTATE man wants hustler for half
Interest in office ; active man can make
$150 per month. Call room, 318 Alisky
bldg., 3d and Morrison.
WANTED All-round newspaper man on
morning daily; must be man of experience
In preparing copy and a rustler for news.
Address Mail, Med ford. Or.
WANTED A young lady as companion to a
gentleman and wife on an overland trip
(our vacation) to uamornia; oniy inoee wno
would be congenial and enjoy an all-round
good time need apply. Address F 109,
WANTED by widower with family In coun
try, housekeeper; no objection to woman
with child; good home to right person.
J. E. Erlckson, Sherwood, Or. R. F. D.
No. 12.
34314 Wash. St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 2682.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED Girl to act as cashier and
answer hone. One with some knowl
edge of grocery business preferred. Ad-
dress L 111, Oregonian.
Olds. Wortman & King wants thor
oughly experienced and competent sales
women In several departments.
LADY SEWERS Make sanitary belts at
home; materials furnished; $15 per 300.
Particulars, stamped envelope. Dept. 880,
Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago.
WANTED Young lady for office work, steno
grapher preferred; must be accurate; state
age, salary wanted and reference. N lu6,
LARGE insurance office has permanent po
sition for bright girl to assist with taking
care of files- No typewriting, but must
write good hand. D 110, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced hat trimmers and
millinery salesladies. Call Monday morn
ing 8 A. M. sharp, Le Palais Royal. 375
Washington st.
ENERGETIC WOMAN. 25 to 35. with nurse
and business experience, to call on mothers;
give experience, references. H 9, Ore
gonian. LADIES to make Health Shields; material
furnished; $13 per InO. Particulars
- stamped envelope. Dept 567, Health Belt
Co., Chicago.
WANTED, for beach hotel, at Gearhart. Or.,
first-class pastry woman for 6 weeks.
Apply at once.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework;
no washing, no children. Call 1094 Corbett
st., end of S carline. South Portland.
WAITRESSES, city, coast, Kent, Heppner;
woman camp cook, ranch couple, other
positions. Drake's, 205 : Washington.
Ladles' Department 2064 Mori son at.
Phones: Main 1062;. A 2064.
WANTED Young lady to handle face and
hair goods, good compensation. Call be
tween 10 and 12, room 17, Gilbert Hotel.
WANTED Good woman or girl, general
housework, one going home nights preferred.
294tj Margin, first street across Steel bridge.
VOGUE School of Millinery; a thorough
course taught In six weeks; position guar
anteed; terms reasonable. 375 Stark st.
WILL give general office experience to
stenographer and typewriter who desires
practice. H 101, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, experienced soda dispenser.
Inquire Morrison-Grand Drugstore, cor.
East Morrison- and Grand ave.
WANTED Girl for partner with first-class
vaudeville show; experience not necessary;
give age and weight. K 111, Oregonian.
WANTED Vest-maker; guaranteed steady
work ; back shop if preferred. Hoi brook, 4th
floor Couch bldg. v
WANTED Hand ironers, experienced, for
shirtwaists, skirts, fancy dresses, etc
Opera House Laundry, 2d and Everett.
$43 H Washington st., corner 7th, upstairs.'
pnone uain -owz.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co . 603 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Girl of 16 to help in general
housework. Apply 674 East Burnside, near
ISth. Phone B 2408.
STENOGRAPHER Reliable, experienced:
good salary. Answer, with .references, C
114. Oregonian.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for light
housework. 450 East 11th st. Phone Sell
wood 40fi.
AMBITIOUS woman to enter training school
for business women; position guaranteed. K
99. Oregonian.-
YOUNG lady, good appearance, to assist In
doctor's office. Apply Sunday 2-4, Monday
S A. M. 1011 Corbett bldg.
GIRL wanted for general housework; must
"be good cook. Mrs. H. G. Colton, 37 Mar
ket st. drive.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work and cook, family of 2. A S01.V-
GIKL for general housework and cooking.
Call mornings, 412 Burnside.
FOUR 4 lady agenta for city. Call Mon
day. 474 E. Shaver; make $20 per week.
A WILLING young girl to assist In general
housework, good home. 817 In lng st.
NEAT girl to wait on table and assist with
housework. 452 Morrison, corner 13th.
$25 Good gtrl for general hot te work, four
adults In family. Phone Sell wood 1102.
LADY barber wanted at once and will teach
young lady trade, r. n .
WANTED Girl for general housework, email
family; references. Phone Tabor 1235.
ST. LOUIS Ladies' Agency. 20914 4th. Main
2039. A 2S24. .
WANTED Experienced drapery seamstress.
J. G. Mack & Co. .
WANTED Giris In finishing room at Boss of
All overall factory. 75 lt st.
WANTED Day work of any kind, by cap
able woman. Phone Main I0rt2. A 204.
: 1
GIRL to do housework; small family; $15.
Sell wood 899
GIRL for general housework. 410 7th St.
8 cooks for private families and boarding-houses,
$25 to $45; waitresses in and
out of the city, good wages; several girls
for general housework, $20 to $30; some
easy positions with private families at
fair wages; several other positions too
numerous to mention here.
We will have a large list of new posi
tions Monday morning. Call early and
get your pick.
Ladies' Department 205 Morrison St.
- Phones Main 102, A 2064.
WANTED 1O00 respectable men and wom
en, able to pay $10 down and $10 per
month for nine months, to write us for
particulars about, Gordon Falls, the new
textile town on the Columbia River. 29
miles from Portland, where large woolen
mills and other manufactories are to be
established. We give stock free with
bonds, and want every employe to have
an interest In the town and share in the
profits. Gordon Falls Electric Manufac
turing Co., Commercial Club bldg., Port
land. Or. -
G T R LS. 1 6 yea rs and over, io work In fac
tory. Apply at once. Ants-Harrls-NevllIe
Co., 5th and Davis bib.
THE .HOQUIAM General Hospital offers to
young women between the ages of 18 and
35 years and who are desirous of taking
up the nursing profession, a two years'
course; some vacancies to be filled at once.
For further particulars. ' write the Superin
tendent Hoqulam General Hospital.
LADY stenographer and to assist with the
books; one having experience in a lumber
office preferred; salary $50 per month to
start with; location "Vancouver, Wash.
Answer In own handwriting. AK 101,
WANTED An experienced waitress at The
Hill, 23d and Washington sts.
HONEST, hustling agent to sell real estate;
one of the very best additions In the city,
close to carltne; prices $100 per lot lower
than adjoin ing properties; easy terms ; lib
eral cash commlssison. D 114, Oregonian.
WANTED Cashier and stenographer, first
class hotel, with $250 cash, lady or gentle
man. Apply Monday, 2 to 5 P. M. 343
Washington St., room 7.
WANTED Singers, comedians, etc., for
vaudeville and dramatic stage. Newman's
theatrical circuit, 293 Burnside.
WANTED Experienced photo coupon
agents for first-class studio; money maker.
H 108, Oregonian,
PIANO PLAYER, lady or man. rep. show.
Call at Scott Hotel, room 3l4.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED Position as salesman, either road
or Inside ; have traveled Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho past 12 years and California
past two years and always successful; ex
perience In most standard lines; will start
cheap until show what I can do; try me.
Salesman, East 22, 10th st.
MARRIED man, college graduate, teacher
and public speaker In English and Ger
man, bookkeeper and German stenog
rapher, looking for some employment; good
references; terms reasonable. 421 Sac
ramento st. Phone E 6233.
EXPERT bookkeeper desires a position. 10
years' experience in East, auditing, manu
facturing preferred. Would accept po
sition with lumber company. Best of
reference. AF 108. Oregonian.
WANTED Office work or bookkeeping,
either permanent or temporary, or small
sets of books to keep up; long experience
in buslnese- of different kinds: steady and
reliable. Write me. K., East 22, 10th st.
WANTED Position by thoroughly competent
general merchandise man, capable of man
aging business; first-class bookkeeper: sal
ary an object; Al references. B 100, Ore
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants charge of
set or books requiring two or threi hours
a day for small concern; best references.
G 101, Oregonian.
POSITION by a good, competent book keep-
cash bond and good references. A F
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper open for per
manent engagement, progressive outside
town preferred. E. I. Gilbert, 1244 East
YOUNG man. experienced lumber bookkeen
er and yard man, like position rn or out
or city; references, g 112, Oregonian.
EXPERT stenographer, accurate and rapid,
desires position; law, abstract, general
office experience. E 114. Oregonian.
ALL-ROUND office man desires position,
best of references. Address E 100, Ore
gonian. THOROUGHLY reliable bookkeeper desires
position city or country, good penman.
.rnone iffast ztso. or h iot, Oregonian,
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper with executive
ability; with good firm; first-class refer
ences rurnisnea. k 107, uregoman.
POSITION, competent bookkeeper or sales
man; several years - experience in Uiast
good references. X 108, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted as bookkeeper small firm.
city or country, good references. K 106,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position
where ability is required, beat reference. R
lux, uregomani.
POSITION as stenographer, excellent refer
ences: ambitious and steady. AC 101, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position drug clerk in or out of
town, rnone mo me s 1424.
YOUNG man as assistant bookkeeper or other
ugnt worK. u ill, oregonian. -
NEAT-APPEARING young man with good ed
ucation, desires position In wholesale house.
A B 100. Oregonian.
SUPT. or foreman of electrical or mechan
ical plant of executive ability ; best ref
erences. V 106, Oregonian.
COLLECTING for responsible firm, by man
with rig; can furnish bond; reliable work.
A a cress a. xir oregonian.
YOUNG man (violinist) will give services in
whatever capacity required to small refined
family ror gooa nome. f loo, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED handy man and wife wish
work, wife good cook. Germans, no chtl-
aren; reliable. 1U5, uregonlan.
YOUNG, nice Japanese boy wants situation
to do codking and housework, city or
country. u, oregonian.
WANTED Position as plumber's helper; can
do lead work and joint, wiping. J 100, Ore
JAPANESE boy wants a position to do dish
. washing and chamber .work. E 110, Ore
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants situation
as porter in store or saloon or elsewhere.
a ill. vregonian.
CANDY MAKER, just arrived from East, de
sires employment ; strictly sober and re
name. Appiy tn. m
A JAPANESE student. 19 years old, wis
situation as bellboy or elevator boy or t
Kim joo; expenencea. v iw, oregonian
WANTED Name and addrese of party
having aavertisemeni 11, uregonian, of
June 14. F 105, Oregonian.
BARBER wanted, steady work. 181 Mor
rison st.
GOOD Chinese cook wants position for hotel,
boarding-house or porter. Phone A 3s.jS.
AN experienced watchmaker desires posi
tion S 114. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes work as janitor, house
work or dishwashing. H 112. Oregonian.
Japanese employment office; furnishes all
kinds of help. 249 Couch st. Phone M. 6521.
MEATCI'TTER wants work, inside or out
aide. F 114. Oregonian.
'JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all
Kinas neip. .00 flcn:iu jntiin ootf, AlUiS.
RELIABLE Japanese boy wants work of
any kind after 7 P- M. C 102, Oregonian.
MAN, 46, would like janitor work; do not
drink: references. L 45. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes place to work for
board. N 109. Oregonian.
OLD roofs reshlng-led and repaired; first
class work guaranteed. Baker, East 462G.
POSITION wanted as- superintendent or man
ager of electric plant in good Western
city; have had 15 years experience with
leading makes of apparatus; have been in
present position five yean?, and can furnish
best of references from , both present and
t former employers; nave had good success
in securing new business, and am well post
ed in office work, as well as- general con
struction and operating. Address W lou,
WANTED By a young man ot 24. a po
sition in a clothing and gents furnish
ing store; have had 8 years' experience
and now employed in a gents' and ladles'
clothing -and furnishing dry goods store.
.'Will go out of town.. Address S 118, Ore
gonian. A YOUNG well-educated Swedish roan, just
arrived in this country, wants work, and
wants it bad; is a first-class machinist and
electrician; would prefer work at private
place; speaks good English. S 101, Ore
gonian. PHOTOGRAPHER Young Japanese wants
position as steady work at Dhotorranhv:
has education - and some experience of
puuiograpnj ; can ebik ngnsn ana go
out of the town. Address Saigo, 413 Yam
hill. WANTED Position hotel or apartment-
nouse management or otherwise; experi
enced every detail; many years' experience
Portland and Coast; go anywhere; refer
ences. D., 816 10th ave., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Position as salesman; salary or
i-uimnifsion; expenencea in groceries, teas
and coffee; no order-taker, but a true sales
man ; can furnish good reference. C 113,
EXPERIENCED concrete and bridge fore
man capaDie or nananng engines, pumps,
derricks, plledrivers; railroad work pre
ferred; 5 years' experience. Address 321,
Hotel Scott.
ENGINEER, 10 years' experience In mining.
sition with engineering or hardware com
pany; best of references. W 112, Ore
gonian. WANTED By young man 80 years old, po
sition as nurse or companion to invalid;
no objection to traveling; references fur
nislied. M 111. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by middle-aged man as
ioreman ot rauroaa construction work or
street grading; experienced and reliable.
D 101, Oregonian.
POSITION WANTED by young man with ex
ecutive aouiiy. capaoie or band nr men:
ten years' office and outside experience. T
J.UV, uregonian.
.o uu your wore f Aaareas or can at .Z
Montgomery, Portland, Or.; first-class work
WANTED Man and wife want work at once
on a ranch or as cooks in small camp ;
ranch work preferred); experienced. X 100,
ACTIVB middle-aged man as gardener, etc.
van atxp every Liung- in repair on tne prem
ises. A 122, Oregonian.
AN Oriental student wants light housework
or schoolboy work in a small family;
country preierrea. Atj 0, uregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wants work on orchard or
farm throughout year; $30 a month. T
ill, Oregonian.
TCrtTTCIP. vtHm . !.
"Hiuun vicaiuiiR a. specialty.
juam Doa; evening, a. Thomas Green, 122
oevenxn, isortn.
Bookkeepers sad Stenographers.
WANTED A position as office girl 'by a
young lady about 25 years of age, good edu
cation, -quick with pen, and accurate with
nguresL Aacrese i iw, uregonlan. ..
CAPABLE lady would like position doctor's
office; has knowledge of bookkeeping and
could assist with patients. AB 106, Ore
FOR good stenographers, experienced or be
ginners, pnone (jiericai Urrice, Main 4304.
morougmy testea and certified.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, owning ma-
stracts, addressing envelopes. Phone B17-44"
VoiTvr! t inv atAn-nnk. j
vvjiu u-n. j. oiutiuB' cpni , i ai ii uau ex
perience, desires position; beet reference. Y
BEGINNER desires position as stenographer.
w ii uir mornings omy. ah , uregoman,
WANTED Office position by youn lady with
experience ana reierence. r 102, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking of all kinds, rea-
..sonaDie. rtoom z, ine uormer, lass lath,
cor. Jefferson.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailoring, altera
tion; reduced prices 30 days. Mrs. Frost,
414 5th. A 1522,
AN Eastern dressmaker would like work by
the day; very reasonable. K 113, Ore
AN experienced lady wishes position as
manager or rooming-nouse or nousekeep-
er. fiiuna oeiiwuua ouo.
TRUSTWORTHY middle-aged lady wishes
housekeeping in rooming-house or hotel
O 111, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, shirtwaists and
Summer dresses reasonable. 427 Salmon
st. Mrs. McLeland.
WANTED Sewing to do at 104 11th st.
.f none A 47ts.
LADY would like plain sewing, darning and
mending to do by day. Phone East 503
A WOMAN wants day work. Call 10 A. M
3 P. M., Main 4349, Mrs. Christy.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make en.
gagements In families. Main 8668.
DRESSMAKING, $2 per day; go d work as
. surea. facinc oiz.
EXPERIENCED seamstress wishes engage
ments ny tne aay. juam lyya
LADY wishes sewing by the day. Call up
&unaay or aner o r. m.. jviain si-iy.
SEAMSTRESS would like ewing by day,
non . iacinc zusi.
HAND HEMSTITCHING Experienced opera
tor; &u cents per yarn, a xt uregonlan.
MILLINERY lessons given. 649 Morrison,
SITUATION WANTED By middle-aged lady
as housekeeper for widower with 1 or 2
children or emeny couple; can give refer
ences. Address x iw, care Oregonian.
YOUNG merry widow, age 30, wishes posi
tion as Tiouseiceeper ior . wiaower
'bachelor, matrimonially Inclined. A
WANTED By an elderly lady a place as
housekeeper or. take care of children,' or
any Kina 01 worn, a ivo, uregonian.
LADY wanting light housework or cham-
ber work and. sleep home. Phone Pacific
2379. -
TWO UNINCUMBERED ladies would like
care of rooming-house. In exchange for
rooms and aboard. A a 100, oregonian.
REFINED competent woman with daughter
desires position as housekeeper; no wages.
Main 14 or jj lua, uregonian.
WOULD keep hduse for refined elderly man
for board and room; must nave work.
107, Oregonian.
WANTED Day work by capable woman.
Phone Main 43Vt -
WIDOW wants position as housekeeper in
rooming-nouse. Jri iuh. uregonian. -
NURSE with own horns would like confine
ment case, satisfaction guaranteed; refer
ences furnished. Phone Main 6654. In
quire 91 N. Park st
PRACTICAL nurse will accompany invalid
or elderly lady to Summer resort; will do
or assist witn nouseworK. a j?- 11 ure
PRACTICAL nurse wants position at coast
or the country, care cf invalid or elder
person. References given. Phone Tabor
GRADUATE nurse wants to travel with, care
for Invalid, or elderly perron, A C 104,
MIDDLE-AGED rjractical nurse having ex
tensive experience with elderly patients.
wishes engagements. Call Main IJU.
A TTJ-C,IT''STriV A.T mirSA wnillri lailvf. Ina-n
take charge, of infant at the beach or
springs; reasonable terms. 26 Caruthers.
REFINED, experienced child's nurse wishes
position ny August ft, aiternoon; best city
reterences. L ivo. uregonian.
srrrATioxs wanted female.
N U RSE Housekeeper, in town or country ;
thoroughly capable person requires posi
tion; murfcal, good cook, used to elderly
people. Phone East 15i2 or address Mr.
Avis, 350H Hawthorne ave.. Portland.
WIDOW would like nursing or to travel as
companion to an invalid or elderly person.
A C 105, Oregonian.
Miseella neoue.
LADY, refined and well educated, would
like position -in small family to assist with
household duties for comfortable home
and small salary; no washing; disengaged
early in September; references. H 107,
A POSITION as cook for small crew of
men, or as housekeeper out of town by
respectable and experienced young lady.
L lOO, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housekeeping
ior wiaower witn small iamiiy. . it.
Oregonian. ,
COOK, woman, experienced, wants position.
smaii camp or hotel. Airs. uecKerman,
old 4 Jefferson St.
FANCY waists washed or dry cleaned and
nfcwsaiY nat t.- r . t- Lr fruu -fln lpH Mm.
Mason. ' Main 904, A 1124.
WANT position as cook In private boarding-
nouse or small restaurant. 1 hone Main
4257. . .
MILLINERY position wanted by experienced
saleswoman, aJso capable of managing;
best references. F 107, Oregonian.
AN experienced nurse takes care of chil-
aren at her home; references exchanged.
C 110, Oregonian. -
MRS. WILSON wants regular work Tuesday
ana Saturday; Bret-class laundress. Phone
Main 8549.
WOMAN wishes day work, etc., 25 cents
per hour. Also fine laundering at home.
A 4434.
nAin jndasiiMu, - iace steaming, massage.
ST. LOIUS LADIES' AGENCY, 209 Vt 4th st.
Main vdu, a zbz.
FIRST-CLASS laundress to go out by, day.
YOUNG lady give? music lessions; begin
ners a specialty. Main 4419.
EXPERIENCED girl wants day work. East
CHAMBERMAID work or any kind of work
oy tne aay. pnone Main 8680.
A WOMAN wants work by the day. Phone
-niiav oou. a J.HO.
WANTED Ladies' shirtwaists to launder.
hand washed. Phone East 4io.
WANTED Work by dax or hour. Phone
iaoor oivt Mrs. J
COMPETENT woman wants day work.
f none Monday, Sell wood 11 03.
YOUNG lady will give music lessons in ex-
cnange ror sewing. Main 44i.
WOMAN wants work by day or half-day.
A 3I3L,
WANTED Work by day: no half days; ref
erences, woodiawn loll.
LADY wishes work In family of two or
inree. Li iuo, uregonian.
GERMAN lady wants work by the day.
wasning ana ironing. Phone Main 9121.
MEN and women of all ages can make big
money receiving subscriptions for the
American Boy, a strictly high-grade,
clean, bright paper forboys of li to 20
We give you helps, suggestions. Informa
tion. Light, easy, congenial work ; pays
larger cash commission than any other
publication; extra cash prizes distributed
monthly. Write The Sprague Pub. Co.,
7th floor. Majestic bldg., Detroit, Mich.
AGENTS Latest fads: "I'm Afraid to Go
Home ip the Dark," "Good-by, Teddy,
Good-by," "No Wedding Bells for Me."
Largest and best line of campaign goods,
, watch fobs, pennants, canes, rosettes,
streamers, badges and souvenirs; buttons,
60c and $1 per hundred; catalogue free.
W. F. Miller, 158 Park"Row. New York.
AGENTS make $103.50 per month selling
wonderful self-sharpening patented scis
sors and cutlery. V. E. Giebner sold 22
pairs In 3 hours made $13; you can do it;
we show how; free outfit. Thomas Mfg.
Co., 500 Fourth St., Dayton, O.
WANTED Agents for Diozo Disinfecting
Cabinets, kill germs, flies, mosquitoes,
moths and ants in the home; cost 2 cents
a month; sell on sight; $10 daily easily
earned. J. G. O. Mayer, Medical Lake,
RELIABLE woman agents make big profits
selling Nature's Rival Corset Waist, deli
cately inflated, Ideal bust form for unde
veloped women; cannot be detected; sells
on sight. Helen Harlow, 719 Tacoma bldg.,
WANTED District managers of either sex,
to sell the best and most up-to-date in
surance policies and to appoint agents;
top contracts to right parties. Call or
write. Oscar Ekman, 313 Eitel Bldg.,
Seattle. Wash.
SELLS like hot cakes, large profits, new
laundry wax perfumes clothes with last
ing violet perfume; each agent granted
territory; nothing like it on market; free
Bample. Perfume- Gloss Co., 94 5th ave..
New York
THERE IS MONEY In the illuminating
business. Something new In gas lamps.
Managers wanted. County and state
rights given. Rector, 47 Leonard st..
New York City.
JUST OUT Low-priced 3-lb. mop; turn
crank to wring; clean hands; women all
buy; 150 per cent to agents; catalogue
free. U. S. Mop Co., 103 Main St., Leipsic,
NIFTY campaign watch fobs, copper, 23c;
silver, 50c; gold, $1. Sly Republican coons;
crowing Democrat cocks; big commissions.
Stokes Specialty Co., Ltd., Curwensville,
WANTED Agents to handle redhot novelty,
sells like wildfire; something new; free
sample; send no money. Acme Novelty
Co., 723 Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal.
AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our
wonderful 7-piece kitchen set; send for
sworn statement of $12 daily profit; out
fit free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 500 Jefferson
st., Dayton. O.
CAN give few good salesmen exclusive con
tract whereby you can make. $100 to $200
Ser week: write today, giving references.
410 Corbett Bldg., Portland.
THE Oregon Nursery Co., of Salem, Or.,
wants more salesmen; liberal terms; out
fit furnished. Full Information on appli
cation. AGENTS to handle biggest money-making fire
extinguishers; special starting offer; exclu
sive territory: $75 to $300 per month.
Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee. Wis.
HIGH-CLASS agents, each town In Ore
gon, for best class industrial proposition ;
big money for hustlers; references. W 101,
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If I
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
" weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or
MAN acquainted with architects and con
tractors to sell metal ceilings; must give
bond. X 112. Oregonian.
WANTED to rent in South Portland, modern
4 or 5-room cottage', unfurnished, on or near
carline. T 108, Oregonian.
WANTED A modern cottage with fenced
yard, reasonable rent; write particulars.
B 98, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent furnished cottage or
fiat, cottage preferred; family 3 adults. B
99, Oregonian.
WANTED By a nurse, a large unfurnished
housekeeping room; gas. bath and phone.
F 100. Oregonian.
5 OR 6-rom modem house, on or near
carline. F. J. Catterlin & Co., room 3
Chamber of Commerce. .
ONE to 5 acres, close in. small house and
-chicken-house. Answer, giving location,
etc. K 105. Oregonian.
MAN arui wife desire board and one or two
rooms in modern private home; state
terms. F 1 13, Oregonian.
A FURNISHED houseboat or partly fur
nished, including boat or canoe, cheap.
M 112. Oregonian.
WANTED One housekeeping room on West
Side; state price. Address D 99. Orego
nian. YOUNG lady warts home in refined family
of adults; West Side. G 10G. Oregomau.
8-ROOM cottage, furnished or unfurnished.
F 99, Oregonian.
Of 8 or 10 rooms. In good residence district
for one year or more, from August I. by
responsible family of three adults. Address,
giving location and brief description, G 110,
WANTED To rent houses, cottages. Bata,
stores, ofTices, rooming-houses, etc. land
lords will do well to call 011 Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
7-ROOM house wsnted, with modern im
provements, in good neighborhood, for 2
adults, with good references; lawn and
trees. No flats. AE 100, Oregonian.
WANTED to lease for a term of years a
stable or a building that may be converted
into one to stable 12 or more horses. Phone
Main 1618.
WANTED Furnished fiat: no children;
give phone number and full particulars.
Address R 103, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN desires -unfurnished room
In quiet family. $3 to $4 month. Phone
East 4635 Monday.
WANTED Two rooms and board for
gentleman, wife and little child; East
Side preferred. AE108, Oregonian.
UNFURNISHED small flat. S or 4 rooms,
modern. West Side ; state rent. H 102,
CONTRACTORS to clear 200 acres lands,
some easily grubbed and rest has second
growth fir and a little oak; will let all or
part. '
60S Wells-Fargo Bldg.
And any thing else yeu have to selL
Main 6655. . A 4121.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
WANTED To buy 1 upright 8 to 12 H. P.
boiler, 3 or 4 wooden tanks, 500 .o 2400
gallons capacity; 1 copper kttUe, 25 to
50 gallons capacity. Address T 101, Ore
WANTED Home where two girls. J5 and
17 years of age. can have a mother's care,
and help In household for part payment.
Address 273. P. O. Box, Hillsboro, Ot
WANTED To give out Job of hauling out of
timber on level ground, 600 cords of 4-foot
fir wood; short haul. Kirk Hoover, 313
water st. Phone Main i4tu.
SECOND-HAND single road wagon, un
covered and with bed 4 of 5 feet long.
01 ve price and description. 5 ii4, ore
FOOT-POWER wood-workinsr machinery.
circular, rip, scroll saws. Address 539
Vancouver ave., city.
WANTED One or two children to board;
iovety nome, mother s care; terms reason
able. Sellwood 226.
EXPERIENCED, hotel man and wife want
engagement of hotel outside of Portland.
A-i references, o. 100, uregonian.
ICEBOX to hold ton of ice, for butcher
snop, must ne cneap ana gooa. ti. A.
JM.cKay, ucappoose, or.
A SECOND-HAND screw-cutting lathe, must
be cneap; a-i condition; state make, stse,
price and condition. P 113, Oregonian.
WANTED 100 tons rye straw. For par
ticulars address P. Sharkey & Son., 53
union ave.. Portland, ur.
WANTED By competent teacher, begin
ners on the piano; terms reasonable.
pnone a 1001.
SECOND-HAND city directory, 1907-8; name
price, where can be seen. A 121, Ore
WAXTED To board 2 or 3 young children:
small private family, every care and at
tention given them. 104o E. Aider
WANTBD An invalid's (jutdoor wheeling
Lnu, (juuuiLiuu. itiuur ou ; can De-
fore 9:30 A. M.
WANTED A man's bicycle, price reason
able, pnone Main 7730 Sunday.
WILL repair and sell your old automobile
for you. Hartman, 288 Glisan st.
SPOT cash paid for our furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M 1851 83 N. 3d.
Highest prioe paid; prompt attention.
WANTED 1350 or 1400 horse, not over 7
years. Phone B 1244. East 244.
WANTED Set of second-hand painter's
falls. Call Sunday at 282 2d st.
WANTED -To buy small .sailboat, cheap.
M 107, Oregonian.
WANTED Restaurant, must be bargain. L
109, Oregonian.
WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash.
Phone Main 1433 or A 1433.
WANTED Bicycle. Phone Main 1018.
$ :
2054 WASHINGTON, under new manage
ment, housekeeping rooms, furnished and
unfurnished, very cheap; transient, 50c.
WELL FURNISHED alcove room, good lo
cation for one or two gentlemen. 2-l 10th.
FOR RENT Small room, $1.50 per week.
251 6th st.
Furnished Rooms.
LARGE newly-furnished front room, with
modern conveniences, in private family, $8
per month. 442 3d.
672 BELMONT ST., one block off Sunny
side and Mt. Tabor carline; bath and
light; $7, $8 and $10 per month.
THE DORMER, 283 13th. beautiful rooms,
modern, every convenience.; $2.59 and up.
HOTEL ROYAL. 1084 4th; nice rooms,
$1.50 to $5 -reek. 50 cents. $1 night.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia modern
rooms, bath. 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to
$5 wk; also -transient room a 343 Vi MorrL
$10 Furnished rooms. 523 Love joy street,
corner 15th.
S FURNISHED rooms, with yard and fruit,
$16. 751 Williams ave.
NEATLY furnished room with private family.
Phone Main 3759.
LARGE front room, -well furnished, every
convenience, $10. 40 East 7th st. North.
WELL FURNISHED front rooms, with
bath; reasonable. 687 Glisan
SUITS of rooms. 67 20th st., near Wash
ington. LARGE front room, ground floor, furnished,
$12.50, 305 Harrison st.
474 CLAY, neawly furnished rooms $3 week;
home privileges; parlor, piano, phone, bath.
40S TAYLOR One large front room, suit
able for two, modern conveniences.
TWO large single sleeping rooms, suitable
for one or two persons. 249 Jefferson.
LIGHT, airy rooms, . electric light, bath,
phone; $1.2.1 week and up. 374 2d st.
FURNISHED room with bath; gentlemen
only. 48 N. 15th st.
PLEASANT corner room, modern. 542
Morrison st.
NICE cool room. bath, phone, $5; private
family. 195 N. 17th st., corner Kearney.
$8 AND up. clean furnished rooms, bath,
phone, very central. 415 Taylor, cor. 11th.
SUITE of rooms for one or two; West Side;
near two carllnes; modern. Main 7509.
THE STAF. K Newly furr ished rooms. $10
to $15 per month. 351 H Stark st.
435 -YAMHILL ST. Modern rooms, single
and en suite; phone, gas and bath; rates
3 LARGE room in private family; ntre lo
cation; partly furnished. Phone B 1949.
389 ALDER ST. Nicely furnished double
and single rorms. Summer prices.
BEAUTIFUL clean roms at - the Anken,
' 349 H Ankeny, cor. 7th; $3 to $5 week.
262 12TH, nice room.- with running water;
rent reasonable.
NICE clean room or rent $t per month. 67
North 14th, bet. Davis and Everett.
Furnished Boon
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder sts.. lis
changed hands and Is being repainted, re
papered and put in first-class condition.
Every room has outside exposure, steam
heat, electric lights, etc Suites with run
ning water. $2 to $35; single rooms, $9
up per month, win ds pieasea to snow
you through.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash
Ington sts. Newly furnished throughout:
new buildings, suite. with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
AT 490 Morrison, flat 8. over the Hyland. I
nave 7 modern rooms. Including 2 suites
of those 1000 vacant rooms In Portland,
and will rent, them ridiculously cheap.
LARGE, clean, cool rooms; newly furnished.
ior gentlemen only; one especially large
front room, with alcove and small porch,
suitable for two gentlemen ; all con
veniences; 10 minutes from postoflUce. 530
Davis St.. bet. loth and 16th.
HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and Alder, un-
oer new management; tnorougniy reno
vated throughout; roomsC single or en suite;
transients. $1; special rates by the week;"
free bath and phones. Mrs. N. A. HUls.
Newly and elegantly furnished room,
with all modern conveniences1. $3 per week
and up. The Mercedes, corner 560th and
Washington sts.
IF you are looking for the best rooms In
the city for the money, phone the G lender
for particulars; room $5 to $15 per month;
strictly modern. 19th and Couch, on block
from Washington. Main 6280.
HOTEL BUSHMARK. .Washington and 17th
first-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; every modern convenience. $8 week
ly up; daily, 7 Bo up; special monthly rates.
Main 5G47.
HOTEL GLEN WOOD. 2d and 8almon New
and elegantly furnished; hot and cold
water In every room, private baths, steam
heat; transient, $1 and up; special rates
by week or month.
HOTEL KEN YON, ISth and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Paolfle 496.
NICE large suite of rooms In newly-furnished
flat; all modern conveniences, central and
very desirable, for 2 business1 men; phone
mornings. Main 772.
THE ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window
and other outside rooms; electrlo lights,
baths, etc.; $2.50 week up; transients. 2604
THE PALMER Nicely furnished 'house
keeping rooms by week or month ; free
phone and bath, close to all theaters.
350H Alder st., cor. Park.
LARGE, well furnished room, with closet,
including bath and phone; rent very rea
sonable; beautiful location, select neigh
borhood. 827 West Park.
THE ANGELUS, 272 6th., corner Jefferson.
Front suite, also single rooms, at rea
sonable rates; walking distance to busi
ness. NICE, large, airy downstairs bedroom, suit
able for one or two gentlemen, cbap, at
414 Main st.; bath and phone. Phone
Main 1104.
COMFORTABLY furnished rcoms, down
stairs; running water, electric light, phone,
suitable for one or two gentlemen; very
central ; reasonable. 211 12th.
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Electrlo
depot; running water in all rooms, bath and
phone, A 15S9; 60c to $1 day, $2.50 to $4 wk.
ONE floor of three single rooms and bath In
new house, new furniture, and phone; ref
erences exchanged. East 1710 or 551 East
THE TEMPLE, S43 Yamhll, st., opposite
Hotel Portland; light rooms, nicely fur
nished; low rents; transient.
NICELY furnished rocms. very desirable lo
cation, close in; references. 803 12th st.
Phone A 3040.
HYLAND, 490 Morr-sen, furnished rooms;
baths, electric light, all conveniences;
walking distance. A 2210. - s
RYAN HOUSE. 269 5th st., elegantly fur
nished rooms, en suite or single; opposite
City Hall.
VERY pleasant, nicely furnished room in
i private family; modern. Phone East 2013.
407 Holladay ave.
NICELY furnlehed rooms in private flat; all
modern conveniences; suitable for 6ne or
two. G9344 Glisan St. Pac. 1090.
LARGE furnished front room, suitable for
one or two gentlemen ; all conveniences.
Call Main 5020 or call 175 14th.
FURNISHED suite of rooms for one or two
persons; walking distance. 249 Grand
ave.. North.
LARGE, pleasant room, modern convenien
ces, walking distance, one or two gentle
men. 14 East 7th., South.
$3 AND $:i.50 week, large rooms, running
water, closets, bath. 187 6th, near Yam
hill. ' .
LARGE front room, bath, phone, use of
piano, excellent location, 10 minutes' walk
from Washington st. Phone Pacific 24.
WILL rent 2 large nicely furnished rooms,
to gentlemen who would appreciate prlvl
lege of nice home. A 125, Oregonian.
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
rooms in modern home, 8 East 6th st. N.,
near Burnside.
THE AUDITORIUM. 208H 8d. newly fur
nished, elevator, baths, hot, cold water in
each room: permanent and transient.
THE WILLAMETTE, 822 Stark St., large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite. 50c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week.
ONE nicely furnished room, steam heat, hot
water, gas and electric lights. 494 Morri
son St., fiat 10.
181 FIRST ST., corner Yamhill, nicely
furnished rooms, reasonable, both phones,
bath; permanent or transient.
SPECIAL rates men; modern residence; walk
ing distance; rooms $6 month; bath. 292
loth, neaar vJefferson.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 hm
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
FURNISHED room, private family, suitable
for two gentlemen, with or without board.
427 3d.
LARGE, light, elegantly furnished room,
also two smaller ones. Very low rental.
215 13th.
$12 Clean, beautifully furnished alcove
room; modern; private family. 190 North
Kith. cor. Kearney,
PLEASANT front room, suitable for gentle-
men; private family, all conveniences;
rent reasonable 256 11th st.
TWO furnished rooms, first floor, gas and all
modern conveniences; 14 block from carline.
243 Sellwood st. Phone Woodiawn 1356
NICELY FURNISHED rooms, overlooking
. Park, for gentleman in family of two, Ap
ply 344 Hail st.
894 COLUMBIA, corner 10th. Well fur
nished room, modern conveniences; walk
ing distance. .-
LARGE, cool, front room, modern conveni
ences, use of piano; 2 ladies or couple. 144
Curry, or phone A 3061.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or
two gentlemen; gas, phone; very central.
149 10th.
VERY pleasant comfortable rooms, good lo
cation, walking distance, rates reasonable.
306 12th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and en suite, quiet and very suit
able for single gentlemen. Kamm bldg.,
let and Pine.
FOR RENT -Basement of 3 rooms, central
location. 74 7th st; rent $10. Apply Wil
son's barber supply house, 72 6th.
4-ROOMED flat, unfurnished, light, bay-windows,
close in, gas, bath. 274 Montgomery.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent at 2924 Larrabee st.
FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms, private
house. 492 Glisan st.
TWO unfurnished rooms. 446 Washington st.
Rooms With Board.
NICE rooms, with board, .near Killingsworth
ave. Phone Woodiawn 1733.
BOARD and room, $5.50 and $6 per week. 529
Clay. Phone Main 5963.