The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 12, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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Fine stock, ranch In Douglas County, 103
'tore deeded land and good homestead re
linquishment adjoining-; 3,000.000 feet saw
timber; place cuts 35 tons hay; large barn;
4 -room house, cabin on homestead; chicken
house; 50 head caul, etc Price only $40uu;
term. .
200 acres . cut-over land, mile from
Rainier, Or. ; loo acres fine agricultural
land, of which 60 acres is rich, bottom
land; living creek runs through the prop
erty; on rural route, cloe to school. Price
only $8 per acre, half cash, balance 3 years
at A ier oanU
40 acres on O. W. P. Use, 2 miles from
tattoo. 15 acres cultivated and fenced; 25
acres good timber and will cruise nearly
1,000.000 feet. The entire 40 acres la good
agricultural land; creek through one cor
ner of the property; cloe to small sawmill.
Price only $2000. This Is worth lnvestl
gat lng.
600-acre tract of out-over la nd in Cow
- lit County; aiream running through prop
erty; good proposition for stock or dairy
farm; about 40 acres cleared, 30 of which
are under cultivation; ail the land 'can be
cultivated and If cleared would make good
fruit land; located on county road, 7 miles
from good railway town on Columbia. River.
A mail &t 11 per acre, and at your own
ty, 7 miles from Kalama; good road, living
stream on piace; su acres cieareo ana un
der cultivation; rmall cabin, some bearing
fruit trees; Land can all be cultivated;
good place for cattle or dairy, or can all
be planted to fruit. Price for a short
time only $12 per acre; only $300 down,
balance easy terms. Good reason for sell
526 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Portland, Or.
2!i miles from railroad station; R. F.
T. ; In a thickly settled farming country;
half eeeded to pasture, balance fine ash.
timber, would cut 250 cords of wood; price,
$1600, terms.
10 acres, beautifully located, 14 miles
from Orgon City; 8 under cultivation; fine
young orchard, all kinds of berries, good
well and spring, dandy new fi-room house;
firlce $1200. easy terms, or will trade for
mproved city property.
30 ACRES $370.
24. miles from Oregon City, good land,
tine creek running through place, enough
larse timber on the place to pay for It.
127 ACRES, 9 CLEARED. $3600.
7 -room house, 2 barns, 5 acres good orch
ard, 2 wells. 2 springs, county road runs1
through place; R. F. D.. 12 milee from
Oregon City, plank and gravel road nearly
all the way; nothing in that locality as
Cheap; owner in other business.
25 acres, good soil, 20 acres under culti
vation, 1 t acres beaverdam. 1 h-a acres
good orchard, good water; house, barn and
outbuilding! span horsee, harness, wagon,
plow, harrow and other farm Implements; 5
cows, 4 hogs, 8 doz. chickens, on cream
route, lots of good outside range; 5 miles
from Oregon City ; near 2 good roads; R.
F. D.t phone in house. Price, $2200, easy
2704 Washington St., room 3.
180 acres. 40 acres cleared. 2 million
feet fir timber, several springs used for
Irrigation. 160 apple trees. 2 years old,
good condition; S-room house and barn;
$4750. cash $1750.
10 acres. 1 mile out. 3 acres cleared,
et to strawberries and apples; running
water through place, a email house, some
timber; $1250, half cuah.
HO acres, 8 miles out. unimproved, very
rich soil; lies well for apple orchard,
covered with hazel, cherry brush and
fir timber; $25 per acre if taken within
10 days. This will double In one year.
40 acres unimproved, very rich shot
soil and adapted to Winter apples; located
In the apple belt, a good investment;
$l.-.0O $80u cash.
lOO acres, close to Huium, unimproved,
about 50 acres good fruit land, balance
rolling; 2 million, feet flr timber; lfe
miles from White Salmon River.
R. FIELD A CO., White Salmon, Wash.
SINE dairy farm of 50 acres, 1 mile to
railroad ; choice, level bottom land, all
tiled and in cultivation; fine 10-room
plastered house, 2 good barnn, good r
chard. 10 acres hops trellised and wired,
2 hop-houses, windmill, mower, raka.
cultivator rake, hop spreader, baler and
water tank; price $7750 This Is a bar
gain, but must be sold to settle estate.
Choice 38-acre fruit farm, 16 acres In
prunes, grapes, pears, cherries, strawber
ries; tine new S-room house, new barn,
spring water; $5000. will take a Portland
residence in part payment. T. H. Little
hales, Forest drove.
t ACRES. 4 mile from streetcar line; run
ning water on place; $135 per acre; half
cash, balance on time.
6 acres mile from streetcar line; 5
room house, barn, chick houses; all house
hold furniture goes with place; $2000;
acres mile from streetcar line; all
fenced ; level, rich land; $160 per acre;
a 3 acres, miles from Portland, on car
line; all fenced; 30 acres cle-ar; good barn;
II. SO per acre.
515 Lumber Exchange Bldg.
Orchard land In small tracts In the
famous Klickitat Hills, on the Installment
Also some very fine bargains in email
improved places with bearing orchards,
from $35 an acre up. Call and get full
Mti WeUe-Fargo bldg.
Branch office Hood River Hotel. Hood
River. H. R. Butler. Mgr.
MI 'ST SELL rrice $fVxM. terms on half;
rich dark red soil; 8 acres vineyard, fam
ily orchard, apples, plums, almonds, tigs,
grape cuttings rooting. 16 acres corn, 15
acres hay, second cutting now In progress,
stream running through, irrigation ditch,
all stock and farming equipment, hoi bos,
cattle, hogs, chickens, full eet of black
smith tools, placer mine, good head of
water; all crops go with possession. Ad
Gi ants Pass, tr.
3fi ACRES.
10 acres cleared, balance brush and
fine pasture; all good soil and lies fino.
Neat 4 -mom house, good new barn; ex
tra good team, good wagon and harness,
about 100 chickens and household furni
ture goes with place. Only 12 miles from
Portland on good county road. Prioo
$4000. Terms.
204 Coibott Bldg.
'00 1 40 aTc. near R. R. town ; 60
In cultivation; house, barn, orchard.
to '
1V0O 40 acres, near same town, fine
1400 One mile from town and R. R. ;
acres. All are improved and good
s. For full description and large list.
521 Corbett Bldg.
2500 ONLY A nto 4u-acre farm in Mult
nomah County. 23 miles east of Portland;
18 acres under culilatlon, good large
barn and other outbuildings; nice 2-acre
orchard, good springs, running water all
year around ; finest of soil, some good
timber ; an Ideal place for the man who
knows how to appreciate a good farm.
For a short time only at that price. C.
F. Prtuger & Co.. room 14. Mulkey bldg.,
corner 2d and Morrison its.
Cheapest and completoet place on the
Salem electric line; rich soil, splendid 11
room houne. completely furnished; all farm
tools; warehouse, barn. 3 cows. 5 heifers,
horse, w agon, buggy, growing crops of
fruit, hay, potatoes, etc Apply to my
K2i Third st.
$38-00 PER acre will buy a choice tract
of tint mproved land consisting of 320
acres situate on the Little Kalama River,
ten miles from Woodland in Cowllts
County, Wash., well w atered, some level.
- some rolling and some hilly, but all fine
land, suitable ft r farms or Arst-clas
s:oik ranch. Rallrcad being surveyed
through the land; improved farms and
school near.
S G. LANE. Woodland, Washington.
$750 will handle one of the best farms in
Clackamas County, near electric road; 344
aires; 1 1 10 under cultivation, 100 a: res in
good timber, good large barn, small
house: Includes all implements and 40
head of cattle. Let us tell you about this
plare. The farm speaks for Itself. Grussi
& Gantner, 205 Washington st., corner
Hd. room 7.
SO acres choice apple land near White
Salmon, small bearing orchard. 10 acres
slashed, cheap building. good spring
water, some very good timber. Only $3O0O,
on easy terms, Vanduyn A Walton, 515
Chamber of Commerce.
AC R E t rac ts at Lent Why buy lots when
you can buy an acre for the same price?
lo per cent cash, balance $10 per moata.
t 32 jiiftmrrftf Qt f"Tirnvrf.-
We are placing 300.000 acres, the cream
of the old Oregon Military Road Grant,
on the market. We have 11.012 farms in
a good country and 11,092 lots in a good
city Read this letter:
Oregon Valley Land Co.. Gentlemen: I
own 442 acres of land in Goose Lake
, Valley. Have lived In Lake County 20
years, sheep-raising and farming. Have
raised wheat, barley, alfalfa, timothy,
wild clover, potatoes, parsnips, cabbage,
in fact, all vegetables. Corn can be raised
in this valley for stock feed. Our wheat
Is used principally for fattening hogs. Po
tatoes produce well and keep well. Fruits
of all kinds are produced, apples, peaches,
pears, plums, prunes, apricots, cherries,
berries of all kinds grow well and have
unexcelled flavor. Alfalfa and fruit will be
the coming business of the country. I
know of no country that excels in either.
I am well acquainted with the Military
Road Grant lands, and can cheerfully
state they are the equal of the other
lands In the country. L. G. Thomas, Ad
dress, Lakeview. Or."
We have scores of- such letters, regard
ing our unlrrigated lands. This is a
good proposition for a home or an in
vestment. Iakeview will have two rail
roads within 18 months. Go in ahead of
the railroads and get in on the ground
floor. That is the way to get rich. Look
about you and see how the "old families"
got rich. Just that way. It's the same
everywhere. Ours is an Oregon proposi
tion. Pry it open and investigate every
detail. It Is sound and good. Oregon
Valley Land Co., 830 Chamber of Com
Fine small farm of 18 acres, 1 V miles
from Tigardville station, on new electric
line ; big new 7 -room bouse, large new
barn, 2 cows, chickens, crop, etc., all go
with place; well at the house, spring, best
of soil; price $2150; cash, bal. on time.
264. acres near Reed vt He, at $125 per
acre; this includes 4-room. house, barn,
chickens, chicken-houses, etc.; all in culti
vation; running water; right on railroad,
etc.: cash, bal. on time.
64 acres, all cleared, for $700; 9 miles
from Portland and 2 miles from pood
country town, on proposed electric line;
running water, etc.
7 acres, partly cleared, for $750; this Is 9
miles from Portland and 2 mile from
good country town; running water, etc.
82 acres 16 mile from Portland and1 3
m lies from . Ttgardville ; 1 mi les from
school and R. R. mat Ion; 26 acres in cul
tivation ; good soils, etc. ; no stones; run
ning water, wells, spring, etc. ; garden
truck, fruits, etc., good house and 2 bams,
all implements. cows, chickens, etc., go
-with place; price $6200, H cash, bal. on
200 more good farms in all parts of the
country at bed-rock prices; It will pay you
well to consult our farm expert before buy
ing, as all our farms have been Inspected
before same are placed on the market. Call
and let us explain more fully the details
of these farms. Also have some for trade.
Room 607 Buchanan bldg., 286 Wash. st.
A 20-ACRE fruit farm 1 miles from Foreart
Grove, on milk and mail route, 15 acres
cleared, all in fruit and berries, 6-room
house and barn, good spring and running
water on the place, horses, cows and all
farm implements go with place, for only
$.1,500; $2000 cash, balance on time.
A 10-acre fruit and chicken ranch, two
miles from Forest Grove; several acres m
fruit and berries, house and barn and plenty
of water. This place can be had for $1050.
A 50-acre farm between Forest Grove
and Cornelius, with fine buildings, wind
mill, etc.; every foot of thle land Is level
end' in a high state of cultivation. This
is one of the finest farms In the state, and
can be had for $7500; one-half down.
A 190-acre timber relinquishment; may
be taken as a homestead or bought; 6 miles
from K. K. station; good road; will cruise
4,500.000 feet of saw timber; good cabin
and garden spot, plenty of water. This
claim may be had for $J4. if taken at once.
For particulars and list of other prop
erty, address
Forest Grove, Or.
tract of fine apple land, also ieach and
strawberries; 3 miles from White Salmon
on county road, stage, mail and tele
phone lines; a few rods from the W.hite
Salmon River and proposed electric rail
way from While Salmon to Trout Lake.
Two and a half miles from the Columbia
River. A fine view of ML Hood. Mt.
Adams and the beautiful scenery along
the Columbia River. About 5 acres eet
to strawberries which bring good returns
each year owing to the fact that they
ripen one week earlier than the Hood
Kiver berries. Atout looo fruit trees,
400 of which are peach trees 2 years old,
orchard of 50 trees In full bearing, con
sisting of pears, peaches, prunes and
apples. ' The remainder of the orchard
is mostly topi t sen berg and Newtown apples.
S-room house, brick chimney, woodshed
and small barn. Watered by fine well
and good spring. Price for a short
time, $3200. Address Eetes Realty A
Investment Co., White Salmon, Wash.
$4500 160 acres, fronting on the river, 1
mile Northern Pacific Railway, 40
acres of choice land in cultivation
house and barn, excellent spring;
piace is magnificent for walnuts,
cherries and apples, has many
good varieties of each planted;
this is a splendid farm bargain.
$2500 SO acres, in the famous Blodgett
Valley. Benton County. 30 acres of
rich, onion land, 4U acres in cut
tivatlon; house and barn; Inolud
lng 3 horses. 4 cows, 40 goats, 20
hogs. 100 chickens, 1 buggy, farm
wagon, harness and implements.
24S Alder St.
20 Acres $1600.
lft acres In cultivation, balance pasture.
fi-rnom house, nam ;n w. v miles rrom J'ort-
land. 1 mile to electric station; fine place;
$10o0 cash, balance long time 6 per cent.
20 Acres $2200.
4 acres cultivation, balance good pasture,
easily cleared, 100 fruit trees, well and
spring, good house, barn 30x30; close to
Iteedvuie; easy terms.
22 Acres $2400.
14 acres In cultivation, balance pasture.
some tiniher, well and creek, good orchard
and berrlf-s, nicely located, close to Hills
boro, good road to Portland; eay terme.
SWEET. 204 Corbett Bldg.
Main and A 0790.
48 ACRES of rih bottom land except about
3 arres; about 2 acres of beaver dam
land, balance rich, sandy loam, suitable
for onions, celery, a-ardenlne, etc.: also
an Ideal dairy farm, about 15 acres under
Blow. 15 acres in hay and etumpage. bal
ance very easily cleared, good 5 -room
house with cellar, barn, onion house, etc.;
creek runs through the place; located
about 30 miles out of Portland, ana abou
4 miles from a good live Valley town; a
bargain at $4500. Raipn ACKiey, cor
bett bldg.
ftrt aprpS In cultivation and in wheat, oats,
vetch, corn and fruit, 70 acres timber and
pasture, new 8-room house, two barns and
all out-bullHlngs. span of horses, 7 head of
cattle, sneep, goats, nogs ana cmcKens,
waeom. nlows. harrows and all small tools.
cream separator, telephone In house, 1 mile
to school, 2 miles to town and 4 mile
to river, 30 miles from Portland; price for
all, $7500; $-UHX cash, balance per cent.
If looklns for a. farm, this one Is worthy
of investigation. Geo. W. Turner, 416-16
Kothcniid bldg.. z4 Mi wasnington st.
$5 PER acre, 0"X) acres ; 2 houses, barn, $
Stock sheds; 6 miles from R. R.
$6 per acre, 800 acres, bloack loam, one
mile, from IjOwis Kiver; a snap.
Hood River. 40 acres. 30 in apples; house,
barn, fine irrigating syptem; $3o0 per acre;
will trade for stock ranch in Willamette
FRANK LUCAS. 21 C. of C.
20 ACRES close to Grosham, Improved, good
soil, running water. Price $4000, easy
terms. Address s 1 5, uregonian.
WANTED 150 to 200 million feet of good
timber at price not to exceed &0o per M.
urenaxed to cruise such a tract immediate
ly and buy If satisfactory; wLh to deal
with owners or parties holding options from
owners; send description or iimDer ana lo
cation. Address A &, oregonian.
WILL buy tract of timber up to 1.000,0OO-(
teed, and out up deposit against expenses.
Thomas P. Thornton, 310 Chamber of Com-
WANTED Timber, about 20,000,000 to 30.-
wu.vuu ieei nr; wen iwiwu " initi
ate operation; give particulars in first let
tor. H 72. Oregonian. -
TIMBER CLAIMS I have customers for good
timber claims. Charles Rullman, M9 Wor
cester bldg.
A CLIENT wishes timber claim or relinqulik-
ments. What have you? H. F. Joe I in, 519
Worcester Didg.
WANTED To buy timber relinquishment or
secure good location; from owner preferred.
v &4, oregonian.
A 4-MLLLION yellow and sugar pine claim
In Lake County lor oO per acre. G bo.
FROM owner, large or small timber tracts.
TIMBER Lands wanted. C J. McCracken
304 McKay bldg.
WANTED Timber claims for immediate fll
WANTED To buy farm, 10 to 160 acres.
at least 40 under cumvation. Dei ween
Oregon City and Albany. Full descrip
tion. Address R- J. Rees, 24 Orchard
st-. Eugene, Or.
WANTED Dairy farm, stock and Implements
Included; must De cneap ror casn; not over
$4000. til N. 12th art., Portland.
WANTED 5-10-a ere ranch w1 th In 10 miles
of Portland; cash; must be bargain. v bo,
FOR LEASE Lot 50x100. North Portland,
close in. G tt, Oregonian.
10 acres in crop, garden and orchard ;
new depot on Oregon Electric line; good S
room house, bam and outbuildings; must
sell, rent or exchange; best bargain on the
market. ,
211 Commercial Bldg.
60 ACRES, near Portland, right on railroad.
about batf cleared ana in spienaid crops,
15 acres beaverdam land with fine ash
wood, good house with basement, porch
end attic; fine well, orchard and creek;
price $6500, half cash, would also take
good Portland property. Call 325 Lumber
$1400 EQUITY in house. 5 rooms, lot 60x255,
fruit trees, chicken-house and yard, on
Mt. Scott car line, four blocks from Fir
land station, for acreage with houae and
barn on railroad and milk route within 10
miles of Portland. X 77, Oregonian.
$1000 EQUITY in 200x100; 60 ft. from car;
Hose t;ity farit; oai. aue at J4 montn ;
will trade for house or lot worth. $1000
or more and assume mortgage; near fine
homes; concrete walks; price correct;
will trade 100x100. D 78, Oregonian.
TO EXCHANGE for Portland property 320-
acre wheat ranch in .Morrow county, all
in crop on county road, 8 mllee from R.
R. ; 5-room house, bams, horses end tools,
value $1S.75 per acre. Conklin Bros., 302
Rothchild bldg.
FOR SALE OR TRADE New and complete
sawmill, b to iu no., daily capacity; planer
and bench eager. Abundance oi good tim
ber. Good local trade. Team, logging
outfit, etc. Address W. A C, Wilhoit, Or.
8H ACRES on Oregon City electric line for
sale, or will trade ror city property; will
pay difference, or assume mortgage; n)
inflated values will be considered. Address
the owner, P. O. Box 359, city.
EXCHANGE New. modern B room cottage.
with bath toilet, electric lights, on Mt.
Scott carline. What have you? B 7L
1M ACRES hill land, part timber, live
springe, navigable stream, near railroad;
exchange for house and lot. Phone Main
FOR SALE or trade for unimproved real
estate, lu-n. p. taaniac runaoout ; nrst
class condition; price $500. Address A 79,
FOR EXCHANGE Three lots in Good Morn
lng Addition, forming corner 100x110, for
ljos Angeles lot. Joseph U. V alter, 627
boutn bpring st., J-.OS Angetets, cai.
A $12,000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm
tract to trade toward .Portland home or
business property. Fiank Lee. 147 Va
Front at.
ROOMING-HOUSE, 22 rooms .furnished, will
sell for $2200 cash or will exchange for
different location, with Va cash. 14s 5th.
room a.
10 ACRES, all clear and In cultivation, close
to Clackamas Station, good house and
barn. $4500; part cash or trade for good
Portland property. 325 Lumber Exchange.
WILL exchange a $1500 equity In a well-
paying house in Sunnyside, for some va
cant lots or small suburban place. C 78,
FOR SALE or exchange, suburban home,
large grounds; fruit, garden; owner leav
ing city. W 73, Oregonian.
FOR SALE or exchange, an old established
restaurant doing $80; price $0OO. Call
o. 1. tieery. ii otn.
FOR SALE or exchange, good business for
$1000; investigate it; it will pay you. A
t, oregonian.
9 ROOMS, elegantly furnished, with mahog
any and oak; axminster carpets; win take
lot or house ana lot. i'acinc nz.
IF YOU want to buy. sell or exchange
house, lot. farm or business, can 325 Lum
ber Exchange.
640 ACRES Eastern Washington wheat land
for eetern Oregon or ashington land.
AD 7i, Oregonian.
SUBURBAN home or lot on West Side, for
owrl tAam tiarnoan a nil wacnn TP C 1
EXCHANGE 2 lots at Maegly Junction for
furniture or small rooming-house. Phone
Main 8751, or see Denison, 281 3d st.
$2500 TIMBER CLAIM, want to trade for
house ana tots or lots only; Hast erne
preferred. 627 Corbett bldg.
$1500 EQUITY In 8-room house, near Union
avc, xor lots or acreage close In; btate
Land Co.. uirst St., Koom l.
IF vou er interested In selllne-. buvlnar or
exchanging property or business, call C13
Chamber Commerce.
100-ACRES farm in "Willamette Valley to trade
for city property. Ralph Ackley, 603 Cor
bett bldg.
OOOD city property exchanged for good
rarms, ana vice versa, oy
F. FUCHS, 221 Vi Morrison Stret.
CITY income property wanted in exchange for
choice vauey rarm. can 4 onamber
A FINE timber claim, 6.000,000, exchange
for improved farm or Portland residence.
ST Worcester dik.
Improved, for Portland suburban property
AC Hi V I " II U 1 tl U .
RESIDENCE lot or lots for Oregon Trust
account or aDout aw: give location ana
price nrst letter. r jo, oregonian.
EXCHANGE highly Improved income property
on EaM side for email tarrn. 4.tu Wor
cester bldg. Main 1P40.
HOUSEBOAT for sale or trade; best on the
river. What have you to offer? Merrill,
108 7th st.
FOR SALE, or will exchange for lot. 12
horsepower pleasure launch, speed 12 miles.
N 76, Oregonian.
6-ROOM cottage, frac. corner. West Side, for
lots or acreage. G. E. Walling, 243 Stark st.
WANT small house built in exchange for
choice building lots. Knowles, Oak Grove.
640 ACRES -wheat land to exchange for res
idence. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg.
TO EXCHANGE SO acres farm land, for
building -lot in city. Address 314 W'heeler st.
ONE to six yellow - pine timber claims for
Portland real estate. G 78. Oregonian.
BURROS Team of riding or driving donkeys,
$40. Merrill, I08 7th st.
FINE thoroughbred Jersey' bull, $40, If taken
at once. Merrill, 10S 7th.
IF you have anything for sale or exchange
see Garland A Shelton, 191 4th st.
WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith,
411 Buchanan bldg
Copenhagen phro
RIDGEFIELD, WASH., July 7, 1908
The Morning Oregonian,
Portland, Oregon.
Herewith M.- 0. for 1.20 to cover "Ad" run 3d and 4th
for Asst. Timekeeper.
Returns most satisfactory almost bewildering 108
Yours truly,
By Gillis.
TO EXCHANGE 1 600-acre stock ranch
near Roseburg; value $16,000. for city
Residence property, Sout h Portland ;
value $5500, Xor acreajre near city.
Bungalow. South Portland, value $3000,
for vacant lots.
Bungalow, new, quarter block. East
filde, value $3000. What have you?
y seotion timber land near Collins
Springs, value $4000; trade In toward a
house and lot.
253 H Washington, cor. 3d.
43-ACRE apple orchard, full bearing, exchange
ior jromana property; tnis is a snap.
4 acre? near Forest Grove, all cultivated;
5-room house, 2-story barn; borders on nice
lake: $loOO; want vacant.
107-a ere farm, 26 acres cultivated, 60
acres river bottom, 40 acres good timber,
good orchard, house and 2 bams, spring and
well, 1 miles from Estarala car; $5600.
132 5th st.
2 ACRES, half cultivated, near Lents, on
agister roan, o minutes to car: o-room house,
chickens; I will exchange for 5-room house
closer in. H 79, Oregonian.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
TEAM ranch mares. $100; team camp
nor sea, sso; gentle pony ior cniidren. $2.i;
fine buggy horse, $125; 3 -in. wagon,
good shape, $65; soring wacron. $35; 20
sets single and double harness, all prices,
some good second-hand tents. 275 Haw
thorne ave.
HANDSOME. stylish, sound combination
norse, coming 4; 15.3 hand, weight 1100;
lady broke; no better or prettier in city;
also new runabout, harness, saddle and bri
dle; outfit $300. or sell separate. Mr. Gol
den, 2145 Morrison.
FOR SALE One good chunky, stylish driving
nurse, eny oroKen ana iree ariver, not
afraid of cars or autos; 2 gentlemen's driv
ing or riding horses, well bred and. young.
Inquire O. R. C. Stables. 14th and Yam
hill St., Sunday or Monday.
SNAP $135 buys nice business rig, new rub-
Der-urea runaoout. and hand-made har
ness, with Kay saddle and beaded lines;
nice bay horse, safe for lady's use. Call
270 12th st. today only.
WANTED To purchase a good horse, sulta-
d i e ior i urn 1 1 ure ce n very waaon : we i h t
about 1200 pounds. I. Gevurtx A. Sons, 173
JSC st.
WANTED One or two horses for the feed
and good care; just a little driving; will
keep them all Winter if wanted; fine
piace to Keep tnem. t 75, Oregonian.
FOR SALE I black mare and bur v. fam
ny Drone, oeiween iiw and litiu. or w
sell separate. Tomlinson A Caasidy. 211
wasnington st. -
WANTED Two delivery horses, citv broke.
pouna, not. over o years oia, weight 1150
ids. tan i. a. rtumtora, zw sa st. Jnaln
FOR SALE Team, harness and deliverv
wagon; bargain If taken this week; price
zza. rnone nast uaii 4zs je. 6th et.
A LIVELY saddle pony. 7 years old, weight
anout sou, nne looKer. uox jr. G., Oak
urove jr. u., center station.
FOR SALE Fifteen well-broke horses.
Phone Grea.ham 389. Address Sam Strebin,
1 routdaje, or.
GOOD, cheap mare, rubber-tired luggy and
harness ior sate at once; must sell. Call
room o- Lumber Exchange bldg.
A BARGAIN If taken this week, fine driv
lng horse, buggy and harness. Phone A
a i Hi.
23 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus, saddles, harness, cheap to close
oul nuDert c iiaii. zo 4tn st.
$850 GOOD team, new wagon and harness
aiso cords of wood; close In; half
cash. Box loi. Forest Grove. Or.
BARGAIN $125 buys bay team, weight 2300
idw., gooa worxers every way. t:all today
omy. JL-Tnpire aiaoies, ltn ana jenerson.
1 BAY team, weight 2K00l price $250: 1 buck
skin delivery or driving horse, weight 1100.
'--a.i i jtuo. vio or m jenerson st.
ONE good team of horses, harness and wagon
cheap, $275, and true pullers. 313 Water
st. .fnone Main 740 l
STYLISH, gentle family mare, suitable for
lady, ana rubber-tire runabout; a swell out-
nt. Aa a res s u io. orepon tan.
FOR SALE or trade, span of mules. Phone
hast 6 lo or call Hawthorne Fuel Co.,
n.ast feigntn ana nawtnorne ave.
LIGHT drivlna- team. buKirv and ha mens
separately; outfit $185. S. Barney, route
a, uregon vjity.
LADY'S driving hors and buggy, standard
bred, young and fearless, safe anywhere.
Fash ion S tahl es.
STYLES H bay mare and good buggy for sale
cheap. Call at contractor's camp, 36th and
rranKiin sis. w.-n. car.
FOR SALE Cheap if taken at once, pony
ana rig, suitaoie ior c nil are n. An
FOR SALE Two nice drivers, broke both
single and double and under the saddle.
Phone East 1522.
LIGHT gooseneck wagon with team and har
ness; must be sold. Call 36I E. Morrison.
FOR SALE Htrse. buggy and harness; very
stylish horse. 49 4th st.
WANTED To buy a horse for general
delivery. Call 128 1st st.
WANTED Delivery- horse about 000 lbs.
Phone Main 4117.
2t BAIN WAGON, new set of team harness.
Kedderley barn, 16th and Jefferson sts.
FOR SALE Heifer Calf, good stock, mother
nne milker. 253 Hamilton, or Main 6965.
SECOND-hand rubber-tire top buggy. 803
East Morrison st.
THREE saddle pontes for sale, gentle for
children. Inquire 56ft Overton st.
CAMP WAGON Good up-to-date camp wagon,
cheap. Call 4S8 Eat 18th st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
FOR SALE Nearly ew Studebaker 8V4-ln.
farm wagon; $H5. Pnone Eaet 5706.
WANTED Man and team to haul gravel all
Summer. 580 South ave.
GOOD llOO-lb. mare, work double or" single.
1004 Mllwaukle St.; take Sell wood car.
FOR SALE Black riding pony a bargain
fur $35. Main 3302.
A 4-SEATED trap'. In No. 1 condition, for
sale. Edwards & Co.
FOR SALE Heavy young team. Mr.
Fuchalke. Courtney Station. O. W. P.
FOR SALE Three mules, well broke to har
ness 26 4th st.
WILL trade 2-cyMnder Ford touring car for
citv or country property. 621 Corbett
f bldg. Main 8143.
WILL trade Coos Bay property for touring
car In good condition. A B 69. Oregon
ian. AUTOMOBILE Stevens Duryea, guaranteed
to be in firs -class condition, with $500
equipment, for $1400. . O "4. Oregonian.
J CADILLAC runabout :
' st. Phone Main 178.
$500 cash.. 169 11th
3907 STODDARD-DAYTON touring car. top
4Luu kiui crone; 1 ru.
1907 Steven s-Duryea, top; $1250.
190J Franklin; $850.
These cars have been traded In on
Fierce and Cadillac and must be sold at
once; no reasonable offer refused.
16th and Alder. M 6470.
I AM going to sell either my Olds runabout
or ,wnue steamer iriis WEEK; have
only use for one machine. if you are
thinking automobile it will pay you to
Investigate. E 81, Oregonian.
AUTOMOBILE $250, bicycle $20. other ar
tides too numerous to mention, photo
graphic tent, double roof; cameras differ
ent slies. Apply Applegate photo Co..
2 North 6th st.
SECOND-HAND automobile, nne condition
4-cyllnder, carry six persona, for sale
cheap or exchange for real estate or acre
age. Hall, 266 Fourth st.
POPE TOLEDO 35 H. P.; most all wearing
Kzro irum, Kus or ex
tras; a decided snap at $1350. B W
Padley. 206j 1st.
AN automobile, good for sightseeing ; will
carry 10 persons; will sell or exenange for
real estate. Address B. B. Rodman, 503
Alder st.
50 H.-P., 1907 model, fine condition, com
plete in every detail; leaving city; must
sell or exchange. Smith, 411 Buchanan bldg
RESPONSIBLE party wants to rent small
automobile two or three days each week.
C 81. Oregonian.
NEW 'OS Indian motor bike for sale cheap, or
will trade for building material. Address
Hynson, 60ft Morrison st., or call A 380.
IF VOU Want a. Whit mtmam
third of its original cost, that is as good
new, investigate n, uj. oregonian.
BY PARTY about to leave city, fine Hobart
-txuifs piano, largest size upright: $175
- keny. phone East 143.
KRANICH A BACH parlor grand piano, near-
v, w, iw aie ow; original cost $100a
Phone Main 5062.
UPRIGHT rtlano. Ilk nw svm. (in
$0 month; might rent. 617 Tou'rny. Pacific
FOR SALEr Grand upright piano, $65. 502
riose.awn ave. Take Alberta car.
M isoel lanecus.
cut from bis- timhr tn wini.P
$5 to $5.50. E 818, B 18tW. East 6th and
ONE team geldings. 2500 lbs.; sound anj
gentle; price $00. H. G. Starkweather,
mile east Naef Station. Oregon City
n r . lj. .-o. i, jnuwauKie, or.
FOR fAl .V. GSimllw laitnxh orw u 4 K
speed 8 miles, canopy top, torpedo stern;
u.'Btn. am leaving cuy. li. 3d. Harlow,
591 Hood St.
bargain if sold by the 15th; leaving the
- o mi in. nros. typewriter; latest;
cheap for cash. East 331, C 1722.
Address 1 .17. OrAB-nnian
A $35 COLUMBIA phonograph, with 32 disc
jcuuruo, penecL oraer; cash takes it,
369 E. Mcrrlson.
-FOR SALE, cheap, one patent Eureka car
pet, ruR loom with attachments ; would
traae tor norse. it 5, Oregonian.
NAME your own price, all In good condition
2 suits, sizes 36. 2 extra trousers, size 34-32
1 overcoat, size 36. G 79, Oregonian.
$15 DROP-HEAD sewing machine; all at
tach ments; big bargain. Call 383 E. Mor
CHEAP Two No. 1 young cows, also new
oatn caDinet. 1383 Irving at., Monta
villa car. Windmill Station.
BRAND new Werner edition of Enrvrin
ped la Britannlca, 31 volumes in all. 447
$25 WILL buy a good Remington type-
wriLr ir lEKen quicK. Aaaress l by,
care oregonian.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments
Dougnt, soiu ana exchanged. r L. Winters,
015 xiirora biag.. 10th at.d Morrison sts.
6 months, price $20. Inquire 523 Lovejoy.
GOOD fresh cow for sale, price $42. West
ave. and Section Line road. Phone Tabor
FOR SALH 350 cords of fir wood and J 50 of
oak. Inquire at Johnson's Coffee House, 3
North 3d st. j
THOROUGHBRED Scotch Collie pups; males
wr, i-jmioi" ucr jiwurm, r orem
FOR SALE Draughtsman coursa In Tntor.
national Correspondence School ; can be
nuBigneo. x so, uregoman.
1 BICYCLE, coaster brake, Al condition
$15. ' Thos. I. Temple, 229 . Whitaker
rnone fac. zsn.
FOR SALS Cook stove, ''Eclipse," used QRjy
a short time, very reasonable. A 2613 or
211 raric st.
FOR SALE chean. flnrt-rlans tnrivenrA in
vicinity of Irvington; any number of cords
delivered. 1 ei. 114.
FOR SALE 100 shares Portland Coal &
developing jo. uaxe me an oner. T T6,
FOR SALE Almost new gas range, with
warming iiuei, periect conaition, $10.
FOR SALE Air brush, model B, tank and
pump, neariy new. tr S3, Oregonian.
FOR SALE1 Cocker spaniel, 1 year old,
nmiB. rnone laoor 1213.
FOR 8 A LB New cash register : bargali
Call afternoons at 30 Washington st.
WILL sacrifice a $45 Edison phonograph
600 VICTOR records, slightly used. 25 cents
cnuu. hm diii si . , room o.
FOR SALE cheap. Ice chest and sewing ma
uuiio, . r-arx st.
FOR SALE, to remove, house, No. 88 18th
bi. r.
FOR SALE Cheap for ash, 7-foot steel
range, inquire so Bum side st.
GOOD boat for sale cheap; Investigate,
dress F 79. Oregonian.
A CHOICE fresh Jersey cow at 103 Kinse
NEW cast iron enameled water sinks
large reduction. Max Levin. 223 Front 1
PEDIGREED Angora kitten for sale; a beau
ty. Address K 75, Oregonian.
$60 Moving-picture outfit, two lenses etc
typewriters at a bargain. , 13 North 3d s'tl
GRAPHOPHONE. and 60 records, also order
for $9 more records. D 77, Oregonian.
FOR SALESmall gasoline launch. Inquire
9 Fulton's boathouse. opposite The Oaks.
NEW gas range at 810 15th st. Phone Pa
cific 2454.
$65 OAK bedroom suite, complete will take
$26 tomorrow, at 369 E. Morrison.
YOUNG birds for sate. Sellwood 8S9.
We certainly have rot Dine, and Ttr
good . pipe. too. We guarantee all our
pipe In first-class shape for either steamt
or water. '
We have It in any slse or quantity.
Wie dip all our pipe free of charge,
which makes It as good as galvanized. We
also struck & snap in some new pipe and
will give you tbs benefit in the following
Suoo feet 3-Inch galvanized. I
6000 feet 10 and 12-inch pipe.
IhW0 feet 4-lnch p'pe.
4!HX feet S-lnch pipe,
2ooo feet 6-inch pipe.
Above . pipe Is all brand-new; any
amount of the above sizes In second-hand.
2- Inch pipe, 8c per foot.
24-inch pipe, 12c per foot.
3- inch pipe, ISc per foot.
4- inch pipe. 2oc per foot.
We carry all sizes of valves and other
pipe fittings. Estimates cheerfully given
on all kinds of pipe work.
We have got the genuine coal, tar;
every barrel guaranteed. If not satis
factory, your money refunded. Buy di
rect from us and save the middleman's
profit, as we are the sole agents for the
genuine coal tar on the Coast.
52-gallon barrels. $4.
4 -case flour mill rolls.
3OO0 fire brick.
36 iron cars.
1 4-mold Berg brick press. .
1 mixer for brick plant.
100 tons eye beams, all sizes, cut In
lengths to suit.
2ik tons steel rails for concrete work.
1000 feet 12-inch steel pipe
We positively have more corrugated
iron than any store In the city; new or
second-hand, any gauge, from 14 to 28,
palmed or galvanized.
Poultry netting.
Bath tubs.
New staples and nails. $2 keg.
BOO rolls deadening felt, $1 roll.
500 rolls rubber roofing paper.
Any amount black and galvanised wire
suitable for all purposes.
500 blacksmith and machinist vices.
Wedges, sledges, crowbars and axes.
5000 picks and mattocks.
Chains, rope, blocks and sheaves.
50 iron and wood wheelbarrows.
50 tons, all sizes and gauges of No. 1
sheet iron.
100 tons bolts and nuts.
All sizes relaying rails.
12-H. P. gasoline hoist.
Any amount, all sizes of cable, from
qunrier-incn up.
Sprocket chain, any size or quantity.
We also handle belting, pulleys, boxes,
flhaftinjE. haneers. sprocket wheels icar-
wheels, collars, drums, clutches and any
thing else manufactured from metal.
We positively carry the largest stock
of second-hand merchandise in the city.
What we advertise we have.
We buy. sell or trade, no matter how
large or Bmall the deal may be. Give us
a can ana De convincea.
The store that has the money-back pol
icy 11 you re not satisnea.
244, 246. 250 Front St.
600 TONS practically new steel I beams,
sizes from 4-in to 30-in. : all lengths.
50 iron tanks, from 10 to 3000 gallons
10O tons angle, flat, bar and rod Iron,
in an lengths.
1 00 tons flat sheet iron for roofing.
sldfn;:, etc.. all sizes and In perfect con
100 tons black and galvanized corru
gated rooflnsr iron, all brand-new. which
we are selling far below the wholesale
50 tons practically new galvanized
smooth wire, continuous length.
2T tons chicken wire netting, all sizes.
100 tons grate bars, all kinds and
100 tons steel shafting, all sizes.
Large quantity of second-hand gas fix
tures, at one-fourth regular price.
Pipe In all sizes and kinds, -inch up,
galvanized or black, new or second-hand.
We also carry in stock pipe fittings of all
kinds, including valves, cocks, etc. AH
our pipe is guaranted to have perfect
tnreaas ana couplings.
200 tons steel cable, sizes from 'm-inch
up to l-inch. Will cut in lengths to
BUI l.
we carry in stock both new and second-hand
steel rails of all kinds, sizes
from 8 lbs. to 90 lbs.; fishplates and
spikes. Also about 200 tons of con
tractors' rails, all sizes and lengths.
OF CHICAGO of second-hand pulleys,
gears, sheaves, shaft boxes, all kinds,
and belting in sizes from 1-inch to 36-
lnch, both In leather and rubber and in
new and second-hand.
847-353 Gllsan street, corner Eighth,
rortneast corner jf ourtn ana Gllsan sts.
Machine lathe, complete.
5-foot bed, new.
264 Morrison st., room 12.
FOR SALE Two trl-color collie dogs, pup
pies 7 months old. sired by West land
uuKe, aam I'ortiana uucnens. large and
neauny: both win make good show dogs
price, $30 each : complete oedleree fur
nlshed with each puppy. For further par
ticulars address J. Murrone, 1200 Mtlwau-
Kie st.. ortiana, or.
200 East Morrison.
For this week we have a fine lot of fur
niture to be sacrificed; call on us at any
time and secure a bargain In anything you
may require, ttast wss, a 2311.
2OO0 CORDS of good fir wood, standing, 3
miles from R. H. station, downhill pull
very cheap If cut this Summer.
508 Welle-Fargo bldg.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000,
parties Interested call Maglnnls A Son,
4U3-4 McKay biag.
FOR SALE New and -econd-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments: w rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
oar nxtures; cneap price3. 3 runs wick
KaiKe-couenaer. 4 Third st.
GASOLINE launch, 31 feet, canopy top, 15
H. P., 4-cy Under engine, brans finishings,
quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with
ooatnouse. a 4. oregonian.
MOTION-PICTURE machines, films, song
slides, etc., for rent; also bought, sold
ana exenangea ; lowest rates. Newman,
2!.i Burnsiae.
HAVE your roof painted with "Elaato"
Inexpensive; adds years wear; good on
any Kina or roors. .Northwest KOonng uo.
511 North 22d st. Phone Main 4807.
A SNAP if taken Monday or Tuesday, dia
mond ring which sells at $100 can be bought
for $50; must have money. 565 Washing
ton st.
ENGLISH SETTER, male. 2 years old,
good-looker and a fine worker, $60. Inquire
658 Halsey or 311 Dekum bldg.
FOR SALE: Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover, 313
Water st. Phone Main 7451.
NEW Oliver typewriter, fine oak sideboard,
very cheap; administrator's sale. C: H.
Piggott, room 4 Mulkey bldg.
SMITH typewriter,- new, cheap for cash;
crystalline glass and paneled cedar office
partition, for one-firth cost. A 4124.
A GOOD No. 4 Underwood typewriter and
rotary Mimeograph for less than half
cost. Address E fc5. care Oregonian-.
FR ES H Jersey cow for sale, gives 4 ga : -lone
of milk per day; price reasonable.
574 Eaet Taylor st. Phone East 42.
FOR SALE Gasoline wood-saw, as good as
new; on terms. 621 corbett bldg. Main
FOR SALE Launch, 30- foot, perfect condi
tion, complete with house, cheap. TlePnona
Eellwood 723.
EASTERN quartered oak sideboard and ex
tension table to be sold at one-third Its first
coat. Call 369 B. Morrison.
FOR SALE Complete set of butcher's fix
tures, cheap. 319 "Williams ave., corner
FRESH blackberries for sale. K 74, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE Partl-colored pedigreed Cocker
Spaniel puppies. 651 Lovejoy st.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165H 4th st.
WILL sell my Rhode Island Red and Buff
Orpington chickens. Staples the Jeweler.
FRESH cow for sale at my home ranch.
Staples the Jeweler.
FOR SALE" Thoroughbred English bull
dogs. Call 185 North 25th st.
NEARLY new Bridge Beach Superior Range.
JEWEL gas range, with water attachment,
$12.50; No. 8 cook stove. $6; bookkeeper's
6-foot desk. $12.50- extension table. $3 50;
6 oak dining chairs, $7.50; combination
desk and bookcase, mahogany finish, $12;
hardwood bedroom suite. $12 50; folding
beds, $5; sewing machines, $,V; $25 let
ter press and stand. $7.50; $38 9x12 ax
minster rug. good as new, $18; hotel
dressers, $4.75; iron beds, $2; all kinds of
nousertoid goods, onice and store fixtures
for sale, cheap. Western Salvage Co.,
20th and Washington sts. Main 1108 or
A 3793.
60 SEWING MACHINES, slightly damaged.
t very low prices.
Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Domestic,
Household, Standard, New Royal and others.
loo second-hand machines at your own
price: old machines taken In exchange,
machines sold on monthly or weekly pay
ments; no Interest on v on tract sales.
$35 Morrison st.
COAL MINE A half or quarter Interest in
a paruauy aeveiopea property or snout
400 acres, can be had cheap if taken now;
four veins of coal from 3 to 16 feet; one
vein with 4S feet of good clean coal is
opened within 300 feet of rail transpor
tation; mine can be shipping coal within
6o days; a rare opportunity for a profit
able Investment. See B. Fallows. Mining
Engineer, 534 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE Black Cocker spaniel puppies. ana price way flown. Also 6DT l
go-cart, almost new; cost $26. will sell for
$10. Call Sunday before noon or any even
ing. 224 Bast 24 St., North (near Holladay
WANTED- Man of good address and strong
personality wno can sen on very easy terms
the beet Investment proposition ever offered,
based on real estate and backed by well
known business men; can secure a contract
worth $5000 or more per year by answering
this advertisement promptly. Address Op
portunity, care Nelson Chesman A Co., t.
Louis, Mo.
RELIABLE Chicago company will contract
witn hign-grade men with successrui recocd
aelltng Bcales, assortments, patent rnsidi
cines, etc; position pays $400, $500 monthly.
Excl usive patented specialty sold io f Ivs
lines dealers, towns and cities. Legitimate,
dignified, permanent business for re-orders.
N. M. R. Co.. 120 Franklin St., Chicago.
Wanted P 833 calls for executive man
of experience in this line, must not be
over 35. alive, good appearance, to act
as manager of branch for large concern,
402, 403. 404. 405 Swetland Bldg.
ior easy worn; examinations oi an jcinas
soon; expert advice, sample questions and
booklet 3t9, describing positions and tell
ing easiest and quickest way to secure
trwam free. Write now. Washington
Civil Service School, Washington, D. C
SALESMEN wanted, steadily traveling, sell
ing to general merchandise stores, small
towns, to handle complete lace-embroidery
line from leading Importers; liberal
commission. Merk Co., 416 Broadway,
New York.
WANTED By one of the largest art glass
manufacturing concerns on the Coast, a
first-class representant for high-grade
lamp shades and electric fixtures. for
Portland and Oregon- give references. H
77. Oregonian.
SALESMAN Experienced In any Kne, to
sell general trade In Oregon ; an unex
celled specialty proposition; commissions
with $35 weekly advance for expensef.
Thf- Continental Je-velry Co., Cleveland.
Oh.o. .
WIRELESS Young man with general
knowledge of electricity can have good
salaried position and an opportunity to
learn wireless; must invest $1000; large
returns and chance for advancement to
high-class position. C Sfi, Oregonian.
WANTED Reliable man for real estate of
fice ; references and some ca.h required ;
splendid permanent position; $25 per week,
also liberal commission. Call or adress '
Pacific Business Exchange, 303 H Washing
ton st., suite 4.
SALESMEN To sell "The Merchants' busi
ness Record, or Bookkeeping without a
Bookkeeper, adapted to all business lines;
easy sales; big profits; circular free. Pre
vents Mfg. Co., Boyce bldg.. Chicago, 111.
WANTED Young man 25 or 30. collecting in
city with view going on road later; must be
good hustler and willing worker; reference
and bond necessary; salary $2 per day to
start. G 77, Oresonian.
YOUNG man with general knowledge of
electricity can obtain a splendid position
ith nnnnrtnnitv for ad va noement : must
P Invest $1000. Call 615 Rnthchild bldg..
from 2 P. M. to t f. sunaay.
CARPEiNTER with $400 or $500 can earn
wages and double his money in 60 days.
Call Sunday or Monday after 6 o'clock at
room 12. 264 cr dress B 74, Ore
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line, high commissions, with $100
monthly advance; permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit.
WANTED Young man at ence to learn
barber trade; steady work, union shop:
terms reasonable. Call 772 Mississippi
ave.. city.
PARTNER with $50 to invest In small road
show; gilt-edge proposition; no objection to
talented amateur. Address D 74, Ore
gonian. WANTED Good experienced pitcher and
shortstop for a baseball team; long engase
ment; state all by letter. AD 85, Ore
gonian. WANTED Two good live men to solicit, de
liver and collect for a cleaning establish
ment; good wages. Inquire 623 Washington
st., Monday, 9 A. M.
MAN and wife, no children, to care for coun
try place, stock, lawn, etc.; state fully ex
perience and references. Address O 71,
WANTED Local salesman, every town
Oregon and Washington; big commission.
Address 209 Commonwealth bldg.. Port
land. PARTNER at once to take half interest in a
well-established business; $360. Call Sunday
btween 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., 611 S wet las 4
Thoroughly experienced and competent,
wanted In several departments.
REAL ESTATE man wants hustler for half
Interest in office; active man can make
$150 per month. Call room 818 Allsky
bldg.. 3d and Morrison.
WANTED Japanese boy for light house
work, two in family. Call Sunday until
4 P M.,' Webster, 67 Flanders st.
WANTED Man to take half Interest in
paying business; small capital. W 87, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Steam shovel engineer, crane man
and fireman. Apply 720 Corbett bldg,
Monday at 8 A. M.
VIM. vigor and virility restored for $1. Ad
dress with age, aingle or married, Portland
P. O. box 346.
WANTED Experienced cook of good moral
character; man preferred. AD 81, Ore
gonian. DRUMMER with traps, wanted on Satur
day evening. Prof Wal Willson'a Dancing
School. 386 Washington st.
GOOD, sober, steady man et once as col
lector; $1000 cash security required. 511
Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Washington.
AN A-l industrial insurance solicitor; good
proposition to live man. Phone East 1398
before 2 P. M. Sunday or after S P. M.
WANTED Reliable man for active Interest
in real estate office; can easily make $125
per month. Room 10, 253H Washington.
SALESMEN in all lines, bookkeeper and sten
ographer, city and country. P. A. A C.
Co., 323 Wash. st.. room 39 and 41.
GOOD, sober, steady man at once as col
lector; $looo cash security required. 611
Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Washington.
WANTED A good house-to-house solicitor,
with references; steady work- Room 89
Hamilton bldg.
WANTED Home for feeble man where there
is man attendant; good pay for the right
place. AF 84, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced shoe salesman;
state where formerly, employed. O 90.
care Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class shoe cleric at Ful
lam' s Shoe Store. 283 Morrison st.
JAPANESE boy to wash dishes and help
in kitchen. 516 Morrison st.
POSTAL CARD salesman. D. M. Averill
Company. 102 N. 5th st.
WANTED Office boy: permanent. Call Mon
day morning. Remington Typewriter Co.
WANTED Trombone player to travel wltji
show. Call 84 West Park st.
BOY to work In shipping department.