THE SUNDAY OREGO"IA", PORTLAND, ; MARCH" 29, 190S. FEERC ARROW SIX w The advantages of the Six-Cylinder Motor Car over the Four, not only in Pierce Great Arrow Cars, but in cars of any reputable make, are as numerous, as decisive and as clearly defined as those of the "Four" over the "Two." And they are freely admitted by mechanical experts, by all keen motorists and by everybody else who should know, excepting a few makers, who, failing to keep pace with the times, are now overstocked with Four-Cylinder Cars. . Following we give a brief summary of the main advantages as represented in the GREAT ARROW SIX CONTINUOUS POWER LUXURIOUS RIDING With a four-cylinder engine there are lapses of power, no matter how fast it is run. . That The continuity of driving pressure means absence of jerkiness and assures decidedly is, one cylinder completes its power stroke before the next cylinder takes hold. In the Six, smoother, easier riding. Also, the cylinders of a six-cylinder engine being much smaller in this is entirely overcome; the power impulses overlap. The power stroke of one " diameter than those of a Pour of equal horse-power, the explosions are, of course, lighter, cylinder begins before the power of the previous stroke has been' spent; therefore the i w;,, T v ' n c: -x, , power stream is never intermittent as in the Four, but continuous, and lighter explosions means less vibration. In the Great Arrow Six, vibration is entirely r . absent. ' -. EASE OF CONTROL SILENT OPERATION The Great Arrow Six can be run at almost any speed on the high gear. This means that . . it can be handled equally well on a crowded thoroughfare or open road on top speed, without These small and more numerous explosions naturally create a much lighter and a more changing gears. " : continuous exhaust; and both being less violent, means practically noiseless running. PROVE THESE ADVANTAGES YOURSELF; ARRANGE WITH US AT ONCE FOR A RIDE IN THE GREAT ARROW SIX WHY SIX CYLINDERS? The Standard Touring Car of the World The average autolst. ' when he flrst bears of the six-cylinder mo tor, see In It only a multiplicity of the trouble which come with the four-cylinder. 'Tour more valves, two more spark plugs, more bear ings, more trouble four is enough." he says; but let us nee: la the slx eyllnder proportionately more trou blesome than the four, the two or the one-cylinder motor? If you will go back a few years, not more than two or three, you will remember when you Brat heard of the two-cylinder oar. "Twice aa much trouble." you nald. Then again, when the four-cylinder held the center of the stage and one maker afte'r another abandoned the one and two-cylinder typos to adopt the four, did you not say, "Four times as much trouble?" But we soon found that the four-cylinder motor ran smoother, had less vibration, and, owing to the fact that the Impulses were received regularly and rapidly. It was more powerful on hills or In emergencies; mora flexible In operation. But why alx cylinders? Many makers who a year ago made only four-cylinder cara are this year turning their attention to sixes; have they taken up this new Idea merely to cater to the public demand, or Is there honestly a real reason for the adoption of the six cylinder motor? Most certainly there Is. As much more flexible, even and vlbratlonless as the four is over the two-cylinder motor, the alx la over the four. The Impulses are re reived In a four-cycle ell-cylinder motor Just three times In each rev olution. This allows the explosion to occur at the most advantageous point to give it most power and least resistance; In other words, the power stroke is given at one-third the circumference of each revolu tion, or 120 degrees; while on the other hand. In the -four-cylinder motor the car receives only two Impulses each revolution, which must occur at directly opposite folnts, causing unnecessary pounci ng and vibration to the motor and car. "But," some ask, "what Is the limit to the number of cylinders used?" We would answer, 1 "Six." This fact Is not altogether theoretical, as several foreign and American mak ers have experimented on the eight and twelve-cylinder motors without accomplishing any notable results, and all have abandoned their manu facture for sales. The six. then, can in all probability be taken by the autoist who Is anxious only to fret the best and most stable for his nvestment as the car which will stand paramount for years to come. Do not understand, however, that we imagine the introduction of the six-oylindered car will eliminate all four-cyllndered cara from the field. The small four-cylinder car will always fill its particular place among a great many buyers, which the six, by reason of. Its greater cost of production, cannot hope to cater to. We are now demonstrating the 1808 Little Six 40 H. P. Pierce Great Arrow. This beautiful, "six-cylinder Great Arrow" marks the latest progress In the art of the automo bile builder, and Is the aensation of the year in motardom. More Pierce Cars in Portland Than Any Other High-Grade Car, and Every Owner a Sat isfied Owner. Following is a List of Owners This cut shows the Pierce Great Arrow Six, built in 40 and 60-H. P. models, $5500 and $6500. 40-H. P., 4-cylinder car at $5000. Blumauer & Hoch, 110 4th St. Charles Hton (4 cars), 6th and Washington. E. E. Lytle, Wells-Fargo bldg. N". A. King, Chamber of Commerce bldg. E. A. King, 195 21st St. E. J. Jeffrey, 20th and Washington. M. L. Holbrook, Chamber of Commerce bldg. - Frank R. Chambers, 'Jr., Alexander Court. J. M. Arthur, Alexander Court. C. P. Gilbert, Hood River; Fred A. Kribbs, Chamber of Commerce bldg. Adolphe Wolfe, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. E. C. Jorgensen, McCleay, bldg. S. Silverfield, 4th and Morrison. After a Careful Consideration of the Advantages of the Six, We believe You will Agree with Us that the Four-Cylinder Motor Car ' is the Car of Yesterday, and that the Six-Cylinder Motor Car is the Car of today and of the future SINGLE CYLINDER CADILLACS TOl RI.VO CAR, 100k RUNABOUT, 98SO. 1903 ., For the auoeesslve year, we are telling; the story ot the aing-la tnni ey""nr Cadillac. Tet, with all Its repetition. It has lost none of Its JyU Interest. To the contrary, the story has eaoh time been told with ln 10(1 ereased confidence and enthusiasm, prompted by the splendid serrlce and atlsfaeHon which this car has rendered to the sixteen thousand users 1906 H over the world. 1907 No other motor car has so successfully withstood such a remarkable 1908 i'" ?.t,aD"lty Vd e.n,duran,ie- LoK around and you will see the very y nrat Cadillacs made still running the same as ever. Not one of them, so far as we know, has ever been cast aside because worn ont or unfit for further servk-e. although a number of them, according; to the reports of their users, have been driven more than 50,000 miles. On the other hand, how many cars of other makes do you see still runninc that were made five, four or even three years ago? After the flrst year, envious competitors, none of whom had ever been able to produce its equal, predicted the early downfall of the single cylinder Cadillac, but It did not and would not "down."' It had so entrenched Itself as the ideal car for the great majority of people, that no power could halt its oonstantly gaining prestige. And flow, after five years of unprecedented euocess it enters upon Its sixth year holding a position of still greater favor than ever before a position attained by reason of genuine merit alone. There has, during the past year, been a wonderful awakening to the fact which Is now generally conceded, that In moderate priced cars the Single Cylinder is the only type that has truly "made good" In every sense of the word, and the positlan of the Cadillac in that class la so pre-eminent that It is not even a subject ot argument. The Single Cylinder Cadillac has conclusively proven itself to be the most economical!?- operated end maintained of any motor car In the world. It Is a car which almost any family can afford to buy and afford to maintain. This Is nut a mere empty claim, but a fact, proven by the sworn statements of many users all over the country. We have embodied these proofa In a special sixty-four-page booklet, entitled THE. TRUTH ABOUT THE AUTOMOBILE AND WHAT IT COSTS TO MAINTAIN OMS." This booklet also contains many other matters of much interest. A copy will be mailed by us, without charge, on receipt of request. If you are a prospective automobile buyer, you cannot afford not to read it. MODEL G, 25-H-P, 4-C V MMJEIl CADILLAC, 2000. The Cadillac "Model G" was designed In Response to the great demand for a medium priced four-cylinder car possessing the desirable features of con struction and high grade material and workmanship represented in the more expensive types. How well this was accomplished Is best evidenced by the success of the "Model G Itself. Its splendid performances on the track and road and the splendid service and satisfaction It has rendered to- its hundreds of users, during the past year. That the "Model G" was correctly designed and that every minute detail ' has been worked out with consummate care is proven by its constantly outrun ning, outclimblng and outclassing in every way. cars of twice its rated power and cars soiling at fifty to one hundred per cent higher prices. The Model G" Is not a new and untried experiment. It has been thor oughly tested and-tried out during the past year by hundreds of the most critical and exacting motorists, both In America and abroad. It has repeatedly demonstrated its speed capabilities at a rate of from 45 to 50 miles per hour and has proven Itself a hill climber extraordinary. In action, the "Model G" is remarkably free from noise and vibration, while only by actual demonstration can its luxurious riding qualities be fully appre ciated. . MODEL G, S8-H.-P.. 4-CYLIXDER CADILLAC ROADSTER, $200. QUIET, POWERFUL, SPEEDY, RELIABLE. 4-Cylinder, 30-H. P. Air-Cooled $2650 Touring Car or Eoadster. The Corbin is a new car in this territory but not a new car, as it has been made, practically in its present, form, for four years, refined and improved only in detail. It is a fully tried-out proposition. Manufactured by the House of Corbin (makers of the locks and hardware), whose reputation for producing goods of quality is world wide. Imported annular ball bearings throughout, 34-inch wheels, 4-inch tires, light weight, 2325 pounds actual scale weight, fully equipped. Northwest. Agents wanted throughout the We advise prospective Buyers to make a careful investigation, not only of our Cars, but of other dealers' Cars. We believe our line is strong enough to stand the comparison. In your investigation we will gladly render you all the assistance possible, without you incurring any obligation 5srS5 COVEY MOTOR. CAR CO Sixteenth and o Alder Streets 3